Speed Up GeoScatter for Blender with these AWESOME TOOLS (Ep 3)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 20

  • @TheCGEssentials
    @TheCGEssentials  Год назад +1

    Hi everyone! Let me know if/how you're using these performance enhancing tools in GeoScatter for Blender in the comments below! :)

  • @mrhollywood5285
    @mrhollywood5285 Год назад +1

    Thanks mate ......... your tuts are really helpful when it come to a lot of addons.
    MR H

    • @TheCGEssentials
      @TheCGEssentials  Год назад

      Glad they've been helpful! Slightly less popular than some of the other topics out there, BUT I like working with the various tools and figuring out how they work

  • @robertocremonini8539
    @robertocremonini8539 Год назад

    Awesome my friend and thank you!

  • @brianmcveigh1958
    @brianmcveigh1958 7 месяцев назад

    Nice. Can you camera cull per group/biome? Can you set everything in a group to display as low poly proxy?

  • @ChilligerHund
    @ChilligerHund 6 месяцев назад +1

    Hey does camera culling also work with a moving camera ?

  • @MauGamerful
    @MauGamerful 2 месяца назад

    how do i set just fom camera view like in 10:25, but for the biome-reader version??

  • @tracymarongwe7056
    @tracymarongwe7056 5 дней назад

    Hey. I’ve installed groceries and used one of the grass biomes. But the grass looks as if it may be upside down? What’s the best way to make sure the grass is facing the right side up?

  • @firiasu
    @firiasu Год назад

    Nice add-on and explanation! I'm lazy to check it, but can you tell me,is there relation between amount of instances in the scatter and GPU memory used?

    • @TheCGEssentials
      @TheCGEssentials  Год назад

      I'm not sure about the specific nuts and bolts, but I would assume the answer is yes when you're rendering in GPU mode. Not sure exactly how it's handled in the viewport

  • @nektariosmusic
    @nektariosmusic 5 месяцев назад +1

    I am trying to locate the Visibility section to enable Camera Optimization, but it's nowhere to be found.

  • @brunosuraski5026
    @brunosuraski5026 8 месяцев назад +1

    Hi. I am trying the cam optimization, but there is no response on my end. Nothing culls. Any idea what it could be?

  • @cjtvtube
    @cjtvtube Год назад +1

    Alpha Trees needs some more grasses, bushes, twigs, etc. that can be used with GeoScatter. I'd say in "most" my renders (usually video) 2D stuff always facing camera is "good enough".

  • @Everything3dAnimation
    @Everything3dAnimation Год назад

    Fontastic thanks

  • @coddy212thcommanderorang8
    @coddy212thcommanderorang8 Год назад

    I noticed that when you instanced the little bush in the beginning of the video the amount of geo didn't increase, I still don't understand how it will affect my performance and I wish if can explain it more

  • @jahhe2611
    @jahhe2611 Год назад +1

    We need GeoNanite!

  • @SamUSB5000
    @SamUSB5000 10 месяцев назад

    Great.. but I always run out of VRAM when trying to render anything. Too many polygons...

  • @sacifair
    @sacifair 8 месяцев назад

    there is a BIG problem with this scatter system, and maybe with Blender itself that no one mentioned, is that when you start interactive render "viewport shading" all your optimizations are gone, so you can't change anything in real time.
    "display as", "reduce denisity" etc. all of these don't work when you need to change something during interactive render. This is a huge problem. And I don't understand how to render huge scenes with this condifitions.
    3ds max or Cinema4D don't have this issue imao.

  • @AD-Dom
    @AD-Dom 5 месяцев назад

    Not really sure why GeoScatter doesn't use proxies by default.