5 Best Hearing Aids 2024

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 72

  • @lauramaeda7214
    @lauramaeda7214 10 месяцев назад +2

    Very different and informative video.

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  10 месяцев назад

      Thank you for your positive feedback! I'm glad you found the video informative. 💜

  • @otiebrown9999
    @otiebrown9999 Месяц назад +1


  • @zorroad
    @zorroad 7 месяцев назад +1

    the most loyal review. Thanks man

  • @saibaba369
    @saibaba369 Месяц назад

    Thanks for informative video. Could please suggest hearing aid for my father age around 70.

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  Месяц назад

      We're glad you found this informative! Unfortunately, we would need to see his hearing test and discuss his goals with hearing aids to choose the best option. We recommend finding a local Audiologist to discuss this with.

  • @naomiredpath4351
    @naomiredpath4351 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks for the comparison. Do you know which brand of behind the ear hearing aids have a lighter weight than other brands?

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  10 месяцев назад

      I'm not sure. My initial thoughts would be the Widex RIC 10 is one of the smaller and therefore, lighter, behind the ear devices.

  • @naomiredpath4351
    @naomiredpath4351 8 месяцев назад +2

    For tinnitus, do you think the Phonak L90 in the disposable battery is better than L70?

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  8 месяцев назад +1

      Both devices will have the same sound therapy options. The L90 will have a better processing system for background noise if you struggle to hear in those difficult listening situations.

  • @tylovset
    @tylovset 10 месяцев назад

    Just found this great channel! Sorry, not so related to this video, but would you make a video on intermittent tinnitus in the future, or is it simply very rare?
    For the 7 last months, I have about 2-4 very loud days a week, whereas 2-4 days are near quiet. Are there treatments also for intermittent tinnitus which can lead to habituation?
    Cause: I had work stress related tinnitus but was 99% habituated after a year+. However 2 years in it increased, but it was still manageable. Some time later I experienced an very loud high pitched alarm, which caused the intermittent behavior.

  • @cdclydesdale
    @cdclydesdale Месяц назад

    What hearing aid would you suggest for mild to severe hearing loss?

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  13 дней назад

      We recommend discussing this with your local Audiologist as there are many options out there and it's important to find which would be the best fit for you and your lifestyle.

  • @CindiP-nm6mb
    @CindiP-nm6mb 10 месяцев назад +1

    How much do these cost?

    • @CindiP-nm6mb
      @CindiP-nm6mb 10 месяцев назад +1

      Also, the directions for a number of hearing aids say that they need to be warned during daytime hours. I have some hearing loss in the high frequencies and am considering getting hearing aids to help with my unbelievably sleep- depriving tinnitus. My insomnia is caused by tinnitus so if I take hearing aids out at night, I’m back to the same loud noises all night.

    • @kursaikursai2968
      @kursaikursai2968 10 месяцев назад

      @@CindiP-nm6mb what hearing aid are you using?

    • @CindiP-nm6mb
      @CindiP-nm6mb 10 месяцев назад

      @@kursaikursai2968 I’m “considering” getting hearing aids do not have them right now but I’m researching.

  • @faizahmad1299
    @faizahmad1299 Месяц назад


  • @johnmcclung4736
    @johnmcclung4736 4 месяца назад

    I'm a musician with SSD looking to use a BiCROS device. What would you recommend? Moderate high end loss in my good ear. Thanks!

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  4 месяца назад

      We would need to discuss further and see your hearing test. We recommend seeing a local audiologist to get recommendations and try out different options.

  • @fathimahakkim9854
    @fathimahakkim9854 3 месяца назад +2

    Please tell the review of resound hearing aid

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  3 месяца назад

      All of the different hearing aid manufacturers make a great hearing aid. ReSound is great for those with hearing loss or tinnitus. We recommend discussing specifics with your Audiologist to determine which manufacturer is right for you.

  • @ashutoshnandan6822
    @ashutoshnandan6822 24 дня назад

    How Is phonak audeo sphere infinio I90.
    Heard that size is bigger than lumity.
    Is still preferable?

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  6 дней назад

      That is true that the Audeo Sphere is larger than the Lumity. We recommend discussing the differences with your local Audiologist as they have a better understanding of what is recommended based on your hearing loss and lifestyle needs.

  • @paulbaddiley7326
    @paulbaddiley7326 10 месяцев назад

    which hearing aids are best to cut out background noise such as wind ?

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  10 месяцев назад +2

      When choosing a hearing aid, we must take into account the audiogram and word understanding scores. Unfortunately, we can't just throw out a manufacturer's name without seeing the big picture. All of the main manufacturers offer great hearing aids!

  • @felicisimovaldez8775
    @felicisimovaldez8775 2 месяца назад

    How much is the oticon device

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  Месяц назад

      We recommend speaking to your local Audiologist as the price varies based on the level of technology and what is included in the purchase.

  • @vladislavroytapel2830
    @vladislavroytapel2830 7 месяцев назад

    Good video! What about Tinnitus? Which is better?

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  6 месяцев назад

      Widex is known for their Zen program, which many people find helpful for tinnitus relief. Here's the link to learn more about them: www.widex.com/en/tinnitus/relief/tinnitus-sound-therapy-widex-zen/. It's worth exploring to see if it's the right fit for you!

  • @LibanAbdi-fv8li
    @LibanAbdi-fv8li 9 месяцев назад

    which one is best lower level hearing loss

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  9 месяцев назад

      If I had to pick one I'd say the Widex Moment Sheer. There are different models (called the 110s, 220s, 330s, 440s), the one that's right for you depends on the level of your hearing loss and your lifestyle and hearing needs. If you'd like a free consultation with one of our specialists to discuss which hearing aid is best for you, you can schedule a telehealth session at your convenience via this link: treble.health/consultation

  • @udertyrat
    @udertyrat 7 месяцев назад

    Hi. I just saw an audiologist for tinnitus and hearing loss. It was suggested that I get hearing aids. I believe it’s a Signia (has notch therapy?) for tinnitus. What do you think of those? Thanks in advance and I appreciate the info on your channel.

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  6 месяцев назад

      While Signia has good technology, we prefer using Widex for tinnitus patients as there are more sound therapy options and notch therapy seems to only work for a handful of tinnitus patients. We would be happy to discuss further with you. Schedule a complimentary telehealth consultation: treble.health/consultation

    • @udertyrat
      @udertyrat 6 месяцев назад

      @@treblehealth I might just do that. Thanks very much.

  • @dtannenb
    @dtannenb 9 месяцев назад

    I was looking at the Nexia model hearing aids, is there a specific reason it didn’t make your top 5?

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  9 месяцев назад

      Nexia is a ReSound product and they make a good hearing aid. We recommend discussing with your Audiologist which device would suit your needs and hearing loss the best.

  • @treblehealth
    @treblehealth  6 месяцев назад

    ➡ Book Your FREE Tinnitus Consultation: treble.health/schedule

  • @miracoli16
    @miracoli16 8 месяцев назад

    Why didn't you mention the resound nexia?

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  8 месяцев назад

      While there are many hearing aid devices on the market, we only discussed the top 5 for our tinnitus patients. ReSound makes a good product and we recommend discussing these different options with your local Audiologist to determine which features are a priority for you.

  • @naomiredpath4351
    @naomiredpath4351 10 месяцев назад

    Do you think rechargeable hearing aids would be heavier than battery?

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  10 месяцев назад

      It depends on the size of the hearing aid rather than the battery itself. You would be able to get a smaller (and lighter) device if you opt for disposable battery operated devices.

    • @macbook802
      @macbook802 9 месяцев назад +1

      I disagree. I don't know hearing aids much, but I know electronics. Elsewhere throughout the industry the smallest devices use built in, rechargeable batteries. I don't understand how that would be different with hearing aids. Using off the shelf batteries means the aids would be being built around the battery plus the latching system takes up real estate as well. Custom batteries that conform to whatever space is necessary plus a sealed of case is the recipe to have the smallest foot print available. Plus being sealed in gives higher protection against the elements, such as dust and perspiration. Very important

    • @garygullikson6349
      @garygullikson6349 6 месяцев назад

      @@macbook802 My new Unitrons are very light, no heavier than my old battery Resound HA's

  • @garygullikson6349
    @garygullikson6349 8 месяцев назад

    My Resound One HA's make my nylon stringed guitars sound badly distorted. I have read that most HA's do not give good music sound but that Starkey Genesis do much better with music. My audiologist made a setting that mutes high frequencies which helped but "dulled" music sound quality. Feed back from guitarists would be appreciated.

    • @kaylasmusic
      @kaylasmusic 6 месяцев назад

      Widex is the best for musicians , Starkey is the worst. Widex has the best accessibility

    • @garygullikson6349
      @garygullikson6349 6 месяцев назад

      @@kaylasmusic My new Unitron HA's do not distort my nylon string guitar sound.

    • @kaylasmusic
      @kaylasmusic 6 месяцев назад

      @@garygullikson6349 That’s good,. You can always test devices out but i personally have only had luck using Widex after switching from Lyric

  • @sitaramprabhu6004
    @sitaramprabhu6004 7 месяцев назад

    How to adjust volume of hearongaid is it equal to normal hearing or more

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  6 месяцев назад

      Your audiologist will need to adjust the volume of your hearing aid to match your current prescription and hearing needs. They can fine-tune it to ensure it's set correctly for you.

  • @Jack-mu4iv
    @Jack-mu4iv 7 месяцев назад

    Hi ! Just asking why here in the philippines hearing aid clinics they do not give trial period for hearing aids for long time ?

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  7 месяцев назад

      I'm not familiar with the specific regulations and practices regarding hearing aids in the Philippines, as my knowledge is primarily focused on the regulations in the US. It would be best to discuss this with your audiologist or the hearing aid clinics in the Philippines directly.

  • @jerseyshoreballroomdancecl9877
    @jerseyshoreballroomdancecl9877 10 месяцев назад

    Oticon discontinues making parts so you are forced to upgrade every 4-5 years. Bluetooth in hearing aids are faulty. Bluetooth works but intercepts the actual hearing aid function. The prices are downright criminal on top of they fact that there is high pressure to upgrade every 4-5 years.

    • @CoffeeTeaWithSusan
      @CoffeeTeaWithSusan 10 месяцев назад

      As with ANY type of electronics… they become obsolete every few years. Thats the times we live in. It is the best on the market. We do a monthly plan so that no matter the new and improved… we get it every 4-5 years.

  • @Juno_Beach
    @Juno_Beach 3 месяца назад

    The absence of prices

  • @miracoli16
    @miracoli16 8 месяцев назад

    The widex moment sounded terrible to me. Alway a hissing background noice. Very annoying.

  • @eeo.e
    @eeo.e 29 дней назад

    how about airpods?

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  12 дней назад

      While Airpods being used as hearing aids may work for some, we recommend seeing an Audiologist first to rule out any abnormal underlying cause for hearing loss before self diagnosis/treatment.

  • @dzs1945
    @dzs1945 2 месяца назад

    What? I have a hard time hearing you!

  • @johnlawfourtyfyve
    @johnlawfourtyfyve 4 месяца назад

    After 5 minutes of commercials, I finally gave up trying to watch this video! SHEESH!

    • @tomcrosby3802
      @tomcrosby3802 4 месяца назад +1

      After 3 or 4 seconds of commercials, a "skip" button appears on the screen that, it clicked, will skip the commercials.

    • @johnlawfourtyfyve
      @johnlawfourtyfyve 4 месяца назад

      @@tomcrosby3802 Not any more; they make you watch them now unless you buy youtube premium and pay a monthly fee.

  • @weareone6969
    @weareone6969 9 месяцев назад

    Let know where to send $3 so you can buy a razor

  • @konracciesla
    @konracciesla 8 месяцев назад +4

    it has a charger, you have to load scrap every day, don't buy it

  • @Ahmad.bilal2050
    @Ahmad.bilal2050 5 месяцев назад

    Hello i need you help to choose the correct hearing aid for my son, can you give me your email address i send you the abr report please, regards

    • @treblehealth
      @treblehealth  4 месяца назад

      Hello You can reach out to us via email at contact@treblehealth.com