Is Any Part of Life Morally Neutral?

  • Опубликовано: 24 окт 2024

Комментарии • 66

  • @jmb4298
    @jmb4298 2 года назад +30

    Going off that, I guess you could say even seemingly good actions- giving to the poor, caring for a friend, etc., when not done in faith, are still Sin. These acts, I imagine could be more dangerous than overt sinning because we are more likely to deceive ourselves into thinking we're doing good. This is an idea that CS lewis describes in The Great Divorce with the phrase: bronze is more easily mistaken for gold than clay. (Paraphrasing)

    • @xavierthomas5835
      @xavierthomas5835 2 года назад +3

      Perfect comprehension of that verse. May the Lord continually lead you.

    • @cathy7382
      @cathy7382 2 года назад +3

      I disagree, acts of kindness, giving to the
      poor etc, even if not always done with the awareness of the Lord isn't sin, I
      believe that every Christian everyday
      does deeds for the Lord, and sinful
      deeds, but we can do all things for
      the glory of God. And don't forget that
      all things, good and bad work together
      for good, some would say even our
      sins included

    • @jmb4298
      @jmb4298 2 года назад +3

      @@cathy7382 I think I might have not been clear enough in what I meant. I'm talking about the whether an action is a Sin, not whether God is doing good through it or whether the action has a net benefit. The act of crucifying Jesus was a terrible sin that brought about the greatest good for everyone, but it doesn't take away from the fact that it was a sin.
      What I was trying to describe is a situation where we do what outwardly looks like a good deed, but we don't do it with faith. Actually, writing this is making me think of the chapter in 1 Corinthians 13- If you do great things without love, it's pointless.

    • @cathy7382
      @cathy7382 2 года назад +1

      @@jmb4298 You know what? There is a scripture in one of the
      letters of Paul where he wrote that
      he didn't judge his works. I think we
      shouldn't judge before the time until
      we see Jesus who knows which works
      are valuable and will receive a reward
      and which are wood, hay, or stubble.
      It's tempting even for me, but God
      sees the heart and motivation for what
      we do for Him. As someone who has
      been a Christian for many yrs. I can't
      know for sure what will count, and
      what won't, but I'm OK with that

    • @icecoolguita
      @icecoolguita 2 года назад +2

      I'm having trouble understanding the definition of an action done in faith. Does that mean you know for sure a particular action is approved by God? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

  • @servantofMostHighELELON
    @servantofMostHighELELON 2 года назад +7

    Don't overthink the goodness of God. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

    • @ChristianJune32002
      @ChristianJune32002 2 года назад +1

      Do people have to be baptized with water to be saved?

  • @jordanking5679
    @jordanking5679 2 года назад +5

    We are a stuck culture within endless arguments because we have the curse of Babel. People want to be their own god, thus comes the curse of confusion as a result of trying to redefine reality to fit our rights, our expectations, and our desires.

    • @ChristianJune32002
      @ChristianJune32002 2 года назад +1

      Do people have to be baptized with water to be saved?

    • @jordanking5679
      @jordanking5679 2 года назад

      @@ChristianJune32002 the baptism that saves is that of the Holy Spirit. It comes when our faith is placed in believing in Christ and what He has done on the cross for us and that He has risen! This is all a work of God and we take 0 credit for the raising of the dead, and being born again. Water is but a ceremony and a proclamation of what we believe has already been done within us.

  • @robertdoyle6287
    @robertdoyle6287 2 года назад +8

    One cannot walk through life “considering” EVERY act whether it is sin or not. One could never get out of bed in the morning.
    But if the act in total does not glorify God then look for sin as the motivation.
    Example: I get get up, get dressed and put on my shoes and walk down the street to rob the store then the act of putting on your shoes is negated by the act of robbing the store. It would not matter if you walked down the street barefoot but the act of stealing is still the sin.

    • @ChristianJune32002
      @ChristianJune32002 2 года назад +2

      Do people have to be baptized with water to be saved?

    • @robertdoyle6287
      @robertdoyle6287 Год назад

      @@ChristianJune32002 I believe yes but are we not baptized at birth with the breaking of the water?
      Baptism is a washing away of the old sinful self and a renewing of the new Baptized self.
      I was baptized as a baby so I did not have the chance to make a choice to rid myself of the sinful man and start with a renewed self. But I was washed in the baptismal water.
      If I was just learning about God and accepting his gift of grace today I would seek out the chance to be baptized through submersion.
      I have accepted Gods grace and his gift of Jesus as my Lord and Savior. If this is you then I have listened to teachings of pastors who I respect and believe that teach a True Gospel. They say it is not necessary to get baptized again. I believe that when God looks into my circumcised heart that he will know my heart and he will know my name and my name is written in the Book of Life.

  • @maximuspayne7354
    @maximuspayne7354 2 года назад +2

    This is indeed a troubling question. Before we became Christians, how were we living in this secular world and society? We lived according to how we saw fit for ourselves and those around us that enjoyed the exact same thing. Exchanging praises for each others successes and achievements or for the secular provided wealth of materialism. This way of living had nothing to do with faith in God nor was it done to please God or even to glorify Him. It is all dead works that the good deeds we thought at that time were good to us so we glorified ourselves because we were living without God and His Word. That those things we did only gave us a sense of self worth to our selves. None of it done by faith but by our own need to feel as if we were something better and good. A non Christian can do all the most charitable and loving things for others, but if his or her heart and soul are not secure in faithfulness to Christ and God and they are not born again Christians then what they do is pointless. If a person one day desires to become a follower of Christ and takes the steps required and becomes a new creation then that person has a faith that is of a supernatural nature and from that point on what ever they do in life, they do for the glory of God when they want to do good for others. So there is a big difference living as a non believer and a Christian. So when you join the ranks of Christianity and become a follower, your mind and reasoning will always be centered on doing good deeds and behaving properly no matter what you may be doing as you live out your new life on earth. If you do this then you will know what is good, bad or neutral. But in our own human fleshly weaknesses, we may find ourselves unsure and cause us to doubt which could in turn lead us in the wrong direction. So in closing, maybe using one question to yourselves can show you the right choice. "What would Jesus do or say"

    • @ChristianJune32002
      @ChristianJune32002 2 года назад +1

      Do people have to be baptized with water to be saved?

    • @maximuspayne7354
      @maximuspayne7354 2 года назад +1

      @@ChristianJune32002 When I first started to want to be a Christian, still a work in progress btw. I used to always hear it said that you didn't have to be baptized as it was only a symbolic gesture on the new Christian turning to Christ but as time went on and I read more and studied other bible backed resources. It turned out that being baptized is actually required because in scripture, Jesus himself declares that one must be born again through Baptism in order to receive the Holy Spirit and when its done, it symbolizes that your putting to death the old self as you are buried not in dirt but in water and as you come up then you are a new creation and from that point on your faith and desire to follow Christ becomes the most important thing for the rest of your life. Remember, don't take any mans word for the truth even if you think he is such an intelligent and pious teacher. You must verify what he is teaching you so you know your getting the right interpretation. God gave the capacity to do this and He expects us to use it. You have a mind, use it...

  • @kaiwilliams141
    @kaiwilliams141 2 года назад +3

    i would probably say that even within these definitions, autonomous bodily processes are morally neutral (e.g., blinking, digestion, internal homeostasis)

    • @ChristianJune32002
      @ChristianJune32002 2 года назад +1

      Do people have to be baptized with water to be saved?

    • @chrisbarbz9238
      @chrisbarbz9238 Год назад

      If someone is not redeemed, their whole existence is sin therefore all the things you mentioned are sins in such a person.
      I attribute this from the bible's language describing a person with animosity against another, usually God, as offensive to the senses e.g. stench to the nose, noise to the ear, bitter to the taste, and so on. A person's entire existence becomes offensive to the plaintiff.
      So in other words, if I had enmity against someone, unless they were reconciled with me, then I don't care what they do, they're my enemy full stop. (Apply that with God.)
      Just a speculation.

  • @TheCreepypro
    @TheCreepypro Год назад

    help us Lord to do everything for your glory

  • @icecoolguita
    @icecoolguita 2 года назад +5

    I'm honestly confused on what it means to do an action by faith?
    and I'm wondering if/how it's possible to do something like a sport, or a video game or watch a movie for the glory of God?
    I thought hobbies were okay (unless they are against God, if one has lack of self-control, pulling one in the direction of a sin or if we are entertained by the sin) but I'm having trouble putting these two thoughts together, if anyone could explain it to me I would really appreciate it, thanks.

    • @unknownarthist1024
      @unknownarthist1024 2 года назад +5

      Hello brother, i will try to answer the best i can. Hope it helps.
      All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up. 1 Corinthians 10:23
      It's not denying, but it's warning, live free and be cautious. You can just enjoy the sport and the movie as it is, and enjoy that time and give thanks to Lord. I think the idea i am trying to transmit, is that anything you do with God in your heart is for the glory of God. In your heart, peace of mind, gratefulness, all these things you feel because Lord created the world, the time for you to enjoy it.
      "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?" Roman 6
      Hope this helps, i am not saying this is the answer, but i think this path of thought will at least get you a few more dots to connect.

    • @icecoolguita
      @icecoolguita 2 года назад +2

      @@unknownarthist1024 Thank you for your post, it gave me clarity on what I was struggling on.
      The Lord bless you.

    • @ChristianJune32002
      @ChristianJune32002 2 года назад +1

      Do people have to be baptized with water to be saved?

    • @zoelife9421
      @zoelife9421 2 года назад +2

      I believe that when you are living by faith, and walking with Jesus,
      that is not having just received Jesus as your Saviour but actually walking with him and hearing from the word of God, it becomes clearer and clearer what walking by faith is and what is good.
      What we should then ask for is wisdom and discernment so that we can walk confidently with the Lord and walk in the Lord as even this is received by faith.
      We know that the beginning of all wisdom is the fear of God. So in this case you need wisdom, and it will begin with a deep reverence (fear) of the Lord because without it, wisdom cannot happen. I believe my fear of the God began in God's sovreign plan for me when he found me and I got born again because I never contributed to being born again if I'm honest. I had been so rebellious and couldn't even bring myself to believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was all him and I responded and repented when the Holy Spirit finally opened my ears and eyes.
      Now, if one is born again, I believe the fear of the Lord has begun in us and will lead us to have the opportunity to respond to what Jesus is always offering us: an opportunity to know him and have a deeper relationship with him as he helps us because it's an actual real life relationship.
      In my case, when I got born again I knew that I now began fearing the Lord, but I wanted more of it because of how gracious and true God is, and I had been so rebellious before. This lead to him showing me that the beginning of all wisdom begins with the fear of the LORD and I could ask for wisdom now. Jesus showed me I could ask God for wisdom and he would give it to me without finding fault so I did. I asked in faith believing that he would give me wisdom and discernment, because I knew how unequipped I was in my own wisdom and boy did God come through in his faithfulness.
      He started to teach me things in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour that I never knew. He taught me how to manage my life with more wisdom and discernment, and I'm still learning everyday. He showed me that he had a plan for me before I was even born and that it was being executing in my life. He knew best and even knew things I would enjoy and like that would bring glory to Him because he created me.
      Now, one of those things pertains to what you have just asked and I will try to keep it short.
      The truth is that the sanctification process makes us aware of selfish ambition and evil in our hearts that we need to be cleansed from and we can do so through confession of our sins because God gives us a new heart when we get born again. This will make it possible to see how you are or aren't doing things for Gods glory.
      Hypothetically, if I was playing a sport motivated by unrighteousness then that's a problem. Some examples of bad motivations for sport are vanity, addiction, escapism, unhealthy competition, being motivated by money, greed, sensuality, idolatory etc.
      The question is can we allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to us why we are really choosing to play the sport? What need is it really fulfilling in our hearts and life? Is the motivation to play this sport a will and desire that He gave us, or is it from darkness? Are we willing to admit, that we may have chosen a sport out of our own darkness for things such as the self-esteem we get from sport instead of our identity in Christ? Do we have an addiction to it? Have we made it the God of our health? Does it make us happier than the Lord does? Are we doing it because we actually worship the temporary things such as money, looks, or community gatherings/socializing at any cost? Do we have anxiety and stress that we are looking to fix through sport and not Christ? Are we self indulgent when we play this sport? Does it dominate our life to the extent of sidelining the leading of the Holy Spirit? Is it our priority? Are we playing sport to show boat? Are we getting self-righteousness from playing sport instead of the righteousness of Christ imputed to us? Is it making us indulge in the pride of life? Are we finding acceptance in people by the community it brings instead of finding it in Christ who could bring the right community to us?
      I believe God can bring an activity to us to enjoy that falls under the sport bracket, but not for reasons that take us out of Christ, and when we can identify that God has led us there we can enjoy the sport.
      There are activities that I have simply stopped because when I realised that I was doing them from selfish ambition, I didn't enjoy doing them anymore and rather asked God to heal me of my own unrighteousness and my childhood trauma too. That's not to say I may never do them again, or that I can't do them again, but if I do this time it will be by God's leading because as it is I don't even feel like participating in them any other way right now.
      That doesn't mean God doesn't allow you to enjoy activities but we should know the difference between his leading, and darkness in us that is masquerading as light, because even charity work can stem from an unrighteous motivation.
      Ask God for wisdom and he will help you.

    • @icecoolguita
      @icecoolguita 2 года назад +2

      @@zoelife9421 Thank you so much for your response and being in depth. Your response made it clearer to me what I should do today.
      I'm going to ask God to get the discernment of which entertainment/hobbies are from Him and what aren't. God bless you.

  • @geriealem8145
    @geriealem8145 2 года назад +2

    Was Christ life public or private or both ? If christs life was not private, why who is Christ is a debate for generations. So do we have to be private like him. , not revealing our self to them ? Was Christs life public on the social are , in that God was visible manifested in him ? We saw God in him publicly like a city in the mountain who looks it all. So is christ life private or public? And do we have to be private and public in life?

    • @ChristianJune32002
      @ChristianJune32002 2 года назад +1

      Do people have to be baptized with water to be saved?

  • @LRM5195
    @LRM5195 2 года назад +4

    What’s better, an atheist who gives out of love or a Christian who gives to make themselves feel better about being a Christian?

    • @sweekeeang2125
      @sweekeeang2125 2 года назад +5

      both are without spiritual effect, they will just get natural immediate consequences but they do not truly prosper(be deeply happier and whole) longterm. You can love truly but against the best interest of a person if you have no godly wisdom. God doesn't spiritually reward Christians who does things for their own glory. in both cases they get rewarded by the world, but there is no lasting fulfilment.

    • @LRM5195
      @LRM5195 2 года назад +2

      @@sweekeeang2125 What about a Muslim who gives out of love? Allah and Yahweh are the same God of Abraham

    • @sweekeeang2125
      @sweekeeang2125 2 года назад

      @@LRM5195 Muslim doesn't believe Jesus is God, so they are the same as non-believers, same as Mormon, Jehovah Witnesses, Judaism

    • @prosepraises8519
      @prosepraises8519 2 года назад +8

      Hi. Your question got me pondering on things a bit. Define what you mean by "better"..
      a Christian is essentially one who follows Christ. So if this so-called "Christian" just does things to make himself feel better and not because out of faith or that he wants to please God, then he is not really a Christian.
      an atheist, doesn't believe in God but does things out of "love", would seem "better" from a world view.
      But then, how would you define "love"? For it is written, he who does not know love does not know God, for God is love. So how can we say someone acts out of love if he does not know God? And how can we say someone knows God if he does not act out of love?
      Who will define love?
      In this world where everything is considered relative, where everyone has a say, where everything is just an opinion.. where do you look to for standards? Where do you look to for absolute truth? Is there even any?
      I hope and pray that as you dig deeper into these questions, you will open your eyes and your heart...that there is indeed a moral standard, that there is One who has shown us unconditional and ultimate love while we were still sinners.
      God bless you! 😊

    • @LRM5195
      @LRM5195 2 года назад

      @@prosepraises8519 Let’s say someone gets a group of people together and then slaughters a neighboring community. Is that particular someone considered a good person in God’s eyes?

  • @danny-sc8gl
    @danny-sc8gl 2 года назад +1

    Every action you make Is either sinful or not sinful at least that's what I think. You breathing and blinking I'd neutral but everything else you do is not.