Countering the nuke is not an option. The nuke has two different hitboxes, both are just as powerful. You can counter the first hit, but unless you have I-frame, you'll be hit with the second hitbox.
wait what, im new to the no spiribird gang lore - who showed up in the light blue text and called upon moles government for that random ass conversion lmaoooooo
Wait... Maybe I'm not following the meta, but why would you quit the hunt over a spirit bird boosting your stats? Is the game too easy if you get them, or do they just want the challenge?
You guessed it. We steamrolled through the base game playing how it's supposed to be played with the buffs and thought it was too easy. We wanted a good challenge for these monsters, and decided to not get any spiribirds. This is definitely not the meta!
45 psi is around 310 kpa
Bruh skipping a cutscene how could you
Unfortunately the first time we saw the cutscene my screen recorder didn't capture the footage 💀
Teostra got f****n destroyed!
just randomly found this gem... keep up with the editing bro, cant hold my laugh watching this one
Countering the nuke is not an option. The nuke has two different hitboxes, both are just as powerful. You can counter the first hit, but unless you have I-frame, you'll be hit with the second hitbox.
Elemental burst counter works against the nuke. As well as water strike
Your editing is amazing and funny as always keep up the good work 👍
Thank you ✨
wait what, im new to the no spiribird gang lore - who showed up in the light blue text and called upon moles government for that random ass conversion lmaoooooo
Lol that's our buddy who checks in on us but doesn't play mh
They should use defense down seed
The ror2 reference lets gooo
ohhh yes violet is coming
Quality entertainment
You forgot defensive down in the thumbnail
@@AXIDIUS change in mind unfortunately flaming Es-pinas dose not give paralysis
@@TheTyrantAussie oof you're right
@@TheTyrantAussie fixed
@@AXIDIUS noice
11:33 no more mister what ?
No more mister nice guy.
@@p0laris74yt8 thanks I thought it was another word
Wait... Maybe I'm not following the meta, but why would you quit the hunt over a spirit bird boosting your stats? Is the game too easy if you get them, or do they just want the challenge?
You guessed it. We steamrolled through the base game playing how it's supposed to be played with the buffs and thought it was too easy. We wanted a good challenge for these monsters, and decided to not get any spiribirds. This is definitely not the meta!
I love how a freaking add plays that tells me to not subscribe.
Lmao what
@@AXIDIUS The add starts and the person says "Do not Subscribe"
@@LokiToxtrocity My biggest hater buys ads for my video smh
I axed the question to early
Is there really a bug on that spiribird at the start? I haven't reached this part yet
We keep saying bug instead of spiribird lol. It's just the rainbow spiribird
No wonder y’all are doing it so easy TRACKING WIZARD
I wish iceborne and sunbreak were hard