That’s what I’m saying. He’s cool with Perilous Foray which is 5cmc and 1 to sac for a basic land. But Skullclamp for 1cmc and 1 equip for two cards is outta the question? 🤔
I been testing the deck by proxys and Skullclamp is really one of the best cards of the deck, like Nesting Dragon, you have enough ways to sacrifice creatures to be used with the big ones
I hugely disagree on your view on skullclamp, I get you don't like it's the only sequence, but that's what this deck does, if you don't want to kill eggs then it's not quite the right Commander, if you kill more than 2 eggs with clamp, the card is worth it. The card is generically insane in this deck, especially since it will have plenty of sac outlets. I can agree on the other draw outlets though Also btw recursion like road of return is not card draw, the card is definitely playable, but shouldn't be treated in the same group as skullclamp
Skullclamp also serves as an insurance policy here against another potential weakness of this deck: board wipes. Sticking it on the commander is also a decent way to ensure you get something for the inevitable hate which will be directed her way.
I'd definitely agree with you on that. some people remember that skullclamp gives -1 to toughness, and gives card draw, but it also has a +1 power on it. considering you're probably dropping in some creatures with either double strike, trample, or just are going to swing face, that +1 damage can add up, and it means once you're past the early stages, even if they remove a big creature, you get more value out of it. add to that it's such a cheap way to kill the eggs, (and gets around indestructable from Avacyn, if you get her out) and I think it'd be amiss to not include it. (I also run Martial Coup, as a good board wipe, and being able to turn my large mana into cards is always a good option)
Also, I love how many directions you can go! You can just have fun and put whatever big creatures you want! Populate eggs, create copies of creatures and populate them! You can have a small creature package focused on one thing, and can easily rely on getting those creatures. I like Bramble Sovereign, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, and Feldon of the Third Path in this deck to make copies of other creatures, and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice and Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage to populate the eggs before you bring out creatures, and after that to populate the creature tokens that you made from copying creatures. There's sac engines like the usual ones you'd use, as well as Thermopod, Skullclamp, Marauding Raptor, and Thornbite Staff. X burn board wipes I like with this commander too. I also love Giant Adephage because It's huge and makes lots of big creature tokens by Itself, and is gross when you populate them, Nesting Dragon makes eggs which you can populate, god-eternal oketra, illharg, the raze-boar, and god-eternal rhonas keep going back to your deck to be replayed and go pretty well with your commander, Hoarding Dragon lets you get key artifacts like Ashnod's Altar, Skull Clamp, and Thousand-Year Elixer, Sun Titan lets you bring back important cheap pieces and goes well with a landfall package and lands that fetch other lands, and Rampaging Baloths makes decent sized tokens.
Playing tutors that put creatures on top of your library like Brutalizer Exarch, Scroll Rack, Sensei’s Divining Top, etc. are very good with this deck concept as well. Love the deck concept!
Super insightful Deck Tech! Saw the preview for this card and thought it wasn't interesting at all. Now I think it's the perfect big creature deck that still has the answer for your enemy
I forgot about the changelings. I didn't even think of using those as creatures. You make a good point on the sac outlets in this deck since although it is a creature based strategy, the creature count is not very high. I also like your reasoning about not using Skullclamp and the usual target removal that exiles. I think these are all great points! Thanks for pointing that out DJ! And yeah I think we get it at this point DJ that Tragic Arrogance is much better than people think. I know you love that card! I've put it in some of my decks since you first mentioned the card. Oh man! Now I want to turn all of my creatures into eggs when a board wipe happens! I agree on this deck being hard to build, but fun to tune. I've been having fun for the past week figuring out how to build around this commander! Great video again DJ!
17:17 it's a 1 drop, only costs 1 to equip, sacs your eggs, draws you cards, and then why not go ahead and hook it on a big guy? Yeah it doesn't kill him but something might kill him eventually and then you get 2 cards. I like Skullclamp here. Good 1 drops are good.
I think he makes a good point though. It's amazing when you're using it to kill your eggs while your commander is out, but otherwise It's rather weak. You don't want to use it on your eggs while your commander is not in play since your deck relies a lot on your commander. If the best Skullclamp can do without your commander out is weaken a single creature your opponent controls, and eventually maybe get you two cards, then I don't think It's worth it.
I take your point. It's a matter of meta or preference I suppose. I didn't mean you can can equip it to your opponents' creatures, I was talking about putting it on one of your own fatties. It weakens them slightly but whenever they do die you get 2 cards. It's not a huge benefit, but I was just specifically arguing against DJ saying "[eggs are] the only thing you can really Skullclamp in this deck." Yeah, they are the only things you can equip that will die immediately and draw you cards, but they aren't technically the only things you can equip it to at all. That's all I meant. The facts that matter for me are: This deck needs a few sac outlets. Skullclamp is a sac outlet. Skullclamp costs 1 mana. Skullclamp is not a creature (which can mess up my polymorph) Skullclamp can draw some cards. I prefer a really low mana curve. therefore I like it. But i understand why others don't.
@@shilohartisan Oh okay that makes more sense. Yeah you could equip them to your creatures so if your opponent kills them you draw two cards. I understand your points for playing it. There's no denying that It has a lot of great things about it. For me personally I would rather play a less powerful card that is not dead or close to being dead in certain situations. I prefer having cards that are useful in more situations. To each their own.
@@GuardianAngelEatos personally, I'd be putting in a lot of double strike creatures, Goring Ceratops and Zetalpa, Primal Dawn, come to mind, so it's really a +2/-1, draw two cards if they kill you" card in my deck. if I have a big creature, it gets a little bigger, if I have a small creature, i can turn it into cards. if I have a small creature AND my commander, I can turn it into two cards AND a big creature. if I have no creatures, then an artifact that equips will be less useful anyway.
@@Sentinel851 Yeah I'm not saying that Skullclamp shouldn't be in the deck. I was just agreeing with DJ, and think It's not worth it. Although after cutting down cards in my own decklist, I'm realizing that even though I don't want to have Skullclamp in the deck, I think it needs more ways to kill off the eggs, and Skullclamp is one of the best options. So I ended up putting Skullclamp, and Altar of Dementia back in, and I added Fanatical Devotion as well.
Worth mentioning that the Dinosaur cards from Ixalan built around the enrage mechanic like Raging Swordtooth can also be used to hatch eggs. Not sure of any of them are efficient methods but hey flavor i guess.
You've been merely paying attention to the outpost siege khans option. It's dragons option is actually pretty good, pinging whenever an egg dies can be pretty good
I’m going enrage stompy Dino’s for my build. Pyrohiemia and sword tooth’s to ping everything on the board, get all enrage triggers, kill the egg and find another enrage Dino or an elder
You talked about redundancy.... but no Birthing Boughs? Sure it costs more to make a 2/2 changeling than a 0/1 egg.... but it IS redundancy to making tokens, especially if you're ramping a lot.
I agree but I think it’s because there’s better alternatives. Tristana is 4cmc can populate for 3 mana, and it heals you each time you drop a creature.
@@jerilee5057 yes but Trostani also needs you to have the egg in play first as well as being a creature, she's much more likely to get removed through targeted removal (which she's an absolute lightning rod for due to her powerful abilities and means to gain absurd amounts of life) and through wrath effects. Targeted artifact removal and artifact wraths certainly exist, but aren't usually, at least in my experience, as commonly faced as creature wraths. That's not to say that you can't include both in the deck, because again, redundancy is good.
Nice video DJ. What I appreciate about your videos is your content is so diverse. I think you do a great job at covering the many different styles of EDH.
What's bad about skullclamping some big monster, particularly Zetalpa? It makes the big dino boi in particular hit harder for not that much downside because it's indestructible. It also gives you some cards if somebody tragic slips your thiqq monsters, so you don't have to put all your EGGS in one basket
I love the title DJ! It's eggcellent! Also, this is one of the two commanders that I'm going to build around! Perfect! The other is the new goad commander, which will be just be an upgrade to my Grenzo deck.
Hmm i would say Etali is worth running even without topdeckmanipulation, like Magmatic Force it can steal games, If unchecked. Even If you miss your top Card, you still have three oponent, who all have spicy cards in her deck.
Alta just looks like so much fun. You can go many different routes at numerous budget levels and she will still function well. I am really glad you brought up the discussion about polymorph decks not needing many creatures. I have seen a lot of lists out there that are running a lot of small creatures or mana dorks. Also, another reason to run Goblin Bombardment is Polyraptor. Add in Purphoros or Warstorm surge and you have another win-con. I am also surprised you never mentioned Marauding Raptor. It instantly cashes in an egg and reduces casting costs.
I like gruul rage beast in this deck, when u get an egg it can run itself into opponents creatures. Doesn’t do damage on its own but does get them instantly hatched.
I would just love to see Arcane Adaptation hit the battlefield and hear that one guy who always plays wacky things say, "Egg. I choose egg." and then flipping winning.
I'm building her as a secret Purphorous, God of the Forge deck. Tutor Purphorous, crack some eggs, get Hornet Queen, Avenger of Zendikar, opponents squirm.
Blazing Archon is not so great in this deck, with atla and and enough mana, people will not want to attack you in fear that you crack a monster from your deck. They will however do their best to get rid of Atla for good, it will be an incredible removal magnet. My way to build Atla is simple : we need 4 mana to bring her and a sac outlet after mana doesn't matter much, focus should be put on protecting Atla. As long as Atla is on the field you use your mana for support or making/craking eggs not for casting creatures. The more you crack eggs and the more you will draw support spells.
Kessig Wolf Run, the white selective wraths by casting cost, blades of Velis Vel, and non-creature artifacts that make eggs or a creature if the type of your choice, white and green instants offering a creature protection/hexproof/shroud granting and natural order, and beast within, all seem like they would be good inclusions.
Thank you for mentioning some different card options to use. Most of the deck techs on youtube for these new commanders are all exactly the same (for the most part)
@@cheesycheddars5038 Countermagic will only work against Worldspine if you hard cast it from your hand, which you never really want to do. That's actually why I would recommend adding a couple of rummaging outlets or regular discard outlets to a deck like this so you can easily return Worldspine to your deck without spending 11 mana.
I like chain reaction and earthquake and faultline in this one. You could put in Gisela and run repercussion as a damage based control package that could seague into a wincon if atla is off the table. Also maybe a magus of the arena or ulvenwald tracker because they can be useful defensively or as a way to break your eggs.
Very good. Thanks for this video it's super useful. I had sort of built this like my Xenagos deck. Clearly it doesent work like that. You sir have changed my mind.
15:00 Yeah blightsteel colossus is cool and all but I think using a darksteel colossus who is much cheaper is just fine. It also has the shuffle clause and is just a really heavy beater that is hard to remove. Also if you have a couple of repeatable sac outlets like ashnods altar I don't see a reason not to run dragon egg, roc egg and rukh egg. If you chain into them just sac the egg and you get another creature and made a flying token and Mana on top of it.
DJ is totally right about keeping the creature count really low, and not needing a ton of eggs. If you do insist on running too many creatures as most lists I've seen do, or even if you want to grab specific fatties, Top deck tutors are extra good in this deck. Congregation at Dawn Worldly Tutor Noxious Revival I also like Altar of Bone (cheap for a reserve list card) because it's a sac outlet. It does tutor to hand though so you'll want to go find your cheap creature that is castable. This helps increase the density of just fatties in your deck too.
Garruk Caller of Beasts? i mean his second ability is take a fatty from your hand and put it on the battlefield, and his ultimate is: You get an emblem with "Whenever you cast a creature spell, you may search your library for a creature card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library.
Garruk only works if all or most of your big creatures are green. And even then you might not have enough big green critters to make it worth including garruk if you aren't drawing that many creatures as DJ recommends. I agree with him that every polymorph trigger should hit something really impactful.
I think Skullclamp on Zetalpa is actually still a fantastic card, I’d love a 5/7 doublestriker. If you’re on a sac outlet build, you still don’t care that you’re Clamped on an indestructible creature.
You can dump all your creatures onto the board infinite times with just Mirror Entity and Atla. Atla needs a buff of at least +0/+1 and Kozilek or Ulamog need to be in the library. You won't get to KEEP your creatures this way, but you'll get infinite ETBs so you can ping everyone down with something like Goblin Chain Whirler.
The curse of being a novice player strikes again! You have shattered my thought process for this deck with this video... I got into the game playing dinosaur tribal with Gishath back last October. While I now have like 4 other decks and don't really play my dinos anymore, the deck still sits there waiting to be better. I saw this commander as a way to keep playing Dinosaurs, but also run other things without conflicting Gishath's effect too much. Yes, I fell into most of the traps you said in this video.... I've learned that its important to have multiple instances of a certain effect if that is the theme you're going for. So since eggs are the key feature, I thought running Roc Egg, Rukh Egg ETC were a good idea. You know, have other means of setting up for the effect. In most cases, you cast the commander on turn 4, but have no mana open to produce an egg. Now what? But if you cast a Roc Egg on turn 2 or something, then cast commander, you're ready to go. But I understand now where you're coming from as well. Trading an egg for another egg is pointless and a waste of a turn. Personally, I still cannot get my head around using so few creatures, when the deck is a creature strategy. I can't see myself figuring out how to trim it down below 15 creatures at best. Kinda feels like having some low cost creatures with good ETB effects are worth a look. If you egg into a Sakura-Tribe Elder (for example), that sucks, but you get mana at least. Not the worst trade in the world seeing as you can simply make another egg next turn. I'll admit I completely overlooked the idea of running a few Eldrazi because I aws so hung up on the Naya color and getting the dinos to work again. lol If the deck is only running 6-12 creatures, yeah, Sneak Attack probably isn't good. But I will assume that running 16+ creatures makes it viable. Lastly a question; If Alta Palani is on the field and a board wipe happens, do any eggs also on the field still polymorph? Does she still see the death trigger even if she dies same time?
To youre last question: yes atla triggered if she and youre eggs die in a board wipe, because they die at the same Time. Its just like a blood artist or something like that. For example i think in the modern Horizons episode of Game Knights. (I gues you know the command zone yt channel) something sumilar happend with cathlins (sry if speld wrong) blood artist
You can definitely run Atla as a dino deck, just make sure to mostly focus on big dinos or dinos with strong effects. You also don't have to trim as aggressively. If you go the Boar Goad/Sneak Attack route or use other ways to cheat on costs, you can run this as "big creatures.dec" with no problem Of course, getting a small utility creature out of the ability is not the end of the world as you said, but it certainly pales in comparison to alternatives. In this deck, it's definitely preferable to run your mana acceleration via non-creature spells like Cultivate to not gum up the triggers with mediocre results. Some utility creatures may still make sense - but you have to pick them carefully, so they have a strong impact on the game AND you can cheat a bit on mana. expensive little dudes that produce a lot of tokens or have a strong ETB effects or abilities are good options - see Avenger of Zendikar and Hazezon Tamar (preferably sacrifice him before the delayed trigger resolves next turn) for tokens, or Sun Titan and Molten Primordial or Stalking Vengeance for effects. About your question: When a permanent with a "something happens when x is destroyed" ability is destroyed at the same time as those other permanents, it is still "present" during the destruction and sees all the things dying. So if you turn your board into eggs in response to a wrath, Atla will die, but all the eggs will turn into new creatures anyway, including herself. Since Mirror Entity gives all creatures types to everything, I am sure there is a Phoenix joke in here somewhere.
@@sertaki Thank you for the very long and thought out reply. In my case yes, I would go more along the lines of "big creatures.deck" route. Its linear, but you either have the response of you don't. Anyways, with that in mind, would Selvala Heart of the Wilds be a worth while consideration? No ETB effect to gain off the eggs cheating her, nor is she a bomb, but considering the meat of the creatures are huge, I feel she will serve well maybe? Warstorm Surge smells like a must.
The one part I disagree with completely is not playing other eggs, they aren't a bad thing to hit if you immediately sac them for another trigger, especially since they generally get you a token at the same time
Built a deck with this commander and tested it out at my local game store at fnm and oh boi. Its pretty epic. My friends say it bs but at least im winning my combat damage. (Unlike their instant win combos).
WGR deck tech that seems to forget what is best from red. Haste. Not just haste for creature but offers haste to all other creatures. Samut and Urabrask the Hidden plus CHB to finish the game.
I seen a couple other channels go the egg-tribal combo through your whole deck route, and I think you're right. Too easy to fizzle, even in a vacuum. This is so much smarter. And with a reasonable creature count, you can really play with the power level so that you can be competitive with your group, blow out the lgs, or tone it down when playing newer players or vs. pre-cons. Sweet!
Vor(ni)clex? Altisaur fights your own eggs? Kozilek is indestructible? Skullclamp works with the bulk of what you're gonna be doing. Huge dudes come out of your deck and skullclamp helps you refill your hand cause you can always make eggs. This is an iffy list, even for budget.
Kiki-Jiki and Restoration Angel (or one of several other options) will end the game faster, but not be as truly evil as stealing everything from everyone. :)
Don't see why playing the Egg creatures hurts you if you Polymorph into them. You have way to make the eggs die anyway, so if you get an Egg from an Egg, just kill that one again.
I'm playing it as a angle burn deck. All low cost burn spells to kill my eggs and just dropping the angles like crazy. I just won a game tonight turn 9. After turn 4 an angle every turn.
Question. So I just got to the part with Worldspine Wurm. If you wanna sac it to shuffle your library back in, why not Fling it? 15 damage seems so much more helpful (for us) than 1 damage from Goblin Bombardment.
but fling is only good with your big creatures, not your eggs. You want your sac outlets to be reusable and functional with all your deck fling doesn't do either of those things
@@aidennoir597 it's better. The reason that enchantment sacrifice is so good like goblin bombardment is because it is free and repeatable all in one turn. for example, if you have brion stoutarm out and 4 eggs you can only turn that into one creature this turn. where as with an enchantment or artifact like goblin bombardment you can get all 5. The enchantments also have the advantage of been harder to remove, and it's one few worse creature diluting the deck , because you might sac an egg and get brion not the worst, but also not the best either. You really want maximum upside
I honestly just want to run egg tribal, with a few cards like sneak attack and other sac outlets. The game plan is a tempo plan, getting extra value from the fact you are running eggs, supplimented by having atla. This way, I don't need atla, but I get a lot of extra value from playing her.
I’m sorry what? Skullclamp-ing eggs for two cards and a big boi isn’t the way to go? Great video, but you’re cracked, my boi. How are you gunna vouch for Perilous Forays which is 5cmc and 1 to sac for a basic land vs 1cmc and 1 to equip to draw 2?
i like the list, i simply think that your deck is a little too spell heavy, other than that the creatures are fine, currently im running, 28 creatures, 39 spells, and 33 lands. so far i haven't experienced mana problems even though i think 33 is a little low for a deck like this type of deck, but the ramp compensates really nicely. if you are in a play group/ meta that has a lot of creature removal, you may struggle a little to keep creatures on the board long enough to finish your opponents off, that is why i prioritized more creatures that are difficult to deal with. Also my budget was just under $1,000. the deck came in at $800 even. you are most absolutely correct when you said redundancy is key and it is for sure.
I would play her as Dragon or Dinosaur tribal becaus i love tribal decks and i think they get at least in the area where i live less attention then they should get and atla gets the flavour win of bringing them out of eggs so i love her as commander
Isn't Roc Egg just a Bird creature? It doesn't have "Egg" as its creature type. Ergo, it wouldn't synergize with Atla Palani (who specifically creates Egg token creatures and whose ability keys off of Eggs) anyway.
I agree with not going egg tribal. You definitely don't want to hit another egg. However, I disagree about going light with creatures. I think that more threats make it harder for your opponents to just hate on your commander. It also ups the fun factor (for me at least) because you don't exactly know what will come out of each egg but you know it is going to probably be big and threatening. I also disagree with Etali and Ilharg being situational picks. I think this is a deck that is going to need these cards as engine pieces to help keep the deck going. Especially Ilharg, you said it yourself, this is not a deck that wants to draw all of its creatures. But if it does draw those creatures you are going to want an Ilharg to help you cheat out those cards anyway. One last thing, you will want graveyard shuffling in this deck (Don't remember if you mentioned that). If your opponents wipe the board you will have a lot of useless creatures in the graveyard so you better have either recursion or a way to put those creatures back in the deck. There is definitely a lot of tension in this deck and it will be challenging to build. But that is what will make it fun to build and perfect!
Funny thing is my playgroup know if they completely turn of my deck they can expect to suffer the next few games be it them dying first or me completely preventing them from doing I once had a game I got mana screwed right out the back and one guy kept coming after me. Welp, next game I countered every spell he played even his ramp
I run Alta and you are dead wrong about Skullclamp. You create two eggs in one turn and skullclamp both of them? Its a game changer. I love the video, but you are mistaken. P.S. I end up with a bunch of big creatures in my hand, so the Boar God really comes in handy. PPS Samut Voice of Dessent is a great companion of Alta. She untaps Alta for more eggs, and gives the big creatures haste.
Just after i built Kykar Polymorph, this gets spoiled :/ well, i still feel like Kykar is a good fit because of blue, but man. Having green is pretty sweet, ngl
If you x=0, all creatures die immediately, while the wrath is still on the stack, so you get a brand new board of giant beaters ... who then get wrathed away. Unless you are 100% sure that you will get an Avacyn out of that Mirror Entity ability, you should go with x=1, so they turn into eggs and then only die when the wrath resolves.
Definitely the best build for the deck. But there are reasons why you wouldn't want to play that deck. Mainly if you don't like combo, or if you just want to play big creatures.dek
The reason skullclamp is still incredibly good in this deck is because it functions as a sac outlet reading: [1], sacrifice an Egg: Draw two cards
That’s what I’m saying. He’s cool with Perilous Foray which is 5cmc and 1 to sac for a basic land. But Skullclamp for 1cmc and 1 equip for two cards is outta the question? 🤔
Yeah I disagree with him too, this feels like the best deck for a Skullclamp I've ever seen
10:45 Apex Altisaur can't fight your eggs. It only fights creatures you don't control.
Oh! Good catch! I didn't notice that!
not to mention that the eggs are 0/1 so they won't activate enrage too.
I was literally about to say that
Then is Alpex altator worth it in the deck?
@@michaelogara9056 this egg dinosaurs deck needs it. It's a good card that can deal with almost any problem creature that are on the ground.
If you have the boar God in this deck you can call it Bacon and Eggs !!
Worth it for flavor reasons alone
I was going to call mine Green eggs and Ham
Include Protean Hulk for the flavor text
I call mine, "I like my eggs hard boiled"
I been testing the deck by proxys and Skullclamp is really one of the best cards of the deck, like Nesting Dragon, you have enough ways to sacrifice creatures to be used with the big ones
I hugely disagree on your view on skullclamp, I get you don't like it's the only sequence, but that's what this deck does, if you don't want to kill eggs then it's not quite the right Commander, if you kill more than 2 eggs with clamp, the card is worth it. The card is generically insane in this deck, especially since it will have plenty of sac outlets.
I can agree on the other draw outlets though
Also btw recursion like road of return is not card draw, the card is definitely playable, but shouldn't be treated in the same group as skullclamp
Skullclamp also serves as an insurance policy here against another potential weakness of this deck: board wipes. Sticking it on the commander is also a decent way to ensure you get something for the inevitable hate which will be directed her way.
I'd definitely agree with you on that. some people remember that skullclamp gives -1 to toughness, and gives card draw, but it also has a +1 power on it. considering you're probably dropping in some creatures with either double strike, trample, or just are going to swing face, that +1 damage can add up, and it means once you're past the early stages, even if they remove a big creature, you get more value out of it.
add to that it's such a cheap way to kill the eggs, (and gets around indestructable from Avacyn, if you get her out) and I think it'd be amiss to not include it. (I also run Martial Coup, as a good board wipe, and being able to turn my large mana into cards is always a good option)
Playing with skull clamp the card is great, it refills my hand, and I get big boys out, I love it, but I do see DJ's argument
Boardwipes are a strength of the deck if you have ways to turn your creatures into eggs haha 😆
Also, I love how many directions you can go! You can just have fun and put whatever big creatures you want! Populate eggs, create copies of creatures and populate them! You can have a small creature package focused on one thing, and can easily rely on getting those creatures. I like Bramble Sovereign, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, and Feldon of the Third Path in this deck to make copies of other creatures, and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice and Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage to populate the eggs before you bring out creatures, and after that to populate the creature tokens that you made from copying creatures.
There's sac engines like the usual ones you'd use, as well as Thermopod, Skullclamp, Marauding Raptor, and Thornbite Staff. X burn board wipes I like with this commander too.
I also love Giant Adephage because It's huge and makes lots of big creature tokens by Itself, and is gross when you populate them, Nesting Dragon makes eggs which you can populate, god-eternal oketra, illharg, the raze-boar, and god-eternal rhonas keep going back to your deck to be replayed and go pretty well with your commander, Hoarding Dragon lets you get key artifacts like Ashnod's Altar, Skull Clamp, and Thousand-Year Elixer, Sun Titan lets you bring back important cheap pieces and goes well with a landfall package and lands that fetch other lands, and Rampaging Baloths makes decent sized tokens.
Rather than Wrath of God, I'm running Divine Reckoning so you can choose Atla, and nuke all your eggs.
Playing tutors that put creatures on top of your library like Brutalizer Exarch, Scroll Rack, Sensei’s Divining Top, etc. are very good with this deck concept as well. Love the deck concept!
Super insightful Deck Tech! Saw the preview for this card and thought it wasn't interesting at all. Now I think it's the perfect big creature deck that still has the answer for your enemy
This looks like such a blast to pilot. So many avenues of creative shenanigans that you could endeavor
I forgot about the changelings. I didn't even think of using those as creatures.
You make a good point on the sac outlets in this deck since although it is a creature based strategy, the creature count is not very high. I also like your reasoning about not using Skullclamp and the usual target removal that exiles. I think these are all great points! Thanks for pointing that out DJ! And yeah I think we get it at this point DJ that Tragic Arrogance is much better than people think. I know you love that card! I've put it in some of my decks since you first mentioned the card. Oh man! Now I want to turn all of my creatures into eggs when a board wipe happens! I agree on this deck being hard to build, but fun to tune. I've been having fun for the past week figuring out how to build around this commander! Great video again DJ!
17:17 it's a 1 drop, only costs 1 to equip, sacs your eggs, draws you cards, and then why not go ahead and hook it on a big guy? Yeah it doesn't kill him but something might kill him eventually and then you get 2 cards. I like Skullclamp here. Good 1 drops are good.
I think he makes a good point though. It's amazing when you're using it to kill your eggs while your commander is out, but otherwise It's rather weak. You don't want to use it on your eggs while your commander is not in play since your deck relies a lot on your commander. If the best Skullclamp can do without your commander out is weaken a single creature your opponent controls, and eventually maybe get you two cards, then I don't think It's worth it.
I take your point. It's a matter of meta or preference I suppose.
I didn't mean you can can equip it to your opponents' creatures, I was talking about putting it on one of your own fatties. It weakens them slightly but whenever they do die you get 2 cards. It's not a huge benefit, but I was just specifically arguing against DJ saying "[eggs are] the only thing you can really Skullclamp in this deck." Yeah, they are the only things you can equip that will die immediately and draw you cards, but they aren't technically the only things you can equip it to at all. That's all I meant.
The facts that matter for me are:
This deck needs a few sac outlets.
Skullclamp is a sac outlet.
Skullclamp costs 1 mana.
Skullclamp is not a creature (which can mess up my polymorph)
Skullclamp can draw some cards.
I prefer a really low mana curve.
therefore I like it. But i understand why others don't.
@@shilohartisan Oh okay that makes more sense. Yeah you could equip them to your creatures so if your opponent kills them you draw two cards. I understand your points for playing it. There's no denying that It has a lot of great things about it. For me personally I would rather play a less powerful card that is not dead or close to being dead in certain situations. I prefer having cards that are useful in more situations. To each their own.
@@GuardianAngelEatos personally, I'd be putting in a lot of double strike creatures, Goring Ceratops and Zetalpa, Primal Dawn, come to mind, so it's really a
+2/-1, draw two cards if they kill you" card in my deck. if I have a big creature, it gets a little bigger, if I have a small creature, i can turn it into cards. if I have a small creature AND my commander, I can turn it into two cards AND a big creature.
if I have no creatures, then an artifact that equips will be less useful anyway.
@@Sentinel851 Yeah I'm not saying that Skullclamp shouldn't be in the deck. I was just agreeing with DJ, and think It's not worth it. Although after cutting down cards in my own decklist, I'm realizing that even though I don't want to have Skullclamp in the deck, I think it needs more ways to kill off the eggs, and Skullclamp is one of the best options. So I ended up putting Skullclamp, and Altar of Dementia back in, and I added Fanatical Devotion as well.
Worth mentioning that the Dinosaur cards from Ixalan built around the enrage mechanic like Raging Swordtooth can also be used to hatch eggs. Not sure of any of them are efficient methods but hey flavor i guess.
15:19 “It will be reprinted” like a huge creature with infect and trample will be reprinted anytime in our lifetime XD
Matthew Enter Last Name Here and it was being reprinted in double masters
They just prove me wrong 8 months later -_-
Thank you for this. I had too many people ideas for this commander and now I think I can narrow it down better.
You've been merely paying attention to the outpost siege khans option. It's dragons option is actually pretty good, pinging whenever an egg dies can be pretty good
I’m going enrage stompy Dino’s for my build. Pyrohiemia and sword tooth’s to ping everything on the board, get all enrage triggers, kill the egg and find another enrage Dino or an elder
You talked about redundancy.... but no Birthing Boughs? Sure it costs more to make a 2/2 changeling than a 0/1 egg.... but it IS redundancy to making tokens, especially if you're ramping a lot.
that is a pretty good one!
I agree but I think it’s because there’s better alternatives. Tristana is 4cmc can populate for 3 mana, and it heals you each time you drop a creature.
@@jerilee5057 yes but Trostani also needs you to have the egg in play first as well as being a creature, she's much more likely to get removed through targeted removal (which she's an absolute lightning rod for due to her powerful abilities and means to gain absurd amounts of life) and through wrath effects. Targeted artifact removal and artifact wraths certainly exist, but aren't usually, at least in my experience, as commonly faced as creature wraths. That's not to say that you can't include both in the deck, because again, redundancy is good.
Nice video DJ. What I appreciate about your videos is your content is so diverse. I think you do a great job at covering the many different styles of EDH.
What's bad about skullclamping some big monster, particularly Zetalpa? It makes the big dino boi in particular hit harder for not that much downside because it's indestructible. It also gives you some cards if somebody tragic slips your thiqq monsters, so you don't have to put all your EGGS in one basket
"Eggs in one basket" genius
I love the title DJ! It's eggcellent! Also, this is one of the two commanders that I'm going to build around! Perfect! The other is the new goad commander, which will be just be an upgrade to my Grenzo deck.
The thing with Outpost siege is, that its used choosing Dragons for the combo version with the altar and staff and lot of shapeshifters
Thank you so much. Still learning
Hmm i would say Etali is worth running even without topdeckmanipulation, like Magmatic Force it can steal games, If unchecked. Even If you miss your top Card, you still have three oponent, who all have spicy cards in her deck.
Exactly. He doesn't understand its not for YOUR deck its to keep the other players away from their combos
Apex Altisar can't fight your own eggs-
Alta just looks like so much fun. You can go many different routes at numerous budget levels and she will still function well. I am really glad you brought up the discussion about polymorph decks not needing many creatures. I have seen a lot of lists out there that are running a lot of small creatures or mana dorks.
Also, another reason to run Goblin Bombardment is Polyraptor. Add in Purphoros or Warstorm surge and you have another win-con. I am also surprised you never mentioned Marauding Raptor. It instantly cashes in an egg and reduces casting costs.
I like gruul rage beast in this deck, when u get an egg it can run itself into opponents creatures. Doesn’t do damage on its own but does get them instantly hatched.
Avacyn + New Fight Dino seems evil and hilarious
SlaveToPhage marauding raptor?
@@colyrne I believe he meant Apex Altisaur, that fights when it enters and also fights with enrage
@@RntLnr yep, it will fight every creature you dont control.
Ahhhh~ I didn’t see the Avacyn Part, and I was thinking of Marauding raptors to kill the eggs as they enter.
I would just love to see Arcane Adaptation hit the battlefield and hear that one guy who always plays wacky things say, "Egg. I choose egg." and then flipping winning.
I'm building her as a secret Purphorous, God of the Forge deck. Tutor Purphorous, crack some eggs, get Hornet Queen, Avenger of Zendikar, opponents squirm.
Blazing Archon is not so great in this deck, with atla and and enough mana, people will not want to attack you in fear that you crack a monster from your deck. They will however do their best to get rid of Atla for good, it will be an incredible removal magnet.
My way to build Atla is simple : we need 4 mana to bring her and a sac outlet after mana doesn't matter much, focus should be put on protecting Atla. As long as Atla is on the field you use your mana for support or making/craking eggs not for casting creatures. The more you crack eggs and the more you will draw support spells.
Wonderful video, excited to build for this commander.
Kessig Wolf Run, the white selective wraths by casting cost, blades of Velis Vel, and non-creature artifacts that make eggs or a creature if the type of your choice, white and green instants offering a creature protection/hexproof/shroud granting and natural order, and beast within, all seem like they would be good inclusions.
I almost never “bling” out my decks, but I love that special edition defense of the heart art, I had to have it. Maybe will put it in an Atla deck!
Try Gruul Ragebeast in this deck! It’s very good with the eggs and then good removal for all the big things your eggs hath into!
That's a good idea and if you have ragebeast add his lover angry dragon
Worldspine wurm is the second biggest creature in magic. The biggest is impervious greatwurm a 16/16 with convoke and indestructible
BFM is a 99/99...
Both Marit Lage's Slumber (Enchantment) and Dark Depths (Land), create a 20/20 Marit Lage [Flying, Indestructible]
@@elbehemoth386 that's the biggest silver bordered creature and those are technically neither legal nor cannon
@@CrashNBurn71 That's the biggest token, and you can't put tokens directly into your deck so unfortunately you can't hatch Marit Lage out of an egg.
Thank you for mentioning some different card options to use. Most of the deck techs on youtube for these new commanders are all exactly the same (for the most part)
I unfortunately don’t think blightsteel will be reprinted because infect.
Maybe in a Commander precon or in some sort of Commander masters (Like battlebond)
No jokes, that Perilous Forays does super gross things with this deck since it ramps you as well as gets big creatures.
I'm building Atla One Creature Worldspine ASAP
make sure to have enough sacriface outlets. if it gets exiled you are screwed. also countermagic into exile
@@cheesycheddars5038 Countermagic will only work against Worldspine if you hard cast it from your hand, which you never really want to do. That's actually why I would recommend adding a couple of rummaging outlets or regular discard outlets to a deck like this so you can easily return Worldspine to your deck without spending 11 mana.
Apex Altisaur cant fight your creatures 10:45
I like chain reaction and earthquake and faultline in this one. You could put in Gisela and run repercussion as a damage based control package that could seague into a wincon if atla is off the table. Also maybe a magus of the arena or ulvenwald tracker because they can be useful defensively or as a way to break your eggs.
Very good. Thanks for this video it's super useful. I had sort of built this like my Xenagos deck. Clearly it doesent work like that. You sir have changed my mind.
15:00 Yeah blightsteel colossus is cool and all but I think using a darksteel colossus who is much cheaper is just fine.
It also has the shuffle clause and is just a really heavy beater that is hard to remove.
Also if you have a couple of repeatable sac outlets like ashnods altar I don't see a reason not to run dragon egg, roc egg and rukh egg. If you chain into them just sac the egg and you get another creature and made a flying token and Mana on top of it.
Dont forget Summoners Egg
@@alexanderporter1925 idk how I could forget about that one tbh, potentially the best of all these eggs
DJ is totally right about keeping the creature count really low, and not needing a ton of eggs.
If you do insist on running too many creatures as most lists I've seen do, or even if you want to grab specific fatties, Top deck tutors are extra good in this deck.
Congregation at Dawn
Worldly Tutor
Noxious Revival
I also like Altar of Bone (cheap for a reserve list card) because it's a sac outlet. It does tutor to hand though so you'll want to go find your cheap creature that is castable. This helps increase the density of just fatties in your deck too.
14:04 Impervious Greatwurm (16/16) might take issue with that.
idk man that one doesn't make tokens
I think you're right about not needing to include the other egg creatures... but for the flavor lolz I want those eggy creatures
Finaly someone who mention the Rukh Egg xD
YES I am so excited to see this I've been looking forward to this General ever since she was spoiled
this is very much what I was thinking of doing with this commander but not sure if it would work; I guess I will try and on a budget and see
Great video I will def be building this. DJ, when will we get the kestia video? You said in a video a year ago she would get her own episode... ):
Garruk Caller of Beasts? i mean his second ability is take a fatty from your hand and put it on the battlefield,
and his ultimate is: You get an emblem with "Whenever you cast a creature spell, you may search your library for a creature card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library.
Garruk only works if all or most of your big creatures are green. And even then you might not have enough big green critters to make it worth including garruk if you aren't drawing that many creatures as DJ recommends. I agree with him that every polymorph trigger should hit something really impactful.
@@shayneweyker Garruk's 1st ability doesnt care what color your creature is, only the negative 3 ability
I think Skullclamp on Zetalpa is actually still a fantastic card, I’d love a 5/7 doublestriker. If you’re on a sac outlet build, you still don’t care that you’re Clamped on an indestructible creature.
With Atla Palani on Board;
Earthcraft+Squirrel's Nest+ Mirror Entity=dump every single creature in your library onto the board.
You can dump all your creatures onto the board infinite times with just Mirror Entity and Atla.
Atla needs a buff of at least +0/+1 and Kozilek or Ulamog need to be in the library.
You won't get to KEEP your creatures this way, but you'll get infinite ETBs so you can ping everyone down with something like Goblin Chain Whirler.
Besides, combos that go off when you already have infinite squirrels aren't that exciting.
The curse of being a novice player strikes again! You have shattered my thought process for this deck with this video...
I got into the game playing dinosaur tribal with Gishath back last October. While I now have like 4 other decks and don't really play my dinos anymore, the deck still sits there waiting to be better. I saw this commander as a way to keep playing Dinosaurs, but also run other things without conflicting Gishath's effect too much.
Yes, I fell into most of the traps you said in this video.... I've learned that its important to have multiple instances of a certain effect if that is the theme you're going for. So since eggs are the key feature, I thought running Roc Egg, Rukh Egg ETC were a good idea. You know, have other means of setting up for the effect. In most cases, you cast the commander on turn 4, but have no mana open to produce an egg. Now what? But if you cast a Roc Egg on turn 2 or something, then cast commander, you're ready to go.
But I understand now where you're coming from as well. Trading an egg for another egg is pointless and a waste of a turn.
Personally, I still cannot get my head around using so few creatures, when the deck is a creature strategy. I can't see myself figuring out how to trim it down below 15 creatures at best. Kinda feels like having some low cost creatures with good ETB effects are worth a look. If you egg into a Sakura-Tribe Elder (for example), that sucks, but you get mana at least. Not the worst trade in the world seeing as you can simply make another egg next turn.
I'll admit I completely overlooked the idea of running a few Eldrazi because I aws so hung up on the Naya color and getting the dinos to work again. lol
If the deck is only running 6-12 creatures, yeah, Sneak Attack probably isn't good. But I will assume that running 16+ creatures makes it viable.
Lastly a question;
If Alta Palani is on the field and a board wipe happens, do any eggs also on the field still polymorph? Does she still see the death trigger even if she dies same time?
To youre last question: yes atla triggered if she and youre eggs die in a board wipe, because they die at the same Time. Its just like a blood artist or something like that. For example i think in the modern Horizons episode of Game Knights. (I gues you know the command zone yt channel) something sumilar happend with cathlins (sry if speld wrong) blood artist
You can definitely run Atla as a dino deck, just make sure to mostly focus on big dinos or dinos with strong effects.
You also don't have to trim as aggressively. If you go the Boar Goad/Sneak Attack route or use other ways to cheat on costs, you can run this as "big creatures.dec" with no problem
Of course, getting a small utility creature out of the ability is not the end of the world as you said, but it certainly pales in comparison to alternatives. In this deck, it's definitely preferable to run your mana acceleration via non-creature spells like Cultivate to not gum up the triggers with mediocre results.
Some utility creatures may still make sense - but you have to pick them carefully, so they have a strong impact on the game AND you can cheat a bit on mana. expensive little dudes that produce a lot of tokens or have a strong ETB effects or abilities are good options - see Avenger of Zendikar and Hazezon Tamar (preferably sacrifice him before the delayed trigger resolves next turn) for tokens, or Sun Titan and Molten Primordial or Stalking Vengeance for effects.
About your question: When a permanent with a "something happens when x is destroyed" ability is destroyed at the same time as those other permanents, it is still "present" during the destruction and sees all the things dying. So if you turn your board into eggs in response to a wrath, Atla will die, but all the eggs will turn into new creatures anyway, including herself.
Since Mirror Entity gives all creatures types to everything, I am sure there is a Phoenix joke in here somewhere.
@@sertaki Thank you for the very long and thought out reply.
In my case yes, I would go more along the lines of "big creatures.deck" route. Its linear, but you either have the response of you don't.
Anyways, with that in mind, would Selvala Heart of the Wilds be a worth while consideration? No ETB effect to gain off the eggs cheating her, nor is she a bomb, but considering the meat of the creatures are huge, I feel she will serve well maybe?
Warstorm Surge smells like a must.
I was going to do this, this is awesome! Though I plan on including top deck control...
The one part I disagree with completely is not playing other eggs, they aren't a bad thing to hit if you immediately sac them for another trigger, especially since they generally get you a token at the same time
Built a deck with this commander and tested it out at my local game store at fnm and oh boi. Its pretty epic. My friends say it bs but at least im winning my combat damage. (Unlike their instant win combos).
WGR deck tech that seems to forget what is best from red. Haste. Not just haste for creature but offers haste to all other creatures.
Samut and Urabrask the Hidden plus CHB to finish the game.
I run 5 haste enablers in my deck and they are a must if you dont want your opponents to have a turn cycle to deal with your board.
@@ceulgai2817 craterhoof behemoth
Wonder if adding Populate in with this commander in a Dinosaur tribal deck with Pyrohemia utilizing Enrage as well would be too much???
Live your dreams! That deck sounds sweet
I seen a couple other channels go the egg-tribal combo through your whole deck route, and I think you're right. Too easy to fizzle, even in a vacuum. This is so much smarter. And with a reasonable creature count, you can really play with the power level so that you can be competitive with your group, blow out the lgs, or tone it down when playing newer players or vs. pre-cons. Sweet!
so much more boring
Damn, the eldrazi’s have tripled in prize in the last 3 years
Vor(ni)clex? Altisaur fights your own eggs? Kozilek is indestructible? Skullclamp works with the bulk of what you're gonna be doing. Huge dudes come out of your deck and skullclamp helps you refill your hand cause you can always make eggs. This is an iffy list, even for budget.
Outpost seige also has the utility to go through all your eggs and if not can ping them
Only good for Khans or Dragons
I play a group of cards in this deck that I title the fantastic four
Nesting dragon, atla, maskwood nexus, and palanis Hatcher
Want to lose friends? Run only two creatures: It that Betrays and either Keldon Firebombers or Cataclysmic Gearhulk!
Kiki-Jiki and Restoration Angel (or one of several other options) will end the game faster, but not be as truly evil as stealing everything from everyone. :)
Impervious greatwurm is a 16/16 and bigger than worldspine wurm if you dont count the leftover 5/5 wurms
I think trample is the great part 😉
And the shuffle back ofcourse with some leftovers (amazing card)
Mirror March ftw
Don't see why playing the Egg creatures hurts you if you Polymorph into them. You have way to make the eggs die anyway, so if you get an Egg from an Egg, just kill that one again.
If you 0/0 your eggs with mirror entity wouldn’t it kill mirror as well because it’s a egg in addition to its other types
Apex Altisaur cannot fight your own Eggs, unfortunately.
I'm playing it as a angle burn deck. All low cost burn spells to kill my eggs and just dropping the angles like crazy. I just won a game tonight turn 9. After turn 4 an angle every turn.
Why dont you run the revilark karmuc guide combo. Its looking real hot in commander right now.
I feel like Hazezon Tamar could work pretty well here, and be super fun!
if i change all my creatures into eggs, will the effect from atla trigger?Because she is as well a egg or not ?Or how does it work?
So I just got to the part with Worldspine Wurm. If you wanna sac it to shuffle your library back in, why not Fling it?
15 damage seems so much more helpful (for us) than 1 damage from Goblin Bombardment.
but fling is only good with your big creatures, not your eggs. You want your sac outlets to be reusable and functional with all your deck fling doesn't do either of those things
@@ryestar7395 Brion Stoutarm maybe?
@@aidennoir597 it's better. The reason that enchantment sacrifice is so good like goblin bombardment is because it is free and repeatable all in one turn. for example, if you have brion stoutarm out and 4 eggs you can only turn that into one creature this turn. where as with an enchantment or artifact like goblin bombardment you can get all 5. The enchantments also have the advantage of been harder to remove, and it's one few worse creature diluting the deck , because you might sac an egg and get brion not the worst, but also not the best either. You really want maximum upside
Indestructible creatures can be sacrificed or destroyed by reducing their toughness to 0 with counters or effects
I honestly just want to run egg tribal, with a few cards like sneak attack and other sac outlets. The game plan is a tempo plan, getting extra value from the fact you are running eggs, supplimented by having atla. This way, I don't need atla, but I get a lot of extra value from playing her.
Please do a deck tech on Marisi!! 🐯
I’m sorry what? Skullclamp-ing eggs for two cards and a big boi isn’t the way to go? Great video, but you’re cracked, my boi. How are you gunna vouch for Perilous Forays which is 5cmc and 1 to sac for a basic land vs 1cmc and 1 to equip to draw 2?
and also there are many combat celebrent kiki-jeki ghered lines that work with this deck
i like the list, i simply think that your deck is a little too spell heavy, other than that the creatures are fine, currently im running, 28 creatures, 39 spells, and 33 lands. so far i haven't experienced mana problems even though i think 33 is a little low for a deck like this type of deck, but the ramp compensates really nicely. if you are in a play group/ meta that has a lot of creature removal, you may struggle a little to keep creatures on the board long enough to finish your opponents off, that is why i prioritized more creatures that are difficult to deal with. Also my budget was just under $1,000. the deck came in at $800 even. you are most absolutely correct when you said redundancy is key and it is for sure.
Mutavault is in and skull clamp is out? Altisaur fighting your own eggs ? Deck tech done in a rush
I would play her as Dragon or Dinosaur tribal becaus i love tribal decks and i think they get at least in the area where i live less attention then they should get and atla gets the flavour win of bringing them out of eggs so i love her as commander
They printed a bunch more changelings in modern horizons. Not sure if I saw any of those on this list.
Isn't Roc Egg just a Bird creature? It doesn't have "Egg" as its creature type. Ergo, it wouldn't synergize with Atla Palani (who specifically creates Egg token creatures and whose ability keys off of Eggs) anyway.
I believe since the text just says egg. I'm sure it works
@@butdoesitscrub3457 "Roc Egg" is the card's name, not its creature type. There's a difference between Name and Creature Type.
* Sigh * REF!
Oath of Druids.
Roc Egg isn't an egg it's a bird creature....
It's has errata making it an egg. It's officially and Bird Egg creature. Check on the Wizards Gatherer site.
I agree with not going egg tribal. You definitely don't want to hit another egg. However, I disagree about going light with creatures. I think that more threats make it harder for your opponents to just hate on your commander. It also ups the fun factor (for me at least) because you don't exactly know what will come out of each egg but you know it is going to probably be big and threatening. I also disagree with Etali and Ilharg being situational picks. I think this is a deck that is going to need these cards as engine pieces to help keep the deck going. Especially Ilharg, you said it yourself, this is not a deck that wants to draw all of its creatures. But if it does draw those creatures you are going to want an Ilharg to help you cheat out those cards anyway. One last thing, you will want graveyard shuffling in this deck (Don't remember if you mentioned that). If your opponents wipe the board you will have a lot of useless creatures in the graveyard so you better have either recursion or a way to put those creatures back in the deck.
There is definitely a lot of tension in this deck and it will be challenging to build. But that is what will make it fun to build and perfect!
Funny thing is my playgroup know if they completely turn of my deck they can expect to suffer the next few games be it them dying first or me completely preventing them from doing I once had a game I got mana screwed right out the back and one guy kept coming after me. Welp, next game I countered every spell he played even his ramp
No thornbite staff/ashnods altar?
I run Alta and you are dead wrong about Skullclamp. You create two eggs in one turn and skullclamp both of them? Its a game changer. I love the video, but you are mistaken. P.S. I end up with a bunch of big creatures in my hand, so the Boar God really comes in handy. PPS Samut Voice of Dessent is a great companion of Alta. She untaps Alta for more eggs, and gives the big creatures haste.
Just after i built Kykar Polymorph, this gets spoiled :/ well, i still feel like Kykar is a good fit because of blue, but man. Having green is pretty sweet, ngl
No mention of Breeding Pool. That is just a boss in this deck. Egg into Egg + 1?
Breeding Pool is the Simic shock land, are you talking about a different card?
Also allot of good equipment. Gata protect the Commander. If she is gone the deck won't work as well.
Roc egg isn't an egg. Its a bird so if it dies it wont trigger atla
Mirror entity for 0 in response to a wrath, they all become all creature types and get tons of Atla triggers
If you x=0, all creatures die immediately, while the wrath is still on the stack, so you get a brand new board of giant beaters ... who then get wrathed away. Unless you are 100% sure that you will get an Avacyn out of that Mirror Entity ability, you should go with x=1, so they turn into eggs and then only die when the wrath resolves.
Apex Altisaur can't fight your own creatures
Why Not Play only eggs and Combo throug the entire libary ( with additional creatures Like revillark )
Definitely the best build for the deck. But there are reasons why you wouldn't want to play that deck. Mainly if you don't like combo, or if you just want to play big creatures.dek