Monport 40W CO2 Laser Engraver & Cutter Unbox & first cut Lightburn

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 45

  • @ГордейДьяченко-и1и
    @ГордейДьяченко-и1и 7 месяцев назад

    I have a question. My tiny display near the yellow test button says "laser signal off" and I don't know how to turn it back on. Can you help me fix that?

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  7 месяцев назад

      I have never had that issue. I would contact Monport Support. I am curious if maybe there is a wire lose or something though.

  • @StrattonVA
    @StrattonVA 3 месяца назад

    Can you show how to use a rotary tool with this? I would like to engrave a can cooler.

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  3 месяца назад

      Sorry, I do not have a rotary tool for that laser.

  • @randypeterson6964
    @randypeterson6964 Год назад

    Does the machine come focused, and if not do you have a video showing this?

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  Год назад

      It does not. Mine was close enough to get going. I do not have a video for making it better though. There are quite a few out there though.

  • @Nick-xe2hu
    @Nick-xe2hu 2 года назад +1

    Is 3 passes on cardboard a bit much? I would think a single pass would do it.

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  2 года назад +1

      Possibly. Since it was my first cut... I was definitly learning. I am still mastering being able to adjust the power with the dial. I will keep tinkering. =)

  • @wtrujillo7549
    @wtrujillo7549 Год назад +2

    I ordered this same k40 that is supposed to be lightburn ready but lightburn is not recognizing it when I scan for device. Do you have any suggestions. Thank you in advance

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  Год назад

      That is odd. I would make sure you have it powered on, and then make sure the usb cable is connected correctly. I had worked in dark areas where I have tried to stuff it in a HDMI port before.....

    • @wtrujillo7549
      @wtrujillo7549 Год назад +3

      @@HLModTech thank you for your response I found the problem was that i had it connected to my tablet which wasn't powerful enough to recognize it, so as soon as I switched it to my PC it worked fine. Thank you once again

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  Год назад +1

      Awesome! I will keep that in my list of things that could be the issue.

  • @HailStormKM
    @HailStormKM 10 месяцев назад

    How would you compare it to XTool M1? Other than price?

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  10 месяцев назад +1

      They are different technologies. Co2 lasers (Monport) are generally more powerful. The XTool is a diode laser. When diode lasers are listed at 40w, they are usually stating that their laser cuts as well as a 40W laser. The bed of the XTool is quite a bit larger. I am not sure how the software works with an XTool, but I would guess it is pretty plug and play. Aligning and such with the Monport is work. I like the power, but go to my diode machines more often.

  • @jamest684
    @jamest684 2 года назад +2

    Great video! Does this laser cutter cut sheet aluminum?

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  2 года назад

      How think are you thinking? I will see what I can find out. Thanks for the kudos too!

    • @r.j.sharkey
      @r.j.sharkey 2 года назад +3

      No, the smallest CO2 laser that can cut VERY thin aluminum sheet is 150 Watts and even then you need a specialized cutting head with a high pressure air assist to quickly remove slag. You can probably etch anodized aluminum but not cut it with this. Aluminum is one of the hardest materials to cut as it's reflective to CO2 wavelengths and is very good at dissipating heat. Even a 400W CO2 can only cut 1.5mm aluminum sheet.
      To do it properly you really need an industrial grade fiber laser.

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  2 года назад

      Thanks for the info! Most of my are with cardboard and wood.

    • @phethomakhadi5415
      @phethomakhadi5415 Год назад

      @@r.j.sharkey thank u

  • @dutchloveRC
    @dutchloveRC 2 года назад +2

    nice buddy

  • @nickferzacca1786
    @nickferzacca1786 Год назад

    Can it surface engrave anodized aluminum parts?

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  Год назад

      I am not sure. The only marking I have done on metal was using laserbond.

  • @AllenBethea
    @AllenBethea 2 года назад

    Did you need to align the mirrors?

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  2 года назад

      I did not for that first cut. It is always a good idea to do so though.

    • @phethomakhadi5415
      @phethomakhadi5415 Год назад

      @@HLModTech u mean not to align u just use it as default

  • @8mmmauser896
    @8mmmauser896 Год назад

    Can you please show us what your grbl settings are?

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  Год назад +1

      You bet. Working on it now.

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  Год назад +2

      I will post the vid in the morning. Footage is recorded. I did note that I do show you pretty much the same stuff in this video.видео.html Is there something different you are hunting for?

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  Год назад +1

      Just posted.видео.html Let me know if you are really hunting for something else.

  • @facundocabrera3234
    @facundocabrera3234 Год назад

    hello everyone. I have a problem with my Monport 40w. When I send the job, the laser does not fire and since I turn it on, laser signal off appears. When I press the test button it barely marks the wood. Does anyone know what this is due to? I must clarify that the machine is new

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  Год назад

      Have you checked the alignment of the lasers. I do not have a tutorial for it, but there are a lot out there.

  • @cubansli3099
    @cubansli3099 6 месяцев назад

    Hello, so I need to do multiple passes to cut?

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  6 месяцев назад +1

      It depends on what you’re cutting. I do some trial and error with each project.

    • @cubansli3099
      @cubansli3099 6 месяцев назад

      @@HLModTech 3mm Plywood. Thanks for your time

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  6 месяцев назад +1

      I bet 3mm could be a 1 pass project. I have found though that 2 passes usually gives me a cleaner cut if their are crazy corners and such. Still trial and error for your numbers. I have not cut wood with mine yet.

    • @cubansli3099
      @cubansli3099 6 месяцев назад

      @@HLModTech Thanks I tried that, I think my machine is having issues, it will not go above 16mA. I appreciate your time

  • @thecentralscrutinizerr
    @thecentralscrutinizerr Год назад

    Can this laser cutter cut through the National Debt?

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  Год назад

      We need more power Scotty... 😉

    • @thecentralscrutinizerr
      @thecentralscrutinizerr Год назад

      @@HLModTech Dammit Jim, I'm given her all I got! 🤣

    • @HLModTech
      @HLModTech  11 месяцев назад

      Glad that connected. The kiddos I taught before I retired would not have had a clue. =)