best glide ( the Ghost of New York )

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 31

  • @remylebeau4130
    @remylebeau4130 4 года назад +18

    I'm just watching that on repeat😎💯

    • @josephahn1024
      @josephahn1024 2 года назад

      I'm not forcing this but I have the most true important information/fact to tell you that you need to believe in. We all are sinners and we must get punished for all of our sins by spending eternity in hell, but God sent Christ, his only Son to take the penalty for all of our sins instead by dying on the cross to save us from going to hell and so we can have eternal life with Christ and God in his kingdom. On the third day after Christ died, Christ rose back from the dead. Christ ascended to heaven and he will come back for his chosen ones and take them to heaven. God bless you and have a good day! 😁

  • @SongOfSongsOneTwelve
    @SongOfSongsOneTwelve Год назад +2

    👁👁 Whoa. 🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸

  • @TxSuperTrooper
    @TxSuperTrooper 4 года назад +7

    Smooth af

  • @mattwhatevz
    @mattwhatevz 2 года назад +4

    Where is this ghost? Better than most yet not on mainstream social media, still a ghost

    • @cooperhardy5273
      @cooperhardy5273 2 года назад +1

      He might have a pair of invisible roller skates on with that clean footwork

  • @wenn34
    @wenn34 Год назад

    Pure mastery 👽🛸

  • @galiayaron1802
    @galiayaron1802 4 года назад +1

    i cant stop watching u ghost

  • @astarte66
    @astarte66 3 года назад +3

    Proper gliding. I give props!

    • @josephahn1024
      @josephahn1024 2 года назад

      I'm not forcing this but I have the most true important information/fact to tell you that you need to believe in. We all are sinners and we must get punished for all of our sins by spending eternity in hell, but God sent Christ, his only Son to take the penalty for all of our sins instead by dying on the cross to save us from going to hell and so we can have eternal life with Christ and God in his kingdom. On the third day after Christ died, Christ rose back from the dead. Christ ascended to heaven and he will come back for his chosen ones and take them to heaven. God bless you and have a good day! 😁

  • @deandrejohnson1464
    @deandrejohnson1464 8 лет назад +19

    whats the name of the tune?

    • @jackpascale2102
      @jackpascale2102 Год назад +1

      J.Ralph one million miles away is the original, I can’t find this mix

  • @james84jackson70
    @james84jackson70 6 лет назад +15

    Way better than watching the les twins. Lbs😮

    • @Utroll
      @Utroll 4 года назад +2

      sure, that's why the planet knows LesTwins and 500 persons know him.
      He's good for sure. But you can find dope moment per hours by lesTwins

    • @MasterYoda389
      @MasterYoda389 3 года назад +3

      @@Utroll Don't give a rat's ass about lestwins' popularity.
      They are not as good as you claim, nor as they believe themselves.
      It's absolutely clear as day/night to whoever practices the moves.
      I saw their little scuffle with dragonhouse, wasn't too enchanted by their attitude nor by their "dancing".
      On the other hand dragon house did much better with just 1/4th of the time allotted to twins.
      I'm just digging for valid reasons to even show a modicum of respect to these two at this point.
      They don't impress me at all with their jerk-like movements devoid of any popping.
      Also please don't use "popularity" to justify how "pleasant" something is to watch. That's extremely sheepish of you.
      Ghost's footwork is clearly better and more pleasant to look at because dance is first and foremost about grace.
      You can be super crazy-hyper and pull 4 backflips in one jump but the person next to you that does the same thing slowed down with precision control is always going to look better than you.

  • @_Nawbro
    @_Nawbro 4 года назад +3

    Song please

  • @treeancebrance8340
    @treeancebrance8340 3 года назад +1

    What is the song?

  • @EpicMakesEverythingBetter
    @EpicMakesEverythingBetter 2 года назад

    This NPC is broken

  • @croplaya
    @croplaya 3 года назад +1


  • @HermitGod369
    @HermitGod369 4 месяца назад

    I need that beat

  • @jasonspades5628
    @jasonspades5628 3 года назад +1

    You should be arrested for this. No one should be allowed to move this smoothly. There ought to be a law.

  • @ironicanimations
    @ironicanimations 4 года назад +4

    I wish I could do that, I try and my feet keep on squeaking-

    • @astarte66
      @astarte66 3 года назад

      Keep doing it, turn the music up, ignore those squeaks. Try a different surface like concrete, you won’t squeak.

    • @MasterYoda389
      @MasterYoda389 3 года назад +1

      myeah there's many factors that play major roles in successful gliding, all of which can be brute-forced with sheer skill.
      I'm gonna assume when you say "feet" you mean your "shoes" are squeaking. That has to do with the shoe make in of itself as well as the surface you are gliding on.
      Lastly, you're most likely not applying the correct pressure needed. The control needed for that pressure is pretty minute, once you get it right it pretty much feels like skating on ice. Basically I would suggest exaggerating the pressure part with long wind up movements, eventually you'll get it correct once and then it just gets easier from then on.
      You can also try no shoes at home on like a kitchen floor or wtv--- it really changes the whole dynamic.

  • @bread832
    @bread832 3 года назад +1

    he has special shoes right?

    • @asdfghjhgjfdsdfdhgeae9494
      @asdfghjhgjfdsdfdhgeae9494 3 года назад +8

      no he has special moves

    • @gsadmtp
      @gsadmtp 2 года назад +1

      strong toe, strong foot, lot of work and practice, try it yourself every one can do it, you just need patience and work

  • @lil_sandytoes
    @lil_sandytoes 5 лет назад +1

    Dude broke his legs

    • @Fildoggy
      @Fildoggy 4 года назад

      Chief Kakyoin KAKYOIN!