Deltatraveler Section 2 Pacifist Route (No Commentary)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 248

  • @binarypench
    @binarypench 2 года назад +333

    I thought this chapter would take on the Earthbound art-style throughout the entire chapter. Still sweet, though.

    • @_Grean_
      @_Grean_ 2 года назад +34

      i wish it did though, would've been awesome as hell not to just be a short thing

    • @pustota7254
      @pustota7254 2 года назад +3

      Your comment got liked 69 times.

    • @You-Tube-n5k
      @You-Tube-n5k 2 года назад +21

      I will say, the joke about them feeling off in the different art style was pretty funny

    • @presidentraiden9203
      @presidentraiden9203 2 года назад +9

      @@You-Tube-n5k I felt the same way

    • @zephryus
      @zephryus Год назад +3

      I'm just grateful this even exists

  • @anthonyloveschickens
    @anthonyloveschickens Год назад +61

    I like how they gave Paula PSI Lifeup and the physical Shield. She doesn’t actually learn those, but it makes it easier for this game.

    • @elchicoproplayer777
      @elchicoproplayer777 Год назад +22

      And the fact How she Conveniently Forgets it when Ness Is fucking murdered

    • @zwataketa
      @zwataketa 11 месяцев назад +4

      Now imagine a mod that gives her those in base Earthbound.

  • @Manavine
    @Manavine 2 года назад +113

    I get the feeling that each time they go into a gray door, they'll warp to another game, but when they get back, it'll be another Undertale AU.

    • @Jessica_Schweser
      @Jessica_Schweser 2 года назад +12

      I realized it’s that until Section 7 breaks that chain. Then the last ones an AU again I think.

    • @kylemarkley7170
      @kylemarkley7170 Год назад +2

      @@Jessica_Schweser I think Section 8 is either in normal Undertale or Deltarune, actually. Or perhaps the VOID in between...

    • @JAL_EDM
      @JAL_EDM 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@kylemarkley7170Section 8 was confirmed to be the gang taking on Gaster, or better yet, I guess going to his hideout lab area

  • @You-Tube-n5k
    @You-Tube-n5k 2 года назад +40

    This has become one of my favorite fan games ever. The writing is on point!

  • @qvmll3198
    @qvmll3198 2 года назад +203


    • @parkerpeter9218
      @parkerpeter9218 2 года назад +23

      the vine boom makes it even better

    • @herronariela7469
      @herronariela7469 2 года назад +10


    • @diamondynamite
      @diamondynamite 2 года назад +16

      Just a liiiittle bit outside of Toby's humor, but still very funny 😂
      This is when it reminds you that it was created by different people.

    • @AbsolutelyAri1
      @AbsolutelyAri1 Год назад


    • @thenexva
      @thenexva Год назад

      Honestly scared the shit outta me

  • @guardian8926
    @guardian8926 2 года назад +157

    I like to think, based off Kris's inner monologue after rescuing Paula, that the voice is wrong about the four heroes, because they don't have "Player Control" which is what enables Kris or Frisk or whoever to have this determination. Though, they follow different rules, regardless of what happens, it's a fan game.

    • @cream9561
      @cream9561 Год назад +2

      Yes I agree with you. I don’t really like the idea that the 4 have “Player Control” since even though the fourth wall was broken a few times during the game, and the game does ask for the player’s real name later on, I don’t think it’s put out as the player controlling Ness and them being two separate people in the game. You play as the protagonist and enjoy the experience

  • @silvernado8644
    @silvernado8644 2 года назад +15

    I can’t believe Ryno made a callback to their Underfell series.

    • @Nate2010
      @Nate2010 9 месяцев назад

      a callback? deltatraveler uses that entire underfell???

  • @gifigi600
    @gifigi600 2 года назад +24

    17:29 OMG this the best moment!

  • @nintendoboy3605
    @nintendoboy3605 2 года назад +111

    I am hoping this game doesn't rely exclusively on Earthbound games/Undertale AU's. Especially considering that now we have 3 different versions of the same cast of characters in 1 story.
    Maybe if future chapters of Deltatraveler had us explore different RPG's like Golden Sun, Xenoblade, Bug Fables, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest.
    Hey maybe if the teams feeling extra risky they could go beyond RPG worlds and go full on video game world. I know those might be difficult to convert into Deltarunes battle system and I wouldn't blame them for sticking to RPG's but I mean it would be cool to see how they would use non RPG worlds in Deltatraveler.

    • @jamesegg7372
      @jamesegg7372 2 года назад +9

      i need terraria deltarune. NOW.

    • @nonameyet908
      @nonameyet908 2 года назад +39

      Actually it’s confirmed on the game jolt page that the next chapters are gonna be underfell legend of Zelda a link to the past underswap Mario and Luigi bowsers inside story toontown and a mystery au

    • @nonameyet908
      @nonameyet908 2 года назад +4

      You do need to scroll down a lot to find it though

    • @bloxxer717
      @bloxxer717 2 года назад +17

      Oh crap we gonna get a Mario and Luigi RPG game

    • @superfan28
      @superfan28 2 года назад +4

      well castle crashers is pretty much confirmed

  • @diamondynamite
    @diamondynamite 2 года назад +20

    Bro I'd love to see them world hop through Mother 3, I'm sure Noelle could relate to Lucas a lot, perhaps they'd share a moment.
    And seeing them go through other RPG's altogether would be really cool. Like pokemon. Believe it or not, this game was the final push for me to start playing earthbound, and I loved it.
    (Perhaps they don't even HAVE to be in an RPG, but they could make it one. Like DDLC.)

  • @Mas-cm6cy
    @Mas-cm6cy 2 года назад +56

    when you remember that paula/ the entire earthbound party is like 8-10
    "aww, she is haveing fun :D"
    then you remember giygas. and realize that 8-10 year olds are fighting it

    • @thedanishlord
      @thedanishlord 2 года назад +5

      at least Kris and Susie are like 14-16

    • @ayakuuma
      @ayakuuma 2 года назад +5

      They're 12-13 though.

    • @thedanishlord
      @thedanishlord 2 года назад +1

      @@ayakuuma to be fair sometimes I wish there were more age confirmations

    • @ayakuuma
      @ayakuuma 2 года назад

      @@thedanishlord oh not Kris and Susie, ness and Paula.

    • @thedanishlord
      @thedanishlord 2 года назад

      @@ayakuuma makes since I was talking about Kris and Susie I think they are around the age I said

  • @demenitusthehedgehoglitch5603
    @demenitusthehedgehoglitch5603 2 года назад +81

    Guess we're on AU territory now

    • @theman5921
      @theman5921 2 года назад +5

      I don't know, but i think that was Hard!Sans charging at Kris

    • @y.r9105
      @y.r9105 2 года назад +1

      It looks like killer tbh

    • @theman5921
      @theman5921 2 года назад +3

      @@y.r9105 yeah, but he was doing the orange flame punch that Hard does

    • @y.r9105
      @y.r9105 2 года назад +1

      Hmm let me look at the hard tale sans design

    • @y.r9105
      @y.r9105 2 года назад +1

      Well this looks like a new au then

  • @harleydewing1194
    @harleydewing1194 2 года назад +17

    I hope there will be a fully complete fan game of this. It’s so incredibly well designed

  • @nintendoboy3605
    @nintendoboy3605 2 года назад +90

    I am convinced The Ralsei we keep seeing isnt the real Ralsei

    • @bloxxer717
      @bloxxer717 2 года назад +21

      I’m convinced that the demons I keep imagining aren’t real

    • @TeaTime0300
      @TeaTime0300 2 года назад +2

      What Ralsei?

    • @papyrusgaming4820
      @papyrusgaming4820 2 года назад +9


    • @Nahuelwg
      @Nahuelwg 2 года назад +5


    • @Nahuelwg
      @Nahuelwg 2 года назад +6

      @supermegakosta doobie

  • @What-wm2fu
    @What-wm2fu 2 года назад +72

    Was kinda hoping they were gonna be in the OFF universe. A genocide Judge Fight, and Pacifist Batter fight would of been cool.

    • @theman5921
      @theman5921 2 года назад +2

      That would be SO COOL!

    • @Grapekinz
      @Grapekinz 2 года назад +2

      What does OFF mean

    • @matiaskasparian2055
      @matiaskasparian2055 2 года назад +4

      @@Grapekinz It's a game like earthbound

    • @Maton1025
      @Maton1025 2 года назад +1

      It’s not off the table yet, we still may see it later on if there’s more than 3 sections

    • @greentieofficial
      @greentieofficial 2 года назад +1

      @@Maton1025 Sorry pal but there are already confirmed sections and I doubt they'll add more

  • @melvint-p9500
    @melvint-p9500 2 года назад +55

    Is Ness' talking sound his smash taunt? That's hilarious.

    • @ieatbugs45
      @ieatbugs45 2 года назад +1

      that’s definitely it lmao

    • @Th3DankestMemer
      @Th3DankestMemer 2 года назад +8

      Yeah, that's absolutely a snippet of his "Okey."

    • @Nahuelwg
      @Nahuelwg 2 года назад


    • @theman5921
      @theman5921 2 года назад +4

      It is a cropped clip of his iconic "okey"

  • @karmah7904
    @karmah7904 2 года назад +8

    If you see ryno sans that's a sign of he is never gonna leave you alone until you die or if he's with papyrus during his puzzles

  • @ness6714
    @ness6714 2 года назад +20

    Man, I hope those guys are doing juuuust fine.

    • @theman5921
      @theman5921 2 года назад +6

      Hey, when you finally defeat Giygas Pokey will run away! Don't try to go find him! It's a trap! He'll brainwash you and turn you into a hotdog seller! Trust me, i am The Man!

    • @nomNOMmon834
      @nomNOMmon834 2 года назад +1

      @@theman5921 you are the man

    • @theman5921
      @theman5921 2 года назад +2

      @@nomNOMmon834 yes, yes i am.

  • @Web-Boi
    @Web-Boi 2 года назад +8

    Sans just come in like an air plane

  • @skalesthesnake4828
    @skalesthesnake4828 2 года назад +12

    36:09 What is that beautiful music I'm hearing? Anyone knows the name of this song?

    • @kuma6572
      @kuma6572 2 года назад +9

      A Flash of Memory-Earthbound OST

  • @pogggaming4470
    @pogggaming4470 2 года назад +9

    I love how underfell sans is like “what the hell you say about me you little-“ (navy seal copypasta basically)

    • @r0498
      @r0498 2 года назад +1

      that was killer sans

    • @pogggaming4470
      @pogggaming4470 2 года назад

      @@r0498you dear question the words of Ryangg’s version of underfell?

    • @user-tg7ng1uw8f
      @user-tg7ng1uw8f 2 года назад

      @@r0498 killerfell

  • @fox599
    @fox599 Год назад +3

    The machine themes in earthbound are so perfect that they didn't need to make a cool mashup

  • @SpeedStar1642
    @SpeedStar1642 11 месяцев назад +1


  • @howardtoller2332
    @howardtoller2332 Год назад +5


  • @minetieplays2092
    @minetieplays2092 2 года назад +7


  • @randompersonwithoutcontent7059
    @randompersonwithoutcontent7059 2 года назад +13

    i would have loved to see a Mario and Luigi part

    • @Swarps
      @Swarps 2 года назад +6

      all the sections have been confirmed and the 6th one is bowsers inside story, so

    • @Techhunter_Talon
      @Techhunter_Talon 11 месяцев назад

      @@Swarps I hope the final fight for that is the remix of Megalo Strike Back that the user Rishimazza made. It's pretty damn good and uses the Bowser's Inside Story soundfont.

  • @Th3DankestMemer
    @Th3DankestMemer 2 года назад +12

    26:15 that sound brought back memories

  • @Queen-sy5sp
    @Queen-sy5sp 2 года назад +4

    0:09 - Ralsei under the hill

  • @Azuricringel
    @Azuricringel 2 года назад +7

    17:25 my reaction to this current information

  • @factualopinion8849
    @factualopinion8849 2 года назад +10

    I imagine a Touhou world would be a cool callback as well.

  • @nainthegameravacado1857
    @nainthegameravacado1857 2 года назад +6

    Ending of section 2 it underfell

  • @Lavalinater9000
    @Lavalinater9000 2 года назад +2


  • @lacoste_calvo
    @lacoste_calvo 2 года назад +2

    This cave theme reminds me a lot of sonic exe data select screen

  • @dylpickle_z
    @dylpickle_z Год назад +1

    46:56 ACTUAL jumpscare
    im going to keel over

  • @Ieditandplaygd
    @Ieditandplaygd Год назад +1

    Susie broke the rules of physics

  • @beefbossonthewiiu
    @beefbossonthewiiu Год назад +1

    I got stuck on the porky fight and didn’t want to kill him and risk pacifist, thank you!

  • @meherinmouly
    @meherinmouly 2 года назад +2

    LOL Sans just came outta nowhere

  • @jamcat5889
    @jamcat5889 2 года назад +2

    Damn kris really said:

  • @MarcusFigueras
    @MarcusFigueras 11 месяцев назад

    I feel like there's an underrated bit of comedy in susie asking how to blow something up when immediately before she blew up metal bars with a wooden table

  • @NotBaebot
    @NotBaebot Год назад +5

    i have nothing else to say

  • @EmberstriketheHedgehog2500
    @EmberstriketheHedgehog2500 Год назад +2

    26:21 I got that Sonic.exe vibes lol 😂 idk why though…

  • @MrPederhozze
    @MrPederhozze 2 года назад +13

    how the heck they went to underfell
    dont judge

    • @Roovy_Rover
      @Roovy_Rover 2 года назад +3

      Is it underfell? It looks different

    • @papyrusgaming4820
      @papyrusgaming4820 2 года назад +2

      @@Roovy_Rover It’s RynoGG’s own version of Underfell, they have a series for it on their channel

  • @parkerpeter9218
    @parkerpeter9218 2 года назад +5


  • @AbsolutelyAri1
    @AbsolutelyAri1 Год назад

    I love how sans is just here

  • @k.Kayzen
    @k.Kayzen 2 года назад +1

    4:23 its cool! my youtube changed to 144p after the flash!

  • @kylemarkley7170
    @kylemarkley7170 Год назад

    Noelle's moments of blatent gayassery is proably my favorite part of Deltatraveler, tbh.

  • @chromxrobinandcorrinxcamil9031
    @chromxrobinandcorrinxcamil9031 Год назад +4

    Ah yes, best route.

  • @AtticusKarpenter
    @AtticusKarpenter 2 года назад +2

    We need Homestuke trip!

  • @youngxie
    @youngxie 5 месяцев назад

    Bro I thought the Rsd-capped kid in sans' menu was gonna activate some Ness reference and maybe even Game Theory if ya know what I mean.

  • @Blkintrovert88
    @Blkintrovert88 2 года назад +7

    Poor Noelle. =[

  • @Realjcap_gaming
    @Realjcap_gaming 2 года назад +1

    27:40 i got sonic.exe vibes from the music

  • @thev1nceunderyourbed635
    @thev1nceunderyourbed635 2 года назад +2

    Ayo what da sans doin

  • @VaiCaDep0893
    @VaiCaDep0893 Год назад

    Imagine if they actually traveled to Sonic.exe Nightmare Universe/The Spirits of Hell. Two best Sonic.exe games ever.

    • @elchicoproplayer777
      @elchicoproplayer777 Год назад

      Section 1 - Undertale
      Section 2 - EarthBound/Mother 2
      Section 3 - GG!UnderFell
      Section 4 - i forgot maybe link game
      Section 5 - i forgot
      Section 6, 7 8 i forgot
      Section 666 - Sonic.exe edgy scary !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @alexking894
    @alexking894 Год назад +1

    Kris vs my 1000000% of my Heat Up Metal

  • @Whocares158
    @Whocares158 2 года назад +21

    Thank you for the Non Commentary.
    I just can't watch someone run their mouth throughout the whole playthrough.

    • @miccharacter.coomiebully6707
      @miccharacter.coomiebully6707 2 года назад +2

      Funny for someone who loves running their mouth and think they’re so special being « different » because they’re scared of their insignificance and who people will forget them when they die that they hope going purposefully against the norm will help ♥️.

    • @edgystuffretarkidnormcring330
      @edgystuffretarkidnormcring330 2 года назад +1

      Ew a misogynistic pick me 🤢 @nt!n@tal!st

  • @grape_protogen
    @grape_protogen Год назад +1

    Wait a minute! Section 3's in Underfell!
    ...whelp. the team's gonna need some luck to get through Snowdin.

    • @BoredomIncarnate16
      @BoredomIncarnate16 Год назад

      Plus, there's a Sans in that Underfell take that kills everything that breathes and deals around 5 damage with Gaster blasters 💀

  • @Baburun-Sama
    @Baburun-Sama 2 года назад

    Section 1: Beginning
    Section 2: Trapped in Earthbound
    Section 3: Back to Under... fell?

  • @condimentman9533
    @condimentman9533 2 года назад +1

    Imagine delta traveler in mother 3

  • @jakethebaconhair29
    @jakethebaconhair29 2 года назад +1

    For anyone wondering what au for the end is it a au made by one of the developer

  • @christianvalentincota5452
    @christianvalentincota5452 2 года назад

    Anyone know what song plays at 47:24 is?

  • @Banjoisawesome
    @Banjoisawesome 2 года назад

    Underfell?!? Did not expect that!!!

  • @davidcarmona-wz8vm
    @davidcarmona-wz8vm 2 года назад

    did you khow the section 3 will be on dec 28 in update

  • @lauziyi5728
    @lauziyi5728 2 года назад

    Where the heck are they now?

  • @Theodore_Noise
    @Theodore_Noise 10 месяцев назад +1

    32:15 what moment

  • @MrPederhozze
    @MrPederhozze 2 года назад +2

    isnt that sonic.exe main menu theme on that weirdo cave? (2nd one)

    • @nullandvoid3364
      @nullandvoid3364  2 года назад +8

      Actually, it's same theme but they reversed it in the Sonic game. The theme originated from Earthbound.

    • @kuma6572
      @kuma6572 2 года назад +5

      The sonic.exe game actually took that music from Earthbound

    • @theman5921
      @theman5921 2 года назад +3

      I regret to inform you that that is a track from the original Earthbound OST. It did, however, feature in the Sonic.exe main menu. Although many people that played Sonic.exe haven't played Earthbound. So they don't know where it came from

  • @BoredomIncarnate16
    @BoredomIncarnate16 2 года назад +1

    Personal timestamp 53:19

  • @borisbeloudus2691
    @borisbeloudus2691 2 года назад

    BTW Section 3 is Underfell.

  • @Pepperboop
    @Pepperboop 5 месяцев назад

    dude why for me i only do like 6 damage? and this guy makes like 55 damage on the fight button

  • @ChaoticaChaosControl
    @ChaoticaChaosControl 2 года назад +1

    Its The chapter 3?

  • @whoknows6123
    @whoknows6123 2 года назад +2

    wait how do i get the egg

    • @dannhan3104
      @dannhan3104 Год назад

      You probably don't need it anymore but you get it by going with the hint guy when you already have the mole following you, he gives you the egg

  • @sahilhossain8204
    @sahilhossain8204 2 года назад +2

    Hmm yes when deltatraveler ch 3?

    • @skell6134
      @skell6134 2 года назад +5

      Some day,probably faster than Deltarune Ch3 tho XD

    • @spiritbaki108
      @spiritbaki108 2 года назад +4

      @@skell6134 I would guess probably around the same time

    • @skell6134
      @skell6134 2 года назад +3

      @@spiritbaki108 Maybe

    • @Wack910
      @Wack910 2 года назад +1


  • @shaunlindblade1491
    @shaunlindblade1491 2 года назад +1

    It would be cooler if the other 2 joined. (Ness and Paula)

  • @Techhunter_Talon
    @Techhunter_Talon 11 месяцев назад +1

    Never played Earthbound before (fully, at least) but I have watched others play it. So, this section was especially cool for me. It was also funny seeing Earthbound's NPC not really react to Susie and Noelle. Guessing they just think they're in costumes or something.
    (I've played bit of Earthbound while at a party because someone owned a SNES Classic. I stopped at just after the Police Chief boss fight, I think, before I deleted the save I created.)

  • @sandintheocean
    @sandintheocean 2 года назад

    ok, correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't the sans look like Killer! Sans? Bleeding eyes with a red thing in the middle of his chest.

    • @greentieofficial
      @greentieofficial 2 года назад +1

      Nah its a piercing and its not Killer, its Underfell Sans (or atleast RynoGG version)

    @JUDGE-TONY 2 года назад

    huh, so it goes from undertale, to earthbound, then to underfell, weird but itss pretty neat

  • @justunder2765
    @justunder2765 2 года назад

    Has anyone done the side quest???

  • @Braveryadamsx
    @Braveryadamsx Год назад

    More of this please

  • @WillieManga
    @WillieManga Год назад

    Wh... What the f... WHAT??! Earthbound?!

  • @T-Bone3063
    @T-Bone3063 2 года назад


  • @screane5739
    @screane5739 2 года назад +5

    *d o o b i e*

  • @samuelrodrigues9071
    @samuelrodrigues9071 2 года назад +1

    Why is Raisei smoking weed and why do they say "* doobie" then vanish I have so many fucking questions

  • @emiliorubiomadrid3800
    @emiliorubiomadrid3800 2 года назад


  • @captainkinky2817
    @captainkinky2817 2 года назад

    its a killer!tale sans in the end, because his brother sayed he greatest killer + sans is have red soul in his chest, with black on eye tear? I dont know what is that but underfell dont have it ( he have gold teeth)

    • @Another_leaf
      @Another_leaf 2 года назад +1

      this is a different version of underfell, from RynoGG (the creator of deltatraveler)

  • @drrenwtfrick
    @drrenwtfrick 2 года назад +6


  • @Iamthenew_Batman
    @Iamthenew_Batman Год назад

    in next section they go to Underverse☠️

  • @eway44
    @eway44 2 года назад +1

    I think a Mother 3 or an Omori part would be cool

    • @greentieofficial
      @greentieofficial 2 года назад

      Yea true but I think the fans can try it themselves, the devs already have confirmed section choices that will be added later on

    • @eway44
      @eway44 2 года назад

      So it's a possibility?

    • @Swarps
      @Swarps 2 года назад +1

      @@eway44, it isn't. the sections have legit already been confirmed and none of them are mother 3 nor omori

    • @eway44
      @eway44 2 года назад

      @@Swarps ok. I don't know what they are, but I'm sure they'll be just as good as the current parts.

    • @Swarps
      @Swarps 2 года назад +1

      @@eway44 if you want to know, they're on the gamejolt page in one of the devlogs posted a few months ago

  • @creepstone8621
    @creepstone8621 2 года назад

    Imagine if they got to Hylics world.

    • @greentieofficial
      @greentieofficial 2 года назад

      They'd be SUPER confused on what the hell to do in such world like Hylics (although i know nothing about Hylics but i do know a few things)

  • @balasarknight8633
    @balasarknight8633 2 года назад +1

    underfell got it

  • @Trav_Fede
    @Trav_Fede 2 года назад +6

    What the fuck am i doing in here in ch 2???

  • @VenixThePokeGamer
    @VenixThePokeGamer Год назад


    • @dannhan3104
      @dannhan3104 Год назад

      In Porky battle? Same, got stuck for a Long Time for that

    • @VenixThePokeGamer
      @VenixThePokeGamer Год назад

      @@dannhan3104 yeah in porky battle

  • @pancakes8670
    @pancakes8670 2 года назад

    Some games I think it would be sick to go to:
    Homestuck (kinda sorta a game)
    Chrono Trigger
    And for the heck of it, a Final Fantasy Game (I'd go with Seven since it's the popular one, but if the 3-D Modeling is too much maybe one of the older Final Fantasies would be better)
    Just imagine a fucking union between Flowey, The Batter, Sephiroth, Porky, etc

  • @emiliorubiomadrid3800
    @emiliorubiomadrid3800 2 года назад

    Remember kids drugs and getting drunk is bad

  • @mr.monotone1908
    @mr.monotone1908 2 года назад

    Goddamnit Porky.

  • @sunnyangeles3557
    @sunnyangeles3557 2 года назад

    Is no one gonna talk about Ralsei smoking?

  • @TonyTonyChopper-t6s
    @TonyTonyChopper-t6s Год назад

    Who else sees Ralsei smoking at 12:52

  • @ThatAnimatronicPerson
    @ThatAnimatronicPerson 2 года назад +1

    I bet the next section is gonna be horrortale

  • @shaunlindblade1491
    @shaunlindblade1491 2 года назад

    Frisk too

  • @Flowey.The.Flower
    @Flowey.The.Flower 2 года назад


  • @cat.6635
    @cat.6635 2 года назад +1

    it looks like killertale(by sans)and underfell by papyrus,strange but papyrus act like his undertale personality

    • @nintendoboy3605
      @nintendoboy3605 2 года назад +2

      That's Underfell just a different version of Underfell.

    • @cat.6635
      @cat.6635 2 года назад

      @@nintendoboy3605 ohh ok

    • @TheOffspringy
      @TheOffspringy 2 года назад

      it is ryanGG’s underfell take (the one who made this game)

  • @lyrimetacurl0
    @lyrimetacurl0 2 года назад

    Descent explosions 😂