Pukkharavara Sutra

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • The Pratikraman procedure includes the recitation of many Sutras. The Sutras are written in Ardha-Māgadhi (the common language during Bhagawān Mahāvir’s time) and Sanskrit languages. These Sutras consist of many hymns in praise of the Tirthankaras and many verses of repentance and confession.
    This video shares the meaning of the Pukkharavara sutra ( 23rd sutra) of Jainism which is recited during the Pratikraman. The sutra also highlights the importance of knowledge.
    Pukkhara-Vara-Divaddhe Sutra
    pukkhara-vara-diva-ddhe, dhäyai-sande a jambu-dive a;
    bharaheravaya-videhe, dhammäi-gare namamsämi. 1
    tama-timira-padala-viddham-sanassa, sura-gana-narindamahiassa;
    simädharassa vande, papphodia-moha-jälassa. 2
    jäi-jarä-marana-soga-panäsanassa, kalläna-pukkha-lavisälasuhä-
    vahassa; ko deva-dänava-narinda-gana-chchiassa,
    dhammassa sära muva labbha kare pamäyam? 3
    siddhe bho! payao namo jina-mae, nandi sayä sanjame, devam
    näga-suvanna-kinnara-gana-ssabbhua-bhävachchie, logo jattha
    paitthio jagaminam telukka-machchäsuram, dhammo vaddhau
    säsao vijayao, dhammuttram vaddhau. 4
    २३. पुक्खर-वर-दीवड्ढे सूत्र-(हिंदी)
    पुक्खर-वर-दीवड्ढे, धायइ-संडे अ जंबु-दीवे अ.
    भरहेरवय-विदेहे, धम्माइ-गरे नमंसामि……………………………………………………………………. .1.
    तम-तिमिर-पडल-विद्धं-सणस्स सुर-गण-नरिंद-महिअस्स.
    सीमा-धरस्स वंदे, पप्फोडिअ-मोह जालस्स……………………………………………………………….. .2.
    को देव-दाणव-नरिंद-गण-च्चिअस्स,
    धम्मस्स सार-मुवलब्भ करे पमायं?……………………………………………………………………….. .3.
    सिद्धे भो! पयओ नमो जिण-मए नंदी सया संजमे,
    लोगो जत्थ पइट्ठिओ जगमिणं तेलुक्क-मच्चासुरं,
    धम्मो वड्ढउ सासओ विजयओ धम्मुत्तरं वड्ढउ…………………………………………………………. .4.
    I bow down to those peaceful liberators who have established the
    sacred doctrine in 5 Bhärata, 5 Airävata, and 5 Mahävideha
    continents (Kshetras) located in two and half islands made up by
    Jambudvipa, Dhatakikhanda and half of Pushkaradvipa. 1
    I worship the sacred doctrine, which is destroyer of the veil of
    darkness of ignorance, which is adored by celestial beings and
    kings, which contains the rules of conduct, and which tears apart
    the net of delusion. 2
    That which ends the sorrows of birth, old age, and death and that
    which brings the full and ample bliss of final release, worshiped by
    gods, demons and kings, how can, one who understands its
    essence, ever become careless? 3
    Oh people! Pay reverently salutations to the Holy Writ (shruta
    dharma), of Lord Tirthankara, which is proven to be the most
    superior doctrine, most beneficial in the path of right conduct, is
    faithfully worshiped by empyrean gods (vaimänik deva), mansion
    dwelling gods (bhavana pati deva), luminous gods (jyotishika
    deva) and forest gods (vyantara deva). Let this sacred doctrine,
    which includes detailed description of all the six substances all the
    three worlds and the living beings in there, be triumphant. May it
    be victorious and may it prosper the dignity of the other tenets like
    lesser and major vows. 4.
    Utility: This sutra depicts the prayer praising Tirthankars residing in Addhi dvip and true Knowledge.
    Object: This is a hymn in praise of Jaina doctrine, which drives
    away the darkness of ignorance.

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