That last game studio that is excited about their games being pirated is actually smart because game studios don’t realize that the people that pirate their games are actual fans of the games or want to enjoy them but just don’t have the money to play them. Regardless, it is best to actually buy a copy of the game later to support the devs, but if I was a dev and heard my game was being pirated, I would be happy that people are actually playing my game in general.
@@tommyp614 First of all, how do you know what would make me happy and what wouldn't, and who said "everyone" was going to be pirating my games? If I make a game and people buy it, but people also pirate it (which is come to be expected as it is inevitable; trying to find ways to do anti-piracy is just useless or an annoying waste of time), then I wouldn't be mad. Why would I go out of my way to make a couple of people’s lives worse for absolutely no reason whatsoever? I wouldn’t have personal beef with people that pirate my game; at the very least, they're playing it, enjoying it, and noticing it. And also, making a game is a very different type of job compared to mindless NPC jobs.
No. Most people who pirate games do it because they don't want to pay for it and probably never will... That's a silly thing to say honestly, a big company thinks differently and for good reason. All fun and games until a huge percentage of people who played your game didn't even pay for it, just because you personally have a "justifiable" reason to pirate doesn't make it any worse and doesn't mean all people are like you. I bet 90% of the people that complain about companies stuffing denuvo in their games are pissed not because of all the reasons they like to fill their mouths with, but because they can't just grab the game off the internet and play a product that should be PAID FOR all for free. Honestly this piracy glazing needs to stop, if you want to play something accept the companies terms no matter how bullshit you think they are, otherwise don't play the damn game.
Like you haven't done it before 😂 [piracy police] if you haven't you probably will .. your not perfect! I bet you eventually turn to black flag and turn like a dog that tasted blood ..
@dunes3174 bro on everything I have only pirated games because they have wild ass DRM that hurt my experince, or because I wanted to talk down on a game I knew was ass but didn't wanna support the company or devs.
@jonathaneubanks9026 The best way of going about that is just not playing their games on the first place, as well as telling people not to either. By playing them you're just expressing your inability to not play a game that you feel treats customers badly with DRM, and obviously stealing which is just not right. Protest with your wallet and play the other thousands of games that are actually worth buying.
Not having Denuvo for Indiana Jones makes sense because of how high the system requirements are. some games lose 30% performance using Denuvo. I'm guessing they are not using Denuvo since they are already expecting backlash due to performance issues and it will only be worse with Denuvo.
•people who pirate digital stuff they are potential customers this is something a lot of companies have forgotten about •it also has benefits like spreading the name of an unknown developer/artist/author/studio and spreads around word of mouth what brings a lot more potential buyers a few of single developers/small studio they aren't bothered if the game got pirated it's more of a reward for the hard work they put into and now it's got more eyes on it one of my friends who developed games falls into this category •here's 2 quotes from Gabe Newell to explain the rest 1) The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting antipiracy technology to work. It's by giving those people a service that's better than what they're receiving from the pirates 2) Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem
@@LovecraftianGodsKiller how did ya deal with switching the data from the Windows only drives to linux? I have a bunch of stuff i need to migrate with me. It's been my pain point trying to switch
Why wait for Steam OS. Is it for a handheld living room pc with a controller? If not, would recommend not using Steam OS because it's a controller focused OS. If you use mouse and keyboard you should go for something like Noobara, Fedora Silverblue, Pop OS, Linux mint etc. They are desktop focused Linux distros made for use with maouse and keyboard. Theres noth magical about Steam OS. The distros i listed above will run games just as fine as Steam OS.
@@bonkerbanker the plasma environment on steam os is literally just that.. you only need to exit the gaming UI. which is why if I forced to chose, steam os is the best imho for now. everything just backed in and maintained by valve.
@@delresearch5416 I know it can run. It's just if GOG breaks things you're sol. They updated their Galaxy launcher a couple weeks ago and broke my games. I had to figure out to install an older version a different way and redownload my game and now I've got two copies of my game and I dare not let Galaxy update. I know you can run gog games. Just hope they don't break it.
most gamees just run, but as the same as Steam they don't know if it will work or an update broke the game, and will not make patches for a bug on linux
I have a 12th gen i5 and 3060ti, and I think it's pretty wild that a $1200 PC like mine wont even make the recommended specs. This is why consoles are still the go-to for the average gamer
@@MUCKLEECH To be fair, a lot of PS5 SeriesX games run at PC equivalent medium settings, often at around 1080p-1440p, and often barely 60fps... They're basically the minimum spec for modern games
I agree. Piracy is too inconvenient IMO unless you absolutely can't afford the game (which at that point more often than not won't result in a sale anyway). I think Steam actually makes piracy less appealing since Steam games get quality of life features like Cloud Saves and often have nice discounts throughout the year, not to mention you have the ability to get Steam Keys from third party websites to lower the game price even more in a lot of cases. As for me, I buy the games to support the devs but occasionally have used repacks to test a game out when I'm unsure if I will enjoy it (since many games no longer have demo versions). If I liked the game, I proceed to buy it from Steam. If I don't like the game, I uninstall it and move on.
As far as Denuvo, I won't claim to be an expert who knows all of the statistics on how many people pirate a denuvo-free game but would pay for it if they had no ability to pirate it. However, I would imagine the overwhelming majority of the "pirates" wouldn't purchase the games regardless. I also know that there are a lot of people that won't buy a game that has Denuvo because of the performance hit. I do think more and more studios lately seem to be realizing that Denuvo can hurt game sales more than it helps shakedown the pockets of a small fraction of pirates.
I have a PC that cannot enable TPM 2.0 to upgrade from Windows 10 to 11. I'd be thrilled to continue to play my current Steam games without needing to buy a whole new machine.
I've literally been waiting for Valve to release SteamOS for other platforms to make a more streamlined move to Linux. Just because all sorts of software and games will be well tuned for SteamOS since so many people will be moving as well. Certain things like updating your Nvidia drivers can be a serious pain on Linux, and I know SteamOS would want stuff like that to be nice and easy for everyone.
Excited about SteamOS for other gaming handhelds or SFF PCs. Now, what would be VERY spicy is if SteamOS was set up as a viable competitor to Windows, with easy access to daily driver apps. With all the bad press Windows 11 is getting elsewhere, I imagine a lot of gamers would be convinced to switch.
Denuvo not being on the Indiana Jones game is very easy to answer - the normal consumer needs to buy this game and they are +/- on min specs to play. Having it there could end into FPS going too low in certain areas and they're fore sure aware of it (for sure there are zones where it can spike and they're aware of it). And yes, recommended specs are fine, people that take gaming serious have pcs above those at 100%. They simply want it keep the game available to a bigger number of players.
Those specs aren't unreasonable for a big budget blockbuster type game, those are nearly 5 year old parts. My only issue is them requiring Ray Tracing, which was inevitable at some point... If you can't afford the prices for those parts, I don't know how you can afford to even buy modern AAA games, since a used RTX 2060 is like the price of 2-3 new games
Removing Denuvo from the release version is such an amazing move by them 😤😤😤 Plus, in this specific case it makes sense, given the game already has such ridiculously high requirements, having Denuvo in the background lowering performance wouldn't really help out that much 😋
The funny thing about that studio being happy that their products are pirated, actually they are kind of right, sorta, I mean if your game is pirated it means that people are interested on it but they can't afford it OR it doesn't have a demo version for try it first. In the end if people play the game pirated they soon or later will buy the game if they like it, after all we know that the developers needs the support if you want more games from them.
I’m waiting for an official release of Steam OS so I can convert an older SFF PC to a TV Gaming only device. So far I’ve been using HOLO ISO on it and it works great but would like to get something official.
I only moved to Linux as a daily driver a month ago (with Nobara) but as long as Steam OS does not lock me out of Root access, I think it is going to be a viable OS which I am interested in testing on an older machine and maybe as a daily driver.
It would be cool (but unlikely) if they could make Steam Os for ARM devices like the Odin 2 or Retroid Pocket 5 which have the raw power to play PC games just lacking any compatibility. An ARM powered Steam Deck 2 would excel in battery life
I'm really banking on Steam OS to eventually support a wide range of hardware and maybe be able to use it on my Desktop computer. Having had a Steam Deck since OLED launch, I can say that is absolutely feasible to be used as a daily driver for most of your computing needs, if you're OK with a few games just not working due to online cheat software or DRM. I don't really play those games anyway and I would absolutely ditch Windows to install Steam OS.
but the question is... what would be the MINIMUM requirements for the public steam os because if possible I'll just blank out WIndows XP on my Netbook as long as I can get a bunch of titles that'll be playable on a 1.0-5 Ghz Intel Atom CPU
I would rock steam OS on computers going forward. More gaming will be multiplayer friendly as time goes on with steam OS, so it's just a matter of time.
Those Indiana Jones PC specs are ridiculous. The minimum and recommended GPU is stronger than the ones in the Xbox Series X, and blow the Xbox Series S GPU out of the water. I believe this is an indicator that Indiana Jones will launch on PC with a myriad of problems.
With that spec sheet for Indiana Jones..... I think it's safe to say the whole team is smoking something that sounds very similar to the word 'shack' 😅
The game requirements are bad just for 60fps sooo windy and great j__k circle is very unoptimized, and denevo would kill it's performance even further...
@@Dracossaint electricity is expensive where I live and I cant nor care about RT because all those cards are 100+ watts on average and the amount of heat is awful, so thats a big no no here.
That piracy studio press release is hilarious. The whole thing reminds me of Weird Al Yankovic's parodies. Real one's enjoyed them and saw the good side. others not so much,
@MrSujano well, that's the reason they won't implement it in the final version. The more players are able to run the game, the better. There's plenty of folks out there with outdated cpus but good graphics cards
Hey mr sujano you should do a whole video about how warframe will be coming to android and destiny and final fantasy 14 and the division resurgence and many other great games
If youre a pirate you're probably poor and Indiana Jones game will not run on ur PC if you do afford a PC as beefy as that game requires you to have you prob afford the game aswell so manny pirates will just find the game not running well on they're pc and uninstall it and would be pretty much same as buying it trying it out and refunding it for reason that it doesn't run well on the hardware they own , so piracy is not even an issue lol , you need an expensive pc for it and ppl who have that money buy games too + Losing money to pirated copies vs paying denuvo services for having it into the game is pretty much as much of a lost revenue as it gets , it is less likely to be pirated with no denuvo for the reason i mentioned above about the pc needed for that game
While I'm happy to here steam OS might be dropping soon As far as I understand it still not great with Nvidia drivers? being that the only GPUs I have are Nvidia it might be a no go for me... still trying to wrap my head around Nobara anyway.
More than likely all the views are going to be glowing and user reviews are going to be completely different for indy It is a game for the modern audience after all
The day started out cool, but now its HOT.
Shoutouts to SRC267 and The Collector for the news tips!
Verge posted an article about steamos, although it's probably all rumours already known from the gaming on Linux article.
That last game studio that is excited about their games being pirated is actually smart because game studios don’t realize that the people that pirate their games are actual fans of the games or want to enjoy them but just don’t have the money to play them. Regardless, it is best to actually buy a copy of the game later to support the devs, but if I was a dev and heard my game was being pirated, I would be happy that people are actually playing my game in general.
@@tommyp614 First of all, how do you know what would make me happy and what wouldn't, and who said "everyone" was going to be pirating my games? If I make a game and people buy it, but people also pirate it (which is come to be expected as it is inevitable; trying to find ways to do anti-piracy is just useless or an annoying waste of time), then I wouldn't be mad. Why would I go out of my way to make a couple of people’s lives worse for absolutely no reason whatsoever? I wouldn’t have personal beef with people that pirate my game; at the very least, they're playing it, enjoying it, and noticing it. And also, making a game is a very different type of job compared to mindless NPC jobs.
No. Most people who pirate games do it because they don't want to pay for it and probably never will... That's a silly thing to say honestly, a big company thinks differently and for good reason.
All fun and games until a huge percentage of people who played your game didn't even pay for it, just because you personally have a "justifiable" reason to pirate doesn't make it any worse and doesn't mean all people are like you.
I bet 90% of the people that complain about companies stuffing denuvo in their games are pissed not because of all the reasons they like to fill their mouths with, but because they can't just grab the game off the internet and play a product that should be PAID FOR all for free.
Honestly this piracy glazing needs to stop, if you want to play something accept the companies terms no matter how bullshit you think they are, otherwise don't play the damn game.
Like you haven't done it before 😂 [piracy police] if you haven't you probably will .. your not perfect! I bet you eventually turn to black flag and turn like a dog that tasted blood ..
@dunes3174 bro on everything I have only pirated games because they have wild ass DRM that hurt my experince, or because I wanted to talk down on a game I knew was ass but didn't wanna support the company or devs.
@jonathaneubanks9026 The best way of going about that is just not playing their games on the first place, as well as telling people not to either. By playing them you're just expressing your inability to not play a game that you feel treats customers badly with DRM, and obviously stealing which is just not right.
Protest with your wallet and play the other thousands of games that are actually worth buying.
I hope more studios stop using Denuvo.
Not having Denuvo for Indiana Jones makes sense because of how high the system requirements are. some games lose 30% performance using Denuvo. I'm guessing they are not using Denuvo since they are already expecting backlash due to performance issues and it will only be worse with Denuvo.
I agree with your take
•people who pirate digital stuff they are potential customers this is something a lot of companies have forgotten about
•it also has benefits like spreading the name of an unknown developer/artist/author/studio and spreads around word of mouth what brings a lot more potential buyers
a few of single developers/small studio they aren't bothered if the game got pirated it's more of a reward for the hard work they put into and now it's got more eyes on it one of my friends who developed games falls into this category
•here's 2 quotes from Gabe Newell to explain the rest
1) The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting antipiracy technology to work. It's by giving those people a service that's better than what they're receiving from the pirates
2) Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem
True... very well said 👏
hola, señor Sujano!! siempre viéndolo desde Chile 🇨🇱❤
Bethesda might have removed denuvo because of performance hiccups that can cause on top of heavy system requirements
which means more of their games could be coming to GoG soon?
Senor Sujano 🗣️🗣️🗣️ 🔥🔥🔥
Bethesda doesn’t seem to be using Denuvo anymore but keeps forgetting to remove it from Hi-Fi Rush
is hi-fi rush from bethesda? didn't microshæft fired the whole studio that made the game?
@@TicoDKand was brought back tango group,was bought by different company
Steam os is when I start dual booting Linux. Windows was great on 10 but it's been going down the shitter.
I ditched Window completely in favour of Linux like a 1-1.5 years before 11 was even released.
One of the best decisions I have ever made.
@@LovecraftianGodsKiller how did ya deal with switching the data from the Windows only drives to linux? I have a bunch of stuff i need to migrate with me. It's been my pain point trying to switch
Why wait for Steam OS. Is it for a handheld living room pc with a controller?
If not, would recommend not using Steam OS because it's a controller focused OS. If you use mouse and keyboard you should go for something like Noobara, Fedora Silverblue, Pop OS, Linux mint etc. They are desktop focused Linux distros made for use with maouse and keyboard. Theres noth magical about Steam OS. The distros i listed above will run games just as fine as Steam OS.
I try dualboot but it's fucked up my windows 11.. should I unmount win 11 drive and vice versa when I boot into another os ?
@@bonkerbanker the plasma environment on steam os is literally just that.. you only need to exit the gaming UI. which is why if I forced to chose, steam os is the best imho for now. everything just backed in and maintained by valve.
"I'm not about to bulk the video up just to make it longer for no reason"
Thanks for respecting my and everybody else's time.
I have a Steam Deck and GOG told me they don't support Steam, Steam Deck or Linux and never will. Be interesting if they someday change their mind.
Proton will run 95 percent of gog catalog just fine.
@@delresearch5416 I know it can run. It's just if GOG breaks things you're sol. They updated their Galaxy launcher a couple weeks ago and broke my games. I had to figure out to install an older version a different way and redownload my game and now I've got two copies of my game and I dare not let Galaxy update. I know you can run gog games. Just hope they don't break it.
most gamees just run, but as the same as Steam they don't know if it will work or an update broke the game, and will not make patches for a bug on linux
A lot of people on piracy forums have 10 year old pc parts so I imagine with the requirements for Indiana jones it won’t be pirated too much lol
you're delusional
Gracias Señor, veo que las noticias de este día son mucho mejores. Qué felicidad.
My Mans always on holiday!
I would support devs like those who are funny and happy about piracy.
I have a 12th gen i5 and 3060ti, and I think it's pretty wild that a $1200 PC like mine wont even make the recommended specs. This is why consoles are still the go-to for the average gamer
Is there a ray tracing card with a 75 watts TDP ?
Indian Jones should run fine on 3060 anyway.
@@V3ntilator Yep, 1080p 60fps is fine, and should run it like a champ. But still alarming that my setup doesn't meet recommended specs
@@MUCKLEECH I have RTX 3070 which is similar, but with a Ryzen 9 5900X.
I also have a Legion Go PC Handheld which also should run Indiana Jones.
@@MUCKLEECH To be fair, a lot of PS5 SeriesX games run at PC equivalent medium settings, often at around 1080p-1440p, and often barely 60fps... They're basically the minimum spec for modern games
Mark my words, corporate game dev studios and publishers will deploy AI agents to be used as a piracy watchdog to replace denuvo/conventional DRM.
Stil wating for Street Figher 6 to drop Denuvo. I hate feeling like I'm buying a escort and her cuck.
Piracy is actually owning your games, the best way to find out if you like a game and also free advertisement!
Piracy especiqlly on games leads to more sales, but publishers don't want to hear it i guess
I agree. Piracy is too inconvenient IMO unless you absolutely can't afford the game (which at that point more often than not won't result in a sale anyway). I think Steam actually makes piracy less appealing since Steam games get quality of life features like Cloud Saves and often have nice discounts throughout the year, not to mention you have the ability to get Steam Keys from third party websites to lower the game price even more in a lot of cases. As for me, I buy the games to support the devs but occasionally have used repacks to test a game out when I'm unsure if I will enjoy it (since many games no longer have demo versions). If I liked the game, I proceed to buy it from Steam. If I don't like the game, I uninstall it and move on.
As far as Denuvo, I won't claim to be an expert who knows all of the statistics on how many people pirate a denuvo-free game but would pay for it if they had no ability to pirate it. However, I would imagine the overwhelming majority of the "pirates" wouldn't purchase the games regardless. I also know that there are a lot of people that won't buy a game that has Denuvo because of the performance hit. I do think more and more studios lately seem to be realizing that Denuvo can hurt game sales more than it helps shakedown the pockets of a small fraction of pirates.
Same dawg, but I'm still somewhat new so I don't do repacks but the easier version.@@GreenLeefMusic
I have a PC that cannot enable TPM 2.0 to upgrade from Windows 10 to 11. I'd be thrilled to continue to play my current Steam games without needing to buy a whole new machine.
The Safety Stoat Studio story is effin adorable. I'm super happy for them.
Odd game gets pirated by 1 person
Dev: Finally!! I'm a real game studio!!
I've literally been waiting for Valve to release SteamOS for other platforms to make a more streamlined move to Linux. Just because all sorts of software and games will be well tuned for SteamOS since so many people will be moving as well. Certain things like updating your Nvidia drivers can be a serious pain on Linux, and I know SteamOS would want stuff like that to be nice and easy for everyone.
Señor sujano!!! Eres lo maximo carnalito! Especialmente en el mundo de video juegos 🎮 gracias por las noticias 🗞️📻
señor sujano cooked with this video
I have NobaraOS as my secondary boot for my PC for quite some time now so I cannot wait to give SteamOS a try on my 5600+RX 6700 XT system.
Beefy specs with Denuvo preformance issues, could be lethal for the game sales. Lets be safe and remove it 😂
Those CPU requirements are insane!
Excited about SteamOS for other gaming handhelds or SFF PCs. Now, what would be VERY spicy is if SteamOS was set up as a viable competitor to Windows, with easy access to daily driver apps. With all the bad press Windows 11 is getting elsewhere, I imagine a lot of gamers would be convinced to switch.
Denuvo not being on the Indiana Jones game is very easy to answer - the normal consumer needs to buy this game and they are +/- on min specs to play. Having it there could end into FPS going too low in certain areas and they're fore sure aware of it (for sure there are zones where it can spike and they're aware of it).
And yes, recommended specs are fine, people that take gaming serious have pcs above those at 100%. They simply want it keep the game available to a bigger number of players.
if only more game studios got excited for knowing their stuff were put on free download offers
Those specs aren't unreasonable for a big budget blockbuster type game, those are nearly 5 year old parts. My only issue is them requiring Ray Tracing, which was inevitable at some point... If you can't afford the prices for those parts, I don't know how you can afford to even buy modern AAA games, since a used RTX 2060 is like the price of 2-3 new games
Denuvo kills the perfomance and for this game not needed, big W for this studio ( not killing own game).
They removed it because the specs were already so high for the game adding it made them even higher.
interesting take
Removing Denuvo from the release version is such an amazing move by them 😤😤😤
Plus, in this specific case it makes sense, given the game already has such ridiculously high requirements, having Denuvo in the background lowering performance wouldn't really help out that much 😋
SteamOS on an older PC or a newer computer (to consolize a rig without Windows)-absolutely yes please!!!
The funny thing about that studio being happy that their products are pirated, actually they are kind of right, sorta, I mean if your game is pirated it means that people are interested on it but they can't afford it OR it doesn't have a demo version for try it first.
In the end if people play the game pirated they soon or later will buy the game if they like it, after all we know that the developers needs the support if you want more games from them.
I’m waiting for an official release of Steam OS so I can convert an older SFF PC to a TV Gaming only device. So far I’ve been using HOLO ISO on it and it works great but would like to get something official.
Where can I book a Señor Sujano Mexico Vacation Tour?
ask Mrs. Sujano on that one
I only moved to Linux as a daily driver a month ago (with Nobara) but as long as Steam OS does not lock me out of Root access, I think it is going to be a viable OS which I am interested in testing on an older machine and maybe as a daily driver.
Indiana Jones belongs in a museum.
Cervezas, salsa picante, jalapeños
I like how it says translate to English but it's already the same in English.
What was this filmed on? The video looks great
Ok Bethesda... time to remove Denuvo from Hi Fi Rush.
It would be cool (but unlikely) if they could make Steam Os for ARM devices like the Odin 2 or Retroid Pocket 5 which have the raw power to play PC games just lacking any compatibility. An ARM powered Steam Deck 2 would excel in battery life
I'm really banking on Steam OS to eventually support a wide range of hardware and maybe be able to use it on my Desktop computer. Having had a Steam Deck since OLED launch, I can say that is absolutely feasible to be used as a daily driver for most of your computing needs, if you're OK with a few games just not working due to online cheat software or DRM. I don't really play those games anyway and I would absolutely ditch Windows to install Steam OS.
but the question is... what would be the MINIMUM requirements for the public steam os because if possible I'll just blank out WIndows XP on my Netbook as long as I can get a bunch of titles that'll be playable on a 1.0-5 Ghz Intel Atom CPU
People can stream the Indiana Jones game early, so it is legit.
I wonder how much trouble it would be to get gog working on Linux
Your green screen looks incredibly realistic today
thanks! been trying to improve it
I am already using Bazzite and would to switch to pure SteamOS immediate when it is going to be released.
You'll never know how glad I am now that it decided to go with a Ryzen 7700 and the RTX 4070
That backdrop tho 🏝️
Thank You indirectly Todd
might install Steam OS on my mini PC in the lounge, its a Intel N100 with 4cores should be efficient for some older games and emulation.
I would rock steam OS on computers going forward. More gaming will be multiplayer friendly as time goes on with steam OS, so it's just a matter of time.
Steam OS will be released to the public when Steam Deck 2 is ready, save this comment 😉
Interesting 🤔
Suzerain is pronounced "Subscribe to Mr. Sujano".
32 gigs ram? Might as well burn your money! 32 gigs is way overkill for anything. There's nothing that needs that much. Even 16 gigs is overkill
Those Indiana Jones PC specs are ridiculous. The minimum and recommended GPU is stronger than the ones in the Xbox Series X, and blow the Xbox Series S GPU out of the water. I believe this is an indicator that Indiana Jones will launch on PC with a myriad of problems.
With that spec sheet for Indiana Jones.....
I think it's safe to say the whole team is smoking something that sounds very similar to the word 'shack' 😅
Hola Sr Sujano ❤
did you know?: blasphemous just dropped on Mobile.
Yea and soon we will have warframe destiny and final fantasy 14 also the division resurgence
The game requirements are bad just for 60fps sooo windy and great j__k circle is very unoptimized, and denevo would kill it's performance even further...
Is there a ray tracing card with a 75 watts TDP ?
Technically some of the apus support Ray tracing (not great), but they don't have dedicated hardware, which is required with this game.
@@Dracossaint electricity is expensive where I live and I cant nor care about RT because all those cards are 100+ watts on average and the amount of heat is awful, so thats a big no no here.
That piracy studio press release is hilarious.
The whole thing reminds me of Weird Al Yankovic's parodies. Real one's enjoyed them and saw the good side. others not so much,
You're in Mexico? we're really close then!
my respect for safety stoat studios ❤❤❤❤
Your accent is more like Portuguese than Spanish. Haha Hugs from Brasil
I learned from Duolingo
Here I thought Monster Hunter Wilds had unreasonable specs
I have Suzerain on Steam, but I haven't played it
You should review the Xreal one
Why older pc? i want to put it on my main pc, im tired of windows spyware, forced restarting, forced updates etc.
👆Skill issue..
Denuvo takes to much processing power. Indiana Jones is already really taxing
That's what I'm wondering as well
@MrSujano well, that's the reason they won't implement it in the final version. The more players are able to run the game, the better. There's plenty of folks out there with outdated cpus but good graphics cards
Could you active subtitle ? Thanks bro.
Isn't the i7-10700 more powerful than the R5 3600?
*Wild flying fluff*
I'm not publicly condoning it, but has Denuvo company been hacked yet?
If buying isn't owning then piracy isn't stealing
Piracy is OWNING
@FlamespeedyAMV facts
@@FlamespeedyAMVdon’t pirate new things you can just buy it
Shut up
Even i couldn't say it better!! 👍🏾 Merry Xmas!🎄
Heyyyyooo olaaaaaaaa 🎉
Hey mr sujano you should do a whole video about how warframe will be coming to android and destiny and final fantasy 14 and the division resurgence and many other great games
These green screens are getting intense. :O
I'm keen to try steam OS on a PC I want to build a PC for the lounge room but I don't want windows steam OS seems like a good idea
My rtx 4060 and ryzen 5 7600 looking decent rn
El Lejendario Uno Fluff
Hopefull for steamos. Chimera os is great, but there are some dumb silly glitches that arent very fun.
If youre a pirate you're probably poor and Indiana Jones game will not run on ur PC if you do afford a PC as beefy as that game requires you to have you prob afford the game aswell so manny pirates will just find the game not running well on they're pc and uninstall it and would be pretty much same as buying it trying it out and refunding it for reason that it doesn't run well on the hardware they own , so piracy is not even an issue lol , you need an expensive pc for it and ppl who have that money buy games too
Losing money to pirated copies vs paying denuvo services for having it into the game is pretty much as much of a lost revenue as it gets , it is less likely to be pirated with no denuvo for the reason i mentioned above about the pc needed for that game
While I'm happy to here steam OS might be dropping soon As far as I understand it still not great with Nvidia drivers? being that the only GPUs I have are Nvidia it might be a no go for me... still trying to wrap my head around Nobara anyway.
More than likely all the views are going to be glowing and user reviews are going to be completely different for indy
It is a game for the modern audience after all
Yeah but can it run Indiana Jones?
How do you pirate a free game?
Some catastrophic requirements wtf😡😡😡😡
Hello Mr Sujano, have you ever been recognized in public due to your RUclips Channel?
Nope, just at fighting game tournaments. Interestingly enough, I've recognized more in public as being Mrs. Sujano's sidekick in her videos 😂
I will put steam OS on my old gaming computer i cant upgrade to Windows 11
El Señor Sujano
Wait, wait, wait... Mexico is real? *mind blown*
Bruh game needs a 3080TI 💀
Do you have fans in Mexico?