如果你們已經處於居家隔離時 那當然是必須遵守法律絕對不可練習 但是如果你身在相對安全的地區及環境 比方說現在的中國,日本,韓國大部份地區及臺灣全境 平常的訓練依然是必要的 特別是軍事與警察單位 但是即使環境較安全,在練習的過程中 我們依然希望盡可能減少肢體接觸 所以保定快跤中撕崩捅系統之遠端發力輔助訓練法 是新冠疫情中高度考慮安全的練習法 If you are already under home quarantine situation, of course, you must abide by the law and should not practice. But if you are in a relatively safe area and environment, let's say China right now , Japan, South Korea and in Taiwan Regular training is still necessary, especially in military and police units Even the environment is relatively safe here , we still want to minimize physical contact during training. Therefore, In Baoding Kuai Jiao, the remote power-assisted training method of Sī bēng tǒng system is a highly safe practice during Covid -19 epidemic
This is a real lesson of how NOT to protect from the COVID 19. There are several safer workouts to do by yourself. You could train Dabangzi, Chadai, Xiao Bengzi. Please Don't be irresponsible and don't expose or disinform your students about the danger of COVID 19.
If you are already under home quarantine situation,
of course, you must abide by the law and should not practice.
But if you are in a relatively safe area and environment,
let's say China right now , Japan, South Korea and in Taiwan
Regular training is still necessary, especially in military and police units
Even the environment is relatively safe here ,
we still want to minimize physical contact during training.
Therefore, In Baoding Kuai Jiao, the remote power-assisted training method of Sī bēng tǒng system is a highly safe practice during Covid -19 epidemic
常老师, 请问在新加坡是否能学习保定快跤?
@@davidchang6258 老师,如何保持联络呢?
@@davidchang6258 好的。谢谢老师🙏
very good.
This is a real lesson of how NOT to protect from the COVID 19. There are several safer workouts to do by yourself. You could train Dabangzi, Chadai, Xiao Bengzi. Please Don't be irresponsible and don't expose or disinform your students about the danger of COVID 19.
If you speak Chinese and carefully watch the video, then you will understand the message of this video.