Recreating a 100 Year Old Finger Joint Box / Woodworking Project

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024
  • Deconstructing a vintage Eberhard Faber Lumber Crayon box and making a replica. This classic box features box joints (also called finger joints) and a sliding lid complete with engraved and branded lid. Makes for a great woodworking project you can sell at craft fairs.
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    © Picciuto, LTD

Комментарии • 245

  • @MakeSomething
    @MakeSomething  7 лет назад +8

    Enter the give-a-way AND get the plans here. Also, it's very apparent that I can't say "crayon" correctly! 😁

    • @buzzlightbeer4215
      @buzzlightbeer4215 7 лет назад

      It's a waste to let all that equipment just sit around doing nothing. You should use the leftover wood to make more parts and sell the parts as kits online. Amazon can give you a special link to put in the video description, if you want. Amazon makes the links for many RUclipsrs. The url will have a name in it. Amazon gives commissions when someone buys the tools that you list in the video description if a person clicks and buys on amazon. Look at a casey neiset page. He gets a commission when someone clicks and buys a camera tripod in the video description. But he removed the links for hurricane Harvey video

    • @buzzlightbeer4215
      @buzzlightbeer4215 7 лет назад +3

      You can make the joints faster by stacking many piecies together when cutting. And you will see less tearout on the edges

    • @billdiehl156
      @billdiehl156 7 лет назад

      Make Something So glad you mentioned that, David!! Just keep practicing: Cray-ON, Cray- ON.
      Being mentioned as a Petreon supporter is awesome, but being mentioned by Elvis is EPIC!!

    • @evoashes
      @evoashes 7 лет назад +1

      I say Crayon the same way you do.... maybe Ohio people and Michigan people say it the same???

    • @bryangatewood6749
      @bryangatewood6749 7 лет назад +1

      You must be from the North. Nobody can say Crayon up there lol

  • @BBURN2007
    @BBURN2007 7 лет назад +8

    "sand in the place that you live" is one of my favorite parts of your videos

  • @motzemog
    @motzemog 7 лет назад +3

    Something cool about an old wooden box. Always snatching one up every time we visit the antique shops.

  • @HacknBuild
    @HacknBuild 7 лет назад +14

    If anyone wants to replicate the graphic on the lid but doesn't have a laser cutter, I bet toner transfer would work out great for this project. Print out a mirror image of the graphic with a LASER printer or copier, then iron it on. You'll end up with a thin layer of toner which could add to the vintage look.

  • @marcusallen6918
    @marcusallen6918 7 лет назад +12

    When you said "I've got all my fingers cut" it made me laugh.

  • @sgsax
    @sgsax 7 лет назад

    I know I've seen big chunky hexagon crayons at antique malls and flea markets, but never heard them called "lumber crayons". Very cool find and nice replication. The saturation of color in those dyes/stains is really nice. A great pop for any project.

  • @nicholasricchiuto8923
    @nicholasricchiuto8923 7 лет назад +1

    Great work David. Two suggestions.... mention that you are using a flat bottom blade for your box joints. My other suggestion is to paint the top of the box black then sand away to get the lettering to really look antique.

  • @BulletproofPastor
    @BulletproofPastor 6 лет назад

    Lumber Crayons - They are still used. I've built houses in the Pacific Northwest (NorthWET) and pencils don't mark wood very well when everything is wet. Crayons on the other hand work very well. I still use them for cutting slate and tile for the same reasons. Good project. Thanks for sharing.

  • @JonathanRansom
    @JonathanRansom 7 лет назад +10

    The Elvis bit was grand!

  • @testbenchdude
    @testbenchdude 7 лет назад

    Hey Dave, I just wanted to say that your videos make me happy. Even if you're doing something that I can't do (i.e.: CNC) I still look forward to seeing what you create each week. You guys are awesome, please keep up the good work. Cheers!

    • @MakeSomething
      @MakeSomething  7 лет назад +1

      +Michael Cohen oh man! Thanks Michael!

  • @jonferrari9013
    @jonferrari9013 7 лет назад +1

    I now get the REM song stuck in my head every time I'm sanding. Thanks a lot!

  • @slimkt
    @slimkt 7 лет назад

    Looks like it's from the early 1900's. Very cool vintage box, and the replica came out spot on!

  • @danelooman8080
    @danelooman8080 3 года назад

    I watch your stuff all the time and it has been super helpful. Thank you so much for all the DIY videos you do.

  • @robb1267
    @robb1267 7 лет назад +1

    Love the music clips! It's fun to watch YOU having so much fun doing something you enjoy.

  • @castle5711
    @castle5711 7 лет назад

    Nice project! I'm making a similar style box for some Yard Dice, so this helped me visualize the process for the various details. I worked in a lumber mill to get through college. The Lumber Graders used crayons to mark the grade of the finished wood for the stampers. Guys like me on the chain pulled the wood into stacks based on length, species, and grade.

  • @PJGalati
    @PJGalati 7 лет назад

    You are feeding right into my little container addiction lol. I love little boxes like that almost as much as I like small tin boxes! Cool way to deconstruct the original and then replicate it!

  • @ZacJones
    @ZacJones 7 лет назад

    Awesome box! This seems like a really easy project to get familiarized with finger joints, and on top of that it looks really cool! Thanks for sharing, your videos are super helpful and inspiring to get into woodworking.

  • @locomotive3845
    @locomotive3845 7 лет назад

    What a nice project. Your finger grip technique is great for pencil box's I've already made

  • @almagill
    @almagill 7 лет назад +19

    Ridiculously nice box you've got there!
    Just one teeny question, when you cut the rabbets in the side pieces, was there a reason for not cutting one looong rabbet when they were still one long bit o'wood? Would it have interfered with the jointing later?

    • @MakeSomething
      @MakeSomething  7 лет назад +21

      That would actually be the more efficient way! Just didn't think to do it!

    • @woodandwheelz
      @woodandwheelz 3 года назад

      @@MakeSomething Sometimes, not always and I'm sure there are some variables, some cuts can become inconsistent over long lengths. However, taking variables into account (i.e. skill and equipment) sometimes it is better to rip a long board to width rather than each smaller piece. For instant, you have a 1" x 6" x 8' board that you intend to make into 5 inch tall drawers. It's better to rip the full 8' down to 5" then build the drawer rather than cut each side then rip down. The side heights may (and I mean may) vary. I always love you videos, my friend. I'm always learning something.

  • @HandToolRescue
    @HandToolRescue 7 лет назад +5

    Awesome! Dewalt actually still makes lumber crayons. They are just big-ass hexagonal crayons.

  • @seansanders8449
    @seansanders8449 6 лет назад +1

    Really cool box. I could see someone redoing this in a slightly different way by using a wood burning tool to give it that retro old fashion style. It could be an excellent way to store your bits or anything else without worrying about them rolling around in your toolbox.

  • @pvtimberfaller
    @pvtimberfaller Год назад

    So lumber crayons are normally used by lumber graders to indicate the grade of lumber and what length it needs to be trimmed to.
    You can often see these marks on lumber tho they are getting less common with auto graders.
    Modern crayons are photo reactive and are recognized by a computer operated trimmer for trimming and sorting.
    They are also used for marking firewood to length.

  • @lindsaybrown7639
    @lindsaybrown7639 3 года назад

    Lumber Crayons are made from Wax and Clay it is an very old, I have a book from 1860's that shows how to make them and some colours. Going by the size of the box in Length they look could be late 1800 early 1900 as they were used for both teaching kids/drawing and marking. There was a fine set for metal workers also.

  • @zajacmotorsports5910
    @zajacmotorsports5910 7 лет назад

    In the middle of a difficult, stressful week... goatee Elvis made my day. Thanks.

  • @adamvanderswaagh8983
    @adamvanderswaagh8983 7 лет назад

    Really enjoyed this one, David. Great work, lots of fun. Simple, but thoroughly satisfying.

  • @ManCrafting
    @ManCrafting 7 лет назад

    That's a spot on reproduction. Nice work David.

  • @DrB187
    @DrB187 7 лет назад

    I think the boxes are dates around the 1920's....Beautifully remade and recreated Mr Picciuto

  • @MoonshineMetalworks
    @MoonshineMetalworks 7 лет назад

    Cool project! I really love old packaging like this, where the package itself is useful. I have a bunch of stuff from my late Grandfather that's all stored in boxes and tins like this.

  • @lamusiquedouce
    @lamusiquedouce 4 года назад

    Lumber crayons were used by the U.S. Forest Service years ago for scaling tracts of Forest. They would go around and mark each tree and record it to find out how many board feet per acre. The crayons being made of wax would last even if it rained. They use spray cans of paint now but you can still get Lumber Crayons.

  • @Holzider
    @Holzider 7 лет назад

    i first read that you made a finger box and got all excited and nostalgic, but then i saw it is a finger joint box.

  • @skewedmaker
    @skewedmaker 7 лет назад

    Another great video! I found one of those jigs in a box of tools my Dad gave me, now I know what it's for. Really enjoy your music interludes and got a great laugh from the Elvis thank-yous. Keep them coming!

  • @iannesbitt2986
    @iannesbitt2986 7 лет назад

    Very cool. I love wooden boxes.

  • @TheRealElDiablo
    @TheRealElDiablo 7 лет назад

    I'm pretty sure the lumber crayons are also called Keels I'm not sure if I spelled Keels right though. They are hex shaped crayons about 5/8" thick n about 4 inches long. Roofers love them for marking on the felt/tar paper for snapping there lines. They come in red blue n yellow. They are harder then normal crayons kids use very brittle. Boxes turned out great.

  • @Chef_PC
    @Chef_PC 7 лет назад +1

    I am absolutely going to make these things. I need these in my life and my friends all need them for Xmas.

  • @ale8oneboy
    @ale8oneboy 7 лет назад

    Very cool box. Got a giggle out of the 80's video insert. lol

  • @fantafischHD
    @fantafischHD 7 лет назад +6

    Hey :) I am from Nuremberg Germany and Faber Castell has their main factory in Stein (ca 5 km away from Nuremberg) Eberhard Faber is only the founder of the company not their Name ;)

  • @funkysod
    @funkysod 7 лет назад

    Nice project and amazing result!

  • @anthonylau3065
    @anthonylau3065 7 лет назад

    Excellent work on the recreation!

  • @jarviesteven
    @jarviesteven 7 лет назад

    I love cran boxes! Great video though

  • @BronkBuilt
    @BronkBuilt 7 лет назад

    great job making the crayon box. I loved the Elvis bit.

  • @diegobasterrica6311
    @diegobasterrica6311 7 лет назад

    making replicas is really hard.if you do it similarly, you give yourself some room. they did come out great!

  • @Sonal_Mobile
    @Sonal_Mobile 7 лет назад

    That's really cool! Awesome project Dave!

  • @randomeddie185
    @randomeddie185 7 лет назад +1

    somewhere in my collection i actually have the crayons that go in that box. just as the name implies, they are a hexagonal crayon used to mark lumber. (my collection is massive, so it would be impractical to dig them up. if i ever happen to stumble upon them i'll send you pictures.)

  • @kevinetheridgemakes
    @kevinetheridgemakes 7 лет назад

    Beautiful little boxes. Thanks 😊 Killer idea for gifts.

  • @PaulMeyette
    @PaulMeyette 7 лет назад

    very cool. i love the old wooden boxes too. i have a few from various different companies.

  • @wallystoolshed7050
    @wallystoolshed7050 7 лет назад

    Nice, cool project. wish I had the laser engraver.

  • @SDSBBQs
    @SDSBBQs 7 лет назад

    Such a cool box.

  • @Inhalin1514
    @Inhalin1514 7 лет назад

    Looks great bud!

  • @BruceAUlrich
    @BruceAUlrich 7 лет назад +3

    The Elvis cracked me up! ha ha ha. Cool how the box turned out. I've never heard of lumber crayons before.

  • @onlyinfresno
    @onlyinfresno 7 лет назад

    Love the video Dave! I haven't watched any woodworking videos in a while! You may have just rekindled that addiction! Shop in disarray at the moment, so I'm living vicariously through yours!

  • @jvband91
    @jvband91 7 лет назад

    I just started experimenting with air brushing alcohol inks to dye wood. So far amazing results. I'm wondering if that stain would look better sprayed than applied by hand.

  • @marlawhite3682
    @marlawhite3682 7 лет назад

    that is so cool!!! Love finding old things and so cool that u could do a remake of it!!! Wish had the tools to do so.

  • @Slovenianwoodworker
    @Slovenianwoodworker 7 лет назад

    Interesting video mate. I like those colour packages. If you take kitchen steel sponge and leave it in vinegar to dissolve than that liquid wipe on the box 1-2 times and you will get that rustic Old look simular to that other box. Cheers

    • @MakeSomething
      @MakeSomething  7 лет назад +1

      OHH! I need to try that! Thanks!!

    • @Slovenianwoodworker
      @Slovenianwoodworker 7 лет назад

      Make Something It works . I use it too on some rustic projects or renovations. I have 3L container with vinegar ( transparent ) vinegar filed with 2 regular steel sponges. In 2-3 days steel gets totally dissolved. More you apply this mixture the older look will have. You're welcome. Keep up the good work

  • @davetaylor2088
    @davetaylor2088 7 лет назад

    That's how we say crayon here and I'm in Melbourne Australia mate. Nice work by the way! One of my mates used to get his dad to make these sort of boxes out of cable box and a wooden top.

  • @thomasdickey356
    @thomasdickey356 7 лет назад +2

    Dixon is the brand that I see regularly. Common tool for framing, and lumber graders.

  • @Bootsie624
    @Bootsie624 7 лет назад

    What a fun project!

  • @theislandworkshop8453
    @theislandworkshop8453 7 лет назад

    love it man, we take a lot of inspiration from old egg crates that we picked up from a farm we used to live on. every one ned to ask if they could buy the egg crates of us so we started making laser engraved crates in the same style, love it man

    • @MakeSomething
      @MakeSomething  7 лет назад

      +The Island Workshop That’s awesome! Thanks!

  • @thomaskaiser7984
    @thomaskaiser7984 7 лет назад

    Very nice, Did you think of making the box with the lowest line not straight like the original?

  • @WoodwardBuilds
    @WoodwardBuilds 7 лет назад

    Did you have any issues with the pine fingers being too brittle at that size? I tried a box joint last week using my standard blade and the fingers kept breaking off

  • @MrMeasureTwice
    @MrMeasureTwice 7 лет назад

    Nice work David, as usual - love your energy and your spirit - thanks for the hard work you do for our benefit and keep the teeth sharp my friend!!
    May your shop always be filled with shavings & sawdust,
    - Jim “Mr. Measure Twice” Marchetti
    Measure Twice, Cut Once…

  • @wasabisdaddy
    @wasabisdaddy 7 лет назад

    Lumber crayons are for marking lumber, in wet or dry conditions

  • @pat_link_
    @pat_link_ 7 лет назад

    Absolutely love the video music clips to match the keywords. Might take the idea into my classroom. Keep up the great work

  • @Max1dollar
    @Max1dollar 7 лет назад

    these quick cuts to obscure music videos are killing me XD

  • @AbamAdy
    @AbamAdy 7 лет назад

    as always...excellent projects

  • @lwalveycreative
    @lwalveycreative 7 лет назад

    A lumber crayon is a big red crayon used to mark lumber. Usually attached to a lumber measuring stick.

  • @clemmcguinness1087
    @clemmcguinness1087 7 лет назад

    Timber marking crayons / lumber marking. Make to be easily read in woodstocks. In USA lumber is cut wood, and timber is trees. Other way round with rest of the world. You can bit timber crayons on Amazon. Great video. Thank you

  • @kandalfus
    @kandalfus 7 лет назад

    amazing replica dude you are the best ^^

  • @adamfrench9566
    @adamfrench9566 7 лет назад

    another great video still waiting on that game of pool

  • @supercheekykiwi
    @supercheekykiwi 7 лет назад

    Great video.... but one thing i'm not sure about.... Box joints tick! but you made a "groove" all the way along the sides.... wouldnt that take a bit out of the back of the bok joint and it will be visible from the outside?

    • @MakeSomething
      @MakeSomething  7 лет назад

      Yep and I filled it with sawdust and glue.

  • @PapaTomeritusIII
    @PapaTomeritusIII 7 лет назад

    Good video all around man.

  • @taylormack
    @taylormack 7 лет назад

    What blade were you using? I could not find what blade you were using on the table saw. The blade doesn't look like a dado stack, but the finger joints look thicker than that blade, maybe just the camera and angle. Those boxes look like they are fairly easy to make and very useful! Thank you for the video.

  • @FredMcIntyre
    @FredMcIntyre 7 лет назад

    Really cool David! 👍👊

  • @amateurcraftsman2193
    @amateurcraftsman2193 7 лет назад

    What's the fence system you are using on your bandsaw?

  • @muddyfences5559
    @muddyfences5559 7 лет назад

    I knew Elvis was still alive. Great project David.

  • @RobinLewisMakes
    @RobinLewisMakes 7 лет назад

    Matt Cremona's going to need some of that crazy red dye for his band saw

  • @Hubbmade
    @Hubbmade 7 лет назад

    Neat little boxes ya got there! man I need a laser machine...

  • @techedfireman4981
    @techedfireman4981 7 лет назад

    YES!!! LOVE IT!!!

  • @mirockswoodshop
    @mirockswoodshop 7 лет назад

    Coolest one!

  • @philquinn73
    @philquinn73 7 лет назад

    Two thumbs up! Great channel, great video, waiting on the lamps hehe

  • @Loztc0ld
    @Loztc0ld 7 лет назад

    forever waiting for
    makers and shakers.

  • @fabricioditzz
    @fabricioditzz 7 лет назад

    So Coollll!!!!!!!!

  • @4alllifestyles888
    @4alllifestyles888 7 лет назад

    Lumber Crayons are used for marking construction sites. Outlet locations, plumbing runs, structural notes, etc. You can still buy them today! The old ones (like what would be in the box) would be like a pencil, with a much larger "lead" (really, powdered pigment and wax) for marking where to cut boards, etc. Newer ones are available readily (along with boxes like yours) on ebay...

    • @woodsprout
      @woodsprout 7 лет назад

  • @Pegwarmers
    @Pegwarmers 7 лет назад

    Why not cut the grooves in the side when they were just long stock?

  • @reforzar
    @reforzar 7 лет назад

    Spot on!

  • @Shoerona
    @Shoerona 7 лет назад

    The boxes turned out great! I need to get me a laser!!!

  • @scottroberts5511
    @scottroberts5511 3 года назад


  • @davydmir6565
    @davydmir6565 7 лет назад +15

    I need more safety Elvis in my life :)

  • @olliefisher3768
    @olliefisher3768 7 лет назад

    Really love this video man. ❤️

  • @craigpereira6381
    @craigpereira6381 7 лет назад

    Very nice

  • @micheldevon
    @micheldevon 7 лет назад

    I misread the title and was looking forward to the 100 finger joint box. Also the whole time I was thinking "this lid is perfect for laser etching, why isn't he laser et... oh there it is."

  • @gavincatt607
    @gavincatt607 6 лет назад

    Super cool

  • @ericlee1624
    @ericlee1624 7 лет назад

    Ok, excuse my ignorance here: Is there a particular reason you lift the stop back up when you use the crosscut sled? Or is it just a thing you do?

    • @MakeSomething
      @MakeSomething  7 лет назад +3

      +Eric Lee on smaller pieces I do this so it doesn't get pinched between the blade and the stop and come flying out.

    • @ericlee1624
      @ericlee1624 7 лет назад

      Make Something thats what i kind of assumed, but not real experienced with using table saws for crosscutting. Thanks man

  • @xavier8049
    @xavier8049 7 лет назад +1

    David, search in the web, hexagon lumber crayons and it will come out the exact same box that you made. Nice Video David👍

  • @PoppysPrints
    @PoppysPrints 7 лет назад

    Great box. What was the adhesive you sprayed to make the jig for lid notch?

    • @MakeSomething
      @MakeSomething  7 лет назад +1

      +Roy Bartels that was CA glue activator. Makes the CA glue bond almost instantly so not clamps or drying time.

    • @rschack
      @rschack 7 лет назад

      Make Something more importantly what is the angle to drill the finger pull notch?

  • @CanKenMakeIt
    @CanKenMakeIt 7 лет назад

    Do the dyes blotch on pine like stain?

    • @MakeSomething
      @MakeSomething  7 лет назад

      Yeah a bit. Pine isn't the most beautiful wood to stain.

  • @kypass
    @kypass 7 лет назад

    very cool

  • @bwmartens
    @bwmartens 7 лет назад

    The boxes look great! Very cool idea for a project. When you cut all those finger joints and rabbets, were you using a flat bottom blade? Or was it just a normal alternating tooth blade and you just ignored the little v-shape on all the finger joints?

    • @MakeSomething
      @MakeSomething  7 лет назад

      +Ben Martens thanks Ben! I did use a flat bottom grind blade.

  • @brianp1993
    @brianp1993 7 лет назад

    Hey David, any tips using the ibox jig with the sawstop? I just received my saw stop a month ago and I'd love to purchase the jig. I am just leery, about setting off the break. Thanks

    • @MakeSomething
      @MakeSomething  7 лет назад +3

      As long as the jig is set up properly you'll have no issues because none of the aluminum parts should be touching the blade. This jig is awesome! The only issue I have with it is I have to get out the instructions every time I use it.

  • @Jarastlad
    @Jarastlad 7 лет назад

    Faber makes me think of the company Faber-Castel which is a company well known in Europe. Check it out, it might have the info you're looking for ! Thanks for the vid !

  • @panictim
    @panictim 7 лет назад

    I'd love to win one of these but can't see where to sign up for your email list on your website... Thanks for the great tutorial!