Another great set of squares. Happy Stranger Things-giving! We did some Halloween crafting last night, and my other half has a rare Saturday off tomorrow so we have more crafting planned along with a spooky movie and game night at my brother's place. It should be a good weekend. Take care.
I changed my mind, lol, Erica is my new favorite square. Love yours, too
Another great set of squares. Happy Stranger Things-giving! We did some Halloween crafting last night, and my other half has a rare Saturday off tomorrow so we have more crafting planned along with a spooky movie and game night at my brother's place. It should be a good weekend. Take care.
I didn't get to watch my Snoopy this year sadly. I've been so sick and in bed.
Thank you from sharing the Stranger Things Beyongbon Netflix! Did not know about it ☺️🧶