Very realistic video. As an albanian that lived at this time wanted to add that people were carrying on their lives and most of us lived poorly but happily. Stress-free, no drugs, no crimes and almost free of all services. Community life, and having family and friends all around you was a big factor for happiness.
@valevisa8429 so do I, but that doesn't mean that people weren't happy. I was a teenager at the time, and I had the best time of my life. I would like my children to have the same quality life I and my friends had. We didn't have too many opportunities, but we were happy with our everyday lives.
I also grew up in a communist dictatorship. Yes,as a child and teenager i was happy,but the more i got older ,the more i got frustrated and unhappy .I realized that i was living in a big concentration camp,so i escaped. @@1970armand
Thanks for bringing this up, many foregners dont understand this they only see the surfece and judge from outside. While some people nowdays "rich" but dead inside without a place belonging. I would 100% live at that time then some western big citys nowdays.
@@bossi001 Sot po nuk pate lek dhe kur them lek flas per te ardhura mbi 1 mln e siper ne muaj,sepse po nuk pate kto smban dot veten tende ne kembe dhe jo me te krijosh familje.Ja pra ca ka dashur te thot komentuesi qe I je pergjigjur ti gjithe pordh.
I have always been interested in this country, and have visited Sarandë 3 times since 2006. Does anyone have any footage or information of Sarandë during the times of Hoxha?
First of all i wanted to say thank you for vistiting my city. Now i dont think i have footage but i know for sure that Saranda made the best bread in the country. Communism was the worst era of Albania. My grandfather was fatherless when he was 4 years old bc Enver and his soldiers had killed my great grandfather. The food was little but at least it was better than now ( bc of the chemicals etc) The economy was f#####. The military was veeeery good bc that dum#### had spent 60 or 80 % of the economy for the military. The communism started from 1944 to 1990. So my dad was borned in the communism era. Also bc my grandfather was fatherless, he was called the "enemy of the people" by the people. He couldn't say anything bc he would have gone to jail and then he would have died. Bc my grandmother was married to my grandfather, she was called "the wife of the people's eneymy". Like i know many countries that were communist and some of them still are, but the Albanian's communism was barbar. It was isolated like the North Korean's communism. It was the first atheist country. So if someone says that communism in Albania was great, dont belive them. They say like this bc they were communists themselves.
@@kevinkurani2961 thanks for the information. I was really interested to see the city change. The first time I visited was in 2006, and the city was quite poor. Its not easy to find photographs from this time but I would love to see some. The second time was 2009 and that time I went to Butrinti - very interesting. The third time was 2014 and the place was so different, a lot of investment and I stayed in the city and had some beers and food for most of the day.
I was 23 yrs old when I escaped the communist regime! People where not allowed to reject the communist party, if you did you and your family was sent into a labor camp basically it make the cotton filled look like heaven!
It looks almost pelasant, except the lady who said I chose to come here (work in railroad). Clearly that was a lie, poor lady ❤️ I had a 98 yo patient from Puka. She was taken to prison for 7 years. When she was taken, she was pregnant, she gave birth, and the child died while she was in prison. She still lives, and 2 month ago told me the story, broke my heart. But what a tough lady, stronger than me at 36, her boned were solid, and her hanshake would intimidate me. Anyhow, I see how ppl may have nostalgia, those who didnt expeirnce prosectution and such, they were ok with zero crime, no theft, living equal, kind if stress free. The wedding was beautiful, Teuta e Astrini pacin jete te gjate❤❤
14:02 There it is, that's the key. Some people wanted more, they believed they would get loads of consumer goods, but they got less, and now no one can afford to raise a family.
the communists killed my mum’s uncle and killed my dad’s 2 year old sister it was a hell hole my mum told me the story the communists captured her uncle and said to him to admit it your wife is a spy coz her uncle had escaped Albania back then and he was no she’s not he got whipped they said admit it she’s a spy no he would lie about her being a spy he got whipped about 10-20 times and at the end coz he was in so much pain he said yes she’s a spy and whipped him for lying to them and saying she’s a spy and that how he died and my dad his whole family was put in the toughest concentration camp worser then Auchwitz they worse starved deprived of basic hygiene and my dad’s sister was hungry needed food but they didn’t care my grandma begged for food for her daughter they ignored her and she ended up dying my dad was at the concentration camp coz his dad escaped Albania my grandfather from my mum’s side had to 12 years coz he farted at a government building it was a hellhole it was exactly like North Korea in the 2000-2019 escaping was hard but still possible my mum had to dig snow just because they didn’t want her doing nothing at age 12 with barely any clothes on don’t comment on it saying it wasn’t a hellhole if you have never been through it
Modern? It's poverty, corruption, islamism, drug trafficking, prostitution... maybe that's "modernity" the amerikan way and now also albanian way because they adopted it. Not even the european union wants anything to do with Albania, only NATO: congratulations for you're now another US puppet state!
@@brisildoahmeti5559 yes I have been to albania and no , I don’t comment from my parents house . albania is still a crime shit hole but has many potentials and I comment from my house which I live with my wife and 3 kids 😀
@@Deathunder Crime shit hole ... Did anything happen to you when you were there??? Last summer there were about 2-3 million tourists in Albania and correct me if I'm wrong but nothing happened to anyone of them who went there. So what does crime have to do with you and why would you bring that up? Is it cause you're greek and can't seem to find one single nice things to say about Albania? Don't worry we got Kosova now and our next move is Chameria South Epirus and then you'll see the all of the Albanian criminals fucking your wife while you watch and cry lol
Most likely, they immigrated, and they are living a happy life far from their own country, families, and old friends. They visit Albania from time to time to realize that they don't recognize their own country anymore. If they managed not to immigrate their children for sure did so.
My Home 🏡. I was born in 92 when democracy had come.🎉. Everybody was so poor. We had nothing. Wet we survived and today we re such a beautiful place. Amen 🙏🏻
@@matteolostia6930mama italia did nothing. Of course the Italian mafia came and made good thieves and taught the Albanians better way of corruption and crime.
@@elduderino3798 DENANCOVA KRIMINALITET me PUSHTET nè Zyrat EUROPIANE dhe ato INTERNACIONALE nè GENEVRA dhe nè Zvicèr deri nè TRIBUNALEN FEDERALE nè LOSANNA por askush NUK MBRON nè rrugè Ligjore pèrkundrasi vazhdojn shkatèrrojn FA MILJEN time deri tek Fèmijèt tanè si YJE tè FLIJUAR nè PADREJTESI nè rrugè Ligjore SHQIPERIA vènd i varfèr PA INDUSTRIN dhe TEKNOLLOGJIN MODERNE me pallate 5 katèshe me pak PUNISHTE , UZINA e FABRIKA hanim Bukèn tonè e bènim davanè tonè askush NUK tè fal asgjè dolèm nga LUFTA me OPINGA me KASOLLE me baltè e kashtè PATRIOT qè dhanè PASURIN dhe jetèn e tyre pèr SHKRONJAT SHQIPE qè komentojm Gjyshet tona qè numuronin kokrrat e misrit pèr tè rritur Fèmijèt me bijtè e bijat dhe burrat qè dhanè jetèn nè mal pèr LIRIN e ATDHEUT tè LAKMUAR tè SUNDUAR nga koha e shpatès e deri tek e PLUMBIT tè COPTUAR tè MOHUAR tè IZOLUAR me POLITIK edhe sot nè Luftèn e "THUMBIT" ku ARMIKU na hiqet MIK me POLITIK u rritèm nè thjeshtèsi por me njerzillèkun e duhur me FAMILJEN tè bashkuar PO EMANCIPIMIT , JOOO DEGJENERIMIT sepse shumè FAMILJE ende jetojn nè varfèri edhe sot nè DEMOKRACI ndaj mendoj qè NUK mè intereson çfarè emri ka SISTEMI apo PARTIT mè intereson kushè punon DREJT pèr SHQIPERIN
They did not say what job you had. Sometimes the profession you chose would have a place you were assigneded to work for a duration. Like since you are doctor you work in rural province for 3 months
As a Dutch boy i was visiting my family in communist Eastern Germany. It was in 1988. I went with my mothers nephew/cousin and his wife to a camping. He told me that the state told him to go to that camping. In the weeks before, they both were here in the Netherlands and they had not told their children that they went to visit us in the west. This, so that the children could not tell it in school and give other the idea that they also might want it. During their stay with us, i asked if i could come with them on a holiday to the GDR. In a short time they arranged everything like visa and a retour train ticket and i could cme with them. It was a nice holiday.
Ne fakt me pelqen ajo kohe pasi kalova femijerine e varfer por ishim te lumtur me njerzit prane dashurine respektin qe sot per fat te keq na mungon ,kishte te mirat dhe te keqijat ajo kohe ,tirana me pelqente shume dhe jetova sh vite aty
We were trying to survive. Keep in mind that the average wages were merely 15$ /month and Albania was considered the third poorest country in the world in those times. To add salt to the injury, the regime has constructed the largest fence all around the country along the border line, total made by 33.000 t. barbed wire bought from ex DDR. No private companies,no join ventures with other states, not at all machinery for the agriculture, and 80% of the population were devoted brainwashed komunists, otherwise spies of the famigerated Sigurimi i Shtetit. The secret police. Last but not least? 80% of the population still hopes or wishes that those times could come back again. My goodness I'll be damned again.😂
@@federal_kingdom_of_illyria2023 Dont know what bro albania was north korea of europe... i come from macedonia there were people albanian people who literally traded gold for salt in the mountains
Albanian had everything then but our leader didnt want people knowing much.. in 1990 Albania had no debts if so called democracy had carried out his duties in public intrest albania would be the riches county in europe there wouldn't be no emigrating anywhere or corruption.. here we are today 33 years later worse what a sheme and there is no sign of getting any better
'So they could see that all religions are useless and don't make sense!!' Yet Hoxha which translates to priest kept his surname in tact as his surname was used at the very beginning because people historically trusted their religious leaders.
nuk ka pas te drejte sepse njeriu duhet te kete disa parime ne jete e qe feja na meson ,per kete arsye tashme qe jeni pa fe vriteni masakroheni ne familje ,beni gjera te pabera ,droge vrasje ne rruge e cdo gje vetem e vetem sepse keni qrrenjosur zotin nga zemrat tuaja dhe jeni me te keqen
:3 XD Satan in Christianity and Islam are twisted versions of the Jewish explanation of such a very insignificant mythological creature that's never been seen before. In Jewish text, and in Jewish belief, Satan is a designed tempter, and was first a verb, ha'satan. There is no link to Satan, Lucifer (that isn't in Jewish mythology, and it's a Latin word, which means light-bearer, what "Jesus" called himself), and to the Devil. There was no hell in original Christianity either. It's not in all Bible versions, nor in all Christian faiths. It's not even in the near-death experience consensus. Hell is a scare tactic. The man-made Christian place (ironically) is based on mistranslations. The Book of Job is where supposed Satan has any real relevance. Before, and after that, Satan isn't even talked about much at all. The Book of Job shows Satan working with Yahweh to test Job.
O.o Near-death experience consensus shows most people leaving cancerous religion, and cancerous material atheism dogma, too. Science, the near-death experience consensus, self-contradictions, history, forgeries, mistranslations, unoriginal content, misinterpretations, misconstrued claims, etc., debunks cancerous religions (any Christianity included, since that's a religious belief). For a religious person, it's that person surrounded by thousands of religions throughout human history, and the person picks one religious book, or multiple religious books, and then picking whatever belief system of the many (even thousands in Christianity alone, and 73 types of death cult, pedo worshipping, sex slaves endorsing, firmly anti-apostasy, global dominance geared, super violent, and very incoherent Muslims, to say the least). They don't equate critical thinking, obviously, and then, instead of reaching out to other explanations, they jump to religious ideas to explain everything, leading them down Nowhereville. It's like reading Harry Potter (fellow Jewish brother who plays Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe, and he's a fellow non-religious person, like most of us Jewish people) filled with some truths (like anything), and they are engulfed in the story while believing it's reality. The idea of questioning life outside of Harry Potter becomes illogical, and even blasphemous to them. Shalom.
@@animasago SHQIPERIA vènd i varfèr PA INDUSTRIN dhe TEKNOLLOGJIN MODERNE me pallate 5 katèshe me pak PUNISHTE , UZINA e FABRIKA hanim Bukèn tonè e bènim davanè tonè askush NUK tè fal asgjè dolèm nga LUFTA me OPINGA me KASOLLE me baltè e kashtè PATRIOT qè dhanè PASURIN dhe jetèn e tyre pèr SHKRONJAT SHQIPE qè komentojm Gjyshet tona qè numuronin kokrrat e misrit pèr tè rritur Fèmijèt me bijtè e bijat dhe burrat qè dhanè jetèn nè mal pèr LIRIN e ATDHEUT tè LAKMUAR tè SUNDUAR nga koha e shpatès e deri tek e PLUMBIT tè COPTUAR tè MOHUAR tè IZOLUAR me POLITIK edhe sot nè Luftèn e "THUMBIT" ku ARMIKU na hiqet MIK me POLITIK u rritèm nè thjeshtèsi por me njerzillèkun e duhur me FAMILJEN tè bashkuar PO EMANCIPIMIT , JOOO DEGJENERIMIT sepse shumè FAMILJE ende jetojn nè varfèri edhe sot nè DEMOKRACI ndaj mendoj qè NUK mè intereson çfarè emri ka SISTEMI apo PARTIT mè intereson kushè punon DREJT pèr SHQIPERIN
There are many factors. On one hand the comunist regime wanted more kids but on the other hand people received good education and usually higher education equals lower birth rates. But I think it's mainly related to the end of the communist regime in 1990. Contraception and abortion became legal again. And nobody wants to have kids when they're this poor. Also many people immigrated to other European countries, Canada and the US.
Enver Hoxha was disliked by the Albanians in Montenegro because once he closed the borders, relations who lived on the other side were never seen again. The Yugoslav State provided a better quality of life for Albanians in Kosovo, Montenegro, and Macedonia. That says it all!!
@@BH-official Did they maintain the highest birthrate in Europe? Tell me who can do that today? Their quality of life was not on par with the rest of the Republics inside Yugoslavia however their standard of living was far better than what they had in Albania.
Bro Montenegro and Skopje not Macedonia it’s Greek it’s not better than Albania at all The salary is the same shit maybe you have 50-100 e more but don’t try to say that the life in Slavic countries was better because it was the same shit If you say Greece I would say yes but except Greece the rest in Balkans was bad and they re still are so please
Questo è un fatto,,assolutamente vero. Io avevo una zia in Macedonia a soli 7km lontana ed ho potuto vederla lei e i suoi figli solo nel "91. Pochi ricordano che i blu jeans,la coca cola eppure le banane in Albania non v'erano in commercio. Dopo la rottura con i cinesi c'era la fame ,non tanto nelle città quanto nelle campagne e zone rurali dove viveva il 2/3 della popolazione. C'e da dire che si ,gli albanesi nella ex Jugoslavija vivevano meglio ,ma dopo averli sterminati nel secondo dopo guerra con la collaborazione proprio dei comunisti albanesi.Il problema è che nelle scuole albanesi insegnano ancora la storia ai tempi di Hoxha,una vera tragedia !
@@omertoso8956 I've always said that Albanians would have been better served if the Ballista's won against the communists even though they were somewhat aligned with Hitler, Mussolini etc. Yet the brainwashing has limited their capacity to think.
The ottoman empire and communism destroyed the spirit of our race. Hopefully our blood survives the many years to come to bring us to the glory of the nobel families of the 1400. ✌🏻✝️🇦🇱
I have lived in Albania for about 2 years in total. I would agree, I believe communism has destroyed mens desire here to be excellent at their work, to just do enough to get paid. There are exceptions, but overall the work ethic here is not great. Bribery is also quite common. Living here has made me dislike communism even more than I have before. People remember the land that was taken from them under Hoxha and still not given back, which creates a bitterness. The people here are very hospitable and Friendly in general. Life is peaceful overall nowadays with a good standard of living.
@@edwardcarlton I think they don’t work as hard because they don’t think it’s not worth doing so considering how small the salaries are compared to other European countries. Corruption and low salaries is why everyone wants to leave. It’s hard to change the system but it’s easier to leave
@@francom.7336that’s a fact, most of people there are not motivated to work due to the extremely low pay, in contrast the majority of Albanians who live and work abroad are very hardworking and successful people.
And you see what is happening in Albania in 2023,peoples are becoming religious more than ever,growing their beards wearing Muslim short pants,women with hijabs and burkas…we all know that u dont like this but it’s happening and without Ottoman Empire and without Communism…
Jeta jone ne ate kohe ishte shume e mire e sinqerte. Juve qe nuk ju pelqen mos komentoni tek komenti im. Une dhe brezi im ne Tirane e kemi shijuar ate kohe. Politeknikumi 7 Nentori 1980-1984
Ato pak gjëra të mira që ishin në atë kohë dhe që na bënin të veçantë si popull, kta sot i zëvendësuan me Degjenerim Korupsion Drogë dhe vrasje të vëllait me vëllanë.
Duke pare video vura re femije qe luajn te lumtur familje te shendosha dasma tradicionale dhe njerez qe bashkohen per nje qellim te perbashket… me keto ne mendje me vjen pyetja e vjeter “ku qendron problemi ketu?”
@@Bledism SHQIPERIA vènd i varfèr PA INDUSTRIN dhe TEKNOLLOGJIN MODERNE me pallate 5 katèshe me pak PUNISHTE , UZINA e FABRIKA hanim Bukèn tonè e bènim davanè tonè askush NUK tè fal asgjè dolèm nga LUFTA me OPINGA me KASOLLE me baltè e kashtè PATRIOT qè dhanè PASURIN dhe jetèn e tyre pèr SHKRONJAT SHQIPE qè komentojm Gjyshet tona qè numuronin kokrrat e misrit pèr tè rritur Fèmijèt me bijtè e bijat dhe burrat qè dhanè jetèn nè mal pèr LIRIN e ATDHEUT tè LAKMUAR tè SUNDUAR nga koha e shpatès e deri tek e PLUMBIT tè COPTUAR tè MOHUAR tè IZOLUAR me POLITIK edhe sot nè Luftèn e "THUMBIT" ku ARMIKU na hiqet MIK me POLITIK u rritèm nè thjeshtèsi por me njerzillèkun e duhur me FAMILJEN tè bashkuar PO EMANCIPIMIT , JOOO DEGJENERIMIT sepse shumè FAMILJE ende jetojn nè varfèri edhe sot nè DEMOKRACI ndaj mendoj qè NUK mè intereson çfarè emri ka SISTEMI apo PARTIT mè intereson kushè punon DREJT pèr SHQIPERIN
SHQIPERIA vènd i varfèr PA INDUSTRIN dhe TEKNOLLOGJIN MODERNE me pallate 5 katèshe me pak PUNISHTE , UZINA e FABRIKA hanim Bukèn tonè e bènim davanè tonè askush NUK tè fal asgjè dolèm nga LUFTA me OPINGA me KASOLLE me baltè e kashtè PATRIOT qè dhanè PASURIN dhe jetèn e tyre pèr SHKRONJAT SHQIPE qè komentojm Gjyshet tona qè numuronin kokrrat e misrit pèr tè rritur Fèmijèt me bijtè e bijat dhe burrat qè dhanè jetèn nè mal pèr LIRIN e ATDHEUT tè LAKMUAR tè SUNDUAR nga koha e shpatès e deri tek e PLUMBIT tè COPTUAR tè MOHUAR tè IZOLUAR me POLITIK edhe sot nè Luftèn e "THUMBIT" ku ARMIKU na hiqet MIK me POLITIK u rritèm nè thjeshtèsi por me njerzillèkun e duhur me FAMILJEN tè bashkuar PO EMANCIPIMIT , JOOO DEGJENERIMIT sepse shumè FAMILJE ende jetojn nè varfèri edhe sot nè DEMOKRACI ndaj mendoj qè NUK mè intereson çfarè emri ka SISTEMI apo PARTIT mè intereson kushè punon DREJT pèr SHQIPERIN
i mean apart from a few changes i would totally live in socialism, none of them seems angry or in despair but hopeful and happy despite brutal dictator regime
But they had a point back then. Religion in Albania has always been a problem since foreign powers (Turks, Serbs, Greeks and Italians) have always used it to divide the population.
Let’s also remember the video and audio quality was not what it is today. That was life back in the late 80s for so many people. I was 4 years old. Childcare was not free, it was two weeks worth of salary for two children if you did not work in a government office. You had to pay rent and utilities and food, people scraped by but it was also a time of peace and harmony and family. Yes there were families persecuted from the time of the civil war between the Ballist and the Partizans. The Partizans became the communist party so if you or your family was a Ballist, then that was the price paid. Also there were Greek spies of the minority Greek community who tried to take southern Albanian many times so the government had to show how Albania treats spies and traitors. Also, if you spoke against the government then you were doomed as was your family. There were good things about life then but a lot of bad including the ration of food and sundry items and never knowing who would spy on you to the government for just having a conversation. Religion was Albanianism above all
There was bad and good about those times, as my parents says. Studies and health care for free, unemployment 0%, childcare for free, people was very close to each other, 0 killings and criminality almost 0 too. There was punishment for stupid reasons obviously to not allow people go against Party or if you complained about the system too. The other stupid things was that they stop the alliance with other communist countries more powerful where they used to get help. I can go on and on but definitely interesting times and place to live.
I presume your Albanian. Could i ask you a question, i heard in those time Albanians were not aloud at all to own a car. I know in Bulgaria, Romania, Poland etc you could. I always found it very strange if true, and WHY, what is the reason.
@flovanhoorn5444 it was not allowed, only people working for government could use vehicles provided by government for work reasons but pleasure not really. You could own a bicycle which a lot of people was choosing this option and obviously the very cheap public transport.
@flovanhoorn5444 the reason was simple "everyone equal, there was no rich or poor" main motivation why Party was supported massively when WW2 and after.
Good? Was there actually anything good? There were no killings amongst people because the state did that on a regular basis. Schools are free today in most countries. I’m sorry but your parents must have been deeply indoctrinated to be able to see any good in that general misery.
@@nobrainstuff Watch and read documentaries about the communist bloc and the food and supply shortages everyone endured. Also, let's not forget about the KGB and the Stasi...
@@worldsgreatestdude1784 The word suppression is difficult to understand. USA did so much wrong to all south east Asian countries. It’s Vietnam which took action against it’s neighbour resulting end of a rule. Are you Christian? Then you may love to live among them. I am an Atheist. I don't like to live among religious people. I find myself suppressed here in India. I don’t want political freedom. Marxists are atheists and I like them. I dislike those fools who worship something so-called supernatural being who even do not the earth is not flat. Look in all religious books. All religions are based on bogus theory what they claim as truth. You cannot believe in Adam and Eve and become a doctor. That's the real blasphemy. Hindus are no better than Christians and Muslims. All are hypocrites. That's the whole point. Everyone is suppressed or oppressed in one way or the other. I like to live with my people.
@@fieri67 SHQIPERIA vènd i varfèr PA INDUSTRIN dhe TEKNOLLOGJIN MODERNE me pallate 5 katèshe me pak PUNISHTE , UZINA e FABRIKA hanim Bukèn tonè e bènim davanè tonè askush NUK tè fal asgjè dolèm nga LUFTA me OPINGA me KASOLLE me baltè e kashtè PATRIOT qè dhanè PASURIN dhe jetèn e tyre pèr SHKRONJAT SHQIPE qè komentojm Gjyshet tona qè numuronin kokrrat e misrit pèr tè rritur Fèmijèt me bijtè e bijat dhe burrat qè dhanè jetèn nè mal pèr LIRIN e ATDHEUT tè LAKMUAR tè SUNDUAR nga koha e shpatès e deri tek e PLUMBIT tè COPTUAR tè MOHUAR tè IZOLUAR me POLITIK edhe sot nè Luftèn e "THUMBIT" ku ARMIKU na hiqet MIK me POLITIK u rritèm nè thjeshtèsi por me njerzillèkun e duhur me FAMILJEN tè bashkuar PO EMANCIPIMIT , JOOO DEGJENERIMIT sepse shumè FAMILJE ende jetojn nè varfèri edhe sot nè DEMOKRACI ndaj mendoj qè NUK mè intereson çfarè emri ka SISTEMI apo PARTIT mè intereson kushè punon DREJT pèr SHQIPERIN
For one month,youth albanians MUST work without a wage.... That is BRILIANT!! I wonder why the hell other countries dont do that also...1 month,just for one month in the youths lives they will work for their country..Not bad at all. Especialy for now days young kids who are spoiled to the max.
@Dioni_ YTkts hoxha is dump but not communist idea Tito,Lenin and Stalin are great leaders Mehmet Shehu is the good guy for albanian leader in communist years
@@comradegeorgy4266 The Communist idea was tried in all of these countries and failed. What greatness are you talking about... This video is a proof of its failure.
@@comradegeorgy4266 bro from mallakastra, say all you want...all the people you stated were dicks and killed thousands of innocent people. Only good thing enver did was he made a strong army and everything was produced in the country other than that he was bad. People lived like animals in communist Albania, I have heard the stories of my parents
there were no gangster heroin dealers or pimps you do any of those you will die withing 2hrous or work for 40 years under catastrophic conditions without seeing your family in a gulag style camp whatever happend happend after the 90s
@@hoti47 people had berely anythining to eat , no fredom of expresion or religion , no rights , paranoid cunt in power so paranoid he kills hes closest people to him , propoganda , you have to lick the states boot to get anywhere and i could go on
It is a hell hole. They controlled everything, you couldn’t leave, there was no choices, they assigned your jobs. That bride and groom looked really excited.
What do you want to show with this video? Is Albania better today? Come and film the rural areas and today's villages, then let's compare! Ask the people on the street why they flee from Albania then... In the end, it is better to be known in the world as an isolated and communist country than as a country where corruption and crime flourish, prostitution, unemployment, lack of education, culture, intellectual class, public order, local production, etc., etc. A collar is just an external appearance and does not confirm anything with the development and emancipation of a society.
And when he was the leader Albania was poorest country in Europe. After 40!!!!! years Albanians and Albania try to do something and try to change country after his "kind and smarter" leadership. He was tiran, dictator and psychopathic.
No, it wasn't hell. It was simply different. There were so many good things and also bad things as well. Economically, we are better now, but spiritually, we are way, way worse. Money and capitalism can destroy human's spirits. Life might have been harder, but it was not stressful at all. In fact, the word " stress" simply didn't exist. People had problems and struggled to solve them, stress is something else when you have got everything, and you simply don't know what you want from life as nothing can make you happy. Look at who kills themselves - super rich people, singers, artists, etc. who are so rich and when you have everything, it makes you feel there is nothing else to please you. Life has no meaning anymore. Poor people usually don't kill themselves with drugs or something else. I hope I'm not being too philosophical, but it's so hard to explain it to anyone how life was during those times as nobody would understand it...The only happy times that I remember is during those times and its not only me, everybody who lived during that era shares the same opinion. We are all nostalgic about these times as we know they will never turn back...... The years 1987 - 2000 were the worst times in Albania 's history. The 70- s were simply great years for Albania.
@@liljanasufaj4130The positives didn't outweigh the negative aspects of Hoxha's Stalinist regime. I have family members that were disappeared for speaking out against this schizophrenic regime. My parents were able to get out because of friends who helped them. Still the problems of today are also bad but being imprisoned for speech or even for eating a banana can't be compared .
@daddy1571 I didn't suffer like you with family members, so for me, the positives outweighed the negatives. Everybody's experiences were different,maybe I was the lucky one, but we had no reasons to speak against the regime...
@@daddy1571we have a lot of commie boot licker even 32 years after , they got nicknames "Soup" or "souvlaki" because their parents or themselves used to work as spies for regime, and nowadays they sell their vote and future of their children for price of a souvlaki
@@fatmirberisha6214 SHQIPERIA vènd i varfèr PA INDUSTRIN dhe TEKNOLLOGJIN MODERNE me pallate 5 katèshe me pak PUNISHTE , UZINA e FABRIKA hanim Bukèn tonè e bènim davanè tonè askush NUK tè fal asgjè dolèm nga LUFTA me OPINGA me KASOLLE me baltè e kashtè PATRIOT qè dhanè PASURIN dhe jetèn e tyre pèr SHKRONJAT SHQIPE qè komentojm Gjyshet tona qè numuronin kokrrat e misrit pèr tè rritur Fèmijèt me bijtè e bijat dhe burrat qè dhanè jetèn nè mal pèr LIRIN e ATDHEUT tè LAKMUAR tè SUNDUAR nga koha e shpatès e deri tek e PLUMBIT tè COPTUAR tè MOHUAR tè IZOLUAR me POLITIK edhe sot nè Luftèn e "THUMBIT" ku ARMIKU na hiqet MIK me POLITIK u rritèm nè thjeshtèsi por me njerzillèkun e duhur me FAMILJEN tè bashkuar PO EMANCIPIMIT , JOOO DEGJENERIMIT sepse shumè FAMILJE ende jetojn nè varfèri edhe sot nè DEMOKRACI ndaj mendoj qè NUK mè intereson çfarè emri ka SISTEMI apo PARTIT mè intereson kushè punon DREJT pèr SHQIPERIN
Very realistic video.
As an albanian that lived at this time wanted to add that people were carrying on their lives and most of us lived poorly but happily.
Stress-free, no drugs, no crimes and almost free of all services. Community life, and having family and friends all around you was a big factor for happiness.
I know personally, people who risked their life to escape Albanian "happiness" in the 80's.
@valevisa8429 so do I, but that doesn't mean that people weren't happy.
I was a teenager at the time, and I had the best time of my life. I would like my children to have the same quality life I and my friends had. We didn't have too many opportunities, but we were happy with our everyday lives.
I also grew up in a communist dictatorship. Yes,as a child and teenager i was happy,but the more i got older ,the more i got frustrated and unhappy .I realized that i was living in a big concentration camp,so i escaped. @@1970armand
Thanks for bringing this up, many foregners dont understand this they only see the surfece and judge from outside. While some people nowdays "rich" but dead inside without a place belonging. I would 100% live at that time then some western big citys nowdays.
This is true, I know someone with cancer n he is the happiest person I ever met.
Very interesting, thank you for uploading
Thank you for uploading👍👍👍❤
E tmerrshme ne ç’kohe kemi jetuar !!! Kur shikoj Koren e Verut , me kujtohet Shqiperia qe e jetuam ne ….
Sot eshte me zi ne shqiperi
Me e tmerrshme do te thoja eshte te jetosh sot apo te krijosh familje dhe te rritesh femije...
@@peacew479 Po ik ore, mos na çaj trapin; ça qënke më zi?
Më zi se kur? Se në kohën e qoftëlargut Saliqeni?
@@bossi001 ju jeni grek, eshte gjynah I madh per Zotin e madh tkeni just shtet ju jeni shkerdhata e kanibale me ne krye ate shkjaun edi mut ramoviqin
@@bossi001 Sot po nuk pate lek dhe kur them lek flas per te ardhura mbi 1 mln e siper ne muaj,sepse po nuk pate kto smban dot veten tende ne kembe dhe jo me te krijosh familje.Ja pra ca ka dashur te thot komentuesi qe I je pergjigjur ti gjithe pordh.
I have always been interested in this country, and have visited Sarandë 3 times since 2006. Does anyone have any footage or information of Sarandë during the times of Hoxha?
First of all i wanted to say thank you for vistiting my city. Now i dont think i have footage but i know for sure that Saranda made the best bread in the country. Communism was the worst era of Albania. My grandfather was fatherless when he was 4 years old bc Enver and his soldiers had killed my great grandfather. The food was little but at least it was better than now ( bc of the chemicals etc) The economy was f#####. The military was veeeery good bc that dum#### had spent 60 or 80 % of the economy for the military. The communism started from 1944 to 1990. So my dad was borned in the communism era. Also bc my grandfather was fatherless, he was called the "enemy of the people" by the people. He couldn't say anything bc he would have gone to jail and then he would have died. Bc my grandmother was married to my grandfather, she was called "the wife of the people's eneymy". Like i know many countries that were communist and some of them still are, but the Albanian's communism was barbar. It was isolated like the North Korean's communism. It was the first atheist country. So if someone says that communism in Albania was great, dont belive them. They say like this bc they were communists themselves.
@@kevinkurani2961 thanks for the information. I was really interested to see the city change. The first time I visited was in 2006, and the city was quite poor. Its not easy to find photographs from this time but I would love to see some. The second time was 2009 and that time I went to Butrinti - very interesting. The third time was 2014 and the place was so different, a lot of investment and I stayed in the city and had some beers and food for most of the day.
Nonesense, shiptari have been known grifters since ottoman times
I was 23 yrs old when I escaped the communist regime! People where not allowed to reject the communist party, if you did you and your family was sent into a labor camp basically it make the cotton filled look like heaven!
Especially stealers of slavic wives that find you guys feminine and prefer us ahaha@@antejl7925
Thanks for posting
the fruit bowl was well stocked because they knew they were having guests
Imagine being too communist for the soviets and the Chinese 💀
ikr hahha
It looks almost pelasant, except the lady who said I chose to come here (work in railroad). Clearly that was a lie, poor lady ❤️
I had a 98 yo patient from Puka. She was taken to prison for 7 years. When she was taken, she was pregnant, she gave birth, and the child died while she was in prison. She still lives, and 2 month ago told me the story, broke my heart. But what a tough lady, stronger than me at 36, her boned were solid, and her hanshake would intimidate me. Anyhow, I see how ppl may have nostalgia, those who didnt expeirnce prosectution and such, they were ok with zero crime, no theft, living equal, kind if stress free. The wedding was beautiful, Teuta e Astrini pacin jete te gjate❤❤
If you watch this objectively its an amazing place
It’s a S*ithole.
😈Volunteer was not voluntarily!
It was a mandatory, if your name was called for you to ""volunteer' you could not rejected!
You could if you weren't hungry😂
Faleminderit qe e postove
We are so free now that sin can do whatever he wants with us
As Albanian. This is just something like my thing
14:02 There it is, that's the key. Some people wanted more, they believed they would get loads of consumer goods, but they got less, and now no one can afford to raise a family.
It's getting like that in every country
One month rent for one day wage?? I want to live there!! Almost half of my pay goes on rent...
@Donnell Okafor No body need u here don’t worry.
Stfu dumb ass you wouldn’t survive a day
the communists killed my mum’s uncle and killed my dad’s 2 year old sister it was a hell hole my mum told me the story the communists captured her uncle and said to him to admit it your wife is a spy coz her uncle had escaped Albania back then and he was no she’s not he got whipped they said admit it she’s a spy no he would lie about her being a spy he got whipped about 10-20 times and at the end coz he was in so much pain he said yes she’s a spy and whipped him for lying to them and saying she’s a spy and that how he died and my dad his whole family was put in the toughest concentration camp worser then Auchwitz they worse starved deprived of basic hygiene and my dad’s sister was hungry needed food but they didn’t care my grandma begged for food for her daughter they ignored her and she ended up dying my dad was at the concentration camp coz his dad escaped Albania my grandfather from my mum’s side had to 12 years coz he farted at a government building it was a hellhole it was exactly like North Korea in the 2000-2019 escaping was hard but still possible my mum had to dig snow just because they didn’t want her doing nothing at age 12 with barely any clothes on don’t comment on it saying it wasn’t a hellhole if you have never been through it
amen to that 😂😂
That was true!
Albania has changed so much since then and I'm proud to see it become a modern European country
modern Europen country???albania??? You sure?
Modern? It's poverty, corruption, islamism, drug trafficking, prostitution... maybe that's "modernity" the amerikan way and now also albanian way because they adopted it. Not even the european union wants anything to do with Albania, only NATO: congratulations for you're now another US puppet state!
@@Deathunder have you been to Albania??? Or you just comment from your house wich you share with your parents.
@@brisildoahmeti5559 yes I have been to albania and no , I don’t comment from my parents house . albania is still a crime shit hole but has many potentials and I comment from my house which I live with my wife and 3 kids 😀
@@Deathunder Crime shit hole ... Did anything happen to you when you were there??? Last summer there were about 2-3 million tourists in Albania and correct me if I'm wrong but nothing happened to anyone of them who went there. So what does crime have to do with you and why would you bring that up? Is it cause you're greek and can't seem to find one single nice things to say about Albania? Don't worry we got Kosova now and our next move is Chameria South Epirus and then you'll see the all of the Albanian criminals fucking your wife while you watch and cry lol
what does the 4 fingers mean?
4 gola me duket
We want to know what is happening with Astrit and Teuta nowadays
Most likely, they immigrated, and they are living a happy life far from their own country, families, and old friends.
They visit Albania from time to time to realize that they don't recognize their own country anymore.
If they managed not to immigrate their children for sure did so.
My Home 🏡. I was born in 92 when democracy had come.🎉. Everybody was so poor. We had nothing. Wet we survived and today we re such a beautiful place. Amen 🙏🏻
Poi è arrivata mamma italia che vi ha fatto sognare 😂
@@matteolostia6930 beh non solo. Tante mamme.
@@matteolostia6930mama italia did nothing. Of course the Italian mafia came and made good thieves and taught the Albanians better way of corruption and crime.
@@matteolostia6930noo mama italia no money 😂 Germany and Switzerland 💶💶
@@elduderino3798 DENANCOVA KRIMINALITET me PUSHTET nè Zyrat EUROPIANE dhe ato INTERNACIONALE nè GENEVRA dhe nè Zvicèr deri nè TRIBUNALEN FEDERALE nè LOSANNA por askush NUK MBRON nè rrugè Ligjore pèrkundrasi vazhdojn shkatèrrojn FA MILJEN time deri tek Fèmijèt tanè si YJE tè FLIJUAR nè PADREJTESI nè rrugè Ligjore SHQIPERIA vènd i varfèr PA INDUSTRIN dhe TEKNOLLOGJIN MODERNE me pallate 5 katèshe me pak PUNISHTE , UZINA e FABRIKA hanim Bukèn tonè e bènim davanè tonè askush NUK tè fal asgjè dolèm nga LUFTA me OPINGA me KASOLLE me baltè e kashtè PATRIOT qè dhanè PASURIN dhe jetèn e tyre pèr SHKRONJAT SHQIPE qè komentojm Gjyshet tona qè numuronin kokrrat e misrit pèr tè rritur Fèmijèt me bijtè e bijat dhe burrat qè dhanè jetèn nè mal pèr LIRIN e ATDHEUT tè LAKMUAR tè SUNDUAR nga koha e shpatès e deri tek e PLUMBIT tè COPTUAR tè MOHUAR tè IZOLUAR me POLITIK edhe sot nè Luftèn e "THUMBIT" ku ARMIKU na hiqet MIK me POLITIK u rritèm nè thjeshtèsi por me njerzillèkun e duhur me FAMILJEN tè bashkuar PO EMANCIPIMIT , JOOO DEGJENERIMIT sepse shumè FAMILJE ende jetojn nè varfèri edhe sot nè DEMOKRACI ndaj mendoj qè NUK mè intereson çfarè emri ka SISTEMI apo PARTIT mè intereson kushè punon DREJT pèr SHQIPERIN
They were so ahead and so right about religions.
Now in 2023, I visited Tirana, the capital city. What an amazing transformation. The economy is better than Turkey.
A hahahah what ??? R u serious?
I’m Albanian by the way 100% nga kuksi Oo karrr cfare Po thua
Capitalist Turkey's economy is horrible though.. 75% inflation, real capitalism. People eating straight from the trash cans..
The country is being bought by Germany
"Living standards are very basic" - You could say that, since communist Albania was the third poorest country in the whole world.
Imagine when the employment allocations come out and you read that you’ve been assigned to the circus.. 😭
They did not say what job you had. Sometimes the profession you chose would have a place you were assigneded to work for a duration. Like since you are doctor you work in rural province for 3 months
Typical dumbass with his typical moronic stereotypes to judge a countries history in the most idiotic way imaginable. Congrats.
As a Dutch boy i was visiting my family in communist Eastern Germany. It was in 1988. I went with my mothers nephew/cousin and his wife to a camping. He told me that the state told him to go to that camping. In the weeks before, they both were here in the Netherlands and they had not told their children that they went to visit us in the west. This, so that the children could not tell it in school and give other the idea that they also might want it. During their stay with us, i asked if i could come with them on a holiday to the GDR. In a short time they arranged everything like visa and a retour train ticket and i could cme with them. It was a nice holiday.
Without Enver Hoxha Albania wouldn’t exist as an independent country
Without that delusional man we would have been the Switzerland of the Balkans by now...
The first 4 years he was in power he did bring the country back from the brink. Sadly he also was still a dictator at heart.
I am proud to be Albanian🇦🇱
Ne fakt me pelqen ajo kohe pasi kalova femijerine e varfer por ishim te lumtur me njerzit prane dashurine respektin qe sot per fat te keq na mungon ,kishte te mirat dhe te keqijat ajo kohe ,tirana me pelqente shume dhe jetova sh vite aty
We were trying to survive. Keep in mind that the average wages were merely 15$ /month and Albania was considered the third poorest country in the world in those times. To add salt to the injury, the regime has constructed the largest fence all around the country along the border line,
total made by 33.000 t. barbed wire bought from ex DDR. No private companies,no join ventures with other states, not at all machinery for the agriculture, and 80% of the population were devoted brainwashed komunists, otherwise spies of the famigerated Sigurimi i Shtetit. The secret police. Last but not least? 80% of the population still hopes or wishes that those times could come back again. My goodness I'll be damned again.😂
Could you buy clothes? What was there for entertainment? I'm so interested
It really scares me how much of a madman was enver hoxha to keep iron grip on people like the albanians
He was overprotective for his people never think bad wen you don't know.
@@federal_kingdom_of_illyria2023 Dont know what bro albania was north korea of europe... i come from macedonia there were people albanian people who literally traded gold for salt in the mountains
@yamiyamimatoi7310 Yes bro really today is even worse
@@federal_kingdom_of_illyria2023 maybe for what i see i dont doubt... what is specifically worse
Albanian had everything then but our leader didnt want people knowing much.. in 1990 Albania had no debts if so called democracy had carried out his duties in public intrest albania would be the riches county in europe there wouldn't be no emigrating anywhere or corruption.. here we are today 33 years later worse what a sheme and there is no sign of getting any better
'So they could see that all religions are useless and don't make sense!!' Yet Hoxha which translates to priest kept his surname in tact as his surname was used at the very beginning because people historically trusted their religious leaders.
hoxha means imam a muslim kinda priest but yeah u right
He was missing a k at the end of his name it should be Hoxhak
He was right about religion.
nuk ka pas te drejte sepse njeriu duhet te kete disa parime ne jete e qe feja na meson ,per kete arsye tashme qe jeni pa fe vriteni masakroheni ne familje ,beni gjera te pabera ,droge vrasje ne rruge e cdo gje vetem e vetem sepse keni qrrenjosur zotin nga zemrat tuaja dhe jeni me te keqen
:3 XD Satan in Christianity and Islam are twisted versions of the Jewish explanation of such a very insignificant mythological creature that's never been seen before. In Jewish text, and in Jewish belief, Satan is a designed tempter, and was first a verb, ha'satan.
There is no link to Satan, Lucifer (that isn't in Jewish mythology, and it's a Latin word, which means light-bearer, what "Jesus" called himself), and to the Devil.
There was no hell in original Christianity either. It's not in all Bible versions, nor in all Christian faiths. It's not even in the near-death experience consensus. Hell is a scare tactic. The man-made Christian place (ironically) is based on mistranslations.
The Book of Job is where supposed Satan has any real relevance. Before, and after that, Satan isn't even talked about much at all.
The Book of Job shows Satan working with Yahweh to test Job.
O.o Near-death experience consensus shows most people leaving cancerous religion, and cancerous material atheism dogma, too. Science, the near-death experience consensus, self-contradictions, history, forgeries, mistranslations, unoriginal content, misinterpretations, misconstrued claims, etc., debunks cancerous religions (any Christianity included, since that's a religious belief).
For a religious person, it's that person surrounded by thousands of religions throughout human history, and the person picks one religious book, or multiple religious books, and then picking whatever belief system of the many (even thousands in Christianity alone, and 73 types of death cult, pedo worshipping, sex slaves endorsing, firmly anti-apostasy, global dominance geared, super violent, and very incoherent Muslims, to say the least). They don't equate critical thinking, obviously, and then, instead of reaching out to other explanations, they jump to religious ideas to explain everything, leading them down Nowhereville.
It's like reading Harry Potter (fellow Jewish brother who plays Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe, and he's a fellow non-religious person, like most of us Jewish people) filled with some truths (like anything), and they are engulfed in the story while believing it's reality. The idea of questioning life outside of Harry Potter becomes illogical, and even blasphemous to them.
Thankfully, near-death experience consensus disproves religion and material atheism dogma. Plus, science, history, mistranslations, forgeries, self-contradictions, unoriginal content, and so forth disprove religion. Thankfully, religion is man-made.
Not only, when we see what are really west countries now and Albania also...
Uaaa sa mbrapa qe jemi akm
No one was allowed to earn more than twice as much as anyone else??Hmm.. Didn't know that..
The elites had plenty of money.
Hajde tani eshte perle ❤ na marshi te keqen
Tani eshte me keq 😂
Shqiperia eshte mbeturine
@@animasago SHQIPERIA vènd i varfèr PA INDUSTRIN dhe TEKNOLLOGJIN MODERNE me pallate 5 katèshe me pak PUNISHTE , UZINA e FABRIKA hanim Bukèn tonè e bènim davanè tonè askush NUK tè fal asgjè dolèm nga LUFTA me OPINGA me KASOLLE me baltè e kashtè PATRIOT qè dhanè PASURIN dhe jetèn e tyre pèr SHKRONJAT SHQIPE qè komentojm Gjyshet tona qè numuronin kokrrat e misrit pèr tè rritur Fèmijèt me bijtè e bijat dhe burrat qè dhanè jetèn nè mal pèr LIRIN e ATDHEUT tè LAKMUAR tè SUNDUAR nga koha e shpatès e deri tek e PLUMBIT tè COPTUAR tè MOHUAR tè IZOLUAR me POLITIK edhe sot nè Luftèn e "THUMBIT" ku ARMIKU na hiqet MIK me POLITIK u rritèm nè thjeshtèsi por me njerzillèkun e duhur me FAMILJEN tè bashkuar PO EMANCIPIMIT , JOOO DEGJENERIMIT sepse shumè FAMILJE ende jetojn nè varfèri edhe sot nè DEMOKRACI ndaj mendoj qè NUK mè intereson çfarè emri ka SISTEMI apo PARTIT mè intereson kushè punon DREJT pèr SHQIPERIN
09:39 it's 2021 and we still haven't reached it 🤣
Thats sad, do you may know from where that number comes and why it didnt reach it?
There are many factors. On one hand the comunist regime wanted more kids but on the other hand people received good education and usually higher education equals lower birth rates. But I think it's mainly related to the end of the communist regime in 1990. Contraception and abortion became legal again. And nobody wants to have kids when they're this poor. Also many people immigrated to other European countries, Canada and the US.
@@Ewevo didnt reach it bc of many albanians leaving the country after the borders opened
Enver Hoxha was disliked by the Albanians in Montenegro because once he closed the borders, relations who lived on the other side were never seen again. The Yugoslav State provided a better quality of life for Albanians in Kosovo, Montenegro, and Macedonia. That says it all!!
What quality of life did Albanians have in Kosova or Macedonia?
@@BH-official Did they maintain the highest birthrate in Europe? Tell me who can do that today? Their quality of life was not on par with the rest of the Republics inside Yugoslavia however their standard of living was far better than what they had in Albania.
Bro Montenegro and Skopje not Macedonia it’s Greek it’s not better than Albania at all
The salary is the same shit maybe you have 50-100 e more but don’t try to say that the life in Slavic countries was better because it was the same shit
If you say Greece I would say yes but except Greece the rest in Balkans was bad and they re still are so please
Questo è un fatto,,assolutamente vero. Io avevo una zia in Macedonia a soli 7km lontana ed ho potuto vederla lei e i suoi figli solo nel "91. Pochi ricordano che i blu jeans,la coca cola eppure le banane in Albania non v'erano in commercio. Dopo la rottura con i cinesi c'era la fame ,non tanto nelle città quanto nelle campagne e zone rurali dove viveva il 2/3 della popolazione. C'e da dire che si ,gli albanesi nella ex Jugoslavija vivevano meglio ,ma dopo averli sterminati nel secondo dopo guerra con la collaborazione proprio dei comunisti albanesi.Il problema è che nelle scuole albanesi insegnano ancora la storia ai tempi di Hoxha,una vera tragedia !
@@omertoso8956 I've always said that Albanians would have been better served if the Ballista's won against the communists even though they were somewhat aligned with Hitler, Mussolini etc. Yet the brainwashing has limited their capacity to think.
And keep in mind that this war the URBAN albania... The rural were even more tribal
The ottoman empire and communism destroyed the spirit of our race. Hopefully our blood survives the many years to come to bring us to the glory of the nobel families of the 1400. ✌🏻✝️🇦🇱
I have lived in Albania for about 2 years in total. I would agree, I believe communism has destroyed mens desire here to be excellent at their work, to just do enough to get paid. There are exceptions, but overall the work ethic here is not great. Bribery is also quite common. Living here has made me dislike communism even more than I have before. People remember the land that was taken from them under Hoxha and still not given back, which creates a bitterness. The people here are very hospitable and Friendly in general. Life is peaceful overall nowadays with a good standard of living.
@@edwardcarlton I think they don’t work as hard because they don’t think it’s not worth doing so considering how small the salaries are compared to other European countries. Corruption and low salaries is why everyone wants to leave. It’s hard to change the system but it’s easier to leave
@@francom.7336that’s a fact, most of people there are not motivated to work due to the extremely low pay, in contrast the majority of Albanians who live and work abroad are very hardworking and successful people.
And you see what is happening in Albania in 2023,peoples are becoming religious more than ever,growing their beards wearing Muslim short pants,women with hijabs and burkas…we all know that u dont like this but it’s happening and without Ottoman Empire and without Communism…
@@Shkupi99is the sultan from turkey that push that influence since after communism
Jeta jone ne ate kohe ishte shume e mire e sinqerte. Juve qe nuk ju pelqen mos komentoni tek komenti im. Une dhe brezi im ne Tirane e kemi shijuar ate kohe. Politeknikumi 7 Nentori 1980-1984
He komunist muti. Thoje kohe e mire se haje buk misri atehere. Po harron se sot ha buke gruri qe ste dilte as ne endrra atehere.
Ato pak gjëra të mira që ishin në atë kohë dhe që na bënin të veçantë si popull, kta sot i zëvendësuan me Degjenerim Korupsion Drogë dhe vrasje të vëllait me vëllanë.
Atheist fool
Holy shoulder pads!
Of course was going to
Happen like that if everyone wants u so badly dead u better be alone
Problemi ishte dhe eshte klasa ne ate kohe dhe tani jane injorantet qe drejtojne
Duke pare video vura re femije qe luajn te lumtur familje te shendosha dasma tradicionale dhe njerez qe bashkohen per nje qellim te perbashket… me keto ne mendje me vjen pyetja e vjeter “ku qendron problemi ketu?”
Se harrova… edhe femra te bukura natyrale jo si tani ku te gjitha ngjajne sikur kane dale nga fabrika e pambukut….
problemi qendron qe gjitha ato qe pe ti jane fallco dhe te shtirura
@@Bledism SHQIPERIA vènd i varfèr PA INDUSTRIN dhe TEKNOLLOGJIN MODERNE me pallate 5 katèshe me pak PUNISHTE , UZINA e FABRIKA hanim Bukèn tonè e bènim davanè tonè askush NUK tè fal asgjè dolèm nga LUFTA me OPINGA me KASOLLE me baltè e kashtè PATRIOT qè dhanè PASURIN dhe jetèn e tyre pèr SHKRONJAT SHQIPE qè komentojm Gjyshet tona qè numuronin kokrrat e misrit pèr tè rritur Fèmijèt me bijtè e bijat dhe burrat qè dhanè jetèn nè mal pèr LIRIN e ATDHEUT tè LAKMUAR tè SUNDUAR nga koha e shpatès e deri tek e PLUMBIT tè COPTUAR tè MOHUAR tè IZOLUAR me POLITIK edhe sot nè Luftèn e "THUMBIT" ku ARMIKU na hiqet MIK me POLITIK u rritèm nè thjeshtèsi por me njerzillèkun e duhur me FAMILJEN tè bashkuar PO EMANCIPIMIT , JOOO DEGJENERIMIT sepse shumè FAMILJE ende jetojn nè varfèri edhe sot nè DEMOKRACI ndaj mendoj qè NUK mè intereson çfarè emri ka SISTEMI apo PARTIT mè intereson kushè punon DREJT pèr SHQIPERIN
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SHQIPERIA vènd i varfèr PA INDUSTRIN dhe TEKNOLLOGJIN MODERNE me pallate 5 katèshe me pak PUNISHTE , UZINA e FABRIKA hanim Bukèn tonè e bènim davanè tonè askush NUK tè fal asgjè dolèm nga LUFTA me OPINGA me KASOLLE me baltè e kashtè PATRIOT qè dhanè PASURIN dhe jetèn e tyre pèr SHKRONJAT SHQIPE qè komentojm Gjyshet tona qè numuronin kokrrat e misrit pèr tè rritur Fèmijèt me bijtè e bijat dhe burrat qè dhanè jetèn nè mal pèr LIRIN e ATDHEUT tè LAKMUAR tè SUNDUAR nga koha e shpatès e deri tek e PLUMBIT tè COPTUAR tè MOHUAR tè IZOLUAR me POLITIK edhe sot nè Luftèn e "THUMBIT" ku ARMIKU na hiqet MIK me POLITIK u rritèm nè thjeshtèsi por me njerzillèkun e duhur me FAMILJEN tè bashkuar PO EMANCIPIMIT , JOOO DEGJENERIMIT sepse shumè FAMILJE ende jetojn nè varfèri edhe sot nè DEMOKRACI ndaj mendoj qè NUK mè intereson çfarè emri ka SISTEMI apo PARTIT mè intereson kushè punon DREJT pèr SHQIPERIN
i mean apart from a few changes i would totally live in socialism, none of them seems angry or in despair but hopeful and happy despite brutal dictator regime
Soon after we'd learn of the unremitting misery of Hoxhaism and the secret police, the Sigurimi.
It was a great time then truly people
If your daddy was your daddy a card carrier.
He was right about "no foreign debt, no creditors."
4:00 proto-Redditors except better looking
But they had a point back then. Religion in Albania has always been a problem since foreign powers (Turks, Serbs, Greeks and Italians) have always used it to divide the population.
Ja shtepia ku u linda the u rita u bërra burrë dhe atdheu në harron kurrë.
Let’s also remember the video and audio quality was not what it is today. That was life back in the late 80s for so many people. I was 4 years old. Childcare was not free, it was two weeks worth of salary for two children if you did not work in a government office. You had to pay rent and utilities and food, people scraped by but it was also a time of peace and harmony and family. Yes there were families persecuted from the time of the civil war between the Ballist and the Partizans. The Partizans became the communist party so if you or your family was a Ballist, then that was the price paid. Also there were Greek spies of the minority Greek community who tried to take southern Albanian many times so the government had to show how Albania treats spies and traitors. Also, if you spoke against the government then you were doomed as was your family. There were good things about life then but a lot of bad including the ration of food and sundry items and never knowing who would spy on you to the government for just having a conversation. Religion was Albanianism above all
why Albanians showing 3 fingers?
can anyone explain the meaning?
It is like a greating but also an insult there is a kid that you can see that uses it as an insult
@@idkreally3594 they ment that thier team will win 3 .0
They're with the Albanian equivalent of Bloods or Crips?
I think their football team scored 3 goals. It's nothing political.
@@idkreally3594 umm no it was for the football match, 3 fingers means nothing
No foreign debt.... He was smart. once you accept them your their slave for life
Well well well we changed
For better or worse?
@@conorowens5805 for better mate
@@enri447 for worst .
@@enri447 worse
@@conorowens5805 depends, for living standards way better. For politics shockingly it’s worse.
Well at least they didn’t destroy the churches and mosques. And the few palaces could also stay.
Still a shitty dictatorship.
There was bad and good about those times, as my parents says. Studies and health care for free, unemployment 0%, childcare for free, people was very close to each other, 0 killings and criminality almost 0 too. There was punishment for stupid reasons obviously to not allow people go against Party or if you complained about the system too. The other stupid things was that they stop the alliance with other communist countries more powerful where they used to get help. I can go on and on but definitely interesting times and place to live.
I presume your Albanian.
Could i ask you a question, i heard in those time Albanians were not aloud at all to own a car.
I know in Bulgaria, Romania, Poland etc you could.
I always found it very strange if true, and WHY, what is the reason.
@flovanhoorn5444 it was not allowed, only people working for government could use vehicles provided by government for work reasons but pleasure not really. You could own a bicycle which a lot of people was choosing this option and obviously the very cheap public transport.
@@GioChotzali yes but with what reason it was not aloud.
What crime could a person with a Polski Fiat 126 or Zastava do 😅
@flovanhoorn5444 the reason was simple "everyone equal, there was no rich or poor" main motivation why Party was supported massively when WW2 and after.
Good? Was there actually anything good? There were no killings amongst people because the state did that on a regular basis. Schools are free today in most countries. I’m sorry but your parents must have been deeply indoctrinated to be able to see any good in that general misery.
Only thing good religion was out 👍👍
Yup, one of the veryy few Enver H*xha Ws
When religion is gone that is what athiesm brings in.
Heaven for me, an Atheist and admirer of Karl Marx.
You have no idea what you're admiring my friend. If you lived there you would be the first person to leave to The West.
@@angelovalavanis2314 Why do you think that? Can you explain?
@@nobrainstuff Watch and read documentaries about the communist bloc and the food and supply shortages everyone endured. Also, let's not forget about the KGB and the Stasi...
So you support suppression? I bet you’d love Kampuchea
@@worldsgreatestdude1784 The word suppression is difficult to understand. USA did so much wrong to all south east Asian countries. It’s Vietnam which took action against it’s neighbour resulting end of a rule. Are you Christian? Then you may love to live among them. I am an Atheist. I don't like to live among religious people. I find myself suppressed here in India. I don’t want political freedom. Marxists are atheists and I like them. I dislike those fools who worship something so-called supernatural being who even do not the earth is not flat. Look in all religious books. All religions are based on bogus theory what they claim as truth. You cannot believe in Adam and Eve and become a doctor. That's the real blasphemy. Hindus are no better than Christians and Muslims. All are hypocrites. That's the whole point. Everyone is suppressed or oppressed in one way or the other. I like to live with my people.
Korea e veriut
I am living in India where being an Atheist is criminal. Really speaking I would love to live in Albania during Communist rule.
you would be sent to a concentration camp for being a foreigner, you fool
'Religion served the interests of the ruling class?' Perhaps so in some spaces but Communism too served the interests of the ruling class.
Communism is an ideology also.
As theory it's not bad , it was used before its time.
@@fieri67 SHQIPERIA vènd i varfèr PA INDUSTRIN dhe TEKNOLLOGJIN MODERNE me pallate 5 katèshe me pak PUNISHTE , UZINA e FABRIKA hanim Bukèn tonè e bènim davanè tonè askush NUK tè fal asgjè dolèm nga LUFTA me OPINGA me KASOLLE me baltè e kashtè PATRIOT qè dhanè PASURIN dhe jetèn e tyre pèr SHKRONJAT SHQIPE qè komentojm Gjyshet tona qè numuronin kokrrat e misrit pèr tè rritur Fèmijèt me bijtè e bijat dhe burrat qè dhanè jetèn nè mal pèr LIRIN e ATDHEUT tè LAKMUAR tè SUNDUAR nga koha e shpatès e deri tek e PLUMBIT tè COPTUAR tè MOHUAR tè IZOLUAR me POLITIK edhe sot nè Luftèn e "THUMBIT" ku ARMIKU na hiqet MIK me POLITIK u rritèm nè thjeshtèsi por me njerzillèkun e duhur me FAMILJEN tè bashkuar PO EMANCIPIMIT , JOOO DEGJENERIMIT sepse shumè FAMILJE ende jetojn nè varfèri edhe sot nè DEMOKRACI ndaj mendoj qè NUK mè intereson çfarè emri ka SISTEMI apo PARTIT mè intereson kushè punon DREJT pèr SHQIPERIN
Religion represented competition for the ruling class.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Volunteers in communist countries ! ! !what the fok joke is this ! ! !
(Bravo Oshetime ne bregdet)
ishte me mire si vend ateist por jo se kemi patur ndonjwher problem me fe
55-56 second 😆
For one month,youth albanians MUST work without a wage.... That is BRILIANT!! I wonder why the hell other countries dont do that also...1 month,just for one month in the youths lives they will work for their country..Not bad at all. Especialy for now days young kids who are spoiled to the max.
U ca kohe mnp
we need again Enver hocha's time 🖤
@Dioni_ YTkts hoxha is dump but not communist idea
Tito,Lenin and Stalin are great leaders
Mehmet Shehu is the good guy for albanian leader in communist years
Ti dashke nji gjakatar si Enveri Shko se ke n Tiran plot....
Eshte për t ardh keq 2022 e ti akoma do me shku n mesjete ...
@@comradegeorgy4266 The Communist idea was tried in all of these countries and failed. What greatness are you talking about... This video is a proof of its failure.
@@comradegeorgy4266 bro from mallakastra, say all you want...all the people you stated were dicks and killed thousands of innocent people. Only good thing enver did was he made a strong army and everything was produced in the country other than that he was bad. People lived like animals in communist Albania, I have heard the stories of my parents
@@erismalaj6944 in soviet union and yugoslavia idea has not failed
Most of soviet people are Nostalgi this years
qa karin i bejne at gjestin me 3 gishta ne fillim??
I dukej si liri demokraci shkerdhatokraci
3 Zero kan pas nevoj me fitu flamurtari
Just think Hoxha did all rhe rest of us all an massive unintentional favour...he kept all those gangster, pimps and heroin dealers locked in.
It's the poverty that led them to turn to organised crime.
Shameful comment probably due to lack of understand of the history and a lack of empathy for your fellow human.
@@Me-Miranda it's ironic satire madame, not to be taken seriously....
there were no gangster heroin dealers or pimps you do any of those you will die withing 2hrous or work for 40 years under catastrophic conditions without seeing your family in a gulag style camp whatever happend happend after the 90s
I get the joke😭
As my parents have told me you could find drugs during that time.But if you somehow did .Life in jail
What a hell hole
They say that people were more friendly back then and nicer but accept that it was a hell hole
where is the "hell hole" part? It seems I missed it? care to elaborate?
@@hoti47 people had berely anythining to eat , no fredom of expresion or religion , no rights , paranoid cunt in power so paranoid he kills hes closest people to him , propoganda , you have to lick the states boot to get anywhere and i could go on
@@idkreally3594 yea, I agree! That's what living in a hell hole feels like.
It is a hell hole. They controlled everything, you couldn’t leave, there was no choices, they assigned your jobs. That bride and groom looked really excited.
What do you want to show with this video? Is Albania better today? Come and film the rural areas and today's villages, then let's compare! Ask the people on the street why they flee from Albania then... In the end, it is better to be known in the world as an isolated and communist country than as a country where corruption and crime flourish, prostitution, unemployment, lack of education, culture, intellectual class, public order, local production, etc., etc. A collar is just an external appearance and does not confirm anything with the development and emancipation of a society.
Yo there are no threats to Albania here he was just showing how it use to be ☺️
ik mer komunist shife si ke qen u laje dy her muaj dhe gatuje ne hale
@AlbPjer1 o komunist
O !!! 4r@@MartaPira
This is a typical communistic response
Ew albania
Brave fascist keyboard warrior hiding behind a monitor 😂
what was the point of you commenting this
@@kejsida4921he is surprised 😂😂
And when he was the leader Albania was poorest country in Europe. After 40!!!!! years Albanians and Albania try to do something and try to change country after his "kind and smarter" leadership. He was tiran, dictator and psychopathic.
for the majority of people it wasnt too bad...a small minority suffered a lot due to persecution.
For the VAST majority it was bad, since Albania was a prison
Pour people and Rich governent
It is Always and Everywhere like that.
They steal the money of europeans and they sent it back to albania 😂 with the blessings of the Anericans
Least obsessed Serbian🤣 wait till you realise Albania is in Europe
Sounds like hell
No, it wasn't hell. It was simply different. There were so many good things and also bad things as well. Economically, we are better now, but spiritually, we are way, way worse. Money and capitalism can destroy human's spirits. Life might have been harder, but it was not stressful at all. In fact, the word " stress" simply didn't exist. People had problems and struggled to solve them, stress is something else when you have got everything, and you simply don't know what you want from life as nothing can make you happy. Look at who kills themselves - super rich people, singers, artists, etc. who are so rich and when you have everything, it makes you feel there is nothing else to please you. Life has no meaning anymore. Poor people usually don't kill themselves with drugs or something else.
I hope I'm not being too philosophical, but it's so hard to explain it to anyone how life was during those times as nobody would understand it...The only happy times that I remember is during those times and its not only me, everybody who lived during that era shares the same opinion. We are all nostalgic about these times as we know they will never turn back......
The years 1987 - 2000 were the worst times in Albania 's history. The 70- s were simply great years for Albania.
@@liljanasufaj4130The positives didn't outweigh the negative aspects of Hoxha's Stalinist regime. I have family members that were disappeared for speaking out against this schizophrenic regime. My parents were able to get out because of friends who helped them. Still the problems of today are also bad but being imprisoned for speech or even for eating a banana can't be compared .
@daddy1571 I didn't suffer like you with family members, so for me, the positives outweighed the negatives.
Everybody's experiences were different,maybe I was the lucky one, but we had no reasons to speak against the regime...
@@liljanasufaj4130 You were commie boot lickers.
@@daddy1571we have a lot of commie boot licker even 32 years after , they got nicknames "Soup" or "souvlaki" because their parents or themselves used to work as spies for regime, and nowadays they sell their vote and future of their children for price of a souvlaki
Rroft Gjagjai tani na ka humb busulla kush jemi qka jemi humbi
Nuk di as ta shkruash ti se shkruhet me Xh jo me Gj mor shkerdhate
Koh te varfera por te arta lavdi i madhi enver hoxha
@@EnisQoku-he6ujrobt ne pidh enver hoxhes edhe ata qe e duan ate. Jepini futini koqen e plumit vetes e shkoni ne te robve tek enveri
@@fatmirberisha6214 SHQIPERIA vènd i varfèr PA INDUSTRIN dhe TEKNOLLOGJIN MODERNE me pallate 5 katèshe me pak PUNISHTE , UZINA e FABRIKA hanim Bukèn tonè e bènim davanè tonè askush NUK tè fal asgjè dolèm nga LUFTA me OPINGA me KASOLLE me baltè e kashtè PATRIOT qè dhanè PASURIN dhe jetèn e tyre pèr SHKRONJAT SHQIPE qè komentojm Gjyshet tona qè numuronin kokrrat e misrit pèr tè rritur Fèmijèt me bijtè e bijat dhe burrat qè dhanè jetèn nè mal pèr LIRIN e ATDHEUT tè LAKMUAR tè SUNDUAR nga koha e shpatès e deri tek e PLUMBIT tè COPTUAR tè MOHUAR tè IZOLUAR me POLITIK edhe sot nè Luftèn e "THUMBIT" ku ARMIKU na hiqet MIK me POLITIK u rritèm nè thjeshtèsi por me njerzillèkun e duhur me FAMILJEN tè bashkuar PO EMANCIPIMIT , JOOO DEGJENERIMIT sepse shumè FAMILJE ende jetojn nè varfèri edhe sot nè DEMOKRACI ndaj mendoj qè NUK mè intereson çfarè emri ka SISTEMI apo PARTIT mè intereson kushè punon DREJT pèr SHQIPERIN