Final Fantasy XI (FFXI ONLINE) - Ep 161 - The Last Dragoon; Cost of Vengeance!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 6

  • @ce-xiv1334
    @ce-xiv1334 2 месяца назад +2

    The good ol days!

    • @PIERSO86
      @PIERSO86  2 месяца назад +2

      This game definitely has a way of sticking with you all these years!

    • @ce-xiv1334
      @ce-xiv1334 2 месяца назад +2

      ​@@PIERSO86 I played 04 - 10, went to XIV 1.0b, went back to XI until 2.0, play both for a couple years, now I only play XIV because even with all the changes, XIV respects your time more. But the memories and fun I had in Xi can and will never be replaced.
      There is gear from the 75 era that is still l good in 2024!! That is SO MUCH better than the constant gear treadmill of MMO currently.
      I think that is part of the issue with current MMOs vs the past. Current MMOs are a constant go go go, grind grind grind, new season new season new season, and boom reset and do it all over again.
      In XI, was it hard yes, was it grindy, yes, did they not respect your time yes, but the grind was worth your time. Items and gear wasn't grindy to then be replaced in 3 months and do it all over again. If you had a relic, you had the best weapon in game and it wasn't close.
      If you saw a player that was a max level or max crafting level, you KNEW they busted their ass and worked for it! Not cruised through it. It was a different time and a different perspective.
      There has to be balance, I just think the needle has swung to far the other direction now.

    • @tadejhlavacek404
      @tadejhlavacek404 2 месяца назад

      @@ce-xiv1334 The old age question of powercreep and new expansions making all your grind and proggress void so you start anew. I heard GW2 has good horizontal progression but i am not sure as i dont play it. Some rpgs i played had weapon and armor that didnt increase stats per say but increased lets say poison and fire dmg making it more specialized good for certain scenarios but not better statwise then your gear beforhand.

  • @tadejhlavacek404
    @tadejhlavacek404 2 месяца назад

    Fishing episode when ? :)

    • @PIERSO86
      @PIERSO86  2 месяца назад

      I ran your comment by Rita (Ragecat); she sounds interested! :D