Hi sir, is N2 purging necessary during the co precipitation process? Or high alkaline pH during the reaction avoids the carbonate ion formation as carbon dioxide from atmosphere may get adsorbed, please explain as i am interested with this protocol
Thank you for your kind reply, I will definitely try the co precipitation method with or without N2 gas bubbling as well as try the hybrid method of co precipitation and hydrothermal method, hoping to make a video too if I successfully make hexagonal shaped crystal pristine LDH
Nice explanation
Good explanation for ldh preparation
good one
Thanks for sharing
Welcome Dr afzal
Nice one
Great job 👏🏻
Thx hissa
Good example
Good demo
Well done
Hi sir, is N2 purging necessary during the co precipitation process? Or high alkaline pH during the reaction avoids the carbonate ion formation as carbon dioxide from atmosphere may get adsorbed, please explain as i am interested with this protocol
You can do both in order to check the surface morphology.....in this way you can compare
Thank you for your kind reply, I will definitely try the co precipitation method with or without N2 gas bubbling as well as try the hybrid method of co precipitation and hydrothermal method, hoping to make a video too if I successfully make hexagonal shaped crystal pristine LDH
Sure that's a great idea
Thanks your video is very helpful for me
good one
Nice one
Thx imran br