That's probably why she uses "Jacobson" as her last name: in hopes of distancing herself from the nepotism label (which unfortunately is always going to be a topic of conversation). Same case goes for Nicolas Cage.
Sweet that she's so nervous. I love her show - the bright spot, but didn't know that she was Meryl Streep's daughter. Nice to see that she can carry her own though - and she does.
I had no idea! It's nice to see she's trying to make it on her own without using her mom's name - or perhaps it actually takes some of the pressure off!
I didn't realize she was Meryl Streep's daughter when I was watching The Gilded Age. Now that I know I can sort of see the resemblance, but I don't think it's immediately noticeable if you don't know.... Certainly a good actress though.
I wished they wouldn’t bring up her mother that often. It’s clear she wants to build a career on her own. Her mother is a goddess and we all know that but she is her own person!
I go on cruises solo all the time. I love it - except for the single supplement for the room. I prefer to sit alone at a table for two in the dining room. I bring a book or people at the next table start chatting and it’s fine. I really enjoy Louisa Jacobsen on “The Gilded Age”. It’s a great show and she does a wonderful job as a young girl who is new to New York City and all its upper class societal rules. I’m so pleased it’s been renewed for Season 3.
Meryl needs to sue all of her kids for stealing her face. I started watching Gilded age the first time at night, when I watched it in the morning I was like "you look like you could be Meryl's daughter"
I love the entire show. I wish they would supply all the shows for each season like Netflix. I just want to watch it for a 2 hour period every week. I cannot get enough of this.
…as in horse chases and gun fights? The action is in interpersonal intrigue within the confines of Victorian-age New York high society; you could perhaps better classify it as BRAIN action.
I don't think Meryl's daughters can act, after having seen Mamie, Grace and now Louisa -- but nonetheless, she seems charming and down to earth, and The Gilded Age isn't bad.
A decent interviewer would skip all questions about the parents. Seriously. A great interviewer could manage to get through these few minutes without that.
Did Jimmy's comment about the sandwich strike anyone else as uncouth? I'm sure she was thinking that she looks great (because she does), and the first thing he says suggests she's too skinny.
I don’t think he meant it that way, I think it was a follow up to a joke before. But I agree that because of the context of that expression, it was unfortunate.
When I saw the first ep of the show the second I saw her I was like 'she has to be one of Meryl's girls', I went to imdb to check her out saw her last name was Jacobson and figured she just looks like them. Guess I was right the first time. 😁😁😁
Carrie Coon and Christine Baranski carries the show for me. Bertha Russell and Aunt Agnes' role is just central to the show and its plot and their performances are just so iconic.
So fun fact….retired military been over 2 years….a friend sent me a bottle of almost filled listerine….and clear too….duh….it was Vodka! One of my troops and I got right out of er in our blown up vehicle yard! ✌🏽🇨🇦
It would be nepotism if Meryl Streep owned a production company and hired her daughter even though she could not act. But she can act and others in the business have taken note of that fact. Following in your parents footsteps is a natural thing to do. It's not always corruption-lite.
Really... I love Louisa even though she is very talented, I can see that being Meryl's daughter has opened up countless doors for her that would be more difficult if she and her family weren't recognized.
@@Alsatiagent yeahhhhh sure she’s talented but this is straight nepotism as she’s gotten access others just as talented didn’t. For example while still a student at Yale, she already got signed to CAA agency, the biggest freaking agency in the business. It takes years of work to even get a meeting. Then 2 seconds after graduating Yale, she lands a huge role. Not a beginner role, a few lines. Nope.
@@lisasmith5030 Sure, it must have helped with what you mentioned but at least she doesn't go around promoting herself as Meryl Streep's daughter. I watched her on The Gilded Age, thought she was a very good actress and had no idea her mother was Meryl Streep. I feel like most people in the comments here didn't know that. What really bothers me is when "the children of so and so" get jobs as actors or on television when they clearly don't have what it takes and are only there because they have famous parents.
Jimmy that was SO uncalled for about the sandwich comment - and especially to say it as the first thing you said to her. What women have to go through while working. Very disappointing.
That is as an ignorant comment saying would she like a sandwich. So people in shape get ridiculed now. Im thin and if anybody said that, i would walk right off the show.
Wow it's so strange to see how Meryl Strip's kids turned out. I think that it's so problematic that 3 out of her 4 children chose to be actresses. They must have complexes about it and it must be so hard to try and have a career that your mother excelled at. The fact that Louisa came out with a different last name shows how problematic the whole thing is, that she's trying to distant herself from her mother's shadow. But how can you do that? Also I'm thinking about the rivalry that must exist between the sisters alone who chose the same profession. God! Very complicated indeed. It's also fascinating to see how the girls turned out physically. I think that out of the 3 Louisa might be the best looking because she has more of her mother's eyes which are more distant apart compared to her father and sisters' eyes which are very close together. But her nose is too long. It has more of the shape of her dad's nose but the length of her mother's nose. I think that both Meryl and her husband were better looking than all their kids when they were young.
There is absolutely nothing uncomfortable about wearing an 1880’s corset - if it has been made properly, and -if you are wearing it correctly. (Voice of experience)
I am fully on the corset train but we shouldn't dismiss actresses saying that they were uncomfortable. It's not a simple thing and it needs training if you're not used to it, and when you go from never wearing a corset to wearing them for full days of work, repeatedly, for many days at a time, it can take a toll. Also, since you're speaking from experience, I'm sure you know that it's a journey, and the first corset you wore/made probably wasn't as comfortable as your last. Personally, I've found that some patterns are better for my body shape, some don't work as well, and some are more comfortable than others. She also mentioned redoing the measurements, which leads me to believe they worked on it to improve the fit. I know corsets aren't the devil, but if someone says "it was uncomfortable for me" we don't get to simply say "no it wasn't".
Remember God loves you😊♥️ John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. If you trust in Jesus Christ and repent, you will be saved🙏🙏. He is coming back soon😌........
I didn’t knew she was Meryls daughter, she is SO good in the golden age. I’m loving the serie!
Made it through an entire season of the Guilded age without hearing of her mother. Love how she’s decided to stand on her own
Right?? I had no idea she was Meryl Streeps daughter until this interview. Wild.
Same here! Had no idea, and already loved her genuine performance and style.
Me too
I love her and her Mother 🙏💛☺️
That's probably why she uses "Jacobson" as her last name: in hopes of distancing herself from the nepotism label (which unfortunately is always going to be a topic of conversation).
Same case goes for Nicolas Cage.
Sweet that she's so nervous. I love her show - the bright spot, but didn't know that she was Meryl Streep's daughter. Nice to see that she can carry her own though - and she does.
Once Jimmy mentioned it, you can see the family resemblance, both in appearance and body language. But it's not obvious if you don't know 😁
@@christopherbedford9897 her two sisters, Grace and Mamie look SOOOO much like young Meryl, it’s uncanny
For some reason I think she looks more like her mom in costume on the TV show. I don't see the resemblance as much here.
She can't be anymore adorable! Great acting and her character in The Gilded Age has the same sweetness as she.
She is so adorable! It’s a fantastic show and she’s great in it. I didn’t know she was Meryl’s daughter. Now I see the resemblance.
There is no resemblance. All of Meryl's daughter look like their father
We need to see more cast members from ‘The Gilded Age’ especially Miss Denée Benton who’s done a great job.
Meryl Streep is her mom for anyone wondering why she looks so familiar 😉. Gorgeous.
I had no idea! It's nice to see she's trying to make it on her own without using her mom's name - or perhaps it actually takes some of the pressure off!
I didn't realize she was Meryl Streep's daughter when I was watching The Gilded Age. Now that I know I can sort of see the resemblance, but I don't think it's immediately noticeable if you don't know.... Certainly a good actress though.
Kind of sounds like her too
Her sisters are beautiful… but she is drop dead gorgeous. So is her mom without a doubt.
I love her! Such a sweetheart and her show is very entertaining.
In the show she reminds me a lot of Princess Diana, especially her grace and innocence.
I thought the same thing
You can see Meryl shining through, so cute!!
I can see her bones shining through
She act really well in Gilded Age, love her 💕
She is so sweet, humble and talented! 🙏🏽
I wished they wouldn’t bring up her mother that often. It’s clear she wants to build a career on her own. Her mother is a goddess and we all know that but she is her own person!
Pretty sure being nepobaby open doors for her so it is relevant.
Love her and Peggy on gilded age. Didn't know that her mom is Meryl Streep💖
She is sooooooooo charming and seems so nice
omg i have watched the whole show in 2 DAYS, i have admired her so much, little i knew she was the daughter of my favorite actress MS!!!
she's so poised and elegant, truly a hollywood royalty if i may say so☺️
nepotism and money does the magic
@@Sakuha-rn7gkshe has talent
2:21. That hands gesture. And the way she said, "Yes" as she did it. Very Meryl Streep. 😁
It's weird to see her without her "posh". Great acting on the show
Oh my gosh, she's so endearing
Louisa is so sweet! I adore her. 💗
She’s is really adorable in real life
She is adorable!!! And a good actress like her mother!!! I’love the series!! I’m waiting for the third season!!!! ❤
She’s as adorable in real life as her character
congrats to her, ❤️
somehow, i thought the way she speaks in the series sounds like Dakotta Johnson..🌹
can't wait to see the next episodes..
She’s a doll….love the series
she is the cutest!
The Gilged Age ... una de las mejores series que e visto. no entiendo porque la dejaron hasta el episodio 9 y la segunda temporada sera hasta 2023😢😢😢
I adore her 💕
😍😍💗 love her on Gilded Age
She’s gorgeous. Looks amazing in the period costumes.
She is just lovely.
I go on cruises solo all the time. I love it - except for the single supplement for the room. I prefer to sit alone at a table for two in the dining room. I bring a book or people at the next table start chatting and it’s fine. I really enjoy Louisa Jacobsen on “The Gilded Age”. It’s a great show and she does a wonderful job as a young girl who is new to New York City and all its upper class societal rules. I’m so pleased it’s been renewed for Season 3.
Meryl needs to sue all of her kids for stealing her face. I started watching Gilded age the first time at night, when I watched it in the morning I was like "you look like you could be Meryl's daughter"
Such a good series on HBO. Fantastic acting.
I didn’t know Meryl Streep was her mother. No wonder she’s so good in The Gilded Age.
I love the entire show. I wish they would supply all the shows for each season like Netflix. I just want to watch it for a 2 hour period every week. I cannot get enough of this.
I love the gilded age
She has the same smile as meryl 🥰
Love all your shows Jimmy! 🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦
she’s awesome on the gilded age. funny baranski was in mama mia with streep.
Love her
i look forward to season 2. i hope it’s more exciting
…as in horse chases and gun fights? The action is in interpersonal intrigue within the confines of Victorian-age New York high society; you could perhaps better classify it as BRAIN action.
Didn't realize that she was Meryl Streeps kid, until he mentioned it
Now i can see the resemble though, especially on her facial features..
Wow brilliant actress didn't know her mother was Meryl. She's so good in The Gilded Age.
She’s awesome.
What are ya gonna do, call out Meryl Streep for stealing your accent? No way, man.
She's so cute and very personable! And she has good politics!
She’s so lovely. No wonder knowing who her mom is🤍
I love dill pickles with peanut butter!!
Omg....never knew that she is Meryll Streep daughter. OMG!
I don't think Meryl's daughters can act, after having seen Mamie, Grace and now Louisa -- but nonetheless, she seems charming and down to earth, and The Gilded Age isn't bad.
Have you seen Mamie in “The good wife”, she was fantastic!
@@ЕдуардМилчев That's great!
Grace and Mamie are excellent actors, honestly. In The Good Wife and Mr Robot
@@spacecadet2172 I'm glad you enjoyed their performances!
Stop comparing them to their mother. Allow them to forge their own paths.
She’s just darling
She is FABULOUS!!!!
The Lady is Hot
A decent interviewer would skip all questions about the parents. Seriously. A great interviewer could manage to get through these few minutes without that.
Where is the clip with SHENSEEA?
Did Jimmy's comment about the sandwich strike anyone else as uncouth? I'm sure she was thinking that she looks great (because she does), and the first thing he says suggests she's too skinny.
I don’t think he meant it that way, I think it was a follow up to a joke before. But I agree that because of the context of that expression, it was unfortunate.
When I saw the first ep of the show the second I saw her I was like 'she has to be one of Meryl's girls', I went to imdb to check her out saw her last name was Jacobson and figured she just looks like them. Guess I was right the first time. 😁😁😁
She is sweet, but Denee Barton carries the show IMO
Carrie Coon and Christine Baranski carries the show for me. Bertha Russell and Aunt Agnes' role is just central to the show and its plot and their performances are just so iconic.
she looks sooo much like her sister who is a recurring actress on the good wife!
She’s beautiful
Jimmy Kimmel how do i contact you i would like to make a movie with Jamie Foxx like shaft
So fun fact….retired military been over 2 years….a friend sent me a bottle of almost filled listerine….and clear too….duh….it was Vodka! One of my troops and I got right out of er in our blown up vehicle yard! ✌🏽🇨🇦
Wuau… what a hottie
Pretty young lady.
Is she talking about Wondros?
I was looking for the word And I think I found it. Ethereal. Wow!
The only daughter of Meryl that does look like her. All others have the face of their father.
Lovely actress...leude dress.
She is sooooovpretty
I never knew she was Meryl's daughter.
She's so slim.
She's really talented but nepotism reigns..Yes, I can see the resemblance, just how nice to have Meryl Streep be your mom.
It would be nepotism if Meryl Streep owned a production company and hired her daughter even though she could not act. But she can act and others in the business have taken note of that fact. Following in your parents footsteps is a natural thing to do. It's not always corruption-lite.
Really... I love Louisa even though she is very talented, I can see that being Meryl's daughter has opened up countless doors for her that would be more difficult if she and her family weren't recognized.
@@Alsatiagent yeahhhhh sure she’s talented but this is straight nepotism as she’s gotten access others just as talented didn’t. For example while still a student at Yale, she already got signed to CAA agency, the biggest freaking agency in the business. It takes years of work to even get a meeting. Then 2 seconds after graduating Yale, she lands a huge role. Not a beginner role, a few lines. Nope.
@@lisasmith5030 Sure, it must have helped with what you mentioned but at least she doesn't go around promoting herself as Meryl Streep's daughter. I watched her on The Gilded Age, thought she was a very good actress and had no idea her mother was Meryl Streep. I feel like most people in the comments here didn't know that. What really bothers me is when "the children of so and so" get jobs as actors or on television when they clearly don't have what it takes and are only there because they have famous parents.
@@lisasmith5030 Name one single interaction that isn't made smoother by associations? Lobbing nonsense at one (quite talented) person is bizarre.
this MIGHT be lorde
Just like me.if only.
I like Streep and her daughter as actors except for their politics
That noise is not real
Jimmy that was SO uncalled for about the sandwich comment - and especially to say it as the first thing you said to her. What women have to go through while working. Very disappointing.
I am not sure I would like pickles and peanut butter.
She is daughter of Meryl Streep ...whaaaat ......
Seriously? Asking her if she wants a sandwich? Maybe you need a personal trainer, Jimmy?
That is as an ignorant comment saying would she like a sandwich. So people in shape get ridiculed now. Im thin and if anybody said that, i would walk right off the show.
Wow it's so strange to see how Meryl Strip's kids turned out. I think that it's so problematic that 3 out of her 4 children chose to be actresses. They must have complexes about it and it must be so hard to try and have a career that your mother excelled at. The fact that Louisa came out with a different last name shows how problematic the whole thing is, that she's trying to distant herself from her mother's shadow. But how can you do that? Also I'm thinking about the rivalry that must exist between the sisters alone who chose the same profession. God! Very complicated indeed. It's also fascinating to see how the girls turned out physically. I think that out of the 3 Louisa might be the best looking because she has more of her mother's eyes which are more distant apart compared to her father and sisters' eyes which are very close together. But her nose is too long. It has more of the shape of her dad's nose but the length of her mother's nose. I think that both Meryl and her husband were better looking than all their kids when they were young.
There is absolutely nothing uncomfortable about wearing an 1880’s corset - if it has been made properly, and -if you are wearing it correctly. (Voice of experience)
I am fully on the corset train but we shouldn't dismiss actresses saying that they were uncomfortable. It's not a simple thing and it needs training if you're not used to it, and when you go from never wearing a corset to wearing them for full days of work, repeatedly, for many days at a time, it can take a toll. Also, since you're speaking from experience, I'm sure you know that it's a journey, and the first corset you wore/made probably wasn't as comfortable as your last. Personally, I've found that some patterns are better for my body shape, some don't work as well, and some are more comfortable than others. She also mentioned redoing the measurements, which leads me to believe they worked on it to improve the fit. I know corsets aren't the devil, but if someone says "it was uncomfortable for me" we don't get to simply say "no it wasn't".
You must be 150 years old
@@rebeccapowers1744 Nope! 82 year old Steam Punk!
Except when one is claustrophobic...I can't even wear a bra without getting hyperventilation.
@@aiai-j7i So sorry. I too suffer from claustrophobia, but not to that extent, obviously.
God damn jawline of a fortress
I dont like Meryl Streep but I like Louisa very much..More beautiful and talented than her mother
No, they're both amazing.
She is lovely but her acting on the Gilded Age leaves so much to be desired!
You're only saying this because you now know who her mother. Admit it
Please invite Afghan celebrities
😂 good one
Remember God loves you😊♥️
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
If you trust in Jesus Christ and repent, you will be saved🙏🙏.
He is coming back soon😌........
Louisa is sweet. But Jimmy is the worst interviewer.
Interesting choice of attire for your 1st talk show... 🤨🍒
Louisa looks so fit ! I wonder what weighs more, her or a bag of cheese puffs ?
I don't think her dress suits her... very clingy on top!
I don't think her career in Hollywood is going to last that long