Sanctification of the Lord's name: We have come here today to honor the name of the Lord and His people who are not without hope, for the hope of the justified is the love of His grace, which is everlasting without end. May those who are persecuted for their testimony of Him be honored among the congregation of the righteous who were likewise persecuted in honor of His faith. May this place of worship and knowledge be sanctified in the Lord's name that we may honor Him who alone delivers the meek from the hands of the wicked and restores order to His creation with love and mercy at hand. Let the hills of His majesty, and the rivers of His grace be bestowed upon His chosen people for their love toward the name of the Lord is their recompense, and their glory. Fear not, for I have overcome the world sayeth the Lord your God who has delivered you this message today by the grace of my eternal spirit which I have granted to the world that all may find in me a caring Father, and a loving savior, for the breath of man is my spirit when you speak of me in honor of my Father who has sent me to you this very day that you should be reminded always that I love you, for you have loved my people because of me. I thank you sayeth the Lord of Hosts for thy love, and thy faith in me. I will not fail the weak whom I strengthen in faith sayeth the Lord. I will not fail the poor in spirit, because I to am lowly at heart sayeth the Lord. I will not fail the meek, for I alone am their justice sayeth the Lord. Believe. I am with you to the end of days, not to harm you, but to establish you. I will give you rest at the end of your years for the love you have shown me is thy faith, of which, I shall cherish in my heart as you have cherished mine also. Thank you for believing in me sayeth the Lord, for I am your cup, and your love for my people has filled my life with such honors and affections, that I shall return them unto you as a blessing to all, that all who love you love me, and all who despise you despise me, for I am your spirit, and your flesh sayeth the Lord who is one. May this hallowed place of love and mercy be sanctified in the Lord's name, that all who enter in may find majesty and honor by the works of God's creation that their minds may be restored at the quite sounds of the stream and their conscience cleared by the love of thy grace, that all who find pasture in this hallowed place of rest, worship, and majesty shall find also a restitution of spirit, and a comforting soul, in Jesus' loving name, for all who are drawn here are drawn to His wonderful works of splendor and majesty, which is without end among the heavens above. Amen
A Call to Righteousness and of Glory: Blessed is the Lord our God who has established His kingdom of might and glory by His death upon the cross, and by His resurrection from the dead that all who believe in Him shall be remembered with the congregation of the righteous, for the just acts of the meek shall not fail the poor who have been weakened by the hands of the devil that they should stumble in their faith. Let all those who cry out for freedom know with assurance from above that God is a deliverer of the people who are held in chains by the teaching of mysteries that derive from the occult school of Freemasonry, for the Lord is a good shepherd with mercy under His wing for those who do not tempt their neighbour with sorceries, idolatry, and fornication. The Lord is good. The Lord is might. The Lord alone is glory. Let every man tremble at the judgements of the Lamb, for the wrath of God that abides on the wicked is an eternal damnation, for their crimes against humanity shall not go unpunished. God in Heaven has sent His only begotten Son into the world as a remission of sin that all who call upon His name shall receive a new name written in majesty, for the glory of God is the might of His eternal word that shall not return empty, nor null in-void, for He alone has established all things by the Spirit of grace that all shall acknowledge their neighbour with love and humility. Let all who are humble be humbled, and let all who are wicked be found, for the time of God's Kingdom is at hand, and He alone watches over all things and is ready to receive you with thanksgiving's and earnest prayer, for God does not delight in the condemnation of the wicked who have been deceived, nor does God bring retribution upon the just, but unto the blasphemers, adulterers, and the sinful who have rejected the name of the Lord who is worthy above all creation to judge with an eternal might that all shall know whom they have denied, for God alone is worthy of all might, majesty, and glory. May the grace of God be bestowed upon the justified who have been redeemed from the hands of the devil for their love, their humility, and their worship of Him who alone is their peace and restitution of spirit. In Jesus' worthy and mighty name we thank you for the testimonies of the meek, and of the righteous acts of the saints who have opened the eyes of the wicked to their injustices, and have revealed the judgements of Heaven to the blessed at heart who are not without conviction. May they find forgiveness of sin and an eternal place of rest, for the work of the Lord is the works of faith that all should know that Christ Jesus our Lord is with you through your trials and tribulations that the hope of the just should not fail the weak, nor shall it end, for the time of God's promise to the meek is at hand, and He alone is their restitution of spirit. Amen
A Prayer for the Commonwealth: May the Lord in Heaven who is Christ Jesus our saviour and redeemer be with us in our struggle for freedom that His chosen people Israel should not fail in their just cause to exist upon the Earth that God has created in all might, wonder and majesty. May the people of the Commonwealth rest their hopes in you our sovereign Lord. We give you honour, praise and glory in the name of your majesty who is Christ Jesus your Son, for you alone are mercy, and you alone shall judge the wicked by your Gospel of equality, which you have established in all righteousness as a means of justice for all. We will never forget you. We love your people. We will honour you and cherish you in our minds and in our hearts by the word we have received, for you alone are grace and mercy by the rights of conscience that all may find you freely in their thoughts and in their prayers, for you are a spirit of freedom and liberty who has loved His people Israel by the grace of your presence. May the people who are searching know with assurance from above that God is a deliverer of the people who have been established in their hearts by the spirit of the Lord to despise the evil that Satan has created for them, for the the spirit of God draws near to them who are despised for their testimony of Him, who alone, is worthy to judge wicked for their crimes, and, to honour the meek by their names. Let all who mock the law and the commandments of God, be ashamed, for the law was delivered to the districts of the people that we may have life and liberty by the will of His eternal spirit. We thank you dear Heavenly Father for the gift of your Holy Spirit, and the gift of conscience, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who lights the way to perfect freedom and salvation by the law of love, and who shall deliver the people when the hour comes that all may know whom you have loved with an eternal and abiding grace. Amen *What is Commonwealth Theology? Commonwealth Theology describes itself as a consolidation of mainstream Christian theologies that better conforms the relationship between the Christian Church and today’s Israel to the relationship prophesied in the Old Testament and confirmed by the writings of the Apostolic Age Church. - Source: Wikipedia Encyclopedia (Commonwealth Theology).
A Testament to the Faith: Dear Father Jesus our Messiah God; Thou art gracious Father unto all the world. For You Father God did create the Heavens and the Earth, and have set the stars in their place by their names in accordance with the word of Your Lord. Let us praise you Father God in the name You have given us by which all may be saved and come to You for deliverance from darkness and oppression. For by Your word You have established the promise given to all. For by Your word everything has been established by Thy faith. Lord, Almighty God; We have our minds in fear, but our hearts have been opened by Thy grace, for Thy work is finished. In the arms of Your word Lord Jesus we are safe and eternal in You, for Your word has filled all the world, from the Heavens You have declared in faith, and have set the pathways of the Heavens that none! may reproach Thy throne, and have taken the oppressed as Thy servants and children alike. For Thou art mighty to deliver and ready to receive unto Thee that which is Thee for Thy words sake, and by the merit You have put on faith that we can receive You Lord Father God by faith alone in Your Word. We praise You Heavenly Father for Thy Word. In You alone we are forever safe. We thank You Lord Jesus. Amen
Statement of Faith: Blessed is the Lord our God who has created the Heavens and the Earth, and has endowed all life with ability, but unto His own image the gift of conscience, with which, to reason from so that all may know His ways of truth and life. God has established all things by His word and has come down to mankind in bodily form in order that He may bear witness of the Gospel message of hope, for all who call upon the Lord shall be saved, and confession unto salvation is by the grace of God alone who has shown His mercy to all of mankind by the gift of His Spirit, for all are endowed with conscience for the purpose of human rights and equality, and equal justice thereby. God is a righteous God and He has given mankind justice by the provision of His moral law, which is do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and, to love the Lord your God with all of your own being, for God has put an eternal merit on faith and love, for He has established all things with faith in love, so that all may know that God alone is their maker, and that God alone is truly good. The Father in Heaven has sent His only begotten Son into the world, and has brought the Gospel message of hope and salvation to the world from the Heavens above, and He alone was made sin for us and His body broken for the transgressions of the world. The Earth was created void and without meaning until the Spirit of God breathed life into man, thereby establishing His covenant with man as Holy here on Earth. All living creatures were made by God who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty, so that all living creatures are subject to His word, each according to their own ability, for the Lord has given each person a measure of faith, which is not to be forsaken, for the gift of the spirit is the gift of life. The glory of God is seen in all that He has made, so that we should have life everlasting in the kingdom to come, for the Lord is a good shepherd who will not lead His flocks astray. May the Spirit of the Lord be with you as you read this testimony, for the salvation of the Lamb is without number in the Heavens above, for He alone has conquered death by giving His life upon the cross of cavalry, and by His resurrection from the dead. Therefore, He has been raised above the Heavens forevermore, and He alone will judge with all of His might on the day of wrath once the Shepherd comes like a thief in the night. We thank You dear Heavenly Father for Thy Gospel message of hope in Your Son, Jesus Christ, who alone shepherds the way to life everlasting by the confession of faith, and by the proclamation of the Gospel message of hope and salvation which You have prepared for all that love You forever. Amen *Quotation: Ephesians 2:11-18 Jew and Gentile Reconciled Through Christ: Therefore, remember that formerly you who are gentiles by birth and called “uncircumcised” by those who call themselves “the circumcision” (which is done in the body by human hands) remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in His flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in Himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which He put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through Him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. - Source: The Holy Bible.
A Woe to the Wicked: Death be not proud, but the wicked have rejoiced. The wicked shout from the hilltop with a gloating of victory. “The slain shall not speak again,” they say, “for we have killed them with the sword.” Woe unto the vile and repulsive murders of the ungodly against the little ones whom God has chosen. Woe unto the violent acts that the ungodly sinners have committed against the image of the Lord and His Sheepfold. And Woe unto the servants of hell for their repeated acts of violence towards the kindred of God who are forever with Him, as He will remember their names. There shall be no ground for the wicked, as there shall be no mercy for the ungodly acts of the murderers against the image of the Lord and His Sheep. The Good Shepherd tends to His flock by day with milk and honey, and He watches over them by night, for He is a terror unto the wolves that force themselves upon the least. God is a refuge to the meek, and a fortress to the righteous. He is a fearful judge, and He will repay says the Lord according to His moral law, and in Him there is no impartiality. Those who side with the beast in the struggle for good shall inherit the destruction of the beast that is foretold by John the apostle, beloved of God. The Lord is one. The Lord is the Avenger. The Lord alone shall break the wicked. Let all the world bare witness of the salvation of the Lord through the mercy He has shown upon His servant David, who slew Goliath in battle by the righteousness of his courage and faith, and who bears the promise given of one greater than Solomon from his seed by the house of Jacob for defending the name of God against the Philistines. For the Son of man has come down to Earth, and has taken upon His tree the suffering of the world, and by His burden upon the cross, He has been raised above the Heavens forevermore. All who call upon His name shall inherit their life in Heaven with Him, and they shall not suffer the unrighteousness of the world ever again, for the persecutions against them are no more. The Lord has established the Heavens in truth, and He has delivered to the world in the flesh His eternal promise that whomsoever shall believeth in Him shall never perish. For through Him, all are made anew by their faith in Him who was born to the Earth by the Holy Spirit, and He alone is worthy, and, everlasting without end. But unto the wicked, He has reserved His eternal judgement that they should not partake in the blessings of the Kingdom to come, because of their blasphemes, their sexual immorality, their murders, and their sorceries, which they did ungodly commit, and did not repent of before the Son of God. Therefore, the Lord lays up trouble for them in accordance with His moral law, that all shall acknowledge Him as their maker and be good to their neighbours in spirit and in deeds forevermore, which is in accordance with His eternal promise to the world, for the time of God's Kingdom is near. The Earth shall be smitten with fear and trembling, and the watchers from the Heaven’s shall quake, for the wicked are to be removed from the Earth and the salvation of the Lord shall be without end as the 144,000 who are the remnant of the house of Jacob shall enter into the Kingdom of light and glory. And their names are written on God’s own hand so that none! shall ever take them away, for they are a special people unto Him, and, are blessed forever. All praise, wonder, might, majesty and glory belongs to the Son of God who alone is called Messiah and Saviour Lord, and He alone lives forever in eternity, for He alone bore the penalty of sin without any sin having been imputed against His name. Therefore, worthy is the Lamb who was slain and lives forevermore with His kinsmen and His adopted, for He did strive with them against the bastards and the reprobate who worked against the splendour and might of His eternal judgements for all to live by fairly with. Which are: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and, to love your neighbour as you love your own, for this is the law of the prophets who bared His name. Amen
Que maravilha de fundo musical 🙌🙏👏👏👏 que Deus te abençõe 🙌🙏👏👏👏
ouuuuuu aaleluiaaaaa
Sanctification of the Lord's name:
We have come here today to honor the name of the Lord and His people who are not without hope, for the hope of the justified is the love of His grace, which is everlasting without end. May those who are persecuted for their testimony of Him be honored among the congregation of the righteous who were likewise persecuted in honor of His faith. May this place of worship and knowledge be sanctified in the Lord's name that we may honor Him who alone delivers the meek from the hands of the wicked and restores order to His creation with love and mercy at hand.
Let the hills of His majesty, and the rivers of His grace be bestowed upon His chosen people for their love toward the name of the Lord is their recompense, and their glory. Fear not, for I have overcome the world sayeth the Lord your God who has delivered you this message today by the grace of my eternal spirit which I have granted to the world that all may find in me a caring Father, and a loving savior, for the breath of man is my spirit when you speak of me in honor of my Father who has sent me to you this very day that you should be reminded always that I love you, for you have loved my people because of me. I thank you sayeth the Lord of Hosts for thy love, and thy faith in me.
I will not fail the weak whom I strengthen in faith sayeth the Lord.
I will not fail the poor in spirit, because I to am lowly at heart sayeth the Lord.
I will not fail the meek, for I alone am their justice sayeth the Lord.
Believe. I am with you to the end of days, not to harm you, but to establish you. I will give you rest at the end of your years for the love you have shown me is thy faith, of which, I shall cherish in my heart as you have cherished mine also. Thank you for believing in me sayeth the Lord, for I am your cup, and your love for my people has filled my life with such honors and affections, that I shall return them unto you as a blessing to all, that all who love you love me, and all who despise you despise me, for I am your spirit, and your flesh sayeth the Lord who is one.
May this hallowed place of love and mercy be sanctified in the Lord's name, that all who enter in may find majesty and honor by the works of God's creation that their minds may be restored at the quite sounds of the stream and their conscience cleared by the love of thy grace, that all who find pasture in this hallowed place of rest, worship, and majesty shall find also a restitution of spirit, and a comforting soul, in Jesus' loving name, for all who are drawn here are drawn to His wonderful works of splendor and majesty, which is without end among the heavens above.
A Call to Righteousness and of Glory:
Blessed is the Lord our God who has established His kingdom of might and glory by His death upon the cross, and by His resurrection from the dead that all who believe in Him shall be remembered with the congregation of the righteous, for the just acts of the meek shall not fail the poor who have been weakened by the hands of the devil that they should stumble in their faith. Let all those who cry out for freedom know with assurance from above that God is a deliverer of the people who are held in chains by the teaching of mysteries that derive from the occult school of Freemasonry, for the Lord is a good shepherd with mercy under His wing for those who do not tempt their neighbour with sorceries, idolatry, and fornication.
The Lord is good.
The Lord is might.
The Lord alone is glory.
Let every man tremble at the judgements of the Lamb, for the wrath of God that abides on the wicked is an eternal damnation, for their crimes against humanity shall not go unpunished. God in Heaven has sent His only begotten Son into the world as a remission of sin that all who call upon His name shall receive a new name written in majesty, for the glory of God is the might of His eternal word that shall not return empty, nor null in-void, for He alone has established all things by the Spirit of grace that all shall acknowledge their neighbour with love and humility.
Let all who are humble be humbled, and let all who are wicked be found, for the time of God's Kingdom is at hand, and He alone watches over all things and is ready to receive you with thanksgiving's and earnest prayer, for God does not delight in the condemnation of the wicked who have been deceived, nor does God bring retribution upon the just, but unto the blasphemers, adulterers, and the sinful who have rejected the name of the Lord who is worthy above all creation to judge with an eternal might that all shall know whom they have denied, for God alone is worthy of all might, majesty, and glory.
May the grace of God be bestowed upon the justified who have been redeemed from the hands of the devil for their love, their humility, and their worship of Him who alone is their peace and restitution of spirit. In Jesus' worthy and mighty name we thank you for the testimonies of the meek, and of the righteous acts of the saints who have opened the eyes of the wicked to their injustices, and have revealed the judgements of Heaven to the blessed at heart who are not without conviction. May they find forgiveness of sin and an eternal place of rest, for the work of the Lord is the works of faith that all should know that Christ Jesus our Lord is with you through your trials and tribulations that the hope of the just should not fail the weak, nor shall it end, for the time of God's promise to the meek is at hand, and He alone is their restitution of spirit. Amen
A Prayer for the Commonwealth:
May the Lord in Heaven who is Christ Jesus our saviour and redeemer be with us in our struggle for freedom that His chosen people Israel should not fail in their just cause to exist upon the Earth that God has created in all might, wonder and majesty. May the people of the Commonwealth rest their hopes in you our sovereign Lord. We give you honour, praise and glory in the name of your majesty who is Christ Jesus your Son, for you alone are mercy, and you alone shall judge the wicked by your Gospel of equality, which you have established in all righteousness as a means of justice for all. We will never forget you. We love your people. We will honour you and cherish you in our minds and in our hearts by the word we have received, for you alone are grace and mercy by the rights of conscience that all may find you freely in their thoughts and in their prayers, for you are a spirit of freedom and liberty who has loved His people Israel by the grace of your presence.
May the people who are searching know with assurance from above that God is a deliverer of the people who have been established in their hearts by the spirit of the Lord to despise the evil that Satan has created for them, for the the spirit of God draws near to them who are despised for their testimony of Him, who alone, is worthy to judge wicked for their crimes, and, to honour the meek by their names. Let all who mock the law and the commandments of God, be ashamed, for the law was delivered to the districts of the people that we may have life and liberty by the will of His eternal spirit. We thank you dear Heavenly Father for the gift of your Holy Spirit, and the gift of conscience, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who lights the way to perfect freedom and salvation by the law of love, and who shall deliver the people when the hour comes that all may know whom you have loved with an eternal and abiding grace. Amen
*What is Commonwealth Theology?
Commonwealth Theology describes itself as a consolidation of mainstream Christian theologies that better conforms the relationship between the Christian Church and today’s Israel to the relationship prophesied in the Old Testament and confirmed by the writings of the Apostolic Age Church. - Source: Wikipedia Encyclopedia (Commonwealth Theology).
A Testament to the Faith:
Dear Father Jesus our Messiah God;
Thou art gracious Father unto all the world. For You Father God did create the Heavens and the Earth, and have set the stars in their place by their names in accordance with the word of Your Lord. Let us praise you Father God in the name You have given us by which all may be saved and come to You for deliverance from darkness and oppression. For by Your word You have established the promise given to all. For by Your word everything has been established by Thy faith.
Lord, Almighty God;
We have our minds in fear, but our hearts have been opened by Thy grace, for Thy work is finished. In the arms of Your word Lord Jesus we are safe and eternal in You, for Your word has filled all the world, from the Heavens You have declared in faith, and have set the pathways of the Heavens that none! may reproach Thy throne, and have taken the oppressed as Thy servants and children alike. For Thou art mighty to deliver and ready to receive unto Thee that which is Thee for Thy words sake, and by the merit You have put on faith that we can receive You Lord Father God by faith alone in Your Word. We praise You Heavenly Father for Thy Word. In You alone we are forever safe. We thank You Lord Jesus. Amen
Statement of Faith:
Blessed is the Lord our God who has created the Heavens and the Earth, and has endowed all life with ability, but unto His own image the gift of conscience, with which, to reason from so that all may know His ways of truth and life. God has established all things by His word and has come down to mankind in bodily form in order that He may bear witness of the Gospel message of hope, for all who call upon the Lord shall be saved, and confession unto salvation is by the grace of God alone who has shown His mercy to all of mankind by the gift of His Spirit, for all are endowed with conscience for the purpose of human rights and equality, and equal justice thereby.
God is a righteous God and He has given mankind justice by the provision of His moral law, which is do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and, to love the Lord your God with all of your own being, for God has put an eternal merit on faith and love, for He has established all things with faith in love, so that all may know that God alone is their maker, and that God alone is truly good. The Father in Heaven has sent His only begotten Son into the world, and has brought the Gospel message of hope and salvation to the world from the Heavens above, and He alone was made sin for us and His body broken for the transgressions of the world.
The Earth was created void and without meaning until the Spirit of God breathed life into man, thereby establishing His covenant with man as Holy here on Earth. All living creatures were made by God who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty, so that all living creatures are subject to His word, each according to their own ability, for the Lord has given each person a measure of faith, which is not to be forsaken, for the gift of the spirit is the gift of life. The glory of God is seen in all that He has made, so that we should have life everlasting in the kingdom to come, for the Lord is a good shepherd who will not lead His flocks astray. May the Spirit of the Lord be with you as you read this testimony, for the salvation of the Lamb is without number in the Heavens above, for He alone has conquered death by giving His life upon the cross of cavalry, and by His resurrection from the dead.
Therefore, He has been raised above the Heavens forevermore, and He alone will judge with all of His might on the day of wrath once the Shepherd comes like a thief in the night. We thank You dear Heavenly Father for Thy Gospel message of hope in Your Son, Jesus Christ, who alone shepherds the way to life everlasting by the confession of faith, and by the proclamation of the Gospel message of hope and salvation which You have prepared for all that love You forever. Amen
Ephesians 2:11-18
Jew and Gentile Reconciled Through Christ:
Therefore, remember that formerly you who are gentiles by birth and called “uncircumcised” by those who call themselves “the circumcision” (which is done in the body by human hands) remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in His flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in Himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which He put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through Him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. - Source: The Holy Bible.
Gloria Deus
Amén 💯💢💯🙏🙏
A Woe to the Wicked:
Death be not proud, but the wicked have rejoiced. The wicked shout from the hilltop with a gloating of victory. “The slain shall not speak again,” they say, “for we have killed them with the sword.” Woe unto the vile and repulsive murders of the ungodly against the little ones whom God has chosen. Woe unto the violent acts that the ungodly sinners have committed against the image of the Lord and His Sheepfold. And Woe unto the servants of hell for their repeated acts of violence towards the kindred of God who are forever with Him, as He will remember their names.
There shall be no ground for the wicked, as there shall be no mercy for the ungodly acts of the murderers against the image of the Lord and His Sheep. The Good Shepherd tends to His flock by day with milk and honey, and He watches over them by night, for He is a terror unto the wolves that force themselves upon the least. God is a refuge to the meek, and a fortress to the righteous. He is a fearful judge, and He will repay says the Lord according to His moral law, and in Him there is no impartiality. Those who side with the beast in the struggle for good shall inherit the destruction of the beast that is foretold by John the apostle, beloved of God.
The Lord is one.
The Lord is the Avenger.
The Lord alone shall break the wicked.
Let all the world bare witness of the salvation of the Lord through the mercy He has shown upon His servant David, who slew Goliath in battle by the righteousness of his courage and faith, and who bears the promise given of one greater than Solomon from his seed by the house of Jacob for defending the name of God against the Philistines. For the Son of man has come down to Earth, and has taken upon His tree the suffering of the world, and by His burden upon the cross, He has been raised above the Heavens forevermore. All who call upon His name shall inherit their life in Heaven with Him, and they shall not suffer the unrighteousness of the world ever again, for the persecutions against them are no more. The Lord has established the Heavens in truth, and He has delivered to the world in the flesh His eternal promise that whomsoever shall believeth in Him shall never perish.
For through Him, all are made anew by their faith in Him who was born to the Earth by the Holy Spirit, and He alone is worthy, and, everlasting without end. But unto the wicked, He has reserved His eternal judgement that they should not partake in the blessings of the Kingdom to come, because of their blasphemes, their sexual immorality, their murders, and their sorceries, which they did ungodly commit, and did not repent of before the Son of God. Therefore, the Lord lays up trouble for them in accordance with His moral law, that all shall acknowledge Him as their maker and be good to their neighbours in spirit and in deeds forevermore, which is in accordance with His eternal promise to the world, for the time of God's Kingdom is near.
The Earth shall be smitten with fear and trembling, and the watchers from the Heaven’s shall quake, for the wicked are to be removed from the Earth and the salvation of the Lord shall be without end as the 144,000 who are the remnant of the house of Jacob shall enter into the Kingdom of light and glory. And their names are written on God’s own hand so that none! shall ever take them away, for they are a special people unto Him, and, are blessed forever. All praise, wonder, might, majesty and glory belongs to the Son of God who alone is called Messiah and Saviour Lord, and He alone lives forever in eternity, for He alone bore the penalty of sin without any sin having been imputed against His name.
Therefore, worthy is the Lamb who was slain and lives forevermore with His kinsmen and His adopted, for He did strive with them against the bastards and the reprobate who worked against the splendour and might of His eternal judgements for all to live by fairly with. Which are: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and, to love your neighbour as you love your own, for this is the law of the prophets who bared His name. Amen
Bom dia apaz