The amazing men that have saved me from despair and death. They never fail to make me happy. They always have a way of touching my heart, and never fail to do so. I may be newer to them(since December 2014), but in such a short time, they cheered me up and made me want to live again. My love for them will stay strong. Once a KISSme, always a KISSme. Thank you, truly, U-KISS. Thank you so so much.
Kami LaDeeDo Yes, their music is very inspiring and touches to the core of a person's heart; some songs I just like to sit, relax and absorb the good vibes, other songs I like to exercise and ride bike to.....all their songs are very addictive......KISSME 4EVER here......:)
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY FOR 0330! They really dedicate themselves to all the fans around the world. There is no doubt that UKISS really does love every single KISSme's out there. And they understand just how much we love them too! Thanks to all the fans out there that helped our boys win their first ever award in 8 years!
Thnx for the video it's so cute Idk what to say everything is very sweet and beautiful kiseop is so handsome♥ jun and kevin r so cute and kinda baby's faces , sohyun and hoon r adorable eli is prince .
Afslagdkagdkagskñafsñ ♥♥♥ Thank you so much for this beautiful gift *A* I'll always loves and support u guys, I hope see you soon here in Colombia! UKIS Fighting!!
Sweet boys, I was starting to grow out of this group but now that I've seen this, it's just hit me so hard that I still love them as much as when I first started liking KPOP and they were my first KPOP group I loved. KissME forever ^-^
I love all their music, it's just so catchy and awesome! They never fail to make me smile every single day! just hearing their voice will make me smile instantly . they are like the angels that appear in my life, i have no idea where i will be without them. They have saved me many times , and i can't thank them enough for the things that they done! I never regret being a KissMe for about 4 years, thanks guys!
I'm miss the old U Kiss...I miss AJ... But this new u Kiss is perfect:') they are so pretties and perfects I always going to be with My oppas FIGHTING {I can't wait a tour in Mexico}
I'm amazed how these guys can.lighten up my mood with their music and my friend just introduced them to me 3 days ago. I love their songs, their videos and it seems like they have fun and love what they do :) it inspires me.
Mi u kiss siempre con esas sonrisas de oreja a oreja y soohyun con esa ternura ..., todos me llenan el corazon los amoo y con esas voces melodicas no los dejo de escuchar me encantan cuando hacen sus corazones con las manos, y cuando hacen su aegyo i love u kiss forever in me
I love the music video for playground but I really really love when yall do a mv with behind the scenes stuff, it gives us kissmes a look at the hard work yall put into everything that yall do. ^^
Mis niños siempre sonriendo y tratando de disfrutar lo que hacen a pesar de todo el cansancio, el frio etc. Por esto y muchas cosas más soy y seré KISSME FOREVER!! P.D. Espero regresen pronto a Mexico, los estamos esperando con los brazos abiertos...
다들 진짜 말도 안나오거ㅏ 이쁘고 잘생거ㅏㅆ고 노래도 미친듯이 좋은데 빨리와요다들 입덕해 어서ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
I love U-Kiss's songs!! Whenever I hear their voice, they tend to make me smile automatically. I'm a KissMe and a proud one!!! :)
Omg same right when this vid started I automatically smiled
My baby Soohyun, you make me smile so much :D thank you love. All of you, thank you
The amazing men that have saved me from despair and death. They never fail to make me happy. They always have a way of touching my heart, and never fail to do so. I may be newer to them(since December 2014), but in such a short time, they cheered me up and made me want to live again. My love for them will stay strong. Once a KISSme, always a KISSme. Thank you, truly, U-KISS. Thank you so so much.
Kami LaDeeDo Yes, their music is very inspiring and touches to the core of a person's heart; some songs I just like to sit, relax and absorb the good vibes, other songs I like to exercise and ride bike to.....all their songs are very addictive......KISSME 4EVER here......:)
한글 댓글 어딨어~~ 도입부 랩 너무 좋은데..?
The beast gift in this day so especial ! thank you UKISS for always show me your smile
Bellísimos como siempre no cambien ustedes pueden ganar nuevamente Yo se que si 😉 ♡ KISSME Perú & Uruguay presente
Perú ama a U-Kiss *.*
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY FOR 0330! They really dedicate themselves to all the fans around the world. There is no doubt that UKISS really does love every single KISSme's out there. And they understand just how much we love them too! Thanks to all the fans out there that helped our boys win their first ever award in 8 years!
케빈 사랑해 ❤
this is so precious i can't breathe because so much sobbing i love ukiss so much i need a break bye
You are my life UKISS.... you really deserve al the love from the whole world..... thanks so much for be with us every day :)
Thnx for the video it's so cute Idk what to say everything is very sweet and beautiful kiseop is so handsome♥ jun and kevin r so cute and kinda baby's faces , sohyun and hoon r adorable eli is prince .
UKiss's love songs are the best love songs in the world!! I love them! And today is the 4th Anniversary that I became a KissMe, proud of them
Afslagdkagdkagskñafsñ ♥♥♥ Thank you so much for this beautiful gift *A* I'll always loves and support u guys, I hope see you soon here in Colombia! UKIS Fighting!!
My handsome and amazing boys! 😍 I love you so much! 사랑해요! 유키스 화이팅!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Really... I'm Proud to be a KissMe
OMG *-* what a beautiful gift! 고마워
Oppas!! ^^ Thank you for always making me smile. UKISS Hwaiting!
Thank you for the amazing work and video U-KISS and all NH Media staff!!! ^^
Sweet boys, I was starting to grow out of this group but now that I've seen this, it's just hit me so hard that I still love them as much as when I first started liking KPOP and they were my first KPOP group I loved. KissME forever ^-^
Ahh! ~ sus sonrisas enamoran ^-^ LOS AMO 3
Kissme Mexicana presente 7u7/
Love you so much UKISS T_T =)
Kissme siempre estare con uds
Love this song.
Son hermosos ❤❤❤❤ I Love ukiss
U-KISS Los Mejores Del Mundo
U-KISS The Best
KissMe Latinoamerica, los ama ♥
U-KISS the group that won me over completely!!! ♥♥
I miss you!!! Please come back soon!!!
I love all their music, it's just so catchy and awesome! They never fail to make me smile every single day! just hearing their voice will make me smile instantly . they are like the angels that appear in my life, i have no idea where i will be without them. They have saved me many times , and i can't thank them enough for the things that they done! I never regret being a KissMe for about 4 years, thanks guys!
mis principes *_*
Oppas oppas saranghae , soohyun i love beybe ♡
I love ukiss
I love much sin soohyun
This is one of my favorite song of them. 😍 U-Kiss Fighting💕
mis amores los amo mucho bebes saludos desde PERU
gracias por el video los adoro
I'm miss the old U Kiss...I miss AJ...
But this new u Kiss is perfect:') they are so pretties and perfects
I always going to be with My oppas
{I can't wait a tour in Mexico}
Thank you U-KISS, love you. ♡
Mis kissos siempre me alegran el día con esas bellas sonrisas, LOS AMO!!!! Kissme Mexicana presente :D
Ya somos dos hermana \(*u*)/
Uju :)
Somos 3 :3
Somos 5 :D
I love u guys ♥︎
Thank you for this beautiful gift >_<
KISSme ALWAYS suppport U-KISS ^^
Grettings from PERU!! ~
I love this song.
I love this song!
Happy #ukiss0330day
Yes! I love this song
LOS AMOOOOOOO ♡♥♡ kissme forever son los mejores sus canciones son divinas y ellos son divinos
Thank you for uploading this! Its so nice to see the boys working hard for us KISSMEs!~
I'm amazed how these guys can.lighten up my mood with their music and my friend just introduced them to me 3 days ago. I love their songs, their videos and it seems like they have fun and love what they do :) it inspires me.
J'adore le morceau de la chorégraphie et la musique est vraiment trop bien !
Sus canciones deberían tener mas reconocimiento UKISS♥
So beautiful and cute boys U kiss fighting
Mis kisos son los mejores ^-^ ah sus sonrisas me matan °3° Amo a u kiss ¡kissme mexicana forever!!! :D
Jun... I love you ♥ Thank you for your hard work!
k lindos son el ERMSO GRUPO U-KISS
LOVE you ejej les kiero
U-KISS so special for me TwT ♥ Thank you and I love you! hugs from PERU ♥
I love you U-KISS
I Love It :D
Mi u kiss siempre con esas sonrisas de oreja a oreja y soohyun con esa ternura ..., todos me llenan el corazon los amoo y con esas voces melodicas no los dejo de escuchar me encantan cuando hacen sus corazones con las manos, y cuando hacen su aegyo i love u kiss forever in me
Que lindos los amo U-KISS, siempre me alegran el día con sus hermosas voces :3
U-KISS really is an amazing group ^^ ♥
Adoro a U-KISS, me alegra mucho seguir su nuevo álbum.
♥ u-kiss los mejores ♥ los quiero ver en argentina
Esto es muy lindo 😢😢😢
Los amo muchísimo ♡♡ :,) saludos desde México ♡
I love this song kisses from Mexico , so follow the amo¡¡
Wow! I love this! U-KISS FIGHTING!
thank you so much for this beautiful video on March30 ^_^ i was smiling whole time during the video :) really glad to see all members happy ^^~
I love the music video for playground but I really really love when yall do a mv with behind the scenes stuff, it gives us kissmes a look at the hard work yall put into everything that yall do. ^^
It's when I saw this I'm proud to be a KissMe
Mis bebes!!! Los amo!!!
México los extraña
Como siempre tan lindos 🎉🎊😁🐼 #^_^#
Es una hermosa canción al igual que el vídeo ^^
Me encanta su esfuerzo y su pasión ♥ son muy lindos ^^
Perfect as always! Fighting oppas! 👊
siempre son bien lindos los kissos :3 haber cuando vuelven pa mexico que lis estamos esperando xD
i love you guys !!!
Oh, my Kiss! I love this song♥
I Cambodia Love you
U kiss
hermosos como siempre u-kiss
Este vídeo apareció como un regalo es una buena sorpresa se ven hermosos :)
U kiss Porque No Vienen A Chile Y Muchos Besos
Ukiss hwaiting~
Прекрасный клип!!! Спасибо!!:) Thank you for this video!!:)
los amo
Los amo !! Mis kissos son cada vez más hermosos ^.^
새로운 명곡 알아갑니다
awww ellos tan bellos como siempre, ellos me hacen sonreir siempre :) UKISS I LOVE YOU
I'm excited ♡♡
KISSme de peru presente!! aunq no pueda ir a su conciertp
Thanks #UKISS is Amazing!! I like... espero vuelvan pronto a Latino América Fighting ;)
always make me laugh, mourn, fun ... are unique to me ♥♥
So cute ukiss bbs, thank u ♡
Son tan adorables.
Mis niños siempre sonriendo y tratando de disfrutar lo que hacen a pesar de todo el cansancio, el frio etc. Por esto y muchas cosas más soy y seré KISSME FOREVER!!
P.D. Espero regresen pronto a Mexico, los estamos esperando con los brazos abiertos...
흥~ 보고싶어요~ 수현오빠~ㅠ
I love U kiss, it's my favorite .. big hi from Algeria :) fighting
Los amo son muy especiales para mi ellos ya son parte de mi me cierto orgullosa de ser una kissme :-)
Love this song, love U-Kiss!
oh por Dios... son simplemente ... hermosos. sus sonrisas tan naturales!!
드디어... thank u for this vid..
love it that 누가구래 was the music that's used.. 2nd fave track...
#Happ0330Day !!!!
no puedo 😭😭😭😭 es demasiado para mi pobre corazón ❤❤❤❤❤❤