Happy New Year Kevan Ive just got back into CB after 30 years put up a good base aerial drag the only CB set I had out that was on 27 MHz because all the others are on 26 MHz because I’m in New Zealand. It’s an Old Midland 23 Channel I know it’s working fine because I’ve worked local contacts but because I’m running standard power no Amp, I hear a lot of of the Americans booming into New Zealand but I just can’t seem to be heard from my end but that’s the nature of Skip. I see towards the end of this video you are having the same difficulty. I feel it was better back in the late 80s early 90s because less people had high powered amps that swamped everybody else out. ! Anyway, love your channel . 462 DX Kiwi (Scarecrow)👍🇳🇿
@gordonlowe8473 Hello again, Gordon. It's nice to know you are making a return to the CB Airwaves. I, too, had a long break. I returned around 6 years ago. In all honesty, I do feel that the 11-year sunspot cycle has been nowhere as good as in the late 70s and 80s. The increase in people using higher powered amp, certainly contributes to difficulties in making QRP contacts. I often prove this point when I make some great barefoot contacts in the early period of propagation early morning, when far fewer stations are attempting DX calls. Perhaps we should make an attempt on 26 megs, at dome arranged timecwhen you are receiving stations from my neck of the woods? If you want, we can arrange something via email! kevantaylor@live.com Thanks again for your appreciation and general chat. I have some antenna maintenance first light today, as we just had rather a strong storm pass through. I have been getting Oz pretty well recently so I would hope to reach Kiwi sometime soon. Anyway, best wishes for 2025 and your new adventures on the radio mate. 73. 205 Kevan
Happy New Year Kevan Ive just got back into CB after 30 years put up a good base aerial drag the only CB set I had out that was on 27 MHz because all the others are on 26 MHz because I’m in New Zealand.
It’s an Old Midland 23 Channel I know it’s working fine because I’ve worked local contacts but because I’m running standard power no Amp, I hear a lot of of the Americans booming into New Zealand but I just can’t seem to be heard from my end but that’s the nature of Skip. I see towards the end of this video you are having the same difficulty. I feel it was better back in the late 80s early 90s because less people had high powered amps that swamped everybody else out. !
Anyway, love your channel . 462 DX Kiwi (Scarecrow)👍🇳🇿
@gordonlowe8473 Hello again, Gordon. It's nice to know you are making a return to the CB Airwaves. I, too, had a long break. I returned around 6 years ago.
In all honesty, I do feel that the 11-year sunspot cycle has been nowhere as good as in the late 70s and 80s.
The increase in people using higher powered amp, certainly contributes to difficulties in making QRP contacts. I often prove this point when I make some great barefoot contacts in the early period of propagation early morning, when far fewer stations are attempting DX calls.
Perhaps we should make an attempt on 26 megs, at dome arranged timecwhen you are receiving stations from my neck of the woods?
If you want, we can arrange something via email!
Thanks again for your appreciation and general chat. I have some antenna maintenance first light today, as we just had rather a strong storm pass through.
I have been getting Oz pretty well recently so I would hope to reach Kiwi sometime soon.
Anyway, best wishes for 2025 and your new adventures on the radio mate. 73. 205 Kevan
Thanks Kevan sounds like a Good Plan.👍🇳🇿