Sorry for writing in English, but since I don't know Korean, I think it's best I write in this language to maintain the integrity of what I am going to ask. Though it will mostly focus on phase 1 (P1). 1) I will ignore bird (red string). For dog (yellow string), and tiger (green/blue string), how do you time yourself to the attacks of those beasts? I noticed that you can reliably dodge those attacks, do you react to them, or use a simplified cyclical rotation (i.e. dog swipe approximately around 2 tags) to guess when is the next attack is happening? 2)If you do react (or partially react), what are the skills you normally look out for and react to? 3)If you do cyclical timing, how do you reliably dodge the attacks? Though from how reliably you have predicted/reacted some of the faster attacks I feel like there are more to it.
@@MapleYeego 디토랑 엔버 쿨이 남아있으면 뭔가 개인적으로 쿨이 남아도는 거 같기도 하고 홀딩 무적기로 반응해서 쓸때 쿨초기 손해도 생각해서 선륀느 후디토로 시퀀스 배치해놓고 그냥 쿨 돌아있는거 보이면 디토 깔고 쓰고 있었는데 선디토 후륀느로 배치하면 혹시 어떤 장점이 있는지 어떻게 운용하는지 궁금합니다!
Sorry for writing in English, but since I don't know Korean, I think it's best I write in this language to maintain the integrity of what I am going to ask. Though it will mostly focus on phase 1 (P1).
1) I will ignore bird (red string). For dog (yellow string), and tiger (green/blue string), how do you time yourself to the attacks of those beasts? I noticed that you can reliably dodge those attacks, do you react to them, or use a simplified cyclical rotation (i.e. dog swipe approximately around 2 tags) to guess when is the next attack is happening?
2)If you do react (or partially react), what are the skills you normally look out for and react to?
3)If you do cyclical timing, how do you reliably dodge the attacks? Though from how reliably you have predicted/reacted some of the faster attacks I feel like there are more to it.
이렇게 멋있는 한림예고님님님님님님님님님이 운영하시는 말랑길드는 도대체 어떤곳일까 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ
이게 8만후반에 된다구요? 무셔..😢
예고 오빠 너무 멋져요 플플플플 콤보 카링에서도 짱 잘쓰시네요
이거 보고 자신감 얻고 도전 하러 갔다가
좌절을 맛 볼듯
역시 보법이 다르셔;
플플플플 개머싯자나...
머싰다구 하니깐 기분 좋네요 🙂
와 칼리 쎄네요!
선생님 혹시 시퀀스는 어떻게 사용하시나요?
디스토션 엔버 트랜 륀느 순으로 사용합니다, 바오스는 보스에 따라 달라요
@@MapleYeego 디토랑 엔버 쿨이 남아있으면 뭔가 개인적으로 쿨이 남아도는 거 같기도 하고 홀딩 무적기로 반응해서 쓸때 쿨초기 손해도 생각해서 선륀느 후디토로 시퀀스 배치해놓고 그냥 쿨 돌아있는거 보이면 디토 깔고 쓰고 있었는데 선디토 후륀느로 배치하면 혹시 어떤 장점이 있는지 어떻게 운용하는지 궁금합니다!
@@Ahris2001 후 륀느를 하게 되면 전에 설치한 디스토션이 다시 초기화가 되서 다시 사용 가능합니다