i watched this so many times. showed others to interest them in playing terraria as well. About time i gave you a thumbs up. Loved it and the serie themselves.
Quick tip, if you're falling, and you use a grappling hook/ivy whip/dual hook on the ground when it appears, you will no get hurt. I threw my wings and spectre boots of a floating island and jumped to test it out. it worked
3:30 - best moment in Terraria ever. I have been back to hunt that clip out a few times since the series started ... mainly I think because I'm not sure I've ever heard TB laugh so hard. :-) It's impossible not to join in.
Well done on the video very cleaning edited when jumping from vid to vid not choppy or poorly done. My only complaint is it took 5 minutes to see a death involving bombs. A compliment is you actually replayed jesse's first dynamite death bravo good man bravo
09:00 I think this moment sums up the very essence of the series nicely - Jesse tries to kill TB and when they both fall down a few hundred meters TB is laughing manically. And of course, TB always DOES live through it, unlike Jesse.
How could you leave out the time where Jesse found the corruption? "Oh god! There's like 13 of them, and now they're circling around me like Velociraptors! Oh god!"
11:18 Is it sad that while watching this episode, the minute I heard them say, "The adventure of a lifetime" that I knew Jesse wasn't gonna live through the first 30 seconds? The fact that it was only in the first 12 made it funnier.
You forgot when the nurse was slain during the blood moon, and the following five minutes, and the small bit in the new world, where they built there new homes and the guide died. For part 2, maybe?
5:22 I think TB taking that bomb out of his chest is the only answer you need to any questions you may have concerning his feelings towards being blown up by Jesse XD
Ah the old days when they were excited to see copper, now they're killing world eaters and exploring distant jungles (though still dying as much and hilariously as ever)
Rest in peace tb. Whenever I feel down I watch you and Jesse play terraria. You'll never be forgotten man
Laughed harder than I thought I could back then, during much needed times. Rest in peace, TB.
"what was in the chest?"
"ohh just a bunch of this stuff."
"wha wait what---?!"
That was the most incompetent mining attempt I've ever seen!
Stop using big words i don't know!!!
So, TB doesn't understand why we keep watching these episodes? This, basically! XD
I'm back here again. Let us remember the good times.
This video is one big testament to how contagious TB and Jesse's laughs are.
(8:28) I got it. TotalBiscuit's mowhawk was so sharp it essentially ripped Jesse asunder on contact.
T-Teckworks has a channel... And I never knew...
TB was covering the the Steam sales today and Terraria was one of them ($2.49). He strongly hinted at another series after the 1.2 patch.
It's awesome seeing how little resources they had in the first few episodes to their progress they have currently.
so many jesse lemming moments...
Ohhhhhh i do hope they use this as a part of a highlights reel at the end of the series, this is golden tears of laughter have been plenty.
The voices and laughs of these two guys together are just the best thing EVAR!
Oh so many fun memories. :D
loved this series. :)
It's awesome how 90% of these fun moments consists of Jesse dying, and 80% of those 90% involve Jesse falling to his death.
I love how all but one included someone dying horribly, and the one that didn't only didn't because it was just the lead in to his death.
i watched this so many times. showed others to interest them in playing terraria as well.
About time i gave you a thumbs up. Loved it and the serie themselves.
It's the best part of the series. This is awesome.
It's 2023 and I still regularly quote TB saying "Delicious!"
Makes me want to go back and watch the whole series over again. Great stuff guys!
yes, they are waiting for the 1.2 update to come out. It was expected that is should be out this July, but it may be a bit later.
Great tribute to my favorite series on youtube :D. Great job!
each new episode makes my day a bit better, thanks tb.
Indeed it is. TB doesn't normally crack up, but when he does, laughter becomes contagious.
thanks for the sweet montage, some really good moments there I dont even remember all of them and I have seen all the episodes to date
Quick tip, if you're falling, and you use a grappling hook/ivy whip/dual hook on the ground when it appears, you will no get hurt. I threw my wings and spectre boots of a floating island and jumped to test it out. it worked
I love how pretty much all of these are one of them dying followed by maniacal laughing.
best.....moments EVER. thank you so much for mixing this :)
The dynamite part is the most epic moment ever!!
Thank You Dkwolf THANK YOU
"Note to self: Don't jump off cliff"
Yeah no shit
I'm beginning to wonder if those two realize that their own bombs can only hurt themselves when they're on the same team.
Ty for makin this! :D i remember they started like 5 months ago the first episodes were great :D and they are still great today! :)
The only part I think this is missing is the episode where Jesse finds the corruption, and it's just a minute of panic.
3:30 - best moment in Terraria ever. I have been back to hunt that clip out a few times since the series started ... mainly I think because I'm not sure I've ever heard TB laugh so hard. :-) It's impossible not to join in.
Omfg, I shred a tear a few times how hard were I laughing. You, sir, win internet this time.
Jesse not being able to breathe is hillarious. Thank god for the replay!
What I wish to see in the future episode...
TB and Jessie stepping on explosive trap.
That would be a comedy gold.
Well done on the video very cleaning edited when jumping from vid to vid not choppy or poorly done. My only complaint is it took 5 minutes to see a death involving bombs. A compliment is you actually replayed jesse's first dynamite death bravo good man bravo
you would think they would notice that whenever TB says "0Nothing can possibly go wrong" it usually goes horribly wrong
7:35 best part
I think this moment sums up the very essence of the series nicely - Jesse tries to kill TB and when they both fall down a few hundred meters TB is laughing manically. And of course, TB always DOES live through it, unlike Jesse.
"OH NO OOOOH NOOOOOO..... ooohh.... this is gonna be bad -_-"
aawh soo ghuuud! - thank you for taking to time to make this compilation! xD
"You win this round, physics!"
May Jesse's deaths shine as a beacon of laughter for all.
"Nothing could go possibly wrong"
2 Seconds l8r: Death..
yes they will return this summer.
Thank you so much for making this!!!!
How could you leave out the time where Jesse found the corruption?
"Oh god! There's like 13 of them, and now they're circling around me like Velociraptors! Oh god!"
I'm glad you put the helevator thing in there :)
This video is awesome and you are an awesome person for making it!
I have yet to test if an Angel Statue protects you from the full attack of the guardian skulls.
Jesse had the absolutely most epic evil guy impession @ 04:57! I've watched that part sooo many times now.. God I love you Jesse
great job loved the video was nice to see all the epic moments in one spot im sure you will get a chance for a part 2
It is indeed happening; Jesse confirmed it in his most recent Revenge of the Q&A.
and thats everything worth watching from all those terraria vids
1:20 was one of the funniest things I've ever seen, him having been down there for 2 episodes almost.
Dynamite on the sky island.
There is an annotation to replay it.
goddamnit! now i need to start over from episode one, thank god its saturday.... looks like its an all-nighter
oh how i would love a updated version
i like how most of the deaths are falling or bombs
You two so ought to make more, absolutely hilarious, choked on my trifle cheesecake at one point through laughter :\
when Jesse jumped down the hellovator to get the boomerang... TB should've dropped sand down there...
Wow, the old castle von jessenstein. It's been a long time.
Well damn it, you made me watch this sceries again!!
*whisper* Thank you so much!!
They were talking about doing a new series once starbound releases
11:18 Is it sad that while watching this episode, the minute I heard them say, "The adventure of a lifetime" that I knew Jesse wasn't gonna live through the first 30 seconds? The fact that it was only in the first 12 made it funnier.
You forgot when the nurse was slain during the blood moon, and the following five minutes, and the small bit in the new world, where they built there new homes and the guide died. For part 2, maybe?
Every time TB says "Nothing can go wrong", something always goes wrong.
If you fall down, fire your grappling hook at the ground. It'll save you. Unless they fixed that since last time I played.
It's so typical how all the humor involves them trying to kill each other or dying randomly XD
Jesse's number one enemy: gravity. Runner up: explosives.
I think what we miss the most is TB's laughter of joy at Jesse's idiocy/missfortune! :D
a tear came in my eye, this vid is definitly on my favs :D
Both TB and Jesse have liked this video! Well done!
The trolling TB is a rare but hilarious phenomena. XD
wow, there are a lot of epic fails on poor jesse, died too many times, some of them caused by totalbiscuit. Good job man.
everytime in an episode when nothing could possibly go wrong is said i prepaire myself for the worste
This should be done with all of jesse's series.
When my friends and I watch any terraria videos we make it a drinking game and anytime Jesse dies we down a shot.
Jesse's laugh at the sky island when he fails with dynamite... best one ever xDDDD
... I just suddenly realised why TB was never killed by Jesses' bombs. They didn't have pvp enabled...
No they are doing Terraria 1.2 (well 90% sure of that) while they wait for Starbound to come out. This info is confirmed with TB/Jesse.
You sure? Summer's almost over and no Terraria. I'm subbed to both.
5:22 I think TB taking that bomb out of his chest is the only answer you need to any questions you may have concerning his feelings towards being blown up by Jesse XD
i love how most of the clips are just them dying =D
Ah the old days when they were excited to see copper, now they're killing world eaters and exploring distant jungles (though still dying as much and hilariously as ever)
Ah, the good old times.
How to curse your server.
Chant the TB curse: Things can't possible go wrong.
jesse cox's laugh... incredible.
Someone needs to make a montage of deaths of these guys.
Amazing. But I must agree with others that there are a few missing. Deathhole 1999 was one of my favorites.
you should've included the bit where Jesse says "F the troops" - that was mega funny as was the whole thing that followed it
anyone noticed that most of those moments includes one or both of them dying
There should be a health hazard warning at the beginning of this.
we skiped from the first sky island in old world to 1st episode in new episode
Since it's been running, this series has been funnier than 90% of the "comedy" on TV (I can only speak for the UK). It deserves a BAFTA.
Jesse and TB's laughs are so awesome lmao
you have to kill skeletron. You summon him by talking to the old man at night.