Angel Studios!! This sounds like a movie they could make. I love the idea and the premise of it. I first learned about the dog program in one of my psych classes and want to work with animals. They do so much and it's beautiful how prisoners change as they are taking care of them.
Really great conversation. I can truly relate to Patty Jenkins and those experiences with gate keepers of funding and opportunities for women. It's unfortunate for everyone but it does also afford us new superpowers.
Love this episode
Angel Studios!! This sounds like a movie they could make. I love the idea and the premise of it. I first learned about the dog program in one of my psych classes and want to work with animals. They do so much and it's beautiful how prisoners change as they are taking care of them.
Really great conversation. I can truly relate to Patty Jenkins and those experiences with gate keepers of funding and opportunities for women. It's unfortunate for everyone but it does also afford us new superpowers.
Shocking that you couldn't get 5mil to finance this movie when Monster made 70mil profit. And won so many awards.
John Wick is a rated R dog movie🤔
😂😂😂 jk jk great episode. I can hear her passion for the art form through the screen. Well episode Brother Gladwell
Talk to the producers of HBO's "Oz"?
I see Sam Jackson in The role