Social Media Detox...

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 329

  • @nicoleyuki8097
    @nicoleyuki8097 2 года назад +122

    I just had to comment on how much you've grown! You seem so much more comfortable in your skin and your attitude seems to reflect that. I'm really happy for you, and feel so inspired to try and get to a similar place.

    • @rebeccamcauley4547
      @rebeccamcauley4547 2 года назад

      Brilliant, wishing you luck with getting into a better place mentally! 🧡💫📷

  • @khalilahd.
    @khalilahd. 2 года назад +269

    I just limited myself to social media once a week (every Monday) and wow has it made such a big difference not only mentally but productivity wise too. Love that you’re doing the same 💜

    • @beho0
      @beho0 2 года назад +7

      is youtube considered social media?

    • @Katarina71198
      @Katarina71198 2 года назад +6

      @@beho0 yep

    • @asxtro7145
      @asxtro7145 2 года назад +4

      So what do you do all week? Just watch tv and do chores?

    • @clarity150
      @clarity150 2 года назад +17

      @@asxtro7145 Bejng more productive, cleaning house, washing dishes, finishing homework, spending time by urself, reading books, hanging out with friends, going out into the world, taking walks, recreational centers, working out, shopping, taking naps, playing music, make art, cook/ bake food

    • @natj25
      @natj25 2 года назад +5

      I want to do this so badly but I own a business and I rely on social media for my business. I’ve thought about trying to limit my social media to just business things but not sure how to make that work. Any suggestions?

  • @ky45451
    @ky45451 2 года назад +126

    Alisha for the green outfit try tool on fashion tape! It's like a sticky rollerball solution that keeps your dresses and skirts down

  • @toffermyc1999
    @toffermyc1999 2 года назад +36

    Never knew Oli was working for creme shop!! Also this is such a cute work/relax trip. Glad the marie house and friends got to enjoy it with minimal use of social media 💞

  • @ronabryden
    @ronabryden 2 года назад +17

    I always have a detox Sunday. But whenever I tell friends and family they are like what how? And they also don't understand why it's needed. But It really it. It helps me be more productive as there is less things to think about and less distractions

  • @amandasaghebi1404
    @amandasaghebi1404 2 года назад +32

    Keep the restocks coming! I’m obsessed with the orange square neck.

  • @jenellnorvell541
    @jenellnorvell541 2 года назад +20

    I'm so happy you got to spend the weekend relaxing

  • @ocallaghanemily
    @ocallaghanemily 2 года назад +4

    I was so busy the past two weeks I barely had time to look at my phone and I think because of it I've broken the habit of aimlessly scrolling through Instagram and Twitter. And I honestly feel so much better because of it. A lot of my friends are doing a social media detox atm. I think everyone needs it.

  • @chloed-c25
    @chloed-c25 2 года назад +52

    This trip looks so relaxing and fun ✨ I am also terrified of spiders , can relate 100% .

  • @cjhernandez1983
    @cjhernandez1983 2 года назад +35

    How cute is this! So nice to be able to go on a trip with all your besties.

  • @kelseybickimer
    @kelseybickimer 2 года назад +23

    It’s always nice to do a internet dextox! This is such a vibe video - loving the meditation 🧘🏻‍♀️🦋

  • @maddalena1643
    @maddalena1643 2 года назад +5

    just got back from an 11pm finish at my work, this is the perfect video to come back to! been looking forward to the vlog about this trip 🫶

  • @alexalan5475
    @alexalan5475 2 года назад +254

    I’m obsessed with how Alicia was able to appreciate the brand trip without leaning into highlighting that it was Olis work. He crushed it and the trip deserves to stand on its own! Amazing job done by him as a brand advisor, the crème shop shined!Love that they were bold enough to support a no phones brand trip. Amazing all around!

    • @tristinarosemary5400
      @tristinarosemary5400 2 года назад +4

      I didn’t know Alicia and oli weren’t friends?

    • @ElizabethAlexandra33
      @ElizabethAlexandra33 2 года назад +6

      @@tristinarosemary5400 no they’re deffff friends don’t worry 😭 i think she was just being respectful and professional

    • @morenomijangos1
      @morenomijangos1 2 года назад +6

      Oli DEFINITELY made it known that it was his work…..he literally titled his video “I “ take my friends on a trip…..making it known HE was the reason they were even there…..which is true,,,,buttttttt,, I don’t know , seemed alittle much

    • @morenomijangos1
      @morenomijangos1 2 года назад

      Oli DEFINITELY made it known that it was his work…..he literally titled his video “I “ take my friends on a trip…..making it known HE was the reason they were even there…..which is true,,,,buttttttt,, I don’t know , seemed alittle much

    • @alexalan5475
      @alexalan5475 2 года назад +5

      @@tristinarosemary5400 they’re definitely friends, I just meant that it was a great job and she’s not just highlighting the trip due to their friendship. Edited it to make it more clear :)

  • @kaylahope4046
    @kaylahope4046 2 года назад +4

    This trip looked so fun. This vlog was giving something extra and I really enjoyed it.

  • @luv4ualwaysx238
    @luv4ualwaysx238 2 года назад +18

    hi alisha i js want to say ur vids r so inspiring to millions of ppl and ur doing amazing keep going

  • @loriebgn7422
    @loriebgn7422 2 года назад +10

    love your journey, and your growth you are stronger than you think...

  • @Meeggzzzz
    @Meeggzzzz 2 года назад +7

    I have been binge watching roommate meeting videos. They were my favorite. They need to do a reunion before Ashley moves out

    • @rebeccamcauley4547
      @rebeccamcauley4547 2 года назад +1

      This is an amazing idea! Hope that Lida sees your comment! 💜💫📷

  • @carolinesimon2669
    @carolinesimon2669 2 года назад +9

    Dude I've been binge watching your vlogs. Can't wait for the room reveal!

  • @lover4863
    @lover4863 2 года назад +14


  • @cassandraleexo
    @cassandraleexo 2 года назад +1

    Social media detox’s are amazing, I do when every couple months and it helps so much with my mental health and it helps to just be realistic with yourself about your own life and doing what you need to do for yourself. ❤️✨

  • @no.1.itgirl2
    @no.1.itgirl2 2 года назад +4

    Alisha ive been watching you since i was 9!! i love u so much!!

  • @smashasaurus
    @smashasaurus 2 года назад +6

    I hope you enjoyed the Tucson heat! You guys came at the hottest and most humid part of the year 🤣. Come back in the winter! It's beautiful!

  • @emmalinegarland2900
    @emmalinegarland2900 2 года назад +9

    I love all of your videos so so much!!! You are such a great influence on young girls!! 🥰🥰

  • @Kelly_Jenkins
    @Kelly_Jenkins 2 года назад +4

    Girl, we missed the long vlogs☺️
    I’m glad you had fun 🤩

  • @gd4219
    @gd4219 2 года назад

    The white set at dinner and just the whole trip in general has secured it
    This is Alisha’s GOD ERA

  • @lupeescobedo1339
    @lupeescobedo1339 2 года назад +12

    Alisha being ZEN… is iconic

  • @arikas_designs23
    @arikas_designs23 2 года назад +7

    I love the vlogs Alisha! I honestly hate spiders and clowns. Those are my major fears. Keep the vlogs coming Alisha!

  • @amberspade15
    @amberspade15 2 года назад +2

    yay! i’m camping right now, but i can’t wait to watch later!!👏🏽💗

  • @kelsielewis22
    @kelsielewis22 2 года назад +7

    My fears are spiders and heights🤢. I loveeee the retreat vibes loshy👏🏻

  • @alexandrawhittington8083
    @alexandrawhittington8083 2 года назад +9

    my current phone case is the olivia o’brien collab with wildflower. i do loooooooove casetify though and i convinced 3 of my employees to get casetify, but i love my girlssssss olivia sydney and devon

  • @sienaqk
    @sienaqk 2 года назад +1

    As someone from Arizona, when I saw a post, as soon as I saw the inside of the room, I knew it was Arizona lol! It’s such an AZ vibe and that place looks amazing!! I definitely want to check it out. The social media break seems so great too

  • @radiachoudry
    @radiachoudry 2 года назад +14

    Was just rewatching old vlogs and you posted this. Making my day always💕

  • @jessicanguyvn
    @jessicanguyvn 2 года назад +2

    you need the liquid goo that helps your dress/skirt from rising up! i think it's called liquid fashion tape, i've seen that and a tik tok of someone using the same thing in spray form

  • @lexieharrison299
    @lexieharrison299 2 года назад +1

    I’m from Tucson and have always wondered what Miraval looked like! Very much feels like home watching this 💜

  • @brendanalugo
    @brendanalugo 2 года назад +5

    ❤️I love it when she uploads 🥰👑

  • @bananagramsification
    @bananagramsification 2 года назад +3

    OMG I just moved to Tucson! I hope you had a lot of fun here!!!

  • @princess_bratty_savage21
    @princess_bratty_savage21 2 года назад

    i literally just did a social media detox yesterday and spent the day off my phone and it felt so good btw i love you so much Alisha

  • @itsmumba
    @itsmumba 2 года назад +1

    that green outfit is everythinngggggggggg

  • @theresa.masala8938
    @theresa.masala8938 2 года назад

    My favorite outfit from the trip was the white maxi skirt and the crop top😫😫😫😫absolutely looked DIVINE on Alisha

  • @chloe_evans
    @chloe_evans 2 года назад +4

    we love a long vlog🥰

  • @annadahl9868
    @annadahl9868 2 года назад +20

    I am the same about spiders.. I absolutely HATE them. I cant with spiders no no no. Also love the vlog! that place looks amazing!!

  • @megsham7671
    @megsham7671 2 года назад +8

    My biggest fears are drowning, big snakes (like the ones that can crush you), and things like scorpions. But this looked like an amazing time! jelly!

  • @sespinosa7684
    @sespinosa7684 2 года назад +5

    As someone who lives in Tucson, I cant imagine anyone taking a trip here for vacation. But then again, it was for a brand. The experience looks so cool tho def wanna check it out for a little stay-cation in the future.

  • @emmaphibbs5145
    @emmaphibbs5145 2 года назад +1

    Alisha your skin looks amazing!!!

  • @sophialegat3633
    @sophialegat3633 2 года назад +1

    the way remi was hyping up alisha is so adorable

  • @rettaisaacson4726
    @rettaisaacson4726 2 года назад +2

    What a cool trip! LOVE the Creme shop btw, I tried their under eye masks after seeing them in your vlog the other day. 10/10 would recommend, trying to bring a little AZ spa to my WI appartment lol

  • @palomamacieldoula1310
    @palomamacieldoula1310 2 года назад

    That place looks amazing!!! The classes and everything looks like something I would love!

  • @delaneyexpressionalart
    @delaneyexpressionalart 2 года назад +2

    i love the long vlogs!!!

  • @nicholasragano1196
    @nicholasragano1196 2 года назад

    Ok so ! I absolutely love this video and love that you were able to kinda unplug for a bit !
    ALSO - I need that Chanel bucket hat ASAP

  • @madisonlynn542
    @madisonlynn542 2 года назад

    my case is a “be happy” wallpaper with stars and a small portion of cheetah print in the bottom left hand corner and it was a customizable case from casetify

  • @alexismadsen4547
    @alexismadsen4547 2 года назад

    the green 2 piece would be cute as tinker bell, especially with the hair styled like that

  • @mariangarcia2174
    @mariangarcia2174 2 года назад +8

    Bestie…just wanted to say…You are doing great💕😌

  • @Whatsupdiva
    @Whatsupdiva 2 года назад +1

    Every Sunday I put my phone on silent. It's the last day of the weekend before I start another 40 hour work week in a hot factory doing lots of manual labor, so I definitely have to unplug and destress as best as I can. Woosah!

  • @livirose9437
    @livirose9437 2 года назад

    For the skirt issue I highly recommend liquid fashion tape. Keeps your skirts and shorts from riding up

  • @camelyayovita6183
    @camelyayovita6183 2 года назад +7

    My biggest fear is losing someone i love (my family especially)and i'm not ready☹️🙁

  • @Ninawena
    @Ninawena 2 года назад +1

    Aww I went to U of A!! I stayed here once so nice ☺️ glad you went

  • @tli02
    @tli02 2 года назад +6

    Cant wait to procrastinate my homework to watch this video

  • @itstonycia
    @itstonycia 2 года назад

    The green outfit was really cute! Ur so beautiful

  • @daydreamer.rachel
    @daydreamer.rachel 2 года назад +3

    I currently have a skinny dip phone case with flowers on, it’s cute but the protection around the camera doesn’t last, I’m obsessed with the phone case with the strap, I’m thinking I’m going to get one, I just got my nephew a casetify case

  • @nadia9938
    @nadia9938 2 года назад +1

    I love your VIDEOS. The trip looks beautiful and so relaxing I hope you guys had fun. My fears are spiders to. And heights Sending lots of love from nz. ❤🤗😁 you and Remi are so beautiful. ❤

  • @kate76434
    @kate76434 2 года назад +6

    lol is it just me or is alisha’s voice like so much deeper and mature sounding in this video 😂

    • @Mollywashere
      @Mollywashere 2 года назад

      Probably cuz she’s almost 30 lol I’ve noticed some people’s voices drop around that age 🌚

  • @oliviadelve5078
    @oliviadelve5078 2 года назад +8

    i have a phobia of bathtubs. 😂 the feeling grosses me out so much. best way i can describe it is that it feels like a public swimming pool change room floor. u know when its all wet & theres hair everywhere & how there is always a used bandaid SOMEWHERE on the floor. yeah. thats what i think of when i touch a bathtub🥴😅

  • @Lilyjohnsons
    @Lilyjohnsons 2 года назад +4

    Honestly I’m not scared of anything physical like that so it’s kind of hard to think of what I’m scared of but I would say I have a hard time with failure but I don’t really know also I can only really remember what it is when I’m faced with it

  • @ElizabethAlexandra33
    @ElizabethAlexandra33 2 года назад

    i have not been well today mentally and this video could not have come at a more perfect time 😩💓

  • @adrianaluciani_
    @adrianaluciani_ 2 года назад +1

    woah ALIShA. Your body is fire and that green set compliments SO NICE.

  • @tli02
    @tli02 2 года назад +3

    I love you alisha and your content and I am obssessed

  • @callmeangeI
    @callmeangeI 2 года назад +2

    omg i haven’t watched you in years and you sound so different? like your voice is deeper than it used to be. has anyone else noticed this or am i tripping

  • @BBB-hg3df
    @BBB-hg3df 2 года назад +1

    Not my homepod telling me the weather when Alisha asked hahahahahahahahahahaha

  • @Boi21
    @Boi21 2 года назад

    Alisha girl U REMI and TK are three of my favorite influencers U ladies are so cool

  • @tiffany8815
    @tiffany8815 2 года назад +4

    I've deleted Instagram about 2 years ago & haven't gotten back on it.

  • @blablu2
    @blablu2 2 года назад +1

    Oli had an amazing idea to plan this trip

  • @user-cw4bv5iz8s
    @user-cw4bv5iz8s 2 года назад +3


  • @justmejen3068
    @justmejen3068 2 года назад +1

    Early🥰🥳 love you Alisha and I hope you are happy and thriving❤🌺

  • @couponingfamily6031
    @couponingfamily6031 2 года назад

    I used your link and have a Harry Potter themed case , I think you converted me I love this case it’s so amazing! Thinking about ordering another case!

  • @terrenrosbury9568
    @terrenrosbury9568 2 года назад +2

    girl i feel you 🤣😭 i hate spiders so much!!

  • @saryah4353
    @saryah4353 2 года назад

    21 MINUTES?!! YES thankyou 🙌🏽

  • @ayabouaziz5475
    @ayabouaziz5475 2 года назад

    Alisha we neeed the final room tour ❤️

  • @camelyayovita6183
    @camelyayovita6183 2 года назад +2

    We love longgg vlogs😘😘😘😘

  • @RomneyRanjo
    @RomneyRanjo 2 года назад +1

    i genuinely want to do this too but i feel like my phone is super glued to me

  • @imaniwilliams7660
    @imaniwilliams7660 2 года назад +1

    Your skin looks amazing

  • @makeupbybels
    @makeupbybels 2 года назад

    i hardly comment on any of ur vlogs but i love watching them!!!!

  • @johnlochner8313
    @johnlochner8313 2 года назад

    Omg you are in my town! I love when my favorite influencers are here it seems like people sleep on two sons so much LOL hope you enjoyed it it totally made my day when you said you were in Tucson Arizona oh my gosh:-)

  • @aislingchico8348
    @aislingchico8348 2 года назад +2

    I don't think I've ever clicked on a video faster ❤️

  • @emmatacc_
    @emmatacc_ 2 года назад

    I currently have a cherry case from wildflower on😌omg that resort looks so damn relaxinggg I WANNA GOOO😍😍

  • @laylatarhini9700
    @laylatarhini9700 2 года назад +2

    What's the name of the place you went to? It looks amazinggggg

  • @elisah4444
    @elisah4444 2 года назад

    omg i go to UofA in Tuscon!!! ahhh little did i know alisha was so close

  • @ardeshirwania9199
    @ardeshirwania9199 2 года назад

    Just to say you put this vlog on my birthday so thank you

  • @Lucillee.e
    @Lucillee.e 2 года назад +1

    I deleted Twitter eighth out of high school and then deleted Instagram and TikTok a month ago and LOVE IT!!! Now I just have Facebook and RUclips

  • @TessaundraYT
    @TessaundraYT 2 года назад +1

    I can somewhat relate with the spiders. I hate spiders and especially huge ones! This looked like an amazing trip and so glad everyone could enjoy a relaxing weekend away from the stress of everyday life and work

  • @stephdurkee
    @stephdurkee 2 года назад

    my current phone case is the teal one you had from castify and I used your code

  • @MuhammetAygun
    @MuhammetAygun 2 года назад +4

    Loved the vlog keep it up

  • @graciek339
    @graciek339 2 года назад +2

    I love you Alisha💛

  • @mangelesc9405
    @mangelesc9405 2 года назад

    Alisha the funny thing about this vlog is that i was in a tech free weekend for the last 3 days, i got back from it yesterday

  • @Elizabeth-M2024
    @Elizabeth-M2024 2 года назад

    I am absolutely terrified of spiders... you handled it so well! I would have bawled my eyes out and gone into a full panic attack LOL. My fear is so bad I've called my dad to come over and get rid of one for me... but the resort looks absolutely beautiful!

  • @Janeesaisquoi
    @Janeesaisquoi 2 года назад

    Alisha…about those PA square neck tops. Can we get a long torso version? Just a little more fabric for us girlies with the low waist lines.

  • @victoriawallen4
    @victoriawallen4 2 года назад +1

    You never gave us an acupuncture update. What was it like and would you do it again?

  • @lavie1429
    @lavie1429 2 года назад +1

    my case is casetify and it's clear with the word "beloved" in green in the middle of the case!

  • @hannahelyse99
    @hannahelyse99 2 года назад

    So cute! I love the pics at the end.

  • @annalawrence3235
    @annalawrence3235 2 года назад +4

    my best friend had a pet tarantula and i wouldnt go into her room until it died lmaoo

  • @TaraDawn
    @TaraDawn 2 года назад

    I always say “do now what your future self will thank you for” ☺️👌🏼