On the Taihang Mountains [在太行山上] | WWII Chinese song | ⦇EN CC⦈

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • “On the Taihang Mountains” is a WWII Chinese war song written by Gui Taosheng and Xian Xinghai. It was first performed in July 1938 at a musical in Wuhan to commemorate the first anniversary of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-45). It subsequently spread through the ranks of the Eighth Route Army and the liberated zones. Zhu De, Commander-in-Chief of the Eighth Route Army, took a personal liking to the song and frequently sang it himself.
    The Taihang Mountains is a mountain range across the Shanxi, Henan and Hebei Provinces. The song honours the soldiers and guerrilla fighters who laid down their lives resisting the Japanese invasion into Shanxi Province in the early stages of the war. Following the Long March (1934-35), the Red Army under the leadership of Mao Zedong and Zhu De relocated to Yan’an, Shaanxi Province. Yan Xishan, warlord of the neighbouring Shanxi Province, had resisted urges from Chiang Kai-shek to retreat southward, choosing instead to stand his ground. Yet he knew he could not face the Japanese military juggernaut alone, and enlisted the help of the Chinese Communists.
    From Yan’an, the Red Army (reorganised as the Eighth Route Army following the formation of the Nationalist-Communist United Front) scored numerous decisive victories against the Japanese, namely the Battle of Pingxingguan and the Hundred Regiments Offensive. The Chinese Communists were also able to defend the revolutionary bases, giving rise to a period of relative security in the Liberated Zones.
    Clips are from the 2005 war film “On the Mountain of Taihang” starring Wang Wufu as Zhu De ▶ • Video
    《在太行山上》,抗戰老歌,桂濤聲詞,冼星海曲。 1938年7月,由張曙、林路、趙啟海等在武漢紀念抗戰一周年歌詠大會上唱出,迅速傳遍大後方及各敵後抗日根據地。朱德總司令聽到這首展示人民戰爭壯美圖畫的歌曲後,十分喜歡。他要求八路軍總部機關人人會唱《在太行山上》,還把《在太行山上》歌詞抄錄下來,隨身攜帶。
    這首歌創作於 1938 年 7 月,是爲在山西境內浴血奮戰、抗擊日本侵略者的抗日軍民而創作的一首合唱曲。在這首歌曲中,冼星海將充滿朝氣的抒情性旋律同堅定有力的進行曲旋律有機地結合在一起,使歌曲既充滿戰鬥性、現實性,又具有革命浪漫主義的瑰麗色彩。描繪了太行山里的遊擊健兒的戰鬥生活和勇敢頑強、樂觀開朗的性格。該曲寫成後,在漢口進行首演時,觀眾大聲喝彩,掌聲不斷,隨即傳遍了全中國。太行山的遊擊隊都以它爲隊歌。這首充滿了抗日軍民革命激情的旋律,使每一個中國人都肅然產生愛國主義的豪情壯志,蕩漾著莊嚴肅穆和博大浪漫主義的民族之魂。
    「七七事變」爆發後,桂濤聲以戰動總會工作人員的名義去山西省陵川縣犧盟會民眾幹部訓練班。當時,八路軍的三個師正建立敵後抗日根據地。桂濤聲到街頭演說,一時間,陵川到處是控訴日本侵略者而義憤填膺的人群,到處是爭相參加八路軍的熱血青年。陵川自衛隊由三百多人迅速擴編爲一千多人,出現不少「母送兒,妻送郎」參軍的感人場面。在隨遊擊隊轉戰陵川的過程中,桂濤聲目睹了太行王莽嶺的「千山萬壑」後,又親身感受到了抗日軍民才是眞正的「銅壁鐵牆」,觸景生情,醞釀半年的詩篇《在太行山上》從心底迸發了出來,他隨手寫在香煙包裝紙上。5 月,桂濤聲離開太行山,6 月返回武漢,即帶著歌詞去見冼星海。
    冼星海當時在周恩來、郭沫若領導國民政府軍事委員會政治部第三廳任音樂科主任,主持音樂抗戰工作。1938 年 6 月的一天晚上,桂聲濤找到冼星海,請他爲太行山區的戰友們譜一隻隊歌。冼星海接過桂濤聲寫在煙盒上的歌詞,彷彿看到太行軍民浴血奮戰的身影。坐在鋼琴前,冼星海反复琢磨、構思,連夜將歌詞《在太行山上》譜寫成一首兼有抒情性和進行曲風格的二部合唱曲。
    Medium: / mroldmayer
    Instagram: / mroldmajor

Комментарии • 149

  • @satokiyoshi9299
    @satokiyoshi9299 3 года назад +62


    • @黎央-d1e
      @黎央-d1e 2 года назад +4


    • @rng5174
      @rng5174 2 года назад +1


    • @韩寒-v7o
      @韩寒-v7o 2 года назад +1


    • @thrgexai2107
      @thrgexai2107 Год назад +8

      DaDeJiuShiNi, XiaoRiBenGuiZi

    • @天籁之爱-y6v
      @天籁之爱-y6v Год назад


  • @wangtim3599
    @wangtim3599 Год назад +35


  • @user-cisan-john
    @user-cisan-john 2 года назад +38

    母親叫兒打東洋 妻子送郎上戰場
    只有冼星海做得出驚天地 泣鬼神的歌曲,由衷敬佩

  • @zhirun9062
    @zhirun9062 4 года назад +83


    • @转眼不年轻
      @转眼不年轻 4 года назад +6

      台蛙玻璃心 我们有这样的基因。不过是让灯红酒绿金银财宝暂时晃花了眼蒙住了心。我们是实验品。让后代看清楚记住我们的失败。希望他们能走出这个循环。

    • @yuxiangchen2754
      @yuxiangchen2754 3 года назад +1

      @@转眼不年轻 一定可以 中国人民有缺点 但最大的优点就是会尊长爱幼 为了亲人可以牺牲一切

    • @爆浆蟑螂
      @爆浆蟑螂 3 года назад +1


    • @yuhualee6137
      @yuhualee6137 3 года назад +1


    • @shanlong8935
      @shanlong8935 3 года назад +1

      @@yuhualee6137 莱猪进肚不敢烦,凤梨咋都吃不完。飞机坠海无遗骨,火车出轨有残骸。用爱发电顶屁用,低端疫苗贴脸来。跪舔米倭大毛腿,蛙奴何日不脑残?

  • @rodya9926
    @rodya9926 3 года назад +57

    Glory to those that never surrendered, fought until the end against the brutal imperialist japanese army. Their memories will live forever in my thoughts

  • @彼得伊万诺维奇巴格拉
    @彼得伊万诺维奇巴格拉 3 года назад +37


    • @Ogan_Von_Erich
      @Ogan_Von_Erich 2 года назад +6


    • @drophammer776
      @drophammer776 Год назад

      The glorious? The footage I have been seeing today, is children being taken away from parents putting into camps. Families starving, locked in their apartments. People hanging themselves from their windows, mass suicide while Hunter Biden is over snorting lines of coke using the credit card gifted to him from the Chinese government. Is it fake?

  • @user-zhangkun
    @user-zhangkun 3 года назад +16


  • @m4xs0ng66
    @m4xs0ng66 3 года назад +20

    The efforts of china in ww2 is so underrated in west, without china russia would literally have to fight in 2 fronts and the whole Asia continent would be under japan’s control

    • @中国战狼总队赢麻了分
      @中国战狼总队赢麻了分 Год назад +1


    • @中国战狼总队赢麻了分
      @中国战狼总队赢麻了分 Год назад


  • @ck.youtube
    @ck.youtube 3 года назад +11

    Excellent translation! Let me offer my version here :
    *On The Taihang Mountains**
    词 : 桂涛声 (Lyrics : Gui Taosheng)
    曲 : 冼星海 (Music : Xian Xinghai)
    唱 : 合唱/情境 (Chorus/Scene Performance)
    1, ruclips.net/video/UrPY4y8EWG4/видео.html
    2, ruclips.net/video/2RulluhrZaE/видео.html
    3, ruclips.net/video/Rv-EZXM5kAA/видео.html
    “2015 胜利与和平文艺晚会” @46:20
    唱 : 中国人民解放军军乐团
    (Chorus : PLA Military Band)
    唱 : 230名开国将士 (1959)
    (Chorus : 230 PLA Commanders, 1959)
    唱 : 合唱团不详 (Chorus : Unknown)
    唱 : 国家大剧院合唱团 (Chorus :
    National Center for the Performing Arts)
    谱 : •www.jianpuw.com/htm/9b/430211.htm
    (Translation with singability in mind.)
    •---[ Stanza 1 ] _(Rhyme : aabcc)----•_
    Red sun shining in the east,
    Libertas sings out passionately.
    *看吧 !*
    Behold !
    *千山万壑 , 铜壁铁墙*
    Mountains and canyons, fortress of iron,
    Beacon of Anti-Japs blazing on Taihang Mountains.
    •----[ Stanza 2 ] _(Rhyme : aaaa)----•_
    *气焰千万丈.. 千万丈*
    Valor so fervent.. so fervent.
    Must fight the Japs, moms tell their sons ;
    *妻子送郎上战场.. 上战场*
    Wives send their husbands to the front.. to the front.
    •---[ Stanzas 3, 5 ] _(Rhyme : aabb)---•_
    We are on Taihang Mountains,
    We are on Taihang Mountains.
    Peaks tall, forests thick ;
    Men tough, horses fit.
    •---[ Stanzas 4, 6 ] _(Rhyme : abab)---•_
    Villains, from where they invade,
    *我们就要他在哪里灭亡 !*
    We will annihilate them all, right there !
    Villains, from where they invade,
    *我们就要他在哪里灭亡 !*
    We will annihilate them all, right there !
    Translated by
    ck 2021-07-16
    * Taihang Mountains : a mountain range in northern China, stretching some 400 km in the north-south direction as a demarcation between the northern China plain to the east and the Loess Plateau to the west. During WW2, the Anti-Japanese war effort by the Chinese Communist Party was first launched from this region.
    Taihang Mountains is loaded with history and cultural significance. It is on the tentative lists of UNESCO World Heritage.
    Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse.
    •--------[ Stanza 1]--------•
    1 [ 0:09 /0:16 /0:24 /0:27 /0:33 ]
    *红日 - 照遍了东方* (7)
    Red sun - shining in the east, (7)
    *自由之神在 - 纵情歌唱* (9)
    Libertas sings out - passionately. (9)
    *看吧 !* (2)
    Behold ! (2)
    *千山万壑 ,- 铜壁铁墙* (8)
    Mountains and canyons, - fortress of iron, (10)
    *抗日的 - 烽火 - 燃烧在 - 太行山上* (12)
    Beacon of - Anti-Japs - blazing on - Taihang Mountains. (13)
    •--------[ Stanza 2 ]--------•
    2 [ 0:42 /0:50 /0:52 /0:58 ]
    *气焰千万丈.. 千万丈* (8)
    Valor so fervent.. so fervent. (8)
    *听吧..* (2)
    Listen.. (2)
    *母亲叫儿 - 打东洋* (7)
    Must fight the Japs, - moms tell their sons ; (8)
    *妻子送郎 - 上战场..- 上战场* (10)
    Wives send their husbands - to the front..- to the front. (11)
    •-------[ Stanzas 3, 5 ]-------•
    3 [ 1:08 /1:12 /1:16 /1:19 ]
    5 [ 1:41 /1:45 /1:49 /1:52 ]
    *我们在 - 太行山上* (7)
    We are on - Taihang Mountains, (7)
    *我们在 - 太行山上* (7)
    We are on - Taihang Mountains. (7)
    *山高 - 林又密* (5)
    Peaks tall, - forests thick ; (5)
    *兵强 - 马又壮* (5)
    Men tough, - horses fit. (5)
    •-------[ Stanzas 4, 6 ]-------•
    4 [ 1:24 /1:27 /1:31 /1:35 ]
    6 [ 1:57 /2:00 /2:04 /2:08 ]
    *敌人 - 从哪里 - 进攻* (7)
    Villains, - from where they - invade, (7)
    *我们就要 - 他在哪里 - 灭亡 !* (10)
    We will anni - hilate them all, - right there ! (10)
    *敌人 - 从哪里 - 进攻* (7)
    Villains, - from where they - invade, (7)
    *我们就要 - 他在哪里 - 灭亡 !* (10)
    We will anni - hilate them all, - right there ! (10)

  • @averagebritishrailwaysappr5424
    @averagebritishrailwaysappr5424 4 года назад +99

    Glory to the PLA in their struggle against the Japanese Imperialists! Glory to the protracted people’s war!

    • @nasirbrown1539
      @nasirbrown1539 3 года назад

      Wasn't called PLA back then but ok

    • @majortom4922
      @majortom4922 3 года назад +5

      The Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army, referred to as the Eighth Route Army, was one of the main predecessors of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. On August 22, 1937, in accordance with the relevant agreement on the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the main force of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army in northern Shaanxi, the armed forces of the Communist Party of China, was reorganized by the National Government into the "National Revolutionary Army Eighth Route Army"; September 12, the Eighth Route Army The designation was changed to "The Eighteenth Group Army of the National Revolutionary Army". However, after the name change, the Eighth Route Army still mainly called itself the "Eight Route Army."

    • @harleypanayiotou8409
      @harleypanayiotou8409 3 года назад +3

      Im pretty sure they just pulled back and let the Kuomintang fight most of the battles but ok

    • @averagebritishrailwaysappr5424
      @averagebritishrailwaysappr5424 3 года назад +4

      @@harleypanayiotou8409 The KMT held most of the territory and had the bigger army prior to the Marco Polo Bridge incident. It makes sense as to why they would fight most of the battles. Meanwhile the Communists wouldn't engage the Japanese in open warfare but use guerilla tactics mostly.

    • @harleypanayiotou8409
      @harleypanayiotou8409 3 года назад

      @@averagebritishrailwaysappr5424 so it wasnt really "their struggle against the Japanese imperialists" then? I understand all Chinese people made sacrifices for the war, but I mean in terms of fighting them the Communists did basically nothing so there's no struggle really

  • @ck.youtube
    @ck.youtube 3 года назад +20


  • @Ogan_Von_Erich
    @Ogan_Von_Erich 2 года назад +12


  • @mredio
    @mredio Год назад +8

    this music reminds me of our war of independence, we defeated the Greeks with great sacrifices and founded our own country, you showed a great resistance, respect for the resistance war, greetings from turkey

  • @poirotjiao1728
    @poirotjiao1728 4 года назад +41

    第一次学会这首歌是在15年的九三阅兵 缅怀先烈

  • @zwang3909
    @zwang3909 3 года назад +21


  • @adramalech3385
    @adramalech3385 2 года назад +6

    Epic song. It makes me to want to cut, cut, cut, cut through the enemy lines. Long Live Popular Republic of China and it's ancient legacy!

  • @dl8935
    @dl8935 4 года назад +20


    • @黎央-d1e
      @黎央-d1e 2 года назад

      Mark Zhao 共产党很喜欢大刀进行曲

    • @revolverocelot7772
      @revolverocelot7772 2 года назад

      @Mark Zhao 那是抗日的歌

    • @逆风尿
      @逆风尿 2 года назад

      @Mark Zhao 抗日不分党派

  • @Josiah-su5yq
    @Josiah-su5yq Месяц назад +1


  • @lushan1959
    @lushan1959 4 года назад +11

    MrOldMajor comrade, you could repost the song We walk on the Great Road, with recordings not images. Please

    • @MrOldMajor
      @MrOldMajor  4 года назад +6

      That’s a good idea, comrade. I have previously considered renewing my old backlog of so-called “classics”. But at the moment my priority is to bring un-/lesser known gems to a wider audience, while adding subtitles to my older videos.

    • @lushan1959
      @lushan1959 4 года назад +1

      @@MrOldMajor okay

    • @shanlong8935
      @shanlong8935 3 года назад +1

      Greetings comrade

  • @rosehaisy7233
    @rosehaisy7233 5 месяцев назад +2

    作为一个河北人 真的很推荐大家有机会去太行山脉看看 虽然很多没有开发 不过就算从高速路隧道穿行也能一窥那雄伟俊奇 很多山峰的顶上还屹立着碉堡...

  • @lg4179
    @lg4179 4 года назад +15


  • @meywng6902
    @meywng6902 4 года назад +15


  • @彼得伊万诺维奇巴格拉
    @彼得伊万诺维奇巴格拉 3 года назад +12


  • @tonylee8760
    @tonylee8760 2 года назад +4


  • @fukufu2175
    @fukufu2175 4 года назад +8

    Army eighth was brave troop

  • @niwo6572
    @niwo6572 2 года назад +6

    这歌改编的 更趋向于缅怀先烈,抒情婉约。

  • @РубенГафаров
    @РубенГафаров 4 года назад +10

    Это эпизод из битвы ста полков или сражение на перевале Пинсигуань?

    • @MrOldMajor
      @MrOldMajor  4 года назад +7

      Это битвы Синькоу и Пинсингуан (фильм «На горы Тайхан» ruclips.net/video/-FmjkG6kog8/видео.html )

    • @РубенГафаров
      @РубенГафаров 4 года назад +2

      @@MrOldMajor а есть фильмы про Великий Северный поход РККА Китая 1934 года?

    • @MrOldMajor
      @MrOldMajor  4 года назад +4

      @@РубенГафаров Есть сериал под названием «Великий поход» (2001), но, к сожалению, русских субтитров нет. ruclips.net/p/PLePfwyI9mT9cO9ceevfo2vduJVr9xwJ0D

    • @РубенГафаров
      @РубенГафаров 4 года назад +4

      @@MrOldMajor спасибо, жалко, что нет. Ещё в школе заинтересовался этой темой. Учился я в 70-80-х, и в школе на учёбе политинформаторов мне поручили собрать материал чтобы раскритиковать так называемый "маоизм". А мне кое-какие идеи Мао наоборот понравились. И я, как говорится "подсел" на социалистический Китай. В общем доклад о неправильных действиях товарища Мао я провалил. И завуч школы, которая курировала эту работу, сказала мне, что ещё лет 15 назад меня бы вышвырнули из комсомола. 😂😃.

    • @РубенГафаров
      @РубенГафаров 4 года назад +4

      @@MrOldMajor сейчас пытаюсь учить китайский язык, но слух плохой, а детей отдал в гимназию с углубленнным изучением китайского языка в Санкт-Петербурге.

  • @phaithatlagiau7635
    @phaithatlagiau7635 4 года назад +6

    Dân tộc anh hùng

  • @llL-hu5uj
    @llL-hu5uj 2 года назад +6


  • @frankmartinez4856
    @frankmartinez4856 Месяц назад

    Heroes of the East 🫡like the Seven men Army 🇹🇼😬

  • @socsin666
    @socsin666 4 года назад +7


  • @tapasdhar9122
    @tapasdhar9122 4 года назад +6

    What is the movie name ❤

    • @MrOldMajor
      @MrOldMajor  4 года назад +11

      On the Mountain of Taihang (2005) ▶ ruclips.net/video/-FmjkG6kog8/видео.html

  • @lulo3155
    @lulo3155 3 года назад +5


  • @柳云-r3d
    @柳云-r3d Месяц назад


  • @samjia6796
    @samjia6796 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @上杉レター
    @上杉レター 4 года назад +20


  • @jmc9756
    @jmc9756 4 года назад +3


  • @linhtetaung9615
    @linhtetaung9615 3 года назад +2


  • @柳云-r3d
    @柳云-r3d Месяц назад


  • @jrhg2739
    @jrhg2739 2 года назад +2


  • @韩无敌比利王
    @韩无敌比利王 4 года назад +5


  • @na3044
    @na3044 3 года назад +1

    Where are the film-scenes from?

    • @na3044
      @na3044 2 года назад

      @@AI-ih5or Much obliged. :)

  • @3b23zhengethanjiaxin6
    @3b23zhengethanjiaxin6 4 года назад +2


  • @funnytanky600h5
    @funnytanky600h5 10 месяцев назад


  • @ylchung5994
    @ylchung5994 Год назад


  • @ylchung5994
    @ylchung5994 Год назад


  • @林宸裕-s8j
    @林宸裕-s8j Год назад +2


    • @-XingHai
      @-XingHai Год назад


    • @-XingHai
      @-XingHai Год назад


  • @lyekahkit9366
    @lyekahkit9366 2 года назад

    Why cant the Japanese use air raids and acid attacks to attack the mountain first??

  • @heian8195
    @heian8195 2 месяца назад

    又有誰知道在抗戰前期 前面國軍在抗日後面共軍在打國軍

    • @我是你爸爸-v4c
      @我是你爸爸-v4c 2 месяца назад +1


    • @马斯克源神
      @马斯克源神 2 месяца назад +1


    • @xiaoweixue3770
      @xiaoweixue3770 Месяц назад


  • @LinhNguyen.
    @LinhNguyen. 3 года назад +4

    Love pla for their bravery against the Japanese but I still think the Kuomintang fought more bravery.

    • @user-wu6xl4wq5q
      @user-wu6xl4wq5q 3 года назад +12

      It really doesn't matter what you think. What matters is what did happened. That's it, really.

    • @backyD
      @backyD 3 года назад +3

      The surrender of hundreds of thousands of Kuomintang organizations really can't be loved. Too many senior KMT officers surrendered to Japan.

    • @kinddragon313
      @kinddragon313 3 года назад +1

      The PLA has strict discipline. In terms of mental outlook, the Kuomintang can't catch up with the Communist army

    • @我是你爸爸-v4c
      @我是你爸爸-v4c 2 месяца назад


  • @lyekahkit9366
    @lyekahkit9366 2 года назад

    No one talks about Cultural Revolution

    • @backyD
      @backyD Год назад +6


  • @AmauCowAko
    @AmauCowAko Год назад +1
