Dandenong Ranges Victoria drive through - 4K

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @Kimsta
    @Kimsta 2 года назад +4

    Thank you for making this 💜 I have been missing my home and unable to get there, this really cheered me up 🌱💚

  • @НиколайКузнецов-ю6й

    Шикарный драйв. Спасибо

  • @Albert-zl3zd
    @Albert-zl3zd 2 года назад

    very nice shot of the dandenong ranges, that's how history comes back.
    I was there in 1985 with dutch famieli who lived in dandenong
    back then victoria was already called the garden state
    compliment Albert. the Netherlands 🇳🇱👍

  • @erg7732
    @erg7732 2 года назад +3

    oh my god it was YoU i was stuck behind! 😂💀 (jk)