Nice to meet you Alan! I stood to your right and we had some good conversation. Thanks for posting this!! Someone has uploaded it to the fanpage on Facebook. I will be sharing this with my friends. Amazing to meet Michael Emanuele wasn't it! Thanks again.
I keep hearing other bands with good brass sections and these guys are not one of them. I love the girl to bits but those fucking horns mean I listen to stuff before 2017.
Please share more. Quality video & great filming technique.
Wouldn't mind so much but I can hear everything except Sam's guitar which is surely what we are here for, innit?
Nice to meet you Alan! I stood to your right and we had some good conversation. Thanks for posting this!! Someone has uploaded it to the fanpage on Facebook. I will be sharing this with my friends. Amazing to meet Michael Emanuele wasn't it! Thanks again.
Ok so she turned it up at the end but it is still the main event and is almost always too quiet.
OK OK, still listening, this is excellent but those bloody horns are just too loud, always have been.
I keep hearing other bands with good brass sections and these guys are not one of them. I love the girl to bits but those fucking horns mean I listen to stuff before 2017.