【香港藝術館 -「多元視野──八、九〇年代香港藝術新象」研究計劃:藝術家訪談 | 馮美華】

  • Опубликовано: 16 июн 2024
  • 馮美華是香港媒體與錄像藝術的重要奠基者。研究計劃的同名展覽同時展出1989與2016年版的作品《她說為何是我》。1989版以電影方式講述一位女性蒙着雙眼從鄉郊廟宇到繁華鬧市探索香港,並穿插歷史片段,回應探索自身與女性對文化及身份的問題。2016年,馮氏以裝置與錄像形式重現作品,自己直接演繹一角。2021年的版本則展出兩台背對的螢幕,同時播放1989與2016年兩個版本,並置於一個直立紀念碑式臺座上不斷自轉,觀眾需要跟隨轉動觀看。作品的三個版本宣示了馮氏在三個時期如何回應當下社會的意識形態,並置展示的形式更能代表她堅持身體力行,以各種實驗探索和創立藝文空間成就本地創作的文化生態。
    此影片乃「多元視野-八、九〇年代香港藝術新象」研究計劃成果。同名展覽在5.3.2021至29.5.2022,於香港藝術館五樓新空間展出。如欲了解更多有關研究計劃及展覽的內容,請瀏覽香港藝術館網頁 hk.art.museum/tc/web/ma/home.... 。
    【HKMoA - Research Project “New Horizons: Ways of Seeing Hong Kong Art in the 80s and 90s”: Artist Interview | May Fung】
    May Fung remains trailblazer in media and video art in Hong Kong to this day. Both the 1989 and 2016 versions of her work She Said Why Me are featured in the exhibition under the same name as the research project. Her video in 1989 version depicts a woman walking blindfolded from a temple in the countryside to the bustling downtown area of Hong Kong. Interspersed with the historical footage, the work poses questions about culture and the identity of women. In 2016, Fung presented her video installation of She Said Why Me, featuring herself as one of the characters. In this exhibition, the two earlier versions of the work are shown on two back-to-back screens on a rotating monument-like pedestal, becoming the 2021 version of this installation. The viewer has to physically follow the movement to appreciate the work. The simultaneous display of the three versions symbolises Fung’s response to the ideological and cultural consciousness of Hong Kong at three different points in time. It also demonstrates her lifelong quest for creative experimentation, and her devotion to steering the development of Hong Kong’s cultural ecology.
    The video showcases the research findings of “New Horizons: Ways of Seeing Hong Kong Art in the 80s and 90s.” The exhibition, under the same name, was held at The Lab, 5/F of the Hong Kong Museum of Art from 5th March 2021 to 29th May 2022. For more information about the research project and the exhibition, please visit the website of the Hong Kong Museum of Art hk.art.museum/en/web/ma/home.... .

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