I'm Iraqi but I never lived in Iraq but seriously Doug your videos made me want to go and visit my country. You made me become and my family so nostalgic Thank you so much for showing the other side of our country that the media is not showing. All respect! You are so freaking amazing ❤❤❤
@محمد Valley السومريون اختلطو و اندثرو مع الاقوام العربيه التي اتت من الحجاز ولكن اكثر الناس الذين ينتمون للسومريين ولم يتغيرو هم الصابءه المنداءيين في جنوب العراق واما هذا البناء من القصب الكبير هوه نفسه لم يتغير منذه ٧ الاف سنه موروث سومري. والى الاءن هنالك كلمات سومريه ينطق بها سكان جنوب العراق
لو اتى السياح بكثرة الى الاهوار, فانهم سيخربون اخلاق الناس هناك, اينما يذهب السواح ينتشر الفساد الاخلاقي, خليكم بعيد عن السياح وابقوا على طيبتكمن التي لا توجد في اي بلد في العالم الا عندكم.
@@hasan24253 😂 أنت وين لكيت هاي الكلاوات بعدين شيصير خلي يصير خلي تصير مثل باريس اسطنبول 🙂 هذه آثار ما اعتقد يصير مثل ما تفضلت مثلا المسيحي يجي يحج لأور لو يفسد 😕 بعدين لازم الدولة تنظم هالشيء هسة الحج لمكة ما يعتبر سياحة ؟ .
@@haidermo4666 لو ذهبت الى اندونيسيا وتجولت في المدن والقرى التي لا يوجد فيها سياحة, وبعدها ذهبت الى جزيرة بالي السياحية في اندونيسيا ايضا, او الى تايلند, او الى الفلبين, او الى غالبية جزر البحر الكاريبي, او الى دبي, او غيرها من الدول التي تتكاثر فيها الحركة السياخية لعرفت ما اقصده
I'm leading another group trip to Iraq in February 2023, and you're invited! Join me for the trip of a lifetime. LEARN MORE: www.dougbarnardtravel.com/iraq-feb-2023
Since I was a kid, all we ever saw about Iraq was war, the government and total chaos. Mainstream media never cared about what else the country has to offer. This is an amazing side we rarely see, great video, I’d love to boat around this same area someday soon. Thanks for the video!
Thank you, Doug, Janet, and Jay, for your visit and all your team who came with you, I was watching your videos and feel happy to see Iraqis communicate and meet European and American people, Iraqi people are oppressed by their rulers, who did not offer anything to them, but rather destroyed Iraq without feeling sorry. Your channels and videos showed the Iraqis how stable and beautiful their homeland can be when Iraq returns to the international community as a country that contributes to international stability and friendship with Western peoples. you did to Iraq what all politicians couldn't do.
Hi Douglas welcome to Iraq I hope i can meet you in the next visit you show our country in beautiful way think you for that all love and respect for you shymaa from iraq ❤️
For those who have been living on the moon, I want to say that Iraq is a beautiful place with beautiful people. Please keep making these awesome videos Doug. We love you in Egypt
I love irak when i see to this country i cry because the people of this nation are the most smart people and the most people who have the knowledge in abbasi caliphate but now they look very simple in everything in clothing wherever they are the most beautiful people in dressing and the way of the life one day i will visit Baghdad . Peace from Algeria.
It’s really good,wonderful and impressive that someone like those tourists show the positive Side of the great Iraq, I specially respect those people and love them .. thank you Doug for every moment you showed the positive and true shape of our country Iraq because people think that Iraq is an very very dangerous country and not able to live in it and they don’t know what is kind of country is Iraq 🇮🇶 Iraq is one of the oldest ancient country around the world it has a really nice and great civilization we thank you a lot and I wish you continue traveling and show these things that 90% of people don’t know these about Iraq ... continue and we are with you every where and every time 💜👍☺️
My parents fled to Sweden from Iraq in the 90’s. And although growing up here has obviously made me feel more Swedish we still had Iraqi culture at home. And watching this video just made me feel more connected with that culture. Hearing the language, the expressions, seeing the people and their day to day life, the nature and the land. I don’t really know how to explain it but it gave me something emotional so I just wanna thank you for that! I hope to visit myself one day.
When you hear the tone of the southern Iraqi moan, you feel that you are in Iraq, which differs from any other hybrid place. The Iraqi south is the one that makes you feel without the rest of the regions You are really in the land of Sumer and Babylon. We Sumerians love you too Dear Douglas
@@albaghdady1 .. اولا انا لم اقل انا سومري بل قلت اتشرف اذا خالطت ينات اجدادي جيناتهم وهذا يدل على عدم تعصبي لمن انتسب اليهم واذم غيرهم كما لو كانوا اراذل. الثاني السومريون لم ينقرضوا بل ذابوا في الهجرات العربية الكثيفة الى العراق ولا زالت بعض ثقافتهم وبعض عاداتهم ولغتهم موودة في الجنوب العراقي. وها ما ميز الجنوب عن غيره انه ايقونة العراق المتفردة التي تميزهم عن غيرهم ممن سكنوا غرب العراق وشماله علماء الجينالوجية للعالم وهم يرسمون الخرائط الينية للامم قالوا كلما اقتربنا الى جنوب العراق وجدنا جينات ابراهيم بصورة اوسع الى ان وجدناها هناك بنسبة 80 % عن الاماكن الاخرى . وجينة ابراهيم هي جينة رئيسية عند علماء الجينات ويتخذونها كدلالة ومصدر في التسلسل الهرمي لأصل الوجود الانساني.نعم انتشر السومرين وهناك امم تمتلك هذه الجينة ولكن نسبتهم عند اليهود والجزيرة اقل بكثير وكلما ابتعد عن الجنوب العراقي اكثر قلت النسبة اكثر. اقسم بالله هذا ليس قولي او ادعائي بل قول برفسور روسي شاهدته في لقاء مطول على قناة ار تي الروسية . بوسعك الرجوع اليه فهو على اليوتيوب وأنا رجل اصدق هؤلاء واعلم ان ابراهيم حفيد نوح مؤسس الحضارى السومرية هو عراقي جنوبي يسكن مدينة اور وهار الى ارض كنعان بع اصطدامه بالملك العراقي (النمرود) وترك جينة له هناك وجينة اخرى في الجزيرة العربية .لكن اصل الجينة التي ولد منها ابراهيم هو الجنوب العراقي . فهم الاصل والباقون نسخ مقلدة عن الثقافات الاخرى اقولها بكل صراحة واقرار لأنني اتبع الحقيقة ولا اتأثر بالعنصريات والعصبيات الابليسية .
@@minabxo Biologists and geologists say that Adam was created in Africa and immigrated and settled in southern Iraq and married Eve, both of whom were born with a genetic mutation and had a penetrating mind..thank you
11:14 a Majlis isnt necessarily for men, its used by either at a time, or more commonly there would be a parallel Majlis one for each. Im from Saudi love your vids on iraq 🇺🇲🇮🇶🇸🇦
Super love your videos Doug! you are amazing! Love how you make us feel that we are with you in your travels getting to know people and seeing places through your eyes. Genuine, spontaneous, heartfelt and full of surprises.
Bro I'm so glad that U have visited my country, it's mean a lot for us that the rest of world know Iraqi people live despite the continues war and corruption. Luv U mate
What a scenic place in Iraq!!! Terrible what happened to the marshes, but so great to see they are fully back and thriving. You are meeting great people yet again!
@@abdboos7795 رايه الامام الحسين عليه السلام تدل على اخذ حق الامام الحسين من بني امية تعني نصر الامام المهدي عليه السلام وما فائدة رفع العلم العراقي و الضلم موجود اريد هم جواب
Thanks very much for sharing this vid with us!! Abu Haidar, the old-timer/man, has seen all the last miserable 40 years in Iraq history from 1980 to now: He fought in the thick of the 8-year war Iraq-Iran 1980-1988, the 1991 Persian gulf war, at least the ten-year embargo on Iraq, the second Persian Gulf war in 2003, the horrible transitional phase that came after that, the Daesh war for three years almost 2014-2017. Yet, he's still alive, can smile, chat, laugh, sing...I don't know how he can do that. He certainly has guts...Good luck to him!! Cheers,
@@doug_barnard No doubt about that! He's a living historical memory at least for the last 40 years of Irak history. With all the horrible things he's gone through in his life, yet he's still kicking it and pretty damn quick. The best of luck to him!! Thanks for your reply Doug! Keep up the great work you're doing!! You're showing the other side of the countries the media doesn't care to show. Cheers,
Wow! I am inspired by your exploration to so many Iraqi cities. I said this before and I’ll say it again, hats off to you and your crew for taking such a positive and important step. I hope other fellow Americans are inspired by this amazing journey!
Doug and Janet, you two are absolutely amazing! and add to that your interpreter, he is an Iraqi patriot and speaks really good English. I love you guys all.
03:25 Looking at the view of the sun over the reeds and the waters of the marshes gives you the feeling of a Sumerian person who lived here more than seven thousand years ago, something amazy.
I'm from Nasiriyah, but for the first time I'm going to convince my family to take a trip to the marshes. The amazing thing. It will be a nice experience. We love you😍💘
Iraq is special, obviously first for spiritual significance, then its historical/cultural significance as it dates long back in time. But this may sound very strange and kind of unique, that I crave a lot for those latmiya (poems) sung in arabic during muharram. They have a special way of singing it, even the way they recite masa'eb in majalis brings riqqat(sad). I wish I could recite/sing that way. Just Amazing.
Welcome to Iraq Nasiriyah is very beautiful and its people are the most beautiful. I visited twice, the people are very generous I wish you a happy stay
He fought on the Basra front during the Iraq-Iran war. The minimum age of such a guy is 53. He could be 57 to 60. Do not be deceived by the looks of a guy who was consumed by a stressful life.
Thank you on behalf of the Iraqis for showing the world the good side of iraq and it’s people’and another thank you for your efforts and sense of humour…
The Iraqi people are very generous, kind and lovable, one of the most beautiful people in the world. The people of Iraq are beautiful, their nature is almost unique 💝
Thank you for coming to Iraq and reflecting the beautiful picture about it honestly I did not know your channel but my mother told me about you all the love from Iraq 💗🌿
MashaAllah. Amazing video. May Almighty Allah (swt) bless you All brother. Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩❤️. Assalamu alaikum owa Rahmatullahi owa Barkatuh ❤️
By going to the (IRAQI MARSHES) Is like having a time machine that travels you back to ancient history, it gives you the chance to see how the Sumerians used to live back then. THANKS DOUG CHEERSSS 🍻🍻.
I love that area, I'm from nasiriya. And I have not been back there since 1991. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with the world from that beautiful place. You have brought so much smiles to me and my family as we watched this. ❤️
Doug: What are we having for breakfast? Iraqi: Buffalo cream Doug: from here? Iraqi: Of course! When I lived Jordan, another Arab country, they have similar habits and fresh food, so simple but so lovely - the people and the food!
Thanks Doug and team, really great videos', I left Iraq 26 years ago, you brought back a lot of memories of the great places and people we left behind , will definitely go back and visit or even relocate after retirement , an open invitation to you and team if you ever pass by Dubai for a genuine Iraqi homemade food , Cheers
Im so happy to have found your videos, you have gained a life long fan. I was born in Baghdad and left in 90s and haven’t been back since. Your videos have ignited emotions and created a yearning to go back to my homeland. Thank you my friend and wish you the best. 👋🏽
Thank you for showing off the good side of Iraq, not like other media people, showing Iraq as if it were a war zone, but you have appeared the opposite, thank you❤️
Thank you for showing the bright side of my country. Many countries, such as America and London, think that Iraq is just a war or killing. Greetings to you from Basra
Alhamdulillah I would like to come very soon I'm from the UK... I have met lots of iraqi people here now I really want to go see Iraq.... In Shaa Allah I'll be coming as a sole traveller....
@@mema2377 يا دجل؟ ليش هو اليريد يزور سيد الشهداء سبط رسول الله تعالى (( صلى الله عليهِ وعلى آلهِ وسلم تسليماً كثيراً )) تسميه دجل؟ حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل على كل من لا يوالي آل بيت محمد
Welcome to Mesopotamia. We are glad to see that you are in our country, something very beautiful. I love you so much 🇮🇶 we are honored by you. I wish all European countries would visit us. I love you 🙂🤗🌹
The marshes are a very wonderful place, and an important tourist attraction... I loved the place.. and I look forward to visiting it a lot... The video is very wonderful.. I loved it
Very nice i really appreciate this video thanks for making us discover such places with you in Iraq i love IRAQ and our Iraqi brothers and sisters . i wish you can visit Algeria next time you won't regret it have a nice day
من صفات الشعب العراقي إنه يفرح بأستقبال ضيوفه اكثر من فرحة الضيوف
Welcome to every one in Iraq
Iraq is the oldest civilization on earth, and we welcome all tourists and the whole world. Welcome to the beautiful Iraq☺️🇮🇶
What's the best time to visit Iraq? Asking cause I don't do well in very hot conditions.
@@yangerjamir0906 the best time to visit Iraq is from November until March
@@yangerjamir0906 either march or november… don’t come in June to October🥵
الله يرحم صدام
كان ومازال وسيبقى العراق مهد الحضارات والعلم والمعرفه هو من علم الناس الكتابه وعلى ارضه خطت اول حروف العلم مهد الانبياء والرسل،بوركت ياوطني♥️🇮🇶
It is stunning that the division of the day in 24 hours and each hour having 60 minutes was created in Iraq.
عــــــاش العــــــراق 🇮🇶
@@phralvim This is just a little part of discoveries of our ancestors
My beautiful country 🇮🇶✨
God, I'm so in love with the kindness of people, تونسي محب للعراق ❤🇹🇳
واحنه نموت عليكم ❤❤
حي الله تونس الخضراء واهلها أهل الذوق
I'm Iraqi but I never lived in Iraq but seriously Doug your videos made me want to go and visit my country.
You made me become and my family so nostalgic
Thank you so much for showing the other side of our country that the media is not showing.
All respect! You are so freaking amazing ❤❤❤
صديقيي كل الحب الك من بغداد السلام تعال ونور بلدك واتأكد اذا اجيت مراح تندم ولو ثانيه وحدة واحنا هنا بالخدمه باي وقت تجي 🤍🇮🇶
ماشاءالله ابو حيدر الله يطول بعمره ويحفظه تحيه له من 🇸🇦❤️
منو ابو حيدر😂😂
@محمد Valley السومريون اختلطو و اندثرو مع الاقوام العربيه التي اتت من الحجاز ولكن اكثر الناس الذين ينتمون للسومريين ولم يتغيرو هم الصابءه المنداءيين في جنوب العراق واما هذا البناء من القصب الكبير هوه نفسه لم يتغير منذه ٧ الاف سنه موروث سومري. والى الاءن هنالك كلمات سومريه ينطق بها سكان جنوب العراق
@محمد Valley العرب الذين نزحو من الحجاز وسكنو جنوب العراق هم بلاصل ينتهي نسبهم لابراهيم عليه سلام
@@ابوجعفرالمالكي-ز2ز بالضبط🤝♥️ و أني من نسل ابراهيم
نحن اقدم حضاره على الأرض ونحن على وشك استقبال سياح من كل العالم اعكسو الصوره الجميله لتراثنا باخلاقنا ياابناء بلدي
أحسنت كلام جميل
لو اتى السياح بكثرة الى الاهوار, فانهم سيخربون اخلاق الناس هناك, اينما يذهب السواح ينتشر الفساد الاخلاقي, خليكم بعيد عن السياح وابقوا على طيبتكمن التي لا توجد في اي بلد في العالم الا عندكم.
@@hasan24253 😂 أنت وين لكيت هاي الكلاوات بعدين شيصير خلي يصير خلي تصير مثل باريس اسطنبول 🙂 هذه آثار ما اعتقد يصير مثل ما تفضلت مثلا المسيحي يجي يحج لأور لو يفسد 😕 بعدين لازم الدولة تنظم هالشيء هسة الحج لمكة ما يعتبر سياحة ؟ .
وهسه على أساس أخلاقنا عالية
@@haidermo4666 لو ذهبت الى اندونيسيا وتجولت في المدن والقرى التي لا يوجد فيها سياحة, وبعدها ذهبت الى جزيرة بالي السياحية في اندونيسيا ايضا, او الى تايلند, او الى الفلبين, او الى غالبية جزر البحر الكاريبي, او الى دبي, او غيرها من الدول التي تتكاثر فيها الحركة السياخية لعرفت ما اقصده
احله شي العراقين من يجهيم ضيف يقدرونه بشكل موطبيعي الله يحفظ العراق
I'm leading another group trip to Iraq in February 2023, and you're invited! Join me for the trip of a lifetime. LEARN MORE: www.dougbarnardtravel.com/iraq-feb-2023
This was by far my favourite place in Iraq!
it’s incredible!!!
You guys are really amazing thanks for showing my country bright side love you guys from Iraq 🇮🇶👋😁
we love you Janet from IRAQ 🌹
I am Iraqi, and never been in the Ahwàr, but I will sometime soon 😊
Thank you for spreading the culture of Iraq and revealing the truth of Iraq, the ancient country
thank you for watching!
Yes, but that kind of simple life only in limited part of Iraq almost over 500km south of Baghdad where Tigres and euphrates form this marshes...
@@doug_barnard welcome
@@mrengtop Yes, Iraq has now developed
مسويته بترجمه كوكل
Since I was a kid, all we ever saw about Iraq was war, the government and total chaos. Mainstream media never cared about what else the country has to offer. This is an amazing side we rarely see, great video, I’d love to boat around this same area someday soon. Thanks for the video!
thank you so much!!!
Come and visit us you are very welcome here 💓
@@anosa8875 I’m starting to consider it!
@@ma200.5 I’m starting to consider it!
@@theaverageguytraveller7253 we will be waiting 💞🌺
I lived in Iraq 1984-85 and visited the marshes, wonderful memories and great to see that tourism is possible
Unfortunately, my brother, America, my country invaded, killed my people, and now my country is torn apart because of America and the occupation
How Iraq looked like in the 80’s, Robert?
You're welcome
@@andresil8330 Iraq was the Dubai of the Middle East in the 80's.
@@ازفاس Don't forget the British!
Thank you for spreading the Iraqi and Sumerian culture, and we welcome all tourists in Iraq ❤️🇮🇶
Iraq is the land of civilizations, may God protect the people of Iraq from Egypt, I love Iraq 🇪🇬❤️🇮🇶
thank you god blues you and Egypt
and i hope soon Sisi will go to hell and you will have the president that you deserve
ونحن أهل العراق العظيم نكره مصر القذره النجسه بلد الخيانه
شكراً 🇮🇶
تحيه لمصر من العراق ☺️🦋
و أعشق مصر
تحية من العراق 🇮🇶💗🇪🇬
Thank you, Doug, Janet, and Jay, for your visit and all your team who came with you, I was watching your videos and feel happy to see Iraqis communicate and meet European and American people, Iraqi people are oppressed by their rulers, who did not offer anything to them, but rather destroyed Iraq without feeling sorry. Your channels and videos showed the Iraqis how stable and beautiful their homeland can be when Iraq returns to the international community as a country that contributes to international stability and friendship with Western peoples. you did to Iraq what all politicians couldn't do.
Thank you so much!!
Do not forget that America is the cause of the destruction of Iraq, and they are the ones who brought the corrupt pigeons
من اين انتي
@@اميرالناصري-م5ض عراقيه
@@اميرالناصري-م5ض She lives in Iraq
Don’t forget to follow along on Instagram for more from Iraq! instagram.com/doug_barnard
Welcome to Iraq🇮🇶❤
يا حامل الهاتف🤳 ربنا يرزقك جنة الفردوس لو تابعتني 💙
Hi Douglas welcome to Iraq I hope i can meet you in the next visit you show our country in beautiful way think you for that all love and respect for you shymaa from iraq ❤️
ههههههه تدلل دوغ اغلب متابعيك سيكونون عراقيين
You have to visit in Pakistan
Your best Vlog ever . Greetings from Egypt to our siblings in Iraq 🇪🇬🇮🇶🙏
تحيا مصر ❤️🇮🇶
حياك الله من العراق
الله يحفظك ويحفظ مصر الغاليه على قلوبنا
Hello from IRAQ to our lovely beloved ❤️Egyptian ❤️siblings 😘
بلادوادي النيل والرافدين هم اصل الحضارات الانسانية تحياتي لك اخي الفاضل
For those who have been living on the moon, I want to say that Iraq is a beautiful place with beautiful people. Please keep making these awesome videos Doug. We love you in Egypt
I love irak when i see to this country i cry because the people of this nation are the most smart people and the most people who have the knowledge in abbasi caliphate but now they look very simple in everything in clothing wherever they are the most beautiful people in dressing and the way of the life one day i will visit Baghdad .
Peace from Algeria.
Thank you 😊💖 I irag
نتشرف بكم
الله احبكم ياخي 😍😍😩🇸🇦❤️🇮🇶
واحنا نحبكم اكثر بعد
حياك الله اخونا العزيز وسلامنا لاهلنا بالمملكة العزيزة
واحنة همات نحبكم أهلنا بالسعودية 😘
واحنه نعشقكم ونعشق كل العرب
حبيبي والله واحنا هم نحبكم
It’s really good,wonderful and impressive that someone like those tourists show the positive Side of the great Iraq, I specially respect those people and love them .. thank you Doug for every moment you showed the positive and true shape of our country Iraq because people think that Iraq is an very very dangerous country and not able to live in it and they don’t know what is kind of country is Iraq 🇮🇶 Iraq is one of the oldest ancient country around the world it has a really nice and great civilization we thank you a lot and I wish you continue traveling and show these things that 90% of people don’t know these about Iraq ... continue and we are with you every where and every time 💜👍☺️
thank you so much!! iraq is truly an incredible place ❤️
@@doug_barnard haha thanks I am so happy and proud for this responding
My parents fled to Sweden from Iraq in the 90’s. And although growing up here has obviously made me feel more Swedish we still had Iraqi culture at home. And watching this video just made me feel more connected with that culture. Hearing the language, the expressions, seeing the people and their day to day life, the nature and the land. I don’t really know how to explain it but it gave me something emotional so I just wanna thank you for that! I hope to visit myself one day.
اعتقد ان دمائك مازالت عراقيه اتمنى أن تزور بلدك لأنه جيدا حقا بل رائع وانا اقول هذا لأنني مررته بنفس التجربه اتمنى ان تجيد قراءة العربيه صديقي، 💕
تحياتي لك من العراق الله يحفضكم ان شاء الله 🧡
I am an Arab and I tell you that there is no such thing in the world as the Arabs and their lands, you must return
@@العَطيِّانيِالحِجّازيٍ 🌹🌹 السعوديين اخوانا كفو منكم
إنه الحنين إلى الوطن يا سادة 😢😔😔😔
أجمل مافي العراق الأهوار. حيث الهدوء والسلام والمناظر الطبيعية الخلابة والأمان والاستقرار والهواء النقي
Good to see those marshes thriving again. One of the challenges facing Iraq is the water flow coming from Syria and Turkey.
When you hear the tone of the southern Iraqi moan, you feel that you are in Iraq, which differs from any other hybrid place.
The Iraqi south is the one that makes you feel without the rest of the regions
You are really in the land of Sumer and Babylon.
We Sumerians love you too Dear Douglas
انا من بابل 🤗🤗
انت من قبيلة بني مسعود عربية
ودكول سومري كافي عواطف ومادري شنو بابا احنا عرب وعشاير ودنيا السومريين نتشرو بكل الارض ونقرضو من الالف السنيين
@@albaghdady1 .. اولا انا لم اقل انا سومري بل قلت اتشرف اذا خالطت ينات اجدادي جيناتهم وهذا يدل على عدم تعصبي لمن انتسب اليهم واذم غيرهم كما لو كانوا اراذل. الثاني السومريون لم ينقرضوا بل ذابوا في الهجرات العربية الكثيفة الى العراق ولا زالت بعض ثقافتهم وبعض عاداتهم ولغتهم موودة في الجنوب العراقي. وها ما ميز الجنوب عن غيره انه ايقونة العراق المتفردة التي تميزهم عن غيرهم ممن سكنوا غرب العراق وشماله علماء الجينالوجية للعالم وهم يرسمون الخرائط الينية للامم قالوا كلما اقتربنا الى جنوب العراق وجدنا جينات ابراهيم بصورة اوسع الى ان وجدناها هناك بنسبة 80 % عن الاماكن الاخرى . وجينة ابراهيم هي جينة رئيسية عند علماء الجينات ويتخذونها كدلالة ومصدر في التسلسل الهرمي لأصل الوجود الانساني.نعم انتشر السومرين وهناك امم تمتلك هذه الجينة ولكن نسبتهم عند اليهود والجزيرة اقل بكثير وكلما ابتعد عن الجنوب العراقي اكثر قلت النسبة اكثر. اقسم بالله هذا ليس قولي او ادعائي بل قول برفسور روسي شاهدته في لقاء مطول على قناة ار تي الروسية . بوسعك الرجوع اليه فهو على اليوتيوب وأنا رجل اصدق هؤلاء واعلم ان ابراهيم حفيد نوح مؤسس الحضارى السومرية هو عراقي جنوبي يسكن مدينة اور وهار الى ارض كنعان بع اصطدامه بالملك العراقي (النمرود) وترك جينة له هناك وجينة اخرى في الجزيرة العربية .لكن اصل الجينة التي ولد منها ابراهيم هو الجنوب العراقي . فهم الاصل والباقون نسخ مقلدة عن الثقافات الاخرى اقولها بكل صراحة واقرار لأنني اتبع الحقيقة ولا اتأثر بالعنصريات والعصبيات الابليسية .
@@minabxo Biologists and geologists say that Adam was created in Africa and immigrated and settled in southern Iraq and married Eve, both of whom were born with a genetic mutation and had a penetrating mind..thank you
نعم هو العراق العضيم لايتراجع دائما الئ الامام رغم انوف الحاقدين العراق حصارة وشجاعة وكرم وغيرة وطيبة هولا هم ناس العراق🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶 عراقي مر من هنا
11:14 a Majlis isnt necessarily for men, its used by either at a time, or more commonly there would be a parallel Majlis one for each. Im from Saudi love your vids on iraq 🇺🇲🇮🇶🇸🇦
يابعد چبدي انته 🤗🥰
هوة اكيد المجلس بس للرجال
Super love your videos Doug! you are amazing! Love how you make us feel that we are with you in your travels getting to know people and seeing places through your eyes. Genuine, spontaneous, heartfelt and full of surprises.
thank you so much for the kind words!!!😊
Bro I'm so glad that U have visited my country, it's mean a lot for us that the rest of world know Iraqi people live despite the continues war and corruption. Luv U mate
What a scenic place in Iraq!!! Terrible what happened to the marshes, but so great to see they are fully back and thriving. You are meeting great people yet again!
Thanks dad yes incredible people!!!
Thanks. You are your words. Beautiful you are nice people
@@doug_barnard هذا ابوك 🙂
@@allos227 😂😂
هههههههه هههههههه خرب بحظي متت يكله هذا ابوك 😹😹😹
That 20 mins went just like 2 mins, wonderful Iraq! ❤️🧡
Thank you for watching!!!!
It is beautiful thing for someone to convey a beautiful picture of my country, my country Iraq🇮🇶🇮🇶 from karbala🌹❤❤
I wish you good luck😊😊
انَيَ اطِرَشِ بّالُزُفَُه مٌاْعرَفَ نَكِلُيَزُيَ
@@1x_ حالي من حالك 😂😂
@@1x_ موجوده ترجمه يمك ب الكيبورد
@@مقاولعزرائيل موجوده ترجمه يمك ب الكيبورد
@@نٰہاٰئمٰه وينه
شحلاته رايات الحسين بنص الاهوار 6:35🏴🏴❤️
اي والله
اي والله
معدان وعلي نتم
مافائده رفع رايه وظلم موجود
@@abdboos7795 رايه الامام الحسين عليه السلام تدل على اخذ حق الامام الحسين من بني امية تعني نصر الامام المهدي عليه السلام وما فائدة رفع العلم العراقي و الضلم موجود اريد هم جواب
Thanks very much for sharing this vid with us!!
Abu Haidar, the old-timer/man, has seen all the last miserable 40 years in Iraq history from 1980 to now: He fought in the thick of the 8-year war Iraq-Iran 1980-1988, the 1991 Persian gulf war, at least the ten-year embargo on Iraq, the second Persian Gulf war in 2003, the horrible transitional phase that came after that, the Daesh war for three years almost 2014-2017. Yet, he's still alive, can smile, chat, laugh, sing...I don't know how he can do that. He certainly has guts...Good luck to him!! Cheers,
He's truly an inspirational and amazing man!
@@doug_barnard No doubt about that! He's a living historical memory at least for the last 40 years of Irak history. With all the horrible things he's gone through in his life, yet he's still kicking it and pretty damn quick. The best of luck to him!! Thanks for your reply Doug! Keep up the great work you're doing!! You're showing the other side of the countries the media doesn't care to show. Cheers,
We are glad to have you in Iraq🤗🌺💖🌸💓🥀🌹🇮🇶
thank you so much!
@@doug_barnard 'ahlan wasahlan♥️🌺
@@مسلم_مهند احفاد بوش قتلو مليونين طفل واعتقد عميل للاستخبارات الصهيو امريكيه
@@fawaz894 بدل عقلك حبيبي شنهل العقليه التعبانه الي عندك
Wow! I am inspired by your exploration to so many Iraqi cities. I said this before and I’ll say it again, hats off to you and your crew for taking such a positive and important step. I hope other fellow Americans are inspired by this amazing journey!
thank you so much! cheers!
Thank you for your positive comments about Iraq 💙
Doug and Janet, you two are absolutely amazing! and add to that your interpreter, he is an Iraqi patriot and speaks really good English. I love you guys all.
Looking at the view of the sun over the reeds and the waters of the marshes gives you the feeling of a Sumerian person who lived here more than seven thousand years ago, something amazy.
Keep going with these beautiful clips. We Iraqis love you all. Good luck
Thank you for spreading the positive side and the bright side of Iraq. I wish you success
This looks incredible I love videos which show a true country not just what the news want you to see
Great video as usual Doug. I hope to visit Iraq some day, it looks so awesome. Hope you have a fantastic weekend.
thanks a lot chris! i hope you get a chance to some day; it’s incredible!
We hope so. We hope that you will visit Iraq. You are welcome
I'm from Nasiriyah, but for the first time I'm going to convince my family to take a trip to the marshes. The amazing thing. It will be a nice experience. We love you😍💘
انتي هسه وين ساكنه اني من الناصريه
@@تويتيفرم حي الشموخ
@@أمنيةشائق-ص5ل ها عبالي ساكنه بامريكا
@@تويتيفرم لا مستحيل اروح لهناكة راح ادرس طب بأيران السنة وعندي مشروع اكمل حياتي بأيران بالمستقبل اميركا تخوف
@@أمنيةشائق-ص5ل منو ضحك عليك وكلك تخوف +انتي بنيه لو ولد
Iraq is special, obviously first for spiritual significance, then its historical/cultural significance as it dates long back in time.
But this may sound very strange and kind of unique, that I crave a lot for those latmiya (poems) sung in arabic during muharram. They have a special way of singing it, even the way they recite masa'eb in majalis brings riqqat(sad).
I wish I could recite/sing that way.
Just Amazing.
Welcome to Iraq
Nasiriyah is very beautiful and its people are the most beautiful. I visited twice, the people are very generous
I wish you a happy stay
thank you!
Amazing video 😍 abu haidar is a very nice old man with a heart full of youth 😍 enjoy your time in Iraq Doug ❤
he’s the best!!!
He fought on the Basra front during the Iraq-Iran war. The minimum age of such a guy is 53. He could be 57 to 60. Do not be deceived by the looks of a guy who was consumed by a stressful life.
@@nahidhkurdi6740 yeah 💔 i know what stress can do in a human 😞
thank you for showing the positive side for iraq ❤️❤️
thank you for watching!
@@doug_barnard you welcom
Thank you on behalf of the Iraqis for showing the world the good side of iraq and it’s people’and another thank you for your efforts and sense of humour…
Greetings to you from Iraq _ Al-Chibayish
Thank you for showing my city the most beautiful picture of Iraq ❤️🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶🥺🥺🥺🥺
The Iraqi people are very generous, kind and lovable, one of the most beautiful people in the world. The people of Iraq are beautiful, their nature is almost unique 💝
شكرا جزيلا على الإطراء نتمنى أن تكون ضيفنا في يوم من الأيام لنكون بخدمتك
Thank you, you are also nice and killed people ♥
شكرأ لكم،هذا من لطفكم،،وحسن اخلاقكم،،⚘⚘
Thank you we love you 😘🇮🇶
Thank you brother, this is your kindness.. you are welcome friends 🤍
Iraq is one of the most beautiful countries, the country of civilizations ❤️🇮🇶
Thank you for coming to Iraq and reflecting the beautiful picture about it honestly I did not know your channel but my mother told me about you all the love from Iraq 💗🌿
Welcome to Iraq, the country of civilizations. I am very happy that you are reporting events for us. Sincerely, thank you❤❤
How beautiful and humble you are. I was very happy when you came here. Welcome,
""an Iraqi woman who passed by here.. 💜🦋
نورتي بنت العم
منوره بت عمي ❤️
Thank you because you show for the positive side people Thank you from the depths of my heart ♡
مالج يا لون
@@رستمباشا-ل2ق جكد عمرك؟
Doug I love you so much Come again to Iraq We welcome you very much
thank you!!! i will 😁
MashaAllah. Amazing video. May Almighty Allah (swt) bless you All brother. Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩❤️. Assalamu alaikum owa Rahmatullahi owa Barkatuh ❤️
Oldest civilization in the world ❤️
When you visit Iraq you will know why civilization started there.
Thank you so much to visit Iraq and show a different image from what others believe...
I appreciate you and your friends who come with you
By going to the (IRAQI MARSHES) Is like having a time machine that travels you back to ancient history, it gives you the chance to see how the Sumerians used to live back then. THANKS DOUG CHEERSSS 🍻🍻.
Such a fantastic video,thanks so much for you to show us beautiful place in our lovely county,Iraq.
Thank you so much for the support!
The most beautiful videos were in the marshes of Iraq.. And you also transmitted a wonderful picture of Iraq. Thank you.. I hope you return to Iraq
I love that area, I'm from nasiriya. And I have not been back there since 1991. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with the world from that beautiful place. You have brought so much smiles to me and my family as we watched this. ❤️
Doug: What are we having for breakfast?
Iraqi: Buffalo cream
Doug: from here?
Iraqi: Of course!
When I lived Jordan, another Arab country, they have similar habits and fresh food, so simple but so lovely - the people and the food!
It was amazing!!!
iraq - jordan have similar habits ?!
no way man
Following you from Iraq, Baghdad, you really have a lot of Iraqi lovers 🥰🇮🇶
thank you so much!
@@doug_barnard 🥰💕
I've never expected we have that extremely amazing place ❤️
نعم يا ساسدة انه العراق 🇮🇶 سلامن عليك وعلى ورفديك عراق المم فئنت مزارن وحب ودار لكل المم سلامن عليك في كل حين
Thanks Doug and team, really great videos', I left Iraq 26 years ago, you brought back a lot of memories of the great places and people we left behind , will definitely go back and visit or even relocate after retirement , an open invitation to you and team if you ever pass by Dubai for a genuine Iraqi homemade food , Cheers
Abu Haydar is a character! Wishing the best for the Marshes! 💎
Thats usually iraqi.i worked there years ago
This is the best video on the channel, or my favourite 😄
thank you so much!!!!!!
هذا العراق الحبيب العراق العظيم وماادراك ماالعراق ❤🇮🇶🌹
Im so happy to have found your videos, you have gained a life long fan. I was born in Baghdad and left in 90s and haven’t been back since. Your videos have ignited emotions and created a yearning to go back to my homeland. Thank you my friend and wish you the best. 👋🏽
Thank you for showing off the good side of Iraq, not like other media people, showing Iraq as if it were a war zone, but you have appeared the opposite, thank you❤️
ارى اوقات من الفرح والمشاعر المبهجة تخرج من قلبك
اتمنى لك رحله ممتعه
I am so enjoyed to this journy 😂❤i feel my self with you.. we wait you to the next journeys 🦋🇮🇶and so so thanks for you
Thank you!! Part 2 coming soon!
The video is really awesome, fun and amazing
thank you so much!
Thank you for showing the bright side of my country. Many countries, such as America and London, think that Iraq is just a war or killing. Greetings to you from Basra
Alhamdulillah I would like to come very soon I'm from the UK... I have met lots of iraqi people here now I really want to go see Iraq.... In Shaa Allah I'll be coming as a sole traveller....
You have to go to Najaf and see the very large Valley of Peace and the shrine of Imam Ali
Beautiful people. I wish to visit one day.
اهلا وسهلا بكم في العراق
Well com in any time
Wellcome you .the iraq it is love to all people in tha word 💛
I am glad that you are thinking of visiting Iraq, and be my guest at home, call me if you come
تمنيت لو تمشون مع زوار راح تشوفون العجب عن كرم العراقين
بس راح يضحك ع الدجل وع باله طقوس الهندوس 🤡!!
@@mema2377 يا دجل؟
ليش هو اليريد يزور سيد الشهداء سبط رسول الله تعالى (( صلى الله عليهِ وعلى آلهِ وسلم تسليماً كثيراً ))
تسميه دجل؟
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل على كل من لا يوالي آل بيت محمد
عنده فيديو زار كربلاء قبل بدأ شهر محرم بيوم
@@redrose7280 اي شفته بس يعني مثلن لو يمشي من نجف لكربلاء هيج مشي
لان زارها بعد مترهم يرجع مره لوخه الها 😅 وافهمك انت تريده يشوف الاجواء بهل الايام
I'm so glad for your visit to my country , and spread a beautiful impression about it , thank you💚
Thanks for visiting our country we hope you will show the bright side of IRAQ
Iraq is a very beautiful country 🥰❤
i agree!
I don't see anything beautiful there, but people are good😊
@@minaraadicco3547 because u are blind😒
@@minaraadicco3547 اهم شي جمال الناس مو المكان و شكرا
@@hunny5546 If you want to see the beauty, let your eyes see the beauty of my homeland because you know the world
Welcome to Mesopotamia. We are glad to see that you are in our country, something very beautiful. I love you so much 🇮🇶 we are honored by you. I wish all European countries would visit us. I love you 🙂🤗🌹
The marshes are a very wonderful place, and an important tourist attraction... I loved the place.. and I look forward to visiting it a lot... The video is very wonderful.. I loved it
ابن اولايتي ابو حيدر انسان رائع هاي طيبتنه اهل ناصريه وخاص الجنوب
I'm very happy that things are returning to normal! May everyone be blessed in Basra and Eden! I hope to see your beautiful world one day soon!
الفاتحه عل ارواح جيمع المسلمين والمسلمات والشهداء
Hi Doug nice to see your vlog again.. I love it don't take so long to upload plsss... I'm Michelle frm Philippines
haha thanks michelle!
Tnx doug.....😂 oh my goodness I can't believe it...you replied my comment,,,wooow im so happy...stay safe
I saw your channel in the suggestions and I liked it a lot, keep it up you are creative
I love you from Oman❤❤❤
thank you so much!! i need to visit oman soon!
@@doug_barnard Welcome, we will be glad if you visit us✨❤
Very nice i really appreciate this video thanks for making us discover such places with you in Iraq i love IRAQ and our Iraqi brothers and sisters .
i wish you can visit Algeria next time you won't regret it have a nice day
This country has been suffering horrendously and needs the love of people like you to help it recover and be normal again.
Thank you for visiting.
Another an amazing video 👏👏 !!!!!!
Thank you Fatima!!!
هُنا حيثٌ لا شيء سوى العراق .
بلد الحضارات بلد حمورابي بلد الزقوره اور اورنمو اكد اعشق بلدي ♥️
I've been waiting for this video I am very grateful to you. I love you. I love you ❤😊
امين اللهم نجح ساره فدوه لقلبج
Amazing video , really you are a legend , good work mate....
الله اجمل شيء هو العراق وشعب العراق والسيد الجليل محمد محمد صادق الصدر رحمه الله
اخوكم من اليمن 🇾🇪🇮🇶