First FPS I have enjoyed and wanted to spend a lot of time in for almost 10 years. You guys are legends and created a masterpiece that I hope continues to succeed even more each day that I'm sure you will be supporting with content for years!
Not only was the voice over guy not British, but the fact that he is not British is jarring and it almost made me not watch the video. BRING BACK THE BRITISH GUY!
@@lebitelexie9350 Same way as picking your own dropped mag but its has to be same magazine for the same weapon. No picking up M4 mags that somebody dropped from HK419. Likewise no picking up M4 quick mags when you are using standard or extended.
Kinda crazy what happens when a dev team focuses on a smooth launch and fun gameplay over loot boxes forgettable operators and graphics that were worse than BF1s were
It's almost as if they made it with love instead of greed. Crazy when you start from the position of wanting to make something fun instead of a position of trying to figure out how to squeeze another penny out of your customers.
The devs actually reacted to this on a stream and they actually are taking the critiques on the guns Jonathan made and are actually going to fix them. The devs of this game are actually really cool for that
One thing I love about this series, is that as time goes on Jonathan learns more and more about "gameplay vs realism" and he makes commentary on "well, it would normally be this IRL but because it's a game, I imagine this was done for gameplay purposes" and it's so awesome seeing the perspective shift
The L86A1 represents an interesting dilemma between real life and game development. Given the accuracy of all these weapons, I'm sure the developers knew it should have the bipod included, but because the bipod is an upgrade in the rest of the game, it can't come by default on just one.
some guns come with default attachments mp7 starts with red dot most guns have a barrel too im pretty sure, i dont see why it cant start with bipod tbh. I dont use LMGS so idk if bipod improves the gun by a ton but i cant imagine starting with it for accuracy would be terrible
Leave it to 3 devs to make a better game than massive studios with thousands of devs. Perfect example of quality over quantity. 254 player lobbies are amazing. Way more action than in Battlefield. Always massive conflicts all across the map instead of a few people here and there. This game is amazing and deserves all the praise we're giving it. I was completely burnt out of shooters after the new Battlefield and the terrible COD/Warzone we got this year. It's my 1st shooter in 3 months and I'm having a blast. Reminds me of the fun I had in Battlefield 4, but even better
After hearing his thoughts on the weapons it has occurred to me that I find it interesting that it took a game to essentially go back to full high texture pixel blocks to not only feel like how BF should be (from the videos I’ve seen anyway) but also have way more detail in their weapons animations than current AAA games.
Yeah, agreed. The only clinch I somewhat have is the lack of the bolt-catch and accordingly the bolt-release button that's missing for a lot of weapons. But if the devs intentionally chose to ditch it due to the low-poly optics and go with manual cocking then I am impressed.
@@froggo921 ah well if they’re really committed to the low-poly graphics some animations probably have to be sacrificed but I’m okay with that as long as it’s fun
Having played the game, it's not remotely how BF should be. People saying that do not know what BF actually is, since Battlebit itself is more like a faster-paced Squad with over-the-top destruction.
@@Slenderneer BattleBit is the closest game to Battlefield 3 since Battlefield 3 itself with some more modern additions and a few QoL changes; it's more of that (now) classic Battlefield feeling than Battlefield the series has been in a _decade_ and leagues better than the most recent Battlefield release. It's exactly what Battlefield should be.
@@TehFrenchy29 I've played Battlebit, and no it isn't remotely like BF3. The closest thing is in the menu UI, but even that is more similar to BF4's than BF3's. Gameplay wise? Not remotely the same as BF3, let alone any BF title. I say this as someone who does actually like Battlebit for what it is, and it's not Battlefield. Heck, one of the devs in a stream an hour or so ago literally said that they wouldn't make a game like something that already exists because they could just play that game instead.
In reference to the concern that was brought up with the different reloads, you can pick your mags up again but only for around 15-30 seconds before it is unable to be recovered. Love the videos!
Once again hoping to see a Valkyria Chronicles video somewhere down the line. With the upgrade trees, the weapon attachments, the lances in general, I’m sure Jonathan would have a lot to say.
Totally. Doesn’t matter which game, they all have a whole bunch of variations that Johnathan would have an absolute field day. And I bet he’d compare the Lances to Panzerfausts or Bazookas.
I remember first playing BattleBit in February of 2022. At the time, it was a fairly obscure game that not a lot of people heard about. Seeing it grow over the year to the point where it gets one of these videos makes me happy.
It's not really difficult to implement, afaik. It's just that people who aren't gun nerds aren't going to notice bullets coming out of the scope but they will notice when they accidentially shoot the wall and feel frustrated. Maybe they even think that the game is broken.
The game is a hybrid. I believe bullets leave the barrel when not ADS, but when you are aiming the bullets originated from your camera point like a lot of games. The guns do have collision mechanics that help limit your ability to head-glitch a bit. You can really tell that height over bore isn't a thing with piggyback/top mounted red dot sights that are available for most low power rifle optics (aka any of the game's "medium range scopes"). You can hit out to quite a great distance without having to do any more hold over than you normally would for the range.
I hope at some point they do the weapons of Into The Radius. I think he would be pleasantly surprised by the magazine management and weapon cleaning thats required in that game.
Trepang 2 just came out and has some very well modeled weapons, would be cool to take a look at that (plus, you would absolutely make the small dev team’s day by doing that)
As it turns out, there are options in the keybinds for changing your zero. So I would assume (haven't experimented yet) you can use your rangefinder and zeroing adjustments in conjunction to shoot straight for the cross.
This is correct yeah, some of the snipers have different levels of 'zeroing' from what I've seen (which at present is just two of the bolties). My experience, the SSG69 (default bolty) can zero up to 500m and then you've got to aim above to hit targets further away, and the SV98 (the next one you unlock) zeros up to 1000m. I've managed a few 1400m+ kills with both in game, but definitely so much easier to do with something that zeros so far away. Interested to see how far that goes with the other ones in game!
For anyone watching i highly recommend Battlebit, the 127vs127 battles are just so chaotic and fun, besides that im so happy knowing you made a video on The game and overall content from you!
Honestly if I was a game developer I would very much love this guy to review my weapons so I could add the changes and also add some small description/lore to each gun. They really seem to love what they do and the way they explain each weapon is very precise and entertaining.
15:50 I don't know about the newer ARMA games but in the old Operation Flashpoint games, you could also combine partial depleted magazines together. There was an extra button for it and it took a bit of time to do.
@@andylastname566 think it was from a mod. that said I think you could merge mags somehow. but it was clunky and it was more or less instant from what I remember. and I think it was that you took two half depleted mags but them both into a container (not backpack and no on person). Then you moved one mag into the other mag and instantly merged them into 1 full and 1 empty or close to empty).
escape from tarkov is the game I know of that did it best because you have to unload a mag to fill the depleted mag. its a cool feature to see anytime a game adds it
@angelichero6236 and then you find out you put in cartridges that fit in the mag but not the breach, and get a failure to fire as soon as you try to use it 😂😅😢😢
funnily enough, many of the weapons have the old models and animations, and the devs intend to update many of them to the standard that we see for the m4a1
I will again suggest Receiver 2 as a game to take a look at. While there are not a ton of weapons in it, it does have a good variety of different handguns, and it also simulates malfunctions that the user will have to clear. Things like stovepipes, failures to feed, and even the dreaded double-feed.
Seconding that. If quantity is a problem, the game also has mods. Bit finicky to get set up, but can basically double the amount of guns, at about the same level of quality.
The sniping in this game is exceptional It feels good, the scopes are clean and wide and you can even zero the scope Just yesterday I managed to get a headshot at 1204 m If I'm lucky, maybe something similar can be done in Arma, but forget CoD or Battlefield (although I saw quite a few 1000+ m shots in Warzone)
You can do those ranges in Battlefield, especially 3 & 4. I haven't been on BF2042 for some time but I imagine you can shoot at those ranges there too.
Back in the good times of arma 3 i shoot people out to 2.6-2.8km. Which is very tricky because the maximum possible zero setting on my weapon of choice the gm6 lynx was 2.2km so you had to hold over with the mildots and hope they'd stand still for long enough 😂😂
HLL (and Squad, and BBR) all also have various ammo types in tanks. It's a feature you only see in more realistic games, to kind of "balance" tanks by forcing them to make decisions about the type of ammo they use. BBR isn't "realistic," even in most of its gameplay, so it was nice to see him surprised by it.
After hearing only 3 people made this game, i was impressed. When i found out the struggles these guys had to go through, i was completely blown away. Setback after setback, you guys deserve every bit of success and then some. Congrats on getting me pulled away from ready or not, squad, tarkov, and 2042
So interesting fact for the rangefinders on weapons. In game you can hold the alt key and use the scroll wheel to increase or decrease the zeroing on all sights in the game. So you’d use the range indicator just next to the center of the scope to get your range, and then adjust your zeroing accordingly.
I hope one day to visit the Royal Armories myself. I've learned so much about firearms and firearms history from these videos and people like Forgotten Weapons. As a battlebit player, I wanna let y'all know that when performing an emergency reload, you can pick up the dropped magazine after the reload, although it will require some time to manually recover it. The game has only recently released in early access so most of the issues Mr. Ferguson has pointed out will likely be fixed in future updates.
I'm not saying anything new here, but there is a special charm about how Jonathan talks about guns, their different quirks and differences from the ones in games that not many other experts have, it's a pleasure hearing him talk about what he likes
On the note of the emergency reload at the AK-74, you can pick the magazine up again but that is not instant and takes a second of holding the button and staring at the floor. If you do not pick up the magazine your total amount of magazines is permanently reduced until you respawn.
these videos serve as a realism feedback which normally devs would have to reach out to professionals for this is brilliant especially for small devs amazing and generous work Gamespot+jonathan+royal armouries!!!
13:30 you can actually pick the magazines back up, which is quite important, because when you go to resupply your ammo you don't get new mags, you just refill the ones you have
A point on the speed of ejected cases - I can definitely attest to that. My buddy let me shoot his little .32 ACP and it randomly throws cases straight back at your face, and let me tell you I'm glad I had shooting glasses on! Cracked the poly carbonate lens and bruised my eye socket a little bit
One of the biggest issues with your point regarding recoil at 14:30 is that most developers think of an AK, or more specifically an automatic rifle firing 7.62/.308 are supposed to be a really heavy hitting weapon with a lot of stopping power, this idea translates to devs to make the gun (because not all devs actually model each caliber how it should be) with a damage slider, raised higher than most rifles in its class, so usually the easiest method for balancing features is just to mimic everyone else and raise the recoil
you press R to reload, and hold R to quick reload while ditching the mag, it drops on the ground and you can pick it up later. It is pretty neat that the RPG has 2 different rounds you can use, plus variants with the Scope.
First thing I did in the gun range was test the Kriss Vector's recoil. The game got it right. The muzzle doesn't climb but there is a sort of screen shake meant to mimic some kind of 'recoil' type effect to add balance but. The barrel definitely doesn't climb and the thing is a laser so they definitely took note of the recoil compensation the gun has. Also, shame that they don't mention that you can zero all the snipers to get a more effective shot.
I was actually allowed to hold an SA80 rifle in my hands on the HMS Albion at Open Ship at Kiel Week. The rifle's got a pretty good shoulder support, quite comfy. The personnel also was really great!
13:00 you actually can pick them back up, it just takes some time to do so. Furthermore, you can only "resupply" using ammo boxes from support characters or from air drops if you have empty magazines or magazines that are missing some ammunition. The resupply will not give you fresh magazines, only bullets to fill existing magazines.
the fact the devs watched this and are actively going to tweak the guns details in response to this is just peak dedication to the craft. between folks finding ways to play it like a movement shooter, the fact it can run on a toaster PC, and the devs doing that? i might actually have to buy battlebit.
Just a point of note, at 18:20, Jonathan says he's never seen kills out to that far in Battlefield, but my longest headshot in BF4 is 1378m, and 1533m in BF3. Many conquest maps allow some pretty long range shooting, but that was almost out of the scope's field of view because the drop was so high.
The longest headshot in bf4 is like 3500m or something around that. Even I have a longshot at around 1300m on bf4. They do this by getting in a transport helicopter, flying to the flight map edge (since flying vehicles have a larger play area) and shooting from the passenger seat. Even with a 40x scope they have to shoot at the targets well out of scopes view
Awesome video! I love how much detail is on the guns compared to the rest of the game. It's worth noting that while the magazine combination is definitely faster than is realistic, it does scale based on the gun -- combining magazines for the M249 takes several times longer than the AK74, for example. I'd love to see Jonathan look at the game Receiver 2, which is the most detailed firearms simulator I'm aware of. It's a few years old and pretty niche, but the level of detail is truly unsurpassed, and I think he'll really enjoy how every function has its own button.
I love that the Dev video reacting to Jonathan reacting to their game, has just as many views as the GameSpot video of Jonathan reacting to the game itself has.
Arma 3 has the combining mags mechanic as well. You can also reload a partial mag and down the line you will eventually use the partial mag if you don't combine it.
@@Specter_1125 it's a mechanic that I don't understand why it isn't used more! LMGs are mostly unusable if not actually deployed in a fixed manner for stability.
Please Jonathan, made a video on *METAL GEAR SOLID 3* weapons. So many weapons in MGS3 to react and comment on like the Patriot's infinite ammo magazine, the EZ tranq gun, Snake's customized officer M1911A1, Snake whittling the pistol grip to use a knife for CQC, Ocelot's SAA juggling skills, The End's paratrooper tranquilizer Mosin Nagant, the Davey Crockett recoil-less nuclear launcher and Eva's chinese mauser clone. There are so many more other interesting trivias and weapons in MGS3 so please gamespot and Johnathan make a video for the game.
The RPG7 actually has 3 different types of rocket. The fragmentation, which is good against infantry, the HEAT which is good against infantry and armor, and finally the tandem, which is good against armor.
Ayo who tf is that intro guy? I don't think i can trust him. Are you certain that this is Jonathan Ferguson, the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armouries museum in the UK which houses a collection thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history?
I just started playing and the excessive muzzle climb is something that caught my attention too. Of course I still seem to die every time to a perfectly controlled mag dump in my noggin from half across the map but yeah.
17:35 on the reticle when you are aiming you can also see the distance, dont have to go out see the distance and aim again, close to the center os the scope little up-right is the distance displayed so you can know the distance while aiming, didnt noticed until i saw twice that part hehe
the people who made battlebit had nothing but love for fps genra and its players and honestly wanted to make something people would enjoy more than they wanted to make money
I’m incredibly impressed with him saying it’s probably an engine limitation understanding it’s a small game so many of these type of videos other people would say oh revolvers don’t do that blah blah
This game is taking the internet by storm, it's only been recently garnered a noticeable interest & influx of players and is already getting covered by the Royal Armory!
Best part of the fastest reload is that you CAN pick them up, but the downside is having to look down and get it, you can also combine half empty mags into one mag
I'd love to see Jonathan cover the Shadow Warrior reboot trilogy. The first game is pretty basic - MP7s for the machine gun slot, a big honkin' revolver, and so on, the second one has a TON of guns both based on real-world weapons, like the "Five-Oh", which is just a Desert Eagle, but also has a ton of fantasy/sci-fi-style weapons, and the third one just jumps the shark and adds all kinds of crazy stuff.
OMFG, working on BattleBit, I never thought Jonathan would be reviewing it 😂❤ much love from OkiBit Studios to y’all!
You guys are legends ❤
Thank you guys for the game and keep up the excellent work!
I popped in a few of the play tests but hope to pick up the game soon. Awesome job, seriously. Wish you guys the most success.
ak74 need palm swell
First FPS I have enjoyed and wanted to spend a lot of time in for almost 10 years. You guys are legends and created a masterpiece that I hope continues to succeed even more each day that I'm sure you will be supporting with content for years!
You know you’ve made it when this guy reacts to the firearms in your game
it's just released
battlebit is absolute gem.
@@nguyentranthanhtam4796 technically no, its the standalone version of a roblox game
It’s the battlefield everyone really wanted.
@@nestorgamer9746which game?
The intro guy didnt have a British accent, now how can I be sure this is REALLY Johnathan Ferguson, keeper of firearms and artillery etc. etc.?
Yeah, where's irregular dave?
Not only was the voice over guy not British, but the fact that he is not British is jarring and it almost made me not watch the video.
what did they do to dave
I wasn't the only one who noticed it! I was wondering about what the heck happened to Dave?!
@@sweracoon7931maybe he is sick or lost his voice?
Fun fact, you can actually pick up your mags you drop, as well as pack mags if you have multiple mags that aren't full
You can also pick up other magazines of the same type. If your teammate uses the same gun with same mags and drops his, you can yoink it.
How do you do that?
@@lebitelexie9350 Same way as picking your own dropped mag but its has to be same magazine for the same weapon. No picking up M4 mags that somebody dropped from HK419. Likewise no picking up M4 quick mags when you are using standard or extended.
You also can combine mags together that aren't full by holding the p key
Ah yes I also played the tutorial and can read :3
Battlebit is blowing up and absolutely deserves it. I will remind the entire game is made by three people.
4 people, 1 guy made the skins and textures and artwork
Kinda crazy what happens when a dev team focuses on a smooth launch and fun gameplay over loot boxes forgettable operators and graphics that were worse than BF1s were
@@aquifer9480 ALSO developer doesnt want to introduce microtransactions
It's almost as if they made it with love instead of greed. Crazy when you start from the position of wanting to make something fun instead of a position of trying to figure out how to squeeze another penny out of your customers.
@tonechild5929 can you please stop pretending to know what game dev is like?
The devs actually reacted to this on a stream and they actually are taking the critiques on the guns Jonathan made and are actually going to fix them.
The devs of this game are actually really cool for that
Do you have a link to that? Would be cool to watch and hear their thoughts.
Link please?
Found it:видео.html
@@Madwand99 its already posted just look at the replies to this comment...
This game was developed by only 3 people. The fact that Jonathan was impressed should be a mark of pride for them.
And a critique to all AAA games
it was originally a mil-sim so the devs are hyper accuracy nerds.
One thing I love about this series, is that as time goes on Jonathan learns more and more about "gameplay vs realism" and he makes commentary on "well, it would normally be this IRL but because it's a game, I imagine this was done for gameplay purposes" and it's so awesome seeing the perspective shift
Reviewing tf2 weapons changed him.
The various finger pose iron sights was one of the first firearm related 3d prints I saw as they were coming into the civilian price ranges.
That’s the thing with passion projects. They’re going to be done right.
Seeing as this game is from roblox, makes sense as many of the other fps on there include those sights.
@@lolicomics technically not Roblox, it's on steam
@@lolicomics unity, people calling it roblox got to you, and it makes me die inside, no one knows unturned huh
The L86A1 represents an interesting dilemma between real life and game development. Given the accuracy of all these weapons, I'm sure the developers knew it should have the bipod included, but because the bipod is an upgrade in the rest of the game, it can't come by default on just one.
TBH LMGs should just come with bipods, right?
@@scottwatrous imo they compromise well by making the bipod a very early attachment unlock, i think its something like 5-15 kills
@@charadreemurr1083battlefield 3 had bipods be standard on LMGs IIRC
some guns come with default attachments mp7 starts with red dot most guns have a barrel too im pretty sure, i dont see why it cant start with bipod tbh. I dont use LMGS so idk if bipod improves the gun by a ton but i cant imagine starting with it for accuracy would be terrible
Leave it to 3 devs to make a better game than massive studios with thousands of devs. Perfect example of quality over quantity. 254 player lobbies are amazing. Way more action than in Battlefield. Always massive conflicts all across the map instead of a few people here and there. This game is amazing and deserves all the praise we're giving it.
I was completely burnt out of shooters after the new Battlefield and the terrible COD/Warzone we got this year. It's my 1st shooter in 3 months and I'm having a blast. Reminds me of the fun I had in Battlefield 4, but even better
Battlebit is the first shooter (excluding VR) that I have played in 5 years. It's just so much fun. Graphics don't matter when the gameplay is great.
@@666Daheretic exactly!
After hearing his thoughts on the weapons it has occurred to me that I find it interesting that it took a game to essentially go back to full high texture pixel blocks to not only feel like how BF should be (from the videos I’ve seen anyway) but also have way more detail in their weapons animations than current AAA games.
Yeah, agreed. The only clinch I somewhat have is the lack of the bolt-catch and accordingly the bolt-release button that's missing for a lot of weapons. But if the devs intentionally chose to ditch it due to the low-poly optics and go with manual cocking then I am impressed.
@@froggo921 ah well if they’re really committed to the low-poly graphics some animations probably have to be sacrificed but I’m okay with that as long as it’s fun
Having played the game, it's not remotely how BF should be. People saying that do not know what BF actually is, since Battlebit itself is more like a faster-paced Squad with over-the-top destruction.
@@Slenderneer BattleBit is the closest game to Battlefield 3 since Battlefield 3 itself with some more modern additions and a few QoL changes; it's more of that (now) classic Battlefield feeling than Battlefield the series has been in a _decade_ and leagues better than the most recent Battlefield release. It's exactly what Battlefield should be.
@@TehFrenchy29 I've played Battlebit, and no it isn't remotely like BF3. The closest thing is in the menu UI, but even that is more similar to BF4's than BF3's.
Gameplay wise? Not remotely the same as BF3, let alone any BF title. I say this as someone who does actually like Battlebit for what it is, and it's not Battlefield. Heck, one of the devs in a stream an hour or so ago literally said that they wouldn't make a game like something that already exists because they could just play that game instead.
In reference to the concern that was brought up with the different reloads, you can pick your mags up again but only for around 15-30 seconds before it is unable to be recovered. Love the videos!
You can pick up any other player's mags if they are of the same type of weapon
@@agustinquiroga9541 yeah, even if the variant is different from the ones you're carrying
Once again hoping to see a Valkyria Chronicles video somewhere down the line. With the upgrade trees, the weapon attachments, the lances in general, I’m sure Jonathan would have a lot to say.
Totally. Doesn’t matter which game, they all have a whole bunch of variations that Johnathan would have an absolute field day.
And I bet he’d compare the Lances to Panzerfausts or Bazookas.
@@swordsman1_messerAnd the
@@underpaidmook yep think it be best if he did Valkyria as a two episode doing both the first and 4 game at ones.
@@Zack_Wester I keep praying to Khorn for a VC or VC4 vid.
I remember first playing BattleBit in February of 2022.
At the time, it was a fairly obscure game that not a lot of people heard about.
Seeing it grow over the year to the point where it gets one of these videos makes me happy.
Did that l96 hit the edge? The developers were able to get appropriate height over bore mechanics in. That's impressive
It's not really difficult to implement, afaik. It's just that people who aren't gun nerds aren't going to notice bullets coming out of the scope but they will notice when they accidentially shoot the wall and feel frustrated. Maybe they even think that the game is broken.
@@mattmurphy7030 yeah it is
The game is a hybrid. I believe bullets leave the barrel when not ADS, but when you are aiming the bullets originated from your camera point like a lot of games. The guns do have collision mechanics that help limit your ability to head-glitch a bit.
You can really tell that height over bore isn't a thing with piggyback/top mounted red dot sights that are available for most low power rifle optics (aka any of the game's "medium range scopes"). You can hit out to quite a great distance without having to do any more hold over than you normally would for the range.
I hope at some point they do the weapons of Into The Radius. I think he would be pleasantly surprised by the magazine management and weapon cleaning thats required in that game.
I second this. A lot
Very much agree. Only game quite like it.
God it's such a good game. Lots of fun oddball Soviet stuff that you don't see in many other games too.
Yes, I was just about to recommend Into The Radius too. Jonathan's comments on consolidating ammo into magazines immediately made me think of it.
Where is Dave, is he safe, is he alright
It seems in your anger, you.. killed him
@@Pugseidon Couldn't have, he was alive, I felt it
Johnathan pulled out that mp5 like he was waiting for it to come out so he can show it, my man really loves them
Trepang 2 just came out and has some very well modeled weapons, would be cool to take a look at that (plus, you would absolutely make the small dev team’s day by doing that)
I love that he reviewed the guns of this game I hope for a part 2!
Those finger sights are actually 100% a real thing, I've seen them before (on TFB I think)
As it turns out, there are options in the keybinds for changing your zero. So I would assume (haven't experimented yet) you can use your rangefinder and zeroing adjustments in conjunction to shoot straight for the cross.
This is correct yeah, some of the snipers have different levels of 'zeroing' from what I've seen (which at present is just two of the bolties). My experience, the SSG69 (default bolty) can zero up to 500m and then you've got to aim above to hit targets further away, and the SV98 (the next one you unlock) zeros up to 1000m. I've managed a few 1400m+ kills with both in game, but definitely so much easier to do with something that zeros so far away. Interested to see how far that goes with the other ones in game!
For anyone watching i highly recommend Battlebit, the 127vs127 battles are just so chaotic and fun, besides that im so happy knowing you made a video on The game and overall content from you!
Honestly if I was a game developer I would very much love this guy to review my weapons so I could add the changes and also add some small description/lore to each gun. They really seem to love what they do and the way they explain each weapon is very precise and entertaining.
Really cool to see this game getting so much love.
And I’m sure the devs will appreciate the few pointers about some of the guns
15:50 I don't know about the newer ARMA games but in the old Operation Flashpoint games, you could also combine partial depleted magazines together. There was an extra button for it and it took a bit of time to do.
Arma 3 has combine mags feature...unless it was from a mod...i dont remember exactly.
@@andylastname566 think it was from a mod.
that said I think you could merge mags somehow. but it was clunky and it was more or less instant from what I remember.
and I think it was that you took two half depleted mags but them both into a container (not backpack and no on person). Then you moved one mag into the other mag and instantly merged them into 1 full and 1 empty or close to empty).
@@Zack_Wester might of been the ACE mod maybe, I played in a 40k unit for a bit. The more partial mags...the longer the timer was lol.
escape from tarkov is the game I know of that did it best because you have to unload a mag to fill the depleted mag. its a cool feature to see anytime a game adds it
@angelichero6236 and then you find out you put in cartridges that fit in the mag but not the breach, and get a failure to fire as soon as you try to use it 😂😅😢😢
funnily enough, many of the weapons have the old models and animations, and the devs intend to update many of them to the standard that we see for the m4a1
I hope with the extra funds they are getting they later update the sounds, they are kind pf weak and my only complaint.
I will again suggest Receiver 2 as a game to take a look at.
While there are not a ton of weapons in it, it does have a good variety of different handguns, and it also simulates malfunctions that the user will have to clear.
Things like stovepipes, failures to feed, and even the dreaded double-feed.
Seconding that.
If quantity is a problem, the game also has mods. Bit finicky to get set up, but can basically double the amount of guns, at about the same level of quality.
I would absolutely love to watch this guy live stream playing these games.
The sniping in this game is exceptional
It feels good, the scopes are clean and wide and you can even zero the scope
Just yesterday I managed to get a headshot at 1204 m
If I'm lucky, maybe something similar can be done in Arma, but forget CoD or Battlefield (although I saw quite a few 1000+ m shots in Warzone)
You can do those ranges in Battlefield, especially 3 & 4. I haven't been on BF2042 for some time but I imagine you can shoot at those ranges there too.
Back in the good times of arma 3 i shoot people out to 2.6-2.8km. Which is very tricky because the maximum possible zero setting on my weapon of choice the gm6 lynx was 2.2km so you had to hold over with the mildots and hope they'd stand still for long enough 😂😂
@@HunterSol Yeah definitely can do that in BF4, I can't remember the maps, but I once got one at about 1800m!
This is always one of my favorite series on youtube! Keep up the great work!
9:40 - Squad does, one of my favorite parts of that game is the RPG-7 and Grenadiers have different ammo types!
Yeah I was gonna mention the same thing squad does have some different ammo types for those weapons
HLL (and Squad, and BBR) all also have various ammo types in tanks. It's a feature you only see in more realistic games, to kind of "balance" tanks by forcing them to make decisions about the type of ammo they use. BBR isn't "realistic," even in most of its gameplay, so it was nice to see him surprised by it.
I really want to see Jonathan break down the guns from The Order 1886
lo consiguio
After hearing only 3 people made this game, i was impressed. When i found out the struggles these guys had to go through, i was completely blown away. Setback after setback, you guys deserve every bit of success and then some.
Congrats on getting me pulled away from ready or not, squad, tarkov, and 2042
So interesting fact for the rangefinders on weapons. In game you can hold the alt key and use the scroll wheel to increase or decrease the zeroing on all sights in the game. So you’d use the range indicator just next to the center of the scope to get your range, and then adjust your zeroing accordingly.
That's awesome.
Oh wow, I didn't notice that the Rsh12 ejects cases like an autoloader lol. Good eye :)
I hope one day to visit the Royal Armories myself. I've learned so much about firearms and firearms history from these videos and people like Forgotten Weapons.
As a battlebit player, I wanna let y'all know that when performing an emergency reload, you can pick up the dropped magazine after the reload, although it will require some time to manually recover it.
The game has only recently released in early access so most of the issues Mr. Ferguson has pointed out will likely be fixed in future updates.
I'm not saying anything new here, but there is a special charm about how Jonathan talks about guns, their different quirks and differences from the ones in games that not many other experts have, it's a pleasure hearing him talk about what he likes
13:31 actually you can pick back up ejected magazines in the game, you can also combine multiple half empty mags to get back a full mag.
AK74 needs a Buff. Right after the Nerf of 33 to 31 XD
I feel awesome that BattleBit is glowing up to this degree.
Amazing review.
On the note of the emergency reload at the AK-74, you can pick the magazine up again but that is not instant and takes a second of holding the button and staring at the floor. If you do not pick up the magazine your total amount of magazines is permanently reduced until you respawn.
these videos serve as a realism feedback which normally devs would have to reach out to professionals for this is brilliant especially for small devs amazing and generous work Gamespot+jonathan+royal armouries!!!
The graphics style is actually genius. As long as the general outline is correct, he can't criticize it.
Oh, I love this guy. Get him review anything, I will watch 100%
13:30 you can actually pick the magazines back up, which is quite important, because when you go to resupply your ammo you don't get new mags, you just refill the ones you have
A point on the speed of ejected cases - I can definitely attest to that. My buddy let me shoot his little .32 ACP and it randomly throws cases straight back at your face, and let me tell you I'm glad I had shooting glasses on! Cracked the poly carbonate lens and bruised my eye socket a little bit
Loving the content can't believe you uploaded twice in a day thank you
Im loving this game rn
This may be the first ever FPS game where I have seen that stabilizer be activated when going prone. Woah.
Battlefield and other games has done this way before. At least in BF case, you kinda need to aim to deploy it. Regardless other games has done this
Lotta games have it
One of the biggest issues with your point regarding recoil at 14:30 is that most developers think of an AK, or more specifically an automatic rifle firing 7.62/.308 are supposed to be a really heavy hitting weapon with a lot of stopping power, this idea translates to devs to make the gun (because not all devs actually model each caliber how it should be) with a damage slider, raised higher than most rifles in its class, so usually the easiest method for balancing features is just to mimic everyone else and raise the recoil
you press R to reload, and hold R to quick reload while ditching the mag, it drops on the ground and you can pick it up later.
It is pretty neat that the RPG has 2 different rounds you can use, plus variants with the Scope.
I can’t believe he’s commenting on a game I was the head dev for. Wild.😂
So you are the head dev of battlebit?
First thing I did in the gun range was test the Kriss Vector's recoil. The game got it right. The muzzle doesn't climb but there is a sort of screen shake meant to mimic some kind of 'recoil' type effect to add balance but. The barrel definitely doesn't climb and the thing is a laser so they definitely took note of the recoil compensation the gun has. Also, shame that they don't mention that you can zero all the snipers to get a more effective shot.
I’ve been playing for 40 hours and I still haven’t unlocked the Vector :(
How long had other people played before they unlocked it?
I was actually allowed to hold an SA80 rifle in my hands on the HMS Albion at Open Ship at Kiel Week. The rifle's got a pretty good shoulder support, quite comfy. The personnel also was really great!
13:00 you actually can pick them back up, it just takes some time to do so. Furthermore, you can only "resupply" using ammo boxes from support characters or from air drops if you have empty magazines or magazines that are missing some ammunition. The resupply will not give you fresh magazines, only bullets to fill existing magazines.
I would love more of battlebit, great episode!
Shout out to Firearms Mod for half life 1 for having merging magazines decades before any other game
one small point: the inspection animation is for checking the ammo in your magazine
It says a lot when Johnathan Ferguson roast's triple A game developers about that a 3 men developed game has more gun detail.
8:56 This. This is why I like watching this. He understands games need fun gameplay.
I very much appreciate the little clip at 14:34 of like 4-5 guys all panic sniping and running around.
the fact the devs watched this and are actively going to tweak the guns details in response to this is just peak dedication to the craft. between folks finding ways to play it like a movement shooter, the fact it can run on a toaster PC, and the devs doing that? i might actually have to buy battlebit.
Just a point of note, at 18:20, Jonathan says he's never seen kills out to that far in Battlefield, but my longest headshot in BF4 is 1378m, and 1533m in BF3. Many conquest maps allow some pretty long range shooting, but that was almost out of the scope's field of view because the drop was so high.
The longest headshot in bf4 is like 3500m or something around that. Even I have a longshot at around 1300m on bf4.
They do this by getting in a transport helicopter, flying to the flight map edge (since flying vehicles have a larger play area) and shooting from the passenger seat. Even with a 40x scope they have to shoot at the targets well out of scopes view
There is also a reading of the rangefinder while scoped located slightly up and right of the crosshair
The more I see of Battlebit, the more I feel like I should play it.
First time seeing the "Okee Dokee F.U." sight upgrade lol
Awesome video! I love how much detail is on the guns compared to the rest of the game. It's worth noting that while the magazine combination is definitely faster than is realistic, it does scale based on the gun -- combining magazines for the M249 takes several times longer than the AK74, for example.
I'd love to see Jonathan look at the game Receiver 2, which is the most detailed firearms simulator I'm aware of. It's a few years old and pretty niche, but the level of detail is truly unsurpassed, and I think he'll really enjoy how every function has its own button.
If you like this stalcraft also has a wonderful mix of minecraft and highly detailed weapons.
I love that the Dev video reacting to Jonathan reacting to their game, has just as many views as the GameSpot video of Jonathan reacting to the game itself has.
Arma 3 has the combining mags mechanic as well. You can also reload a partial mag and down the line you will eventually use the partial mag if you don't combine it.
This is the first game I've seen in a long while that actually uses the bipods for the guns as intended!
Most people don’t use them, but MWII has bipods that actually function as bipods.
@@Specter_1125 it's a mechanic that I don't understand why it isn't used more! LMGs are mostly unusable if not actually deployed in a fixed manner for stability.
Please Jonathan, made a video on *METAL GEAR SOLID 3* weapons.
So many weapons in MGS3 to react and comment on like the Patriot's infinite ammo magazine, the EZ tranq gun, Snake's customized officer M1911A1, Snake whittling the pistol grip to use a knife for CQC, Ocelot's SAA juggling skills, The End's paratrooper tranquilizer Mosin Nagant, the Davey Crockett recoil-less nuclear launcher and Eva's chinese mauser clone.
There are so many more other interesting trivias and weapons in MGS3 so please gamespot and Johnathan make a video for the game.
The RPG7 actually has 3 different types of rocket. The fragmentation, which is good against infantry, the HEAT which is good against infantry and armor, and finally the tandem, which is good against armor.
Regarding long distance sniping in video games, longest I've witnessed was a 1.8km shot in ARMA 2 with an AS50. It was glorious,
13:30 drop mag with much lower speed of reload but mag is pickupable (need to look at it on ground and hold f to pick up)
Ayo who tf is that intro guy? I don't think i can trust him. Are you certain that this is Jonathan Ferguson, the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armouries museum in the UK which houses a collection thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history?
The look on his face, when he saw the F U sights made me chuckle LOL
Great job Larry
I just started playing and the excessive muzzle climb is something that caught my attention too. Of course I still seem to die every time to a perfectly controlled mag dump in my noggin from half across the map but yeah.
Hope you enjoy your vacation Dave, and good luck David!
17:35 on the reticle when you are aiming you can also see the distance, dont have to go out see the distance and aim again, close to the center os the scope little up-right is the distance displayed so you can know the distance while aiming, didnt noticed until i saw twice that part hehe
Range finder
the people who made battlebit had nothing but love for fps genra and its players and honestly wanted to make something people would enjoy more than they wanted to make money
I’m incredibly impressed with him saying it’s probably an engine limitation understanding it’s a small game so many of these type of videos other people would say oh revolvers don’t do that blah blah
I would love to see your take on DayZ weapons, Jonathan 👍
Battlebit deserves another episode and you should cover the weapon customization as well :)
11:30 'pop down local battlefield, GOOD OL MP5 LOOK AT THAT.
I can't be the only one who wants a series of Jonathan playing World of Guns
13:31 you can pick up mags once you are done fighting and repack mags if there was any ammo left over.
This game is taking the internet by storm, it's only been recently garnered a noticeable interest & influx of players and is already getting covered by the Royal Armory!
Was really excited to see the mag repack feature in the game. Have only really seen it in modded arma before.
Pushing as always for you guys to have Johnathan cover Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter and to cover the M8 and MRI Caseless specifically as well.
The inspect feature is for the magazine to count the number of bullets left
Good god how I wish the l86 came with a bipod in game
I hope to see more battlebit gun review over here look the video
With the sniping there is also scope zeroing too the game is very mechanic packed (longest shot i've seen in game was 2500 meters with the M200)
13:30 you can pick them back up actually, and combine partial mags
14:33 and / 13:19 i love that they have an ak74 such an under used and under rated weapon / ak pals buddys
Best part of the fastest reload is that you CAN pick them up, but the downside is having to look down and get it, you can also combine half empty mags into one mag
Please do one for battlefield hardline! The world needs to know Jonathan's thoughts on the SG510!
I'd love to see Jonathan cover the Shadow Warrior reboot trilogy. The first game is pretty basic - MP7s for the machine gun slot, a big honkin' revolver, and so on, the second one has a TON of guns both based on real-world weapons, like the "Five-Oh", which is just a Desert Eagle, but also has a ton of fantasy/sci-fi-style weapons, and the third one just jumps the shark and adds all kinds of crazy stuff.
the frag projectile for the RPG-7 may be the OGi-7MA, which is a modernised OG-7v,