Is This The Best Time To Visit Disney World?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 43

  • @kevinm4069
    @kevinm4069 4 месяца назад +6

    There's always going to be trade offs, but definitely as a local I can agree, I would not choose to come in the summer. As locals we are blessed enough to be able to just go whenever, for maybe an hour or two, and then go home. Managing an entire day in the parks in the summer is not easy or fun. Especially right now in peak summer, you are sweating already by 9am. There is little to no relief.

    • @lindawags
      @lindawags 4 месяца назад

      We just got back from 2 weeks and omg the heat was awful. My husband loves the heat but I told him next trip we're going in January. I can't do the heat anymore.

    • @2foolishmortals
      @2foolishmortals  4 месяца назад


  • @GoatChampJ1
    @GoatChampJ1 4 месяца назад +1

    Re: Closures in off-peak seasons, yes! Splash Mountain was closed for maintenance during my first 2 visits to WDW because we traveled in January, the low season immediately following all the Christmas and New Years crowds. It was incredibly disappointing both times, and it's one of the reasons I much prefer to go toward the end of hurricane season, when it's slightly more expensive but the weather is still really nice, and we get to experience all of the Christmas atmosphere!

    • @2foolishmortals
      @2foolishmortals  4 месяца назад +1

      I really do LOVE that timeframe just after hurricane season! The weather is great and you get that holiday feeling without the holiday crowds! LOVE IT!

  • @LizKrause
    @LizKrause 4 месяца назад +1

    My favorite times to go are January and Early May ❤ Growing up our family went in the hot summer every year because of my dad’s work schedule.

    • @2foolishmortals
      @2foolishmortals  4 месяца назад +1

      We were the same way! Even though we made it work, it's not the time I would choose now that we're not limited in the same way by our work schedules. January and February are great! That's actually my favorite time to be in the parks 'cause it's just so easy to just be.

  • @RoastBeefSandwich
    @RoastBeefSandwich 4 месяца назад +4

    I'll be there later this week through Labor Day! :)

  • @Sierrasadventures
    @Sierrasadventures 4 месяца назад +3

    My family can only visit in the summer. My dad gets a week off in July so it's the only time we can go down. We are from PA (Pennsylvania). We been all over FL and i know the Humidity is bad 🥵. We always make sure to freeze water bottles the night before we go out. We also Carry cooling towels or fans. Hat's & sunglasses can help. We also know a pop up shower can happen so we bring small umbrellas/ponchos with us.

  • @sheilaa1333
    @sheilaa1333 4 месяца назад +1

    We normally go in February or April, but had to postpone our trip last year to July - never again! It was cheaper in summer so we were able to stay longer, but it was SO hot that we spent all that extra time and then some huddled in the air conditioned hotel room. It was even too hot to swim….

    • @2foolishmortals
      @2foolishmortals  4 месяца назад

      Ugh! Days when it's even too hot to swim are the worst! We actually had a day like that when we were staying at the Grand Floridian a few weeks ago. It was so hot out that the pool was like bath water. . . in a bad way. Definitely not a great way to cool off!

  • @MissMyMusicAddiction
    @MissMyMusicAddiction 4 месяца назад +2

    we were just at WDW, this week - only the second time i've ever gone in august. it was very, very hot, but so is july, and it can be hot in september and in june, too. waits were short. crowds were pretty low. our longest wait was 45 minutes for safari.
    then, again, we also have AP's, so, we aren't pressing to maximize a park day...if we were, late june - august would be bad. early june used to be my favorite time to go, until i discovered september-october.
    january: yes, it can be cool, especially early in the morning. if you're from the north, lows of 39 and highs of 65 are shorts and a light jacket weather. even hanging out in EPCOT, all day, for F'Arts, is comfortable.
    i think early september (incl. labor day) and early may (before colleges get out) are the two least busy times.

  • @dawnbeinlich2390
    @dawnbeinlich2390 4 месяца назад +1

    Now I know why I like your personality and videos so much... I was a Jeep Wrangler girl too for 10 years! Then I had a child (now 3yrs old) and while I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland its just not the same. Maybe once he gets older I can rejoin the club LOL.
    As for the vid...I personally will never go to WDW in summer again unless it is the ONLY time I can go for that year. I have no problem visiting FL in the summer so its not about the heat, but I'd prefer to be on a beach (on the gulf) in that hot hot heat than sweating my butt off in a park. Also we were stuck in the Swan hotel for 2 additional days when Ian hit (wasn't a horrible experience, but I'd prefer to not risk it during hurricane season). There's so many additional perks of going during holiday seasons, or the different times when the weather is a bit more mild and there's festivals going on etc.

    • @2foolishmortals
      @2foolishmortals  3 месяца назад +1

      Nice! Hey, you never know! There's always time. 😉 You know, it's such a great point. . . . the heat isn't always the problem as much as the location where you're experiencing the heat. I'm the same way! I'd rather be on the beach or by the pool in the heat. Most definitely NOT sweating it out in the theme parks. Though, you gotta do what you gotta do. 🤷

  • @GWM9930
    @GWM9930 4 месяца назад +1

    Very nice video! Lots of good information and ideas about visiting during the heat of summer and hurricane season.

  • @RWM07001
    @RWM07001 4 месяца назад +2

    I love going in Summer.

  • @ellieplanit
    @ellieplanit 4 месяца назад +1

    I love you videos. I never feel like you’re trying to push a narrative or put on a fake personality. You’re just like hey, here’s some info I know from my experiences, and I’m sharing it because I think it would help you to know too

    • @2foolishmortals
      @2foolishmortals  4 месяца назад

      Thank you! ❤️ I'm so glad to hear that you enjoy what it is we're doing here! It's always been my goal to just be as real and honest as possible so that people can make informed decisions that work best for them! I've found it's really the best way to go! Thanks again for your comment and being here. ❤️😄

  • @angelcordero717
    @angelcordero717 3 месяца назад +1

    Great video

  • @annlavine3576
    @annlavine3576 4 месяца назад +1

    40 degrees sounds great

    • @johnyesberg3602
      @johnyesberg3602 4 месяца назад

      It’s more the humidity . It’s bruiand I live in a humid climate in Queensland Australia

  • @julie-l3p
    @julie-l3p 4 месяца назад

    Always Great Information !
    Unfortunately, sometimes you can’t pick your ideal vacation time.
    So just make it work if you
    want to go to the happiest place on earth !

    • @2foolishmortals
      @2foolishmortals  3 месяца назад

      Exactly! Sometimes you just gotta make what works for your family work!

  • @joitwotheworld
    @joitwotheworld 3 месяца назад +1

    I like seeing things around town etc, 😂

    • @2foolishmortals
      @2foolishmortals  3 месяца назад

      Glad to hear it. Gotta run errands eventually and I figure might as well show you guys around while we chat!

  • @glenpreece
    @glenpreece 4 месяца назад

    It's so true now Summer is the new slow season because the old slow seasons got out and now everybody goes during the old slow seasons!!! I hate going when it's hot. I've been in just about every month except March and July. I booked a mini visit for next month and I'm sure I'm going to melt!!! But I'm not doing Disney parks this trip just a non park WDW stay and then off to Universal for a day at IOA maybe I'll finally get to try the water rides.

    • @2foolishmortals
      @2foolishmortals  4 месяца назад

      That sounds like a LOT of fun! We hope you have a great trip!

  • @lindawags
    @lindawags 3 месяца назад

    Omg we went 2 weeks in July and I told my husband (who loves the Florida heat) I'm done with summer in Disney. I swear I thought I was having heat stroke at one point. We're planning the next trip for January! lol

    • @2foolishmortals
      @2foolishmortals  3 месяца назад +1

      I love the heat, but being in the parks in the heat is another thing altogether. Not for me. . . . despite that I'm in the parks during the heat as it is. . . . but that's another story. January and February are my favorite toike for being in the parks!

  • @annlavine3576
    @annlavine3576 4 месяца назад +2

    How long do I have to visit to see Tom Sawyers Island before it closes? And there is something on the kids menu at the fancy place to eat in Japan Can I order from the kid menu

    • @johnyesberg3602
      @johnyesberg3602 4 месяца назад

      Don’t think you can order of kids menu at a sit down restaurant. I order from kid’s menu at quick service every time I go to Disney.

    • @2foolishmortals
      @2foolishmortals  3 месяца назад

      Currently, we do not have an official closing date for Tom Sawyer Island or the Rivers of America. When it comes to ordering off the kids menu, I'm not sure that it's possible at table service restaurants in the same way as it is at counter service. Generally speaking, I lean towards the answer being "no", but you can always ask.

    • @annlavine3576
      @annlavine3576 3 месяца назад

      @@johnyesberg3602 I did and they said no

  • @bigdawg215
    @bigdawg215 4 месяца назад +1

    Just got back from a weekend getaway to disney with the wife. We left the kids behind thos trip and that was right for us this time of year
    No clouds, all sun and humidity.
    That walk between slinky dog and galaxys edge might as wellnbe sahara. I think only epcot is hotter.
    That being said, wasn't an issue st all for us cause weren't juggling 3 kids and trying to keep them cool

    • @2foolishmortals
      @2foolishmortals  4 месяца назад

      That's awesome! We hope you had a great visit!
      OMG. . . yeah. . . that walk through ToyStory Land is MISERABLE. Ther'es really no way around it. Unless I absolutely must be back there, I find myself avoiding it at all costs 'cause it's just SO. DAMN. HOT!

  • @annlavine3576
    @annlavine3576 4 месяца назад

    What was in Wonders of Life? Do you think it will be back

    • @2foolishmortals
      @2foolishmortals  3 месяца назад

      It was an entire pavilion at EPCOT featuring multiple attractions, play area/exhibits and a dining location. Whether or not the space will be used in the future is yet to be seen. There have been plans proposed, but they have since been scrapped. If it does return, it will more likely than not be something new and not the Wonders of Life.

    • @annlavine3576
      @annlavine3576 3 месяца назад

      @@2foolishmortals Is it still there? Behind a wall?

  • @melissafloyd3341
    @melissafloyd3341 4 месяца назад

    They are doing it on purpose, closing a big attraction because they want wait times to be higher so people buy multi pass.

    • @2foolishmortals
      @2foolishmortals  4 месяца назад

      That's very unlikely. Attractions go down for maintenance periodically throughout the year and the best time to do that is when attendance is at its lowest. This was true before Disney's paid skip-the-line service as well as now. It's also true at theme parks and amusement parks around the works. Off-season is the time to get the work done.

  • @christinabroeker6798
    @christinabroeker6798 4 месяца назад +2

    The most important question I have is what is the sloth's name? 🦥

    • @2foolishmortals
      @2foolishmortals  4 месяца назад +1

      😆 The sloth, believe it or not, doesn't have a name. It's definitely a she. . . but nameless. Any suggestions?