If ATLAS. Don't Hold The World On His Shoulders, The Universe Collapses. Same Here For My World !! I'm Only Half-Way Across The U.S., You could come by & cheer me.................UP
His name tag was there at 0:17, but was gone the next time they showed him, buying the "E". Maybe that was his name tag flying behind Marie at 0:28...LOL!
👎- How is this puzzle "full if mistakes"??? I don't get it. A couple of wrong guesses, but not "full of mistakes". 😒
2:50 Did he mean to say shut up for excitment?
Yes I think so
Yeah probably
If ATLAS. Don't Hold The World On His Shoulders, The Universe
Collapses. Same Here For My World !! I'm Only Half-Way Across
The U.S., You could come by & cheer me.................UP
Maybe Katie don't know the last two words. Because if you don't know it, you spin or buy a vowel.
There were no more vowels!
0:02 great flip, it's a $10K
Adam Nugraha Ya
1:04 1:06 City Movie
that should be the express round
she calls a x thinking it was a box
There was no express round until season 31.
@@fable9159 she won a 1/2 car that episode
They didn’t do the 1/2 car wedges until season 28 or 29
Katie land red $900,space from the wild card letter said K
this aint jeopardy .lol
There was only one wrong guess. Where do you get thats full of mistakes?
Did Malik forget his name tag? Lol
His name tag was there at 0:17, but was gone the next time they showed him, buying the "E". Maybe that was his name tag flying behind Marie at 0:28...LOL!
LOL what is this 1995. There aren't any "Paper Boys" anymore.
Someone told the paperboy to take 20 years off.
@First Last got change for a 45
Tell the paperboy to take the week off
she picked x thinking it was paperbox
She didn’t pick x I thought it was paperbox too.
@@fable9159 me 2
and, you would've gotten buzzed, as it's "a week off"...not "the" 🙃
Paperboy , Off