Daniel, your voice hasn't changes for the 3 years I've been learning from your tutorials; you're like the most positive guy ever! Keep being you, I love it.
@@Dani_Krossing Nice tutorial but *how can I hide the login button when the users are already logged in ? AND how can I hide the logout button when the users already have logged out* ?
Your tutorials are amazing. They are so well explained and you have covered every bit of the language. FYI, I followed your tutorials and I got an internship. So thank you for making all these wonderful, full of php knowledge videos.
I was able to do your login/signup system with just a few mistakes and then I rushed through your command lines on this one and had all kinds of errors lol. I was a little frustrated at first and stomped, but I eventually caught all my mistakes. I actually learn more by messing up the code then doing it right, haha. It forces me to learn to read the code and learn how the errors correlate with my syntax mistakes. It also forces me to experiment to validate how far the code is actually processing correctly. Thanks Daniel, your tutorials are very informative with your explanations. Keep them coming. :)
HI Dani! I'm a recent fan of yours myself. Love your teaching style. So positive and a great sense of humour. Aside that, I am having issues with mysqli_connect. In other lessons when you use PDO there hasn't been any issues in-that I could submit data to the database. But with mysqli_connect, nothing happens. Any suggestions on how to make mysqli_connect to work properly on my Mac? @@Dani_Krossing
WOW Man was this one ever the bees knees.. I had a 3 day time (I'm legit a beginner just started coding php last week thanks to you) figuring out how not only to mash this into the previous episode but also your large 2 hour login system video which idk on your upload schedule but it seems like it was a reupload and came years after this lol.. good fight though I STILL dont have the idea 100% at this time but I'm PRETTY sure I know where to go from here and this video has helped me as far as it can so thank you so much Daniel you are awesome brother. If anyone's having problems with this still let me see if I can point you in the right direction with issues I faced: FIRST let me disclose i tossed away his second table profileimg all together and used the previous login database which in that other video he called "users" which already had 4 categories idUsers uidUsers then email and pass but those two are the important ones. so first I added a column to my table called status just like his: int (11) not null etc issues I faced were not paying attention to when I was supposed to be SELECTING from the number column or the name column.. you have to follow this video exactly and anywhere he writes ANYTHING with an id first its always referenceing the number one in my case was idUsers. likewise anything he writes with a username for me was uidUsers Dont be a hero and write your own attachments or improvements if your a beginner like me .. you dont know the jack you think you do lmao big tip here wasted a lot of hours like "man i know whats going on here so what if i..." yeah dont lol I ran into an issue where i accidently called my default profile image "profiledefault.jpg" lmao it kept showing up as a blank square instead of the image and glancing over the comments i might have been the only dummy on this one lol. I was essentially looking for something called "profiledefault.jpg.jpg" unintentionally. Lastly I have completely different login and signup systems .. if you have one like me you can circumvent that entire signup segment in here by just simply adding a parameter to your signup.php or whatever you call it in the INSERT INTO section youd already have and add a VALUE to it of 1 in my case hed used several questionmarks mine looks like this now: INSERT INTO users (uidUsers, emailUsers, pwdUsers, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, 1) thus rendering all this: $sql= "SELECT * FROM users WHERE uidUsers='$username'"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0){ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){ $username = $row['uidUsers']; $sql = "INSERT_INTO users (status) VALUES (1)"; mysqli_query($conn, $sql); } } Useless... (note the types of changes i had to make from his original code and you could easily do this also) but make sure you look in your login system and be mindful that your _SESSION ids are set correctly i was trying to use stuff like idUsers and my uidUsers in places i should have had my actual _SESSION id's .. Which as a quick example are $_SESSION['userId'] = $row['idUsers']; so i had to go back and find anywhere he referenced his first table which i diddnt have as either just "id" or "username" or anything like that and make sure i had the right ones.. using one table it actually streamlines the process cutting out a lot of EXTRA stuff. Hopefully this helps anyone lol I wish someone would answer some of the questions in these comments much more when they figure them out haha .. oh well help where I can much love all =)
Thanks so much Dani, you are an amazing teacher. Interestingly concepts from your teachings have been so helpful in preferring solutions to some of my projects , sometimes unrelated to the tutorial. Keep up the good work sir!
You are amazing you solved my 2 nights of sleeplessness i will check other things you offer and if there are some sort of courses then i have to buy from you!
So nice of you for teaching us all these about php. Please guide how can i launch mob camera in feed back form.. Like there will be a feedback form with submit option and capture image option.. The capture image option should turns on the mobile camera and take the picture, save it in sql data base and send along with the form when clicked on submit button.
I love the tutorials but I get genuinely confused sometimes. The discontinuity of the projects feels so bad and I get confused in editing some parts because I don't know how to connect the things together. But I learned a lot. I'm probably just stupid anyway.. thank you ^_^
@Visions Weekly Magazine I kind of agree. He did update the login one and I wish he would have updated this one but connected it to the login form and made it it into some sort of profile page with image. But I'm actually figuring much of it just using the few of Dani's videos and the stuff I've been picking up along the way.
Question: On the upload section you allow .jpg, gif, pdf, etc. to be saved to the uploads directory but line 26 when you log in appears in my head at least to only recognize .jpg. Do I need to consider the filename like was done in upload.php so it will process the other types? Otherwise I got it work (with some minor modifications.)
The tutorial is good but I suggest you also discuss about checking mime types of images. The hackers can name their shell scripts to any image file by just changing the extension name and bypass your validation.
Hi and thank you :) I know about these attributes, however you shouldn't use them instead of what we did in this video. Because it is incredible easy for anyone to get around attributes, by simply going into the browsers build-in developer tool, and then remove them before submitting the form.
What does not null mean? I am assuming that if you don't type not null.. the user can leave this blank? At 18:00, you put the form at line 17 but can't you put it straight after line 15?
I have a question: in the index.php, in the echo that uploads the custum user's profile image, it's currently set to 'jpg', followed byt the question mark and the mt_rand() functiion. What if the users uploads then a 'png' image? I did the teste and the broweser uploadted a broken image. Is there a way in html language to accept different extensions in the image source? Great tutorial tho, you are a greate teacher!
@@niro6856 I tried to find the solution for a couple of minutes at the day but i couldn't find it and started taking care of other parts of the project. I tried using * in the extension part to allow any extension but it didn't work on my html..
pleasee make the next video about templates, and use bootstrap to make the page without using tools like (twig). Love your vids! You are an incredible teacher!
hey bro i did all what you said and it work for me but when i ever signup new user the first user image dosint disapear so the new user will see the old user img and i dont want that how to fix this
Hey love the video, I am not sure why isn't my profileimg table updating when the users sign up even though I followed all your steps. Do you get any clue what might be the issue?
Great teachings! Thank you! :) I got it all to work together with your last tutorial on how to make a login system. If you are anyone else is reading this, can you please help me with one more thing, as I am not educated in programming. Currently I can see all the users when logged in, but is there php/sql code that shows only the avatar of the current person that is logged in? session if you will. Many thanks and best regards! :)
In this lesson when we login by one user id and then log out and then again login with another user id, and then when we go to the profile photo section, then it shows the profile of both the users. The user previously logged out and the user currently logged in. How to manage users profile according to the current session of a single user. Please help me with this.
@@nabeeltech7885Neither of them videos have anything to do with this.. its something to do with the sessions.. ids now if there 2 or more accounts registered it shows those accounts it showed them in his video
@@Holyschytt hummmm now i am moved to node js which is much tougher but more faster then php next era is node js, go lang and java script type server languages because of their asynchronous behaviour it means they can execute many requests
after I log out from other user then log in again for another user, the image from the past user is still in there, how can I display only the profile image of the logged in user?
@@thezvid you're right this while login is not good. it always appear multiple row of profile image in your login because of different table he used can't get specific row from the same id
It's just an exercise. I learned something. Whether I ever use this method myself or not, I'm not sure. If I do, I'm sure I will probably build on top of it and do a lot of refactoring.
Thank you so much. I love all your tutorials and I appreciate your sharing. However, this tutorial -and only this one- is kind of messy with incomplete parts. like not being able to log in other than user #1. And having to list all DB users at the top of index page. Anyway, thanks a lot again and again; I know it was for focusing on this certain-topic and I acknowledge that you know best. Highly Appreciated.
It's a wonderful tutorial. I just think there's one flaw, when you echo the image that we uploaded, you mention the extension to be ".jpg". But it will not find the image if it had some other extension. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes that is true. I am thinking of solving that problem by having an extension column in my profile image table. So instead of putting .jpg I will put the respective file extension which I will have previously uploaded to the database when uploading the image. I don't know if this makes sense to you.
Great tutorials so far! Is there a reason why you created two tables instead of just inserting the status column into the user table or even just checking if the correct file exists (by naming the pictures according to the user's id)?
I created two tables because I wanted to keep the users startup information (the info provided when signing up) in a separate table, and the later added information in a separate table (such as profile image, banner image, profile settings, etc). But it is perfectly doable if you add all the information in a single table.
Thanks for the response! :) Is it to keep it clean or to avoid performance issues (or some other reason) that you keep track of the status in the database instead of just checking if a correspondingly named file exists in the uploads folder?
Click Click Dan Ok, Another problem I’m running into is that if a user uploads a png or a jpeg, they don’t replace each other instead they both stay in the uploads folder
Hi @@adamjones6473. I just solved the same issue for myself. First of all, regarding the file extension, you should watch the #53 episode of the series, where Daniel shows a method that requires no usage of the database. Secondly, regarding the different ending, you have to first delete the current picture of the user, and afterwards upload the new picture. You can find how to delete pictures in episode #53 and #54 and #55.
Thank you so much for this video!! I finally put user profile pic function on my project. I have a question. echo ""; With this code, if user selects the file such as png or jpeg not jpg(which is set as default), how can I change the code? It's not like just changing to echo ""; Can you help me?
If i was using this for an website logo for example. How could i get it to show the "latest" image where i want? can i assign the lastest filename to a variable and then just use that in my "source" part of the imagedisplay tag?
This was the most difficult video to understand for me among all PHP tutorial videos. I have watched it 4 times and still unable to understand. All the videos are adorable but I am really stuck in this video.
Here, we can only change the profile picture of the 1st user, due to in login.php if(isset($_POST['submitLogin]')) { $_SESSION['id'] = 1; } but how to change profile picture of individual user who logged in ??
You have to set the userid in the url using a get method. The url should look like www.website.com/index.php?id=$userid. with this you can target the individual user through a select statement. "SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=''userid". make sure to set the $userid = sessionid or row[id] of the user.
I did similar as you since I already used the finished log in system and just implemented all from this lesson and i also used the prepared statements and everything went well, but ... in the database, in user table, whenever I insert a new user the index numbers are going in the reverse direction, from the highest to the smallest, what do you think, what could be the problem?
Use blob type to store images on Database ! Nice video working til 2018 .
5 лет назад
Never store images in a database. Best practice is to always have a pointer to the image location, and have the images stored on a separate server. Which is why loading images from the root folder of your website is significantly slower than loading them from another server.
Hi Dani, thanks for these tutorials! Transparent and very helpful. Although I'm struggling with getting changes visible on my website straight away, the changes only appear after clearing cache; or the uploaded profile picture will show on the user profile after logout and login again. Please can you help ? I read many pages on cache etc, I saw this code function refresh() { var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); console.log("Grabbing Value"); req.onreadystatechange = function () { if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) { .... etc But I still struggle with putting this together... is this a right way to reflect changes and uploads on the website immediately? I appreciate your time, thanks x
I've already created a JSON file to store user's data using php, and MySQL to store user profile images. Explain as to how i can connect both databases to upload the correct profile image to the user logged in. Or maybe you caan create a video on this please?
So may things are not clear regarding the while after $id = $row["id"]; if you have more than a user, it still gets all of the users right? Am I missing something?
Thank you so much for the tutorial, it is life saving! I just wanted to ask a quick question. I've found that, if the user changes his avatar several times, an each image has a different extension (I've tried the three png, jpg, and jpeg), it creates three files. The avatar displayed tends to always be jpg over png, and jpeg over those two, no matter if the jpeg was the first upload and the png the last. I don't know if I'm explaining properly, sorry. What I mean, is that the avatar showed it is not the latest image uploaded. Does anyone knows how can I fixed that? Please. :c
Hello, thanks for the great video! I went to your source files and wasn't able to find the css file. When do you expect that will be up? Thanks again! :)
@@darox3549 For me it was the SQL tables had an autoincrement that never reset, so on upload.php userid =/= $id so it could never link the img and the account together.
Hi, Thanks you for your details tutorial. Also I wants to know, now my question is after the user Free register, now I need if any subscription taken for any service I need VIP TAG must add Auto with his profile photo. Example Smule VIP ID. Please explain the too. Hope I could able to tell you my query.
At line 13, how come you didn't set any where statement to check to see if their user_uid matches or not? Also, at line 17, you used the id, which I think is the id or number for that person, can you also use their user_uid or username instead? I just find it more reliable if you use their username instead of id
Don't you think we should use $_SESSION['id'] in index page when we are checking if image is uploaded or not instead of checking for all user? And aren't we supposed to save img to db? 🤔
Hey man i wanted to ask if you've done a video on downloads, i was wondering if there is a way to download a Full directory and all sub directories without using zip extensions
Attempted to add this on to the login system I created based on your tutorial but just kept getting the error that my num rows were zero so I scrapped it all and went back to the original login system. I was really hoping this video and the previous would build upon those previous login system ones but I suppose not.
Hi, I have a question. The user can upload either .jpg .png .jpeg. . However when printing the image, if the user choosed to upload a .png image the site won't find the image because its written (echo "" ). Any solution ? Btw, great video ;D
I have some kind of an error, the userid from profileimg wasn't the same as user's id so I put an equal sign related to their ids which I think is the better option from creating a usless userid column in profileimg table.
hey men mmtuts which is more efficient to use? making a separate document for every login/logout script or just put it in the same document and make it a function? I think making it a function, but I want to get your side of view :) sorry for bad English :/
*Daniel Crossing* Nice tutorial but how can I hide the login button when the users are already logged in ? AND how can I hide the logout button when the users already have logged out ?
At line 17.. do you need to store that in another variable called $id? Can't you just use.. $row ['user_uid'].. directly? Also, why did you use 0 and not 1 as already has a picture?
But we need not display every user information(images and username) when signed up. Second thing, when user got signed up there is no header function in "signup.php" that redirects to "index.php". Correct me if I'm wrong :)
sir this is a really great tutorials , however, I do have problem even though I download the course materiaux on your patreon. I can see the file on the uploads folder but on the website the user's photo doesn't display. on my database, I still have status = 1 , even though we update the status = 0 before uploading the folder, therefore the default photo still displays do you think something has changed with php overtime ?? please can you check your course's materiaux to see if something has changed overtime?? I look forward to hearing from you back
Hi there! No PHP hasn't changed in a way that would destroy any current applications out there. 🙂 If they were to do that, it would mean thousands of websites would receive errors and everything would be in chaos hehe. I tested out the code myself a few months ago, and it still worked then. 😊 If you used my lesson material, it is most likely a mistake in how you set up your database. Such as a spelling mistake in your table/column names, either in your database itself, or in your PHP code when you reference the tables/columns. 9/10 times when a person tells me that their code isn't working, it is because of a spelling mistake hehe. Even when they claim they "followed my tutorial to the point" it is always still because they made a typo 🙂 I can only recommend double checking your SQL or PHP code for spelling errors related to your database names.
Daniel, your voice hasn't changes for the 3 years I've been learning from your tutorials; you're like the most positive guy ever! Keep being you, I love it.
Thank you :) Creating video lessons is what I love, which is probably why I'm still staying positive :)
Please do a video on how to send emails to confirm email accounts and forgot password recovery. Awesome teacher!! Stay blessed.
I’d recommend using an external api for it such as Facebook account kit or use php stmp send mail
I have worked on this before, but I am encountering a small error. I need someone to help me debug it
I really love your tutorials, they are so easy to learn and your voice is so calming and smooth, haha, thank you for these.
Hannes F. Haha thank you for noticing my "smooth" voice :)
Haha. ;p
Hannes F. x mmtuts
@@Dani_Krossing Nice tutorial but *how can I hide the login button when the users are already logged in ? AND how can I hide the logout button when the users already have logged out* ?
@@math260879 already shown in login system tutorial look at the playlist
So awesome! I know its such a pain to record all these videos with Quality Content in it! Thanks for it! You're a Pro!
Your tutorials are amazing. They are so well explained and you have covered every bit of the language. FYI, I followed your tutorials and I got an internship. So thank you for making all these wonderful, full of php knowledge videos.
IF I was to praise you for your tutorials it won't stop but thank a millions times
I was able to do your login/signup system with just a few mistakes and then I rushed through your command lines on this one and had all kinds of errors lol. I was a little frustrated at first and stomped, but I eventually caught all my mistakes. I actually learn more by messing up the code then doing it right, haha. It forces me to learn to read the code and learn how the errors correlate with my syntax mistakes. It also forces me to experiment to validate how far the code is actually processing correctly.
Thanks Daniel, your tutorials are very informative with your explanations. Keep them coming. :)
I'm glad you got it working :)
HI Dani! I'm a recent fan of yours myself. Love your teaching style. So positive and a great sense of humour. Aside that, I am having issues with mysqli_connect. In other lessons when you use PDO there hasn't been any issues in-that I could submit data to the database. But with mysqli_connect, nothing happens. Any suggestions on how to make mysqli_connect to work properly on my Mac? @@Dani_Krossing
Finally! your tutorial helps me a lot for my school project
WOW Man was this one ever the bees knees.. I had a 3 day time (I'm legit a beginner just started coding php last week thanks to you) figuring out how not only to mash this into the previous episode but also your large 2 hour login system video which idk on your upload schedule but it seems like it was a reupload and came years after this lol.. good fight though I STILL dont have the idea 100% at this time but I'm PRETTY sure I know where to go from here and this video has helped me as far as it can so thank you so much Daniel you are awesome brother.
If anyone's having problems with this still let me see if I can point you in the right direction with issues I faced: FIRST let me disclose i tossed away his second table profileimg all together and used the previous login database which in that other video he called "users" which already had 4 categories idUsers uidUsers then email and pass but those two are the important ones.
so first I added a column to my table called status just like his: int (11) not null etc
issues I faced were not paying attention to when I was supposed to be SELECTING from the number column or the name column.. you have to follow this video exactly and anywhere he writes ANYTHING with an id first its always referenceing the number one in my case was idUsers.
likewise anything he writes with a username for me was uidUsers
Dont be a hero and write your own attachments or improvements if your a beginner like me .. you dont know the jack you think you do lmao big tip here wasted a lot of hours like "man i know whats going on here so what if i..." yeah dont lol
I ran into an issue where i accidently called my default profile image "profiledefault.jpg" lmao it kept showing up as a blank square instead of the image and glancing over the comments i might have been the only dummy on this one lol. I was essentially looking for something called "profiledefault.jpg.jpg" unintentionally.
Lastly I have completely different login and signup systems .. if you have one like me you can circumvent that entire signup segment in here by just simply adding a parameter to your signup.php or whatever you call it in the INSERT INTO section youd already have and add a VALUE to it of 1 in my case hed used several questionmarks mine looks like this now:
INSERT INTO users (uidUsers, emailUsers, pwdUsers, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, 1)
thus rendering all this:
$sql= "SELECT * FROM users WHERE uidUsers='$username'";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0){
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
$username = $row['uidUsers'];
$sql = "INSERT_INTO users (status)
VALUES (1)";
mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
Useless... (note the types of changes i had to make from his original code and you could easily do this also)
but make sure you look in your login system and be mindful that your _SESSION ids are set correctly i was trying to use stuff like idUsers and my uidUsers in places i should have had my actual _SESSION id's .. Which as a quick example are $_SESSION['userId'] = $row['idUsers']; so i had to go back and find anywhere he referenced his first table which i diddnt have as either just "id" or "username" or anything like that and make sure i had the right ones.. using one table it actually streamlines the process cutting out a lot of EXTRA stuff.
Hopefully this helps anyone lol I wish someone would answer some of the questions in these comments much more when they figure them out haha .. oh well help where I can much love all =)
Dani you are great , you are better than stack overflow
Best tutorial on RUclips.
Thanks so much Dani, you are an amazing teacher.
Interestingly concepts from your teachings have been so helpful in preferring solutions to some of my projects , sometimes unrelated to the tutorial.
Keep up the good work sir!
Awesome video. Thanks for doing my assignment. Gives me time to go for a bike ride today!
u r such a great teacher i ever seen
respect from pakistan
@42:54 I am stuck in this part. I don't see default pic and the username.. But I did follow everything.. Help..
You are amazing you solved my 2 nights of sleeplessness i will check other things you offer and if there are some sort of courses then i have to buy from you!
Your channel have saved me many times now! Thank you!
Thanks for all these tuts, they are really helpful, this one was a handful tough!!! I just finally got it.
So nice of you for teaching us all these about php. Please guide how can i launch mob camera in feed back form.. Like there will be a feedback form with submit option and capture image option.. The capture image option should turns on the mobile camera and take the picture, save it in sql data base and send along with the form when clicked on submit button.
videos still useful today . Thank you
Tnx a lot to the efforts sir ... Now only had left about statuses not alone in their data
I love the tutorials but I get genuinely confused sometimes.
The discontinuity of the projects feels so bad and I get confused in editing some parts because I don't know how to connect the things together. But I learned a lot. I'm probably just stupid
anyway.. thank you ^_^
great tutorial bro! nice easy to understand and you did it from scratch .
I already did your tutorial on how to make a login system. how would I ad the image upload to that?
@Visions Weekly Magazine I kind of agree. He did update the login one and I wish he would have updated this one but connected it to the login form and made it it into some sort of profile page with image. But I'm actually figuring much of it just using the few of Dani's videos and the stuff I've been picking up along the way.
At last a guy who can explain stuff.
Great vid! I wish u a beautiful new year! Have some nice days.
all the codes are running but it keeps giving me an error of "Undefined array key "id"" in this code for the profile "$id = $row['id'];" 27:54
hey! daniel your tutorials are very good and easy to follow keep up the good work
Question: On the upload section you allow .jpg, gif, pdf, etc. to be saved to the uploads directory but line 26 when you log in appears in my head at least to only recognize .jpg. Do I need to consider the filename like was done in upload.php so it will process the other types? Otherwise I got it work (with some minor modifications.)
The tutorial is good but I suggest you also discuss about checking mime types of images. The hackers can name their shell scripts to any image file by just changing the extension name and bypass your validation.
Great videos learning everything properly and probably better than uni. You should take a look at the
Hi and thank you :) I know about these attributes, however you shouldn't use them instead of what we did in this video. Because it is incredible easy for anyone to get around attributes, by simply going into the browsers build-in developer tool, and then remove them before submitting the form.
What does not null mean? I am assuming that if you don't type not null.. the user can leave this blank? At 18:00, you put the form at line 17 but can't you put it straight after line 15?
Amazing tutorials. Would recommend it to everyone starting php. Helped me out alot. Thanks.
I have a question: in the index.php, in the echo that uploads the custum user's profile image, it's currently set to 'jpg', followed byt the question mark and the mt_rand() functiion. What if the users uploads then a 'png' image? I did the teste and the broweser uploadted a broken image. Is there a way in html language to accept different extensions in the image source? Great tutorial tho, you are a greate teacher!
the same thing, did you get answer?
@@niro6856 I tried to find the solution for a couple of minutes at the day but i couldn't find it and started taking care of other parts of the project. I tried using * in the extension part to allow any extension but it didn't work on my html..
@@weler2491 Thank you for your reply! I tried to solve this problem with gpt, and it's worked! You need to try it
@@niro6856 Lol of course chatgpt is always handy in these situations!
At 23:00 , how does 'uid' become "Admin" in the output while the placeholder is 'Username'?
You are pretty cool in your teachings man.....
pleasee make the next video about templates, and use bootstrap to make the page without using tools like (twig). Love your vids! You are an incredible teacher!
bleach boostrap, is for leasy...
At 27:56, instead of using userid, can you use username instead and match it with their username from the user's table?
hey bro i did all what you said and it work for me but when i ever signup new user the first user image dosint disapear so the new user will see the old user img and i dont want that how to fix this
Hey love the video, I am not sure why isn't my profileimg table updating when the users sign up even though I followed all your steps. Do you get any clue what might be the issue?
Thank you so much. I am getting benefit. Thank you
Great teachings! Thank you! :)
I got it all to work together with your last tutorial on how to make a login system.
If you are anyone else is reading this, can you please help me with one more thing, as I am not educated in programming.
Currently I can see all the users when logged in, but is there php/sql code that shows only the avatar of the current person that is logged in? session if you will.
Many thanks and best regards! :)
can you make a tutorial on how to upload or post multiple photos on website?? using php??
Thanks for the great tutorial ! :)
In this lesson when we login by one user id and then log out and then again login with another user id, and then when we go to the profile photo section, then it shows the profile of both the users. The user previously logged out and the user currently logged in. How to manage users profile according to the current session of a single user. Please help me with this.
maybe u need to watch episode 39 or 44 i completely logged out and logged in and logged out and showed current user on website
@@nabeeltech7885Neither of them videos have anything to do with this.. its something to do with the sessions.. ids now if there 2 or more accounts registered it shows those accounts it showed them in his video
@@Holyschytt hummmm now i am moved to node js which is much tougher but more faster then php next era is node js, go lang and java script type server languages because of their asynchronous behaviour it means they can execute many requests
I got stuck here at 19:03 after click the Login button, the url shows: localhost:8080/uploadimages/login.php?submitLogin=
The page is blank.
Great tutorial, thank You!!
I only can't understand one thing: in the end we can upload only .jpg photos?
yes, because he echo ""; in index.php and we must bring $allowed from upload.php but iam not knowing to make it.
after I log out from other user then log in again for another user, the image from the past user is still in there, how can I display only the profile image of the logged in user?
I'm running into the same problem.. rip
@@adamjones6473 I guess you only need to do show the img where the userid is equal to the $_SESSION id variable with a "if" stmt
*Understood all videos except this one. Watched 5 times but couldn't understand the logic behind it.* 😥😥😥
yeah me too
and is it better to merge tow tables and inside the user table create a field called profile image status?
@@thezvid you're right this while login is not good. it always appear multiple row of profile image in your login because of different table he used can't get specific row from the same id
When you do not understand something just go to the previous lesson with corresponding topic. It really helps.
It's just an exercise. I learned something. Whether I ever use this method myself or not, I'm not sure. If I do, I'm sure I will probably build on top of it and do a lot of refactoring.
same....i would've like it better if he only wouldve focused on the profile image. Signing in and out has been covered by him several times over
Great video!
Thank you so much. I love all your tutorials and I appreciate your sharing. However, this tutorial -and only this one- is kind of messy with incomplete parts. like not being able to log in other than user #1. And having to list all DB users at the top of index page. Anyway, thanks a lot again and again; I know it was for focusing on this certain-topic and I acknowledge that you know best. Highly Appreciated.
The best ever, thank you.
Personal Checkpoint
Perfect tutorial!
If you get a blank page after you Signup. Make sure your Signup form has an action to the 'signup.php' page and not 'login.php' page
It works. Thanks.
It's a wonderful tutorial. I just think there's one flaw, when you echo the image that we uploaded, you mention the extension to be ".jpg". But it will not find the image if it had some other extension. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes that is true. I am thinking of solving that problem by having an extension column in my profile image table. So instead of putting .jpg I will put the respective file extension which I will have previously uploaded to the database when uploading the image. I don't know if this makes sense to you.
@@natnaelalemayehu9112 im thinking of doing the same
Thank you so much for the video :)
Great tutorials so far! Is there a reason why you created two tables instead of just inserting the status column into the user table or even just checking if the correct file exists (by naming the pictures according to the user's id)?
I created two tables because I wanted to keep the users startup information (the info provided when signing up) in a separate table, and the later added information in a separate table (such as profile image, banner image, profile settings, etc). But it is perfectly doable if you add all the information in a single table.
Thanks for the response! :)
Is it to keep it clean or to avoid performance issues (or some other reason) that you keep track of the status in the database instead of just checking if a correspondingly named file exists in the uploads folder?
At 31:51 you use the file extension .jpg
If I wanted the user to upload all picture extensions how would this work?
You would need to save the actual file extension in the database, I believe.
Click Click Dan
Another problem I’m running into is that if a user uploads a png or a jpeg, they don’t replace each other instead they both stay in the uploads folder
Hi @@adamjones6473. I just solved the same issue for myself.
First of all, regarding the file extension, you should watch the #53 episode of the series, where Daniel shows a method that requires no usage of the database.
Secondly, regarding the different ending, you have to first delete the current picture of the user, and afterwards upload the new picture. You can find how to delete pictures in episode #53 and #54 and #55.
Thank you so much for this video!! I finally put user profile pic function on my project.
I have a question.
echo "";
With this code,
if user selects the file such as png or jpeg not jpg(which is set as default), how can I change the code? It's not like just changing to
echo "";
Can you help me?
i am curious about how if the file extension is png not jpg ?? may error will occur to???
The next video shows me fixing that :) By mistake I forgot it in this episode
@@Dani_Krossing I guess I may have found the answer to the question I had earlier. So next episode I go when I have time.
If i was using this for an website logo for example. How could i get it to show the "latest" image where i want? can i assign the lastest filename to a variable and then just use that in my "source" part of the imagedisplay tag?
I did the same thing but the updating profile picture part doesn't work in my case
This was the most difficult video to understand for me among all PHP tutorial videos. I have watched it 4 times and still unable to understand. All the videos are adorable but I am really stuck in this video.
same for me
*Same here. Couldn't get it at all.*
Same to me, mixing the php code with the HTML code is not good because it's hard to understand.
Here, we can only change the profile picture of the 1st user, due to in login.php
$_SESSION['id'] = 1;
but how to change profile picture of individual user who logged in ??
you got answer of this thing ?????
yeah how to do that
mmtuts How do you log in an individual user?
You have to set the userid in the url using a get method. The url should look like www.website.com/index.php?id=$userid. with this you can target the individual user through a select statement. "SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=''userid". make sure to set the $userid = sessionid or row[id] of the user.
Can you copy the code out I have been trying and cant get it to work PLEASSSSE??
I did similar as you since I already used the finished log in system and just implemented all from this lesson and i also used the prepared statements and everything went well, but ... in the database, in user table, whenever I insert a new user the index numbers are going in the reverse direction, from the highest to the smallest, what do you think, what could be the problem?
Will you make a tutorial on making/editing/deleting posts like on a forum?
Would it be smart to create a parser to parse through the file first or is this method pretty good in terms of security?
Use blob type to store images on Database !
Nice video working til 2018 .
Never store images in a database. Best practice is to always have a pointer to the image location, and have the images stored on a separate server. Which is why loading images from the root folder of your website is significantly slower than loading them from another server.
Hi Dani, thanks for these tutorials! Transparent and very helpful.
Although I'm struggling with getting changes visible on my website straight away, the changes only appear after clearing cache; or the uploaded profile picture will show on the user profile after logout and login again. Please can you help ? I read many pages on cache etc, I saw this code
function refresh() {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
console.log("Grabbing Value");
req.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) { .... etc
But I still struggle with putting this together... is this a right way to reflect changes and uploads on the website immediately?
I appreciate your time, thanks x
I've already created a JSON file to store user's data using php, and MySQL to store user profile images. Explain as to how i can connect both databases to upload the correct profile image to the user logged in. Or maybe you caan create a video on this please?
How do you make it so it only shows the user's single profile picture instead of all of them? By the way great video!
So may things are not clear regarding the while after $id = $row["id"]; if you have more than a user, it still gets all of the users right? Am I missing something?
Isnt it eazier to put like file name of users pic in database and get it from db when needed?
yeees finnaly! Awesome video
Thank you so much for the tutorial, it is life saving!
I just wanted to ask a quick question. I've found that, if the user changes his avatar several times, an each image has a different extension (I've tried the three png, jpg, and jpeg), it creates three files. The avatar displayed tends to always be jpg over png, and jpeg over those two, no matter if the jpeg was the first upload and the png the last. I don't know if I'm explaining properly, sorry.
What I mean, is that the avatar showed it is not the latest image uploaded. Does anyone knows how can I fixed that? Please. :c
I have also faced same issue, index.php line 23 is using only .jpg files while submitted image can be of PNG or JPEG format.
Hello, thanks for the great video! I went to your source files and wasn't able to find the css file. When do you expect that will be up? Thanks again! :)
does anyone having trouble on changing profile picture from the default.jpeg to any other picture?
Yes, me... did you fix it?
@@darox3549 For me it was the SQL tables had an autoincrement that never reset, so on upload.php userid =/= $id so it could never link the img and the account together.
Hi, Thanks you for your details tutorial. Also I wants to know, now my question is after the user Free register, now I need if any subscription taken for any service I need VIP TAG must add Auto with his profile photo. Example Smule VIP ID. Please explain the too.
Hope I could able to tell you my query.
hi mmtuts as would be done in the case that instead of submit in close session out Colomnas as an example when you close facebook?
At line 13, how come you didn't set any where statement to check to see if their user_uid matches or not? Also, at line 17, you used the id, which I think is the id or number for that person, can you also use their user_uid or username instead? I just find it more reliable if you use their username instead of id
Multiple default images are showing at the same time when signup
Ya...did you fix the problem?
can you explain how the uniqid functions is linked to the file that you uploaded in the previous video, ?
34:49 How can u grab from form, where action='login.php' to signup.php?
It should be signup.php in the action
Why in SQL statements you don not concatenate SQLstrings.variables.SQLstrings with dots as in other places you do?
Don't you think we should use $_SESSION['id'] in index page when we are checking if image is uploaded or not instead of checking for all user?
And aren't we supposed to save img to db?
Hey man i wanted to ask if you've done a video on downloads, i was wondering if there is a way to download a Full directory and all sub directories without using zip extensions
Attempted to add this on to the login system I created based on your tutorial but just kept getting the error that my num rows were zero so I scrapped it all and went back to the original login system. I was really hoping this video and the previous would build upon those previous login system ones but I suppose not.
Hi, I have a question. The user can upload either .jpg .png .jpeg. . However when printing the image, if the user choosed to upload a .png image the site won't find the image because its written (echo "" ). Any solution ?
Btw, great video ;D
Thank you :) Yes i realized afterwards that I made that mistake. The next video has the solution in it where I fix it.
Thanks Man :D
You could just save the file extension as another field in the table
@@Dani_Krossing sir please there is no video where you fixed it even in your patreon
@@Dani_Krossing could you mention it!
Thank you in advance
I have some kind of an error, the userid from profileimg wasn't the same as user's id so I put an equal sign related to their ids which I think is the better option from creating a usless userid column in profileimg table.
hey men mmtuts
which is more efficient to use? making a separate document for every login/logout script or just put it in the same document and make it a function?
I think making it a function, but I want to get your side of view :)
sorry for bad English :/
Thank you very mutch
Can i use this for like changing the background for someones own page
can we we set null value to $_SESSION['id'] when user logout instead destroying session?
*Daniel Crossing* Nice tutorial but how can I hide the login button when the users are already logged in ? AND how can I hide the logout button when the users already have logged out ?
At line 17.. do you need to store that in another variable called $id? Can't you just use.. $row ['user_uid'].. directly?
Also, why did you use 0 and not 1 as already has a picture?
What are the shortcuts for changing double quotes to single quotes?
But we need not display every user information(images and username) when signed up. Second thing, when user got signed up there is no header function in "signup.php" that redirects to "index.php". Correct me if I'm wrong :)
this is a really great tutorials , however, I do have problem even though I download the course materiaux on your patreon.
I can see the file on the uploads folder but on the website the user's photo doesn't display.
on my database, I still have status = 1 , even though we update the status = 0 before uploading the folder, therefore the default photo still displays
do you think something has changed with php overtime ??
please can you check your course's materiaux to see if something has changed overtime??
I look forward to hearing from you back
Hi there!
No PHP hasn't changed in a way that would destroy any current applications out there. 🙂 If they were to do that, it would mean thousands of websites would receive errors and everything would be in chaos hehe.
I tested out the code myself a few months ago, and it still worked then. 😊
If you used my lesson material, it is most likely a mistake in how you set up your database. Such as a spelling mistake in your table/column names, either in your database itself, or in your PHP code when you reference the tables/columns.
9/10 times when a person tells me that their code isn't working, it is because of a spelling mistake hehe. Even when they claim they "followed my tutorial to the point" it is always still because they made a typo 🙂
I can only recommend double checking your SQL or PHP code for spelling errors related to your database names.