Mach4 has nothing to do with accuracy. It's just sending position data to the EtherCAT motion controller, which is then just running the servo drives in cyclic synchronous position mode. That being said, I would never trust a shitty non-realtime OS like Windows for motion control lol. I love the console in the background spitting out warning messages with a huge main loop cycle time. I don't really know what that means for Mach4, but with LinuxCNC, a typical servo loop time is 1ms for position mode control.
@@pixiepaws99 nooo ,is not any laptop/computer I have a laptop which is not working, even Twincat is not working and the laptop is brand new model of Lenovo Legion gaming model ,instead of PCI it uses PCIe.
@@seimela _ANY_ computer with an Ethernet NIC will work, at least with LinuxCNC. Mach4 may have its own issues but that has nothing to do with the hardware.
Mach4 is accurate enough for that hardware?
Mach4 has nothing to do with accuracy. It's just sending position data to the EtherCAT motion controller, which is then just running the servo drives in cyclic synchronous position mode.
That being said, I would never trust a shitty non-realtime OS like Windows for motion control lol. I love the console in the background spitting out warning messages with a huge main loop cycle time. I don't really know what that means for Mach4, but with LinuxCNC, a typical servo loop time is 1ms for position mode control.
What kind of computer are you using
Doesn't matter, any modern computer will work.
@@pixiepaws99 nooo ,is not any laptop/computer I have a laptop which is not working, even Twincat is not working and the laptop is brand new model of Lenovo Legion gaming model ,instead of PCI it uses PCIe.
@@seimela _ANY_ computer with an Ethernet NIC will work, at least with LinuxCNC. Mach4 may have its own issues but that has nothing to do with the hardware.