To be honest when I was a teen I didn’t know what the hell to do. But you live and you learn and if you travel enough out of state you eventually learn 😂😂😂
I was a guard in Delaware and we received a call for a suspicious person at a business we covered. The person was reportedly walking around the business and looked distressed. When I arrived the man approached me and said “where are the pump attendants? I’m out of gas” I looked at his license plates and, lo and behold, New Jersey yellow. That night, I taught a 45 year old man how to pump gas.
U know what ticks me off Vick? My neighbor in NJ has a pool in their UN-FENCED back yard. Apparently its been "grandfathered in" so it's ok with the township. One summer we put a rubber pool in the back yard for our grandaughter. A week later, we got a violation notice. We were given a LONG list of SAFETY requirements to fill in order to be approved including a locked FENCE all around the perimeter. We already met all the SAFETY requirements and would have done it anyway for our grandaughters sake and also other kids in the neighborhood. WHY doesn't SAFETY apply to the neighbors pool? That's what ticks ME off.
@ 1:59 should have been a lawyer in “ Oregone “ 😂 just certain nuances in his mannerisms and what he says and how he says it just makes me literally laugh out loud with tears in my eyes😂😂
@@Mericawon freedom to be stupid,this is exactly what is wrong with your country, everything is political,your country was bought and paid for long time ago by corporations by both sides
Being a resident of the state of Oregon myself, as of early 2019 in rural areas and unattended fuel depots, It is now legal to pump your own fuel after 10pm! The rest of the time, ya gotta deal with the station attendant!
@@benwilson6559 They made it so some counties that have small populations can pump their own gas. Keep in mind that Malheur, Harney, and Lake counties are larger than New Jersey and have 8k people in them.
Vic, you really should make this a weekly segment cuz America has plenty of stupid idiotic laws, for example In Alabama, putting salt on a railroad track can be punishable by death In Alaska, you can’t look at moose while on an airplane; it’s also illegal to push a moose out of an airplane 🙄 In Arkansas, it’s actually illegal to mispronounce “Arkansaw”
Vic, You remind me of my uncles (family sir name, Battaglia) and have a direct line to my funny bone! Thank you for interjecting some humor into this fast approaching non-humorist society, I’m extremely grateful. Please watch your blood pressure, because we need you!
I hunger for this now. I crave Vic rants like nobody's business. I want a duffel punching bag with idiot painted on it after watching him. Or a mannequin head to cuff. What a gift to be able to yell attractively. He is so right all the time.
The first time my wife ever stepped foot in NJ was 2 years ago. Aside from the shock of having to turn right to go left, when we pulled up to the pump and i didn't get out of the truck, she asked me what i was waiting for. The guy comes over and i tell him to fill it up regular. I then shut my window because it was cold. She asked wth was that, I said thats one of the few luxuries we have in this state. We make someone else freeze their ass off when we get gas. LOL
@@gkling33 By the letter of the law, yes. Any game involving dice or cards is illegal under a state law passed in about 1802. Of course, it is rarely, if ever, enforced.
It's disgusting that an adult can die for his country, marry, vote, pay taxes at 18 but can't have a drink or smoke!? The 21 law is the DUMBEST! I felt this way at 18, and still feel the same at 38.
I am more concerned with laws. That needlessly restrict people from say putting up a structure on their property, so they can eat or entertain. Without pesky insects or weather from becoming a issue. Or cutting down a tree that is cause structural problems for your house. Instead we got to pay someone else to do these things. And pay for permits and get ridiculous rules and regs. I don't have a problem with let's say having to read literature on how to build safely or cut the tree down safely. But there is so much red tape and money involved in half dozen ways. It becomes a hindrance and obstacle. There are hundreds of such laws, regulations, statues, and ordinance. Which fall into red tape and basicly extortion. These are the laws and other things I hate and PISS ME OFF!
Brilliant, Vic! This is epic comedy. Wow. They actually prohibited something like pumping your own gasoline. Out of all the outlandish, ridiculous laws in this country, this one took the cake for me. Wow.
Apparently, it's easier to leave a stupid or unused law on the books than it is to remove it. Almost impossible to remove a law without a lot of red tape, so, govt just leaves them.
In Rhode Island you cannot race horse carriages on the highway and you cannot buy a toothbrush and toothpaste together on a Sunday. Swear to you know what.
As a resident of New Jersey, I approve this whole message.
What do young NJ teens do when they travel out of the state and have to figure out the gas pump? Honest question.
To be honest when I was a teen I didn’t know what the hell to do. But you live and you learn and if you travel enough out of state you eventually learn 😂😂😂
@@Ohhwtfitsmarc3:10 - 3:30 I couldn’t breathe 😂😂😂
@@RIGeek. pretty easy, just pick it up, stick it in (hehe) and pull the lever
@@bigplaya0682 true but those from NJ have no idea how.
I was a guard in Delaware and we received a call for a suspicious person at a business we covered. The person was reportedly walking around the business and looked distressed.
When I arrived the man approached me and said “where are the pump attendants? I’m out of gas”
I looked at his license plates and, lo and behold, New Jersey yellow.
That night, I taught a 45 year old man how to pump gas.
while watching this video i laughed harder than i have ever laughed in my entire life
Then you're pretty fucking lame in life!
Honestly though this stuff is silly
"You fucking toothless cousin fuckers"
I lost it😂😂😂
Bro living in NJ you should know about idiotic laws. New Jersey is out of control
Greg Alexander totally out of control. Look who’s been running it for the past 40 years.
And my personal favorite, "You can't slurp your soup.." That's another dumb law...LOL
You ain’t seen nothing until you come to Massachusetts or maybe California. I think New Jersey is better
Zeus1955 yes that is true it seems the whole of America is crumbling slowly isn’t it
U know what ticks me off Vick? My neighbor in NJ has a pool in their UN-FENCED back yard. Apparently its been "grandfathered in" so it's ok with the township.
One summer we put a rubber pool in the back yard for our grandaughter. A week later, we got a violation notice. We were given a LONG list of SAFETY requirements to fill in order to be approved including a locked FENCE all around the perimeter. We already met all the SAFETY requirements and would have done it anyway for our grandaughters sake and also other kids in the neighborhood. WHY doesn't SAFETY apply to the neighbors pool? That's what ticks ME off.
In Oregon, you can't pump gas into your own motorcycle.
Every motorcyclist I know pumps their own gas and gas attendants all know not to try and do this to someones motorcycle. Thats taboo!
yes you can.
"Unjust laws are meant to be broken." - MLK & Thomas Jefferson
@ 1:59 should have been a lawyer in
“ Oregone “ 😂 just certain nuances in his mannerisms and what he says and how he says it just makes me literally laugh out loud with tears in my eyes😂😂
I always wondered why Vic puts his seatbelt on in some vlogs. I finally realized its to prevent himself from flying through the windshield.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 “who shits in a moving car”
i'm losing my mind in laughter
You left me a heart just a year after I transitioned holy shidd
LOL LOL LOL! And I love all the Godfather references Vic! You're the best!
George Carlin has a son. Love your sharpness.
*Vic, why go back to old laws and their idiotic “law makers”?*
*Have you watched CONGRESS the past year?*
I still find it crazy that an adult can get piss drunk and it's ok but cannabis is still off limits in 1/2 the country.
Socialism by nancy p face my friend. America is founded on freedom and if we don’t open our eyes it will all be gone before we know it. God bless
That's because the Penal system in the US is a business,the US taxpayers are slaves to corporations in Canada we can light up it's legal.
@@Mericawon freedom to be stupid,this is exactly what is wrong with your country, everything is political,your country was bought and paid for long time ago by corporations by both sides
Thats because some drunk fucks still get up and go to a job. Weed whackers are losers who sleep and collect welfare!
@@bibiayube677 but you can own a gun! Might as well be a slave sack of shit!
Being a resident of the state of Oregon myself, as of early 2019 in rural areas and unattended fuel depots, It is now legal to pump your own fuel after 10pm! The rest of the time, ya gotta deal with the station attendant!
I love it when he gradually gets louder and louder pmsl! 😂😂😂😂
I'm with you 100% on this one Vic!
Actually, here in OR-E-GYN we also can not pump our own gas.
Actually I'm almost 100% certain that that law was changed a year or two ago. Unless they changed it back because y'all couldn't figure it out.
@@benwilson6559 They made it so some counties that have small populations can pump their own gas. Keep in mind that Malheur, Harney, and Lake counties are larger than New Jersey and have 8k people in them.
OR-E-GYN isn’t it OB-GYN?
City of Roses 1845 great law
You can self serve in rural or southern states. Best argument I've heard in favor of non self serve is it creates low income jobs.
I live in Pennsylvania. Def ain't gonna be catching fish with my mouth! 🤣😂🤦
I love ticked off vic i would love to see more ❤️
When Murphy is up for re-election in Jersey in 2021 I’m voting for you Vic!
The "pump your own gas" law is also in effect in Oregon!
Great rant, Vic !
True about Oregon I've been there 2x.
Hahahaha, you're hilarious with the truth bombs. Keep it up and I'll keep coming back to get a good laugh.
Vic, you really should make this a weekly segment cuz America has plenty of stupid idiotic laws, for example
In Alabama, putting salt on a railroad track can be punishable by death
In Alaska, you can’t look at moose while on an airplane; it’s also illegal to push a moose out of an airplane 🙄
In Arkansas, it’s actually illegal to mispronounce “Arkansaw”
It's illegal to commit suicide in some states.
In New York
Close your eyes and this wonderful fellow sounds like Rocket Raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy.
Princeton NJ here. Vic for President!
“Harrys haha chuckle hut” got me
You remind me of my uncles (family sir name, Battaglia) and have a direct line to my funny bone!
Thank you for interjecting some humor into this fast approaching non-humorist society, I’m extremely grateful.
Please watch your blood pressure, because we need you!
Just recently found this channel, when I need a laugh I'll know where to go 😂😂😂
I'm so happy I came across your Channel you be having me crying
Oh man 😂 I had to pause it I couldn't breath ha
You are so funny... I'm falling off my chair laughing... you are great and right on.
This is one of the best videos ! You tell em Vic!
In Connecticut if you drop a pickle and it doesn’t bounce, it’s illegal
I love that Godfather II quote you dropped lol
This guy is GREAT!!
😂 😂 😂 Vic, please run for president.
I hunger for this now. I crave Vic rants like nobody's business. I want a duffel punching bag with idiot painted on it after watching him. Or a mannequin head to cuff. What a gift to be able to yell attractively. He is so right all the time.
The first time my wife ever stepped foot in NJ was 2 years ago. Aside from the shock of having to turn right to go left, when we pulled up to the pump and i didn't get out of the truck, she asked me what i was waiting for. The guy comes over and i tell him to fill it up regular. I then shut my window because it was cold. She asked wth was that, I said thats one of the few luxuries we have in this state. We make someone else freeze their ass off when we get gas. LOL
The first video I ever watched of this guy
Love it.
What's your retaining fee, Vic? I want you as my lawyer. We may not win the case but it'll be a hell of a show.
Where can I get me one of them new fangled “google machines”. 😂
That poop law would be more relevant for San Francisco today 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bruh the Chuckle Hut 😂😂😂😂
I'm pretty sure that Oregon law applies to dirty diapers.
In South Carolina, it is illegal to play Yahtzee, Monopoly or Go Fish because they are games of chance.
devil games
@@gkling33 By the letter of the law, yes. Any game involving dice or cards is illegal under a state law passed in about 1802. Of course, it is rarely, if ever, enforced.
But it's ok to marry your cousin.
I've shit out of a moving car once. Those were the days
I always pump my own gas....and I don't even drive! Rim shot!
In Massachusetts its illegal for a woman to undress in front of a picture of a man.
I can guess the time period when that law was enacted
Shadow of an Enigma that’s actually pretty reasonable.
Please explain.
@Michael Lam
Which man? The man in the picture?
Vic for President 2020!!
Inmate: What are you in for?
Other inmate: I played more than 10 hours of bingo.
Other inmate: wtf?
In Anniston Alabama,it's illegal to walk down the street with an ice cream cone in your back pocket!
I was waiting for the reaction to the pumping your own gas in new jersey law. I was not disappointed.
“Ayyyyyyy...” ope here we gooooo 😂
1:58 2:54
The first 2 idioic laws had me rolling on the floor.
It's disgusting that an adult can die for his country, marry, vote, pay taxes at 18 but can't have a drink or smoke!? The 21 law is the DUMBEST! I felt this way at 18, and still feel the same at 38.
Can't stop laughing.
You are hilarious. My sun. is cancelled. Binge watching #VicDibitetto
So hilarious as usual. Our family loves you. Cant wait for you to come back to Charlotte! Hope we can come see you.
Thank you Vic. I had a crazy day but I new that watching your video would made me laugh like hell.
Lmao awesome Vic. Can you do a part 2?
Who opened the bag of idiots!?!? LOL!!
A year cant throw shit out of a moving car...😂😂😂😂👌diein...
What ticks me off is people who order way too much at a drive thru. Big orders should be done inside. Especially Dunkin’ Donuts!!!!
I am more concerned with laws. That needlessly restrict people from say putting up a structure on their property, so they can eat or entertain. Without pesky insects or weather from becoming a issue. Or cutting down a tree that is cause structural problems for your house. Instead we got to pay someone else to do these things. And pay for permits and get ridiculous rules and regs. I don't have a problem with let's say having to read literature on how to build safely or cut the tree down safely. But there is so much red tape and money involved in half dozen ways. It becomes a hindrance and obstacle. There are hundreds of such laws, regulations, statues, and ordinance. Which fall into red tape and basicly extortion. These are the laws and other things I hate and PISS ME OFF!
Vic you are funny as hell
Yur BEST YET Vick!...and please, don't EVER stop cussin'...:)
Catching a fish in your mouth sounds like a challenge not a law
In oregon we cant pump our gas either a tendant has to prepay and pump it for you
This guy is freaking amazing
Vic you kill me 😂
"Harries HA HA Chuckle hut"
The google machine - LOL!!!!!
Who takes a shit in a moving car ? 😂
Vic outta context is hilarious as shit
Just came across this channel, this is the best youtuber I ever saw 🤩🤩🤩🤩 love from 🏴🏴🏴
Awww, Jersey, how I miss you...😂
I f..king love this! 😂😂👍
You should’ve mentioned the best New Jersey law: It’s illegal to commit a crime while wearing body armor.
He's on a roll today 🤣😂
You're a beauty Vic love ya❤️😂😊
“My friend my friend put the LEVA DOWN”
Brilliant, Vic! This is epic comedy. Wow. They actually prohibited something like pumping your own gasoline. Out of all the outlandish, ridiculous laws in this country, this one took the cake for me. Wow.
Apparently, it's easier to leave a stupid or unused law on the books than it is to remove it.
Almost impossible to remove a law without a lot of red tape, so, govt just leaves them.
Bro got so mad a brain cell left his body 1:30
im accutally the president of harrys HAHA chuckle hut. we look forward to your show🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
In Rhode Island you cannot race horse carriages on the highway and you cannot buy a toothbrush and toothpaste together on a Sunday. Swear to you know what.
Suzanne Janke why wtf
This part is funny: I can’t make that drink in Nebraska, IN NEBRASKA, WHERE MY WIFE SLEEPS, WHERE MY KIDS play with their toys.
Wow! Mr. Vic looks younger in this video! ❤️
I often wondered why stares and the federal government don’t go thru the laws and remove these and antiquated laws.
I thank you.
Who shits in a car?!🤣🤣🤣
I pump my own gas. “My friend, my friend” “yeah, I can use a gas pump”
I keep watching you (and I wiil) I'll have to buy a bag of depends. You are SO funny!! Thank You!!!