Why Do Europeans Dislike Americans So Much? | Americans React | Loners

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • #europe #america #reaction
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    Welcome back to another episode of Loners! In this video, we looked at why some Europeans dislike Americans. It was mainly what we expected but it was also nice to hear some good things about the US as well! If you enjoy our content, please make sure to like and subscribe! Also, head over to our vlog channel for more personal content as well! Thank you all :)

Комментарии • 397

  • @gfyphg9871
    @gfyphg9871 Год назад +262

    I mean, if you’re a democracy, you can pretty much judge people based on their politicians. The politicians don’t grow in the woods they are reflection of society

    • @beldin2987
      @beldin2987 Год назад

      Yeah, the thing is that america is not a democracy, its more like an oligarchy. But of course if americans still think they are a democracy we can say : Hey over 50% of you have voted for Trump a while ago, so at least 50% of americans must be totally stupid idiots.

    • @andreascuracao4636
      @andreascuracao4636 Год назад

      The word democracy in this context is a bit like a sales painting of a car , better don't watch it from underneath

    • @lizsavage1178
      @lizsavage1178 Год назад +45

      Yes, thank you! It’s annoying to me when people try to blame all of a country’s problems on the politicians as if none of them voted for these people. You may not have voted for the jerks who got elected, but people need to push for change at the grass roots level to prevent people like that from getting into office in the future.

    • @TTTzzzz
      @TTTzzzz Год назад +9

      Not really true. US citizens can vote themselves into oblivion but money has the power and buys the policy.

    • @ravenward626
      @ravenward626 Год назад +4

      That seems unfair. It's not like they have a lot of choices. They have fallen into a stable two party system. Strategic voting within a first-past-the-post plurality voting system makes the creation of an alternative party inherently self-sabotaging for any issues they campaign on. Run a progressive campaign and you are more likely to steal votes from democrats making a republican victory more likely; for example. So the public at large is largely dependent on one of those institutions to choose the choices for the public. So the people representing the public need not come from the public. You can choose people who will be minimally burdened or actively benefit from the kind of policies the parties want their members to legislate. You pick the right tools for the job, then let the public chose a brand so they feel like they are contributing. Plus, it's expensive to campaign in both time an money. That kinda loops back to the money in politics issue they have, but it also means someone living paycheck to paycheck is not going to have the time or money to run for office or lobby someone who can; and that reaches back to their lack options when it comes to choosing a representative. Don't judge people based on their governments, most of the time it's not their fault where they are born.

  • @DruncanUK
    @DruncanUK Год назад +150

    I think you misunderstand about being disliked for "being happy". I think it is more about the insincere fake smile and constant "have a nice day" comments. It seems so forced and fake and Europeans don't respond so well to the insincerity. That was one of the reasons that Walmart failed so hard in Germany.

    • @weertangel7231
      @weertangel7231 Год назад +16

      Indeed, we like honesty over the "service with a smile" approach that alot of american companies have.

    • @Rebel12Lz
      @Rebel12Lz 10 месяцев назад +4

      Yeah Europe's pretty dull and depressing.

    • @zombieboy937
      @zombieboy937 6 месяцев назад +3

      Except we ARE sincere when we say it. What it seems to be from your perspective is completely different from the intent.

    • @Imliterallygojoswife
      @Imliterallygojoswife 3 месяца назад +1

      I’ve heard so many Europeans saying that most of the time they don’t say things like that to each other, but In the US it’s our way of being polite and we are very sincere when we say “have a great day” give a little smile and wave if someone looks at you it’s just the custom it’s not forced or anything. From stories I’ve heard it sounds like they just aren’t used to having random strangers do stuff like that

  • @thebandofmaids
    @thebandofmaids Год назад +56

    As a comment already stated. People of a country always say "don't judge us on our political leaders." But these are the people the majority of the population chose to represent them - therefore are a reflection of the citizens.

    • @SPT1
      @SPT1 2 месяца назад

      Yes, but most importantly, America could be leaded by flesh eating nazi lizard mutants for all we care, if it wasn't THE MOST POWERFUL INFLUENCIAL COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. IT would be fine if it had the cultural and financial impact of Cyprus.

    • @immune85
      @immune85 Месяц назад

      Honestly, I think their elections are shady at best. Not to mention the politicians. 🙄

    • @aronlukacs6911
      @aronlukacs6911 Месяц назад

      Except if the country in question has an election system that deliberately favours the governing party using various counting and evaluating methods/exceptions sanctioned by law. This phenomenon is very wide spread in Eastern Europe.

  • @felonmarmer
    @felonmarmer Год назад +32

    It does appear to me that Americans abroad want to be actively liked, and when they are treated neutrally they take that as being disliked. Maybe that's down to the culture of false enthusiasm and friendliness that permeates a lot of social interaction (led by retail) in the States that has become part of the national personality (sort of), so the European more neutral attitudes comes over as negative in comparrison.
    There's also a culture of mickey taking in Europe (especially the UK) where we poke fun at people that is not as common so much in the US, except maybe for very close friends who can get away with it, and this may be taken as disliking when done by people you have not known for long, but it is one of the ways we get to know you, especially from your reaction.

    • @vaudevillian7
      @vaudevillian7 11 месяцев назад

      Definitely think this is part of it

    • @-caspo-
      @-caspo- 11 месяцев назад +2

      This may be true but there’s is still definitely a general anti-American sentiment in Europe. It’s not extreme, but it is there.

    • @tatjanaflugel396
      @tatjanaflugel396 14 дней назад

      ​@@-caspo-definitely it is there and I share it. For good reasons.

    • @-caspo-
      @-caspo- 14 дней назад

      @@tatjanaflugel396 Well I hope you overcome your prejudice.

    • @tatjanaflugel396
      @tatjanaflugel396 14 дней назад

      @@-caspo- my feelings do not root in prejudices, but in year long observations of a nation that tries to controll the whole world while hardly being able to tie up their own shoe lashes. So there is no "prejudice" to overcome. I just stay away. Makes my life really easy

  • @alexmctear5420
    @alexmctear5420 Год назад +48

    There is another video where an American is asking British people why they dislike people from the US, and almost all said they liked Americans as individuals, but quite a few disliked the diversive stance of the politicians, the erosion of human rights, particularly abortion decisions, and singled out Trump: they found it difficult to understand how he can be worshiped by so many when he is so dishonest and self serving.

    • @PeleRana-pp6zc
      @PeleRana-pp6zc Год назад

      What about the Iraq war? American politicians have always been corrupt and immoral and constantly causing wars and meddling in other countries!

    • @katiekatconway1880
      @katiekatconway1880 11 месяцев назад

      Yes I agree with that comment. Trump certainly put people off - he reminds me of a very dumb, unintelligent fat version of Hitler😂

    • @gizdonk
      @gizdonk 10 месяцев назад

      Europe has stricter abortion laws than much of the US.

  • @RealConstructor
    @RealConstructor Год назад +58

    In my opinion Americans always make a big deal out of little things, they exaggerate. And I don’t like that some things are rubbing off to our society. Take a gender reveal party by expecting parents, or a baby shower. And don’t get me started on weddings. It has to be bigger than others had, at more beautiful venues than others had, with more guests than others had, more romantic than others etc. Everything has to go flawless and because of that you have rehearsals, crazy. And a lot of Americans react crazy when they hear a surprise, like a daughter’s pregnancy or a soldier son coming home from deployment. Running around screaming, or plummeting to the floor and cry and scream, so exaggerated, like they play a role in a tv comedy series.

    • @Imliterallygojoswife
      @Imliterallygojoswife 3 месяца назад +2

      It’s how we celebrate things. You guys are always talking about how Americans are like this, but that’s just us being expressive and happy. We want to show that we care that we love one another in the biggest and brightest ways because that makes us feel good, it’s all about the hospitality. Americans love showing love. But what you’re describing IS what is shown on tv or something. Because no one truly acts like this in America and if they do it will be heavily judged and criticized. We know what crazy people are

  • @nesquik8214
    @nesquik8214 Год назад +17

    I think about the ''judging based off the president'' is due to the fact that the usa is closed off so they don't talk about presidents of other countries. Especially the media. Like I know here (in france) we talk about political leaders quite a lot (especially the elections)

    • @nesquik8214
      @nesquik8214 Год назад

      Also obviously the main presidential impact is trump BUT I feel like the way Biden and the government or whatever deal with Ukraine is ... like too much. I mean the media here are debating it a lot and it feels like the US are trying to play the saviors again which is annoying because, as always, they are a part of why it escalated on the first place. And macron doesn't help either because he's clearly whipped by the USA and the eu and we don't necessarily like it AT ALL.

  • @mikaeljacobsson1437
    @mikaeljacobsson1437 Год назад +19

    With the Internet and Social Media i think a lot of opinions now are based more on regular people rather than politicians. You get to experience more of an unfiltered version of people regardless of where they are from.

    • @ravenward626
      @ravenward626 Год назад +3

      Media bubbles can become anger and hate inducing echo chambers. A lot of social media is just people echoing other media through their own biases. I mean if I had editorial influence at one of the corporate networks I'm pretty confident I could at least stir some discussion in a few social networks. Attention is a finite resource. If you were to somehow reduce people's free time, or occupy more of peoples available attention, then you could ostensibly have a lot of influence over what people think about. I think people underestimate how many of their opinions were given to them rather than formed from their own personal experience.

    • @mikaeljacobsson1437
      @mikaeljacobsson1437 Год назад +2

      @@ravenward626 A lot of people are lazy when it comes to things they read. And its not that difficult to look things up before having a fit about it. A lot of people only read headlines and what people around them say. They never even bother to read the article. Or look for different perspectives. I stay away from Facebook and Twitter because those are some of the worst places.

    • @mcorrelje
      @mcorrelje Год назад

      You are right, before the internet only could consume "Pro America" movies, music (videos), etc. Everything was meant to make Americans feel good about their country and themself. And the rest of the world consumed the same media basically glorifying the USA. With the internet more (unfiltered) opinions and a more realistic view of America is presented.

  • @clivegilbertson6542
    @clivegilbertson6542 Год назад +22

    G'day Guys! OK so I am Australian...I worked in Brazil, Argentina & Uruguay in the late 70's/80's and the reason the people there don't like "Yanquis" is because the CIA et al did so much to prop up the fascist dictatorships there... People here don't dislike US citizens per se but let's face it alm 80 million voters almost half of votes cast in 2020 were for Trump and we look at that and wonder how stupid can those people be? We see Republicans, some not all, who we would describe as borderline fascists just looked at as "conservatists" the electoral system is one of the least democratic in the Western world. Does an independent body set electoral boundaries? NO! Do the various "secretaries" get elected by the people? NO!!! Sadly people like yourselves who WANT to learn do not appear to be the majority over there... Cheers!

    • @ravenward626
      @ravenward626 Год назад

      As appealing as "spreading democracy" sounds, managing a vassal is a lot easier with an authoritarian regime in charge.

    • @tuck129
      @tuck129 10 месяцев назад

      what? XD us literally had the best president in years that fixed unemployment rates, decreased racial tension, stopped wars and prevented them, and they exchanged that for an old senile warmonging puppet

  • @blackcrow4218
    @blackcrow4218 Год назад +11

    I think its more about that Americans don't care about europe and their culture not knowing anything they still have opinion about something they dont know and its irritating to people from that countries it's making Americans look selfish and rude .Sometimes if you don't know you just ask and people will help you understand but they don't do that, they saying stuff without thinking about the meaning or people who may they offend.

    • @delilahmurray9589
      @delilahmurray9589 Месяц назад

      If America didn’t have to pay for Europes national defense last 70 years do you k ow where we would be? Selfish? Wow. Europeans enjoyed spending their money on their citizens while we policed the world for peace. America left its citizens behind and on verge of bankruptcy for the sake of “globalism”. Who’s selfish here?

  • @christinepreston8642
    @christinepreston8642 Год назад +14

    Growing up in a tourist town, pre Internet and social media, US citizens only seemed to travel in tours and always a bit confused about where they were, history, currency, etc. The Japanese also favoured the lightening speed tour of Europe, but even with a language barrier, had done their research and understood.
    Nowadays, even with the Internet and social media, you get a few more independent travellers from the US, but as a generalisation, not much more research. Amazes me even more now that I know that PTO is limited, precious time, yet all that money spent with no research!
    Final note, the mass shootings, the right to bear arms is so important to some, and these same people are anti abortion. I can't get my head around the people backing these policies, and any protest is given up after a week!

  • @faketheo3432
    @faketheo3432 Год назад +18

    The biggest problem with some Americans is their exceptionalist self-image. Either "we are the greatest country in the world" or "all we do is fuck up the world". Neither is true. The things, that make America great, like economy, military and technological innovations don't matter all that much for the average citizen. For them stuff like housing, healthcare, education and crime are more important in their day to day life. And those are the things the US does worse than any other developed nation. And while the US foreign policy certainly isn't perfect, some people take it to the extreme and say it is all bad. That's not true either. NATO is a good thing, international cooperation is a good thing and keeping agressive superpowers like Russia or China in check is also a good thing.

  • @user_you2
    @user_you2 Год назад +3

    yes, Europeans tend to answer based on political view and news. However, I would agree with some of their points and it's connected to my own experience traveling to US and interacting with people there... And again people will judge every other country - just ask😂

  • @knottyeti
    @knottyeti Год назад +12

    I think the internet has had a much bigger effect on Americans than it has on anyone else worldwide. America has been a net exporter of culture for a long time while only really importing small amounts of culture from other countries - music from UK, food from Mexico maybe a little film noir from France. That was about it until the internet opened the world up to everyone which I find weird considering USA is a county of immigrants.
    Meanwhile European countries (even Britain which keeps itself fairly culturally isolated) have always had a history of influences from the many different countries they are in close proximity to. I presume the same happens on the other continents.
    So while the world shrank for everyone as the internet grew, it really looked from the outside as if many of the Americans I interacted with back then were slowly discovering that the rest of the world wasn't just a smaller, poorer old fashioned version of America and didnt in fact particularly look up to them or down on them very much at all (individual ameriphiles/ameriphobes notwithstanding).
    The best metaphor I can come up with is America was absolutely convinced it was the universally popular kid at school until it listened in on the group chat and found out that it was mid popular and American people (not government) still seem to be struggling to come to terms with that.
    Sure sometimes the perception of America is about your government but usually it isn't. Especially since every aspect of the english speaking internet is massively dominated by Americans. The rest of the world gets to interact with alot more Americans than Americans do with people from the rest of the world.

    • @zak3744
      @zak3744 Год назад +8

      I think a good way of saying something close to what you're saying is maybe that Americans often more than other people just assume that they/their culture/their mindset is some kind of "default" rather than just one out of many.

    • @MISSYGful
      @MISSYGful Год назад

      I think your metaphor is spot on!
      We don't hate Americans , more indifferent or irritated by them? Would be more accurate.

    • @nusekepone
      @nusekepone Месяц назад

      Hay una frase en castellano o español que dice: seria la novia en la boda, el niño en el bautizo y el muerto en el entierro. Pues eso cree que es EEUU y muchos de sus ciudadanos tambien lo creen.

    • @greble11
      @greble11 Месяц назад

      Actually, most Americans are fairly oblivious to what other people think. We have generally favorable views of other countries (see various surveys by Gallop and Pew). Moreover, Americans are generally oblivious and indifferent to what is going on in other states of the US. People in California aren’t thinking about the Midwest or the South or New England, etc. And vice versa. It’s not that we think universe revolves around us, many of us don’t think about the rest of the world. Most Americans would be really surprised to learn that our movies and TV shows popular outside of the US. We really don’t think about it.

  • @markmeasures5316
    @markmeasures5316 Год назад +2

    In the 80s and 90s I read books and furthered my education, now I spend far too much time watching funny videos of animals. 😂

  • @Feier_Salamander
    @Feier_Salamander Год назад +9

    Like a famous german comedian once said: "We should not fall into this superficial anti amercanism. But mine isn't superficial."

    • @brombeerhund
      @brombeerhund 4 месяца назад +1

      Volker Pispers if I‘m not wrong?

    • @delilahmurray9589
      @delilahmurray9589 Месяц назад

      I’ll be sure to catch that Netflix special 🤥🤫

    • @greble11
      @greble11 Месяц назад

      And none of us should fall into that sort of bigotry and prejudice towards another country, no matter how superior and self-satisfied it makes us feel.

  • @alexandrareuter327
    @alexandrareuter327 Год назад +2

    I think most of my negative feelings towards America are less about the people and more about the system. Compared to most western countries America has more inequality, a worse political system, worse access to health care, mental health support, benefits, etc. I listen to a lot of American podcasts and I'm constantly shocked by how much worse things are in the US.
    Listening to 'Ear Hustle' for example made me aware of how utterly fucked up the American prison system is. Shocking. I thought European prisons were dehumanising but they're nothing compared to American norms.
    I've met lots of Americans who are fully aware of all of those things but I have also met lots of Americans who were patriotic in a way I've never heard anyone else speak about their country. As a German who has been living in the UK for over a decade that kind of patriotism feels super uncomfortable.
    It's interesting that extremes kept coming up in the video. It made me realise that my feelings about America are pretty polarised as well. I think of breathtaking natural landscapes, warm hospitality but at the same time of oppressive Christianity, extreme conservatism...
    Lots of the people I look up to, who have shaped who I am today are American. Musicians like Big Thief, Sufjan Stevens or Ethel Cain, writers like Audre Lorde and even RUclipsrs like ContraPoints.

    • @greble11
      @greble11 Месяц назад

      You have a very distorted view of the US, but if it makes you feel superior, go with it.

  • @johnhignett7707
    @johnhignett7707 Год назад +6

    You looked puzzled by the English woman saying we are not European, yes we have many Brits who are ignorant of their own history, talking stereotypes, Briths in us have a stereotype of being intelligent, yep it's a stereotype. For me, the Positives are the many reaction channels like yours which give more genuine insights

  • @Frohds14
    @Frohds14 Год назад +2

    I don't think Europeans dislike Americans. People from Canada or Mexico are also Americans. They have done nothing wrong.
    But we don't like the ignorance and the attitude of some people of the US, in particular the attitude to be god's chosen country and the whole world has to revolve around. For example, when US Americans ask an Englishman what language they speak in England... I just have no sympathy for idiots like that.
    And we don't like the fake friendlyness the fake smiles. That US-Americans do one moment, as they will be your best friend, and the other moment they forget you exist.

  • @mosthaunted2
    @mosthaunted2 Год назад +2

    Obviously every Country has their Stereotypes, Never change who you are as a person for anyone, as long as you're a good person then who cares what other people think.....Great video guys! From UK.

  • @frenchcoyote5198
    @frenchcoyote5198 Год назад +4

    Hello I'm French and I just wanted to let you know that I don't hate the Americans. Thinking that all the French do is just another stereotype;

  • @Bierzgal
    @Bierzgal 11 месяцев назад +2

    Being conservative and liberal at the same time means you are just a moderate. Or a centrist as we usually call it here in Poland. I always thought this is the healthiest place to be politically. Trying to see reason on both sides and avoding any crazy extremes.

  • @johnchristmas7522
    @johnchristmas7522 11 месяцев назад +1

    As a brit and having been to America many many times together with staying in a lot of the States, have found Americans to be the opposite of what is perceived. They very friendly,helpful, kind and good fun to be with, only one person, ever was so rude and pushed me to my limit was in New York. Lucky for him he was behind a glass barrier. So it seems there is always one, ready to spoil the image. I loved my stay in the States and had many good times with Americans, who like me enjoyed good food and excitement- got them finally to appreciate a good beer!! There are some really good real ales in the USA forget Coors and Budweiser! Still in touch with many of the families. As a side note, take it from me, the people are not a reflection of their politicians, quite the opposite in fact. Its just like us in the UK we vote between a rock and a hard place, our systems are becoming very undemocratic. Me? I'm off down the pub, trying forget those idiots who pretend that they are helping us.

  • @rogermagnusson115
    @rogermagnusson115 Год назад +2

    We like americans... Your ancestors is from here...i only been to New York city... People there where amazing so helpful.. IF we where looking at a map, they rushed to help US out..

  • @gejuje
    @gejuje 8 месяцев назад +1

    As a dane with a lot of american friends, i`ll just say that "dislike americans" is not a title i`m crazy about🙂 we have great news and great correspondents overthere, so we do understand that it`s a big country, and that an american from Alabama screaming Phraise the Lord and i hate socialists, isn`t the same as an american living in San Fransisco or New York🙂

  • @patricialewis1464
    @patricialewis1464 Год назад +3

    You know. I hear you saying we judge you because of your politicians. And you obviously don’t think that’s fair. But realistically what is anyone doing about it. Like, WHAT?

  • @Flex2212
    @Flex2212 10 месяцев назад

    The stereotypes thing inside the country: every single small european country has that. Stereotypes about cities, or small regions are pretty normal.

  • @Jellyfish60
    @Jellyfish60 5 месяцев назад +1

    What do you mean south park are canadians? It takes place in Colorado

  • @captgaming2134
    @captgaming2134 10 месяцев назад

    But in some countries like the UK we don’t directly choose our leader, we elect the party and they have their leader, so you can agree with the party and choose them, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you agree with or like the leader or think of him or her as a reflection

  • @ferencercseyravasz7301
    @ferencercseyravasz7301 Год назад +3

    Guys, I don't think you can make such a neat separation between politicians and the people. After all, politicians are part of the people, they came from American homes, schools, churches, businesses and Americans vote for them time and again.
    The strange idea that the government is something separate, removed from actual people and not to be trusted is so American that most Americans can't see the simple truth that politicians are actually a statistically relevant sample of the population.
    For heck's sake, over 70 million of you have watched Trump for four goddamn years, listened to him, read his abysmal tweets, saw him bully the weak, the fallen, the downtrodden, listened to him making nasty, tasteless jokes of every decent human feeling and then thought "yeah, that's my kind of guy, I'll vote for him again".
    Seventy million plus change, that's almost four times the entire population of my country!
    Now that is scary. Not Trump, he's a douchelord, but he's just one person. His voters, those who like him not in spite of who he is but precisely because of who he is.
    They see themselves, their own values, feelings and thoughts in him.
    Let's be clear, I don't generalize, I've spent three years in the USA, I know and like many Americans, I have friends there to this day.
    I think the USA is actually two nations locked inside the same country.
    One of them very normal, very similar to people from other Western countries.
    The other one though has values and morals that have more in common with the past centuries: fundamentalist religious fanatics, patriarchal Christian Talibans, gun nuts, utterly ignorant hillbillies who are actually proud of their ignorance, people who belittle intelligence, their ego bloated to immense size by their sense of American superiority. More or less openly racist, bigoted.
    There are those who think The Handmaid's Tale is a dystopia and those to whom it's a utopia.
    Sometimes I think you should have let the South secede.

  • @Siranoxz
    @Siranoxz 8 месяцев назад

    We also have stereotypes in Europe, Western Europe vs Eastern Europe

  • @grav-x1430
    @grav-x1430 Год назад +1

    Good points and as a European i agree with all.. Mostly duo to USA tourists which are the absolute worst in my opinion(Obviously not "ALL" but a vast majority. What you say about judging USA Civillians based on their political leadership is true, but that happons to alot of Country's . Easy example: Russia and China..

  • @jayplay8140
    @jayplay8140 Год назад +3

    South Park is based in Colorado, in the US 😆

  • @rubberyowen1469
    @rubberyowen1469 Год назад

    I didn't know what a vlog was but I saw your thingy below and clicked on it and saw you on a video walking around, I was amazed to see you outside on legs, lol. I have subscribed and now look forward to seeing more of your great videos. Take care in CA. (U.K.)👍

  • @kennycube5126
    @kennycube5126 Год назад +1

    Matey in the video (with glasses) should also realise that there is a general crises of identity in the western world at the moment. This is probably contributing to his anxiety.

  • @dawnstone610
    @dawnstone610 11 месяцев назад

    once I went to a party with Americans. They talked about themselves and friends but these "friends" seemed insignificant. Americans in general don't listen and learn new things like they do over here in France. There is nothing more rewarding.

  • @jholmes553
    @jholmes553 5 месяцев назад

    @2:54, it's 7 months later and no zombie apocalypse yet. So yay? XD

  • @partyjunglekonto
    @partyjunglekonto 10 месяцев назад

    we had ecoli on veggies called eheck. so its harsch all around

  • @peterhorne1541
    @peterhorne1541 10 месяцев назад

    Before the internet we read books!!! preferably from different viewpoints, and then we made our own personal decisions. Don't rely on the media, big or small.

  • @the_yorkshire_pudding
    @the_yorkshire_pudding Год назад +9

    Certainly, here in Great Britain, politics is perceived as very separate from religion. The handful of politicians (or, indeed, other public figures), who have spoken about the effects of their religious beliefs on their politics have generally been sidelined and regarded as odd, if not a little dangerous. In the UK (with the possible exception of Northern Ireland) religion is considered a very private and personal thing and is seldom discussed publicly. In the US it appears, at least to outsiders, that politicians make a big public show of their religious beliefs
    On a downer, sorry guys, to a grumpy middle aged bloke from Yorkshire at least, the US habit of loudly, repetitively and incorrectly using the word 'awesome' at least once in every sentence grates. Yes, appreciated, it's probably the optimism thing that we don't do (especially in Yorkshire) but the word just gets very overused.

    • @pathopewell1814
      @pathopewell1814 Год назад +2

      I get very annoyed by the misuse of 'awesome', too. The thought of British people wishing everyone a nice day is another bone of contention.
      I surmise although we speak the same language, our very different cultures are to blame.
      To say we do not like Americans is a very sweeping statement. Our different cultures must also annoy Americans at times.
      I remember way back during the second World War, we youngsters were very impressed by the American servicemen stationed in Britain, American films etc. This new country seemed an exceptionally glamorous place compared to poor old Britain!

  • @radudumanovschi3387
    @radudumanovschi3387 Год назад +1

    Where I live, the Liberal Party is a conservative party, which is not the case in the States

  • @gindrinkersline3285
    @gindrinkersline3285 Год назад

    22:00 The values & policies of conservatism vary wildly depending on the country & time. Conservatism can take many forms such as; Liberal conservatism, Religious conservatism, Progressive conservatism, Fiscal conservatism, etc. An example of different policy views is that the Swedish conservative party wants to make abortion a constitutional right for women. This is not something you wouldn't hear from the US Republicans.

  • @Fernstrom91
    @Fernstrom91 Год назад +4

    Here in Sweden Bernie Sanders is considered far right and so much more far right than our parties that are far right.

  • @meinm3575
    @meinm3575 11 месяцев назад

    I think the 'dislike' is that, it's such a young country that has done and caused so much already!
    (From a negative point of view.)

  • @kennycube5126
    @kennycube5126 Год назад +6

    You can chit chat to most people in the UK.
    But DO NOT try to do this in London.

  • @jendrizzyy
    @jendrizzyy Год назад +1

    I love Americans

  • @aronlukacs6911
    @aronlukacs6911 Месяц назад

    We actually judge each other and other countries based on the politicians of each a lot. I think Americans just do not realize this because they are kind of closed off from world politics, so they do not have easy media access to such politicians and the stereotypes they attach to their own people.

  • @ikeettgaming
    @ikeettgaming Год назад

    I am 47 and french , i was google shearch in my youth when google didnt exist , i was reading and learning about every subject a little to be able to talk of everything , now i feel obsolete any moron with a i phone can have all the knowledge .
    i'm just happy to see the young generation not able to use the huge pile of information without going for tutorials ^^

    • @Taalzen
      @Taalzen Год назад

      tu es content de voir la jeune génération incapable d'apprendre sans des tutos ? vraiment ? super mentalité dis donc !

    • @ikeettgaming
      @ikeettgaming 3 месяца назад

      @@Taalzen bah ca me fait rigoler oui si ils sont incapable de se servir de leur cerveau c'est le juste retour de baton de leur manque de jugeote , combien lisent encore des livres ,des roman , ou cherchent le sens des mots sans aller sur google , le jour ou internet disparait on as une portion de la population qui est incapable de rien ; par choix ... ils decident de pas se fouller .
      ceux qui s'eduquent ne sont pas affectés et se demerderons tjrs , et je n'ais aucune incidence sur cet etat de fait c'est a eux de se bouger .
      Moi j'ai fait des efforts et j'ai 0 souci ils ne veulent pas en faire et je devrais compatir mais lol

  • @marting.8538
    @marting.8538 11 месяцев назад

    In Germany, per capita consumption of raw pork is 5.2 kilograms or 11.5 pounds, and we have no health concerns because the standards are very high. ;)

  • @anderslofgren8235
    @anderslofgren8235 11 месяцев назад

    I think the view of America as a beacon of hope in the world is gone which is why so many Americans experience this "dislike". Also, everything that happens in the US comes to Europe a few years later and we don't always appreciate what comes...

  • @stiglarsson8405
    @stiglarsson8405 Год назад +1

    We dont hate Americans, but there is some stereotypes of americans we kind of dislike!
    Its rather this.. US have for a verry long time proved that they are Europes friend!
    And then its probably more about US citicens that not knowing anything outside there own comfort zone?
    I wonder if it have to do with that US is a multi cultur/language country, the biggest settler group in USA is Germans.. put in scandinavians.. germanic should be your native language???
    But the elite was English, (another germanic language), they didnt like to pay taxes to England, and you keept all the laws and rules frome "Good old England" even after you got your independens! Its a bit strange??
    For me it seems you got stuck there 1776, when Europe have moved on, to an "American way of living", introduced by USA!

  • @Nikki-yn7yv
    @Nikki-yn7yv Год назад

    This is the point ,Governments are supposed to work for the people of a country that’s there job!! why do the citizens put up with this?

  • @PeterBuwen
    @PeterBuwen Год назад

    A platitude, but the big thing we have in common is that we are all human, aren't we?

  • @annasaddiction5129
    @annasaddiction5129 Год назад +1

    You know what I think to me as a German it's the mentalitiy, I tottally agree, that we can't give a fk about every niche "wrong with this world" from Alaska to South-Africa, there are stupid people all over the world, in every village, in every suburb, in every income class (as long those exist) , in every city, in every country, in every landmass that exist.
    Like even here in Germany the Synaoguge still/again needs police and that defintley brought me back to my own "realitiy."
    But, like I don't think it's necesseraily the USAmericans we don't like, yes Politicians but same goes for inside, is anyone satisfied atm with the representives they've? I doubt that. For me a big factor is overall ATTITUDE, I honestly don't even care how "stuipid" someone could label a question from sb from a foreing land, yet continent...if they're willing to listen and learn from it and not every German knows sh*t like what people here in the 1800century did so asking like multiple people the same question is still fine, in the head and heart of mine.
    The onces I am 🤦‍♂ are the onces who aren't going outside and belive "Hitler is alive, whatever I say is right!" And people as I call them (and again also exists in every niche of this godforsaken planet) who walk with their genitals first like "KING KONG I OWN the street!" *👁‍🗨 roll 👁‍🗨 roll ...
    Now why are you so famous for behaviours like these, becasue the Media over and over again shows you "What was the stupidiest thing what an USAmerican ever said to you?" And yes they asked and got answers among the same lines from Europeans too...yet it's your kind that owns the algorhythm, somehow...and hey Germany was butt of jokes for decades that we all sound like Hitler (who was Austrian who didn't get thte memo of that by now) and be racist (not saying they don't exist and we also are by far, far away from the USA 2020 PC Culture that's promtoed online, saw someone working with a Hogwarts Shirt just half an hour ago, Dickmann's are steadily refered to withtheir old arse name) but you know 1 Pottery as much as we all hate it we're also guilty of it, to some degree. ^^

  • @WookieWarriorz
    @WookieWarriorz Год назад +1

    for what its worth i dont know anyone that hates americans, we definitely dislike the way your country treats its people and the politics and nosnense news though. The republicans in ireland were the ones to fight for gay rights and stuff during the irish civil rights movement haha, we also generally like biden even with all the tiktok clips of him sleeping and saying dumb stuff. You were also talking about countries being different is a positive, i agree, part of what the EU does is set targets and rules for countries, like 'every citizen must have easy and affordable access to healthcare' and the country can choose how to achieve this, so any method that works is fine. Some choose universal care some choose goverment subsidised etc as long as the goal is met and verified by eu inspectors then youre good.

  • @Tanerion
    @Tanerion Год назад

    18:55 It's annoying enough when Americans get Europe and the EU mixed up but it bothers me even more when Europeans do it.

  • @Red-Eyez420gaming
    @Red-Eyez420gaming 11 месяцев назад

    I honestly miss the days when I'd wake up on a sunny day and walk to the shop to buy a newspaper...

  • @Spatula1
    @Spatula1 10 месяцев назад

    I was in cocoa beach and loved it until an over zealous security mall cop wanted to taze me not happy.

  • @hermannschaefer4777
    @hermannschaefer4777 Год назад

    Hmmm... I guess you mean Sargassum spec. and Vibrio vulnificus, a bacteria often found on latter. Well, yes, strolling on Mexicos and Floridas beaches gets a special.. kick now.

  • @maryskinner1329
    @maryskinner1329 Год назад

    These two sitting there should talk of what they think of crime in each country. America would be on top of the list. Listen to American news it’s always about a shooting there. Wonder what they think of the gun laws in other countries.

  • @16ozClawHammer
    @16ozClawHammer Год назад

    I think people are aware of the stereotypes *within* America. It's a bit much to say 'we're a big country'. We get it. People from California are vacuous, people from New York are rude and people from Florida are racist if they're old and go to prison if they're young. But hey, I'm British, so I'm probably sexually repressed and have bad teeth, so am not worth listening to. The point is - embrace your stereotypes. They're pretty funny in the long run. If you get angry about those things, you probably conform to the archetype.

  • @meelp.8266
    @meelp.8266 10 месяцев назад

    Tenemos que partir de la base que SOMOS PERSONAS, es decir, que esta en nuestra naturaleza ser sociables y nos proyectamos segun diferentes aspectos y situaciones no somos una unica cosa. Entonces somos como un puzzle 3D que va cogiendo piezas de la vids de nuestras experiencias y la gente puede ver nuestras diferentes caras pero no somos un todo. Lo que quiero decir es que pecamos de quedarnos con una imagen fija de las personas, yo soy colombiana y sus prejuicios es lo que ven en mi muchas personas y estoy orgullosa pero soy muchiiisimo mas que el lugar donde nací soy mis experiencias, mis errores, mis aciertos, soy mi entorno, mi manera de expresarme etc. estamos en un mundo globalizado ya no estamos en los 90 y somos adultos el mundo cambio y evoluciono mas rápido que nosotros mismos ahora no creo en que seamos de un único lugar porque el mundo nos permite viajar virtual y físicamente.

  • @wora1111
    @wora1111 Год назад +3

    I think Americans are and always were less knowledgeable about what is going on in the world. American media present a very selected view to their customers. I always notice a very different mindset between Americans sitting in the USA bubble and those that moved as singgle person abroad and tried integrating their. The latter group usually behaves like the locals after a short time. And speak the local language. And share the mindset, at least partially, of the locals.

  • @mrade5321
    @mrade5321 Год назад +2

    Every country has it's dumb people. The problem I think America has, even if a small percentage of people are dumb, that's still a lot of dumb people. Then on top of that, those dumb people like to be heard. You only hear those who shout the loudest and all that. If you can look past that though, the majority of Americans are no different to the average person in any civilised society. We all just want to get on with it, do our best and live our lives. We're really not that different.

    • @DSiato
      @DSiato Год назад

      46% of americans would still vote for Trump, that is not a small percentage.

    • @mrade5321
      @mrade5321 Год назад

      @@DSiato You completely missed the point. I'm talking about dumb people. I guess you must be in the small percentage I'm talking about.

    • @DSiato
      @DSiato Год назад

      @@mrade5321 I was also talking about dumb people, we just disagree on the numbers.

  • @andreascuracao4636
    @andreascuracao4636 Год назад +1

    It's already in für question itself : in case a french , german , danish .... Individual will describe himself es european , it implicates that people from other nations will claim the same origin as well . How disturbing does it feels for US citizens if a jamaican , columbian , cuban .... will state that he is American ???? The attitude behind this mindset is already god for my first dislike .

  • @paul1979uk2000
    @paul1979uk2000 Год назад +4

    I don't think it's a dislike for Americans as such, but more a dislike for US forign policy, and the arrogance that goes with it.
    This is also not just a European concept, it's worldwide in a lot of these views, and for me, it all started to go downhill after 9/11, followed by the Iraqi war, Trump and what we have today.
    Before all that, a lot of people had good views on the US or were indifference, today that isn't the case.
    As for the people, it's hard to judge and everyone is different, regardless of country that you can't really group all people because of a few bad lemons, but there are enough of these bad lemons that are giving all Americans a bad name around the world, and it's not just the US, the UK is going through the same process with Brexit which has created a really bad image of the UK, especially the political side of it.

    • @Strombolita1956
      @Strombolita1956 Год назад

      You are so right....and also the economic sanctions on so many countries since then seem to me unfair and arrogant.

    • @paul1979uk2000
      @paul1979uk2000 Год назад

      @@Strombolita1956 Sanctions are fine if there is a good reason for it, but in the case of the US, power is being abused too much by a few of the elites in the country, we saw that with the Iraqi war, which clearly was based on disinformation from the US.

  • @ShadowMcSneaky
    @ShadowMcSneaky 5 месяцев назад

    21:50 to make a connection between being conservative and religious is a weird concept for me. for me a conservative is someone that doesnt like changes and wants to hold on to traditional stuff. but that has nothing to do with religion. but maybe you guys think different because being religious is way more common where you live.

  • @doposud
    @doposud Год назад

    We understand that goverment does not represent their citizens , but those citizens as united have the power to change the goverment.
    That is reason why i admire French people , whole country unites againts change done by goverment that they don't like and nobody goes to work
    whole country just stops and goverment is forced to act on people's will
    Thing is that lot of Americans think they are the best country in the world but they don't have a free healthcare which is like basic human right in modern countries.
    People don't choose if they want to be healthy or sick , and capacity of your wallet should not matter if you need help you need help.
    People with health issues usually struggle to make money and having system that will ask most from these people is just nuts.
    Thing i really like about US is entertaiment - music , movies , stand up comedy etc....
    except that woke bs that they force into the movies - race equality , gender equality.

  • @RobertZander-yz3bg
    @RobertZander-yz3bg Год назад +2

    People in Europe, primarily in the western part, simply look at the USA and its citizens much more realistically, and the glorification is decreasing. People no longer believe all Hollywood propaganda from films or series, so people used to learn the most outside of the news, the USA was better able to hide the negative things, that's just not possible anymore.

  • @ThESlAcKeR-r5r
    @ThESlAcKeR-r5r 10 месяцев назад

    spend money in your education....not in material things that makes your life easier...invest in your intellectual progress...and something important that will help you achieve that...demand free healthcare...you pay so much in taxes...(your goverments always transform things that you have a right to enjoy for free or at least at very low prices) to a business ... for example education, healthcare, healthy food, entertainment, public transportation..how do you expect from a human to flourish spiritually and mentally without those things ? when he is forced to work for 10 or 12 hours per day to pay bills...i think tha that's a big problem for the Americans

  • @kilipaki87oritahiti
    @kilipaki87oritahiti Год назад +3

    As a Norwegian and Scandinavian who’s also brown and indigenous growing up in the 90’s and 2000’s like most of my peers I idiolized America due to pop culture etc. But as an adult, my blinds came off. I do I have friends in the US, but they are like me. And from wanting to visit, I rather kill myself than to go to today’s America. Only place I ever wanna visit is Alaska, as it’s very similar to Norway in nature, and Lake Tahoe. That’s it. Over the years I’ve come to dislike the US more and more. Especially due to the political situation. You’re going backwards, and you’re basically the laughing stock of the world. MAGA and Nazis doesn’t exactly help. And the stereotypes are true as the majority of the average American population are the dumbest in the world. And no education and government can fix that.

  • @huwlloyd6341
    @huwlloyd6341 Год назад

    It's a brother/sister thing. No hatred , just a little fun....

    • @iriscollins7583
      @iriscollins7583 Год назад

      Most siblings I know fight.Not physically verbally.

  • @E-jit
    @E-jit Год назад +2

    I think that a lot of people who have these ideas about the US have never been there. I’m from Sweden and I’ve met very few people from the US in the US who fits in to these stereotypes. My take is that people from other countries who have these views either think of loud Floridians or the politics, which doesn’t reflect the rest of the population.

    • @loners4life
      @loners4life  Год назад +1

      Exactly! This is a great point

    • @HenrikJansson78
      @HenrikJansson78 Год назад

      But a huge part of americans voted for those politicians. That's the problem. Trump himself is not the problem, there are idiots like that everywhere, but it's only in the US that half of the population thinks he makes a good president.
      And we really should stop looking at the US as a democracy, it's not the people but the money that has the power. It's a plutocracy.

  • @Gert-DK
    @Gert-DK Год назад

    I do not dislike US-Americans in general, but I very much dislike the US system. I have a had time finding anything positive in the extreme, corrupt political system. US has their idiots, but so do we. US-Americans are a product of the system.
    If I was a US-American and had to go abroad, I would say I was Canadian. I would hate to goalkeep for the US.

  • @justmandy6572
    @justmandy6572 Год назад +1

    Europeans are as close minded as , they say, Americans are. I was too. I'm Dutch and spend the last 2 month with friends in Kentucky. Before I met Americans irl I thought too "we both are from western societies so we are the same". But we are totally not. There is a big difference between American and European society, culture and upbringing. There is a big difference in values , how the world works and how societies should work. One is not better then the other.

  • @stevefoulston
    @stevefoulston Год назад +3

    Why does the US have 800 military bases around the world
    The US has around 800 military bases in other countries, which costs an estimated $100 billion annually. Why does the US have sanction? Since 1990, the use of sanctions by the United States has significantly increased, and since 1998, the US has established economic sanctions on more than 20 countries. The United States government has participated and interfered, both overtly and covertly, in the replacement of many foreign governments the U.S. government initiated actions for regime change mainly in Latin America and the southwest Pacific, and the Middle East Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Cuba, Iraq, including the Spanish-American and Philippine-American wars. At the onset of the 20th century, the United States shaped or installed governments in many countries around the world, including neighbours Hawaii, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. Maybe these are some reasons people dislike the USA government not the people but then again the people voted for these people to govern. Peace out.

    • @nusekepone
      @nusekepone Месяц назад

      Grandisima explicacion. Solo idiotas que niegan la realidad que no les gusta, creyendo que eso solucionara los problemas, pueden negar que esas sean las causas principales de la imagen de EEUU en el mundo

  • @johant23
    @johant23 Год назад

    I think it all comes down to the politics and the govt. the usa is unique in a sense because it is so powerful on a world scale and when the politics don't align with the way europeans generally see things [ ie:Trump ] opinion becomes negative. but I don't believe European's think negatively of American people generally. I certainly don't or anyone I know.

  • @dasmaurerle4347
    @dasmaurerle4347 Год назад +2

    'We're not European, we left the EU!'...and thank fk for that! Greetings from Germany🤦🤦🤦😂🍻

    • @gustavo042
      @gustavo042 Месяц назад

      Germany is full of arabs

  • @svanteforsblom4264
    @svanteforsblom4264 Год назад +1

    Just a few toughts from Finland.
    Konservative -liberal are not the only factors in European politics. Here are parties that are nationalist and conservative, nationalist and liberal, globalist and conservative, globalist and liberal, and mostly any other combination of ideas there is. There is so many parties in the political spectrum, all with different ways to approach the matter that we don get the bizarre bipolar situation thet you have in US.
    Also religion in a big part of Europe is a strictly personal matter. There are highly religios people, and then there are a wast majority that might "registered" as christian, muslim or whatever but actually don't care about religion, and then there is people that don'thave eny religious belives. It seema like religion in fact has a bigger importance in US than in Europe.
    In Nordic countries, even the christian traditions are a mix of acient pagan habbits with a added christian label added to it. In heart, the pagan traditions from thousands of years ago are stronger than the christian added stories from 1300 onwards.
    My personal wiew of US is that it has extreems in many cathegories. Wery smart people (look at silicon walley companies) and also wery stupid people (a lot of stupid americans displayed in social media). Wery rich, and extreme powerty...the list goes on.
    In Europe, on average, people are closer to the middle and the European average in most categoreis is a bit better than US. Also general values in Europe is more pro people and in US it is more pro business. It reflects the legislation and is the core reason for differences in education system, health care, work-life balance, taxes etc.
    Also people in Europe are not dependent on how other people can help them economically, as the basic needs have a backup thrue social security. Therefore people to people interactions are more geniuine and an artificial smile only.makes you look stupid. In US you might get a bigger tip for smiling, so people learn by reward to be artificial.

  • @braneoblak
    @braneoblak Год назад

    make intro music shorter 4s is enoough before I skip, big anouncment made me subscribe. Good job ;)

    • @Ohjeezno
      @Ohjeezno Год назад +1

      It's fine, not everyone is so impatient... 😂

  • @rumpelstilzchen2194
    @rumpelstilzchen2194 Год назад +1

    Your foreign policy represents your culture abroad. if it's chosen leader by the country ( like all western counties have) , they do represent your culture.
    Watch Volker Pispers history of USA and terrorism , it summs it up quite well.

  • @annavalentinamartinezparqu7618
    @annavalentinamartinezparqu7618 9 месяцев назад

    I think that US has become a modern third world country. So much poverty, people without homes, no functioning health system and very polarised. At the other hand very hard working and creative people.

  • @Spatula1
    @Spatula1 10 месяцев назад

    I got an apology from the mayor?

  • @imEmops
    @imEmops Год назад +1

    i really dont understand why anyone would chose to live in america. just leave

  • @DaveStreet-v2t
    @DaveStreet-v2t Год назад

    I am not a European I am an English man

  • @coljagman5441
    @coljagman5441 3 месяца назад

    But you vote them in!

  • @MrFreezeYo
    @MrFreezeYo Год назад +1

    I love american people, especially the ones like you, who look over the pond and are open. When someone says "I dont't like Americans" - usually they are not referring to you as people, the thing those persons don't like is usually your government and your way of invading foreign countries.
    You as people are totally handsome, like every person in every other nation, too.
    Don't take it personal.
    But one guy (Bush) lying ended in 1 million dead civilians. I don't know how he can sleep well every night and still think "yeah, that was the right way to do!" That's the stuff we dislike about your country. And patriots who think it was the right thing, and america is better than everything else.
    You as persons are awesome, I would love to have a nice beer or glass of wine with you here in germany and have a lovely chit-chat evening!
    You foreign politics suck. That's about it.

  • @jgowner6076
    @jgowner6076 Год назад +1

    I do think that Americans are easily generalized to stereotypes, some being more common than the other. The big problem I personally would have is more about the way the US operates. The US is very individualistic: everyone has their own car (mom, dad, children etc.), everyone is minding their own business and are less approachable. Definetly not all people are like that, but most of it is actually shown on a daily basis. The car and home of Americans are their bubbles, where they sometimes pop out off to get groceries quick. The US government also does not seem to be their for the American people, people who are in need of help due to excessive hospital bills, low income jobs (not enough salary to take care of the family) and people who are not able to have a job (disabled or chronical illness). It is the duty of a government to care and do the best for their citizen, and hell, no country does it perfectly, but these issues exist more profound than in lesser wealthy countries. As Europeans we like to look out for one another, give feedback to countries or people how things could possibly done different to improve the quality of life for everyone. We just hope that someday more Americans accept feedback and acknowledge that certain things could be done better.

  • @annasaddiction5129
    @annasaddiction5129 Год назад +1

    Also btw you're the kind of human beings, I tottally see could adapt from Scandinavia to Italy if given thechance and enough arguments.^^

  • @norrinradd2364
    @norrinradd2364 Год назад +1

    I like your channel and I like your content. You do more for a positive image of the US than your politicians. I probably speak for many people here who watch your videos from other countries when I say you would always be welcome in my country. First of all, when people talk about Americans, it's always a generalization and it's always about the general public, not individuals or small groups of people. Every single US-American has the chance to disprove the prejudices by his behavior. But many US-Americans are so self-centered and ignorant and permanently bragging that it is sometimes hard to bear. Yet they want to be loved unconditionally. For example, Nathaniel wonders at 20:47 in your video why Argentines are so anti-America. They are, but not for the reasons he mentions. In the military coup of March 24, 1976, democratically elected President Isabel Perón was removed from office and replaced by a military junta led by Jorge Videla, commander-in-chief of the Argentine armed forces. This was done with the support of the United States. U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told representatives of the 1976 military dictatorship that he hoped they would get their "terrorism problem under control as quickly as possible." Argentine Foreign Minister Guzzetti, who had expected harsh criticism of his government's human rights abuses, was in a "euphoric mood" afterward. Over the next seven years, the military murdered up to 30,000 people. Not knowing that as a U.S. citizen and expecting to be loved is so American. The same thing happened in neighboring Chile. On September 11, 1973, a military junta with the help of the CIA and U.S. support from then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger staged a coup and overthrew democratically elected President Salvador Allende. He was replaced by an American-friendly military dictatorship that killed 3,000 democrats and deported many others for years. This list could go on indefinitely. Nicaragua, again and again Iraq, Iran, etc. and these are not conspiracy theories, the U.S. publicly admits to the overthrows e.g. In August 1953, Iranian Prime Minister Mossadegh was forced out of office by the military. The American CIA now confirms its leading participation in the action in 2013. These are not the ways to make friends. I can say this, I am German. Germans are not really one of the most popular nations on earth. Half of all postwar WW2 movie productions from Hollywood would hardly be possible without us Germans. Even today, if you need a villain in a movie, a bloodsucking pyromaniac who wants to reduce the world to rubble, put in a German accent and call him Hans and it works. I would also always find someone to call me a Nazi if they didn't like something about me. I would never expect to be welcomed with open arms and introduced to family by an Israeli. Why do US-Americans expect anything like this. The problem is complex. There is a political level, then there is an economic, cultural level. These two are determined by aggressive politics and aggressive US corporations. Lastly, personal experiences with individuals or groups of Americans. How do Americans behave abroad, what is the acceptance of culture and behavior of people in other countries. Are they trying to observe and learn, perhaps even adapt?
    But what about yourselves, what are your experiences? You are quite critical of the USA. What are the comments you receive from US citizens? I bet you get a lot. Are they self-critical and reflective or are they rather populist patriotic and wish you out of the country? Would you say that if this were people from another nation, these would be smart, objective people or would you say WTF did you drink varnish? 🤣🤣

  • @meinm3575
    @meinm3575 11 месяцев назад

    10:54 - I think it's more that, based on your politicians, americans don't care enough. Or that they don't takes things to serious. (Maybe because it's a happy free country).
    I get the feeling like as an american you kind of wait for someone else to do something. Like 'Oh I won't do this whatever specific thing, i'm sure someone else is going to do it'

  • @PabloSapanga
    @PabloSapanga Год назад +1

    Can I say, as a Brit (English) the girl @ 18:55 and 19:30 does not represent us in any way. She shouldn’t be allowed to speak on public. “we’re not European, we left the EU” 🤦‍♂️ also, 2 people discussing American politics and current day issues, then she pipes in with “yeah, but you really chatty and that” ….I don’t have a hand big enough for that facepalm 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ when a conversation is just too many levels above you, it’s best to stay quiet.

  • @Jo.Math.Richar
    @Jo.Math.Richar Год назад +1

    This must be hard to hear as it’s a hard truth. Whenever I’ve crossed path with an American person, they’re loud, obnoxious, self-centred and entitled

  • @lehanedermot
    @lehanedermot Год назад +1

    America has given us some of the greatest minds in history, literature, science, the arts, then you pour billions into police and military but so little into health care, you let the ones with the tiniest minds rule over you, and I don't mean political puppets.

  • @Hammarspiken
    @Hammarspiken Год назад +1

    Media make your politics..and to make it really easy to write and talk about it so have they just 2 people to vote on..And to make the Americans people quiet this 2 start fighting so all the real problem just disappear 🇺🇲💰

  • @marcusorillius6971
    @marcusorillius6971 10 месяцев назад

    So sick of peoples feelings, it’s exhausting. Stop caring so much what other people think. Not watching

  • @williamwilkes9873
    @williamwilkes9873 Год назад +1

    Ços it is fun...............

  • @coljagman5441
    @coljagman5441 3 месяца назад


  • @ianneale9353
    @ianneale9353 Год назад

    We judge you by your Politicians because the majority of you voted for these Politicians, vote for moderates and most will view Americans in a better light.

  • @GdzieJestNemo
    @GdzieJestNemo Год назад +2

    such street polls are pointless - creator can present only the interviews they want and cut off any context, even aside from that it's just few random people- you are not even able to tell how prevalent the comments are

    • @arnodobler1096
      @arnodobler1096 Год назад +1

      I've been hearing these comments for decades, not just here in Germany.🤷‍♂️

    • @HenrikJansson78
      @HenrikJansson78 Год назад +2

      @@arnodobler1096 Yep. Pretty spot on at least for most of Western Europe I would say.