French parliament spontaneously breaks into national anthem in honour of attack victims

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 2,6 тыс.

  • @Rolando_Cueva
    @Rolando_Cueva 3 года назад +19105

    One minute of silence.
    One random guy: nope, not doing that
    Everyone else: yeah we neither

    • @noobplayer_23
      @noobplayer_23 3 года назад +20

      Nice 69 likes

    • @yannickfuhrmann7907
      @yannickfuhrmann7907 3 года назад +169

      France in a nutshell

    • @callumclausen8658
      @callumclausen8658 3 года назад +189

      I think they cut the video so people didn't have to wait a minute before hearing what the came for from the title

    • @seanconway2817
      @seanconway2817 3 года назад +29

      Oui neither

    • @tablelegz
      @tablelegz 3 года назад +14

      One guy this is boring I need some spice

  • @leu1744
    @leu1744 3 года назад +19405

    Imagine how cringe this would be if nobody else went along with it

    • @ColinleGueux
      @ColinleGueux 3 года назад +1378

      Alone, but still standing

    • @jeandupont8501
      @jeandupont8501 3 года назад +595

      Oddly enough, we haven't yet reached the point of decay where this could happen..

    • @bobbyjoe1111
      @bobbyjoe1111 3 года назад +25


    • @stormywindmill
      @stormywindmill 3 года назад +203

      It's June 6th 2005. (The evening of D Day 1944 anniversary ) Im in the bar of a formula One truck stop at Cherbourg Normandie . all at once A chorus of voices strike up with a german marching song "Watch am Rhein " Who are these people,? They are (French re-enactors playing as German Wheremcht ) I say to my buddy what are we going to do, He replies "Careful Age, Don't start anything, there is a lot of em "- And then I remembered the film I've seen a dozen times , Casablanca. I raise myself up on the barstool and begin to sing " Allons enfants de la Patria" Instantly 40 truck drivers took up the stirring strains of the French National Anthem and drowned out the Cardboard Vichy collaborators. The honour of France was maintained.

    • @flaviusbelisarius7517
      @flaviusbelisarius7517 3 года назад +26

      @@jeandupont8501 you could value the minute of silence over the need to sing the anthem at that moment. I think it's crass to disrespect the silence even though it's the national anthem

  • @raidenbrowning7665
    @raidenbrowning7665 3 года назад +11260

    Le haut-parleur: "Une minute de silence"
    Le Parlement français: Non.

    • @remsaeybens
      @remsaeybens 3 года назад +219

      @Darth Nihilus Indeed it was not complicated to understand

    • @rfk2298
      @rfk2298 3 года назад +200

      @Darth Nihilus it’s... almost like almost all of those French words look like English words 😳

    • @voyagevoyage8966
      @voyagevoyage8966 3 года назад +24

      Remarque tellement stupide ! La représentation nationale chantant l’hymne national à une bien plus grand portée. Réfléchissez ...

    • @remsaeybens
      @remsaeybens 3 года назад +48

      @@voyagevoyage8966 Je pense qu'il le sait. C'était surtout pour la blague.

    • @BloodzOriginal
      @BloodzOriginal 3 года назад +21

      Haha haut-parleur means a speaker as for listening music, not the man who talks

  • @willfeus5647
    @willfeus5647 4 года назад +13890

    *Napoleon Bonaparte himself marches in shortly after*

    • @OrechTV
      @OrechTV 4 года назад +97

      as always :D

    • @zarbi64
      @zarbi64 4 года назад +126

      La marseillaise took place way after Napoleon. It was le chant du depart at that time

    • @TurrisBlancus
      @TurrisBlancus 4 года назад +238

      Ironically, Napoleon had banned the Marsaillaise.

    • @mop_hair7848
      @mop_hair7848 4 года назад +17

      He just nukes Iraq

    • @thegoldenpyro
      @thegoldenpyro 4 года назад +34

      *SHORTLY* after

  • @TheMafrand
    @TheMafrand 5 лет назад +3939

    A very underrated historic moment in this century.

    • @br4054
      @br4054 4 года назад +45


    • @lohema7827
      @lohema7827 3 года назад +67

      @@br4054 yes

    • @vaggs75
      @vaggs75 3 года назад +49

      It was very intensely lived in France and Belgium. Being a foreigner there at the time, it felt like you were part of history at that moment.

    • @dearoll9899
      @dearoll9899 3 года назад +6

      @@vaggs75 Netherlands to

    • @akjdhajkdjhaghjkadh9804
      @akjdhajkdjhaghjkadh9804 3 года назад


  • @wereNeverToBeSeenAgain
    @wereNeverToBeSeenAgain 4 года назад +7050

    The only thing everybody seemed to miss is the fact that the congressman called for a minute of silence, yet they all broke the silence less than 10 seconds after... Beatiful anthem tho

    • @alexvonrom7942
      @alexvonrom7942 4 года назад +813

      I think it is more respectfull to sing the national anthem, those who died would have want soo

    • @ideasofadummy8855
      @ideasofadummy8855 4 года назад +304

      The french can’t do anything without breaking something or burning it

    • @peterg76yt
      @peterg76yt 4 года назад +508

      Because it was better than silence. That was the point.

    • @bluestingray8955
      @bluestingray8955 4 года назад +231

      Silence was replaced with something far greater

    • @jeffbiden4135
      @jeffbiden4135 4 года назад +36

      @@alexvonrom7942 Do you have a source to say that they would "want to". That just seems like your subjective opinion.

  • @huggniceman4975
    @huggniceman4975 3 года назад +885

    Beautiful. Room full of people that disagree, probably vehemently so on certain issues, coming together to sing the anthem of the nation that brought them all together.

    • @robertstaples3256
      @robertstaples3256 3 года назад +28

      I wish we had more moments like this in the states. This kind of nationalism, of virtuous patriotism, is what made those men and women set aside their differences to honor and respect their country and countrymen. And it was beautiful and inspiring.

    • @huggniceman4975
      @huggniceman4975 3 года назад +6

      @@robertstaples3256 Very well said, and so true. We need to get back to where we can have a discussion about our issues, otherwise none of them get fixed, we're just fighting with no purpose or solutions.

    • @woodonfire7406
      @woodonfire7406 3 года назад

      @@delzerui4975 there's a communist party in the French Government?

    • @TheFoxPlush
      @TheFoxPlush 3 года назад +1

      @Wind Rose indeed

    • @AngelOffTheDarkness
      @AngelOffTheDarkness 3 года назад +1

      @Wind Rose Of healthy fake democracy you wanted to say?

  • @petercampbell1287
    @petercampbell1287 4 года назад +13291

    Funny how this gets recommended as Americans are storming the capitol.

    • @makutas-v261
      @makutas-v261 4 года назад +236

      French revolution 2

    • @zbigla
      @zbigla 4 года назад +122

      @@makutas-v261 Wonky riot

    • @automatedimagination
      @automatedimagination 4 года назад +101

      Napolean wasn't singing when the capitol was stormed in 1814

    • @chrisvera8828
      @chrisvera8828 4 года назад +5

      I was thinking the same thing.

    • @redroses561
      @redroses561 4 года назад +2


  • @coolguypablo6935
    @coolguypablo6935 4 года назад +1831

    The youtube algorithm definitely knows what’s up. Welcome to 2021 my friends.

  • @eriksolfors
    @eriksolfors 4 года назад +3963

    The only national anthem that is way way better than a moment of silence

    • @roskcity
      @roskcity 4 года назад +7

      svenskt namn

    • @eriksolfors
      @eriksolfors 4 года назад +2

      @@roskcity jajamen

    • @ExhalatiBreat
      @ExhalatiBreat 4 года назад +7

      Well not enr
      Tirely true

    • @br4054
      @br4054 4 года назад +33


    • @Urmel331
      @Urmel331 3 года назад +28

      All verses of the deutschlandlied

  • @Ilersen
    @Ilersen 9 лет назад +5217

    This is so patriotic!

    • @AB-qz4vb
      @AB-qz4vb 7 лет назад +32

      Gabriel Miranda You don't know eritreans or somalis, sudan people etc. horrible! in western european countries

    • @granola661
      @granola661 7 лет назад +242

      Racism is horrible. But what is more horrible is islam

    • @tonischumacher2
      @tonischumacher2 7 лет назад +84

      This hymn as about fighting tyranny . Racism is obviously tyrany. Fuck racism.

    • @tonischumacher2
      @tonischumacher2 7 лет назад +23

      The ideology of those right wing barbarics is quiet similar to the ideology of islam.

    • @granola661
      @granola661 7 лет назад +62

      Toni Schumacher islam is also tyranny

  • @bazza2974
    @bazza2974 3 года назад +1874

    My cat listened to this. He’s still a cat but he’s wearing a beret, eating cheese and a baguette and criticising my cooking

    • @darthnerd4432
      @darthnerd4432 3 года назад +19

      Hon hon hon and a oui oui oui.

    • @yohan9641
      @yohan9641 3 года назад +8

      I'd love to like your comment, but a magic number is holding back my finger

    • @rapliberationarmy089
      @rapliberationarmy089 3 года назад +4

      C‘est Nestor

    • @ZaediusRA1000
      @ZaediusRA1000 3 года назад

      When I read "beret" I somehow thought you then were gonna say he'd be outfitted in lizard camo, smoking a cigarette and grumbling about needing to take back Tien Bien Phu.

    • @herrbundesprasident2821
      @herrbundesprasident2821 3 года назад +3

      @@rapliberationarmy089 Nein, das ist Felix.

  • @Blackwolf37100
    @Blackwolf37100 3 года назад +80

    As a french guy, dont think it was disrespectful, it wasnt at all it is even more respectful and im really glad they did that.

    • @caravaggio31
      @caravaggio31 2 года назад +1

      Who on this Earth could think , French or not, that this could be disrespectful? Nuts ..

    • @Freedmoon44
      @Freedmoon44 5 месяцев назад

      The only disrespect i feel in this scene is that all of them are politicians and well, we dont respect the people who screw us all and dip with the money.
      The act in itself however? All good

    • @AustrianPainter14
      @AustrianPainter14 4 месяца назад

      You don’t look French

    • @andmos1001
      @andmos1001 3 месяца назад

      The thing is that a lot of funerals do have the national anthem as its funeral song. So it’s not disrespectful in the slightest

  • @gremble590
    @gremble590 3 года назад +126

    The truly sad thing about watching this now is that I wouldnt remember which terrorist attack against France this was mourning, if it wasn’t for the news banner. There’s been way too many.

  • @curly8029
    @curly8029 3 года назад +84

    J’ai toujours des frissons quand j’entends cet hymne.
    (Je suis Québécois.)

  • @HUM4NR4T
    @HUM4NR4T 8 лет назад +935

    tears, vive la france

    • @ukrainiansniper5916
      @ukrainiansniper5916 4 года назад +11

      From the USA and Kyiv Ukraine, Vive le France, France had a Ukrainian Queen Anne of Kyiv....

    • @Junr-lc7no
      @Junr-lc7no 4 года назад +3

      I cried a little even though I'm not French. Wish our country could act like this...

    • @hugebeebop2955
      @hugebeebop2955 4 года назад +5

      @@Junr-lc7no sadly, this is really rare. Far left actually hate his own country, just like in America. France is no exception

    • @danorott
      @danorott 3 года назад

      @@hugebeebop2955 Far left doesn't have any significant following in France nor in the US.

    • @hugebeebop2955
      @hugebeebop2955 3 года назад +1

      @@danorott not in the power instances, but they have a huge power on the culture and education of the youth. I can observe my generation, and it's easy to notice it

  • @ricardobrands9736
    @ricardobrands9736 7 лет назад +956

    Respect from The Netherlands. It keeps inspiring to see the french has kept his identity stilll fresh from the revolution it started once. Respect!

    • @jwenting
      @jwenting 4 года назад +20

      yeah, I seriously doubt even half the Dutch parliament and cabinet know the Wilhelmus...
      But the EU themesong they can all sing along to of course, the traitors.

    • @Elliott2001
      @Elliott2001 4 года назад +4

      @@jwenting 17th of March those traitors will be removed.

    • @hr9106
      @hr9106 4 года назад +2

      @@Elliott2001 ik hoop het, maar denk het niet. Niet door de verkiezingen.

    • @lanza323
      @lanza323 4 года назад +1

      @@Elliott2001 why? Is there a movement of "dutchexit"?

    • @elio4444
      @elio4444 4 года назад +2

      @@jwenting yeah and then there is Germany....

  • @labaguette3740
    @labaguette3740 3 года назад +931

    French parliament : *Patriotic choral*
    American capitol : *ARMA 3*

  • @PrestonGarvey-j3g
    @PrestonGarvey-j3g 3 года назад +246

    "Lest water our fields with their blood"
    Pretty badass French Anthem

    • @AlternateTimelord
      @AlternateTimelord 3 года назад

      I C BAJ forsen1

    • @jetaddicted
      @jetaddicted 3 года назад +2

      Not “their” blood but that of the people, actually, this has to do with the origins of the anthem: a revolution of the people against the elites, it’s a way of saying that the people is ready to commit sacrifice for the sake of the community (feed the soil to fertilize it).

    • @goxokogoxoki6734
      @goxokogoxoki6734 8 месяцев назад

      More precisely: "Let an impure blood water our furrows". BTW: Nobles were supposed to be of pure blood, unlike the vast majority of the people who had to fight 8 countries right after the Revolution started - hence the reference to the 'impure' when speaking of the very French citizens going to war.

  • @AmyLou733
    @AmyLou733 3 года назад +84

    Le Marseillaise is one of the most powerful anthems. They were singing so somberly, and it sounds reverential. When its sung heartily, it sounds triumphant.

  • @bigfood2001
    @bigfood2001 3 года назад +167

    french anthem is beautiful (first time i hear it), got goosebumps. very symbolic and emotional moment.
    love from germany to our french friends 🤝🇫🇷

    • @nox8730
      @nox8730 3 года назад +8

      The french anthem is actually pretty special. It was never composed to be an anthem. But a war song. It bears a heavy History and symbolism. That is why one of the top song for supporters during World Cups is... the national anthem, which ehoes all throughout the stadium during games.

    • @nuvis1000
      @nuvis1000 3 года назад

      Germany is our model somewhere. France has so many respect for you ! we just don't understand why Germany always choose US for their defense and partnership.

    • @sanloreems2306
      @sanloreems2306 3 года назад

      Because us buy their cars

    • @etienneheinrich7958
      @etienneheinrich7958 3 года назад

      I‘ve done it 🤩 made the 69 everything achived in my life

    • @lilultime6555
      @lilultime6555 2 года назад


  • @smile673
    @smile673 3 года назад +63

    This gives me chills and I'm not French

  • @carlhicksjr8401
    @carlhicksjr8401 3 года назад +88

    That was really moving.
    Spontaneous, honest, restrained, respectful. A wonderful demonstration.

  • @momo-qj6zn
    @momo-qj6zn 4 года назад +297

    For me a french Guy the things that blow my mind it's that actually all our député are here in the same room that's just unbelievable XD

    • @-erebor-2361
      @-erebor-2361 3 года назад +23

      Oui d'habitude ils sont pas plus d'une dizaine et la ils sont full mdr

    • @user-fz3ip3ke8p
      @user-fz3ip3ke8p 3 года назад +4

      @@-erebor-2361 oui oui baguette

    • @-erebor-2361
      @-erebor-2361 3 года назад +28

      @@user-fz3ip3ke8p yeah yeah hamburger

    • @user-fz3ip3ke8p
      @user-fz3ip3ke8p 3 года назад +4

      @@-erebor-2361 based

    • @-erebor-2361
      @-erebor-2361 3 года назад +1

      @@user-fz3ip3ke8p ?

  • @lmaocetung
    @lmaocetung 3 года назад +52

    I was always amazed about french patriotism. Best wishes from Czechia!

  • @walterjoosten5750
    @walterjoosten5750 7 лет назад +813

    France is such a wonderful country. May it prosper and be kept safe. Vive la France !

    • @barendgaming2847
      @barendgaming2847 6 лет назад +6

      Walter Joosten lol no

    • @Theuselessguitarist
      @Theuselessguitarist 4 года назад +20

      Paul Goodier if you acually knew something about france you would know that they have more backbone than any other country in the world.

    • @tacticalgaming4765
      @tacticalgaming4765 4 года назад +28

      @@Theuselessguitarist They are the laughing stock of the world. A testament to what happens when you lose your own identity and bow to foreign elements and influence. France hasnt been France for a very long time.

    • @thefloppotron2093
      @thefloppotron2093 4 года назад +9

      @@tacticalgaming4765 you mean Islam?

    • @a.f9578
      @a.f9578 4 года назад +10

      @@tacticalgaming4765 Well they shouldn't have brought all the foreign "elements" to build their roads and buildings while stealing the resources from the same foreign countries .

  • @kacywatson6314
    @kacywatson6314 7 лет назад +450

    Shocked us in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 as well.
    France 🇫🇷 is like a brother to us.
    Like Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 France 🇫🇷 is brave

    • @roms4154
      @roms4154 6 лет назад +20

      thanks bro !! scotland and france forever brother !!!

    • @hdhdjhdhd2691
      @hdhdjhdhd2691 6 лет назад +9

      France brave?? FUNNY

    • @Strom1886
      @Strom1886 6 лет назад +63

      hdhdj hdhd France has the greatest military history, fucking dumbass go to school.

    • @trorisk
      @trorisk 6 лет назад +20

      thx. We don't forget our Auld Alliance :)
      @hdhdj: Read about La Légion étrangère and The Battle of Camarón. 63 french légionaires have stood up to 3000 Mexican soldiers for the covetheir they were responsible to arrive safely.
      And now compare it with "braves" US boys how drone civilans.

    • @mspadr6525
      @mspadr6525 5 лет назад +10

      Sorry Scotland.France is like a brother to us.France and Spain neighbors and brothers.

  • @kaysmith8992
    @kaysmith8992 3 года назад +13

    This is more touching than a minute's silence.

    @EPICFAILKING1 3 года назад +23

    From an Englishman.. Vive La France!

    • @roigrisouille1625
      @roigrisouille1625 3 года назад +4

      De la part d'un Français... Long live Great Britain!

  • @sevenaries
    @sevenaries 3 года назад +123

    Legend says Napoleon himself was resurrected in the centre

    • @Diegomax22
      @Diegomax22 3 года назад +3

      L'Empereur est immortel.

    • @giens1319
      @giens1319 3 года назад


    • @anti-loganpaul7827
      @anti-loganpaul7827 3 года назад +2

      Funny you say that, Napoleon actually banned La Marseilles because he thought of it as a reminder of the terror of the French Revolution but okay.

    • @Chorophilax
      @Chorophilax 3 года назад

      @@anti-loganpaul7827 He didn't say he was resurrected for good

    • @anti-loganpaul7827
      @anti-loganpaul7827 3 года назад +1

      @@Chorophilax What?

  • @colinmcdonald8521
    @colinmcdonald8521 6 лет назад +178

    Vive la France, et vive notre Europe!

  • @tufanerdogaan
    @tufanerdogaan 9 лет назад +534

    very powerful, your pain is our pain France love from Turkey

    • @redeye751
      @redeye751 8 лет назад +3

      ismini değiştir istersen Erdoğani pek sevmezler.

    • @oneproblemcanttrustanyone.9489
      @oneproblemcanttrustanyone.9489 7 лет назад +63

      gta 5 one day france will return as a christian country and we kick terrorist islam out and kick every secular bastard
      The roots of france is christianity

    • @s.r.7477
      @s.r.7477 7 лет назад +2

      BOXING BOXING wow, christianity

    • @azelok8324
      @azelok8324 6 лет назад

      Tufan Öcal thanks

    • @samjunger8824
      @samjunger8824 6 лет назад +1

      Red Eye turk

    @POLITICUS-DANICUS 3 года назад +40

    It gives dept, when you know that the french anthem is basicly a death threat to its enemies.

    • @nox8730
      @nox8730 3 года назад +4

      Our Anthem is a war anthem created when the coalized Europe attacked our newly proclaimed republic. This is more a song about war, sacrifice, solidarity, patriotism and, about fighting those who betray the people (nobility amongst them). By the way, they won.

    • @hoodatdondar2664
      @hoodatdondar2664 2 месяца назад

      @@nox8730 against that. But not against the enemy within.
      Still, he was beaten too, in the end.

    • @hoodatdondar2664
      @hoodatdondar2664 2 месяца назад

      And a good thing too.
      Here is an idea. Don’t attack the French Republic, and it won’t apply to you.

  • @generalmartok5909
    @generalmartok5909 4 года назад +54

    Now that is patriotism

  • @theodorej.burkhardt8844
    @theodorej.burkhardt8844 3 года назад +44

    The way you can tell that they sing it in a not patriotic way, but a more solum tone was touching.

  • @thekasa02
    @thekasa02 4 года назад +1370

    This is the kind of nationalism we need more of!

    • @libertycowboy2495
      @libertycowboy2495 4 года назад +4

      @@niklas5923 just semantics

    • @ukrainiansniper5916
      @ukrainiansniper5916 4 года назад +165

      Amen brother.....since when did Patriotism and Nationalism become "evil" words?

    • @truck6859
      @truck6859 4 года назад +1

      That's the truth!

    • @lautoka63
      @lautoka63 4 года назад +21

      @Gulf Relay I take your point, but bear in mind that you are listening to the singing of a more than 200 year old anthem (the product of its times) by a democratically-elected group of representatives. Perhaps your 1933 parallel is not so parallel.

    • @m.k.v.g.7203
      @m.k.v.g.7203 4 года назад +20

      @Gulf Relay Stupidity never fails. How dare you accuse one of the greatest democracies on earth of harbouring midevil sentiments like revenge? Vive la France.

  • @vadevade1524
    @vadevade1524 3 года назад +8

    Un de ces rares moments où nos parlementaires représentent le peuple et servent la Nation...

  • @Nick-vn3kg
    @Nick-vn3kg 4 года назад +26

    Love from the US. We will always stand by you, you fought for our freedom alongside us all those years ago. We haven't forgotten.

    • @gauthierloustaunau5396
      @gauthierloustaunau5396 4 года назад +5

      Neither do we have.
      We stand with you, in this difficult times.

    • @nox8730
      @nox8730 3 года назад

      The past is the past. I would argue that you don't owe us anything, nor do we owe you anything. Best terms ever.

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 2 года назад +1

      oh dear! read some history. the French fought as a cynical way to get revenge on the British because we had crushed them in Canada and India. however the stupid French bankrupted themselves in so doing which led in the end to the evil French revolution where thousands of innocents were murdered. - out of interest; after American independence the US actually decided to trade with Britain rather than France.

  • @haroldfarthington7492
    @haroldfarthington7492 4 года назад +77

    Respects from Louisiana

    • @tripleastacz372
      @tripleastacz372 4 года назад +2

      You mean the US? Louisiana is not a country

    • @thylaggyone4513
      @thylaggyone4513 4 года назад +11

      Its a state so its fine

    • @tripleastacz372
      @tripleastacz372 4 года назад +2

      @@thylaggyone4513 Wtf? Its not a separate country you liberals always wanting to succeed from the union smh

    • @haroldfarthington7492
      @haroldfarthington7492 4 года назад +4

      @@tripleastacz372 I never meant to say that. Hell, I never even implied it. So what the hell are you going on about?

    • @haroldfarthington7492
      @haroldfarthington7492 4 года назад +9

      @@tripleastacz372 Respects from the US. I say Louisiana because how important France is to the history of Louisiana. Also stop going around calling people liberal, it’s cringe.

  • @alexeicampos3696
    @alexeicampos3696 4 года назад +78

    The youtube algorithm is extremely wise.

  • @PoissonVisageStudios
    @PoissonVisageStudios 6 лет назад +25

    It's not often mankind gets a moment they should be well and truly proud of, but this is absolutely beautiful.

  • @WillemTheUnsilent
    @WillemTheUnsilent 4 года назад +13

    Support you France 🇫🇷 freedom forever

  • @danyaradimacher6581
    @danyaradimacher6581 8 лет назад +138

    Vive la liberté!! xx

  • @juliusrdeguzman
    @juliusrdeguzman 3 года назад +7

    Patriotism at it’s finest. 🇫🇷

  • @nieljansegers9211
    @nieljansegers9211 3 года назад +6

    God bless the man who started singing the national anthem.

  • @historyprofessor1985
    @historyprofessor1985 3 года назад +52

    As an American, I am proud to be able to sing the first two stanzas of La Marseillaise en francais!

    • @Gigibess
      @Gigibess 3 года назад +1

      Oh wouahw bravo, it is very complicated to sing with that melody for the French but then for foreigners I guess not even, you're right to be proud 😊😊

    • @nox8730
      @nox8730 3 года назад


    • @historyprofessor1985
      @historyprofessor1985 3 года назад

      @Waldeinsamkeit , My pleasure mon frere and likewise!!

  • @carltrotter7622
    @carltrotter7622 3 года назад +62

    Upon hearing this in the UK, my hand shook so much that my tea spilled all over my trousers.
    The French are Coming.

    • @themissakura599
      @themissakura599 3 года назад +2

      "Not for you this time" X)

    • @ddandymann
      @ddandymann 3 года назад +1

      I wouldn't worry mate, if their track record is anything to go by they won't be able to cross the channel. The only 'French' people to manage that were actually Vikings pretending to be French.

  • @benascot4023
    @benascot4023 9 лет назад +51

    just wonderful

    • @topshotta4258
      @topshotta4258 7 лет назад +1

      ben ascot the anthem fits the situation so well

  • @fatherofdragons4880
    @fatherofdragons4880 3 года назад +2

    Why am I only hearing this for the first time today? Beautiful!

  • @Whipko
    @Whipko 4 года назад +88

    From where I come from our parliament once spontaneously broke into a drunk brawl.

  • @Bruce-1956
    @Bruce-1956 4 года назад +62

    Came back from champagne tasting in Reims yesterday, France is a wonderful country. Unfortunatly see more and more American influence.

    • @georgeskanderbeg3242
      @georgeskanderbeg3242 4 года назад +6

      American influence? In what way

    • @johnrobinson4445
      @johnrobinson4445 4 года назад +7

      @@georgeskanderbeg3242 You mean that rotten thing, democracy? lol

    • @Delft_07
      @Delft_07 4 года назад +9

      @@johnrobinson4445 I think he means culture not government

    • @NPJGlobal
      @NPJGlobal 4 года назад +13

      @@johnrobinson4445 contrary to 30 years ago most youths in France can now speak english, so they to tend to consume more american media, hollywood films , american music etc..and the mindsets change with it. so I think what he meant is that he missed losing a bit of that french uniqueness to american global influence when he was on holidays in France

    • @tortillawrapper5454
      @tortillawrapper5454 4 года назад +2

      @@NPJGlobal rubbish amerikaaa

  • @wimpwampwomp
    @wimpwampwomp 3 года назад +26

    Some guy: *sings *
    Practically everyone: haha lookit dis dood
    Claude Bartolone: *sings *
    _You have unlocked the French Parliament Choir_

  • @Yoshikage-Bowie
    @Yoshikage-Bowie 3 года назад +18

    This is even better when you know that they actually all hate each other here

  • @hansley7929
    @hansley7929 3 года назад +23

    Apart from all the memes, does no one else realise how beautiful and patriotic that was, it was so much nicer than a minute of silence and especially those who understand what the lyrics say know what im talking about

  • @dannyashton6234
    @dannyashton6234 3 года назад +2

    That is so much more moving and inspiring than a minute silence.

  • @ludwigvanbeethoven5980
    @ludwigvanbeethoven5980 3 года назад +9

    I really like how they unite , so patriotic

  • @ghost-ez2zn
    @ghost-ez2zn 3 года назад +17

    Why does this song always hit me in the feels? I'm not even French.

    • @thearousedeunuch
      @thearousedeunuch 3 года назад +2

      Because it's their anthem. It's meant to motivate people to fight for their country.

  • @user-sj9tu7om8o
    @user-sj9tu7om8o 3 года назад +12

    This is so patriotic, my scone just morphed into a croissant

  • @solidwallsofsound950
    @solidwallsofsound950 3 года назад +6

    Beautiful. Long live the people of Europe!

  • @kevinpeng4059
    @kevinpeng4059 3 года назад +202

    The best part is they don’t applaud themselves for being so patriotic and clever at the end. Not like America.

    • @scuffmacgillicutty7509
      @scuffmacgillicutty7509 3 года назад +8

      Very under rated comment.
      (I think we both know why.)

    • @TechoNeko
      @TechoNeko 3 года назад +1

      I agree

    • @thomateish
      @thomateish 3 года назад +5

      Yes because it was sung for a good reason. Very noble indeed

    • @avocadosareweird5172
      @avocadosareweird5172 3 года назад +9

      I've only seen applaud after an Anthem in the US and it's so weird to me honestly.

    • @TrueFlameslinger
      @TrueFlameslinger 3 года назад +1

      @@avocadosareweird5172 I'm not sure why we do. Personally, I think it's a respect thing, applauding the singer and the anthem.

  • @gordonelliott1506
    @gordonelliott1506 3 года назад +5

    We stand united 🇫🇷🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  • @voxdox9219
    @voxdox9219 5 лет назад +8

    March on to greatness, respect and condolences from the USA

  • @invictus88
    @invictus88 3 года назад +10

    France has the best anthem

  • @mikjon67
    @mikjon67 3 года назад +7

    I find more strength in a National Anthem and not one minute of silence.... 🇬🇧🇫🇷

    • @zefyrisd69
      @zefyrisd69 3 года назад +1

      they did both, video was just cut

  • @szabesz6710
    @szabesz6710 3 года назад +40

    What a beautiful moment this was. Glory to France from Hungary!

    • @roigrisouille1625
      @roigrisouille1625 3 года назад

      Thank you. Glory to Hungary from France too! :)

    • @antoine4035
      @antoine4035 3 года назад

      @@roigrisouille1625 nn là c'est gênant.. 😅

  • @russellcrawley2110
    @russellcrawley2110 3 года назад +8

    God bless the great people of France.

  • @CatsEyethePsycho
    @CatsEyethePsycho 3 года назад +31

    I love the French anthem so much.

  • @БожеШвецюхрани
    @БожеШвецюхрани 4 года назад +5

    I nearly cry...

  • @Grant62
    @Grant62 3 года назад +2

    This is oddly wholesome , but also eerie at the same time.

  • @bunsenn5064
    @bunsenn5064 3 года назад +4

    “Une minute de silence”
    One absolute legend in the French parliament: *non, ne fait pas.*

    • @zefyrisd69
      @zefyrisd69 3 года назад

      the video cut the minute of silence since there was nothing to show. they DID respect it, and started to sing after it ended.

  • @jakeykrause4039
    @jakeykrause4039 3 года назад +3

    Every government should be this respectful

  • @Walrus_Stas
    @Walrus_Stas 3 года назад +14

    Прекрасные люди в плане своего патриотизма к стране.
    Представляете, чтобы Госдума РФ так сделала?
    Вот и я не представляю...

  • @maxlin200
    @maxlin200 4 года назад +26

    Respect from Russia.

  • @randomstuff8149
    @randomstuff8149 3 года назад +41

    France when people talk about them surrendering once when they've won more battles than any other nation

    • @jean-luchochart6960
      @jean-luchochart6960 3 года назад +4

      Random Stuff.Merci beaucoup!De tout notre cœur!
      Vous nous rendez justice.
      Parfois,les anglo-saxons oublient que la France était la seule grande puissance à posséder des frontières terrestres avec l'Allemagne en oubliant qu'il est plus facile de juger quand une mer ou un océan vous séparent de l'ennemi.
      Ils oublient qu'en 14/18 notre pays a perdu plus d'1 million 300000 hommes au combat.
      Ils oublient qu'en 1940,60000 allemands ont été tués pendant la campagne de France qui ne fut certes pas pour eux"une partie de plaisir!"
      Ils oublient de préciser que les officiers allemands craignaient et admiraient les soldats français.Merci encore!

    • @teutonic_crusader1175
      @teutonic_crusader1175 3 года назад +1

      Their great victories do not change the fact that the single most devastating loss of all time was the French campaign in 1940.

    • @jean-luchochart6960
      @jean-luchochart6960 3 года назад

      @@teutonic_crusader1175 Tu représentes parfaitement l'anglo-saxon bien stupide dont je parle plus haut en réponse à "Random Stuff!"
      Tu ne sais rien de cette campagne mais tu en parles comme si tu l'avais vécue alors que tu ignores tout de celle-ci.
      Je ne vais pas te demander de réfléchir ça te prendrait trop de temps et ça userait tes trois derniers neurones.Pour ma part je ne vais même plus te répondre tu n'es pas assez intelligent pour ça!

    • @FitzRurisk
      @FitzRurisk 3 года назад +6

      ​@@teutonic_crusader1175 Well, there are two ways of seeing this fact :
      The first one being that France was weak and ill prepared for WWII
      The second one being that France spent the whole 30s to develop a completely pacific politics, creating mandatory holidays (15 days, still higher than the average US worker in 2021) for all French workers, social aids, lowered the working hours to 40h/week (all of this, a western world first) ... Basically, took care of its own people without wanted to cause any trouble abroad.
      So, what/who's to blame ? Should France had not done all of this but built a huge army with aggressive behaviours instead ?
      Truly speaking, the 1940 defeat if nothing proves France was one of the few country in Europe that had the right values and politics. If more countries had done the same, the world would have been a better place to live today.

    • @cptn_n3m012
      @cptn_n3m012 3 года назад +1

      @@jean-luchochart6960 la défaite française de 1940 et surtout les années de soumission qui ont suivies sont une 0art honteuse de notre histoire. Cela n'efface en rien les autres victoires glorieuses. Mais c'est un fait.

  • @theperfectstorm7077
    @theperfectstorm7077 3 года назад +6

    Feel envious of the passion our french neighbours put in singing their anthem 💯

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 2 года назад +2

      Spain is 1,000,000 better than France

    • @theperfectstorm7077
      @theperfectstorm7077 2 года назад

      @@marcokite Agree with that, my friend ♥️🏆

    • @mortenmoicmoigladys1236
      @mortenmoicmoigladys1236 2 года назад +1

      ​@@marcokite I don't think so 🗼🗼🗼🗼🗼🗼

  • @estebanod
    @estebanod 3 года назад +3

    This is beautiful.

  • @trainguy8466
    @trainguy8466 4 года назад +9

    Wonderful! From Switzerland

  • @ZATennisFan
    @ZATennisFan 3 года назад +3

    This is one of the most powerful things I have ever seen....

  • @Collector123k
    @Collector123k 3 года назад +9

    0:43 left corner : Jason Statham 2.0

  • @RoachChaddjr
    @RoachChaddjr 4 года назад +16

    We need more together bringing like this

  • @mystrious8118
    @mystrious8118 3 года назад +18

    RUclips: hmmmm, yes, would you like to watch this six year old video that you can’t even understand

  • @tomphoenix8697
    @tomphoenix8697 3 года назад +7

    Vive la France! Et vive les Françaises! - un ami allemand

  • @ajsparks87
    @ajsparks87 3 года назад +3

    Much love from the U.S.

  • @lilwater7358
    @lilwater7358 3 года назад +1

    Much better than a moment of silence.

  • @HideOnMada
    @HideOnMada 3 года назад +1

    Imagine how proud the guy that started to sing the song

  • @j.d.peppmeier9041
    @j.d.peppmeier9041 3 года назад +4

    The French could teach us something about patriotism and love of country. Cannot imagine our Congress breaking into our national anthem !!

    • @adrian1622
      @adrian1622 3 года назад

      what is stoping you from electing patrootic congressmen

    • @yusurkassem4174
      @yusurkassem4174 3 года назад

      Just because they sing the national anthem does not mean they care about the country lmao why is everyone making this a big deal

  • @monbrard4515
    @monbrard4515 3 года назад +4

    Fier de mon pays 🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵

  • @dilitor
    @dilitor 3 года назад +1

    Bravo ! Vive la France ! And all the best from Australia !

  • @logosofgame4273
    @logosofgame4273 3 года назад +2

    Anyone else getting this recommended to them 6 years later?

    • @Alex-lw9xj
      @Alex-lw9xj 3 года назад

      Youtoube 🤷‍♂️

  • @GingerJoberton
    @GingerJoberton 4 года назад +3

    Beautiful and very moving, in the face of adversity - it doesn't matter if you believe in nations, kingdoms, good or bad - this was very uplifting.

  • @riverwolf654
    @riverwolf654 3 года назад +3

    Love this from Ireland

  • @arefrigerator8163
    @arefrigerator8163 4 года назад +3

    Respect from Missouri

  • @Mikeb1001
    @Mikeb1001 3 года назад +2

    It's a stunning tribute to be fair. Sombre, but resilient at the same time

  • @williamhosp701
    @williamhosp701 4 года назад +2

    The spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings-Wordsworth

  • @Quinonez15
    @Quinonez15 4 года назад +20

    We need a patriotism like this in Spain... And lyrics in the anthem too...

    • @volaverunt1317
      @volaverunt1317 3 года назад

      Ya tenemos letra en el himno: "Soldados, la patria nos llama a la lid. Juremos por ella vencer o morir..."

    • @Quinonez15
      @Quinonez15 3 года назад

      @@volaverunt1317 sabes que no lol

  • @johnflo-grif2639
    @johnflo-grif2639 4 года назад +4

    Too bad and yet so good that such terrible events bring a nation together. Vive La France!

  • @AAAAAAA66879
    @AAAAAAA66879 3 года назад +35

    For those who think that this was “Breaking” the minute of silence. First of all by the time the anthem started there were maybe only seconds left of silence as the minute is never a full minute. Second the person who started it is actually doing something in line with what happens in military ceremonies were the minute of silence or the specific tune played for the dead in the French army is always ended by the national anthem (maybe as a note of hope, looking at the future).

  • @charlestaylor6085
    @charlestaylor6085 2 года назад +1

    Every time I watch this my heart beats faster.

    • @likekai
      @likekai Год назад

      True. Watched it a couple of times now and it's still great. The meaning of the text fits perfectly in the context

  • @me262omlett
    @me262omlett 3 года назад +3

    That not quite the minute of silence, but beautiful anyway.

  • @bernardonunes4415
    @bernardonunes4415 3 года назад +3

    Amazing. Love from 🇵🇹❤️