One of the *ONLY* battles as a *TOP* tier throughout the session... but oh boy, did we make it work for us or what? 🔥 What is your dirty-feelgood-tank in WoT? Let me now and have fun, Beasts! ;)
Well done Dez. That was an epic game. Beautifully played. My go to dirty tank is the very one you were fighting at the end. It has 3 crew members with 3 full skills one which is camo and a 4 skill cmdr also with camo. Mounted camo and binocs make it one nasty piece of work when it’s top tier DirkProbert NA server
The same thing happened with my T-50-2. I ran out of shells while killing the 2nd last TD and there's only me and a Nashorn. Luckily he was far away near our base so I was able to fully cap their base. Since then, every light tank game increases my heart rate, especially when circling large tanks like the KV-2. AOG9; Asia
I have simply no words. I mean, I have seen quite a few epic battles, but this bluff while the poor M10 was on the cap... It was so beautiful. I really thought the game was over when you rushed in after remaining 1 vs 4. Enjoyed every moment of this. Pure skill and experience. Keep up the good work!
I don't ever recall capping out in these circumstances, Dez. GG. Both teams, but especially yours, melted quickly in this game. I suppose the closest I could compare would be games where my team have melted but the vehicles we had left had a handful of hit points and enough mobility to rush the enemy cap and squeak out a win by the skin of our team, using our situational awareness and being bold enough. There have been times when I've accomplished this on my own. Other games that have had my heart pumping would be where I'm running around with 1 hit point grinding down the enemy team with a come from behind win. Never give up. Not a winning issue but I still recall one battle I got into a 1 v 1, me in my GW Panther Arty and the other guy in a Super Pershing. This was a long time ago and the arty was more nimble than it currently is and the SP slower. But we were playing ring around the rosy with a boulder on the Steppes map and I managed to kill him but it took so long to do. All I could hear in my headset was my friend laughing his ass off when I pulled off the kill. heh. propinquity4 NA
Congrats Dez! This was 300+IQ play and you sure deserved it. Of course RNG and the M10 player was on your side, but it was meant to happen because of you and your bluff! Had a similar experience with a stock Ferdinand on airfield playing against an EBR. We where the last two tanks, but he didn't attack and I couldn't find him, so I went to cap the enemy base. Remember, stock Ferdi with 80 % crew and no turret against a wheeled vehicle. After looong 5 minutes I arrived. He didn't show up until the last seconds of the battle (why? I have no bloody idea!). So he shot, I bounced an APCR and won. Again RNG and enemy on my side. What kind of game is that? Don't know but I love it. Biggedi EU
ELC Even 90 is the most fun tank for me. As a matter of fact on this map you are aiming at a pine tree in the open at 0:17 to 0:18 and if you get there quick enough in the beginning you can knock it down and spot TDs camping the back of the tracks. Easy assistance and they have no idea who is spotting them. Good times. slickmo NA
It is not depending on the tank I play at the moment. My heart rate increases when I am the last player alive in my team. Even if I have a chance, I usually screw it up because I become too excited.
Back then when I used to play WotB,JP II was the crown jewel in my collection. DPM for days,heavy for ramming,fast for relocating,hard upper structure,superb traverse speed,pin point accuracy,god-like gun handling
A cracking replay - and an impressive bluff. That would never have worked for me. I don't know why, but it feels like the Pudel is my most consistent tank. It's not been the most heart stopping though - I think that's been the tech tree Cromwell. When RNG works for that tank it is a joy DunDiggin on EU server
I actually love playing my Super Chaffee. People often underrate this tank and think it's going end up well for them. Had a match where I was against 4 tanks, low ammo, low health, they were the attacking team on Karelia. In the end, I knew I won't be able to kill them, so I went extra sneaky into middle of the map while they were trying to chase me. Then two of them went to the base, but were unfortunate to cap till the last second. Shivers! Kotromanitch, EU
Nice clever play there dez. Amx 57 can be a beast. Only 90 alpha but if you pen with all clip thats approx 900 dmg. In what 10 sec. Nimble little beast
My last game in this tank was on Glacier. Last on my team, enemy had an AC 48 an SU-14-2 artillery. They capped and all I could do was put my last 4 shells into them which was no where near enough. 3500 dmg, 5 kills, not enough. So easy to run out of ammo in this tank.
I enjoy playing the Skorpion G. I actually got really lucky and got mine from a WoT Twitch Drop. The shells when you hit are so satisfying with that 490 average damage! Eloquenceee ASIA
Dez 2:45 you think you penetrated 9 shots out of 10 in that T1 heavy with an 8 shell magazine? O.o And reading the Dezcription, may I ask what is a Scounts? o.O But for sure 1 heck of a game GG!
AMX 13 57 is a killer tank still havent got it yet but working on it..i am working on the French heavy line, and enjoying it...i am surprise how well they do in battle..Have All French Arties..
This is the premium that makes my heart beat! I love it! i take half premium the rest is standard rounds... but you really need to aim them and many times i hold the shot because i know that i cant pen with them. I can understand way you take full APCRs... Well either way, with full pay to win load out or a more economic one that is the tank that i love the most to play. I'm Jugernaut_x from EU server
I am at 2 moe gunmark, with 50:50 ap / apcr rounds . Definitely doable and definitely not needed 100% apcr. Mostly relied on spotting because the ammo load out is small to begin with
My favourite used to be VK2801 with the derp at tier 5. Sadly those days are gone for my most played tank. Right now I'm enjoying the WZ 132-1. I love the combat light feel of the Chinese light line. Spuff EU server
My one and only Kolabonofs (sp?) Was in T-150, definitely got my blood pumping when I was down to 1 shot and 2 enemies left but managed to pull it off Tungie NA
I saw whole battle on the stream, it was so epic :) Dez firing blind shots and some of the guys in chat started sending him- "low on ammo, ammo, save your ammo,..." xD I was one of those guys :) tank which make my hear skip THE bit- well, so many....and I think it is not about tank itself, it is what kind of battle it is....yesterday, tank who made my heart racing, skipping a bit was wt auf e IV (that tier 9 german td). I will post a replay on your site so please check it out and tell me, how lucky I was xD bolid_cat EU p.s.- looking forward for more streams and epic battle like this. p.s.s.- what about type 64 replay, I know you had epic moments and battles with that tank too :)
Well played 800 IQ. KV-5 for me playing that breakthrough role getting into the thick of it surrounded by enemies and still bouncing shells front and back and putting that DPM to work and coming out on top at the end with a slither of its starting 2020 HP left. InfernoJack EU.
wow that was amazing..I love my 50TP game play.. with decent pen with standard shells, good gun and reliable armour.. and of course free to play leoabhish Asia
This is just awesome ! Great epic job for you Dez !! When this tank is in the enemy team, he's really annoying, so i imagine the red team raging in front of you xD Ludogame EU server
I really dislike when some tanks are balanced with low ammo count, but it really is satisfying when you win without having any shells left. I won a game in the astron rex while I had 0 shells in my tank, it was pretty awesome. - Xlix_warrior NA
I usually play it to make credits, so really only one clip of expensive shells. AND the 145 pen. can still hurt most tier 9s heavies from the side. It is such a fun little tank😊👍
Love that tank. I play with regular ammo and no food and still have it 2 marked....maybe some day I will be less cheap and push for that 3rd mark...maybe
I actually got this one from the key box event, a little earlier in 2021 (don't remember why there was those boxes) And it's like a RNG incarnation, sometimes all the shell connect and sometimes none do damage bur still a funny french LT with big burst kam974 EU server
Nice game Dez! I noticed, that when the M10 entered to the cap ring, the counter didn't stop. I tried to find how capping works (especially stalling and resetting), but could not find info. WG WIKI informs, that capping mechanics have changed and section need update. Has this been allways like this (TD's can't stop cap without dealing damage)?
It depends on the game mode how capping, blocking and resetting work. If I remember rightly, Blocking a cap only works when you're contesting 1 cap in encounter mode - otherwise you need to do some damage to reset. I think you used to be able to block a cap on Assault / Defence mode, but don't think that works now (if it ever did)
I think the e25 is the heart racing tank for me ...I don't use premium rounds in it so I have to be strategic, and wait, ambush, flank, relocate etc ...and if I'm spotted my armour is paper thin. Gotta be careful to take advantage of that high DPM. Asia server: Superdude
I never liked tanks without turret. Then i had access to the kanonenjagdpanzer 105 for 10 days and it changed me somehow. After that i managed to get 3 MOE on Stug III G after 87 battles. Now i am playing jagdpanzer IV and got 2nd MOE after 47 battles. I actually fell in love with this tank Old_guy_reloaded_2020 - EU
Just got the GSOR 1008 and I am breaking it in on Frontlines. I love this thing. Once you understand how it moves about, just how sluggish it can be on hills, this thing is great! Time to fine tune it with field mods and enjoy! IGN is Papaegbdr on the NA server. Take care and stay safe.
Hey Dez, came from blitz and started PC a week ago. I gave up STB1 grind after sucking at Tier 5. So, started to grind E100 just like I did on blitz. Though, I really wanna learn Meds. Char Futur 4 and STB1 interest me. Any tips ? Do you have any recent MT guides ? Thanks.
for me it's the AMX CdA 105. It's such a hidden gem tier 8 TD. The gun may not have the most damage, but it's very consistent and accurate. PlasmaDrone (ASIA Server)
Personally the progetto 46 is the tank that most closely resembles that feeling. It's just so comfortable yet fast and dynamic to play, you get lots of fast-paced action-packed games like this. aPandaWinsByDialectic EU server
My favorite game was me in an IS-3. I flanked an IS-7, set him on fire not once, not twice, but 3 times in successive shots. First fire he put out by fire extinguisher, 2nd fire he burned, 3 shot was just short of killing him (only a few hp left), but then he burned for the remainder. I was lucky. bjscherer on NA server
The only tank I've 3 marked is a vk3001h, possibly 'cos it's crap with low expectations, but the top gun has 221 pen at tier 5! So as long as i didn't try to sidescrape against a tier 7 heavy it was ok. The turbo made a big difference. Mickleblade EU
Man lol amazing game... Had done some bluff before with autoloaders, but nothing like this. Definitely Skoda T50, when you know you are lowe HP, but you know you have the upper hand with that 960 clip.... Completly changes any situation. Scabolcz EU
I also love the AMX 13 57, but the tank that make me feel that way is probably the bourrasque. Because everytime i play with it, i feel much better after the battle. Moodnight EU
I really like the t34 shielded .... it has decent armor and great dpm for its tier ... I once solo carried a game with that tank and man I sure did enjoy that game WaiT_WHat ASIA
Most fun tank for me is my AMX1357F 😁 Thought about changing it to the regular prem tank but I think I'll keep it this way. Fun games!! kreezjie, EU-server
My favorite tank is probably a 703 because it just has such good armor if you know how to use it and such a good gun. You can bully t10s with it if you play it correctly win or loss I always seem to do decent Zappy_11 (NA)
Before HE change KV2 and SU-152 with derp cannon... Playing them without any equipment... Oh boy how crazy my luck was.... After HE I guess AMX elc bis tier 5... U know prokhorovka? Bush in the middle open field of enemy side? Yeah... That happened... Enemy had A-20 who wanted to play sniper... Best match ever for me ... WoDestroyer Asia
You will probably hate me, but the most epic, heart pounding games have been in, were riding in the M-44 Arty, before the HE rework, nerf, WoT F*ck-up!!! I played it like a tank much of the time (nearly half). I have a Radley and Kolobanov, (one of which on the city map Himmelsdorf) in it. Also, I have a Crucial contribution medal in it for 12 kills in a platoon. Played shotgun, it's gun was a beast. Since the Rework, my M44 is a sad relic on the shelf.😞 Coppercon N/A server
This tank is one of the best tanks in the game at completing critical damage missions. As you said the death by a 1000 paper cuts usually leads to many crits. As for a dirty, feel good tank I have to go with a T67 as it's a scary good combination of speed, gun and camo at tier 5. NA Server - Leady07
My feel good tank is the Bourrasque and the T56 skoda. Both are truly reliable machines. I use the 13 57 just for fun. It's an annoying mosquitoe Katrinza Na
Maybe TS-5 cos of its insane DPM and front armor, when top tier I feel sorry for the enemies. On the other hand, once I did 7.3k dmg with the KPZ 07RH... DoomHerald, EU.
very interesting battles i usually have with Pz.I.C., with the 10 shot machine gun. It has better pen and overall dmg output. And quite often I get in intense moments with TOG II. It can be surprising, but with the tog, usually sitting in the base, waiting for enemies to come and when it begins, there are usually many of them. With propper positioning you can survive very long time and using your full dpm, you can pretty clean them off, but you have to choose properly who to shoot first and then to lower the numbers of shells flying towards you. Very, very slow tank, but very intense moments. F26698 EU
One of the *ONLY* battles as a *TOP* tier throughout the session... but oh boy, did we make it work for us or what? 🔥
What is your dirty-feelgood-tank in WoT? Let me now and have fun, Beasts! ;)
You make a small mistake when you write The Name of the tank. Is 57 not 47
Jgdpz e100 Def, each shot you are praying for a hit and you only get to take a few. Gannef - EU
That was the battle of the year. Definitely 👍🏻👍🏻
EU server
Well done Dez. That was an epic game. Beautifully played. My go to dirty tank is the very one you were fighting at the end. It has 3 crew members with 3 full skills one which is camo and a 4 skill cmdr also with camo. Mounted camo and binocs make it one nasty piece of work when it’s top tier
NA server
Definetly Object 704, all the games on that thing were extremely exciting and amazing.
The same thing happened with my T-50-2. I ran out of shells while killing the 2nd last TD and there's only me and a Nashorn. Luckily he was far away near our base so I was able to fully cap their base. Since then, every light tank game increases my heart rate, especially when circling large tanks like the KV-2.
AOG9; Asia
I have simply no words. I mean, I have seen quite a few epic battles, but this bluff while the poor M10 was on the cap... It was so beautiful. I really thought the game was over when you rushed in after remaining 1 vs 4. Enjoyed every moment of this. Pure skill and experience. Keep up the good work!
I don't ever recall capping out in these circumstances, Dez. GG. Both teams, but especially yours, melted quickly in this game.
I suppose the closest I could compare would be games where my team have melted but the vehicles we had left had a handful of hit points and enough mobility to rush the enemy cap and squeak out a win by the skin of our team, using our situational awareness and being bold enough. There have been times when I've accomplished this on my own.
Other games that have had my heart pumping would be where I'm running around with 1 hit point grinding down the enemy team with a come from behind win. Never give up.
Not a winning issue but I still recall one battle I got into a 1 v 1, me in my GW Panther Arty and the other guy in a Super Pershing. This was a long time ago and the arty was more nimble than it currently is and the SP slower. But we were playing ring around the rosy with a boulder on the Steppes map and I managed to kill him but it took so long to do. All I could hear in my headset was my friend laughing his ass off when I pulled off the kill. heh.
The best Fadin's I have seen in World of Tanks. Well done! Never to be repeated!
Congrats Dez! This was 300+IQ play and you sure deserved it. Of course RNG and the M10 player was on your side, but it was meant to happen because of you and your bluff!
Had a similar experience with a stock Ferdinand on airfield playing against an EBR. We where the last two tanks, but he didn't attack and I couldn't find him, so I went to cap the enemy base. Remember, stock Ferdi with 80 % crew and no turret against a wheeled vehicle. After looong 5 minutes I arrived. He didn't show up until the last seconds of the battle (why? I have no bloody idea!). So he shot, I bounced an APCR and won. Again RNG and enemy on my side.
What kind of game is that? Don't know but I love it.
have a "DEZ-tastic" day guys
Deez nuts
My most fun tank is maus with the good old "how am i still alive"
I had high expectations at the start of this battle... but ... wow Dez, you exceeded my expectations
What a battle ! only possible with premium shell for this tank, but fantastic scenarii and Great job Dez !!!
Dez you Said 13 47 you mean 13 57? 😂
ELC Even 90 is the most fun tank for me. As a matter of fact on this map you are aiming at a pine tree in the open at 0:17 to 0:18 and if you get there quick enough in the beginning you can knock it down and spot TDs camping the back of the tracks. Easy assistance and they have no idea who is spotting them. Good times.
slickmo NA
One of my fave tanks. Nice work Dez!
It is not depending on the tank I play at the moment. My heart rate increases when I am the last player alive in my team. Even if I have a chance, I usually screw it up because I become too excited.
Back then when I used to play WotB,JP II was the crown jewel in my collection. DPM for days,heavy for ramming,fast for relocating,hard upper structure,superb traverse speed,pin point accuracy,god-like gun handling
A cracking replay - and an impressive bluff. That would never have worked for me.
I don't know why, but it feels like the Pudel is my most consistent tank. It's not been the most heart stopping though - I think that's been the tech tree Cromwell. When RNG works for that tank it is a joy
DunDiggin on EU server
after 10 years in this game, I still can't resist shooting tanks from spotting positions the way you do :)
I didn't see that one coming, crazy battle!
Rezmalac, EU
I actually love playing my Super Chaffee. People often underrate this tank and think it's going end up well for them. Had a match where I was against 4 tanks, low ammo, low health, they were the attacking team on Karelia. In the end, I knew I won't be able to kill them, so I went extra sneaky into middle of the map while they were trying to chase me. Then two of them went to the base, but were unfortunate to cap till the last second. Shivers!
Kotromanitch, EU
Nice clever play there dez. Amx 57 can be a beast. Only 90 alpha but if you pen with all clip thats approx 900 dmg. In what 10 sec. Nimble little beast
for sure my favorite tank is the t71 with the autoloader. Had some great games in that one.
Epic game Dez!! GG my friend.
My last game in this tank was on Glacier. Last on my team, enemy had an AC 48 an SU-14-2 artillery. They capped and all I could do was put my last 4 shells into them which was no where near enough. 3500 dmg, 5 kills, not enough.
So easy to run out of ammo in this tank.
This was great dez !!
I enjoy playing the Skorpion G. I actually got really lucky and got mine from a WoT Twitch Drop. The shells when you hit are so satisfying with that 490 average damage!
Hi Dez .. I did the same with my T-67 and ended up on "Best Replays of the Week International #53"
you said right after the show,, so here i am...
Great stuff Dez..
2021 is nearly over - you managed to get all the normal tanks ready for this years christmas streams with daki and skill? :DDD
Amazing battle Dez!
Dez 2:45 you think you penetrated 9 shots out of 10 in that T1 heavy with an 8 shell magazine? O.o
And reading the Dezcription, may I ask what is a Scounts? o.O
But for sure 1 heck of a game GG!
AMX 13 57 is a killer tank still havent got it yet but working on it..i am working on the French heavy line, and enjoying it...i am surprise how well they do in battle..Have All French Arties..
What did you learn this time Dez? Don't blind fire the first magazine lol
NA. CorsairasaurusRex
This is the premium that makes my heart beat! I love it! i take half premium the rest is standard rounds... but you really need to aim them and many times i hold the shot because i know that i cant pen with them. I can understand way you take full APCRs... Well either way, with full pay to win load out or a more economic one that is the tank that i love the most to play.
I'm Jugernaut_x from EU server
Brilliant play!
The most intense battles that I remember were in the 703 II
I am at 2 moe gunmark, with 50:50 ap / apcr rounds . Definitely doable and definitely not needed 100% apcr. Mostly relied on spotting because the ammo load out is small to begin with
Wow, nicely done!!
My favourite used to be VK2801 with the derp at tier 5. Sadly those days are gone for my most played tank.
Right now I'm enjoying the WZ 132-1. I love the combat light feel of the Chinese light line.
EU server
My one and only Kolabonofs (sp?) Was in T-150, definitely got my blood pumping when I was down to 1 shot and 2 enemies left but managed to pull it off
I saw whole battle on the stream, it was so epic :) Dez firing blind shots and some of the guys in chat started sending him- "low on ammo, ammo, save your ammo,..." xD I was one of those guys :)
tank which make my hear skip THE bit- well, so many....and I think it is not about tank itself, it is what kind of battle it is....yesterday, tank who made my heart racing, skipping a bit was wt auf e IV (that tier 9 german td). I will post a replay on your site so please check it out and tell me, how lucky I was xD
bolid_cat EU
p.s.- looking forward for more streams and epic battle like this.
p.s.s.- what about type 64 replay, I know you had epic moments and battles with that tank too :)
incredible battle ! Good job
Well played 800 IQ. KV-5 for me playing that breakthrough role getting into the thick of it surrounded by enemies and still bouncing shells front and back and putting that DPM to work and coming out on top at the end with a slither of its starting 2020 HP left. InfernoJack EU.
wow that was amazing..I love my 50TP game play.. with decent pen with standard shells, good gun and reliable armour.. and of course free to play
Holy cow!! GG man!
That was an awesome battle!
absolute "poker" move. well done!
Saw that live yesterday! Most epic live ever! GG
This is an actually insane Carry its just insane
Can't say I have such tank, but had similar situation with Pz. T-25 and Kunze Panzer. Very inspiring video again, thank you, Dez! Shocquer EU
incredible game and amazing decision making. Epic!
This is just awesome ! Great epic job for you Dez !!
When this tank is in the enemy team, he's really annoying, so i imagine the red team raging in front of you xD
EU server
It was the Bt 12 t in a +2 mm. I was last one against 5 but ran out of shells and they caped my base.
I really dislike when some tanks are balanced with low ammo count, but it really is satisfying when you win without having any shells left. I won a game in the astron rex while I had 0 shells in my tank, it was pretty awesome.
- Xlix_warrior NA
I usually play it to make credits, so really only one clip of expensive shells. AND the 145 pen. can still hurt most tier 9s heavies from the side. It is such a fun little tank😊👍
Love that tank. I play with regular ammo and no food and still have it 2 marked....maybe some day I will be less cheap and push for that 3rd mark...maybe
I actually got this one from the key box event, a little earlier in 2021 (don't remember why there was those boxes)
And it's like a RNG incarnation, sometimes all the shell connect and sometimes none do damage
bur still a funny french LT with big burst
EU server
playing 4d chess against people playing checkers! well freaking played good Dez!
Just got my 2nd mark in this tank today… almost 60% wins too… and I’m a completely average player. wow it’s an awesome machine!!
Nice game Dez!
I noticed, that when the M10 entered to the cap ring, the counter didn't stop.
I tried to find how capping works (especially stalling and resetting), but could not find info. WG WIKI informs, that capping mechanics have changed and section need update.
Has this been allways like this (TD's can't stop cap without dealing damage)?
It depends on the game mode how capping, blocking and resetting work.
If I remember rightly, Blocking a cap only works when you're contesting 1 cap in encounter mode - otherwise you need to do some damage to reset.
I think you used to be able to block a cap on Assault / Defence mode, but don't think that works now (if it ever did)
This video show that nothing is impossible even without ammo
I think the e25 is the heart racing tank for me ...I don't use premium rounds in it so I have to be strategic, and wait, ambush, flank, relocate etc ...and if I'm spotted my armour is paper thin. Gotta be careful to take advantage of that high DPM.
Asia server: Superdude
I never liked tanks without turret. Then i had access to the kanonenjagdpanzer 105 for 10 days and it changed me somehow. After that i managed to get 3 MOE on Stug III G after 87 battles. Now i am playing jagdpanzer IV and got 2nd MOE after 47 battles. I actually fell in love with this tank
Old_guy_reloaded_2020 - EU
Just got the GSOR 1008 and I am breaking it in on Frontlines. I love this thing. Once you understand how it moves about, just how sluggish it can be on hills, this thing is great! Time to fine tune it with field mods and enjoy! IGN is Papaegbdr on the NA server. Take care and stay safe.
Hey Dez, came from blitz and started PC a week ago. I gave up STB1 grind after sucking at Tier 5.
So, started to grind E100 just like I did on blitz.
Though, I really wanna learn Meds.
Char Futur 4 and STB1 interest me.
Any tips ? Do you have any recent MT guides ?
Heart beating heart racing battle? Probably the Bourrasque, so much paper on the armor but ridiculous gun.
- SGT_Kehlder, NA
Wow loved it great game 👍
for me it's the AMX CdA 105. It's such a hidden gem tier 8 TD. The gun may not have the most damage, but it's very consistent and accurate.
(ASIA Server)
So intense, it changed the tank's name
o7 .
Epic game Dez!
Personally the progetto 46 is the tank that most closely resembles that feeling. It's just so comfortable yet fast and dynamic to play, you get lots of fast-paced action-packed games like this.
EU server
My favorite game was me in an IS-3. I flanked an IS-7, set him on fire not once, not twice, but 3 times in successive shots. First fire he put out by fire extinguisher, 2nd fire he burned, 3 shot was just short of killing him (only a few hp left), but then he burned for the remainder. I was lucky.
bjscherer on NA server
I'm enjoying my Rhm with that big gun, field modifications and improved equipments did really buff it.
Sidalistrike / Eu
The only tank I've 3 marked is a vk3001h, possibly 'cos it's crap with low expectations, but the top gun has 221 pen at tier 5! So as long as i didn't try to sidescrape against a tier 7 heavy it was ok. The turbo made a big difference.
Mickleblade EU
Man lol amazing game... Had done some bluff before with autoloaders, but nothing like this.
Definitely Skoda T50, when you know you are lowe HP, but you know you have the upper hand with that 960 clip.... Completly changes any situation.
I also love the AMX 13 57, but the tank that make me feel that way is probably the bourrasque. Because everytime i play with it, i feel much better after the battle.
Moodnight EU
I really like the t34 shielded .... it has decent armor and great dpm for its tier ... I once solo carried a game with that tank and man I sure did enjoy that game
Oml. I think you're better than some people think. I had a similar game but nowhere as skilled as you. Gj
The Tank that Gifs me the Most Heart "Attacks" is the EBR. Espeshely when He flys 30 meters Hye i gett scared.😅
EU Alleswiedersehenundich
Most fun tank for me is my AMX1357F 😁
Thought about changing it to the regular prem tank but I think I'll keep it this way. Fun games!!
kreezjie, EU-server
Would be interesting to see your equipment and field modification selections in now days WOT.
Ah yes the good old AMX-13-47
IS3-II for me - great armour and the gun is hilariously accurate.
Tiger comes close second - really enjoying it since the buffs
Well played, Sensei.
My favorite tank is probably a 703 because it just has such good armor if you know how to use it and such a good gun. You can bully t10s with it if you play it correctly win or loss I always seem to do decent
Zappy_11 (NA)
Before HE change KV2 and SU-152 with derp cannon... Playing them without any equipment... Oh boy how crazy my luck was....
After HE I guess AMX elc bis tier 5... U know prokhorovka? Bush in the middle open field of enemy side? Yeah... That happened... Enemy had A-20 who wanted to play sniper... Best match ever for me ...
Simply great👍
You will probably hate me, but the most epic, heart pounding games have been in, were riding in the M-44 Arty, before the HE rework, nerf, WoT F*ck-up!!! I played it like a tank much of the time (nearly half). I have a Radley and Kolobanov, (one of which on the city map Himmelsdorf) in it. Also, I have a Crucial contribution medal in it for 12 kills in a platoon. Played shotgun, it's gun was a beast. Since the Rework, my M44 is a sad relic on the shelf.😞
N/A server
Very funny, that tank is so fun and is crazy OP for its tier.
This tank is one of the best tanks in the game at completing critical damage missions. As you said the death by a 1000 paper cuts usually leads to many crits. As for a dirty, feel good tank I have to go with a T67 as it's a scary good combination of speed, gun and camo at tier 5. NA Server - Leady07
Team was probably cussing at that M10 for throwing the victory... :V
I honestly enjoy the Type 64 in that tier bracket.
Beer_Wolf (EU)
thats what i call a Dez Gambit.
One-shot with Kv2 :)
I ready “Crazy Buff” “00 no shells”
As if the 13 57 was made with no mag, it was just fast firing
I enjoy some of the underdog tanks... I get a lot of satisfaction when I make my T54E1 work!
Youre good with it i struggle abit to make over 1k of dmg with it ,but its fun to play tho.
My feel good tank is the Bourrasque and the T56 skoda. Both are truly reliable machines.
I use the 13 57 just for fun. It's an annoying mosquitoe
Maybe TS-5 cos of its insane DPM and front armor, when top tier I feel sorry for the enemies. On the other hand, once I did 7.3k dmg with the KPZ 07RH...
DoomHerald, EU.
cool game, Dez
very interesting battles i usually have with Pz.I.C., with the 10 shot machine gun. It has better pen and overall dmg output. And quite often I get in intense moments with TOG II. It can be surprising, but with the tog, usually sitting in the base, waiting for enemies to come and when it begins, there are usually many of them. With propper positioning you can survive very long time and using your full dpm, you can pretty clean them off, but you have to choose properly who to shoot first and then to lower the numbers of shells flying towards you. Very, very slow tank, but very intense moments. F26698 EU