【Apple】My husband cheated on me while we were trying to do IVF. His girlfriend got pregnant and...!!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 46

  • @LoveOnTheInsidex3
    @LoveOnTheInsidex3 5 дней назад +29

    The mom saying she looks much prettier now that she lost weight was cringy to me.

  • @AlexRising_
    @AlexRising_ 5 дней назад +29

    5’4 135 is thin.

    • @absolutelyridiculous6743
      @absolutelyridiculous6743 5 дней назад +4

      😂 I was that weight at 26-30 at 5'2". Now, I'm about 107 lbs. You're right, I looked super skinny.

    • @garnetj69
      @garnetj69 3 дня назад

      You are so right. I looked it up to be sure, and it says 5'4 "at 135 is considered underweight. I can't imagine 95lbs it's so unhealthy to promote this body image. Many blessings to you and yours. ❤

  • @shaynellmesadieu
    @shaynellmesadieu 5 дней назад +34

    170lbs is not overweight depending the person's height

    • @briarvalley8309
      @briarvalley8309 5 дней назад +2

      Yeah that was weird

    • @littlewolf4387
      @littlewolf4387 5 дней назад +1

      Me iam 5,9

    • @scotchdeblanc
      @scotchdeblanc 5 дней назад +1

      I think they mixed up kg with lbs
      Because 170kg is absolutely overweight, obese even

  • @Darkest2Knight
    @Darkest2Knight 5 дней назад +32

    Anabolic steroids can cause irreversible damage to a woman's body. If Dave was feeding them to his wife without her consent, that meets the legal definition of "infliction of bodily harm" and he could be charged and thrown in prison for it. Depending on the dosage he was giving her, the woman could potentially have to live with unhealthy side effects like liver damage, acne, excessive hair growth, swelling of the downstairs, and a deeper voice.

  • @ThePirateprincess23
    @ThePirateprincess23 4 дня назад +7

    Dave is a jealous, abusive control freak. From trying to force OP to wear ugly clothes to giving his mistress steroids that can cause permanent damage, he should be locked up and have his parental rights taken from him.

  • @LoveOnTheInsidex3
    @LoveOnTheInsidex3 5 дней назад +19

    Also I wish I was around 170 pounds. That doesn’t sound overweight to me

    • @beckygilmore4798
      @beckygilmore4798 5 дней назад +5

      I'm 5'9 and that weight looks good on me, balanced out

  • @Aurielle80s90s
    @Aurielle80s90s 5 дней назад +4

    I’m sorry my anger issue would not work with the husband or the mom. I’d be incarcerated 😒

  • @cliffordboker3453
    @cliffordboker3453 4 дня назад +10

    I really enjoyed the story but would've loved to have her meet them both again just to show how much healthier and fitter she was as compared to before the divorce. And rub it in their faces lol

  • @angelforanimals7809
    @angelforanimals7809 4 дня назад +8

    This is hysterical…I am EXACTLY the same, 5’4” 135 and I am unhealthy as frick. Being chronically ill, I need to be between 160 and 170 to FEEL healthy. I’m too thin and feel like crap at this weight. Frick those idiots!

    • @garnetj69
      @garnetj69 3 дня назад +1

      Yeah, I was so confused by the height weight ratio; I had to look it up 135 lbs at 5" 4' is considered underweight. It's so sad how society perceives beauty. 😅. Many blessings to you, my beautiful fellow human being. ❤

    • @angelforanimals7809
      @angelforanimals7809 3 дня назад +2

      @ ~ Society has an unrealistic idea of what beauty is, thanks to Hollywood. Size problems, from what I’ve read, started with Faye Dunaway. Faye git upset with EVERYONE when she gained weight, so her stylists bought bigger sizes of clothing, but switched the size tags to keep her happy. My favorite outrageous Hollywood stupidity is size 0

    • @garnetj69
      @garnetj69 3 дня назад +1

      @angelforanimals7809 ♥️♥️♥️

    • @tanithschneider3051
      @tanithschneider3051 21 час назад

      @@angelforanimals7809the size zero irritates me too.

  • @Native-Kitty
    @Native-Kitty 5 дней назад +4

    I really enjoyed the Charlotte VA in this story ❤❤

  • @marymulrooney1334
    @marymulrooney1334 2 дня назад

    Ya,....my ex used to complain about anything I wore to work, home etc, including makeup and getting perms. I only wore Mascara. "Who are you dressing up for?" So eventually after being both physically and mentally abused I started dressing frumpy, and no mascara, and just let my hair grow, trying to keep from confrontations. Yet he complained about how I looked, I never took care of myself, and my hair looked like Morticia. I was damned if I did and damned if I didn't.
    Then he wondered why I wasn't overly receptive to his advances. I won't even go into how he acted when I started gaining weight.
    Been 40 years since the divorce. I never remarried.

  • @ladylunaginaofgames40
    @ladylunaginaofgames40 4 дня назад +1

    Aftermath: The Mistress learns about OP's recovery and how the ex husband made her ugly on purpose. Realizing that he wasn't worth the trouble, she demanded a divorce and provided evidence of abuse and got a lot of money. She ditched the twins and disappeared into thin air.
    Meanwhile the ex struggled to raise twin babies as a single father and denied hot girls. Nobody will go out with him cus he's a pervert whose also envious and abusive, much to his dismay. He grown to hate children and is begging his first ex everyday to come back. He eventually went into debt, and soon disappeared after dumping the twins at the orphanage

  • @sakilynn
    @sakilynn 5 дней назад +6

    If someone doesn't like what their partner is wearing, and the outfit isn't even close to inappropriate, like a skirt above the knee to mid-thigh, they're insecure. The correct mindset should be, "OMG, you're stunning, and I'm grateful you chose me."

  • @marcm8406
    @marcm8406 4 дня назад +1

    I'd say Dave is a jerk, but that would be an insult to other jerks. Smh

  • @tovelokiwifeodindottir9936
    @tovelokiwifeodindottir9936 2 дня назад

    Wow, you LITERALLY just wrote my 2nd relationship down to the name, his exact personality. Except he refused to let me go. And we have a son together.

  • @marymulrooney1334
    @marymulrooney1334 День назад

    Best by dates do not always mean anything. Heck even if my milk is not expired, I still test it before I use it.

  • @marymulrooney1334
    @marymulrooney1334 День назад +1

    This talking about eating thing is making me hungry, I'm going to go get some chips and cola. Buuuurp.

  • @marymulrooney1334
    @marymulrooney1334 День назад

    After 5 years, I hope the mistress had the baby. Sheesh.

  • @66DoodleGal
    @66DoodleGal 5 дней назад +4

    I’d love to be 170 pounds

    • @paulwarner5674
      @paulwarner5674 5 дней назад

      see Dr.kenberryMD.
      I've lost 23lb in 6 weeks

  • @margaretsnewtoylynnparks5336
    @margaretsnewtoylynnparks5336 3 дня назад +1

    Mean nasty people!!!!!

  • @marymulrooney1334
    @marymulrooney1334 День назад

    They didn't mention the connection, but I wonder if her ex was feeding her steroids also and that is why she gained weight and couldn't get pregnant. But then, the fertility doctors would see that when they drew blood for tests.

  • @66DoodleGal
    @66DoodleGal 5 дней назад +1

    29:17 Did she discover immortality

    • @BIGBLOCK5022006
      @BIGBLOCK5022006 5 дней назад +3

      Or is she going to try and pull an Elizabeth Bathory?

    • @Starbean89
      @Starbean89 4 дня назад +1

      She maybe just drains the life out of whomever is unfortunate enough to fall for her

  • @amberleeannalee1999
    @amberleeannalee1999 День назад

    Women with curves are beautiful and anyone calling anyone fat must be in middle school because it’s so childish. If a man tells u to cover up should be dumped immediately he’s controlling and abusive

  • @tricorvus2673
    @tricorvus2673 3 дня назад

    Gem the adulteress will gain much weight in her pregnancy 🤰 does she not know that

  • @shannonsmith4174
    @shannonsmith4174 4 дня назад +1