Aye Marco, you all had a bit of a challenge there, eh? Frosty / snow start by the look of things higher up. Was the Barley Juice flowing to heat what the Beer couldna ? Think some of it should have been poured over the Stubble too ... not the best jobs I've seen - "one or two" good jobs though. and I didn't even recognise a local registered tractor at all ..... Man o man. But a good turnout of fancy machines all the same - goodoh! Guid new year to you too, Mark, Thanks for posting.
Aye Marco, you all had a bit of a challenge there, eh? Frosty / snow start by the look of things higher up. Was the Barley Juice flowing to heat what the Beer couldna ? Think some of it should have been poured over the Stubble too ... not the best jobs I've seen - "one or two" good jobs though. and I didn't even recognise a local registered tractor at all ..... Man o man. But a good turnout of fancy machines all the same - goodoh! Guid new year to you too, Mark, Thanks for posting.
Aaayyyyy big Dave on the nuff