The Spiny Bush Viper is INSANE!!! (Custom Pack) - Super Auto Pets

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 31

  • @RyneshadowGolden
    @RyneshadowGolden 19 дней назад +7

    Thank you very much for sharing! :)

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  19 дней назад +2

      You're welcome! It's been a great surprise running into your teams.

  • @garrettwilson766
    @garrettwilson766 19 дней назад +5

    One suggestion, instead of Fruit Fly, you could try Giant Squirell with Blueberry, so it gives blueberries to the back most enemies without risk of fainting them, allowing more room for Spiny Bush Viper to shine!

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  19 дней назад +4

      That is an absolutely fantastic idea! I got tunnel vision with the fruit fly because that's what was recommended (even though I didn't use it in the back for the most part).

  • @Luis-bi1kk
    @Luis-bi1kk 19 дней назад +4

    I think you’re my new fav SAP RUclipsr 🙏🏽

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  19 дней назад +1

      Big shoes to fill! Greatly appreciate the support.

  • @sunnoyoi
    @sunnoyoi 19 дней назад +3

    Yiipee ❤❤❤
    Snipy bush viper is a pretty cool pet, i Hope more pets like It is made

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  19 дней назад +1

      Let's freakin' gooooooo!!!!
      It's such a cool pet. As soon as I realized I could just put it in the back and have hog do the deal I knew greatness would ensue. It's crazy how much it's effectiveness changes with different positioning.

  • @mensfashionformen5395
    @mensfashionformen5395 19 дней назад +2

    The salad toss shoutout lmfao

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  18 дней назад +1

      Tossin' ain't a hobby, it's my occupation.

  • @MichaelSchwarzbacha
    @MichaelSchwarzbacha 15 дней назад +1

    Just found the channel, nice vid ✊ got yourself a sub

  • @mr.person7277
    @mr.person7277 19 дней назад +1

    Spiny bush viper with pineapple on it plus Anubis or with a Whale behind it are both insane combos, you should try them out sometime. Also, love your content and hope you reach 1k subs soon :)

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  19 дней назад

      Thanks!!! Anubis I try to avoid for whatever reason most of the time (probably because of the BrokenBench special that dominated for so long). I also got my anubis achievement recently and have that video lined up. Whale is super intriguing though... I will fersure put that in the pack next time I run it.

    • @mr.person7277
      @mr.person7277 18 дней назад

      @@Metabrusk thanks for taking my suggestion :) the whale swallows the viper and the triggers go off instantly

    • @Sashimipommes
      @Sashimipommes 16 дней назад +1

      Oh also Egyptian vulture and tiger behind spiny bush viper
      Edit:forgot about albatross and monkey for extra power

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  16 дней назад +1

      That would go so hard if you can get it cookin' right. Probably the best way to maximize SBV snipes!

    • @Sashimipommes
      @Sashimipommes 16 дней назад +1

      @@Metabrusk yeah I’m the number 1 Egyptian vulture fan and I love machine gun snipes so it’s perfect

  • @marcelomelo9977
    @marcelomelo9977 19 дней назад +2

    When they release a lamprey + spiny bush viper pack things will get NASTY

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  19 дней назад +1

      That would go WILD in a weekly pack!!! You should design one and submit it to the discord to try to get it in (although it looks like there is no submission currently up).

  • @jtanimations2194
    @jtanimations2194 19 дней назад +1

    Putting blueberry on the back bush viper probably also a good sniper counter

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  19 дней назад

      Most definitely! If you don't run something like hog to make it faint then blueberry or (as someone else mentioned) go the anubis pinapple route for big snipes and multiple triggers.

    • @jtanimations2194
      @jtanimations2194 19 дней назад +1

      @@Metabrusk oh yeah forgot about anubis. That combo is really strong. From the top of my head this combi is only really weak to push teams but not snipers

  • @Icrriplikegolfdragon
    @Icrriplikegolfdragon 19 дней назад +2

    I suggest this team:back Kitsune with potato ahead a sea serpent with fairy dust ahead another ss ahead hippocampus ahead hamster with mush. This team is sentered about Splitting mana between 2 Ss and please do this with this pack I need it to be reworked because it was built before the update {"Title":"SSK&H","Minion":372,"Minions":[39,536,248,636,190,222,269,78,150,46,27,34,142,146,7,20,195,56,117,393,218,565,165,133,539,97,121,91,162,109,37,54,634,385,152,87,258,132,74,26,88,559,18,172,113,149,233,36,80,379,372,144,110,350,354,238,111,653,28,786],"Spells":[166,21,51,23,82,187,58,147,97,38,92,81,64,40,24,144,60,66]}

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  19 дней назад +4

      So the SS with fairy dust gets 1 Kitsune trigger + mana from Fairy dust and the other SS get's 2 Kitsune triggers. As always with these very specific 5 team synergies this one seems like it would be very hard to get over the line, even though you're using double SS. I'll keep it in mind but considering there's no new pets involved it will probably take me a bit to get to.
      I'm having way too much fun with new pets right now to try to grind something like this haha. Hope you understand!
      Edit: It does fit very well with my "minimal scaling Sea Serpent" addiction so I will eventually get to it.