Empty Cruise Ship Tour | COVID-19 Shutdown | Royal Caribbean Crew Vlog

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 911

  • @RetiredRosie
    @RetiredRosie 4 года назад +628

    Yes please. I would love to see a crew area tour.

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +25

      Copy that Rosanne! I'll keep it on my radar!

    • @lisacarrisoza4122
      @lisacarrisoza4122 4 года назад +2

      Your videos are so real. Please video the crew area

    • @NWSanta
      @NWSanta 4 года назад +1

      Yes I'd love to see that too!!!

    • @brittbyler1092
      @brittbyler1092 4 года назад

      @@RileyTench put at the top asap

    • @motobaamalia6023
      @motobaamalia6023 4 года назад

      @@NWSanta Same^_^

  • @timyang3308
    @timyang3308 4 года назад +251

    This is the kind of cruise experience I've always wanted. To be the only customer.

    • @blathnaidsheppard8819
      @blathnaidsheppard8819 4 года назад +2

      TIM YANG yeh that would be nice 😃

    • @OversteerAllDay
      @OversteerAllDay 4 года назад +2

      Yee he’s lucky

    • @dawntucker9093
      @dawntucker9093 4 года назад +2

      Be nice to have the ship all to your self.but without the passengers its not the same.You dont have the interaction with them.I wouldnt mind having the buffet to myself though.

    • @B-ch6uk
      @B-ch6uk 4 года назад +2

      Only if there is someone serving me food and drinks

    • @Alexisurdaddy
      @Alexisurdaddy 4 года назад +3

      If only everything was open and not locked lol

  • @kesslyntench8526
    @kesslyntench8526 4 года назад +257

    Riley, I have been reading the comments your viewers are leaving and your responses. You have such a kind heart. I am impressed that you take such care to reply to comments. It helps to spread your positivity in a sincere way. I’m enjoying watching your channel grow. Your content is helping people cope with this time and have some hope for the future. I appreciate your more regular schedule of production. It’s great to look forward to new videos. I miss you. Love, Mom.

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +37

      Love you too mom, thanks for the love and encouragement :)

    • @francoisedunne9759
      @francoisedunne9759 4 года назад +10

      Your mom raised you well...riley...

    • @gleenlivin4792
      @gleenlivin4792 4 года назад +2


    • @TheOddJobDoer
      @TheOddJobDoer 4 года назад

      Such a nice mom, my mom does not watch any of my videos.....

  • @NNHK8888
    @NNHK8888 4 года назад +73

    I was on this cruise late January, can’t believe things have changed so much. Seeing all these places I’ve been shut down is unreal. Stay safe !

    • @alijahbrown9711
      @alijahbrown9711 4 года назад

      Nathan Ng why do people put spaces between the !

    • @alijahbrown9711
      @alijahbrown9711 4 года назад

      Stay safe! Not stay safe !

    • @NNHK8888
      @NNHK8888 4 года назад +2

      Alijah Brown during the corona virus pandemic, does punctuations matter at this point? Is it more important than the lives out there at risk?

  • @8bitvacations
    @8bitvacations 4 года назад +111

    This encompasses everything I like about RUclips. I would never know about what it’s like living on a cruise ship, much less during this situation. Thank you for doing this for us!

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +4

      Of course! It's my pleasure! Thanks for watching!

    • @MousyLeigh
      @MousyLeigh 4 года назад +1

      Same here! Love RUclips!

    • @blathnaidsheppard8819
      @blathnaidsheppard8819 4 года назад

      Yes that’s literally why I love RUclips you to see and learn so much! RCC ships look so nice on the inside! :)

  • @matheusbiasettocarraro6710
    @matheusbiasettocarraro6710 4 года назад +2

    I hope you get back to work fast ! Your job is essencial for the shows at the cruise.

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +1

      Me too Matheus. Just watching and waiting right now, but I can’t wait to get back out there.

  • @Thomashorsman
    @Thomashorsman 4 года назад +314

    If no one on the ship has coronavirus then why do you need to social distance

    • @Torexeon
      @Torexeon 4 года назад +47

      You can carry it but not contract it, therefore you can pass it on to someone who will be affected by it.

    • @CrossingTalkAdmin
      @CrossingTalkAdmin 4 года назад +82

      @@Torexeon They had been quarantined for 2 weeks. After that point it's pretty certain that none of them have it. Just seems like a paranoid policy.

    • @loelaz
      @loelaz 4 года назад +6


    • @cjkturtle9762
      @cjkturtle9762 4 года назад +24

      Read some news. Learn how it spreads. People don’t always show symptoms and 14 days isn’t always enough for them to show.

    • @LovingAtlanta
      @LovingAtlanta 4 года назад +1

      Mat Grd - 👍Oh okay, thanks for clarifying. 💝

  • @Kumi12341
    @Kumi12341 4 года назад +1

    Well one good thing came out of this. Thanks for showing me a cool ship to possibly go on when this whole situation is over. I usually stay with Carnival but now I kinda want to see this ship.

  • @appcity4761
    @appcity4761 4 года назад +123

    I am going to cruise more than I ever did when this pandemic gets better. We will be back!!!!! 28 cruises and counting

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +5

      We look forward to having you back! Life is too short!

    • @snakeriverfisher
      @snakeriverfisher 4 года назад +1

      mee too im ready, 175 cruise days,

    • @Thewu168
      @Thewu168 4 года назад +2

      Please do! I need these stocks purchases to count for something

    • @BibTheBoulderTheOriginalOne
      @BibTheBoulderTheOriginalOne 4 года назад +2

      "We will be back". I highly doubt it. Cruising is finished, with the possible exception of for the uber rich......

    • @jaym2015
      @jaym2015 4 года назад +2

      Can't wait to cruise again..

  • @joeyraharaha1793
    @joeyraharaha1793 4 года назад +1

    I've been on 13 of royal Caribbean ships and only royal Caribbean.. my first was the navigator back in 2007 when it was the biggest ship in the world.. been on it twice since.. indepence 3 times.. oasis allure etc and I couldn't imagine walking through a dead ship lol

  • @bigstackD
    @bigstackD 4 года назад +7

    Yes I would love to see you behind the scenes crew area, I went on ovation of the sea a few months back and that’s something we were not able to check out. But please can you hold the camera a bit more steady and give a bit longer to see the areas , I know you’re trying to keep it all flowing and moving but it was hard to watch some of the areas because the camera was moving around other than that I loved this great upload👊🏻😁.

  • @NeilHyndman
    @NeilHyndman 3 года назад +1

    OMG - so many questions! Great video - enjoyed this!

    @FTBLETSAS 4 года назад +13

    Love it! thats a great video. I wish RC makes you an official cruise ship vlogger

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +3

      That would be awesome but I think I would miss my tech job!

      @FTBLETSAS 4 года назад

      @@RileyTench that's true. Are you an onboard photographer/videographer? We where on Symphony of the Seas last December. When all this passes we will come to cruise with your ship and meet you. Take care!

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +1

      Video and photography is actually just a hobby of mine. My job on the ship was the Lighting Technician for Two70. I have also worked lighting for the Royal Theater on Quantum during my previous contract.

  • @MrShmeeman
    @MrShmeeman 4 года назад +1

    Great video Riley!
    Used to be a stage tech myself on the Brilliance back in 2010 and obviously knowing how hectic your normal day to day would be i could only imagine how sureal this empty ghost ship must feel...
    Wow you must have been missing dry land 😳

  • @isabelalt6220
    @isabelalt6220 4 года назад +32

    I would love to see a crew area tour. I literally love cruise ships. And me and my family only trust Royal Caribbean.

    • @overlandtoshore
      @overlandtoshore 4 года назад +3

      Try carnival if you get a chance. There pretty cheap

    • @adamjkp
      @adamjkp 4 года назад

      Isabel Alt same

  • @nomadman1196
    @nomadman1196 4 года назад +1

    Yes, come take a Cruise with us where for the entire time onboard you get to stay in your cabin as we leave a sack lunch by your door. 👍

  • @anthonysciabarrasi2611
    @anthonysciabarrasi2611 4 года назад +283

    what’s the point in wearing a mask if ur stuck there

    • @jimmahanes
      @jimmahanes 4 года назад +18

      They're required to wear them any time they're in commons areas.

    • @CrossingTalkAdmin
      @CrossingTalkAdmin 4 года назад +6

      @@jimmahanes Yeah, but he's asking WHY they have to.

    • @OneisCracked
      @OneisCracked 4 года назад +16

      Because the coronavirus is deadly and although there aren’t many people on the ship they don’t want anyone to get it and die

    • @CrossingTalkAdmin
      @CrossingTalkAdmin 4 года назад +5

      @@OneisCracked That's certainly a fearful take.

    • @lasrider11
      @lasrider11 4 года назад +69

      I think the question is more clearly asked, if no one can come on or off the ship, and they already quarantined, why do they still have to wear masks? You don’t wear a mask at home, this is their home.

  • @kcc7237
    @kcc7237 4 года назад +1

    Yes, a tour of the crew areas will be great for your viewers as guests normally do not get to see these parts of the ship. It will be very insightful to see how everything works behind the scenes!!

  • @Lord-Brett-Sinclair
    @Lord-Brett-Sinclair 4 года назад +55

    Sad to see, cruise ships are a great way to holiday. Hope it's gets back going soon. Great blog

  • @maddiemarie5329
    @maddiemarie5329 4 года назад

    is made me tear up! Royal Caribbean & cruising is like a second home for me. I honestly miss being in crowed venues & activities. Hoping for all the joy & memories to return in the future.

  • @flawoodsy
    @flawoodsy 4 года назад +5

    I have lost count of ship tours I have watched on RUclips. Never seen one like this though. Royal Caribbean has been great to us and I can’t wait to go on our next cruise!

  • @dreadpirate2109
    @dreadpirate2109 4 года назад

    I’m sure it’s completely different to be stuck on board without options but I love walking around a ship when there aren’t as many people . I’m an early riser and while my wife sleeps in I slip out and wander around before everyone wakes up. It’s also a nice time to see and appreciate all the work that the crew does to make our days fun. I was surprised to see how many lights were still on.

  • @nnng805
    @nnng805 4 года назад +18

    Me and my family and friends was on Anthem December into January Near year, watching this video just makes me miss cruising so much. I am so glad Royal treats the staff well during this pandemic. This will be one of the reasons I will always be a loyal Crown & Anchor member, can't wait till it's safe to book another cruise again.

    • @ladyphoenix9752
      @ladyphoenix9752 4 года назад

      We were also 😎🛳️ 👾 Anthem NYE 2019.🛳️😎💃 Total EPIC 🎉💯

  • @joes9954
    @joes9954 4 года назад

    I worked on cruise ships for nearly 5 years as the tv guy. It was the best job I had. Keep up the good work. What a unique time to be onboard.

  • @pbwong
    @pbwong 4 года назад +44

    Love the quarantine videos! Here’s a suggestion, people love cruise food videos... do a video on what they’re feeding you

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +4

      I'll keep that in mind!

  • @LifeOfLoveNHappiness
    @LifeOfLoveNHappiness 4 года назад

    So grateful for your video. Look forward to cruising again. Watching your video helps me see how much I miss it. Haven’t been for many years. When cruises start again and things are set up when we can dance together I’ll book. So fun! Not sure why I haven’t been for so long. Thanks again.

  • @NateOBrien
    @NateOBrien 4 года назад +3

    This is fascinating. Please continue to share videos!

  • @colene4028
    @colene4028 4 года назад

    My Dad used to work on that ship for 20 years and he was now assigned to other ship, he told us how massive that ship was and the crews were so nice, Stay safe!

  • @sniffer321
    @sniffer321 4 года назад +16

    Great vids. A crew area tour would be good to watch. I would love to be stuck at sea as long as you can have a few beers now and again. Stay safe

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +7

      Glad you're enjoying the videos John! A crew area tour is definitely on my radar now, stay tuned!

  • @AKim-uu4hg
    @AKim-uu4hg 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for the crew’s perspective of life on a cruise ship during this pandemic. I hope everyone is as positive & upbeat as you are! I’m sure it hard and people want to see their families but, you might be safer on the ship! We have been on many cruises and we can’t wait to get back on. Yes to a tour of the crew area please! Take care and be well!!

  • @thesteamingbean.
    @thesteamingbean. 4 года назад +12

    Enjoyed stumbling across your channel. Missing cruising. I have fond memories being aboard the Anthem of the Seas. Stay cool better days ahead.

  • @eaglefootsh
    @eaglefootsh 4 года назад +2

    Yes please do a video on the crew area’s, that would be nice to see.

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +1

      Very soon Paul... I promise I’m close!

  • @amusementcruiser7332
    @amusementcruiser7332 4 года назад +3

    Man, this is so cool to see what these ships are like during this time. Thanks for sharing. It would be awesome to see a tour of the crew area.🤓👍🛳

  • @viewmaxsolutions4261
    @viewmaxsolutions4261 4 года назад +2

    Great Job Riley! You’re making me want to take the future cruises credit option Royal is offering us. We splurged and had a suite booked for Late March on an Oasis Class ship. I love those vessels especially. Congratulations I joined only a few days ago and was number 237 and your at 322 tonight and rising fast. Whooo Hooo! Go Riley, thanks for bringing all of us happy memories of our time on the ships. All the best, Chris

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад

      Hey Chris welcome back! I've never been on an Oasis class ship but I've heard incredible things from my coworkers that have worked there. Once we start operations again it would be great to get cruise lovers like you back onboard to kickstart the industry again! It's been super exciting watching my channel grow so quickly. I can't wait to keep making videos for you guys!

  • @nicolefarley5873
    @nicolefarley5873 4 года назад +4

    Would love a crew tour and how they are atleast feeding and taking care of the crew!!

  • @jennifertammela7212
    @jennifertammela7212 4 года назад

    I absolutely love cruising, but it’s because of all the amazing fun things to do. I get bored when most things close when we are in port. I usually walk around kinda like you are now and just enjoy seeing everything empty.

  • @catherineb6561
    @catherineb6561 4 года назад +9

    WOW. I would love to see a ship that is that empty. In my experience, even at 3 or 4 in the morning, there are people in the main hallways.

    • @queenwifemomdaughter2970
      @queenwifemomdaughter2970 4 года назад

      just stay on the ship when you port at a fun excursion. Everyone leaves and you have it to yourself ...almost

  • @stephaniedayton
    @stephaniedayton 4 года назад

    I’m an NCL cruiser (never been on any other ship), but your videos are making me want to book your ship. Can’t wait to start cruising again.

  • @TheRock5300
    @TheRock5300 4 года назад +4

    Thank you mate this hits real hard, I used to work on RC and it seems so sad to see what the whole vessel has become, hopefully next year I guess this comes back to life

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад

      We will see what happens! Fingers crossed!

    • @SHARON.I
      @SHARON.I 4 года назад

      I see your parents comments. These videos are great for them to see what you're doing. I just discovered your channel. I'm enjoying the videos. YES crew areas. Will comment more as I watch. Be safe young man!

  • @queenwifemomdaughter2970
    @queenwifemomdaughter2970 4 года назад

    WOW this make me sad. I hope you are ok today and that you will be off the ship soon. I know you are making the most out of this crazy situation but I pray one day you get to do your show again or find your self in an even more awesome show doing lights and everything that makes you happy! All the best to you and the rest of the crew

  • @RyanHolliday211
    @RyanHolliday211 4 года назад +21

    1:25 "this is where the spa would normally be" lol it's probably still there.

  • @RyanBreneman635
    @RyanBreneman635 4 года назад

    Would love to see a crew area tour! Did the all access behind the scenes tour on Mariner of the seas a couple years ago, as a guest you certainly get a new appreciation of everything you as crew do for the guests! Thanks and stay safe!

  • @rmf11699
    @rmf11699 4 года назад +7

    Great video Riley! Has the ship been at sea the entire 85 days or do you alternate between being docked (when not refueling/restocking) in some port? Also, which do you prefer? At sea or docked?

  • @kelvinkhoo6061
    @kelvinkhoo6061 4 года назад +1

    Chop Grill has a wonderful food where I spent my Valentines Day with my at Chop Grill to celebrate Valentines Day where our voyage starts from the 11th February 2020 to 15th February 2020 and also we have the best state room (room 10556) which a balcony state. We practically love the state room as we entered the 1st time.

  • @EdwardTravels
    @EdwardTravels 4 года назад +3

    Thanks for the tour. It’s great to see how the ships look during this crazy quarantine time. That was interesting about the deck chairs, everything closed up and how they’re social distancing Stay safe out there 🚢

  • @davidhood724
    @davidhood724 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for the tour. Hope you make one of the crew areas too. We just finished a cruise on the MSC Mereviglia on Feb 23, but we are already looking at what will be available for later this year or early next year. It is a shame the cruise industry has been taking heat for something it had nothing to do with starting. Cant wait to cruise again!!

  • @scotthardie9970
    @scotthardie9970 4 года назад +25

    I went on this ship literally weeks before everything went down, honestly I probably saw you and other crew sheik i was aboard I just don’t remember, if Fred the cleaner is still on the ship, tell that amazing lady I said hi😂

    • @brandonberdos9900
      @brandonberdos9900 4 года назад


    • @TheCellman
      @TheCellman 4 года назад

      Haha! I was on the ship in the 3rd week of Jan as well 😂, I don't really remember the name of my cleaning lady; I believe you found someone special in yours😂.

    • @scotthardie9970
      @scotthardie9970 4 года назад

      Harsh Gupta ah i was on this ship during December and we were on it during Christmas time, our first day was December 19th

  • @cliffheise2155
    @cliffheise2155 4 года назад

    Very interesting but also very eerie. Waiting for shots of passengers past to come swooping out. Yes, I'd like to see a tour of the crew areas. Where do you guys eat? I trust theirs at least one or two bars open so you can enjoy a cocktail and relax.

  • @brandokane
    @brandokane 4 года назад +8

    Are they feeding y’all/letting y’all live on the ship for free?

  • @vis3147
    @vis3147 4 года назад +2

    Yes do the video about the crews area l I ve your video

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +1

      Very soon, my friend... stay tuned!

    • @vis3147
      @vis3147 4 года назад

      My father posted this comment, sorry we share an account.

  • @s.belton8447
    @s.belton8447 4 года назад +3

    Covid or not I love cruising and can’t wait to start traveling again.

  • @jackhamilton3024
    @jackhamilton3024 4 года назад +1

    I would love to see a crew area tour. How many crew are still on board and how many are still employed/working?

  • @vanzelechave6124
    @vanzelechave6124 4 года назад +3

    When I saw your videos in the recommended, I really watched these vids and subscribed, never seen seafaring from that point of view (well my relatives are cargo ship officials). Nice videos, hope to see a new one soon.
    P.S. Actually, your quarantine situation there is much better than ours in the Philippines, especially one of the major television companies ceased operations (It sucks, especially in quarantine). You even have a larger cabin than my uncle's (he's a cargo Captain).
    Another P.S. Many Filipinos, especially seafarers and Overseas Filipino Workers are quarantined in the port of Manila (their quarantine facility is on a big ferry, has a color white, and pink livery if you are wondering where are they).
    Unfortunately, there are some COVID Positive there so beware, smooth sailing.
    Finally, my uncle relates to your situation, but 3 times harder (he's the captain anyway), it's really hard for logistics and docking, plus its really hard for him and his crew to really socialize, even in their free time, due to social distancing.
    Smooth sailing, Goodluck

  • @joannatassin3238
    @joannatassin3238 4 года назад

    As a fellow Theatre person, I have all the feels for ya. It's like the mini-depression we all get when a production ends, but you're unable to start rehearsing for the next show! I'm glad the crew are able to have some fun on board while you're waiting for COVID quarantine to end. I hope we all get back to cruising soon, so you can get back to work!

    @CHRISGIBSONLIVE 4 года назад +3

    These are great! Your channel is growing fast too!!!! You're a RUclipsr! 😎

  • @ericjohnston4792
    @ericjohnston4792 4 года назад

    So crazy what you are going through. Thank you for the journey...more ship stuff

  • @valerie8320
    @valerie8320 4 года назад +5

    Yrs, I would love a full tour of the ship!

  • @susanbritton-giza5054
    @susanbritton-giza5054 4 года назад

    Good morning! Coming from Cleveland Ohio! It is so weird to see the ship empty! My husband and I are retired AA Flight crew, Captain and flight attendant and the ship looks like the airports after 911! Your video is much appreciated to see the ships areas! I really hope things get better, so we can all cruise again! Stay well and be safe! Enjoy your journey.....this is just part of your tapestry of life! Thanks again for your tour!🙏🏼😇😘

  • @tf6534
    @tf6534 4 года назад +17

    Do you know Chris Wong? He did a great series when he was aboard the oasis of the seas. Similar to the sort of things you do.
    Really enjoy your blog. Keep it up. I'm in winnipeg Canada. Total lock down. Starting a slow re opening as cases are diminishing. Love to see the crew back areas. Love what you are doing. Passes the time as we self isolate.
    Question. Are they renewing your contract? Will you stay on board? Where do you live when not under contract.
    Can't wait to enjoy your next video and to read your answers to my question. Thanks. Tim

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +8

      Hey Tim! I'm familiar with Chris' channel but I've never met him personally. I'd love to renew my contract when we get the opportunity to start cruising again, but it depends on the company's strategy when we begin to wind things back up. Some folks have been stuck at home without pay much longer then me and I think they probably deserve to get a contract before I do if that's what it comes to, that being said I'll gladly take any contracts that the company offers at this point. I still haven't decided if I want to stay on the ship if we get the opportunity to leave, but with the state of things as they are in the rest of the world I think it might make sense to sit tight here on board for a bit while things blow over. If I did end up going home though I'd be headed back to my house in beautiful interior Alaska.
      Stay safe out there, Tim. Thanks for your great questions and subscribing. It means a lot.
      Cheers, Riley.

  • @poohbear.76
    @poohbear.76 4 года назад

    My wife and I were on that ship first inaugural Caribbean voyage. We're hoping to be back on it or the Ovation for 2021 Alaska. It's so weird to see it with nobody on it.

  • @lindabaca9057
    @lindabaca9057 4 года назад +4

    I'm glad I got to go on the Anthem in March when the shut down was announced. My May and June cruises are cancelled. Hope to cruise again soon. Thanks for the tour. Reminds me of my last cruise.

    • @2blessed2bestressed5
      @2blessed2bestressed5 4 года назад +1

      I was also on the Anthem... March 1st - 8th! We were blessed to have traveled before the lockdown. I can’t wait to be able to cruise again 😢😢😢😢

    • @qgallagher
      @qgallagher 4 года назад

      2blessed 2bestressed WHAT? I WAS ON THAT CRUISE!!

  • @MaybeNaybe
    @MaybeNaybe 4 года назад +1

    Could you please do a crew tour!?
    And I'd really love to see your sound and lighting set ups! So much money has gone into it, when I was onboard watching a show I was amazed by what I could see as an audience member, and so curious about what other goodies you have hidden.

  • @HappyThrills
    @HappyThrills 4 года назад +5

    Let’s goo my man is getting the support he deserves

  • @AKStriker98
    @AKStriker98 4 года назад +1

    Great video Riley! Congrats on all the attention your channel is getting! Keep up the videos and I’ll keep enjoying them. It’s amazing seeing the difference of this situation from my landlocked situation and yours. Good luck with your situation!

  • @connorpaff2849
    @connorpaff2849 4 года назад +5

    Being a lighting designer is so much fun I would love to get a job like that

    • @star07734
      @star07734 4 года назад

      It’s amazing how this ship looks exactly like Anthem

  • @thecruisestudio77845
    @thecruisestudio77845 4 года назад +2

    I don't know but I think the Cruise Ships are the safest place to be right now. It's cleaner and safer there than the local grocery store or walmart. Thanks for the video tour - great job.

  • @BC-qn6sf
    @BC-qn6sf 4 года назад +61

    What’s the point of distancing if all you guys are split from the rest of the world???

    • @MousyLeigh
      @MousyLeigh 4 года назад +3

      If one person is positive it could spread to everyone on the ship. They must have had a positive?

    • @barbarahernandez4713
      @barbarahernandez4713 4 года назад +9

      They got off a 14 day quarantine. No reason for masks or social distancing. Just governments way to control us sheeple.

    • @manusjiedowen-ck12a18
      @manusjiedowen-ck12a18 4 года назад +1

      The jail in my city got 1 positive case a few weeks ago, now everyone inside there got infected including some jail guards

    • @TheRealJamesJ
      @TheRealJamesJ 4 года назад +6

      @@barbarahernandez4713 May be out of the 14 day quarantine. But it can live on surfaces for quite some time. And with supplies coming onto the ship there is still a chance they could catch it.

    • @snakeriverfisher
      @snakeriverfisher 4 года назад

      @Tamara Fletcher I agree to a certian extent, but i havent lost anyone close to me because of CCP flu, but many have

  • @crazyUKYstudent
    @crazyUKYstudent 4 года назад

    I just found your channel today. I have been making my way through all the videos and I have to say I love love love RCL. I really want to go back on a cruise soon but not sure how it will be different. While watching this one though, I remembered how in January, my husband and I were planning a cruise with my best friend and her girls. Anytime we would book, something would come up. It's amazing to think how we could have been on a ship during shutdown. Looking forward to more videos.

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад

      Thanks... stay well and safe. We will be back out on the sea someday.

  • @bmar400
    @bmar400 4 года назад +4

    Me: huh wonder what's up with the noodle shop-
    Noodle shop: N O O D L E S C A R E C R O W

  • @AugustoLugo1983
    @AugustoLugo1983 4 года назад +1

    Can't wait ti see how the crew members manage to live on the ships, because for us passengers the cabins are too small :) Thanks for all your posting and sharing your Experiences Riley, good luck.

  • @ForeverKidrauhll1
    @ForeverKidrauhll1 4 года назад +11

    That’s how the ships look when i’m working on them 😂

  • @pintosanchez
    @pintosanchez 4 года назад

    I know this is not why you posted, but I honestly cannot wait to get back on a cruise ship. And this tour makes me want to try a RC quantum class ship!! Thanks for the content.

  • @anthonytang4327
    @anthonytang4327 4 года назад +3

    2:51 "A little scarecrow to scare us away"

  • @lklpalka
    @lklpalka 4 года назад +1

    Great job once again. Music choices a perfect fit, crisp editing, interesting camera angles and creative takes but I've said this before :) Keep it up. Crew areas would be great too. Love your sane approach and mensch attitude that we're all in this together.

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад

      Thanks again Ed! Crew areas are definitely coming soon after our upcoming visit to Jakarta!

  • @luxuryvacationexperts
    @luxuryvacationexperts 4 года назад +6

    Do you have Covid on the ship? I would think by now it would be cleared.

  • @LezleeR1
    @LezleeR1 4 года назад +1

    Love your tour. I was on Ovation from Vancouver to Hawaii last October. Supposed to be on Harmony right now, but this is helping me cope until I go on her in October. Would love for you to do a tour of crew quarters. Thank you!

  • @krishachangani
    @krishachangani 4 года назад +6


  • @Seth_Arvila
    @Seth_Arvila 4 года назад +2

    I work a somewhat similar job with lighting on land, I totally agree with you, it has nothing to do with the pay, and everything to do with missing the people and energy. Hopefully this will all be over soon.

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +1

      Great to hear from someone that understands that feeling! I can't wait till I can get back in that chair and start working again.

  • @micahmackenzie
    @micahmackenzie 4 года назад +21

    10:13 (Donald Trump) "Closed."

    • @mikethewoodworker6194
      @mikethewoodworker6194 4 года назад +2

      he should work on a ship as a Gameshow host LOL thats about all he should do!

  • @campbellj1979
    @campbellj1979 4 года назад

    I looove crusing... I'm super jealous of you being able to live at sea, but not so much at the same time. Take care, be safe, thanks for the tour!!!

  • @bodemeleski735
    @bodemeleski735 4 года назад +2

    I love this video!

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +1

      Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it!

  • @jamestench
    @jamestench 4 года назад +1

    Love the new Vlog RIley! So good to see you out and about, and the ship seems so surreal right now... Especially since we've been on Quantum (and Anthem) multiple times, and know the ship so well. Keep 'em coming... Would love to "meet" more of the crew is some future videos.

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад

      Thanks! Glad you're enjoying watching the videos as much as I enjoy making them!

  • @aaronreichlin1783
    @aaronreichlin1783 4 года назад

    Nice lighting rig you’ve got there! I’m a freelance LD also out of work due to the pandemic. At least you’ve got some gorgeous views and theoretically can still play with your lights! Would love to see that room up and running, especially when it’s empty like that.

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +1

      Trust me I would love to be able to take advantage of this time to work on my desk, but alas I'm not allowed to go near it for liability reasons right now. Once I start getting paid again I'll take you guys through all my equipment and such :)

  • @tmelendezmia
    @tmelendezmia 4 года назад +2

    Yes! Crew areas tour! Especially those doors you guys disappear thru. One time I left an activity on one side of the ship, left the Cruise Director there talking to people and by the time I made it to the other side, the Cruise Director was already there with new clothes!😳🤔 Also, where do those crew party occur!! 😁 Finally, do crew people take 'friends' down there, or is it better just sneaking up to the regular cabins?

  • @XskelegroX
    @XskelegroX 4 года назад +1

    To step away from the virus... I’ve always wanted to go to Wonderland, booked a cruise specifically on Oasis bc the website said it originally had it, turns out it doesn’t. However I love the ship and have been loyal to it ever since, can’t wait until all of this is over to sail with her in her revitalized state.

  • @barrydawson2838
    @barrydawson2838 4 года назад +1

    Nice video again Riley. Nice to see the ship and sad at the same time that it’s empty of guests. You’re in a great part of the world there in Indonesia, I think in or near to Bali. Stay safe and healthy.

  • @mairimstorm1
    @mairimstorm1 4 года назад +1

    thanks for showing the interesting info. I love RC and miss cruising so much. I will keep watching your shows. How did you get your job?

  • @lindaallder3662
    @lindaallder3662 4 года назад

    Yes more tours behind what we see as guests..

  • @JWH-01
    @JWH-01 4 года назад

    We have been on many cruises and enjoyed them all. Hopefully we can go again one day.

  • @sheynijavinez9257
    @sheynijavinez9257 4 года назад

    Who would have thought that mighty ship will be that empty. Far too empty than the last I remember it to be last January. Great pizza in the 16th...I hope this craziness ends soon. and I wish you all the best.

  • @tf6534
    @tf6534 4 года назад +1

    Hey Riley. Thanks so much for your response. So neat to correspond with someone on the other side of the world.
    Questions. If you return to Alaska? What would your regular job be? And how would it differ from what you do on the cruise ship?
    Are you only on the ship as a means to get home or does this. Ship generally cruise in the Asian market. My wife and I have cruised 13 times. 12 with carnival and our original cruise was with holland American. One of our favourites was our trip northbound Alaskan cruise. Rates right up there with our North Atlantic cruise and Panama Canal trip from New York to Los Angeles. Never cruised with royal Caribbean but sure would be wonderful. Keep on doing what you do. We enjoy! Tim

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад

      Hey Tim! Great to hear from you again! I've got enough savings to hang out in Alaska long enough for me to get another cruise ship contract. I've also considered the option of maybe going back to school to finish an Entertainment Technology degree. I've also got some contacts back home where I could get event production gigs if I really needed to start making ends meet.
      This ship is normally one of Royal Caribbean's three main ships in the Asian market, I've been working over here in China, Japan and SE Asia since February of last year. It's great to hear from someone that truly enjoys seeing the world and cruising as much as you do. Stay safe out there and I'll see you in future videos.
      - Riley

  • @Capsfan-vp1jf
    @Capsfan-vp1jf 4 года назад +1

    Can’t wait for cruising to come back

  • @lowblowpc
    @lowblowpc 4 года назад +1

    I took this Ship (or one like it )to Alaska last year. Enjoyed it all.

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад

      Very cool. Alaska is where I call home when I’m not working on ships!

    • @lowblowpc
      @lowblowpc 4 года назад

      @@RileyTench Oh Wow. Alaska Is just beautiful. I did a whole Vlog about it. Best Trip I have been on. RC is great. I hope they don't go away.

  • @Aangrox007
    @Aangrox007 4 года назад

    I'm new! Watching your older vids. I've only ever done Carnival cruises, but dang I wanna try out a cruise with Royal Caribbean/Quantum after this. So much to do! (maybe not right now but later lol)

  • @Fluffyrabbitsfoot
    @Fluffyrabbitsfoot 4 года назад +1

    I have a cruise in dec...cant wait

  • @miszced
    @miszced 4 года назад +1

    Subscribed. Do a vid of the crew area including engine area, & medical. Summary of what real changes will be happening on future cruises. i.e. expanded self contain medical facility on sea versus rushing to Port

  • @ygbbg179
    @ygbbg179 4 года назад

    Yes please. Crew areas would be wonderful

  • @mitchellbarnow1709
    @mitchellbarnow1709 4 года назад

    I really enjoyed the tour of the empty guest areas, but I am really looking to the behind the scenes tour! Thank you so much, Riley

  • @bdhall77
    @bdhall77 4 года назад

    We disembarked at Singapore in February this year and I think that was the last time you had clients onboard!

  • @dominicm2175
    @dominicm2175 4 года назад +1

    Yeas .....tour of any areas that guests normally don’t get to see.....I’ve cruised on RC 10 times and have always been curious to see other parts of the ship.

    • @RileyTench
      @RileyTench  4 года назад +1

      Messaged received Dominic! I'll keep it on my radar!