Cas nej tsis tso video ntau ntau yaj li thaum li lawm na? Cas Thaiv Koos Loos Yaj, zoo koj e tsuas hais thiab xav txoj yuam noj ntau tas li xwb nawb yus na.
Me koos loos aw cas neb yuav lom2 zem ua luaj es yus twb tsis nco qab hlub yus niam tus uas yug yus es hnub no yus thiaj li muaj hnub no os me koos loos aw yog koj coj qhua es cas ho tsis cia koj tus poj niam saib yus niam tu yus niam ma koj niam es twb noj tsis taus es niam yuag2 tag siab nro es cas neb ho tsis nrhiav qaib tsaws tshuaj rau koj niam noj ib yam nkaus li neb noj qaib tsaws tshuaj thiab ma yus niam niam mob2 es yus niam niam tos2 yus li thaum koj me es koj niam tos2 saib ntsoov yus niam os me koos loos yus mas twb tsis nco qab nyuaj siab kiag li os pab hlub neb niam kawg li os ob tug
Brother, people pay you to be their tourist guide and pay you. Why did you start these videos by saying you took them? Sounds like you treat them but, they paid you. Say what is right
Koj niam twb tsis tau zoo es cas tsis hais kom Ulia nyob saib na es tseem raws koj tauj mus thiab? Koj tu nyab no mas yeej nyob tsis tau hauv tsev nrog tsev neeg, niam thiab txiv nyob ib zaub li os… pom raws koj mus ub mus no xwb. Koj plam koj tu niam loj niam tsev zoo mus lawm es ziag no ces los tau tu niam dev lawm xwb.
@hmoob1193 I would have to agree with you. Any man who is not whooped would have made his wife stay behind to tend to the MIL while he works. It doesn't take 2 of them to drive people around. But I'm sure you've seen people's comments about how insecurity is the issue bc history could repeat itself 😂😂.
Good job and sister❤❤❤❤
Ngob zoo os me niam hluas yuslias aw ntawm no kuv yog nkauj hmoob xeem lis ib yam li koj thiab os. Kuv yuav xav muab ib zaj dab neeg uas tu siab tshaj plaws uas yog kuv lub neej kiag rau txiv hluag koos loos pab muab piav rau nriaj teb hmloog es yuav muab li cas tuaj thiaj txog neb os. Kuv lub npe hu ua nkauj mim xeem lis ngob ngab laj teb thov koj pab kuv muab kj tus Fev rau kuv mog
Cas nej tsis tso video ntau ntau yaj li thaum li lawm na?
Cas Thaiv Koos Loos Yaj, zoo koj e tsuas hais thiab xav txoj yuam noj ntau tas li xwb nawb yus na.
koos loos mob ntshav qab zib zis qab zib puas muaj ntsuaj os
Me koos loos aw cas neb yuav lom2 zem ua luaj es yus twb tsis nco qab hlub yus niam tus uas yug yus es hnub no yus thiaj li muaj hnub no os me koos loos aw yog koj coj qhua es cas ho tsis cia koj tus poj niam saib yus niam tu yus niam ma koj niam es twb noj tsis taus es niam yuag2 tag siab nro es cas neb ho tsis nrhiav qaib tsaws tshuaj rau koj niam noj ib yam nkaus li neb noj qaib tsaws tshuaj thiab ma yus niam niam mob2 es yus niam niam tos2 yus li thaum koj me es koj niam tos2 saib ntsoov yus niam os me koos loos yus mas twb tsis nco qab nyuaj siab kiag li os pab hlub neb niam kawg li os ob tug
Yog kawg. Tes qhua no tsis Yog caij coj mus lawm na. Yus niam mob li mob es xyov yuav mus hnub no los tagkis li nas es tseem muaj muaj siab mus.
❤thib 1
Ua si lomzem kawg
Brother, people pay you to be their tourist guide and pay you. Why did you start these videos by saying you took them? Sounds like you treat them but, they paid you. Say what is right
Koj niam twb tsis tau zoo es cas tsis hais kom Ulia nyob saib na es tseem raws koj tauj mus thiab? Koj tu nyab no mas yeej nyob tsis tau hauv tsev nrog tsev neeg, niam thiab txiv nyob ib zaub li os… pom raws koj mus ub mus no xwb. Koj plam koj tu niam loj niam tsev zoo mus lawm es ziag no ces los tau tu niam dev lawm xwb.
It’s none of your business how they live their life. Ulia is a wonderful person.
@@maiyang7845 you don’t know her like I do.
@hmoob1139 Don't worry about me and my wife. This is our life. You do not have the right to decide how to live. You should consider your family better
@@koosloosfamilylive296 you know what I am saying is true and right. I feel bad for you.
@hmoob1193 I would have to agree with you. Any man who is not whooped would have made his wife stay behind to tend to the MIL while he works. It doesn't take 2 of them to drive people around. But I'm sure you've seen people's comments about how insecurity is the issue bc history could repeat itself 😂😂.