What Did Cecil Do? - Invincible Season 3

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 13

  • @Aldragon
    @Aldragon 9 дней назад +4

    There definitely is a suspicious lack of Eve in the trailer, so that has me thinking either whatever happens with her is too much for the trailer to spoil, or she takes a back seat this season. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Cecil vs Invincible is a bit of trailer bait, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if it isn’t. The tension built up already in season 2 and this could just be a culmination of that and whatever new factors come into place.

    • @DracosEmber
      @DracosEmber  9 дней назад +1

      I wouldn't count Her Out Just Yet ...It's only the first trailer ...I'm sure we'll get another one in January.
      Since it was the 1st trailer ...the aim was to get us Hyped
      Though the trailer only added to my already existing hype for the Alliance Vs Viltrumite War They are building up ..I'm so Glad This Show Exists
      We'll definitely see Eve...That's For Sure

  • @maxpis4412
    @maxpis4412 9 дней назад +2

    The guy who has Dupli Kate powers can actually be seen in the prison where Maulers are as well

    • @DracosEmber
      @DracosEmber  9 дней назад

      Oh ..Interesting
      Can't wait to find out more once the season drops
      Were they trying to clone her powers ?

    • @cheeseburgerlazers
      @cheeseburgerlazers 9 дней назад

      thats her twin brother

    • @DracosEmber
      @DracosEmber  9 дней назад


    • @maxpis4412
      @maxpis4412 9 дней назад +1

      @@DracosEmber I am a comics reader so I only said what I could’ve plausibly known from just the show, but as others have already added details from the comics, that’s your warning, it’s likely you’ll get some annoying spoilers for this season or next ones

    • @DracosEmber
      @DracosEmber  8 дней назад

      Understandable ..But always try to keep away from spoilers ..Because Everyone new to the show Would Love to Experience this Story for the First Time

  • @theonetruefusion8533
    @theonetruefusion8533 8 дней назад +2

    Cecil did nothing wrong, he's DEFENDING the earth, because he's the Leader of the Global DEFENSE Agency, Mark's choices and decisions during this conflict and follow arcs are extremely poor.

    • @DracosEmber
      @DracosEmber  8 дней назад

      Yeah ..I assumed that as one of the Possibilities ...it makes the most sense

  • @cheeseburgerlazers
    @cheeseburgerlazers 9 дней назад

    cool to see dulpikates twin brother outta jail!