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@@andreisobolanu there's nothing to be offended. He made fun of Arjun too, but we know it's capabilities. He's just pointing out to have fun nothing else
I always thought it's kinda a shame that Romania actually managed to develop their own version of the T-72 on the basis of the TR-85 only to decide to stick with the older tank.
Pai bine că aia de la PSD sunt bogați. 33% votează PSD, Dragnea, Dancila și etc. Asta suntem de 30 de ani, niste pesedisti ce au că exemplu pe Dragnea și colegii săi școliți de dânsul aflați acum la guvernare cat și peste 50 de ani.
I honestly don't believe that the T-55 shouldn't be modernised, if the upgrade Package is good enough, it might put up a fight against more modern MBTs.
@@John-lr6tf Oh! Sort of cool, but also sort of terrifying (for the people expected to fight in them that is). Shame they never built the Mareșal, I think it would be an upgrade. Thanks for the info!
Your Romanian tin can is both Romanian and a tin can but at least you’re not spending $17,739,624,739,839,738,724.08 dollars on a bunch of tanks you really don’t need!
@@RandomPotatoGamingYT yes indeed we hope that they will stop stealing their own money and invest it in our country’s defense buying better tanks....one day maybe
@@DrakenROM To be fair, it did make the tank a lot better than the original, it's just that it was made in the 1990s and stands absolutely 0 chance against a modern MBT.
Yeah but somehow managed to be over 50 tons while T-55 was designed to weigh around 36-40 tons. This is what Romania gets because they said fuck you to the USSR despite supposedly being an ally.
@@dannya1854 The weight wasn't that much of an issue. It was still very light compared to other tanks of the ERA and the Romanians significantly upgraded the engine.
@@wh0_knows727 I have ~500 h of game and I am mostly tier 2 and 3 on all of tanks nation (except Sweden and Italy), tier 1 and 2 on planes (except China Sweden Italy) and only tier 1 2 on high sea battle ships and cost battleship. The grind is hard and there is a lot to grind. Good luck
TR85M1 is completely different from t55 It has a big armour:590 mm on chassis and 780+20mm on TURRET! My dad is a tankman in this tank and he said this to me
@@yonosapungga yes because the romanians will get out of the tank and steal (cus thats the one and best thing they're good at) goku's powers and then easily capture him or kill him
My brother in Christ, you forgot to mention one thing: there's only 58 of them :))))) the rest of about 550 tanks we have are the tr-85 and tr-780 variants. Some are just the plain t-55a.
@@xmeda it was just mentioned that most of the stuff made in the last 40 years could shreck it and last time i checked most infantry squads have at least one anti tank weapon , nu prea are rost sa aperi vechitura aia :)))
You do know that there are APFSDS shells for soviet 100mm guns? T55A and T55AM can fire APFSDS. The TR85 is obsolete when compared to Nations with large defence industries like Russia,Germany,USA etc. No one denies that. The TR85 is basically the best a T55 variant can hope to be. The armor is borderline useless against any MBT kinetic penetrator. The gun can fire APDS and APFSDS. The penetration is therefore still weak but not as weak as presented here. Main problem of the gun is that it fires 100mm soviet/russian ammunition while Romania is a NATO Country. They should at least consider putting a 105mm L7 in there. The massive breech of a Rh 120 wont fit. Basically its more like a light tank/support tank at the moment. Thy gave up on tank vs tank combat ability as its to expensive to keep up. The TR-85 delivers fire support for infantry and can take out enemy IFVs and light armored vehicles. I put it on par with T55AM and T62M. A modernisation of what is basically 1950-1960 tech. The romanians do aknowledge that. Its purpose is not to keep up with modern MBTs as it has no hope in hell of achieving that. Its to provide some armor capability for infantry support at a cheap price. That it does very well. Basically M24 Chaffees in Vietnam deal. Romanian Goverment is looking to aquire Leopard2s of some variant as MBTs. Problem is they are damn expensive and foreign. TR85 while not being proper MBTs at this point are built locally except for the optics which are french. So most of the money spent on them is at least going back into the Romanian economy. Romania is a country that cant afford modern MBTs. So next best thing they can have, build and supply on their own is the TR85. And at the end of the day it is the better decision to supply more armored vehicles independently at a cheaper price than pay a fortune to foreign nations to field maybe a battalion worth of modern MBTs while depending on a foreign supplier in times of conflict. I take 100-200 or more TR85s with local industry and supply chain over 40-50 foreign bought Leopard2s with a questionable supply chain any day of the week. The former I can afford and supply on my own. The latter are extremely expensive and the resupply is dependent on the german supply chain(in times of conflict guess who gets priority shipment from KMW/Rheinmetall) and international shipping.
In the video he clearly shows they have an apfsds round that is the one with 425mm of pen at 1Km, its the absolute best projectile the gun can use though. as for your statement regarding the leopard 2, I think in the 2 years that have passed since your comment the situation has changed enough that having about 40-50 leopard 2 tanks on hand rather than the 200 or so TR-85 would be a better idea as the logistical train and supply of leopard 2 has become more robust in the past 2 years with more neighbors of Romania adopting the vehicles so in the collective defense of NATO organization the standardization around a form of "Euro tank" is not a bad idea.
I want to point out some mistakes about the supply and availability of new tanks 1. There is literally a law that basically makes it mandatory for a company to build a factory in Romania for ammunition and spare parts if the government buys equipment. For example, Hyundai said they are ok with building a factory for the supply of K2 black panthers if we buy them 2. Romania is now way richer than it was in 1990 and can very well afford some 300-400 state of the art MBTs which is a good number considering that we have like 70k people in the army 3. As seen in the Gulf War the M1 Abrams mopped the floor with the thousands of plain T 72s the Iraqis had. The TR 85M1 isn’t any better than a T 72A and if 250 TR 85M1 were to face 50 Abrams, Leopards or T 90Ms, the way better MBTs would easily take care of those modernised T-55s
Well that would be a good tank tho but...yeah as you said it was dropped and no longer in favor for our army. I hope one day will manufacture a good tank or perhaps buying a better tank but it’s uncertain
Not that much better. It's based on the T72 chassis which is a considerable improvement, but I don't think much would have been changed as the industry is lacking considerably... Best course is to buy already proven, good quality NATO tanks...
@@halzan7467 yeah but a few days ago when I read that again it dropped only at 20-30 tanks and and the leopard 2 operators Romania is no longer there I don’t know what this mean
After the 1968 czechoslovak invasion, Romania was phased out of Soviet affairs and stopped receiving industrial and military assistsnce. We had to come up with something ASAP and this is the best that we coule do at the time. It was originally meant to be a co-project between Romania and West Germany and was intended to use a Leopard 1 engine, which is the actual reason why the hull is longer. After 1989, talks between the countries resumed but grounded to a halt because Germany was not interested in the deal anymore. We were also meant to develop a new tank in the 2000s but russian-backed governments and crippling corruption prevented anything from moving forwards.
TR-125 would have been better if development continued, was it not? The base tank is better than the base TR-85 at least, as it was essentially a slightly enlarged T-72M. Modernize it with the additional armor on the turret and hull (even just heavy ERA is good enough) along with the other upgrades TR-85M1 got and it would have been better than TR-85M1. As stated, problems with the TR-85M1 is mostly rooted in how its base design is still derived from T-55 (underpowered gun, spherical turret and armor layout in general, etc.)
You must be mistakeing! Communist Romania and west-Germany were actualy enemies! They couldn't have collaborated... But there's some truth in what you are saying, as in, Romania managed to smuggle an used Leopard engine out of west-Germany, and reverse-engineer it... The collaboration was to be with countries like Libia, whom would just buy the tanks without much participation... You can find details in General Ion Mihai Pacepa's book "Red horizons".
@@purpleldv966 After 1968, Romania had pretty good relations with the West, even West-Germany. With that being said, relations were not good enough for them to give us a part of their tanks.
@@olorusrex584 Exactley! Comercial relations are one thing, military technology, an other! It's like the situation between USA and China... Americans buy frying pans and sports shoows from China, but they don't collaborate on the development of the F-35 or Patriot.
About the penetration, the APFSDS-T BM-421 Sg can penetrate 444 mm of armour at 500m, 425 mm of armour at 1000 m and 328mm at 4000m, so, probably it could penetrate 400mm of armour at two kilometres. There were no tests made at 2km. The round was developed alongside Israel in 1996. So, technically speaking it is similar to the 105mm British L7 gun, used on the Leopard 1 and on the early Abrams.
Well, considering that the scope of this tank was to be a match in the East and south east Europe, the Balkans, it was, and is still is, perfectly capable to do said mission. The age that gave it life was an age that everybody thought that a new Balkan war would begin and Romania would be carved up again, so comparing it and the numbers to the neighbors, well, I consider it a case of perspective.
Actually it was not a match, because by 1990 Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Ukraine had T-72 and T-80 tanks (Ukraine) and better air forces (Ukraine and Bulgaria), thus in a Balkan war Romania would at a disadvantage. The only good aspects were that the Romanian tank was cheap and if used properly would create big problems to an enemy's rear troop and logistics.
@@dragosstanciu9866the tr85 proved itself superior to the t72 in multiple conflicts it was part of on behalf of NATO. Unless we're talking about the post year 2000 t72's, the tr85 is far superior.
@@dragosstanciu9866 Please, Romania was involved in many conflicts after it switched sides to the west. We had soldiers fighting in all of the USA's conflicts.
T-55... There's your problem. You could make an impressive improvement of the Renault FT, but, there is only so much you can do before it's time to start from scratch - even if the tank was revolutionary in its time.
@@lucidnonsense942 except even for a T-55 upgrade this is weak. compare it to the T-55AGM (which has atleast a 120mm capable of firing modern NATO 120mm rounds, which puts it leaps and bounds above the TR-85, and the Peruvian version has a 1050hp engine, and has way better ERA coverage, it is better in everyway. and while still inferior due to base armour to modern MBT can atleast do something back rather than be little more than an iron coffin like the TR-85 is)
Thx for makeing this i can finaly show my dad that our tank he always thinks understands modern warfere but said that our tank has a chance and i knew it hasnt
Well it has... if it was use in 1960's. Rlly now the big majority of romanians say is good just becouse it's made in Romania. We better sold all the tank's and buy some Leopards . I know is not that simple but is still better then this.
@@DrakenROM same about m84, one m84 tanker even compared it to Abrams. I mean, we are upgrading the tank, but still, its not as modern as Abrams or Leopard. But yea fellow Romanians, good luck i guess...
@@1czv13 That's exactly what i said . If the IFV spot this tank first and fire an TOW the tank is doomed , but if the tank spots the IFV and fire first it will win . So is more lick for the one that see the other first to win .
I still think the Arjun is worse. The TR-85 was made by a country with no money, most problems derives by Romanian economy, while Arjun was designed by somebody who had no idea on how tanks work (they really put blowout panels with no blast door for God's sake)
Arjun was never made it to army after army had initial versions of it even we Indians know it but then shitty BJP Reich came and forced Arjun on army that's why there's only 1 order for arjun even Indian army doesn't want it But what I see here is people talking shit like India can't develop anything that's just wrong there's alot of defence equipment India is recently developing some of it is decent we are just starting out it's not like amercia just straight forward made Abrams and such too we are getting there
@@albertoamoruso7711 I meant to say that u r right that arjun is bad but it wasn't meant to inducted in army It's our current government regime that glorified it and forced it on army
you know what worries me ? that indian and pakistani are portrayed by the media as some sort of genius engineers, and doctors, and programmers and all that. and then the big tech companies hire them so to fill their "diversity quota" by knowing this little but important fact, we can understand why EVERYTHING in the west is now low quality, from services to technology. things are very different now, from what they used to be just 20 years ago.
Shit happened = communists who took control of the country literally robbed us blind under legal protection. Romania is one of the few countries where the wealth is conisdered legit until proven otherwise. If Romanias constitution is changed to state that "wealth that cannot be explained via legal stated income will be confiscated" then we can start walking a decent road towards a normal country.
I mean at least they upgraded them... In lebanon our army still uses un upgraded t54/55 tanks which were donated by the syrians after the civil war (if i remember correctly) And some m48
last time I was in Lebanon I did see them use their m48 with the 105mm gun so at least they did get some sort of upgrade. Not to mention they also received leopard 1A5? tanks and Bradley IFV. But then again they didn't have any ERA covered on them so any RPG or ATGM would severely damage or knock them out but hopefully, one day when the economy gets better they will go for something like M1 or Leo 2
@@yeezhengxin2659 Iar-95 was better then the MIG-21s. We had a plan to modernize our MIG-29 planes, but the corrupt and stupid government has chosen to modernize the MIG-21s
@@daniels_0399 Fair enough! :D But maybe with sneaky tactics it could get in from behind and shoot the lower hull where the armor is most thin... Or shoot a track out and then torch it on foot with Molotov cocktails... you know, Romanians vs Ottomans stile! :D
@@daniels_0399 tr85m1 is designed to defend Romanian soil and not go in foreign countries. The soldiers based their tactics training and performance of that tank (is a sneaky teritory full of ambush zones). In Romania, heavy tanks are useless, like Abrams and T92. We know what we do. It is allready considered that Leopard will be a reinforcement.
@@danitowolf First of all, the T92 is a 1950s light tank project which was ultimately scrapped. I think you meant T90. Second of all, the Abrams and T90 (which by the way aren't heavy tanks) are both about the same weight as the TR85m1 but they are both faster. So I don't know how you say that they wouldn't perform as well, because mobility wise they are better. Third of all, Romania is not a "sneaky territory full of ambush zones" . It's mostly plains and hills in the Eastern part, which is where the Russians would invade from. By the time you get to the difficult terrain, Bucharest alongside most big Romanian cities (apart from the Transylvanian ones) will have already fallen, and with them the most industrialised part of Romania, and the war would be lost, and Romania would have to form a government in exile and wait until the Americans win the war. The Leo2 isn't there to "reinforce" the TR85m1, it's there to replace it, because it's obsolete and damn near useless.
@@daniels_0399 daca esti roman iti spun ca habar nu ai despre ce vorbesti. Vorbeste cu un strateg militar si iti va oferii mai multe informatii. Apararea noastra se bazeaza pe linii de aparare pe linia NE-SE paralel cu muntii ,bateriile antitanc fiind foarte mobile, tractate de autoutilitare. Apararea Romaniei nu se bazeaza pe confruntari tanc vs tanc gen Kursk. Romania este un teritoriu ce avantajeaza gazdele, plin de mlastini si zone cu vizibilitate redusa, de aceea inca suntem pe aici. Noi nu ne batem cu inamicul in desert. Asadar TR85M1 este un tank bun pentru Romania, evident ca si alte componente sa-l sustina, cum ar fii ingeniozitatea romanului. Romania nu mai are industrie...
From the perspective of a Romanian dude that knows a lot of stuff about his nation's military, I have to say that I do agree for the most part with what he said. The tank was mediocre at best even when it first appeared in the late 90s. However, now it's completely obsolete with no chance of winning in direct combat if it would fight against a modern MBT. Tho, you didn't say anything about the military exercise that took place in Germany back in 2014, when 8 TR-85M1s destroyed 8 out of 11 M1A2 Abrams tanks in a combat scenario and the Americans were visibly pissed off by that. This means better crews and better FCS (the best thing about the tank). The tank could have been a cheap and decent one if it would have had the 120 mm L/44 smoothbore gun and a 1200HP engine (that was tested and it could fit). Incompetence is what describes the people behind this project the best. In the end, you missed quite a lot of important details, some others being the maximum speed of the tank (60 km/h forward, 10 km/h in reverse), how many were made (54 units, that equip 1 battalion), how many hp/t (17,2), the accurate penetration of the projectile (Bm 412 Sg, 444mm at 500 meters), etc.
to be fair the combat scenario was pretty much a one-shot kill scenario which isn't realistic with the current cannon featured on the tank, but despite that the crew was better at actually putting shots on and hitting the m1a2s. so there is a credit to that.
Well, in all fairness they've only been fignting T-55s in the middle east anyways and Romania has no angry neighbours to fight, so the tank is actually very suitable for the purpose it is used for. Even if compared to its neighbours, the TR would probably come up on top. A war between Romania and Serbia is unlikely. The Bulgarian tanks are pretty much the same but less in number and Romania would win against Hungary because the latter has almost no tanks to speak of, only around 24 Leopards. Ukraine is the only one who could stand up to Romania but it won't happen as they are strategic allies. Meanwhile, the Arjun is the MBT of a would-be superpower which has China to worry about. When looking at tne context, the TR is superior imho as it can play the numbers game. The Romanians have a lot of tanks even by western standards. If this sounds familiar to you, it should.
If it would be tank on tank, everybody save Hungary ( close all ), Moldova and Bulgaria ( close call again ) would wipe the floor with our tanks. Ukraine and Serbia especially, no contest at all. But we are enemies with no European country, to no country I can think of in this world actually. So nobody is afraid of this. And no, Russia is no enemy and we will not see any russian tanks in Bucharest ( but I am sure you know this well too ).
Jozef Dobrovodsky All Romania needs to field is a paper tiger tank fleet and tell its citizens: “We have a large tank fleet.”. It is just notional, nothing more.
@@user-kc1tf7zm3b Nobody is going to believe it. We are so used to being lied, most romanians do not trust their leaders to tell us the time. We know we cannot afford such things, even if we could they would just pocket the money, not make our army stronger with it.
Vlad It appears that the Romanian Army will purchase a modest fleet of Leopard 2 tanks. But, as you allude to, there is no wherewithal to completely overhaul its tank fleet with modern tanks. The future Leopard 2 fleet is only useful for... overseas NATO missions and exercises! 🇩🇪🇪🇺
@@user-kc1tf7zm3b I doubt we can afford many. Sure, one might argue that we will get some, get some crews and instructers to familiarise with them as well as maintanance guys, so, when the time comes, we will get more and have some qualified people for it. What I suspect will happen is that we will spend lots for a few dozen tanks, corruption will lead to some of the money being pocketed by the people involved and those tanks will spend months in some depot instead of us making use of them. They will rust away and it will just be a wasted oportunity. If it happens in the first place. Because that is what happens here. I sound pesimistic ? I do, because that is what groing up in Romania does to you. Maybe I am wrong and they will do this right. Maybe. But I doubt it.
@@pigeonladyHA2 My point was that a tank is a tank. No tank is the best and some are obviously worse than others. Even being at the bottom, a TR-85 can still be formidable just because it's a tank. The issues of TR-85 are at the most basic level, the same as every other tank.
To be fair Red Effect, its a T-55 mod. It's never going to compare favorably to T-90, T-80, or M-1 General Abrams tank. This video is pure clickbait. You are better than this
That doesnt mean it’s not shit compared to any tank it would face today except for some backwater rusting T-55s used by third world nations. The battlefield doesn’t care if you tried your best with what you had, if it’s bad it’s bad, and this tank is bad
@@cloudysoup9056 you dont understand. The guy sayed that it wont face a t90 or t80. But in reality it can face anithing from hungarian leo2 a7 to the russian t90M (the later one is more likely due to the ukraine crisis
Well this is why they can get away with weak armour, it only needs to defeat AVFDSS, that is Anti Vampire Fin stabilised Discarding Sabot Stake rounds. Being made of wood, they don't penetrative much steel armour even if they can re-kill a vampire at 2000m.
This tank was meant as a stop gap solution till the new TR125 would be ready to enter service. The TR125 would be an T72 equivalent, done with romanian tech since the sovient didn't accord licenses after the romanians refusel to intervene in '68 in Cehoslovakia. And there's the TR2000, a project from the early '00 that would use german tech from the Leopard 2A4 such as a turret, the l44 gun and he hull from the STRV122 but the project was abandoned since the cost would be too much and we got stuck with the stop gap solution.
RedEffect: Arjun bad! Indians: NOOOO JAI HIND ARJUN BETTER THAN t90 m1 abrams and m4 sherman combined! RedEffect: tR85M sucks! Romanians: We know but it got us into NATO so its very succesful!
Romanian nationalist: *NoooOOO ItS ThE BEsT TANk EVeR BuilT* Any other romanian seeing this as free promotion to a more expensive T-55: *its free real estate*
@@wallachia4797 yes we do... tho... if we can sell it for 40lei/tank we can get enough money to buy beer for everyone and still remain with some of the money
That's why recent ,Ro Army leadership said on 07.03.2023 that Romania will buy *54 up to 300 of M1A2 Abrams SEP V3* ... remain that USA government to approve this request sent official already by the romanian government , that cost us 1,1 Billion US dollars = for 54 Abrams+ 12 derivates, training simulators, maintenance etc)
I think there are more contendors for the title of the "best tank in the world" namely: 1. Big Bob 2. Bob Semple 3. Any tank named after a Cat (except leopard) 4. T-34 5. Sherman Honorable mention : Tančik vz.34
TR 85 has from very little to nothing to T 55 and although can't be considered a modern tank has a trick or two in its sleeve. Poland, Hungary and other countries from Eastern Europe has chosen to modernize old tanks and objectively, I can't understand why you chose the Romanian one to thrash it! For a defence strategy of a small country like Romania, is good enough. Has a pretty good mobility, better than Russian tanks and when it comes to MBT's war, not only the tanks matter but also complementary weapon systems. Judging by accent, you must be either Russian or Hungarian, which would explain the acidity of this video to a Romanian tank.
Hey Red, I think the stat you're looking for when discussing horsepower and tank weights is the 'Power to Weight Ratio", I think it usually is expressed in how many HP per ton. Great Video!!!!
How could you not be angry on being flagged as having the worest tank of them all, it is just hurtful because our shit goverment is corrupt and they can't even get a new tank.
@@guvyygvuhh298 Fam no we ain't getting T-72's they promised leopards it's just sad that we have such a great hand of soldiers yet our tanks suck. Hopefully no wars will come any soon for us
@@frontlinetomcat nope , they rejected models before and especially after the revolution the TR 125 ( more or less aT 72 ) was rejected before and TR 2000 ( a sort of leopard 2 look alike ) after the revolution
@@iuliuglad6813 stupidity does not exclude budgetary concerns (considering that most of the money for Romanian Defense Budget goes to Salaries and personnel "expenditures") or corruption. But i understand what you are getting at.
The Slovenian M-55S tank might be on the same level as the TR-85M1 or even worse. You should definetly make a video about it in the future. For the most part it is just another T-55 varient that got modernized. It would fail hard in combat with any modern tank, but I guess it would be good just for infantry support. You could compare it to the TR-85M1 to see which is trully worse in combat with modern tanks :)
The M-55S seems decent though, with its 105mm L7 gun (same as Leo 1), and I think its Rafael ERA is fairly better than what the poor TR-85M1 has to use ahahah
Tehe tehe, i did it XD Any way, as a Romanian, i'm agreeing with this video if we compare this tank with top notch MBT's but Romanian army took a more defensive nature in regard of modern warfare.. And yes, money and corruption stoped the integration of more capable tanks in the Romanian armed force. We had prototypes like TR-125 (wich was basicaly a T-72 but with a longer chassis and composite base armor instead of steel) or TR-2000 (wich it was a program to built leopard 2 mbt's in Romania equipt with 120/125mm gun) and other small projects of tanks that couldn't make it out. And right now Romanian army is focused on acquisition of modern wheeled apc's, f-16 fighters, patriot SAM's and 4 multirole corvets. Because of that we will not see a better mbt in the field Anyway, as a final statment, TR-85M1 is a capable tank for what the purpose it has. It's consideret an asymmetrical tank for asymmetrical warfare. His job is not to fight directly other mbt's but indirectly using asymmetrical tactis. Maybe I could be wrong but Romania still needs a much more modern and capable mbt If i made writing mistakes i'm sorry for that, english isn't my strong point. :)) Have a good day sir and keep the very good content going! :)
U cant really use a tank assimetrically,.. I mean even the light infantry units has modern anti tank equipment like rpg, carl gustav, javelin, tow and stuff like that.. Even in the poorest countries in the middle east.
TR-85 M1 isn't a MBT, its an armored mobile antimaterial system capable of engaging trucks, static defenses, and the best infantry fighting vehicles in the world. There, fixed it on the cheap, just as it was made.
Actual Romanian tank expert: Yes is shit... Romanian tanker: Is shit... Romanian infantry:At least we have a tank...But will we much rather have other tank then this one Romanian Ministry of Defence : We got no money for a new one... Romanian politician: Sorry but we have no money *just pumped an additional 20000$ in politician salary and pension* we put all the money to build the cathedral and my new villa... I MEAN hospital yes hospital...(Just as a note we have like 33 churches per 1 km of highway, in case we get invaded we pray to God to smite them i suppose or shit like that ). Me who want's to go to the army: Why do i even want to serve this country ???( i still want to join but fighting for this country is like fighting for a your ex GF. Better let it in shit and go somewhere else.)
Well ur not wrong the upgrade also happen i believe when it was planned to be temporary in service and be replaced unfortunatly the revolution happened,economical problems and since then we didnt need a tank tbh..
TR 85 development started in 1978. It cannot be the "worst modern tank" because it's not modern! We can label it as a third-generation tank but its design is from the second generation. It has been just upgraded to fit more the third-generation tanks. Is Arjun 2004 better than TR 85? It should be! Its development started 20 years later! TR 85 has been designed on paper, Arjun on CAD systems. Why TR85 design has kept elements from T55? Because it's easy to make a mold from an existing part. You just take the turret from T55 and build a mold. Then you fill the mold with cast iron. Tadaa, you have a new turret! No need for complicated machining or even a serious drawing.
Its not like its useless. Against other modern battle tanks...maybe. But against infantry, Siege, Armored carrier, Makeshift tanks, other "obsolete tanks" it is still capable.
Crazy they squeezed this much tech onto a platform originally developed in the 50s. It isn't at all competitive against even a T-72 or a T-64 but they made whatever from what they had handed to. I feel bad for the Romanians, hope they really get some more modern tanks soon.
As a Romanian, and also as a military man, I'm afraid I have to totally agree with RedEffect, our MBT is very obsolete, on par with those from poor 3rd world countries. It has no place on a modern battlefield. As for my compatriots that felt offended, they should try to think beyond that - in the real world, in case of an armed conflict, patriotism alone cannot unfortunately make you win battles. Better focus your energy on our corrupt politicians that brought us here.
FYI the challenger 2 you showed at the beginning of the video is the challenger 2e which was a private venture started by vickers defense systems (carried on by vickers when they bought out vickers) before competing at the Greek tank trials, its performance at said tank tank trials wasn’t the best but this wasn’t helped by both krauss maffei waggmann and Rheinmetall bribing the Greek defense officials into buying the leopard and the French using a gps jammer that inhibited the performance of the British and American teams. In the end no challenger 2e’s were bought and the project was cancelled around 2005-2007.
1:25 You say “the development of this tank started in the mid 90s” not true maybe just modernization. Based on the TR-77-580, the TR-85 tank was developed from 1978 to 1985 and produced from 1986 until 1990. The TR-77 (Romanian Tank model 1977), being designed between 1974 and 1980. A prototype and zero series (10 tanks) were made in this configuration which was to be equipped with an 800 horsepower engine, similar to that used by the German tank Leopard 1. To be delivered on time however, the tank was equipped finally with the V2 engine of the T-55 tank, assimilated by the local industry. The final variant was named TR-77-580 (Romanian tank model 1977 with 580 horsepower engine).TR-580 was the first tank manufactured in Romania. With no experience in the field, Romanian specialists visited a Chinese tank factory to study the manufacturing process. In fact TR-77 looks similar to the Chinese Type 80/88. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_80/88_main_battle_tank In 1980 the Romania modified T-72 into TR-125 tank. Only prototypes being built. Made between 1987 and 1988 and tested until 1991. Because of army budget cuts TR-125 was not put into production. Afterwards the TR-2000 project was made, which also was not followed or implemented. TR-125 and TR-2000 pictures. www.rumaniamilitary.ro/de-la-tancul-tr-125-la-tr-2000-proiecte-ingropate
Really would love to see the a video about the M60TM (Turkey’s latest upgrade of the M60) it is an heavy upgrade of the M60 and I would love to see how it compete’s against upgraded T-72’s.
I would say it lacks armor in hull and somewhat bad mobility too. But it has some important stuff like APS Thermals Rangefinder periscope and a spall liner.
Halal Bruh Moment Exactly, including the 120mm gun, it is not that bad of an option as I have heard claims that the FCS is much superior to Syrian or Iranian variants (which they will most likely encouter with their M60’s on the battlefield) and an excellent option for anti-insurgency combat against Kurds taking into consideration the APS it uses.
Correction: he probably pissed off some Romanian nationalists, but I doubt most of them even understand English. The rational romanian knows the TR is complete obsolete trash xD
was developed in 85. the lemetrics system can aquire target in les then 2 seconds. Although a further development of the T-55, the TR-85M1 uses a T-block powerpack (similar to the one used in the Leopard 1) based on a V8 German 830 hp (620 kW) diesel engine, an improved turret, a locally-designed "Ciclop" fire control system (with cross-wind sensor, laser rangefinder and night vision), new 100 mm BM-412 Sg armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot (APFSDS-T) projectiles and a fully redesigned suspension with 6 road wheels on each side, protected by metal side skirts. Combat weight is 50 tons.
Bruh i know romanian tank industry isn't the best this is clearly not the worst tank out there and i know it is quite poor comparing to other nato tanks but it does its job
This tank is most effective in big numbers like the t34's. 230 mm turret armor xd. leopard 2a7+ HU Has 2000 mm Effective armor. So its like t34 VS a tiger 2. (This is my opinion)
@@dragosstanciu9866 yes its effective in big numbers but i dosent say that there's big numbers IT CAN BE EFFECTIVE IF THERE WILL BE ENOUGHT (im hungarian so i dosent know about the Romanian tank industry :/
- Join me in War Thunder for FREE on PC, PS®5 and Xbox Series X|S: gjn.link/RedEffectWarThunder. Follow my link to get the game as well as an exclusive bonus. Thank you for supporting the channel!
Isn't the worst tank in the world the Asad Babil?
I feel offensed :((((
@RedEffect, is it worse then M84?
@@andreisobolanu there's nothing to be offended. He made fun of Arjun too, but we know it's capabilities. He's just pointing out to have fun nothing else
@LAI ZHENG YI Moe what?? Name one please
Me a Romanian: " I have never been so offended by something I completely agree with"
same 🤣
Damn right 😂😂
I always thought it's kinda a shame that Romania actually managed to develop their own version of the T-72 on the basis of the TR-85 only to decide to stick with the older tank.
Pai bine că aia de la PSD sunt bogați. 33% votează PSD, Dragnea, Dancila și etc. Asta suntem de 30 de ani, niste pesedisti ce au că exemplu pe Dragnea și colegii săi școliți de dânsul aflați acum la guvernare cat și peste 50 de ani.
RedEffect : TR-85M1 is one of the worse tanks ever made
Slovenia with M-55S : There's another one
Slovenia at least also has M-84A4 tanks
@@Henry-uq1hl As training tanks
At least you guys upgraded your T-55s
@@arcturus4762 We wanted to also upgrade the T-34s tanks
Turkish M48A5T1s: drives to milan atgms no fucks given with basic cast armor
Engeeners: So how old is the tank we need to modernize?
Romanian Government: Yes.
My government has already given up upgrading the Soviet T-55s, but they're still our only MBT. Luckily, we still have the llamas. With lasers.
@@arcturus4762 Peru I presume?
@@nobodyherepal3292 You assumed right. Now fear our llamas! With lasers!
I honestly don't believe that the T-55 shouldn't be modernised, if the upgrade Package is good enough, it might put up a fight against more modern MBTs.
@@arcturus4762 u just made me imagine llamas fighting a t90 or Abrams. And soldiers trying to take cover behind it.
if you consider the TR-85 a modern MBT, then yes, it is, but if you look at it as a T-55 upgrade, then no, it's incredible
Look at it as an upgrade from the T-34, which Romania was still using in the 1980's.
@@aryan-khan-r5q Wow! You managed to get almost all the information wrong!
@@Lancasterlaw1175 Actually, it was the 90's when we got rid of the T-34
@@John-lr6tf Oh! Sort of cool, but also sort of terrifying (for the people expected to fight in them that is). Shame they never built the Mareșal, I think it would be an upgrade. Thanks for the info!
@@Lancasterlaw1175 Which is the source of your information?
Finally my Romanian tin can was reviewed.
I was training in Romania over a year ago and saw these.
Your Romanian tin can is both Romanian and a tin can but at least you’re not spending $17,739,624,739,839,738,724.08 dollars on a bunch of tanks you really don’t need!
you don't need better :)
RedEffect: "TR-85M1 bad"
Romanians so far: "we know"
We know thats bad, but the thing that we can do, is just to hope for better non-comunist-corupt politicians that will invest in the army
@@RandomPotatoGamingYT yes indeed we hope that they will stop stealing their own money and invest it in our country’s defense buying better tanks....one day maybe
@@iiceman2431 I think the economic is more to blame here.
@@ravenkk4816 and those who are stealing our money...
@@iiceman2431 rather the economy being mostly owned by multinationals that pay no taxes in Romania.
So basically, it's a cooler looking T-55 tank
It’s like level 99 T-55 with all you need for a T55
Well...Yes. Is like the skins in video games. Does is look good? Yes. Does it make it much better then the original?Nop...
@@DrakenROM To be fair, it did make the tank a lot better than the original, it's just that it was made in the 1990s and stands absolutely 0 chance against a modern MBT.
Yeah but somehow managed to be over 50 tons while T-55 was designed to weigh around 36-40 tons. This is what Romania gets because they said fuck you to the USSR despite supposedly being an ally.
@@dannya1854 The weight wasn't that much of an issue. It was still very light compared to other tanks of the ERA and the Romanians significantly upgraded the engine.
"No purchase necessary.."
Oh You wish it is
Is the grind really that bad?
@@wh0_knows727 Grinding aircrafts is doable not too bad but grinding tanks, its a nightmare, especially at higher tiers
@@wh0_knows727 I have ~500 h of game and I am mostly tier 2 and 3 on all of tanks nation (except Sweden and Italy), tier 1 and 2 on planes (except China Sweden Italy) and only tier 1 2 on high sea battle ships and cost battleship. The grind is hard and there is a lot to grind. Good luck
@@wh0_knows727 Well yes, except if you have Premium times and/or vehicles to help
@@wh0_knows727 grinding is aight, balance is non existent
Me: Can we get a tank?
The Romanian government: We have tank at home.
The tank:
in theory they were given a tank. but in actuality it was stolen from them. and it wasnt a tank but rather an apple.
TR85M1 is completely different from t55
It has a big armour:590 mm on chassis and 780+20mm on TURRET!
My dad is a tankman in this tank and he said this to me
@@t34roarmy91 can it beat goku ?
@@yonosapungga yes because the romanians will get out of the tank and steal (cus thats the one and best thing they're good at) goku's powers and then easily capture him or kill him
At least the TR-85M1 will win in a fashion contest against an Arjun
i think both looks cool
@Islamic Army i like how the american tank looks
@Islamic Army i was thinking to the gta 5 tank i wonder if this tank is real or is made by the game
@@valentintepes8240 The GTA v rhino is similar to leopard 2A4
@@abbabubba nah it's the South African TTD tank.
I have a friend who used to drive one of these, he called it THE MUSEUM
Lol its should be belong to
If they made worth while upgrades the tank would be ok but it needs a new gun with modern ammo
@@appleholo2336 why even continue to develop this old tank when you can get modern ones? It's just simply not worth it
@@alinalexandru2466 because it’s cheaper to upgrade than buy new
@@appleholo2336 there comes a point when buying something new is better than upgrading. This is one of the examples.
My brother in Christ, you forgot to mention one thing: there's only 58 of them :))))) the rest of about 550 tanks we have are the tr-85 and tr-780 variants. Some are just the plain t-55a.
I love how Romanians are actually chill that there tank is shit and perfectly understand it.
I can’t say the same for the Arjun fans.
I'd like to see you going against such tank as infantry member.... you'll have brown underpants quickly :D
@@xmeda it was just mentioned that most of the stuff made in the last 40 years could shreck it and last time i checked most infantry squads have at least one anti tank weapon , nu prea are rost sa aperi vechitura aia :)))
@@xmeda nah id laugh and joke about how I finally get to *waste* my RPG-29
Of course if I wasn’t in a normal military i might get close
Hey, we only made it to get into NATO and it did its job XD
Nah, you got that wrong mate, Arjun is a bad only as a MBT .
Wouldn't it be an unworthy opponent?
@@andresmartinezramos7513 no, because they are fighting for "The worst tank in the world" place.
Worse than Arjun?must be a complete crock of shit
@@91plm well what does your country use??
You do know that there are APFSDS shells for soviet 100mm guns? T55A and T55AM can fire APFSDS.
The TR85 is obsolete when compared to Nations with large defence industries like Russia,Germany,USA etc. No one denies that.
The TR85 is basically the best a T55 variant can hope to be. The armor is borderline useless against any MBT kinetic penetrator.
The gun can fire APDS and APFSDS. The penetration is therefore still weak but not as weak as presented here. Main problem of the gun is that it fires 100mm soviet/russian ammunition while Romania is a NATO Country. They should at least consider putting a 105mm L7 in there. The massive breech of a Rh 120 wont fit.
Basically its more like a light tank/support tank at the moment. Thy gave up on tank vs tank combat ability as its to expensive to keep up. The TR-85 delivers fire support for infantry and can take out enemy IFVs and light armored vehicles.
I put it on par with T55AM and T62M. A modernisation of what is basically 1950-1960 tech. The romanians do aknowledge that. Its purpose is not to keep up with modern MBTs as it has no hope in hell of achieving that. Its to provide some armor capability for infantry support at a cheap price. That it does very well. Basically M24 Chaffees in Vietnam deal.
Romanian Goverment is looking to aquire Leopard2s of some variant as MBTs. Problem is they are damn expensive and foreign. TR85 while not being proper MBTs at this point are built locally except for the optics which are french. So most of the money spent on them is at least going back into the Romanian economy.
Romania is a country that cant afford modern MBTs. So next best thing they can have, build and supply on their own is the TR85. And at the end of the day it is the better decision to supply more armored vehicles independently at a cheaper price than pay a fortune to foreign nations to field maybe a battalion worth of modern MBTs while depending on a foreign supplier in times of conflict.
I take 100-200 or more TR85s with local industry and supply chain over 40-50 foreign bought Leopard2s with a questionable supply chain any day of the week.
The former I can afford and supply on my own. The latter are extremely expensive and the resupply is dependent on the german supply chain(in times of conflict guess who gets priority shipment from KMW/Rheinmetall) and international shipping.
This guy who sponsored war thunder should know that T-55 and T-55am 1 have apfsds
you don't sound like a very bright individual
In the video he clearly shows they have an apfsds round that is the one with 425mm of pen at 1Km, its the absolute best projectile the gun can use though.
as for your statement regarding the leopard 2, I think in the 2 years that have passed since your comment the situation has changed enough that having about 40-50 leopard 2 tanks on hand rather than the 200 or so TR-85 would be a better idea as the logistical train and supply of leopard 2 has become more robust in the past 2 years with more neighbors of Romania adopting the vehicles so in the collective defense of NATO organization the standardization around a form of "Euro tank" is not a bad idea.
There were prototypes of T-55M5 and T-55M6 , those were the best T-55 can hope to be.
I want to point out some mistakes about the supply and availability of new tanks
1. There is literally a law that basically makes it mandatory for a company to build a factory in Romania for ammunition and spare parts if the government buys equipment. For example, Hyundai said they are ok with building a factory for the supply of K2 black panthers if we buy them
2. Romania is now way richer than it was in 1990 and can very well afford some 300-400 state of the art MBTs which is a good number considering that we have like 70k people in the army
3. As seen in the Gulf War the M1 Abrams mopped the floor with the thousands of plain T 72s the Iraqis had. The TR 85M1 isn’t any better than a T 72A and if 250 TR 85M1 were to face 50 Abrams, Leopards or T 90Ms, the way better MBTs would easily take care of those modernised T-55s
yeah, I'm so early that arjun asn't yet been developed
That thing should never have been invented man
Has the best tech support of any mbt😂
Yeah, Arjun ain't that bad though. It's not good to be an MBT , but it'll work at our western front.
Yeah i think the indians accidentally Scammed themselfs
Oh no ! I always feared that the roast day for our tank would come.
You too ? 😂 I was like “when the day will come ?? And then I saw the notification and I was like “Oh no ! Anyways”
Sorry to hear dude🙉
I never thought our tank to be worthy of a review lol
@@TuurGoes me neither it’s like that meme “I’m still worthy!”
*“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”*
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
The Romanian army is weak, both on paper and in practice, old weapons, old factories, not enough money, not enough R&D.
@@dragosstanciu9866 depend the enemy, it's not weak
@@dand7763 It is weak, Hungarian army gets better weapons, Ukrainian and Serbian armies are better. Only Moldovan army is worse than Romanian army.
@@dragosstanciu9866 you test it yourself ? first, test it! then came conclusions
@@dand7763 I am a simple Romanian citizen, it is impossible for me to test it.
The TR-125 would've been a great replacement, but the revolution happened, economic turmoil, and bam, the project was dropped
Well that would be a good tank tho but...yeah as you said it was dropped and no longer in favor for our army. I hope one day will manufacture a good tank or perhaps buying a better tank but it’s uncertain
@@iiceman2431 reading on the wikipedia page in seems the Romanian army expressed the wish to buy 300-400 leopard2s
Not that much better. It's based on the T72 chassis which is a considerable improvement, but I don't think much would have been changed as the industry is lacking considerably... Best course is to buy already proven, good quality NATO tanks...
@@halzan7467 yeah but a few days ago when I read that again it dropped only at 20-30 tanks and and the leopard 2 operators Romania is no longer there I don’t know what this mean
@@halzan7467 I doubt the army will make any major purchase anytime soon, what with the pandemic and all.
After the 1968 czechoslovak invasion, Romania was phased out of Soviet affairs and stopped receiving industrial and military assistsnce. We had to come up with something ASAP and this is the best that we coule do at the time.
It was originally meant to be a co-project between Romania and West Germany and was intended to use a Leopard 1 engine, which is the actual reason why the hull is longer.
After 1989, talks between the countries resumed but grounded to a halt because Germany was not interested in the deal anymore.
We were also meant to develop a new tank in the 2000s but russian-backed governments and crippling corruption prevented anything from moving forwards.
TR-125 would have been better if development continued, was it not? The base tank is better than the base TR-85 at least, as it was essentially a slightly enlarged T-72M. Modernize it with the additional armor on the turret and hull (even just heavy ERA is good enough) along with the other upgrades TR-85M1 got and it would have been better than TR-85M1. As stated, problems with the TR-85M1 is mostly rooted in how its base design is still derived from T-55 (underpowered gun, spherical turret and armor layout in general, etc.)
@@zhuravl-m2285 As previously mentioned: russian-backed governments and corruption.
You must be mistakeing! Communist Romania and west-Germany were actualy enemies! They couldn't have collaborated... But there's some truth in what you are saying, as in, Romania managed to smuggle an used Leopard engine out of west-Germany, and reverse-engineer it...
The collaboration was to be with countries like Libia, whom would just buy the tanks without much participation... You can find details in General Ion Mihai Pacepa's book "Red horizons".
@@purpleldv966 After 1968, Romania had pretty good relations with the West, even West-Germany.
With that being said, relations were not good enough for them to give us a part of their tanks.
@@olorusrex584 Exactley! Comercial relations are one thing, military technology, an other! It's like the situation between USA and China... Americans buy frying pans and sports shoows from China, but they don't collaborate on the development of the F-35 or Patriot.
romania should commission a tank from dacia .
Assign the same team that developed the Duster. Much bang for your buck.
James May*
ah yes.... TR-100 Logan 2020
About the penetration, the APFSDS-T BM-421 Sg can penetrate 444 mm of armour at 500m, 425 mm of armour at 1000 m and 328mm at 4000m, so, probably it could penetrate 400mm of armour at two kilometres. There were no tests made at 2km. The round was developed alongside Israel in 1996.
So, technically speaking it is similar to the 105mm British L7 gun, used on the Leopard 1 and on the early Abrams.
Romanian Government to tankers: It's either this or we put armor plates on our stock piles of used Yugo's!
Tanker Crew's: Flips COIN to decide 🤔.
We don’t have Yugos, we have Trabant
Well, considering that the scope of this tank was to be a match in the East and south east Europe, the Balkans, it was, and is still is, perfectly capable to do said mission. The age that gave it life was an age that everybody thought that a new Balkan war would begin and Romania would be carved up again, so comparing it and the numbers to the neighbors, well, I consider it a case of perspective.
Actually it was not a match, because by 1990 Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Ukraine had T-72 and T-80 tanks (Ukraine) and better air forces (Ukraine and Bulgaria), thus in a Balkan war Romania would at a disadvantage. The only good aspects were that the Romanian tank was cheap and if used properly would create big problems to an enemy's rear troop and logistics.
to add to this - they had a much better tank in developement, but canned it after building a couple of prototypes.@@dragosstanciu9866
@@dragosstanciu9866the tr85 proved itself superior to the t72 in multiple conflicts it was part of on behalf of NATO. Unless we're talking about the post year 2000 t72's, the tr85 is far superior.
@@denisionescu5072 the Tr-85 was not involved in any conflict.
@@dragosstanciu9866 Please, Romania was involved in many conflicts after it switched sides to the west. We had soldiers fighting in all of the USA's conflicts.
- TR85-M1 might be the worst tank.
Arjun: "Our battle will be legendary!"
Not really. TR would get wrecked right away xD
I honestly thought this Tank was good, because it looked like an impressive improvement of the T-55.
T-55... There's your problem. You could make an impressive improvement of the Renault FT, but, there is only so much you can do before it's time to start from scratch - even if the tank was revolutionary in its time.
@@lucidnonsense942 except even for a T-55 upgrade this is weak. compare it to the T-55AGM (which has atleast a 120mm capable of firing modern NATO 120mm rounds, which puts it leaps and bounds above the TR-85, and the Peruvian version has a 1050hp engine, and has way better ERA coverage, it is better in everyway. and while still inferior due to base armour to modern MBT can atleast do something back rather than be little more than an iron coffin like the TR-85 is)
It was a great improvement over the T-55 and T-77. But it was a poor upgrade in both cases. Whihc makes sense, with a limited budget
@@lucidnonsense942 you say that, but the modern chinese vt4 is based on...wait for it...the t54.
welp , garbage is garbage regardless if you improve it ( but yeah it does look pretty nifty )
Thx for makeing this i can finaly show my dad that our tank he always thinks understands modern warfere but said that our tank has a chance and i knew it hasnt
Well it has... if it was use in 1960's. Rlly now the big majority of romanians say is good just becouse it's made in Romania. We better sold all the tank's and buy some Leopards . I know is not that simple but is still better then this.
@@DrakenROM same about m84, one m84 tanker even compared it to Abrams. I mean, we are upgrading the tank, but still, its not as modern as Abrams or Leopard. But yea fellow Romanians, good luck i guess...
@Ben Sanspiro If the IFV is spotted first
@@DrakenROM i think it wont stop tow, im almost 99 procent sure, so if an IFV has a tow missile or any other AT weapon, it will be destroyed...
@@1czv13 That's exactly what i said . If the IFV spot this tank first and fire an TOW the tank is doomed , but if the tank spots the IFV and fire first it will win . So is more lick for the one that see the other first to win .
Well, at least it has a stabilizer. First time I saw it I wasn't even sure it had one
T55 has stabilizer in the first place 🙄
@@boocomban The tr85 probably has an improved stabilizer idk.
@@sopmodtew8399it is indeed improved. The tr85m1 got a better stabilizer, one similar to the Leclerc's.
I still think the Arjun is worse.
The TR-85 was made by a country with no money, most problems derives by Romanian economy, while Arjun was designed by somebody who had no idea on how tanks work (they really put blowout panels with no blast door for God's sake)
right. but beware of indians coming after you for having this opinion.
Arjun was never made it to army after army had initial versions of it even we Indians know it but then shitty BJP Reich came and forced Arjun on army that's why there's only 1 order for arjun even Indian army doesn't want it
But what I see here is people talking shit like India can't develop anything that's just wrong there's alot of defence equipment India is recently developing some of it is decent we are just starting out it's not like amercia just straight forward made Abrams and such too we are getting there
@@thehope3231 I don't understand.
@@albertoamoruso7711 I meant to say that u r right that arjun is bad but it wasn't meant to inducted in army
It's our current government regime that glorified it and forced it on army
you know what worries me ? that indian and pakistani are portrayed by the media as some sort of genius engineers, and doctors, and programmers and all that. and then the big tech companies hire them so to fill their "diversity quota"
by knowing this little but important fact, we can understand why EVERYTHING in the west is now low quality, from services to technology. things are very different now, from what they used to be just 20 years ago.
Red Effect:"The worst tank in the world..."
Bob Semple tank: "I'm gonna have to stop you right there."
how dare you!
How dare you insulted the mighty, invisible, and powerful Bob Semple Tank?!
that tank is a beast, you have no idea how many fields it can plough while simultaneously being a tank.
You mean the best tank in the world? Get your fact straight!
Romania makes legend AK , so something had to give.
It's a glorified AKMS with a foregrip.
@@Vlad_-_-_ Still, it got a tactical foregrip when no rifle had one yet.
@@la-zrider2749 I doubt it was the only rifle at the time with the grip.
Ask the ex-yugos about romanian AKs, they weren't so satisfied.
@@andrewis9103 Slavs never are.
Yeah this was supposed to be superseded by the TR-125 but shit happened.
Yep...true that indeed
You could have just made simple T-72 copies... Also a weird fact: Romania sold China a T-72 marked as "Model 64 T-72".
We weren't allowed the license to do so by daddy USSR.
Shit happened = communists who took control of the country literally robbed us blind under legal protection. Romania is one of the few countries where the wealth is conisdered legit until proven otherwise. If Romanias constitution is changed to state that "wealth that cannot be explained via legal stated income will be confiscated" then we can start walking a decent road towards a normal country.
@@lupulul mai usor baiatu, nu ti o arde in cur ca romania e printre singurele tari care au asa probleme
I mean at least they upgraded them...
In lebanon our army still uses un upgraded t54/55 tanks which were donated by the syrians after the civil war (if i remember correctly)
And some m48
Don't worry, most tanks used by the romanian army are also T-55 tanks, we just upgraded a few and the others are "under modernisation process"
last time I was in Lebanon I did see them use their m48 with the 105mm gun so at least they did get some sort of upgrade. Not to mention they also received leopard 1A5? tanks and Bradley IFV. But then again they didn't have any ERA covered on them so any RPG or ATGM would severely damage or knock them out but hopefully, one day when the economy gets better they will go for something like M1 or Leo 2
Hizbolla has better tanks than the official Lebanese army!
@@sexysilversurfer like what? t-55 t-62 and if maybe they are lucky t-72av?
Finally a true competitor to T-14 Armata
at least this tank exists:))) t-14 is...
@@leme5639 T-14 is 100+ units produced now
its not 2017 any more
@@henryatkinson1479 sarcasm. sarcasm, henry, sarcasm....
@@leme5639 Sorry, English is not my first language.
@@henryatkinson1479 why should you be sorry? I wasn't blaming you for anything, i was a little bit sarcastic.
As A Romanian, I confirm this. Make a video about TR-125 please, this tank was better then TR-85M1
Another variant of T-72 base on T-72M, but too bad Romanian Military loss interest with it...
@@yeezhengxin2659 Yeah, corruption destroyed our military industry. We were working also on a good fighter (IAR-95)
@@Redm997 IAR-95 program also doesn't look good...
@@yeezhengxin2659 Iar-95 was better then the MIG-21s. We had a plan to modernize our MIG-29 planes, but the corrupt and stupid government has chosen to modernize the MIG-21s
@@Redm997 of course it will but it wouldn't for now...
Arjun: [heavy indian accent] Finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary!
I got an idea for you. A video about the Slovenian M55S tank, basically a modernized T-55.
I´m a simple man: i see bad tank i click like
Still beat an abrams crew in a fire exercise tho 🎷🗿
Yes but in real life it wouldn't have penetrated it
@@daniels_0399 Fair enough! :D
But maybe with sneaky tactics it could get in from behind and shoot the lower hull where the armor is most thin... Or shoot a track out and then torch it on foot with Molotov cocktails... you know, Romanians vs Ottomans stile! :D
@@daniels_0399 tr85m1 is designed to defend Romanian soil and not go in foreign countries. The soldiers based their tactics training and performance of that tank (is a sneaky teritory full of ambush zones). In Romania, heavy tanks are useless, like Abrams and T92. We know what we do. It is allready considered that Leopard will be a reinforcement.
@@danitowolf First of all, the T92 is a 1950s light tank project which was ultimately scrapped.
I think you meant T90.
Second of all, the Abrams and T90 (which by the way aren't heavy tanks) are both about the same weight as the TR85m1 but they are both faster.
So I don't know how you say that they wouldn't perform as well, because mobility wise they are better.
Third of all, Romania is not a "sneaky territory full of ambush zones" . It's mostly plains and hills in the Eastern part, which is where the Russians would invade from. By the time you get to the difficult terrain, Bucharest alongside most big Romanian cities (apart from the Transylvanian ones) will have already fallen, and with them the most industrialised part of Romania, and the war would be lost, and Romania would have to form a government in exile and wait until the Americans win the war.
The Leo2 isn't there to "reinforce" the TR85m1, it's there to replace it, because it's obsolete and damn near useless.
@@daniels_0399 daca esti roman iti spun ca habar nu ai despre ce vorbesti. Vorbeste cu un strateg militar si iti va oferii mai multe informatii. Apararea noastra se bazeaza pe linii de aparare pe linia NE-SE paralel cu muntii ,bateriile antitanc fiind foarte mobile, tractate de autoutilitare. Apararea Romaniei nu se bazeaza pe confruntari tanc vs tanc gen Kursk.
Romania este un teritoriu ce avantajeaza gazdele, plin de mlastini si zone cu vizibilitate redusa, de aceea inca suntem pe aici. Noi nu ne batem cu inamicul in desert.
Asadar TR85M1 este un tank bun pentru Romania, evident ca si alte componente sa-l sustina, cum ar fii ingeniozitatea romanului.
Romania nu mai are industrie...
From the perspective of a Romanian dude that knows a lot of stuff about his nation's military, I have to say that I do agree for the most part with what he said. The tank was mediocre at best even when it first appeared in the late 90s. However, now it's completely obsolete with no chance of winning in direct combat if it would fight against a modern MBT. Tho, you didn't say anything about the military exercise that took place in Germany back in 2014, when 8 TR-85M1s destroyed 8 out of 11 M1A2 Abrams tanks in a combat scenario and the Americans were visibly pissed off by that. This means better crews and better FCS (the best thing about the tank). The tank could have been a cheap and decent one if it would have had the 120 mm L/44 smoothbore gun and a 1200HP engine (that was tested and it could fit). Incompetence is what describes the people behind this project the best.
In the end, you missed quite a lot of important details, some others being the maximum speed of the tank (60 km/h forward, 10 km/h in reverse), how many were made (54 units, that equip 1 battalion), how many hp/t (17,2), the accurate penetration of the projectile (Bm 412 Sg, 444mm at 500 meters), etc.
to be fair the combat scenario was pretty much a one-shot kill scenario which isn't realistic with the current cannon featured on the tank, but despite that the crew was better at actually putting shots on and hitting the m1a2s. so there is a credit to that.
@@bananaboat30plus87 I totally agree with that. That's why I only said about the FCS and not about the cannon itself.
The Americans had a right to be upset as the scenario was poorly setup, as it wasn't realistic and the fcs is way better on the abrams.
@@joekent5675 Leave the excuses home bud =)))
@@thejoke69 those are not excuses. That's the reality of what happened.
At least it looks kinda cool though
i agree with you
Finally, someone with a proven love of tanks is looking this way!
Well, in all fairness they've only been fignting T-55s in the middle east anyways and Romania has no angry neighbours to fight, so the tank is actually very suitable for the purpose it is used for.
Even if compared to its neighbours, the TR would probably come up on top.
A war between Romania and Serbia is unlikely. The Bulgarian tanks are pretty much the same but less in number and Romania would win against Hungary because the latter has almost no tanks to speak of, only around 24 Leopards.
Ukraine is the only one who could stand up to Romania but it won't happen as they are strategic allies.
Meanwhile, the Arjun is the MBT of a would-be superpower which has China to worry about.
When looking at tne context, the TR is superior imho as it can play the numbers game. The Romanians have a lot of tanks even by western standards.
If this sounds familiar to you, it should.
If it would be tank on tank, everybody save Hungary ( close all ), Moldova and Bulgaria ( close call again ) would wipe the floor with our tanks. Ukraine and Serbia especially, no contest at all. But we are enemies with no European country, to no country I can think of in this world actually. So nobody is afraid of this. And no, Russia is no enemy and we will not see any russian tanks in Bucharest ( but I am sure you know this well too ).
Jozef Dobrovodsky All Romania needs to field is a paper tiger tank fleet and tell its citizens: “We have a large tank fleet.”. It is just notional, nothing more.
@@user-kc1tf7zm3b Nobody is going to believe it. We are so used to being lied, most romanians do not trust their leaders to tell us the time. We know we cannot afford such things, even if we could they would just pocket the money, not make our army stronger with it.
Vlad It appears that the Romanian Army will purchase a modest fleet of Leopard 2 tanks. But, as you allude to, there is no wherewithal to completely overhaul its tank fleet with modern tanks. The future Leopard 2 fleet is only useful for... overseas NATO missions and exercises! 🇩🇪🇪🇺
@@user-kc1tf7zm3b I doubt we can afford many. Sure, one might argue that we will get some, get some crews and instructers to familiarise with them as well as maintanance guys, so, when the time comes, we will get more and have some qualified people for it.
What I suspect will happen is that we will spend lots for a few dozen tanks, corruption will lead to some of the money being pocketed by the people involved and those tanks will spend months in some depot instead of us making use of them. They will rust away and it will just be a wasted oportunity. If it happens in the first place. Because that is what happens here. I sound pesimistic ? I do, because that is what groing up in Romania does to you.
Maybe I am wrong and they will do this right. Maybe. But I doubt it.
Everyone: TR-85 bad
Me: At least they got a MF tank. What y'all got?
Are you interested in region or?
A Leopard 2A6Hel would have shred this tin can in pieces
@@pigeonladyHA2 My point was that a tank is a tank. No tank is the best and some are obviously worse than others. Even being at the bottom, a TR-85 can still be formidable just because it's a tank. The issues of TR-85 are at the most basic level, the same as every other tank.
we got Leopard 2A7 HU :)
@@militarynewshungary yeah, a few dozen.. We got hundreds of this tin can, we can zerg rush u on your open field of a country.
To be fair Red Effect, its a T-55 mod. It's never going to compare favorably to T-90, T-80, or M-1 General Abrams tank. This video is pure clickbait. You are better than this
The tank is not even based on T-55 anymore lol.
Yes but it can face Hungarian t-72,leopard 2 A7 and A4
That doesnt mean it’s not shit compared to any tank it would face today except for some backwater rusting T-55s used by third world nations. The battlefield doesn’t care if you tried your best with what you had, if it’s bad it’s bad, and this tank is bad
@@militarynewshungary no it wont. The gun still based on Soviet 100m T-55 cannon which was in combat cannot penetrate Abrams armor
@@cloudysoup9056 you dont understand. The guy sayed that it wont face a t90 or t80.
But in reality it can face anithing from hungarian leo2 a7 to the russian t90M (the later one is more likely due to the ukraine crisis
TR-85M1 is basically a T-54/55 with the engine of a Leopard 1A5
when you have squadrons of flying thirsty vampires units, why bother with tanks?🧐
Well this is why they can get away with weak armour, it only needs to defeat AVFDSS, that is Anti Vampire Fin stabilised Discarding Sabot Stake rounds. Being made of wood, they don't penetrative much steel armour even if they can re-kill a vampire at 2000m.
This tank was meant as a stop gap solution till the new TR125 would be ready to enter service. The TR125 would be an T72 equivalent, done with romanian tech since the sovient didn't accord licenses after the romanians refusel to intervene in '68 in Cehoslovakia. And there's the TR2000, a project from the early '00 that would use german tech from the Leopard 2A4 such as a turret, the l44 gun and he hull from the STRV122 but the project was abandoned since the cost would be too much and we got stuck with the stop gap solution.
People: their tanks look, fishy...
Romania on the map: 🐟
Don't worry the Romanian has a special force units that is specially train to sneak behind enemy line to steal their tank
Gypsyes steal no Romanians . Somebody steal your last 2 brain cells
I dont care thats its bad, its our tank and im proud of it!...Still giving the video a like...
Its not that bad just a few and easy modifications will make it good
Respect from Iraq 🇮🇶
Still better than north korean tanks for me so cheer up
You guys... are getting tanks?
@@sergiom9958 apparently
@@husseinoskovjino9398 thank you, greetings from romania
And now do the best tank in the world! *The Bob Semple*
Its dead ok
@@123-d9b shut up shut up SHUT UP!! Ok shush
*Everyone that knows Arjun* :
There us another
Smoothbore shots fired
I am looking forward to watch him reply to the videos from supporters of this tank like with the Arjun😅
Romanian Internet Defense Force is legendary. Their militant nationalists love swarming comment sections with fake info.
@@KorianHUN it's going to be a fight
Mate we all know our tanks are tin cans lmfao
I don't think he'll find many supporters of this piece of junk in Romania.
RedEffect: Arjun bad! Indians: NOOOO JAI HIND ARJUN BETTER THAN t90 m1 abrams and m4 sherman combined! RedEffect: tR85M sucks! Romanians: We know but it got us into NATO so its very succesful!
i would rather still be in a TR-85M1 then inside a Arjun tank
my friends and i call it the ''Mobile port-a-potty''
Romanian nationalist: *NoooOOO ItS ThE BEsT TANk EVeR BuilT*
Any other romanian seeing this as free promotion to a more expensive T-55: *its free real estate*
All of us know that the tank is trash
@@wallachia4797 yes we do... tho... if we can sell it for 40lei/tank we can get enough money to buy beer for everyone and still remain with some of the money
That's why recent ,Ro Army leadership said on 07.03.2023 that Romania will buy *54 up to 300 of M1A2 Abrams SEP V3* ... remain that USA government to approve this request sent official already by the romanian government , that cost us 1,1 Billion US dollars = for 54 Abrams+ 12 derivates, training simulators, maintenance etc)
I think there are more contendors for the title of the "best tank in the world" namely:
1. Big Bob
2. Bob Semple
3. Any tank named after a Cat (except leopard)
4. T-34
5. Sherman
Honorable mention : Tančik vz.34
TR 85 has from very little to nothing to T 55 and although can't be considered a modern tank has a trick or two in its sleeve. Poland, Hungary and other countries from Eastern Europe has chosen to modernize old tanks and objectively, I can't understand why you chose the Romanian one to thrash it! For a defence strategy of a small country like Romania, is good enough. Has a pretty good mobility, better than Russian tanks and when it comes to MBT's war, not only the tanks matter but also complementary weapon systems. Judging by accent, you must be either Russian or Hungarian, which would explain the acidity of this video to a Romanian tank.
Hey Red, I think the stat you're looking for when discussing horsepower and tank weights is the 'Power to Weight Ratio", I think it usually is expressed in how many HP per ton. Great Video!!!!
A N G E R Y romanian noises
But hey at least its the best T55 in the world
Yeah I agree with that
How could you not be angry on being flagged as having the worest tank of them all, it is just hurtful because our shit goverment is corrupt and they can't even get a new tank.
Nope we have the t-55mv/m5/m6 the t-55agm from ukraine the Israeli upgrade being sold to Vietnam and the chinese Type59d/g
@@effect3010 yea like lmao
just get a few T72s for cheap and upgrade them, they are miles above any T55 in the in existence
@@guvyygvuhh298 Fam no we ain't getting T-72's they promised leopards it's just sad that we have such a great hand of soldiers yet our tanks suck. Hopefully no wars will come any soon for us
"The worst modern tank in the world" - me a Romanian: "at least he is fair..." (lowering my eyes to the ground)
I want this in Warthunder. Maybe around BR 8.3-9.0
as much as this is a russian vehicle it's not fully russian so ill give it a 20% chance of gaijin adding it in the future
How about the TR 125? It is a type of T72 that the army rejected for unknown reasons, same with the TR 2000
known reason: fucking revolution
@@frontlinetomcat nope , they rejected models before and especially after the revolution
the TR 125 ( more or less aT 72 ) was rejected before and TR 2000 ( a sort of leopard 2 look alike ) after the revolution
Probably Budgetary and corruption reasons. Oh well
@@Deimnos General stupidity among the superiors is to blame mostly.
@@iuliuglad6813 stupidity does not exclude budgetary concerns (considering that most of the money for Romanian Defense Budget goes to Salaries and personnel "expenditures") or corruption. But i understand what you are getting at.
The Slovenian M-55S tank might be on the same level as the TR-85M1 or even worse. You should definetly make a video about it in the future. For the most part it is just another T-55 varient that got modernized. It would fail hard in combat with any modern tank, but I guess it would be good just for infantry support. You could compare it to the TR-85M1 to see which is trully worse in combat with modern tanks :)
The M-55S seems decent though, with its 105mm L7 gun (same as Leo 1), and I think its Rafael ERA is fairly better than what the poor TR-85M1 has to use ahahah
So we're not gonna talk about the fact that basically most of Chinese tanks to this day are just upgraded T-54/55?
sure, but at the least they have better ERA/NERA/composite coverage than this thing, many also have 125mm guns.
7:15 TR-85M1 is stated to have blowout panels on one source I saw.
Romanians: ''we will spend zero money for our next tank''
Indians: ''60 billion dollars + 35 years = Arjun''
I bet you could buy 12 of these for the price of a single Leopard II. Which is something to consider.
TR-85 M1 ... 1,5 millions euro
Leopard 2 .... 5 Millions euro . actually ... 1 leopard = 3 of TR-85 M1 , not 12 ...
Im Romanian and i agree with You. We need to get rid of this piece of junk
We have other things to worry about, nu te grabii 😅
@@markusdupree5317 o da 😂
Tehe tehe, i did it XD
Any way, as a Romanian, i'm agreeing with this video if we compare this tank with top notch MBT's but Romanian army took a more defensive nature in regard of modern warfare..
And yes, money and corruption stoped the integration of more capable tanks in the Romanian armed force. We had prototypes like TR-125 (wich was basicaly a T-72 but with a longer chassis and composite base armor instead of steel) or TR-2000 (wich it was a program to built leopard 2 mbt's in Romania equipt with 120/125mm gun) and other small projects of tanks that couldn't make it out.
And right now Romanian army is focused on acquisition of modern wheeled apc's, f-16 fighters, patriot SAM's and 4 multirole corvets. Because of that we will not see a better mbt in the field
Anyway, as a final statment, TR-85M1 is a capable tank for what the purpose it has. It's consideret an asymmetrical tank for asymmetrical warfare. His job is not to fight directly other mbt's but indirectly using asymmetrical tactis. Maybe I could be wrong but Romania still needs a much more modern and capable mbt
If i made writing mistakes i'm sorry for that, english isn't my strong point. :))
Have a good day sir and keep the very good content going! :)
Well some mother's lad has stood up👍
U cant really use a tank assimetrically,.. I mean even the light infantry units has modern anti tank equipment like rpg, carl gustav, javelin, tow and stuff like that.. Even in the poorest countries in the middle east.
@@bulcsutoth1134 i mean tank destroyers exist like centauro, those are made for this kind of shit
TR-85 M1 isn't a MBT, its an armored mobile antimaterial system capable of engaging trucks, static defenses, and the best infantry fighting vehicles in the world.
There, fixed it on the cheap, just as it was made.
I want to see that how a tr-85 would kill a hungaryan linx with APS (Active Protection Sistem) XD you saed it can kill the best ifv-s LOL.
Would easily kill, APS only works against ATGM, not against APFSDS or HE.
Thanks for reviewing our re-re-modernised mobile hen house! Greetings from Romania!
Romanian tank expert: TR-85M1 IS THE BEST TANK IN THE WORLD
Like that stupid alpha defense
Indian commentator: Anjun is one of the best tank in the world (in Indian accent)
@@yeezhengxin2659 lmao
Actual Romanian tank expert: Yes is shit...
Romanian tanker: Is shit...
Romanian infantry:At least we have a tank...But will we much rather have other tank then this one
Romanian Ministry of Defence : We got no money for a new one...
Romanian politician: Sorry but we have no money *just pumped an additional 20000$ in politician salary and pension* we put all the money to build the cathedral and my new villa... I MEAN hospital yes hospital...(Just as a note we have like 33 churches per 1 km of highway, in case we get invaded we pray to God to smite them i suppose or shit like that ).
Me who want's to go to the army: Why do i even want to serve this country ???( i still want to join but fighting for this country is like fighting for a your ex GF. Better let it in shit and go somewhere else.)
@@DrakenROM How are they going to invade you if there are no roads to invade through?
Arjun: finally a worthy opponent.
Our battle will be legendary!
Nice stolen comment dude
@@zalasar4892 that's also a nice stolen comment
@@zalasar4892 you also stole the comment
This actually looks more like an upgrade path for countries still using T-55s than a truly modern vehicle used in Europe.
Well ur not wrong the upgrade also happen i believe when it was planned to be temporary in service and be replaced unfortunatly the revolution happened,economical problems and since then we didnt need a tank tbh..
TR 85 development started in 1978. It cannot be the "worst modern tank" because it's not modern!
We can label it as a third-generation tank but its design is from the second generation. It has been just upgraded to fit more the third-generation tanks. Is Arjun 2004 better than TR 85? It should be! Its development started 20 years later! TR 85 has been designed on paper, Arjun on CAD systems. Why TR85 design has kept elements from T55? Because it's easy to make a mold from an existing part. You just take the turret from T55 and build a mold. Then you fill the mold with cast iron. Tadaa, you have a new turret! No need for complicated machining or even a serious drawing.
Its not like its useless. Against other modern battle tanks...maybe. But against infantry, Siege, Armored carrier, Makeshift tanks, other "obsolete tanks" it is still capable.
Crazy they squeezed this much tech onto a platform originally developed in the 50s. It isn't at all competitive against even a T-72 or a T-64 but they made whatever from what they had handed to. I feel bad for the Romanians, hope they really get some more modern tanks soon.
No, we won't get some modern tanks any soon. Our government prefer to buy second hand obsolete F-16s from Portugal instead of buying new ones.
@@Redm997 what a shame corruption does that. I hear your air force still flies me in the droves along with those old F-16s/
@@MikoyanGurevichMiG21 You are the pride of Romanian air force lol
As a Romanian, and also as a military man, I'm afraid I have to totally agree with RedEffect, our MBT is very obsolete, on par with those from poor 3rd world countries. It has no place on a modern battlefield.
As for my compatriots that felt offended, they should try to think beyond that - in the real world, in case of an armed conflict, patriotism alone cannot unfortunately make you win battles. Better focus your energy on our corrupt politicians that brought us here.
Finally some good fkn content
Who are you "boombozling" tho?:DDD
@@oceanboilmao A mystery man
FYI the challenger 2 you showed at the beginning of the video is the challenger 2e which was a private venture started by vickers defense systems (carried on by vickers when they bought out vickers) before competing at the Greek tank trials, its performance at said tank tank trials wasn’t the best but this wasn’t helped by both krauss maffei waggmann and Rheinmetall bribing the Greek defense officials into buying the leopard and the French using a gps jammer that inhibited the performance of the British and American teams. In the end no challenger 2e’s were bought and the project was cancelled around 2005-2007.
1:25 You say “the development of this tank started in the mid 90s” not true maybe just modernization.
Based on the TR-77-580, the TR-85 tank was developed from 1978 to 1985 and produced from 1986 until 1990. The TR-77 (Romanian Tank model 1977), being designed between 1974 and 1980. A prototype and zero series (10 tanks) were made in this configuration which was to be equipped with an 800 horsepower engine, similar to that used by the German tank Leopard 1. To be delivered on time however, the tank was equipped finally with the V2 engine of the T-55 tank, assimilated by the local industry. The final variant was named TR-77-580 (Romanian tank model 1977 with 580 horsepower engine).TR-580 was the first tank manufactured in Romania. With no experience in the field, Romanian specialists visited a Chinese tank factory to study the manufacturing process. In fact TR-77 looks similar to the Chinese Type 80/88.
In 1980 the Romania modified T-72 into TR-125 tank. Only prototypes being built. Made between 1987 and 1988 and tested until 1991. Because of army budget cuts TR-125 was not put into production. Afterwards the TR-2000 project was made, which also was not followed or implemented. TR-125 and TR-2000 pictures.
Really would love to see the a video about the M60TM (Turkey’s latest upgrade of the M60) it is an heavy upgrade of the M60 and I would love to see how it compete’s against upgraded T-72’s.
I would say it lacks armor in hull and somewhat bad mobility too. But it has some important stuff like APS Thermals Rangefinder periscope and a spall liner.
Halal Bruh Moment Exactly, including the 120mm gun, it is not that bad of an option as I have heard claims that the FCS is much superior to Syrian or Iranian variants (which they will most likely encouter with their M60’s on the battlefield) and an excellent option for anti-insurgency combat against Kurds taking into consideration the APS it uses.
Aaaandd you just pissed off a lot of Romanians
No he has not.
@@homelander5571 yes he did cuz im mad tooyes i know but wy tf they keep modifiyng it? Bruh
@@iosifvissarionovicistalin7996 they are bad tanks you know that!
Correction: he probably pissed off some Romanian nationalists, but I doubt most of them even understand English. The rational romanian knows the TR is complete obsolete trash xD
keep up the great content man!
Russians and Polish: we can upgrade t-72 and make it a formidable unit
Romanians: Hold my weed...
"Is it better than Arjun?" "Lol, no" "But its better than the Asad Babil with its white light night vision, right? Right?!"
Well, atleast they have their own armor
Good point!
Bruh momynt !
It's all jokes until it starts firing with mici
Romania: cooler looking t55
Slovenia: what cooler than original t55?
Romanians playing the "how much upgrade can we cram into it?" game
was developed in 85. the lemetrics system can aquire target in les then 2 seconds. Although a further development of the T-55, the TR-85M1 uses a T-block powerpack (similar to the one used in the Leopard 1) based on a V8 German 830 hp (620 kW) diesel engine, an improved turret, a locally-designed "Ciclop" fire control system (with cross-wind sensor, laser rangefinder and night vision), new 100 mm BM-412 Sg armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot (APFSDS-T) projectiles and a fully redesigned suspension with 6 road wheels on each side, protected by metal side skirts. Combat weight is 50 tons.
Bruh i know romanian tank industry isn't the best this is clearly not the worst tank out there and i know it is quite poor comparing to other nato tanks but it does its job
Its a good tank for our capabilities
This tank is most effective in big numbers like the t34's. 230 mm turret armor xd. leopard 2a7+ HU Has 2000 mm Effective armor. So its like t34 VS a tiger 2. (This is my opinion)
What big numbers? There are less than 60 such tanks and the factory in Bucharest cannot make more.
@@dragosstanciu9866 yes its effective in big numbers but i dosent say that there's big numbers IT CAN BE EFFECTIVE IF THERE WILL BE ENOUGHT (im hungarian so i dosent know about the Romanian tank industry :/
@@militarynewshungary I understand.
Basically a leopard 1 whit a t55 turret
And a T-55 gun.
The TR 125 would have been better.