Avoid These Common Pitching Cues!

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 10

  • @bretthuff1972
    @bretthuff1972 2 года назад +22

    Great video Ben! Now can you do a video on some of your favorite cues??

  • @itsmaxer27
    @itsmaxer27 2 года назад +2

    Thanks for the sharing. Do you think a scap retraction throw could still be effective for cultivating feel or just exposing the joint to range of motion? Certainly not end all be all, but how about getting 5-8 reps of scap retraction throw (maybe even with focus on quality of flow/fluidity into/out of retraction) early in a throw series or even early in repatterning for an athlete who was taught to take the ball to second base?

  • @isaacrose3241
    @isaacrose3241 2 года назад

    Great video, I believe some of these cues are still good to use for younger kids however that might not quite understand the advanced mechanics of pitching yet

  • @NoName-tx5gt
    @NoName-tx5gt 2 года назад

    This was a great video Ben. Thanks!

  • @James-cd6ff
    @James-cd6ff Год назад

    Always start ground up when you look for problems with a pitcher.
    Almost every high school pitcher I coach, their problems come from having been taught the first 3.

  • @BretMuckdogs
    @BretMuckdogs 2 года назад

    Thank you for this video.

  • @danw4694
    @danw4694 2 года назад

    This video could be summed up with "know your audience". All "cues" need to be followed with explanation. Less experienced pitchers will generally benefit from a more simplistic cue. i.e. "bend your back". More experienced/more educated pitchers can understand detailed explanation. I agree the most idiotic thing you can ever tell a pitcher is to "throw strikes".

  • @coachmurphybaseball8901
    @coachmurphybaseball8901 2 года назад

    Great, this pretty much debunked everything I have ever done or said to a pitcher...lol

  • @M747022
    @M747022 2 года назад

    "throw the tricep"?? yikes

  • @hudsonhouse2289
    @hudsonhouse2289 2 года назад
