Wish I had seen this video before our newly adopted cat developed this condition nearly 6 years ago. Vet said our cat was probably 12 hours from dying. Vet said it was due to stress and I realised the huge changes in cats life had caused this. He was 11 at the time ...he'd lost his home because my mother had to go into a care home; he spent 3 months in a cattery, eventually we decided to adopt him and took him to our house 165 miles away. A very different house to the one he was He hid on a chair under the table for 2 weeks and would only eat if we left the room. Two months later he developed a 2nd bout This time I recognised the symptoms and he was at the vets double quick. Apart from medication I was advised to put him on Cystophan for rest of his life and give him plenty of water with food. He has not had another episode since. He is now nearing 17.
Rub Organic raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with "the Mother" on their fur (cat's sides) or the top of their paws. They will lick it off. Use two tablespoons a day for a few days rubbing it on each side of their fur or paws until you see them have relief. Remember to shake the bottle first. Organic apple cider vinegar will start to go into immediate action for the cat to get relief from the blockage. It saved my cat that was pissing blood and then could not pee while squatting all the time. Also, it helps get rid of UTI bacteria; Walmart sells it. Additionally, "Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth" gets rid of UTI's over time sold on Amazon. Completely safe for cats with no limitations of consumption and has no salt in it. Cat's tolerate it because it has almost no taste. Just be careful not to breath it in by getting it dusted up in the air. Make sure to only use "Food Grade."Use at least about 1/4 teaspoon per small can wet catfood. If you use clay litter make sure you use the unscented. Scented can irritate their pee track with synthetic chemicals leading to inflammation and UTI blockages. Keep in mind that it is important to ensure cats, when feeling normal, get enough water to keep their system flowing. Try putting some added bit of water in their wet food. Avoid salty meats if they are having this problem. Also, buy "cranimals" from amazon. It is a cranberry extract that helps the kidneys and gets rid of UTI problems. Put it in the wet cat food or rub on them mixed with water. www.walmart.com/ip/Bragg-Organic-Raw-Unfiltered-Apple-Cider-Vinegar-with-Mother-32-Fl-Oz/32590745 www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00025H2PY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FVWT9FE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Very informative video. I never had heard of feline URIs until my cat started yowling and could not urinate. The vet put her on a round of antibiotics and valium for the bladder spasms. She refuses to eat moist food so I bought her dry urinary balanced food. I hope it will be enough to ward off anymore episodes. At $500 to get her to a vet, I cannot afford anymore medical care for her.
Me too, my poor boy stopped peeing a few days ago and spent the night in the vets on IV fluid and had a urinary catheter in. He has cystitis and crystals in his urine. Breaks my heart
You don’t measure the life especially of a loved one by how much ,especially when you as the owner don’t need amazing special skills , but ordinary watchfulness. So? We all learned something from this and let’s parlay this into a healthy Katz
Thank you! Emergency vet did not mention most of this. I think I am going to keep my kitty separated when I am gone. My boy kitty is probably bullying her.
helpful and informative. thank you for posting a straightforward video that is easy to understand and without any distracting music. i hope every one looking here finds the help they need for their kitties. thank you. =^^=
Summary: Feline idiopathic cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) is diagnosed when there is no identifiable cause, like a urinary tract infections (UTIs), bladder stones, or bladder crystals. Most “flare-ups” last 5-10 days and usual help given is to increase fluid intake, decrease stress (eg play more). As the cat becomes a senior, it often has less flare-ups.
Rub Organic raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with "the Mother" on their fur (cat's sides) or the top of their paws. They will lick it off. Use one to two tablespoons a day for a few days rubbing it on each side of their fur or paws until you see them have relief. Remember to shake the bottle first. Organic apple cider vinegar will start to go into immediate action for the cat to get relief from the blockage. It saved my cat that was pissing blood and then could not pee while squatting all the time. Also, it helps get rid of UTI bacteria; Walmart sells it. Additionally, "Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth" helps get rid of UTI's over time sold on Amazon. It is a "diuretic" thus helps people and animals urinate 30% more to empty the bladder . Completely safe for cats with no limitations of consumption and has no salt in it. Cat's tolerate it because it has almost no taste. Just be careful not to breath it in by getting it dusted up in the air. Make sure to only use "Food Grade."Use at least about 1/4 teaspoon per small can wet catfood. If you use clay litter make sure you use the unscented. Scented can irritate their pee track with synthetic chemicals leading to inflammation and UTI blockages. Keep in mind that it is important to ensure cats, when feeling normal, get enough water to keep their system flowing. Try putting some added bit of water in their wet food. Avoid salty meats if they are having this problem. Also, buy "cranimals" from amazon. It is a cranberry extract that helps the kidneys and gets rid of UTI problems. Put 1/4 teaspoon in two small cans of wet cat food or equivalent to that with one big can. Any amount more than that I have noticed they will not eat it. www.walmart.com/ip/Bragg-Organic-Raw-Unfiltered-Apple-Cider-Vinegar-with-Mother-32-Fl-Oz/32590745 www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00025H2PY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 www.amazon.com/Cranimals-Original-Organic-Supplement-Dogs/dp/B003UDRWD2/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=cranimals+organic&qid=1619223299&s=pet-supplies&sr=1-2
Rub Organic raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with "the Mother" on their fur (cat's sides) or the top of their paws. They will lick it off. Use one to two tablespoons a day for a few days rubbing it on each side of their fur or paws until you see them have relief. Remember to shake the bottle first. Organic apple cider vinegar will start to go into immediate action for the cat to get relief and clear the blockage. It saved my cat that was pissing blood and then could not pee while squatting all the time. Also, it helps get rid of UTI bacteria; Walmart sells it. Also, buy "cranimals" from amazon. It is a cranberry extract that helps the kidneys and gets rid of UTI problems. Put 1/4 teaspoon in two small cans of wet cat food or equivalent to that with one big can. You can also wash out an old salt and pepper shaker to sprinkle a decent amount in their food. Any amount more than that I have noticed they will not eat it. Keep in mind that it is important to ensure cats, when feeling normal, get enough water to keep their system flowing. Try putting some added bit of water in their wet food. Avoid salty meats if they are having this problem. Ensure they eat wet cat food over dry for the moisture content. Too much dry food can lead to blockages with lack of hydration compared to canned cat food. If you use clay litter make sure you use the unscented. Scented can irritate their pee track with synthetic chemicals leading to inflammation and UTI blockages. Clumping kitty litter is not ideal for cats either, as it may stick on them more to ingest it that could lead to blockages. Also, a couple teaspoons of baking soda mixed in a small box of litter and a couple tablespoons of baking soda mixed in a large litter box will help keep it clean and neutralize smell. Baking soda is known to help get rid of UTI's, but be extremely careful using it because it is extremely high in salt content which is dangerous for cats! The idea is that they will ingest a tiny amount after going in the kitty box and then cleaning themselves. Make sure to keep the litter sanitary by keeping it clean and dry enough to prevent bacteria. I also recommend incorporating some Feline Pine Kitty Litter made of Pine pellets in unscented non-clumping clay litter. It will keep it naturally fresh smelling and help keep it dry. One bag goes a long way to just help supplement the litter. It is sold at most pet stores. Here are the links: www.walmart.com/ip/Bragg-Organic-Raw-Unfiltered-Apple-Cider-Vinegar-with-Mother-32-Fl-Oz/32590745 www.amazon.com/Cranimals-Original-Organic-Supplement-Dogs/dp/B003UDRWD2/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=cranimals+organic&qid=1619223299&s=pet-supplies&sr=1-2 www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/feline-pine-cat-litter
This has explained a lot of what is going on with my cat. She misses my dad(he passed in May) and we just had new flooring put in. What can I do to lower her stress?
Rub Organic raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with "the Mother" on their fur (cat's sides) or the top of their paws. They will lick it off. Use one to two tablespoons a day for a few days rubbing it on each side of their fur or paws until you see them have relief. Remember to shake the bottle first. Organic apple cider vinegar will start to go into immediate action for the cat to get relief from the blockage. It saved my cat that was pissing blood and then could not pee while squatting all the time. Also, it helps get rid of UTI bacteria; Walmart sells it. Additionally, "Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth" helps get rid of UTI's over time sold on Amazon. It is a "diuretic" thus helps people and animals urinate 30% more to empty the bladder . Completely safe for cats with no limitations of consumption and has no salt in it. Cat's tolerate it because it has almost no taste. Just be careful not to breath it in by getting it dusted up in the air. Make sure to only use "Food Grade."Use at least about 1/4 teaspoon per small can wet catfood. If you use clay litter make sure you use the unscented. Scented can irritate their pee track with synthetic chemicals leading to inflammation and UTI blockages. Keep in mind that it is important to ensure cats, when feeling normal, get enough water to keep their system flowing. Try putting some added bit of water in their wet food. Avoid salty meats if they are having this problem. Also, buy "cranimals" from amazon. It is a cranberry extract that helps the kidneys and gets rid of UTI problems. Put 1/4 teaspoon in two small cans of wet cat food or equivalent to that with one big can. Any amount more than that I have noticed they will not eat it. www.walmart.com/ip/Bragg-Organic-Raw-Unfiltered-Apple-Cider-Vinegar-with-Mother-32-Fl-Oz/32590745 www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00025H2PY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 www.amazon.com/Cranimals-Original-Organic-Supplement-Dogs/dp/B003UDRWD2/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=cranimals+organic&qid=1619223299&s=pet-supplies&sr=1-2
My friend's cat was diagnosed with cystitis. After a cystotomy, a blood clot was found in the bladder. Can you explain how did the blood clot form in the bladder? Is this common in FIC cases? Thankyouuuu
Hey guys, I took my cat off tap water and he recovered. I believe it was the minerals in the hard water that were causing this. Even though the vet said that tap water can’t cause it and there were no blockages on his x-ray. When I was at the vet I asked about the water and he said no. He said stress causes it. I literally looked it up on my phone as he took the cat to examine him and within seconds, found tons of evidence that cats who drink tap water in hard water areas are much more prone to cystitis. He said to give him stress drops. The stress drops did NOTHING. He only was healed after I changed the water. He is still stressed out as he and my other cat fight all the time. He hasn’t had an episode and has miraculously recovered after I switched to the distilled water. It must be distilled water. Animals cannot process the chlorine, fluoride or minerals in spring, tap, most bottled water. And refrigerator filters do not filter out chlorine and fluoride. The screw on tap filters do nothing to filter out the chlorine and fluoride either. Many of the pitcher filters do not either. You can get it from any store or have it delivered. The water must read “000” or as close to it as possible. And also I gave the neighbor’s dog only distilled water when they were out of town to work with her and she made a 50% recovery in 6 days! She had osteoarthritis and couldn’t even lay down on her bed properly. It took her like 20 seconds just to sit and she groaned in pain. She is so much more agile and up and trotting around. It says it will take 7-60 days for animals to recover from chlorine and fluoride or mineral toxicity. It is causing arthritis and cancer in animals. Not just that, it’s causing so many other issues with the pets I was pet sitting for. Lipomas, paw issues, skin issues, brain issues, unexplained health issues. You name it, tap and hard tap water were killing the animals I know and love. I started drinking it too and feel much better this week. If it’s the water, maybe this might help. Good luck with this guys!
A lot of mild cases of cystisis will heal out on their own over a few days, and a lot of the treatment prescribed is for the sake of the comfort of the animal(ie painkillers, anxiety meds or other stress relief) rather than healing the ailment. Stress cystisis longterm preventive treatment is mostly changes to the cat's environment and sometimes diet. It's great that your cat has been doing better, but distilled water is not going to cure any psychosomatic condition. You can easily find the consensus on hard water for pets just by googling something like "cats drinking hard water", and you'll instantly end up with the opposite of your conclusion, which is that there is no scientific evidence of hard water causing health issues in pets. So what you're basically suggesting is that people should not trust their vet, they should not trust scientific consensus, and frankly they should probably not even trust the google search you're suggesting you got your "evidence" from, but rather they should trust a person on the internet based on an anecdote on how their cat drank distilled water and "miraculously" got better in the amount of time a cat with a mild case of cystitis tends to get better. You're seeing what you want to see, Leni. I don't expect you to take objective reality to heart, but it would do everyone a favor if you stopped giving shoddy medical advice on the internet.
My cats have been drinking distilled water and spring water for almost a year now and my male cat came down with it last month. It unfortunately is a stress thing and you have to seriously look into their environment and make changes.
Rub Organic raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with "the Mother" on their fur (cat's sides) or the top of their paws. They will lick it off. Use at least two tablespoons in a day or if necessary a few days in an emergency for cats. For very young cats reduce that amount to one tablespoon. For kittens use only a teaspoon. Rub the organic apple cider vinegar on each side of their fur or the top of their paws until you see them have relief. Remember to shake the bottle first. If you have a wild cat that doesn’t take orders, then douse him with a good bit in a small glass. A lot will bead of his fur. Also, they will not be able to lick off the entirety of it all at once. Organic apple cider vinegar will start to go into immediate action for the cat to get relief from the blockage. It saved my cat that was pissing blood and then could not pee while squatting all the time. Also, it helps get rid of UTI bacteria; Walmart sells it. Ideally, it is best to use organic apple cider vinegar because it tastes rather good and is much more tolerable for the cat to ingest it compared to the filtered kind which tastes horrible. Remember only to use the organic apple cider vinegar as necessary. Too much too often could lead to an ulcer. From my experience a couple tablespoons a week has not hurt my cat. If it is a real emergency you could go beyond that just do not let it come to a habit of more than that each week. Keep in mind; you will likely have reoccurring bouts with this for a while. That is why I recommend some other preventative measures as you read on below: Keep in mind that it is important to ensure cats, when feeling normal, get enough water to keep their system flowing. Ensure they eat wet cat food over dry for the moisture content, Consider temporarily stopping the cat from eating dry food or even permanently if necessary. Too much dry food leads to blockages with lack of hydration compared to canned cat food. Try putting some added bit of water in their wet food. Avoid salty meats if they are having this problem. Salty meats or salty canned food meats like tuna will stop up your cat for sure! If you use clay litter make sure you use the unscented. Scented can irritate their pee track with synthetic chemicals leading to inflammation and UTI blockages. Never use clumping litter for cats; it can lead to blockages because cats can ingest it much easier. That can cause ingestion of sludge and bacteria leading to inflammation and UTI’s. Clumping litter is known to be extremely dangerous for kittens and not good for cats in general. Buy only fragrant free non-clumping litter, and then add one heaping tablespoon of baking soda mixed in per 10 pounds of cat litter that you use. It will naturally neutralize the smell; Just do not go beyond that because baking soda is really high in salt which is dangerous for cats if they ingest it more than a tiny amount by licking their paws each time using the litter box. I have used it for my cat and it works well, he actually prefers this litter combination. Baking soda is known to help aid and help get rid of UTI’s. Never give it to your cat other than in the litter! Additionally, use feline pine litter and add it to your litter with several handfuls to add a nice fragrant smell. A little goes a long way to just supplement the litter. Also, consider buying "cranimals" from amazon. It is a cranberry extract that helps the kidneys and gets rid of UTI problems. Put 1/4 teaspoon in two small cans of wet cat food or equivalent to that with one big can. You can also wash out an old salt and peppershaker to sprinkle a decent amount in their food. Any amount more than that I have noticed they will not eat it. Putting cranimals cranberry powder in their food will help keep their pee acidic to break down crystals. Additionally, "Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth" helps assist in UTI treatment sold on Amazon. It is a "diuretic" thus helps people and animals urinate 30% more to empty the bladder to keep crystals from forming. Completely safe for cats with no limitations of consumption and has no salt in it. Cats tolerate it because it has almost no taste. Just be careful not to breathe it in by getting it dusted up in the air because it is dangerous to breathe it in. Make sure to only use "Food Grade."Use at least about 1/4 teaspoon per small can wet cat food. Lastly, I have learned of a brand called "tinkle tonic" from chewy or amazon that some claim helped their cats. Finally, consider your cat’s stress level. Stress could be another factor that can lead to inflammation of the bladder area. Try to ensure he has enough to do to keep happy. Here are the links: www.walmart.com/ip/Bragg-Organic-Raw-Unfiltered-Apple-Cider-Vinegar-with-Mother-32-Fl-Oz/32590745 www.amazon.com/dp/B06X952WC5/coliid=I2Q1CPD92LEGLN&colid=QW0PD1V1M0CW&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FVWT9FE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 www.chewy.com/animal-essentials-tinkle-tonic-herbal/dp/125479?msclkid=75bb3de4f5e11a67fb4f5ce884659d74&Shopping-Product%20Targets-Hard%20Goods-SSP-DDG&Animal%20Essentials www.petsmart.com/cat/litter-and-waste-disposal/litter/feline-pine-cat-litter---natural-non-clumping-13480.html
Wish I had seen this video before our newly adopted cat developed this condition nearly 6 years ago. Vet said our cat was probably 12 hours from dying. Vet said it was due to stress and I realised the huge changes in cats life had caused this. He was 11 at the time ...he'd lost his home because my mother had to go into a care home; he spent 3 months in a cattery, eventually we decided to adopt him and took him to our house 165 miles away. A very different house to the one he was He hid on a chair under the table for 2 weeks and would only eat if we left the room. Two months later he developed a 2nd bout This time I recognised the symptoms and he was at the vets double quick. Apart from medication I was advised to put him on Cystophan for rest of his life and give him plenty of water with food. He has not had another episode since. He is now nearing 17.
So glad he is better now!
My cat is going through this, EXACTLY going through this, each and everything This Vet mentioned.
I got to follow what the Vet really said. Thank you
Rub Organic raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with "the Mother" on their fur (cat's sides) or the top of their paws. They will lick it off. Use two tablespoons a day for a few days rubbing it on each side of their fur or paws until you see them have relief. Remember to shake the bottle first. Organic apple cider vinegar will start to go into immediate action for the cat to get relief from the blockage. It saved my cat that was pissing blood and then could not pee while squatting all the time. Also, it helps get rid of UTI bacteria; Walmart sells it. Additionally, "Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth" gets rid of UTI's over time sold on Amazon. Completely safe for cats with no limitations of consumption and has no salt in it. Cat's tolerate it because it has almost no taste. Just be careful not to breath it in by getting it dusted up in the air. Make sure to only use "Food Grade."Use at least about 1/4 teaspoon per small can wet catfood. If you use clay litter make sure you use the unscented. Scented can irritate their pee track with synthetic chemicals leading to inflammation and UTI blockages. Keep in mind that it is important to ensure cats, when feeling normal, get enough water to keep their system flowing. Try putting some added bit of water in their wet food. Avoid salty meats if they are having this problem.
Also, buy "cranimals" from amazon.
It is a cranberry extract that helps the kidneys and gets rid of UTI problems. Put it in the wet cat food or rub on them mixed with water.
Very informative video. I never had heard of feline URIs until my cat started yowling and could not urinate. The vet put her on a round of antibiotics and valium for the bladder spasms. She refuses to eat moist food so I bought her dry urinary balanced food. I hope it will be enough to ward off anymore episodes. At $500 to get her to a vet, I cannot afford anymore medical care for her.
Me too, my poor boy stopped peeing a few days ago and spent the night in the vets on IV fluid and had a urinary catheter in. He has cystitis and crystals in his urine. Breaks my heart
You don’t measure the life especially of a loved one by how much ,especially when you as the owner don’t need amazing special skills , but ordinary watchfulness. So? We all learned something from this and let’s parlay this into a healthy Katz
Thank you! Emergency vet did not mention most of this. I think I am going to keep my kitty separated when I am gone. My boy kitty is probably bullying her.
helpful and informative. thank you for posting a straightforward video that is easy to understand and without any distracting music. i hope every one looking here finds the help they need for their kitties. thank you. =^^=
Summary: Feline idiopathic cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) is diagnosed when there is no identifiable cause, like a urinary tract infections (UTIs), bladder stones, or bladder crystals. Most “flare-ups” last 5-10 days and usual help given is to increase fluid intake, decrease stress (eg play more). As the cat becomes a senior, it often has less flare-ups.
Thank you so much for sharing this. 🙏🏼 I need to keep my cat stress-free. 💜💜
Rub Organic raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with "the Mother" on their fur (cat's sides) or the top of their paws. They will lick it off. Use one to two tablespoons a day for a few days rubbing it on each side of their fur or paws until you see them have relief. Remember to shake the bottle first. Organic apple cider vinegar will start to go into immediate action for the cat to get relief from the blockage. It saved my cat that was pissing blood and then could not pee while squatting all the time. Also, it helps get rid of UTI bacteria; Walmart sells it. Additionally, "Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth" helps get rid of UTI's over time sold on Amazon. It is a "diuretic" thus helps people and animals urinate 30% more to empty the bladder . Completely safe for cats with no limitations of consumption and has no salt in it. Cat's tolerate it because it has almost no taste. Just be careful not to breath it in by getting it dusted up in the air. Make sure to only use "Food Grade."Use at least about 1/4 teaspoon per small can wet catfood. If you use clay litter make sure you use the unscented. Scented can irritate their pee track with synthetic chemicals leading to inflammation and UTI blockages. Keep in mind that it is important to ensure cats, when feeling normal, get enough water to keep their system flowing. Try putting some added bit of water in their wet food. Avoid salty meats if they are having this problem. Also, buy "cranimals" from amazon. It is a cranberry extract that helps the kidneys and gets rid of UTI problems. Put 1/4 teaspoon in two small cans of wet cat food or equivalent to that with one big can. Any amount more than that I have noticed they will not eat it.
thank you, I have learned something today.
You have the nicest voice! Thanks for the info.
Adding tuna-what cubes? I cant understand what she says there and subtitles are no help.
Thank you so much for this very useful video.
A very informative video. One of my cats has this exact same problem.
Rub Organic raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with "the Mother" on their fur (cat's sides) or the top of their paws. They will lick it off. Use one to two tablespoons a day for a few days rubbing it on each side of their fur or paws until you see them have relief. Remember to shake the bottle first. Organic apple cider vinegar will start to go into immediate action for the cat to get relief and clear the blockage. It saved my cat that was pissing blood and then could not pee while squatting all the time. Also, it helps get rid of UTI bacteria; Walmart sells it. Also, buy "cranimals" from amazon. It is a cranberry extract that helps the kidneys and gets rid of UTI problems. Put 1/4 teaspoon in two small cans of wet cat food or equivalent to that with one big can. You can also wash out an old salt and pepper shaker to sprinkle a decent amount in their food. Any amount more than that I have noticed they will not eat it. Keep in mind that it is important to ensure cats, when feeling normal, get enough water to keep their system flowing. Try putting some added bit of water in their wet food. Avoid salty meats if they are having this problem. Ensure they eat wet cat food over dry for the moisture content. Too much dry food can lead to blockages with lack of hydration compared to canned cat food.
If you use clay litter make sure you use the unscented. Scented can irritate their pee track with synthetic chemicals leading to inflammation and UTI blockages. Clumping kitty litter is not ideal for cats either, as it may stick on them more to ingest it that could lead to blockages. Also, a couple teaspoons of baking soda mixed in a small box of litter and a couple tablespoons of baking soda mixed in a large litter box will help keep it clean and neutralize smell. Baking soda is known to help get rid of UTI's, but be extremely careful using it because it is extremely high in salt content which is dangerous for cats! The idea is that they will ingest a tiny amount after going in the kitty box and then cleaning themselves. Make sure to keep the litter sanitary by keeping it clean and dry enough to prevent bacteria. I also recommend incorporating some Feline Pine Kitty Litter made of Pine pellets in unscented non-clumping clay litter. It will keep it naturally fresh smelling and help keep it dry. One bag goes a long way to just help supplement the litter. It is sold at most pet stores. Here are the links:
www.walmart.com/ip/Bragg-Organic-Raw-Unfiltered-Apple-Cider-Vinegar-with-Mother-32-Fl-Oz/32590745 www.amazon.com/Cranimals-Original-Organic-Supplement-Dogs/dp/B003UDRWD2/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=cranimals+organic&qid=1619223299&s=pet-supplies&sr=1-2 www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/feline-pine-cat-litter
Thank u 👍❤️🙂
Thank you. Very helpful
This has explained a lot of what is going on with my cat. She misses my dad(he passed in May) and we just had new flooring put in. What can I do to lower her stress?
Rub Organic raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with "the Mother" on their fur (cat's sides) or the top of their paws. They will lick it off. Use one to two tablespoons a day for a few days rubbing it on each side of their fur or paws until you see them have relief. Remember to shake the bottle first. Organic apple cider vinegar will start to go into immediate action for the cat to get relief from the blockage. It saved my cat that was pissing blood and then could not pee while squatting all the time. Also, it helps get rid of UTI bacteria; Walmart sells it. Additionally, "Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth" helps get rid of UTI's over time sold on Amazon. It is a "diuretic" thus helps people and animals urinate 30% more to empty the bladder . Completely safe for cats with no limitations of consumption and has no salt in it. Cat's tolerate it because it has almost no taste. Just be careful not to breath it in by getting it dusted up in the air. Make sure to only use "Food Grade."Use at least about 1/4 teaspoon per small can wet catfood. If you use clay litter make sure you use the unscented. Scented can irritate their pee track with synthetic chemicals leading to inflammation and UTI blockages. Keep in mind that it is important to ensure cats, when feeling normal, get enough water to keep their system flowing. Try putting some added bit of water in their wet food. Avoid salty meats if they are having this problem. Also, buy "cranimals" from amazon. It is a cranberry extract that helps the kidneys and gets rid of UTI problems. Put 1/4 teaspoon in two small cans of wet cat food or equivalent to that with one big can. Any amount more than that I have noticed they will not eat it.
@@Binoculars-ot6xu thank you so much!
Thanks a ton
My friend's cat was diagnosed with cystitis. After a cystotomy, a blood clot was found in the bladder. Can you explain how did the blood clot form in the bladder? Is this common in FIC cases? Thankyouuuu
Hey guys, I took my cat off tap water and he recovered. I believe it was the minerals in the hard water that were causing this. Even though the vet said that tap water can’t cause it and there were no blockages on his x-ray.
When I was at the vet I asked about the water and he said no. He said stress causes it. I literally looked it up on my phone as he took the cat to examine him and within seconds, found tons of evidence that cats who drink tap water in hard water areas are much more prone to cystitis.
He said to give him stress drops. The stress drops did NOTHING. He only was healed after I changed the water. He is still stressed out as he and my other cat fight all the time. He hasn’t had an episode and has miraculously recovered after I switched to the distilled water.
It must be distilled water. Animals cannot process the chlorine, fluoride or minerals in spring, tap, most bottled water. And refrigerator filters do not filter out chlorine and fluoride. The screw on tap filters do nothing to filter out the chlorine and fluoride either. Many of the pitcher filters do not either.
You can get it from any store or have it delivered. The water must read “000” or as close to it as possible. And also I gave the neighbor’s dog only distilled water when they were out of town to work with her and she made a 50% recovery in 6 days! She had osteoarthritis and couldn’t even lay down on her bed properly. It took her like 20 seconds just to sit and she groaned in pain. She is so much more agile and up and trotting around.
It says it will take 7-60 days for animals to recover from chlorine and fluoride or mineral toxicity. It is causing arthritis and cancer in animals. Not just that, it’s causing so many other issues with the pets I was pet sitting for. Lipomas, paw issues, skin issues, brain issues, unexplained health issues. You name it, tap and hard tap water were killing the animals I know and love. I started drinking it too and feel much better this week. If it’s the water, maybe this might help. Good luck with this guys!
A lot of mild cases of cystisis will heal out on their own over a few days, and a lot of the treatment prescribed is for the sake of the comfort of the animal(ie painkillers, anxiety meds or other stress relief) rather than healing the ailment. Stress cystisis longterm preventive treatment is mostly changes to the cat's environment and sometimes diet. It's great that your cat has been doing better, but distilled water is not going to cure any psychosomatic condition.
You can easily find the consensus on hard water for pets just by googling something like "cats drinking hard water", and you'll instantly end up with the opposite of your conclusion, which is that there is no scientific evidence of hard water causing health issues in pets. So what you're basically suggesting is that people should not trust their vet, they should not trust scientific consensus, and frankly they should probably not even trust the google search you're suggesting you got your "evidence" from, but rather they should trust a person on the internet based on an anecdote on how their cat drank distilled water and "miraculously" got better in the amount of time a cat with a mild case of cystitis tends to get better.
You're seeing what you want to see, Leni. I don't expect you to take objective reality to heart, but it would do everyone a favor if you stopped giving shoddy medical advice on the internet.
My cats have been drinking distilled water and spring water for almost a year now and my male cat came down with it last month. It unfortunately is a stress thing and you have to seriously look into their environment and make changes.
Hi. My cat is stressed by loud noises…thunder, lawn mowers, doorbells, . What can I do? I’m afraid of those plug ins. Aren’t they a fire hazard?
Rub Organic raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with "the Mother" on their fur (cat's sides) or the top of their paws. They will lick it off. Use at least two tablespoons in a day or if necessary a few days in an emergency for cats. For very young cats reduce that amount to one tablespoon. For kittens use only a teaspoon. Rub the organic apple cider vinegar on each side of their fur or the top of their paws until you see them have relief. Remember to shake the bottle first. If you have a wild cat that doesn’t take orders, then douse him with a good bit in a small glass. A lot will bead of his fur. Also, they will not be able to lick off the entirety of it all at once. Organic apple cider vinegar will start to go into immediate action for the cat to get relief from the blockage. It saved my cat that was pissing blood and then could not pee while squatting all the time. Also, it helps get rid of UTI bacteria; Walmart sells it. Ideally, it is best to use organic apple cider vinegar because it tastes rather good and is much more tolerable for the cat to ingest it compared to the filtered kind which tastes horrible.
Remember only to use the organic apple cider vinegar as necessary. Too much too often could lead to an ulcer. From my experience a couple tablespoons a week has not hurt my cat. If it is a real emergency you could go beyond that just do not let it come to a habit of more than that each week. Keep in mind; you will likely have reoccurring bouts with this for a while. That is why I recommend some other preventative measures as you read on below:
Keep in mind that it is important to ensure cats, when feeling normal, get enough water to keep their system flowing. Ensure they eat wet cat food over dry for the moisture content, Consider temporarily stopping the cat from eating dry food or even permanently if necessary. Too much dry food leads to blockages with lack of hydration compared to canned cat food. Try putting some added bit of water in their wet food. Avoid salty meats if they are having this problem. Salty meats or salty canned food meats like tuna will stop up your cat for sure!
If you use clay litter make sure you use the unscented. Scented can irritate their pee track with synthetic chemicals leading to inflammation and UTI blockages. Never use clumping litter for cats; it can lead to blockages because cats can ingest it much easier. That can cause ingestion of sludge and bacteria leading to inflammation and UTI’s. Clumping litter is known to be extremely dangerous for kittens and not good for cats in general. Buy only fragrant free non-clumping litter, and then add one heaping tablespoon of baking soda mixed in per 10 pounds of cat litter that you use. It will naturally neutralize the smell; Just do not go beyond that because baking soda is really high in salt which is dangerous for cats if they ingest it more than a tiny amount by licking their paws each time using the litter box. I have used it for my cat and it works well, he actually prefers this litter combination. Baking soda is known to help aid and help get rid of UTI’s. Never give it to your cat other than in the litter! Additionally, use feline pine litter and add it to your litter with several handfuls to add a nice fragrant smell. A little goes a long way to just supplement the litter.
Also, consider buying "cranimals" from amazon. It is a cranberry extract that helps the kidneys and gets rid of UTI problems. Put 1/4 teaspoon in two small cans of wet cat food or equivalent to that with one big can. You can also wash out an old salt and peppershaker to sprinkle a decent amount in their food. Any amount more than that I have noticed they will not eat it. Putting cranimals cranberry powder in their food will help keep their pee acidic to break down crystals.
Additionally, "Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth" helps assist in UTI treatment sold on Amazon. It is a "diuretic" thus helps people and animals urinate 30% more to empty the bladder to keep crystals from forming. Completely safe for cats with no limitations of consumption and has no salt in it. Cats tolerate it because it has almost no taste. Just be careful not to breathe it in by getting it dusted up in the air because it is dangerous to breathe it in. Make sure to only use "Food Grade."Use at least about 1/4 teaspoon per small can wet cat food. Lastly, I have learned of a brand called "tinkle tonic" from chewy or amazon that some claim helped their cats.
Finally, consider your cat’s stress level. Stress could be another factor that can lead to inflammation of the bladder area. Try to ensure he has enough to do to keep happy.
Here are the links: www.walmart.com/ip/Bragg-Organic-Raw-Unfiltered-Apple-Cider-Vinegar-with-Mother-32-Fl-Oz/32590745 www.amazon.com/dp/B06X952WC5/coliid=I2Q1CPD92LEGLN&colid=QW0PD1V1M0CW&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FVWT9FE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 www.chewy.com/animal-essentials-tinkle-tonic-herbal/dp/125479?msclkid=75bb3de4f5e11a67fb4f5ce884659d74&Shopping-Product%20Targets-Hard%20Goods-SSP-DDG&Animal%20Essentials www.petsmart.com/cat/litter-and-waste-disposal/litter/feline-pine-cat-litter---natural-non-clumping-13480.html
I've used them for years and years. The most they will do is melt a bit but no fire hazard. Try the feliway.