Blade Runner 2049: Ambushed in the scrapyard

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 537

  • @slayerd357
    @slayerd357 2 года назад +1915

    Luv getting her nails done while calling in a missile strike is one of the most cyberpunk things ever.

  • @NeedsContent
    @NeedsContent 2 года назад +1858

    People always criticizing Gosling for being "too wooden" in this role. Except he's supposed to be an emotionless bio-robot.

    • @photoopp6100
      @photoopp6100 2 года назад +21

      See what you're saying, as compared with say something like the role that Rutger Hauer played. I'm no movie expert but I really liked the new movie and the new "skin jobs". It must have been their revamped emotions profile.😄

    • @JahBreed
      @JahBreed 2 года назад +8

      I saw it and did'nt have high hopes. I had no problems with him at all.

    • @smit4459
      @smit4459 2 года назад +7

      I do not think Ryan Gosling gave one of his best performances in "Blade Runner: 2049" (2017). That is my only complaint towards the amazing movie. If you want to see the best of Ryan Gosling's acting in my opinion, I recommend seeing "The Ides of March" (2011). Gosling should have received an Oscar nomination for that film.

    • @СерхиоБускетс-ф7я
      @СерхиоБускетс-ф7я 2 года назад +18

      he "too wooden" in all films

    • @killedpatrick
      @killedpatrick 2 года назад +30

      Generally, If thats the performance the director wanted, then thats what he did. To me, these latest replicants were not the same as previous, they were made to be more emotionless, backed up with the baseline test he had to perform.

  • @whywelovefilm7079
    @whywelovefilm7079 3 года назад +538

    1:21 - That's such a beautiful shot. The way she's flickering and ultimately goes away and reveals the people on the hill behind her. Great symbolism...

    • @PredatorPeyami
      @PredatorPeyami 3 года назад +1

      Good catch

    • @coreycox2345
      @coreycox2345 2 года назад +1

      Go looking for her! I bet he does?

    • @rogeliorodriguez8518
      @rogeliorodriguez8518 2 года назад +54

      What symbolism though?

    • @kanicman
      @kanicman 2 года назад +25

      ​@@rogeliorodriguez8518 I think he probably meant great visual metaphor. It is a classy reveal though.

    • @dblockbass
      @dblockbass 2 года назад +13

      theres so much of that in this movie. cinematography is tremendous.

  • @OneTwoMark
    @OneTwoMark Год назад +246

    I always liked their shock when he gets out willingly instead of having to cut him out. They started to question what they got themselves into.

    • @sjames5027
      @sjames5027 24 дня назад

      I thought they just cut through the locking mechanism to pop the lock and open the door automatically. They aim the saw at a part of the door.

  • @cltruent
    @cltruent 6 месяцев назад +3

    This film is criminally underrated for the few times it encompasses action.
    It's quick, deadly and efficient.
    For a film set in a sci-fi dystopia, the realism of how quickly an altercation essentially ends once someone has the deadlier weapon is very much appreciated in my eyes.

  • @carl_anderson9315
    @carl_anderson9315 2 года назад +334

    1:10 Joi was never fake. Her love for K was always real. When K sees the giant holographic Billboard he realizes his Joi was nothing like the one in the ad. She put herself at risk and helped him in an act of self sacrifice and she expected nothing in return.

    • @sauce8277
      @sauce8277 2 года назад +43

      That's up to interpretation. Also, is she did happen not end up being fake, is was because he freed her, I believe she was purely program and could never be free though. Unlike him.

    • @DevilDogMuNky
      @DevilDogMuNky 2 года назад +55

      I don't think it matters what we think about their relationship, it's what K thinks. "You are real for me." That should be enough.

    • @sauce8277
      @sauce8277 2 года назад +3

      @@DevilDogMuNky While it does in the context of his happiness within a fantasy movie, if we are debating it’s reflection of reality, then we should only accept healthy emotional situations. That unfortunately would not be one.

    • @rus3781
      @rus3781 2 года назад +24

      Arent we all programmed somehow? Programmed to put meaning to abstract things like love

    • @fractalawareness
      @fractalawareness Год назад +21

      She was programmed to adapt to his desires (starting from the first scene with her trying to guess how to entertain him after a hard day at work, ending with the way she embraced his thoughts about being a real child - seems like he really needed that support) so I view her character as a way to reveal a big part of his character hidden behind the necessity to remain emotionless for years to survive (not being decommissioned at work as a defective replicant). He wanted that threesome so she made an appointment. He wanted to erase her from the home PC for security reasons but he also wanted HER to suggest it.
      The way his boss said "we all looking for something real", his desire to be a real child combined with him using an artificial pre-programmed soft that fulfills all his wishes about the perfect partner - this brings up some interesting questions and thoughts to the viewers :)

  • @InformantNet
    @InformantNet 2 года назад +217

    I love Joi! Yes, Ana is a fox, but her character is so real and empathetic. What a great performance! Luv is also wonderful.

    • @lunaretic3
      @lunaretic3 Год назад +11

      I love Joi too! About every couple of nights.

    • @prosaic.7944
      @prosaic.7944 Год назад +9

      It was a joi to see her on-screen.

    • @InformantNet
      @InformantNet Год назад +16

      @@lunaretic3 There's always one of you commenting that has to be a perv.

    • @anomalousfiend
      @anomalousfiend Год назад +8

      ​@@InformantNethe made me laugh idc

    • @GoldenTiger01
      @GoldenTiger01 Год назад +1

      @@InformantNet It's what she's designed for.

  • @CrniWuk
    @CrniWuk Год назад +36

    "Zoom in"
    *camera hits Gosling*
    "Too close"

  • @adamtherenegade2001
    @adamtherenegade2001 2 года назад +66

    1:57 that backbreacker.. I felt that

    • @hausman-q8d
      @hausman-q8d Год назад +9

      I need my back cracked like that sometimes.

    • @adamtherenegade2001
      @adamtherenegade2001 Год назад

      @@hausman-q8d Ouch, I can't imagine feeling that

    • @cabnbeeschurgr
      @cabnbeeschurgr Год назад +3

      I love how there isn't much violence in this movie but when there is it's usually K being absolutely fucking brutal

  • @ptit-monsieur
    @ptit-monsieur 11 месяцев назад +26

    I love the fact that after all the air strikes the scrapyard doesn't really look different, you can't break an already broken world lol

  • @unisonosc1617
    @unisonosc1617 Год назад +74

    Gosling crushed this role, the entire cast really was just dynamite.

  • @whoisj
    @whoisj 2 года назад +282

    this movie was so good, I never understood why it was hated on at release.

    • @vincenthernandez1646
      @vincenthernandez1646 2 года назад +95

      It wasn’t hated. It was ignored.

    • @ibbjos08
      @ibbjos08 2 года назад +27

      I thought it was as good as the original.

    • @gregbors8364
      @gregbors8364 2 года назад +7

      Who “hated” it? 🤔

    • @NecroMoz
      @NecroMoz 2 года назад +57

      Nobody hated it, people thought it was fantastic. All three of us who bothered to go and see it.

    • @finbomartini
      @finbomartini 2 года назад +23

      I sort of dismissed it on first viewing and I don't know why. On repeat viewings it's one of the best sci-fi movies ever made. A real classic.

  • @TyTyMcGinty
    @TyTyMcGinty 2 года назад +65

    I'm pretty sure I'll still be excited to see this when it comes out in 27 years.

    • @vaaance710
      @vaaance710 Год назад +6

      Might be reality by then. I mean hell it probably won't even take that long

  • @vincenta1074
    @vincenta1074 2 года назад +93

    When he broke that guy in half
    It got real

  • @greenmedic88
    @greenmedic88 2 года назад +268

    The scary reality of flying hover cars with zero lift capability. Catastrophic systems failure and you're basically falling in a 5,000 lb metal coffin.

    • @sgtpaloogoo2811
      @sgtpaloogoo2811 2 года назад +6

      Probably why they'll never see wide spread usage. Even if they do get invented.

    • @prashank
      @prashank 2 года назад +48

      @@sgtpaloogoo2811 it’s called a helicopter 🚁

    • @sgtpaloogoo2811
      @sgtpaloogoo2811 2 года назад +4

      @@prashank they are very cool yes. But people don't drive them to work. At least most people don't anyway.

    • @tehmarok
      @tehmarok 2 года назад +45

      @@sgtpaloogoo2811 Flying cars will never exist for common use because the logistics of traffic regulations would be impossible. If there were as many flying cars in the sky as cars on the road, there'd be unimaginable carnage from crashes. We're lucky to keep the average driver safe on the ground...

    • @sgtpaloogoo2811
      @sgtpaloogoo2811 2 года назад +3

      @@tehmarok great points.

  • @millerman7799
    @millerman7799 2 года назад +28

    Thieves/scavengers always seem to speak german/cityspeak in the Blade Runner universe, just like the midgets in the first movie :D
    This is what I picked up from the scrapyard scene (correct me if I'm wrong, german is not my native language) :)
    @1:50 Scavenger: "Da ist nichts drin" / "There's nothing in it."
    @1:52 Scavenger: ""Ich habe es mit meine eigenen Augen gesehen" / "I have seen it with my own eyes" followed by "He was dead."
    @2:10 Mr. Cotton (or another scavenger): "Ergreift ihn!... Nicht stehen, vorwärts!" / "Grab him!... Don't stand, forward!"

  • @dominickeefe2454
    @dominickeefe2454 Год назад +20

    This was as good a sequel as could be hoped for. Really visceral and engrossing film making. The dystopian future vision had been updated as we're already living the one envisioned in the original. Some outstanding ideas. Love the improvised guerilla tactics of the scrapyard people. Then how they're just blown away by the overwhelming corporate firepower.

    • @bertroost1675
      @bertroost1675 Год назад +1

      How are we living in the original? Examples?

    • @juangomez1704
      @juangomez1704 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@bertroost1675he probably meant the date and just some technology that feels similar

  • @JaybayJay
    @JaybayJay 2 года назад +148

    I seen vid's where people are talking about Joi being just another program. No, she is not. You can see that she truly has emotions here and that her concern for K is genuine.
    On another note.. Damn Ana de Armas is stunning.

    • @Toasty667
      @Toasty667 2 года назад +27

      Simulated emotions.

    • @JaybayJay
      @JaybayJay 2 года назад +14

      @@Toasty667 Real emotions. If Rachael could love Dekker and have a baby, I think they learned. K got angry, hopeful, sad. She was intelligent enough to know her last words were coming, and she choose to tell K she loved him and that's real fear she's expressing for his safety.

    • @richardhart3442
      @richardhart3442 2 года назад +45

      @@JaybayJay I want to believe this is true but literally EVERYTHING you just listed can be programmed. The director left this open to interpretation on purpose. In my opinion, the fact we as viewers become attached to her and trust in her emotions, shows how genius this product was. It proves the directors point which is that given the choice, we will believe what we want if it means we feel loved.

    • @JaybayJay
      @JaybayJay 2 года назад +7

      @@richardhart3442 Deckard was resistant to Rachael, but he finally got it when he listen to Roy tell his tale of sorrow, his experiences, his joys, wonders and his regrets before dying. The tears in the rain he called it. They really do feel in this universe and they're not really artificial intelligence anymore at that point, they step into the realm of true intelligence. That's why he fell in love with her. Cause he realized her emotions for him were real in turn.
      As Replicants, or just synthetic humans they should never have been allowed to step foot on Earth. But they evolved to the point where they could break free of their behavioral programming.

    • @JaybayJay
      @JaybayJay 2 года назад +7

      @@richardhart3442 Blade Runner 4: Return of the Joi..

  • @garethjudd5840
    @garethjudd5840 2 года назад +17

    Gosling is brilliant at playing emotionally constipated.

  • @Sell_Demon
    @Sell_Demon Год назад +24

    I guess I’m the only one but I love how when the cars system goes out and joi leaves before the crash, just how isolated he is once again. Then the pov shot just looking out the windshield quietly falling then comes to realization like oh shit this is happening then prepares for what’s next

  • @ltwesjanson
    @ltwesjanson Год назад +50

    The entire missile strike is a callback to the digital enhancement scene in the original BR. There, Deckard is using the computer terminal to zoom in and enhance a 3D digital photo. Here, Luv is zooming in from high altitude weapons platforms and decimating anyone obstructing her goal.

    • @ayebraine
      @ayebraine Год назад +5

      Now people do it in real life, I saw hundreds of chilling pieces of footage where people are hunted and obliterated by artillery fire and drone-dropped microbombs, hour after hour, relentlessly, in full view of the buzzing quadrotor eyes in the sky. Until they run and crawl wildly, out of their minds, before falling out of exhaustion and giving up, or too wounded to crawl, still looking skyward at their tormentors as the last grenade falls, or the kill is confirmed visually. It's fucked up.

    • @Daniel__Nobre
      @Daniel__Nobre Год назад +2

      @@ayebraine Yes, it's clearly a "nod" to long distance and drone strikes (as well as a nod to that original BR scene indeed). It's scary that such technology hasn't been science fiction for some years now.

  • @dmxdxl
    @dmxdxl Год назад +2

    Ryan has that dead eyed intense look DOWN PAT which is PERFECT for this character being a replicant and all!!!...

  • @Nyxzy343
    @Nyxzy343 Год назад +7

    That first guy really drew the short straw lol.

  • @bricktop9486
    @bricktop9486 3 года назад +40

    0:00 aimbot, kick him.

  • @Creasy5678
    @Creasy5678 2 года назад +80

    Poor Joe, he never knew he was just seen as a tool by Luv and her employer-or at least not until everything in his life was broken or dead...

  • @CallahanInAlaska
    @CallahanInAlaska Год назад +6

    Something I only noticed on re-watch: Gosling doesn't kill the two scavengers he shoots. He hits them in the arm and leg. It's brief, but the director seems to go out of his way to show them still alive in a subsequent shot.

  • @vesolcable
    @vesolcable 2 года назад +18

    in 2049 airbags are so underrated

  • @xe2594
    @xe2594 Год назад +3

    everybody gangsta until an orbital missile platform with split second firing shows up.

  • @SShambler
    @SShambler Год назад +4

    People got torn apart from explosions - RUclips that's ok.
    F word RUclips - oh that's too much.

  • @cabnbeeschurgr
    @cabnbeeschurgr Год назад +5

    I love how chill he is about his AV crashing lmao

    • @marcv2648
      @marcv2648 Год назад +1

      I like all the rattling and things falling around inside after the moment of near silence without thrust. Has a realism to it. Not to mention the rain blowing against the windows.

  • @poxolopoxolito1285
    @poxolopoxolito1285 2 года назад +8

    Nothing but tears in the rain, mate

  • @fallogingl
    @fallogingl 2 года назад +35

    missile detonations there would be even more deadly with all the rusty metals flying.

  • @giovannifontanetto9604
    @giovannifontanetto9604 Год назад +3

    Imagine being so strong, that a plane crash is something so easily survivable. Most of us would break something.

  • @shinlanten
    @shinlanten Год назад +5

    Car windows must be made of Gorilla Glass 2049

  • @Soundwave32791
    @Soundwave32791 Год назад +10

    I wish I could rewatch this movie sometime as I feel as though I didn't appreciate it enough the first time.

    • @Rick_Cleland
      @Rick_Cleland Год назад

      It's the kind of film you need to watch several times.

    • @quercus3290
      @quercus3290 Год назад +1

      download it then

  • @Frank15Malcov
    @Frank15Malcov 2 года назад +10

    Love the moment with Luv.

  • @botalley1595
    @botalley1595 2 года назад +55

    People who disliked this movie just didn't understand it

  • @paulmasters8666
    @paulmasters8666 11 месяцев назад +1

    At first I was very apprehensive about Gosling being cast but his performance was really great and as a sequel to a movie I love I feel they stayed true to the original but made this there own.

  • @richarddavis1599
    @richarddavis1599 2 года назад +6

    I really enjoyed this film. Excellent production

  • @PavelMy
    @PavelMy Год назад +3

    what surprises me most is how he hit a flying car with a harpoon, along a ballistic trajectory

  • @jakehamilton9352
    @jakehamilton9352 2 года назад +41

    This must have been the most natural role ever for Ryan facial expression required 😆

    • @MrB00mbang
      @MrB00mbang 2 года назад +2

      It’s my opinion this is not a good movie. Gosling’s lack of charisma is part of that.

    • @Prof.Pwnalot
      @Prof.Pwnalot 2 года назад

      @@MrB00mbang True.
      Cant beat the original, no matter where we are at technological speaking.
      Looked worse than the original, acting was shit.

    • @josephjordell7923
      @josephjordell7923 2 года назад +9

      I agree. This is the only movie where Gosling’s complete lack of range works in his favor. And I think it was a great movie. A worthy sequel to the original.

    • @RNDM-nd7tj
      @RNDM-nd7tj 2 года назад +6

      @@MrB00mbang He's supposed to be a robot though, robots will never have charisma.

    • @bertroost1675
      @bertroost1675 2 года назад +1

      @@RNDM-nd7tj But he is flesh and blood so I think he wouldn't be called a robot

  • @Mlogan11
    @Mlogan11 Год назад +2

    The nail dresser must be on edge as she's working on Luv's nails. Making any mistake would likely bring a death sentence.

  • @1ftsports678
    @1ftsports678 Год назад +2

    This movie was underrated!

  • @Mindsmog
    @Mindsmog Год назад +9

    This film was a masterpiece, just like the original , love it

  • @prosaic.7944
    @prosaic.7944 Год назад +3

    0:15 that's literally my gf after I take my meds

  • @dewkeating
    @dewkeating 11 месяцев назад +2

    Called that shit down from orbit!!

  • @nevezetesazonossag
    @nevezetesazonossag Год назад +1

    Send the script doctor unto Philip K. Dick, you get Blade Runner. Send the script doctor unto Blade Runner, you get Blade Runner 2049.

  • @immort4730
    @immort4730 8 месяцев назад

    0:14 that lightning rod trap is so fucking cool I wish it was actually possible.

  • @platypusfrenzy
    @platypusfrenzy 10 месяцев назад

    It's a nice bit of real world grounding to the film, that in a world otherwise destroyed by war and pollution, San Diego remains the same.

  • @baponrs9826
    @baponrs9826 7 месяцев назад

    Gosling gave us a role that is just....🥰🥰🥰

  • @mscmsc7150
    @mscmsc7150 Год назад +5

    The violence in this movie always feels necessary and rough.

  • @beuair8328
    @beuair8328 2 года назад +6

    this movie is a masterpiece

  • @josephjordell7923
    @josephjordell7923 2 года назад +15

    The irony is that this is actually what San Diego looks like

    • @reasonableskeptic5703
      @reasonableskeptic5703 2 года назад +1

      Ha! Is it bad? I've never been but I heard cost of living is unsurprisingly high, as is homelessness.

    • @josephjordell7923
      @josephjordell7923 2 года назад +2

      @@reasonableskeptic5703 yes its horrid. If you take the trolley downtown you have to walk through throngs of zombies and makeshift camps before you reach any normal place.
      The city does their best at “hiding” the problem behind the first row of waterfront properties but the minute you step out of the “green zone” it’s hell on earth.

    • @danielball959
      @danielball959 2 года назад +3

      @Kira Nah, it's just California. (We should build a wall to protect the rest of the country.)

  • @CyberBeep_kenshi
    @CyberBeep_kenshi 11 месяцев назад

    'Are you a fighter or are you food'
    With a badass lady, with badass weapons coming to the rescue.
    Thor ragnarok anyone? ;-)

  • @pschroeter1
    @pschroeter1 3 года назад +19

    I wish all guns sounded like that.

    • @sclogse1
      @sclogse1 3 года назад

      How about just the flu shot?

    • @leoberg118
      @leoberg118 2 года назад

      ​@@sclogse1 We need to make guns sound horrific to the ears of insecure angry young men. If the AR-15 used high-end acoustic science to imitate a 75-yearold man suffering from constipation, or angry gay sex, the shootings would stop.

  • @Smo1k
    @Smo1k Год назад +20

    The most unrealistic bit of this scene is: "200 feet to the East".
    Nobody with any sort of power is going to be using Imperial measures in 2049.

    • @Emapten
      @Emapten 9 месяцев назад +1

      Or buy an Atari

    • @JayzVeez
      @JayzVeez 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@Emaptensomeone didn't watch the first Blade Runner. The reference to Atari is because it featured in the first movie. It's to maintain continuity in the world building between the two movies. Don't comment on a movie you know fuck all about.

  • @RomanE_____
    @RomanE_____ Год назад

    1:58 Do this exercise every day and your back will not hurt

  • @iotone7525
    @iotone7525 2 года назад +7

    Шикарный фильм, произведение исскуства.

    • @РишатШ
      @РишатШ 2 года назад


    • @iotone7525
      @iotone7525 2 года назад +1

      @@РишатШ Вы просите название фильма, но вы просите без уважения.

    • @ПашкаРусский-о6э
      @ПашкаРусский-о6э Год назад +1

      @@РишатШ бегущий по лезвию 2017г вроде

    • @AREA_51_King_Boss
      @AREA_51_King_Boss Год назад

      @@ПашкаРусский-о6э 2049 не вроде а таки есть

  • @kxngmars6527
    @kxngmars6527 2 года назад +7

    I need that kind of CAS for when I go to Westfield.

  • @Pupixario
    @Pupixario 10 месяцев назад

    The fact that this non-aerodynamic brick was able to glide somehow instead of dropping like a stone baffles me to this day.

    • @joewinfield3276
      @joewinfield3276 9 месяцев назад

      I get what you’re stating but it’s called angular momentum coupled with velocity. Same principle applies if you toss a basketball towards a hoop.

    • @Pupixario
      @Pupixario 9 месяцев назад

      @@joewinfield3276 Around here basketballs can't make turns like that 0:30
      The vehicle 's power is completely out and it has no aerodynamic features or control surfaces that would allow it do this (at least to my knowledge unless there isn't something in the Blade Runner lore that explains how this works)

    • @joewinfield3276
      @joewinfield3276 9 месяцев назад

      @@Pupixario funny how you’re arguing the physics of a fictional vehicle from a movie script. Please understand the laws of physics don’t apply to movies. I suppose you also feel you can shoot around a corner by simply whipping a pistol around too? Again, it’s in the script so arguing the flight path of a CGI’d vehicle has no merit whatsoever here.

    • @Pupixario
      @Pupixario 9 месяцев назад

      @@joewinfield3276 Bro, you are the one that started explaining it with physics. LMAO
      I literally said I can't explain it and it baffles me, yet you felt like you can explain with with "angular momentum coupled with velocity. Same principle applies if you toss a basketball towards a hoop."

  • @ka-boom2083
    @ka-boom2083 2 месяца назад

    What a cool weapon, a harpoon that leads to a wing glider. The wing glider ascends into the clouds and trigger a lighting strike to electric shock the aircraft.

  • @tgchism
    @tgchism Год назад +1

    Animated nails! I'm sure someone is working on this!

  • @raytracer2651
    @raytracer2651 2 года назад +20

    Luv made this whole movie, amazing.

    • @whanethewhip
      @whanethewhip 2 года назад +3

      Sorry, no. Chevy Luv was discontinued in 1982.

  • @cherryscarlett
    @cherryscarlett 2 года назад

    _Boro: (..faDes oUt oF eXisteNcE, pOintinG tO terrorists nearby)_
    *Sieg: (Survival nOises..)*

  • @unexplainedaf7469
    @unexplainedaf7469 Год назад +3

    I loved everything about this movie.

  • @joaopaulovidalleaodeaquino
    @joaopaulovidalleaodeaquino 2 года назад +4

    The K use the same técnic of the Sulleyberg tô landing in River Hudson ;start the APU for the use the controls and make the turbines work,he otbity like RollerCoaster and on the retrorocketes,tô use the jets like hovercraft and the landing more soft.

    • @shagman7437
      @shagman7437 2 года назад +1

      The Captain Sully movie was also good btw, if you haven't, or anyone else hasn't seen it yet should go check it out.
      But yes, I get your point. You would think there would be more safety redundancy built in for flying vehicles, especially a LAPD cop car in that universe, to protect from lightning and electric shocks like a battery backup system, or ultra capacitors to give you enough time to land safely. But I digress, I know it's just a movie and the scene called for it. I just like Sci-fi mechanics/engineering 🤘.

  • @InconspicuousChap
    @InconspicuousChap Год назад

    Amazing way to hitchhike a flying car of the future.

  • @messer7450
    @messer7450 Год назад

    This film was fantastic, true kino. While the first movie is the OG! Never can be topped I personally think the sequel is better.

  • @joel9811
    @joel9811 2 года назад


  • @flyLS
    @flyLS 2 года назад +1

    The most catastrophic “Pollution Fault” I’ve ever seen…

  • @calvingrondahl1011
    @calvingrondahl1011 2 года назад +3

    Film is still art.

  • @giln
    @giln 2 года назад +3

    0:00 nice aim

  • @piscitellinicholas5240
    @piscitellinicholas5240 2 года назад +7

    I used to live on a planet like that

  • @toomaskotkas4467
    @toomaskotkas4467 2 года назад +6

    Those pieces of scrap metal would've been picked up clean to the bare earth and rocks. Even right now in some 3rd world countries the metal scrappers break the concrete slabs in the abandoned building to get to the reinforcement rods, never mind whatever future it is.

    • @kenzie408
      @kenzie408 2 года назад

      Keep in mind that Earth in the Blade Runner universe has been totally devastated by nuclear war and biosphere collapse. Most life on Earth has been extinguished, and most industrial production (along with much of humanity) has been moved off-world, where metals are abundant. There are pockets of humanity left on Earth crammed into urban areas, yet vast areas of these cities are still depopulated wastelands. Cities are surrounded by rings of useless junk or "kipple". There wouldn't be enough demand for all the entire ruined cities worth of scrap metal left on Earth. In the Blade Runner universe, real live animals are some of the most prized and expensive things around, as most of them are extinct. Most people make do with electric pets.

  • @anarchistangler
    @anarchistangler Год назад +1

    Totally awesome movie.

  • @eat_ze_bugs
    @eat_ze_bugs Год назад +4

    The only unrealistic thing about this is that the Peugeot survived the crash

  • @usamarafieck1715
    @usamarafieck1715 Год назад

    Those shades are so nice.

  • @MotherlessBoard
    @MotherlessBoard 11 месяцев назад

    I hadn't seen until now that K's car is Peugeot lol

  • @SydTheGray
    @SydTheGray 2 года назад

    People love saying this movie is like cyberpunk even though Blade Runner existed before cyberpunk

    • @JayzVeez
      @JayzVeez 8 месяцев назад

      Oh dear commenting on a genre you know nothing about 😂 Are you confusing the genre of Cyberpunk with Cyberpunk the game? The original Blade Runner movie is one of the first seminal classic Cyberpunk movies. The genre has existed since early 80s as form of media but the genre started earlier than that with writings of Philip K Dick in the 50s. Blade Runner is 100% Cyberpunk.

  • @dmaxcustom
    @dmaxcustom 2 года назад +4

    All I want to know is, from what material that car is made to not even dent when falling and crashing at terminal velocity.

  • @ericbrammer2245
    @ericbrammer2245 11 месяцев назад

    Philip K. Dick wrote some Amazing, prophetic, Sci-fi. And, as I've explored our possible Roots in Humanity, I See, parallels that SCARE ME TO THE BONE... Great stuff, nonetheless.

  • @Draxis32
    @Draxis32 Год назад

    This movie is the greatest sequel ever. So distant in time, so equally a masterpiece.

    • @nevezetesazonossag
      @nevezetesazonossag Год назад

      no. only when it comes to cinematography does it beat the og, otherwise it lacks soul and message

    • @Draxis32
      @Draxis32 Год назад

      @@nevezetesazonossag I think I've read the word "equally" up there.

  • @CK-ui2kb
    @CK-ui2kb 11 месяцев назад

    This movie is just great on so many levels...the story, characters and casting. The rare occasion when a sequel outdoes the original while still honouring and incorporating it.

    • @newdefsys
      @newdefsys 11 месяцев назад

      The ending is a little shaky but yes, its better than the original while complimenting and even expanding the same world

  • @joaopaulovidalleaodeaquino
    @joaopaulovidalleaodeaquino 2 года назад +1

    This Peugeot Spinner 2031 is light armor ,is air fighter and survellience.

  • @gaz4553
    @gaz4553 Год назад

    Luv was such a cool character

  • @TheyForcedMyHandLE
    @TheyForcedMyHandLE Год назад

    Where's the door cut? Why on the arm extended with gun cut scene all the sudden it's pointed in a different direction? Seems to easy to get this continuity stuff right.

  • @717pixels9
    @717pixels9 2 года назад

    A fantastic snene from the excellent movie

  • @SpicyReplays
    @SpicyReplays Год назад

    no way is this movie even in the same league as the OG

    • @nevezetesazonossag
      @nevezetesazonossag Год назад

      cinematography wise? certainly not, this movie is clearly superior. soundtrack? vangelis can't be beaten. themes, message and story? og is clearly superior, this movie has 0 soul 0 message 0 purpose

  • @mateusz3423
    @mateusz3423 Год назад

    Bayraktar TB2 works! 2:16

  • @freduncle9999
    @freduncle9999 Год назад

    Nice product placement though it being French explains the car giving up just when it almost lifted off again.

  • @michaelkostukov9669
    @michaelkostukov9669 2 года назад +6

    The whole idea of artificial human beings in the original Blade Runner was that their under-developed emotions started to get all screwed up after a few years - but they were far from emotionless wooden Pinocchio that Gosling is playing.

    • @TheGililgi
      @TheGililgi 2 года назад +7

      honestly if you were living his day to day that dark telling me you'd be all Rainbow and sunshine?

    • @MalcolmCir
      @MalcolmCir 2 года назад +3

      Screwed up can come in all shapes and forms. Including emotionless and wooden...

    • @zack8865
      @zack8865 Год назад +1

      those were the older models, the newer models didn't have a 4 year lifespan and they were made to be emotionless robots

    • @nevezetesazonossag
      @nevezetesazonossag Год назад

      they didn't have underdeveloped emotions, have you even seen the movie? that is the whole point it tries to get across, that the replicants are as human as any "normal" human, they have feelings, fears and dreams

    • @JayzVeez
      @JayzVeez 8 месяцев назад

      Anybody commenting that the new replicants should be these charismatic Jude Law types knows fuck all about Blade Runner as a franchise and has no business commenting on it.

  • @miguelvasquez2989
    @miguelvasquez2989 Год назад

    Im pretty sure could have handled all of them without luv’s “help”

  • @Dryjins
    @Dryjins Год назад

    nice artillery support

  • @shakenama
    @shakenama 2 года назад +6

    This is the one scene that boggles my mind. You telling me, that after 33 years after the first aircraft got the CAPS system (Parachute system) that K didn't have this system installed on his vehicle so he could float down safely? Sheesh!... (I know... i know... it wasn't in the script!) LOL 😀

    • @Freezorgium
      @Freezorgium Год назад +12

      The car got him down safely even in abysmal terrain and even worked afterwards, what more do you want

  • @psychedelic9721
    @psychedelic9721 Год назад

    Как называется фильм?

  • @femo-abuser
    @femo-abuser Год назад

    Как всегда - невозмутимый ... БРЕЕЕД!

  • @bestpromoinua
    @bestpromoinua Год назад

    Пацан к успеху шел. Не повезло, не подфартило...

  • @pavelbelov9957
    @pavelbelov9957 2 года назад +1

    Fire, Fire

  • @Nauda999
    @Nauda999 Год назад

    Did that kite cause lightning to strike that flying car? how does it work?
    And even if it did happen, it doesn't do damage to regular planes, why would it damage the flying car?

    • @DrMarkGinsburg
      @DrMarkGinsburg Год назад

      I think it was an EMP to kill onboard electronics

    • @Nauda999
      @Nauda999 Год назад

      @@DrMarkGinsburg How exactly does that kite create EMP? I don't understand how that works.

  • @Alex-Gesh
    @Alex-Gesh 2 года назад +1

    Прикольно.. название фильма?

    • @Ge000rg
      @Ge000rg 2 года назад

      Бегущий по лезвию

    • @Alex-Gesh
      @Alex-Gesh 2 года назад

      @@Ge000rg спасибо 🤝