Magical Night, great to see Mike rock with Sammy, and Vinnie what a great guy, I have met him a number of times and he is always a class act a real treat to see him ROCK THE CABOWABO..Next stop VIP to Ozzy show in Vancouver on Nov.14.. Peace JIMMY.
@oceans20113 Sammy said Mike came in early, because Mona was with a family member in the hospital,hope it all went well for her, Mona ROCKKKSSS!!! jamesdfraser67 1 second ago
Nice video this was the best show of the four nights, So much Van Halen!!!
Magical Night, great to see Mike rock with Sammy, and Vinnie what a great guy, I have met him a number of times and he is always a class act a real treat to see him ROCK THE CABOWABO..Next stop VIP to Ozzy show in Vancouver on Nov.14.. Peace JIMMY.
AWESOME! Thanks for posting.
sorry to here that, bailing on the gig would suck, got Vip to Ozzy next month, If your a fan watch for some cool stuff, jimmy.
Sammy said Mike came in early, because Mona was with a family member in the hospital,hope it all went well for her, Mona ROCKKKSSS!!!
jamesdfraser67 1 second ago