Hey . . . can this racing sim allow me to push the clutch pedal partly or push it mid way while downshifting like a race car with dog engagement gearbox? Considering production cars with normal synchromesh gearbox don't have this capability like a race car with dog engagement gearbox equipped. The reason I need this capability is to optimize engine brake to facilitate zero counter steering when cornering an MR car. Simply put, it's like pulling the handbrake to get a car to drift, but getting the proper engine brake can get the rear wheels to spin slower than the front wheels without getting the rear wheels locked. In my opinion, this clutch setup for an MR car would improve time record on touge tremendously, considering this type of car lost most of the time in cornering in between the beginning and the apex of sharp corners on touge.
I just forgot to mention this that I will not do heal and toe revving on sharp corners, just getting the rear wheel spin slower than the front wheels through making use of SMOOTH engine brake.
@@uchihamadra7234 In this case, it’s meant to be described as smooth and progressive. The car won’t do anything unexpected, unless you are driving it like a fool.
@@iced_milk there's ALWAYS seconds to gain in theory, robots executing absolutely perfect driving would definitely be seconds ahead, after comparing the run with dankalf's 86t run i can already see how at least a second could be shaved off, so, to the eyes of somone more skilled than me, there are probably still "seconds" to be saved
This run is really hype, congrats Orina
Wow nice run, Im wondering if I can beat it if I return to it
que juego es?
Epic run! I'm still stuck driving my stock 86. I gotta level up my skill more before I go to the drift tuned one. Peace Out!
this is great man congrats. i cant wait to get another wheel
as usual great driving, how did you tune your car for this run? your usual akina setup?
I'm using my setup for pk akina but changed the gear ratio back to normal(10/47), softened the front bump and stiffened the front rebound
beautiful run!!
Hey . . . can this racing sim allow me to push the clutch pedal partly or push it mid way while downshifting like a race car with dog engagement gearbox? Considering production cars with normal synchromesh gearbox don't have this capability like a race car with dog engagement gearbox equipped. The reason I need this capability is to optimize engine brake to facilitate zero counter steering when cornering an MR car. Simply put, it's like pulling the handbrake to get a car to drift, but getting the proper engine brake can get the rear wheels to spin slower than the front wheels without getting the rear wheels locked. In my opinion, this clutch setup for an MR car would improve time record on touge tremendously, considering this type of car lost most of the time in cornering in between the beginning and the apex of sharp corners on touge.
I just forgot to mention this that I will not do heal and toe revving on sharp corners, just getting the rear wheel spin slower than the front wheels through making use of SMOOTH engine brake.
The ae86 drift/tuned has to be one of the most linear feeling cars to drive in this game.
Sorry to ask but what does linear mean?
@@uchihamadra7234 In this case, it’s meant to be described as smooth and progressive. The car won’t do anything unexpected, unless you are driving it like a fool.
this is madness
Hey Orina, do you make your own tunes or use others?
yes I tune my car to fit my own driving
i kinda wanna see how close i can get to you here but i still have a deep hatred for akina 2017 we will see if i give it a shot
before i quit my fastest was like 5:15, nice driving
what’s the wr for this combo?
In terms of blankets off runs, I think this is it (although there are still seconds to be gained in this run)
@@Paimonchuchuchu no way there are “seconds” hidden, can’t be that much right?
@@iced_milk there's ALWAYS seconds to gain in theory, robots executing absolutely perfect driving would definitely be seconds ahead, after comparing the run with dankalf's 86t run i can already see how at least a second could be shaved off, so, to the eyes of somone more skilled than me, there are probably still "seconds" to be saved
Nice run!!!
Are you ok?
I mean congrats, but geez
Must've took a tole on you
haha thankyou very much!! :D
common orina wr
yay \(≧ω≦)/
Aone Eurobeat
Aone Eurobeat
common Orina W
nice run
pls feet cam while driving
will consider that